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Final Reflection

Rebeca Garza Ramirez

Name: Rebeca Garza Ramirez
team name: seek for memories

unit title: unit 3,time capsule



Create Evaluate...

Design cycle

We surfed in the web and found 3 different ways of creating a time capsule and from it we made the investigaton.
Then from all aour teammates we choose the best one and the leader post it while we just cliked on press this

We searched in youtube for videos on how to make a time capsule and we liked an commented on our teammates blogs.
I think it was good to do it becouse we didnt really knew what to do .

We all made a design idea for the capsule
We decided which was the best one and pressed it into our blog We looked for the materialsthat we would use and then we made a plan for the digital evidence We also made a front-side-back and air view In my opinion we all agreed in the same design so it was super easy

In the plan we included all the materials that we were going to use for the capsule.
We decided what we would put in the video and what things we would need to do it

I think we did well and the nmaterials werent that hard to find, but it was kind of exensive , so we made modifications at the end.

At the end we created the time capsule and the video, in my opinion it wasnt what we expected but we put all our effort in it and it was nice.

-working in teams -learning new things -sharing ideas -colaborating

-took a lot of time -disagrees -money expended -procastinating

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