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Shear Center in Thin-Walled Beams Lab

Shear flow is developed in beams with thin-walled cross sections

shear flow (qsx): shear force per unit length along cross section
qsx=sx t behaves much like a flow, especially at junctions in cross section there is a normal component, nx, but it is very small e.g., because it must be zero at t/2

shear flow acts along tangent (s) direction on cross section

shear force: qsxds (acting in s direction)

Shear flow arises from presence of shear loads, Vy or Vz

needed to counter unbalanced bending stresses, x to determine, must analyze equilibrium in axial (x) direction resultant of shear flow on section must equal Vy and Vz moment due to qsx must be equal to moment due to Vy and Vz shear center: point about which moment due to shear flow is zero not applying transverse loads through shear center will cause a twisting of the beam about the x axis
Slide 1

Shear center:

AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k)

Approach for Lab

Apply transverse loading to tip of a cantilever thin-walled beam
use cross-arm at tip to apply both a lateral force and twisting mom. measure bending deflection measure twisting vary location of load point along cross-arm repeat for beam rotated 90 deg. about x axis

Data analysis
record deflections using LVDT plot twisting versus load position on cross-arm determine location on cross-arm where load produces no twisting

Compare the measured shear center with theoretical location

shear flow calculations used to compute shear center consider both y axis and z axis loading (rotated 90 deg)

AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k)

Slide 2

Review from AE2120 (2751), AE3120

Bending of beams with unsymmetrical cross sections
bending stress depends on Iy, Iz and Iyz neutral surface is no longer aligned with z or y axes

Shear stresses are computed from axial force equilibrium

shear stress needed to counter changing x analysis strictly correct for rectangular sections only

Thin-walled cross sections

thin walls support bending stress just like a solid section (no change) thin walls support shear stress in tangential direction
transverse shear component is negligable... because it must vanish at the free surfaces (edges of cross section) shear flow: xs t (force/unit length along section)

shear flow must be equivalent to Vy and Vz so it must:

produce same vertical and horizontal force (Vx and Vy ) produce same mumoment about any point in cross section

point about which no moment is developed: SHEAR CENTER

lateral load must be applied through SC to avoid twisting beam twisting loads will cause section to twist about SC (center of rotation)
AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k) Slide 3

Test Configuration
Cantilever Cantileverwith withthinthinwalled C section walled C section LVDT LVDTmeasures measurestip tip deflection on cross-arm deflection on cross-arm

cross arm



Lab Apparatus
AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k)

Small Smallweight weightused usedto toapply apply load at point on cross-arm load at point on cross-arm
Slide 4

Lab Procedure

1. Determine the beam material properties from reference material (e.g., referenced textbooks or MIL Handbook 5 which can be found in the GT Library). 2. Find the centroid of the given beam cross-section. 3. Determine Iz, Iy, Iyz for the given section. 4. Determine the shear flow distribution on the cross-section for a Vy shear load. 5. Determine the shear flow distribution on the cross-section for a Vz shear load. 6. Determine the shear center for the cross-section. 7. Using data from the lab, determine the measured location of the shear center and compare this with the location determined in step 6 above.

AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k)

Slide 5

Beam Cross Section


Use Usesingle singleline lineapprox approxfor for cross section (t<<b,h) 1.330in. cross section (t<<b,h)


Centroidal Axes:


Area Moments (of Inertia):

0 = z dA

I yy = z 2 dA

0 = y dA

I zz = y 2 dA

I yz = yz dA
Slide 6

AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k)

Bending of Beam with Unsymmetrical Cross Section



Acts over cross section

But Butalso alsoconsider consider equilibrium equilibriumof of segment 1 (see segmentA A 1 (see next slide!) next slide!)


x =

( y I yy z I yz ) M z + ( y I yz z I zz ) M y I zz I yy I yz

Symmetric cross section, Mz=0:

y Mz x = I zz
AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k) Slide 7

Shear Stresses and Shear Flow

x Y
Complementary Complementary qq on A1 in sx acts sx acts on A1 in opposite oppositedirection direction

qsx Z

A1 X
Axial force equilibrium for element:



Fx =

x dA
x + dx

+ qsx dx

x dA

AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k)

