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The Project met the below objectives: Goal/Objective Increased school attendance Expected Output Improved motivation for students to attend school since they wont have food inconveniences Reduced meal breaks creating more time for studying. Target Community Community

Project 6
Mathakwaini Secondary School
hiriku FCS is located in Tetu District of Central Province, about 4km from Nyeri-Othaya Road. The society split from the larger Tetu Farmers Cooperative Society and on 28 January 2002 it was registered with only one wet mill. In line with sustainable and responsible farming principles the factory has adopted certication and advocates for good agricultural practices among its farmers. The Society is also certied under the Rainforest certication standard. Mathakwaini Secondary school is situated within the catchment of Thiriku FCS, Tetu District, Nyeri county in Central Province. The school serves coee farming communities associated with Thiriku Farmers Co-operative Society. It was started in 1975 with an initial enrollment of 35 students and three teachers who sat for their rst national exam in 1984. Over the years the school has grown both in size and performance with its current enrollment standing at 444 students, 17 teachers and nine (9) support sta. The schools performance has continuously improved, notably its Second position in the district during the last national examinations. The school has also represented Tetu District in sports, music and arts competitions at both Provincial and National levels.

Improved school performance

Despite its impressive record, one of the infrastructural challenges the school experienced was its dilapidated dining hall. In partnership with CMS, Tchibo provided $ 52,317 to construct a kitchen and multipurpose hall that would be used: To Prepare and serve meals for students As an alternative examination room. House an alternative library and study room. As meeting hall for parents/students/teachers meeting. Used for recreational purposes e.g. Music festivals Used for educational shows based on national examination literature set books Used by the local coee farming community for functions during school holidays (this may include educational seminars, weddings and meetings)

Thiriku FCS certication

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