PC Hardware Servicing

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PC Hardware Servicing

Computer Hardware Servicing: This course provides an excellent introduction to the IT industry and in-depth exposure to personal computers, hardware, and operating systems in accordance to local industry requirements and standards. Students learn the unctionality o various hardware and so tware components and !est practices in maintenance and sa ety issues. Computer Hardware Servicing provides the ollowing eatures: " ers an excellent introduction to the IT industry #rovides interactive exposure to personal computers, hardware, and operating systems $earn !y %doing& ' hands-on activities and la!-!ased learning to !ecome amiliar with various hardware and so tware components and discover !est practices in maintenance and sa ety Helps develop greater s(ills and con idence in wor(ing with des(top and laptop computers #repares students or entry-level as computer technician positions within various environments )ew topics covered: Termination o electrical*electronics components Computer Hardware #arts Identi ication Computer Hardware trou!leshooting Security Sa ety and environmental issues Communication s(ills Integrates virtual learning tools to supplement classroom learning and provide an interactive %hands-on& experience Intended or students pursuing careers in IT and want practical (nowledge o how a computer wor(s +lign with T,S-+ )ational Certi ication $evel II

The Strengthened Technical-Vocational Education Program


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