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chiefly to the women, believing that they can use some-

thing of the sort in their clubs and forums; certainly

several intelligent women have told me they are grown

tired of the "liberal" pamphlets that are showered upon

their societies, and of the "liberal" lecturers who bore

them with cant and slogan.

Some profound truths simply cannot be expressed in

words of one syllable. I have written this book as simply

as I can, without sacrificing candor and accuracy to vul-

garization. It does not contain any thorough analysis of

conservative thought: rather, it is merely an outline, an

essay, intended to provoke discussion. I hope that the

principles I have tried to express may be applied with

prudence to questions of the hour; but I have not en-

deavored myself to settle all the political controversies

of our day. For a more lengthy examination. of these

matters, I commend to the reader the books of Mr.

Francis Graham Wilson, Mr. Peter Viereck, Mr. Leo

Strauss, Mr. Eric Voegelin, Lord Hailsham, Lord Percy

of Newcastle, Mr. Clinton Rossiter, and othersinclud-

ing the larger works of your servant. This is a tract for

the times, with all the faults to which so brief an essay

must be subject. All I can say for it is that it was written

with some sincerity, and that I hope it may lead some

people to the great books and the great names which

appear in its pages.

Russell Kirk

Mecosta, Michigan

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