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EC 46, Control System Unit IV Assignment Stability Analysis Part I 1. 2. 3. !. %. &. Define BIBO Stability. What is impulse response?

? What is characteristic e uation? "o# the roots of characteristic e uation are relate$ to stability? What is the relation bet#een stability an$ coefficient of characteristic polynomial? What #ill be the nature of impulse response #hen the roots of characteristic e uation are '(e comple) (alue *. What #ill be the nature of impulse response if the roots of characteristic e uation are ima+inary (alues ,. What is principle of ar+ument? -. What is the necessary an$ sufficient con$ition for stability? 1.. What is routh stability con$ition? 11. What is au)iliary polynomial? 12. What is ua$rantal symmetry? 13. In routh array #hat conclusion can you ma/e #hen there is a ro# of all 0eros? 1!. What is limite$ly stable system? 1%. state ma+nitu$e criterion. 1&. State an+le criterion 1*. Define relati(e stability 1,. Define encirclement 1 enclosure 1-. What is 2y uist stability criterion? 2.. What is root locus? 21. "o# #ill you fin$ root locus on real a)is? 22. What are asymptotes? 23. What is centroi$3 ho# it is calculate$? 2!. What is brea/a#ay point an$ brea/ in point? 2%. What is $ominant pole? Part II 1, 4in$ the number of roots in the ri+ht half of s5plane. 6omment on the stability. 7a8 s!',s3 ' 1,s2 ' 1&s'! 7b8 3s! ' 1.s3 ' %s2 ' %s ' 1 7c8 S% ' s! ' 2s3 ' 2s2 ' !s ' & 7$8 S% ' 2s! ' &s3 ' 12s2 ' ,s ' 1& 9 . 7e8 2s& ' 2s% ' 3s! ' 3s3 ' 2S2 ' S ' 1 9 . 2. 6omment on the stability of the close$ loop system as the +ain K is chan+e$ in 4i+.

3. S/etch the 2y uist plot for a system #ith the open loop transfer function

$etermine the ran+e of (alues of : for #hich the system is stable. !. 6onsi$er the close$5loop system #ith the follo#in+ open5loop transfer function;

Plot both the $irect an$ in(erse polar plots of <7s8"7s8 #ith : 9 1 an$ : 9 1.. =pply the 2y uist stability criterion to the plots3 an$ $etermine the stability of the system #ith these (alues of :. %. S/etch the root locus of the system #ith loop transfer function

&. S/etch the root locus o7 the system #hose characteristic e uation is +i(en by S! ' &s3 ' ,s2 ' :s ' : 9 . *. S/etch the root locus of the system sho#n in 4i+.

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