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Captured by the Billionaire

Julia Sykes 2012








Pursued Book 1 of Captured by the Billionaire Julia Sykes 2012

For Jocelyn xxx

Chapter 1 Butterflies fluttered in Mallorys stomach as she slowed her car to a stop in front of the huge, intricately crafted wrought iron gates. She jumped slightly at a tapping on her window. her to roll it down. #$%&' (e as!ed in a routine manner. #)m, yeah,' Mallory fished her dri*ers license out of her purse and handed it to the man. #$m with the catering company,' she e+plained, somewhat unnecessarily, she was wearing a white -utton"down shirt with the Carlys Catering logo on it. .he real guests at this party would -e dec!ed out in -all gowns and tu+es. .he guard chec!ed her name off a list and handed -ac! her $%. #/!ay, Miss 0illiams, you can go on in,' he gestured with a smile. .he gates -efore her slowly eased open, admitting her to the e+clusi*e estate. 1*en in the dimness of twilight, the grounds were impressi*e. .he dri*e up to the old plantation house was lined with huge 2i*e /a!s, hundreds of years old. 3ray, lacy Spanish Moss dripped down from the elegantly cur*ed -ranches that reached out o*er the road, creating a canopy of lush greenery that was illuminated -y her headlights. Manicured lawns stretched out to either side, the gardens disappearing into the dar!ness. Mallory wondered for a moment what it would -e li!e to li*e here, to ha*e a life li!e 4a!e 5learys, heir to the 5leary fortune6 -eautiful homes all o*er the world, a multi"-illion dollar company handed to you -y your father, and more money than 3od. (ell, the guy pro-a-ly hadnt wor!ed a day in his life until his father died last year. nd e*en now he pro-a-ly just sat -ac! and let the -oard of directors handle e*erything, throwing fancy parties at his leisure while other people loo!ed after his fortune. (e sure as hell had ne*er had to steam lattes for pretentious assholes to help pay his way through college li!e Mallory had. !indly"loo!ing man in a security uniform motioned for

I bet hes an entitled douchebag, she thought, assuring herself that a hard wor! ethic and gritty, real world e+periences had gained her more character than he would e*er ha*e. .hen she rounded a corner, and the 5leary mansion came into *iew, illuminated -y warm yellow lights. A douchebag with a nice house, she admitted grudgingly. .he old plantation house was enormous, a sprawling white ante-ellum manor with dar! -lue shutters and a jutting, semi"circular porch supported -y towering columns. Mallory had *isited se*eral plantations on the South 5arolina coast, -ut this one surpassed them all. She could see two men in white"tie finery, waiting to open the dou-le doors for the first guests. But it was too early for that, no one would arri*e for at least another hour. /nly the ser*ers would -e here now, setting up. 0ith a sigh, Mallory pulled her car around the -ac! of the house, where the catering staff was supposed to enter through the -ac! door. More like the servants entrance, she thought with asperity. Mallory had -een wor!ing in the ser*ice industry since she was si+teen, sa*ing up money for college. She had nothing -ut respect for the people who wor!ed hard to earn a li*ing, -ut this was not what she wanted to do with her life. She had just graduated from the 5ollege of 5harleston, with honors no less, -ut she had not -een a-le to find employment in her dream field6 Mallory wanted to teach. .han!s to go*ernment cut"-ac!s, there werent many positions to go around, so e*en though she had studied hard and tic!ed all the necessary -o+es, she had found herself unemployed four months after graduation. %espite her years of careful scrimping and sa*ing, money was running out, and rejection after rejection for employment was disheartening her. So when her -est friend Sally had cajoled her -oss into offering Mallory a jo- with the catering company that she wor!ed for, Mallory had jumped at the opportunity. lthough she had ne*er catered a pri*ate party, she had wor!ed plenty

