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Mohammed Rahman


The Breakout Production Log

Above is the main sprite for the main character made by first creating a sprite.

Then I created a sprite of the character facing left then copied and mirrored it to create facing right.

I the crated an object and used the main character sprite for it . In the Events The action show how the gravity is put in the game.

Mohammed Rahman


I then created all the objects in the game along with all of the different sprites needed for them.

When the character collided with and object which I wanted to seem solid in the game I added the actions on the left where it shows how the main character will react if it comes in contact with the chosen object in this case the character's momentum will stop and the gravity coding will come in to effect of making it fall vertically.

Here it shows how the enemies change the main characters sprite to dead as soon as it becomes in contact with it.

Mohammed Rahman


The enemies also cause the game to stop for 2 seconds before restarting the room.

Above is an example of who the spikes sprite change when it contacts the main character.

The difference between all of the monsters is only the sprits and the move speed.

Mohammed Rahman


The exits are visible when creating the room but when actually playing/ testing the game they are invisible by un ticking Visible. They are coded so as soon the main character comes in contact with the invisible block it goes to the next room. In the example above the green blocks are the wall which are also invisible but are solid this was done because the visible platform where actually made in Photoshop.

For the enemies to stay in a specific area I made these blue markers which are invisible when playing the game these where used as invisible walls so the enemies dont go in other place I did not want them to go.

Mohammed Rahman


The start menu has a special object in it which only works with the mouse this is invisible for players but can be seen when programming the game.

This same block is used in the tutorial room.

Mohammed Rahman


The restart button is also invisible and can only be activated by the mouse but instead of going to the next room this goes to the start. This is only available at the end.

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