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Department of Mechanical Engineering ME 3323: Mechanical Vibrations Spring 2014 Home Work # 2

Name:___________________________________________ Section:_______________ Date assigned: Due date: Jan 30th, 2014 Feb 5th, 2014

Problem 1 (20 points) Consider the pulley system shown in the Figure
below, and assume that the cable is stretched at all times. (a) Determine the degrees of freedom of the system (b) Determine the velocity and acceleration of mass 2 with respect to mass 1

Figure 1. Pulley System For Problem 1

Problem 2 (20 points) (Crane Application) A crane with a movable trolley is shown in the Figure 2 below. Its hook and suspended load act like a pendulum whose base is moving. The hook pulley and load have a combined weight of mg. The trolley is moving with an acceleration a. Treat the pulley cable as a rigid rod of Length L and negligible mass. (a) Obtain the equations of motion of the system in terms of using Newtons second law of motion (b) Determine the natural frequency of the system using a Lagrangian technique

Figure 2. Trolley System for Problem 2

Problem 3 (20 points) (Cam Driven System) A noncircular rotating cam driving a mass-spring system is shown in the Figure below. The displacement y(t) is given, which is determine by the cam shape and rotational speed. Assume y(t) > x(t) (a) Derive the equations of motion that describes the displacement x(t) of the mass m.

Figure 3. Cam Driven System for Problem 3


Determine the natural frequency of the cam driven system

Problem 4 (20 points) For the system shown in the figure below, neglect the pulley mass, (a) (b) (c) Determine the equations of motion for the system shown Determine the total kinetic energy T, and potential energy V of the system, if the pulley mass cannot ignored. What is the natural frequency of the system if the pulley mass cannot be ignored.

Figure 4. Pulley System for Problem 4

Problem 5 (20 points) Derive the equations of motion for the lever system shown in the Figure below. Assume small motions. The applied force f(t) is given. The lever inertia about the pivot is I.

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