of waitressing jo-s, (ow different could this possi-ly -e& Still, she couldnt help feeling a little ner*ous her first day on the jo-. Swallowing -ac! the -utterflies, she turned the engra*ed -rass door!no- on the -ac! door and entered the mansion. She followed the signs left for the ser*ice staff and 7uic!ly found the !itchen. lthough the house was at least three"hundred years old, the !itchen was slee! and modern. %o8ens of people -ustled around, calling orders to one another, their num-er filling the large space and ma!ing it feel cramped despite its si8e. Mallory 7uic!ly pulled her long, straight -rown hair -ac! into a tight ponytail, tying it with a sil!y -lac! ri--on, her one personal, feminine accent that she was allowed. .hen she waded into the chaos, tying a crisp white apron o*er her -lac! pencil s!irt -efore entering the fray. .he ne+t hour passed -y in a ha8e of polishing, plating, and pouring. Mallory adroitly 8ipped around the !itchen, dodging and wea*ing as she completed her assigned tas!s. Before she !new it, a tray of champagne flutes was -eing thrust into her hands as she was pushed out into the hall. Mallory wal!ed carefully down the corridor, an+ious not to spill a drop of the precious fi88y li7uid. s she progressed, she couldnt help admiring the family portraits that lined the walls, starting with the 5leary patriarch, dead for two generations now, and ending with none other than 4a!e 5leary, the current holder of the family fortune. Mallory paused at his portrait, undenia-ly ta!en in -y 4a!es good loo!s. (e had his mothers deep -lue eyes, a shade dar!er than Mallorys own, and he had inherited his fathers strong, masculine jaw and midnight"-lac! hair. .he man could ha*e made a personal fortune -eing a male model if he wanted to. Mallory shoo! herself. /f course the painting was flattering, the artist had -een paid to ma!e the family loo! good. I bet in real life he has a lazy eye or

something. No one should have good enough karma to be that attractive and that rich. She continued her progress to the -allroom. 0hen she arri*ed, there was a man in -utlers li*ery waiting to open the door for her. s she stepped through the doorway and into the cheerily"lit room, she had to stop her jaw from dropping. She stood dum-ly for a moment, o*erwhelmed. .he room was massi*e, with a floor and walls of the same light"hued, polished wood. .he wood panels on the walls were e+7uisitely car*ed with geometric patterns, the groo*es creating -old shadows that stood in contrast to the smooth plains. 2ight from three crystal chandeliers reflected off the wood and filled the room with a warm, yellow light. 5lassical music swelled from the corner where the instrumental -and was set up, and couples were walt8ing elegantly in time on the dance floor. .he -allroom e+uded opulence and refinement, as did the people that filled it. Men were dressed in sharply tailored tu+edoes, while the women were clad in gorgeous gowns, many of them slin!y and jewel"toned, creating a riot of color that contrasted with the mens -lac!"and"white gar-. 9orcing her parted lips to close, Mallory approached the couple closest to her, discretely murmuring #5hampagne&' as she neared them. .hey each too! a glass without so much as a #than!"you' or e*en a glance in her direction. But Mallory was used to -eing an in*isi-le, inconse7uential cog in the ser*ice industry machine, so the -eha*ior didnt -other her. Much. She continued to ma!e her way through the crowd, her tray rapidly emptying as she wound her way around the edges of the dance floor. (a*ing made it halfway around the circuit, she was down to two glasses of champagne. She turned, deciding to head -ac! to the !itchen for more. /nly as she swung around, her tray came into contact with a *ery hard something. She watched in horror as it tilted, champagne flying out of the glasses -efore they tum-led to the floor, shattering on impact.

.he tin!ling sound seemed to echo throughout the room, drowning out the music. She could feel do8ens of repro*ing ga8es on her, ma!ing her chee!s flame red. )na-le to loo! at anything -ut the floor in em-arrassment, she dropped to her !nees to gather up the shards of glass, reaching out with a thic! cloth nap!in to sweep it into a small, managea-le pile. But -efore her fingers -rushed the floor, a strong, warm hand encircled her wrist, stopping her short. She loo!ed up to find the last person in the world that she wanted to see crouching o*er her6 4a!e 5leary. .he wind was !noc!ed right out of her. (e really was as handsome as his portrait made him out to -e. :erhaps e*en more so. (e had the same stunningly masculine features, -ut there was something a-out the energy around him that made him e*en more impressi*e. (e seemed to radiate power, and Mallory found herself o*erwhelmed -y it, caught in the intensity of his -lue eyes. .hey were twin!ling slyly, and his full lips were 7uir!ed up at the corners as though in amusement. Mallory would ha*e -een angered -y his moc!ing e+pression, -ut she was too mortified to -e affected -y it. #0e dont want you cutting yourself, now do we&' (e as!ed, a hint of a chuc!le in his deep, rum-ling *oice. (e straightened, standing, and his grip on her wrist pulled her up as well. .hen she too! in the full height of him, he must ha*e -een o*er si+ feet tall, dwarfing Mallorys fi*e"foot"fi*e"inch frame. wet. he cham!agne" She had -umped into one of the richest men in the world and spilled his own champagne all o*er his fancy tu+. #/h my god, $m so sorry;' She s7uea!ed, hastily pressing the linen nap!in against his chest, trying *ainly to a-sor- the li7uid. s she did so, she couldnt help admiring the harness of his muscles, her touch ine+ora-ly lingering around the cur*es of his defined a-s. %espite her situation, she lic!ed her lips unconsciously as heat shot to her se+. She imagined what he loo!ed li!e out of that tu+... s her eyes ro*ed down his -ody, she saw that the front of his crisp white shirt was sopping

