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Authorized By: Sgt. Ames Date: 02/11/2014

Name: City/Town/Villag e Charge: Location: Relea e/Ret!rn: Narrati"e

William E. Ousey Fairless ills Dri"i#g $hile usi#g mo%ile &ho#e (ai# Street State !A

Age: Date: Time:

24 02/11/2014 10:4'am

)etur#a%le i# !otsdam *illage +ourt o# 02/21/2014 at 0,:-0am. .he sus&e/t $as issued a tra00i/ ti/1et a0ter %ei#g o%ser"ed dri"i#g $est o# (ai# Street $hile tal1i#g o# his mo%ile &ho#e. A## (. ight We%ster Dri"i#g $hile usi#g mo%ile &ho#e !ierre&o#t A"e#ue )etur#a%le i# !otsdam *illage +ourt o# 02/21/2014 at 0,:-0am. .he sus&e/t $as issued a tra00i/ ti/1et a0ter %ei#g o%ser"ed dri"i#g #orth o# !ierre&o#t A"e#ue $hile tal1i#g o# her mo%ile &ho#e. Fariduddi# Behzad !otsdam Dri"i#g While usi#g (o%ile !ho#e (a&le Street )etur#a%le i# !otsdam *illage +ourt o# 02/2,/2014 at 0,:-0am. O00i/er o%ser"ed the a%o"e su%6e/t o&erati#g a motor "ehi/le $hile usi#g a mo%ile &ho#e. .i/1et issued 0or the a%o"e /harge. Samso# A. Dela#ey (ar/y State 23 Age: Date: 21 2/11/2014 State 23 Age: Date: Time: -1 2/11/2014 5:05 !( State 23 Age: Date: Time: 20 2/11/2014 1:44 !(

Name: City/Town/Villag e Charge: Location: Relea e/Ret!rn: Narrati"e

Name: City/Town/Villag e Charge: Location: Relea e/Ret!rn: Narrati"e

Name: City/Town/Villag e


Charge: Location: Relea e/Ret!rn: Narrati"e Wi#do$ .i#t *iolatio# (ar1et Street )etur#a%le i# !otsdam *illage +ourt o# 02/2,/2014 at 0,:-0am. O00i/er o%ser"ed a "ehi/le o&erati#g $ith #o#7tra#s&are#t side $i#do$s8 the a%o"e su%6e/t $as ide#ti0ied as the o&erator a#d $as issued a ti/1et 0or the a%o"e /harge. Time: 10:2' !(

0100204 0-42 0,-5 0,4' 1004 10210-= 1201 12-= 1--0 1,15 1542 2045 2104 2105 2121 21-5 214-

Dis&at/hed !otsdam )es/ue to a /all. .ra00i/ sto& o# (ar1et Street 9 *er%al $ar#i#g issued. Dis&at/hed !otsdam )es/ue to a /all. )e&ort o0 a :!S tru/1 $ith the %a/1 doors o&e# o# Elm Street; u#a%le to lo/ate. !otsdam )es/ue dis&at/hed to a /all. *ehi/le %lo/1i#g the 0lo$ o0 tra00i/ i# a &ar1i#g lot o# +lar1so# /am&us. .ra00i/ sto& o# <a$re#/e A"e#ue; "er%al $ar#i#g issued. .ra00i/ sto& o# <a$re#/e A"e#ue; "er%al $ar#i#g issued. !otsdam )es/ue dis&at/hed to a /all. .ra00i/ sto& o# !o&lar Street; "er%al $ar#i#g issued. arassme#t /om&lai#t o# Elm Street. E>ui&me#t i#s&e/tio# /om&leted 0or a su%6e/t. !atrol res&o#ded to a &ro&erty damage a//ide#t o# Broad Street .ra00i/ sto& o# (ar1et Street 9 *er%al $ar#i#g issued .ra00i/ sto& o# (ar1et Street 9 *er%al $ar#i#g issued .ra00i/ sto& o# S$a# Street 9 .i/1et issued Dis&at/hed !otsdam )es/ue to a /all .ra00i/ sto& o# (ar1et Street 9 *er%al $ar#i#g issued .ra00i/ sto& o# +lar1so# A"e#ue 9 *er%al $ar#i#g issued


222' 224.ra00i/ sto& o# (ar1et Street 9 .i/1et issued Dis&at/hed !otsdam )es/ue to a /all

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