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Name: Date: Class:

Country chosen:

Japan- Chapter 5 Article

Pretend you are a reporter for a newspaper during the Meiji Period in Japan.
Select one of the countries or continent (Russia, China, United States, or
Europe). In your article you should describe the influence of that country (or
continent) and explain the crisis that happened in Japan or how Japan
responded. Use pages 166, 168, 169 or 171 and the PowerPoint notes that
correctly go with the country you’ve chosen. Your article should be between one
and two pages in length and should include a drawing (to represent a photo) of
the event you are covering.

Marks Rubric
1) Writing from a first hand account /5
2) Answering the 5 W’s (who, what, where
When, and why) in your article /10
3) Creativity in the details of your article /5
4) Effort shown on Assignment /5
5) Drawing to accompany article /5
6) Putting your name/class/date on your
Work and attaching this sheet to your
Assignment /4

Total /34

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