(is grip on her free hand -rought her -ac! to reality, and she -lin!ed up at him in surprise. (er ga8e loc!ing with his, he stilled her efforts to dry his shirt. (e was loo!ing down at her, still smiling. But now there was something hard a-out his e+pression, a merciless glint in his eye. Mallory suppressed a shi*er at the intensity of his demeanor, completely o*erwhelmed -y him. #.hats 7uite enough of that,' he said softly. Mallorys chee!s heated impossi-ly more, and she wrenched her hands free of his grip. (e raised a long" fingered hand and snapped twice. waiter appeared out of nowhere and immediately !nelt to sweep up the shattered glass. 4a!e ne*er e*en loo!ed at him, instead !eeping his eyes on Mallory. She had to stop herself from physically s7uirming under his scrutiny. Im!erious asshole, she thought in some indignant corner of her mind. But mostly she was em-arrassed, and undenia-ly turned on -y her pro+imity to the se+y -illionaire. #4a!e, what happened&' 5ame an angry female *oice, jer!ing Mallorys attention -ac! to the world around her. :eople were staring, many of them disappro*ingly. But none so reproachfully as the woman who had wound her arm through 4a!es. She was -lond and pale"s!inned, with stri!ing green eyes and a statues7ue figure. nd she was glaring at Mallory as though she had intentionally thrown the champagne in her hosts face. %espite her predicament, Mallory couldnt help returning the snooty womans glare. She might ha*e just fuc!ed up -ig time, -ut she wasnt some sort of ser*ant to -e admonished -y the high and mighty, this was the twenty"first century. #$ts fine, 5eleste,' 4a!e answered the -lond coolly, ne*er ta!ing his eyes off Mallory. But the womans arri*al had -ro!en whate*er spell he had wor!ed o*er Mallory, and she no longer felt trapped -y his power. She just wanted to get out of there. <ow.

Sei8ing the opportunity to flee, she mum-led a 7uic! #sorry,' in 4a!es general direction and darted for the door.

Chapter 2 .ears were pric!ing at the corners of Mallorys eyes. I will not cry, I will not cry, she repeated the mantra in her head o*er and o*er again as her new -oss" soon to -e her old -oss" yelled at her. She was -eing fired for the first time in her life, and it suc!ed. Mallory was not a confrontational person, and she had no tolerance for shouting. She would stand up for herself if someone was pic!ing on her, -ut in this case she !new that she deser*ed the dressing"down she was getting. 0hat !ind of ine+perienced idiot spilled drin!s all o*er the host of the party that they were catering& <ow the 5learys would pro-a-ly ne*er hire 5arlys 5atering again, and landing this jo- had -een the -est thing that had e*er happened to the company. Mallory felt li!e shit. Mum-ling her earnest apologies, she agreed to help in the !itchen for free for the rest of the night and then return her uniform in the morning. She went a-out her tas!s mechanically, putting herself on dish"washing duty as e+tra penance for her -lundering. fter se*eral grueling hours of a*oiding the staffs glares, the party was finally wrapping up, and Mallory prepared to lea*e. She untied her apron, heading for the door, -ut she was stopped short -y a tapping on her shoulder. .urning, she saw a man in -utlers li*ery trying to catch her attention. # re you Mallory 0illiams&' (e as!ed. Mallory had a sin!ing feeling in her stomach as she nodded. #Mr. 5leary would li!e to spea! with you,' he said. Mallorys stomach outright dropped, li!e

