H2O Woes

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OI. Table of Contents Town of Franconia Master Plan Minutes of the June 5, 2006 Joint Meeting of the Franconia Water Dept., Select Board, CIP and NH Department of Environmental Services NH Department of Environmental Services Letter of March 17, 2006 Stantec Preliminary Recommendations Minutes of the December 17, 2007 Joint Meeting of the Franconia Select Board, Infrastructure Study Group and Water Study Group [Chapter 9 Community Facilities Prem icnt BCC Ce yore ns ank ames s for the Water ent ‘The Water Commission in Franconia was established after the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) stated some needed improvements to the water system. In December 2005, DES conducted a sanitary survey in the town for the purpose of reviewing the capacity of the system's sources, treatment, distribution, and management in order to continuously provide safe drinking water. Although the Franconia Vilage Water System made some improvements prior to the survey, DES identified igsues concerning lack of supply on peak days, low pressure in sections of the distribution system, and discolored water and made recommendations on how the town should improve the system. in the short term, the water commission should be considering projects that ensure appropriate pressure and meet immediate distribution needs. In the long term, the Water Commission should discuss obraining additions) supply particulacly if there is « drastic increase in needed connections due to furure development A study water infrascractute study group has been commissioned by the Selectmen in the Town of Franconia. The study group has outlined the following priorities for the water system: + Upgrade storage capacity + Establish a pipe replacement plan + Identify suitable water source. In addition, the Water Comunissioners recognizes the need to address other issues inclnding sate setting, financing, installation of meters/back flow devices, and modifying the distribution system. adi ‘The Town Infrastructure Committee evaluated all other community facilites in town in which the Town of Franconia owns and maintains. This included town buildings, roads, town land, and utilities. For each type of facilry, a subcommittee was formed to study the details of the cuzrent conditions and to explore ideas (o improve upon these areas. ‘This section summarizes the cuzrent conditions by facility type. The curzent facility where the Police Department resides is too small and inadequate for a them to serve the ‘Town of Franconia. The Comittee studied other town police facilities for comparison and to seek advice on how the police departments weze accommodated in nearby towns. They also obtained 2 copy of the Assistant Commissioner of the New Hampshire Public Safery Department's report on “Building a New Police Facility.” ‘They obtain the expertise of an architectural firm to assist in the study as well. The Committee, in the report, will develop secommendatioas for the location of the Police Department based on their research. Maintenance Building The current maintenance building, located in the gaige under town hall, is too crowded and the space is inadequate. There are also flooding problems at times. The Commitee is studying options for a new location for the maintenance department. They axe suggesting that the new building contain an office and 6 MINUTES FRANCONIA WATER DEPT. & FRANCONIA BOARD of SELECTMEN & NHDES. Mon Attendees: Marsha Graham, Bill Downey, Richard McLachlin, Terrence Welch, Ron Taksar, Carl Belz, Rich McLeod, Jim Hamblin, Ken Ford, Brian Williams, George Roorbach (IFC), Rick Skarinka (NHDES), Scott Johnson, Gregg MacPherson (Rural Dev), Robert Morency (RCAP Sohutions) Gretchen Hessler (IC), and Sally Small. ‘The minutes were recorded by Ma yn Knowlton. The meeting was called to order by Bill Downey at 2:00 PM. Rick Skarinka of NHDES outlined the findings of the sanitary survey done by NHDES in December 2005, Jn summary Franconia’s water system is substandard and the NHDES has made specific recommendations for significant upgrades and improvements, The hope is that the Town will begin a process to complete an engineering study, create a prioritized improvements plan and work to fund and implement the required upgrades in a timely fashion, There is no legal or regulatory action at this point, but Rick was clear that these forces would be used if progress were not made. Rick adv’ be the start of a lengthy process of discovery and planning and that it is too early to make assumptions regarding the final scope and cost of the project. This will require careful planning and presentation to the community. The representatives ftom the loan resources gave an overview of the loans and grants available through their organizations. The Select board agreed that a Committee needs to be formed to work with the Water Department to address the situation. ‘This discussion was only related to the Village Water System and did not address the Milttersill system needs, With no further business to transact, the meeting adjourned at 3:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Marityn L. Knowiton Executive Assistant Board of Selectmen

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