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The Pennsylvania State University

February 8, 2014

The Student Trustee Selection Process 1 2On behalf of the students, the University Park Undergraduate Association UPUA!, the "ouncil 1of "o##on$ealth %tudent &overn#ents ""%&! and the &raduate %tudent Association &%A! 4endorse the follo$ing 'rocess to be i#'le#ented for the selection of the %tudent (rustee) 2 3 (he four student re'resentatives on the *oard of (rustees and the sitting %tudent (rustee, 4 kno$n as the "ore (ea#, $ill construct an a''lication for the %tudent (rustee %election 8 "o##ittee %(%"!+ 5 (he "ore (ea# that $ill be chaired by the current %tudent (rustee $ho $ill select si, 10 other students to be on the %(%"+ A #ini#u# of one University Park student, one 11 "o##on$ealth "a#'us student, and one graduate student $ill re'resent each res'ective 12 area on this co##ittee+ 11 (he %(%" $ill 'ro#ote the %tudent (rustee a''lication and screen a''lications to select 14 ten 'eo'le to intervie$+ 12 (he %(%" $ill then select three to five students to #ove onto second round intervie$s+ 13 (he "ore (ea# $ill conduct the second round intervie$s+ 14 (he "ore (ea# $ill select the %tudent (rustee $ho $ill go before the *oard of (rustees 18 for a''roval+ 15 (he -ice President of %tudent Affairs, -ice President for Ad#inistration, and .irector of 20 the *oard of (rustees Office $ill be e,/officio #e#bers throughout the entire 'rocess+ 0es'ectfully sub#itted, Katelyn Mullen University Park Undergraduate Association President Molly Droelle "ouncil of "o##on$ealth %tudent &overn#ents President Scott Rager &raduate %tudent Association President

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