the ground had fallen away -eneath her. She swallowed and forced a small, genial smile. #/!ay,' she lied. #$ just need to straighten up a few more things.' She returned to the !itchen, fussing o*er drying a few dishes until the man left the room. .hen she darted for the door. <o way could she -ring herself to face 4a!e 5leary. She had -een yelled at enough for one e*ening, than! you *ery much, she didnt thin! she could ta!e any more. 1specially not from him. She thought of his powerful, intimidating demeanor and suppressed a shi*er. <o way was she going to face him. Coward, she accused herself. But she didnt care. She had already -een fired, so she didnt ha*e to worry a-out ma!ing 5arly loo! -ad -y not following her clients re7uest. nd she was definitely ne*er going to see 4a!e 5leary again, so what did it matter if he got pee*ed that she slipped out& It doesnt matter, she assured herself. #ust get home and try to forget that this night ever ha!!ened. She clim-ed into her -eaten"up old 5arolla and sho*ed down the urge to tear out of the dri*eway, instead forcing her foot to only gently press the gas and dri*e at an appropriately slow speed. 0ithin minutes, she had passed through the tunnel of /a! trees, and her headlights once again illuminated the closed wrought iron gates. $hat% She thought. hey screen !eo!le before they go out, too% 0hat was

this guy, some sort of paranoid control frea!& .he security guard was at her window again, and she rolled it down with a sigh. #Miss 0illiams&' (e as!ed. #=es,' she answered, surprised that he remem-ered her. #0ait just a moment please, maam.'

Mallorys -row furrowed, pu88led as the man pulled a wal!ie"tal!ie from his -elt clip. #Miss 0illiams is at the gate,' he said into it. .here was a moment of static, then6 #.ell her $ want to spea! to her.' 1*en through the distortion of the radio, Mallory recogni8ed the *oice6 4a!e 5leary. She again felt that sin!ing feeling in her stomach. .he guard turned his attention -ac! to Mallory. #Mr. 5leary would li!e to spea! with you,' he told her. #=es, $ heard,' she said, somewhat snappily. So what, he wasnt going to let her lea*e his property without him admonishing her for the stupid mista!e she had made& I !new he was an asshole. She was fuming. .he security guard was staring at her e+pectantly. #9ine;' She e+claimed, throwing up her hands in e+asperated defeat. #Shes on her way, sir,' she heard him say into the wal!ie"tal!ie as she rolled up her window. She made a three"point turn and dro*e -ac! the way she had just come, muttering curses a-out elite sno-s and their condescending douche-aggery. 0hen the house was -ac! in *iew, she par!ed her car" in the front lot this time" and headed for the non"ser*ants entrance. Seething, she -oldly !noc!ed on the door, letting some of her anger spill out as she rapped her !nuc!les on the wood with a sharp, satisfying sound. She prepared a few choice words to hurl at 4a!e as the door opened, -ut she 7uic!ly swallowed them -ac! as the -utler came into *iew. #eez, how many !eo!le does this guy kee! on staff% &ow difficult could it !ossibly be to answer your own door% But 4a!e wasnt the type to do anything mundane for himself, that much he had made clear. (e couldnt e*en come tal! to her on his own after the party, he

had sent people to summon her to his presence. (e totally was li*ing in the wrong century if he thought this sort of -eha*ior was accepta-le. to tell him just that. .he -utler led her through a series of corridors and up a staircase -efore gesturing that she should enter one of the rooms. #$n here, please, Miss 0illiams.' s if she had a choice. 4a!e had practically trapped her, confined her to his property so that he could scold her li!e some child. Bracing herself and clinging hard to her righteous anger, she stepped through the doorway and into a la*ish study. .he floor was co*ered -y a deep red and -lue /riental rug, and the walls were lined with thousands of -oo!s. t the -ac! of the room was a dar!ly polished mahogany des!, and -ehind it sat 4a!e 5leary. She again found herself momentarily stunned -y how gorgeous he was6 his sharp, masculine chee!-ones, his -right -lue eyes, and his hard -ody> No" She reprimanded herself. &es not hot. $ell, maybe he is !hysically, but his !ersonality is a total turn'off. nd that was precisely what she was going to tell him. (e hadnt e*en stood up when she entered the room. 0erent Southern gentlemen supposed to do that& $nstead, he sat far -ac! in his chair, considering her. $t made Mallorys s!in crawl. /r was that a pleasura-le shi*er& #(ello, Mallory,' he said softly. /h, so he was going to -e one of those 7uietly angry, $m"not"mad"$m"just"disappointed types. 3reat. 0ell, Mallory would -e damned if she let him get off the first shot. #Mr. 5leary,' she coated the formality in as much *enom as she could. #$ am sorry for what happened earlier,' she -egan tersely, #-ut you do reali8e that this !ind of -eha*ior is not accepta-le. 1*en though $m just a servant, $ do ha*e rights. =ou cant !eep me capti*e on your estate for as long as you li!e.' (is lips twisted upward in a small smile. #/h, cant $&' (e as!ed smugly. Mallory was enraged -y his haughtiness. 0ell, she told herself that she was. But nd Mallory was going

