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A TEACHERS PRAYER Lord Jesus, what you lived and worked and Talk amongst men in Palestine called

YOU TEAC E!" el# me remem$er the greatness o% the work This has $een given to me to do& That ' work with the most Precious material in the (orld, the mind o% youth el# me always to remem$er that ' am making marks U#on that mind which time will never ru$ out) *ive me #atience with those who are slow learners, + Even those who re%use to learn, (hen ' have to e-ercise disci#line, hel# me to do so in .ternness + yet in love, /ee# me %rom the sarcastic + the $iting tongue + hel# me always to encourage those who are doing Their $est ' even i% that $est is not very good, el# me to hel# my students, not only to store things To their memories $ut to $e a$le to use their minds, + think %or them, + amidst all the worries + the %rustration O% my 0o$, el# me to remem$er that the 1UTU!E o% the 2AT'O2 +o% the (O!L3 is in my A23.,

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