Slide 8

Shear Flow
Result for qsx:

qsx =

Vy I yy I zz I yz

I yy y dA I yz z dA +
A1 A1

Vz I zz z dA I yz y dA 2 I yy I zz I yz A1 A1

Z Shear flow: qsx(s)

AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k)

Slide 9

Shear Center

Moment y Momentdue dueto toV V y must be equal to M 0 must be equal to M

Vy ez

Shear flow: qsx(s)

Therefore: Therefore: Shear Shearcenter centerlies lies distance e from z from distance e z origin where: origin where: M 0=V ye z M =V e
0 y z

Moment, 0, ,at Moment,M M 0 at origin origindue dueto to shear flow, q sx shear flow, q

AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k)

Slide 10

Examples of Shear Centers

Y Vy Z Shear Center lies on y axis
Section SectionSymmetric Symmetricabout abouty yaxis: axis:
Shear Shearcenter centermust mustlie lieon onyyaxis axis (similar (similarargument argumentfor forzzaxis axissymmetry) symmetry)

Vy Z Shear Center



Angle AngleSection: Section:

Shear Shearcenter centermust mustlie lieat at vertex of legs (regardless vertex of legs (regardlessof of orientation of section) orientation of section)

AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k)

Slide 11

Shear Center Must Lie Outside C

Y B Vy Z Shear Center

qsx qsx



Sum moments from qsx about A: =force in each flange x h/2 Must equal moment from Vy about A: =Vy x e

eemust mustbe bepositive positive for shown sx as forqq sx as shown so soshear shearcenter center lies to left lies to leftof of section section
Slide 12

AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k)

Data Acquisition
Use PC data acquisition program to acquire deflection and strain data and test machine load
Use 2 LVDT displacement gages Measure vertical displacements at ends of cross arm Use to determine vertical deflection and cross arm rotation Use single weight but move to different locations on cross arm

Cross Cross arm arm

Replace Replace dial dial gages gages with with LVDTs LVDTs

Loading Loading system system

AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k)

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Data Reduction
Acquired data is voltage from transducers
convert to inch units Determine vertical displacement per applied load Determine rotation per applied load Plot rotation vs cross arm location: 0 point defines shear center or: plot both displacements: crossing point defines shear center

Example (next slide)

AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k)

Slide 14

Sample Data
AE 3145 Lab - Fall 99 Lab name=Lab#7 Shear Center Group name = Monday1 Load Position Channel 1 Channel 2 Excitation Voltage 0.00E+00 -1.04E+01 -3.57E+00 2.50E+00 5.00E-01 -8.93E+00 -3.23E+00 2.50E+00 1.00E+00 -7.70E+00 -3.10E+00 2.50E+00 1.50E+00 -7.04E+00 -3.54E+00 2.50E+00 Convert Convertvoltages voltagesto to 2.00E+00 -6.15E+00 -3.75E+00 2.50E+00 displacement using LVDT displacement using LVDT 2.50E+00 -4.68E+00 -3.38E+00 2.50E+00 calibration data calibration data 3.00E+00 -3.87E+00 -3.67E+00 2.50E+00 3.50E+00 -2.52E+00 -3.42E+00 2.50E+00 4.00E+00 -1.81E+00 -3.81E+00 2.50E+00 Cal: Position 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 10 LVDT 1 -0.104 -0.089 -0.077 -0.070 -0.062 -0.047 -0.039 -0.025 -0.018 10 LVDT 2 Deflection -0.036 -0.036 -0.032 -0.032 -0.031 -0.031 -0.035 -0.035 -0.038 -0.038 -0.034 -0.034 -0.037 -0.037 -0.034 -0.034 -0.038 -0.038

Shear ShearCenter Centeris ispoint pointwhere where Rotation = 0 or point where Rotation = 0 or point where LVDT1=LVDT2 LVDT1=LVDT2

0.040 Reading (inch or radian) 0.020 0.000 -0.020 -0.040 -0.060 -0.080 -0.100 -0.120
LVDT 1 LVDT 2 Rotation







Rotation -0.068 -0.057 -0.046 -0.035 -0.024 -0.013 -0.002 0.009 0.020


Plot Plotyour your data! data!

Compute Computeavg avgdeflection deflection and rotation from and rotation fromgeometry geometry
AE3145 Shear Center Lab (S2k) Slide 15

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