rather than tensing with anger, she felt her !nees go wea! as he pinned her with a !nowing stare. .here was something> seducti*e a-out his arrogance, the way that he utterly commanded the space around him. (e stood and circled around the des!, slowly ad*ancing toward her, a predatory gleam in his eye. Mallory too! an unconscious step -ac!ward, swallowing against the sudden dryness in her throat. She struggled to gather her wits a-out her as he approached. #<o, you cant,' she said with less con*iction than she would ha*e li!ed. Struggling for a more normal tone, she insisted, #$ wont stay here to -e chastised -y some entitled rich -oy.' .here, she had said it. .here was no ta!ing it -ac! now. .o her surprise, 4a!e just chuc!led at her, his sly smile widening to show his perfect white teeth. 3od, he was e*en more -reathta!ing when he smiled li!e that. (e was in front of her now, in her personal space. (e -ent his head forward until his lips were nearly touching hers. She couldnt mo*e away, she felt fro8en in place, capti*ated -y him. #0ell arent you just full of fire&' (is *oice was low and soft, his -reath tic!ling her mouth, teasing her. (e was so close that she could smell him6 wood and mus! and champagne. $t was into+icating, he was into+icating. ll thoughts of her anger left her, pushed aside -y the intense need that suddenly filled her, ma!ing her nipples harden against her -ra and her pussy clench. )na-le to help herself, she tilted her head -ac! slightly and closed her eyes, offering her lips to him. (is mouth descended on hers slowly, his lips gently caressing hers. .hen his tongue was at her lips, demanding entrance. 0ith a small sigh, she opened for him, and his tongue del*ed into her mouth, ta!ing her thoroughly. Suddenly, he tore his lips from hers and sho*ed her shoulders hard. (er -ody hit the wall of -oo!s -ehind her, !noc!ing some of them to the floor from the impact. moaned wantonly as he roughly too! her mouth once again. nd then 4a!e was on her, his strong -ody trapping hers. (eat rushed to her se+, and Mallory

<o man had e*er done this to her, her whole -ody was on fire for 4a!e, enflamed -y his rough, passionate treatment. (is large hand sna!ed into her shirt, reaching into her -ra and cupping her -reast. Mallory gasped at the intimate contact, her nipples pe--ling to hard -uds. More. She needed more. 4a!e o-liged her, his fingers closing around her nipple, pinching hard. Mallory let out a sharp cry as the pain turned to sweetest pleasure, ma!ing her se+ thro-. 4a!e pulled away from the !iss as he continued to massage her -reast. (e regarded her, a slightly cold smile on his face, his eyes triumphant, pleased -y her reactions to his s!illful manipulation of her -ody. #Man, am $ glad $ -umped into you,' he said with a smir!. Mallorys chee!s flushed, remem-ering her earlier em-arrassment. #Sorry a-out that,' she said, a -it -reathily from their passionate !iss. #%ont -e.' (is e+pression was amused now. #$ts not li!e it was an accident.' $ait, what% 0as he saying what she thought he was saying& #=ou mean>' She -egan hesitantly, not wanting to accuse him of anything. #=ou !noc!ed into me on !ur!ose%' 4a!e grinned. #/f course,' he said, as though it were the most o-*ious thing in the world. Mallory felt li!e a -uc!et of cold water had -een dumped o*er her head, dousing the heat that she felt for 4a!e. She sho*ed him off of her as her anger -oiled -ac! to the fore, strong and unrelenting. 0ell, she sho*ed at his chest, -ut he didnt mo*e an inch. 0hen she spo!e, her *oice was tight with the effort of !eeping herself from shouting. #0hy& 0hy on earth would you do that&' (ecause hes a rich, sadistic asshole who gets off on watching the underlings s)uirm, the more cynical side of her answered.

#Because $ wanted you,' he said simply, as though he thought it a perfectly rational e+planation for his -eha*ior. lmost as if he thought it was a compliment.

Mallory was seething, her hands clenching into fists. #So you got me fired just so that you could -ring me here after your soir?e and ha*e se+ with me&;' (er *oice was shrill, incredulity coloring her tone. 4a!e frowned and stepped -ac! from her, releasing her. #$ didnt mean to get you fired,' he said. #/h, well that ma!es it all -etter,' she snapped. #3od, do you e*er thin! of anything -ut yourself& Some of us ha*e these things called @jo-s, you !now. 0e !ind of need them to earn a li*ing.' She sidestepped away from him, an+ious to put as much distance -etween herself and the se+y sna!e as possi-le. 4a!e loo!ed trou-led. #Mallory, wait,' he -egan, reaching out for her. She ripped her arm away from his grasp. She eyed him le*elly. #$m lea*ing now,' she said coldly. # nd if you dont open your fancy gate for me, $ will dri*e my car right through it.' 0ithout waiting for him to answer, she turned on her heel and stormed out of his gorgeous mansion.

Chapter 3 Mallory didnt wa!e up until noon the ne+t day to ma!e up for her late night. $t had -een almost three .M. when she left 4a!es, and she hadnt -een a-le to fall asleep until the -eginnings of dawns rays were pee!ing through her curtains, she had -een too incensed to sleep. She simply could not -elie*e what 4a!e had done to her. <ot only had he gotten her fired, -ut he had tried to seduce her with only a few words, li!e she was some floo8y who was just going to flop down on his des! and let him ta!e her. nd that was nearly what had happened, which just made her e*en angrier with herself. She had ne*er felt that sort of passionate heat with any man, and she most certainly had ne*er had a one"night stand. Mallory enjoyed se+, -ut she was far from a nymphomaniac. .here had -een a couple of -oyfriends in college, -ut none of her couplings with them e*en -egan to measure up to her few steamy minutes in 4a!es study. She couldnt -lame herself entirely, the man was so hot it was practically sinful. nd although she resented him for his high"handed treatment of her, she couldnt deny that his confidence was a major turn"on. But now she was padding around her modest apartment glumly, automatically showering and getting ready for the day, despite ha*ing nothing on her agenda. 0ith no jo- to go to and no more teaching positions to apply for, there were few acti*ities to fill her day. She felt li!e she was stagnating, -eing la8y. of the shops were hiring. Aetail might -e -etter than ser*ing. nd she despised la8iness. She supposed she could go to the mall today and see if any

Suddenly, there was an une+pected !noc! at her door. May-e it was Sally, here to collect her uniform to return to the caterers. 0ith a sigh, Mallory opened the door. nd then she closed it again immediately when she saw who was on the other side. /nly it wouldnt close, the toe of an e+pensi*e leather shoe was -loc!ing it. She wrenched the door -ac! open with a frustrated growl. #0hat do you want&' She snapped at 4a!e. # nd how did you !now where to find me&' 4a!es lips 7uir!ed up into a croo!ed smile, as though he couldnt help finding her anger amusing. #0ell, firstly, $ came here to as! you out on a date. nd secondly, $ called the caterers and they ga*e me your home address.' Mallory gaped at him. (e thought she was going to go out with him after what he had done& nd after re*ealing that second little nugget of information& #$snt that against the law or something for them to gi*e out my personal details&' (is smile turned sly. #$ can -e *ery persuasi*e.' Mallory hated him in that moment. (e was far too conceited, too smug a-out his own power and charm. #0ell, there is no way $m going out with you, so you can lea*e now,' she said coldly. But that charming smile stayed firmly in place, his eyes twin!ling. # re you sure& $ !now the -est little authentic $talian restaurant.' #$ dont !now what youre not getting here,' she snapped, e+asperated. #$ said, no. )ne7ui*ocally no.' (is face fell, -ut there was something so dramatic a-out his e+pression that she !new he was -eing disingenuous. #0ell, at least let me apologi8e for getting you fired. 5an $ come in and we can tal!&' She stared at him flatly. #<o.'

.hen something in his eyes softened, the lines around his mouth -etraying true an+iety. $t was the first trace of true *ulnera-ility that he had e+hi-ited. $t clearly did -other him that he had lost her her jo-. #:lease&' (e as!ed hum-ly. Mo*ed -y his display of contrition, she stepped aside so that he could enter. #/!ay,' she said, somewhat reluctantly. #=ou can come in.' grin lit up his face. #1+cellent.' .here was a glint in his eye as he stepped o*er the threshold, a glint that Mallory didnt trust at all. She was already -eginning to regret letting him in. <onetheless, her parents had raised her to -e a polite hostess, so she led him into her modest li*ing room and sat down on her couch. #=ou can sit where*er you want,' she said, -ut she gestured to the armchair opposite her. %isregarding her indication, 4a!e sat down on the couch directly -eside her, so close that she could smell his heady, masculine scent. She had to restrain herself from leaning into him and -reathing him in. 3od, he really was se+y. <ow that he was so close, she could see that his eyes had ta!en on a greenish hue, turning them an almost a7ua color. (e too! -oth of her hands in his, and heat flared -etween them. %iscomfited -y her intense reaction to his pro+imity, Mallory tried to tug her hands away, -ut he held them fast. She couldnt deny that the feeling of -eing captured -y him was arousing, her -reathing hitched and her se+ thro--ed. small, !nowing smile played around 4a!es lips. She had to restrain herself from s7uirming under his amused scrutiny. Mallory forced herself to gather her wits a-out her, struggling to put up walls against his relentless seducti*e onslaught. #So,' she -egan, a -it sha!ily, #$ thin! you were going to apologi8e&' #/h yes,' he said, that same hint of an+iety returning to his e+pression. #$ dont do this often, -ut here goes6 Mallory 0illiams,' he speared her with his -lue"

green ga8e, #$ am truly sorry for the grief $ so callously caused you. $ promise to do e*erything $ can to ma!e it up to you. 0ill you please forgi*e me&' lthough his apology was flowery and clearly rehearsed, it was genuine. Mallory found that she was mo*ed -y this softer side of him, li!e she was seeing the man under the usually"coc!y mas!. #=es,' she heard herself whisper, #$ forgi*e you.' .he lines of worry around his eyes eased, and his face fell into his rela+ed, conceited smile once again. .he sincere man might ha*e disappeared -ehind the arrogant mas!, -ut it sure was a se+y mas!. Mallory couldnt help lic!ing her lips as she felt the power radiating off of him, en*eloping her. 4a!e leaned into her, and she found herself mo*ing unconsciously to meet him. But she stopped herself at the last minute, pulling -ac! slightly. #0hat are you doing&' She as!ed wea!ly, although she had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen. #Ma!ing it up to you,' he -reathed, his *oice low and seducti*e. nd then

his lips were on hers. .here was no gentleness this time, only a rough, fierce plundering of her mouth. .hen his hands were at the hem of her dress, tugging it upwards. Mallory compliantly lifted herself slightly off the couch so that he could pull it o*er her head. (e sat -ac! for a moment, admiring her. She shi*ered as he traced a gentle finger along the top edge of her lacy pin! -ra, and her ner*e endings there jumped to life. s though he couldnt hold himself -ac! any longer, he swiftly reached around -ehind her and snapped open the clasp on her -ra in one fluid mo*ement. Mallory shrugged out of it, lea*ing herself completely -are to him e+cept for her lacy pin! panties. #3od, youre se+y, Mallory,' he said, the hint of a growl in his gra*elly tone. (is strong fingers tangled in her hair at the -ase of her scalp, grasping a handful of it and sharply tugging her head -ac!. (e again too! her lips with his, his

tongue thrusting against hers. .he sensation made her se+ swell and thro-, her clit aching to -e touched. t the same time, she was desperate to touch him, to feel his hard muscles. (er fingers fum-led -lindly at his shirt -uttons, somehow managing to get them all undone. She pressed the fa-ric -ac! off his shoulders and down his upper arms, caressing his corded muscles as she did so. She couldnt suppress a shi*er as she felt o*erwhelmed -y his masculinity, -y his powerful physi7ue, he could do anything he wanted to her, and there would -e nothing she could do to stop it. .a!ing his hands from her -ody, 4a!e finished pulling off his shirt. Mallory too! a moment to mar*el at him, tracing her fingernails gently down his well"defined a-s, lingering at the trail of dar! hair that disappeared into his trousers. 4a!e hissed in a -reath as she touched him, tugging at the hair there. (e un-uc!led his -elt and pulled it from his -elt loops. .here was a soft, rustling sound as the leather -rushed against the slee! material of his pants. Mallory shi*ered delightedly at the sound, anticipating that he would un-utton his pants ne+t, re*ealing his hard coc! that she so desperately wanted. But instead he gra--ed her slender wrists in one large hand, pressing them together with her palms facing one another. 0ith his other hand, he looped the -elt o*er them, pulling the tongue through the -uc!le until her wrists were trapped. (e then wrapped the length of it around and around, until he finally tuc!ed the end of it into the cuff that he had created. Mallory started at her wrists, wide"eyed. She tugged at the -elt, -ut there was no gi*e, she couldnt possi-ly free her hands. She had ne*er played a game li!e this, -ut the rush of heat to her pussy told her that she li!ed it. .here was a niggling fear at the -ac! of her mind as she reali8ed her *ulnera-le position, -ut that only turned her on more. (er panties were soa!ed with her wetness. 4a!e pressed a firm hand to her shoulder, pushing her down onto the couch. (e then pulled her legs along the length of it so that she was lying on her -ac!.

3ra--ing her -ound hands, he roughly sho*ed them o*er her head and held them there, completely stretching her out -efore him. (is eyes ro*ed up and down her -ody appreciati*ely until they came to rest on her face once again. (e speared her with his intense ga8e, which was a deep -lue now. #Beep your hands there,' he commanded her sternly. She swallowed and nodded faintly, aware that she was lea*ing herself completely at his mercy, -ut una-le to deny him. .hen his mouth was at her throat, his hot -reath ma!ing the sensiti*e s!in there tingle. She could feel his firm tongue lic! up the side of her nec! to her ear, ma!ing her moan at the erotic tingles that it sent dancing through her -ody. (e paused for a moment, and then his teeth closed gently on her earlo-e, tugging at it as he teased it with his tongue. Mallory gasped at the sensation as her eyes rolled -ac! in her head -lissfully. nd then he was lea*ing a trail of soft !isses down her nec! and onto her chest. (e stopped when he reached her -reasts, running gentle fingers around them, circling, ma!ing her nipples harden to stiff pea!s. Bending down, he pursed his lips and -lew a stream of cool air directly onto her right -reast, teasing her. #0ill you go out with me, Mallory&' (e as!ed, holding her on the precipice. $hat% (e was as!ing her out on a date& <ow& #0hat&' She as!ed aloud, -reathless. (e just shoo! his head, smiling, and did the same to her left -reast, ma!ing her ner*e endings jump to life. She was nearly 7ui*ering with need now. But he did not touch her nipples as she so desperately wanted. $nstead, he touched his tongue to her sternum, trailing its warmth downward until he reached the top of her se+. (e ho*ered there for a moment.

#0ill you come out with me&' (e as!ed again. But Mallory was too frustrated to listen. She tugged at her hands, trying to free them so that she could touch herself. #.ouch me, 4a!e,' she whined. #:lease.' (er se+ was thro--ing painfully, her need more intense than it had e*er -een in her life. But 4a!e just lowered his head further, planting soft !isses along her thighs around her pussy, ne*er touching her where she cra*ed. #5ome out with me, Mallory,' he commanded this time, murmuring against her sensiti*e s!in. #=es,' she ca*ed, gi*ing him what he wanted. #:lease, 4a!e;' She saw a flash of his white teeth as he grinned, triumphant. .hen his mouth was on her clit, suc!ing the hard -ud into his mouth, his teeth gra8ing against it. Mallory e+ploded, her pussy contracting as her orgasm rippled through her, ma!ing heat flash o*er her s!in, her entire -ody 7ui*ering. s she came down off her high, 4a!e pushed himself up off of her, reaching for her -ound hands. (e tenderly unwrapped the -elt, freeing her and massaging her wrists where the leather had -itten into them as she struggled. (e pulled her up into a sitting position, resting her -ac! against his hard chest, holding her against him with a strong arm around her waist. Mallory rela+ed into him, sighing contentedly. She reached out to touch him and could feel his impressi*e length though his pants, hard and ready for her. #$s there anything $ can do for you&' She as!ed throatily. (e hesitated for a moment. # s much as $ would li!e to, we dont ha*e time. $ll -e sure to ta!e you up on the offer soon though.' She could practically hear him smir!ing. #But for now, we ha*e to get going.'

She craned her head -ac! and loo!ed at him 7ui88ically. #3oing& 3oing where&' #/n our date,' he said, matter"of"factly. #<ow&' She as!ed, surprised. #0hats the rush&' (e smiled at her slyly. #$ts a -it far away, and $ dont want us to miss our reser*ation.' #0here are we going&' Mallory as!ed, curious. #Cenice,' 4a!e replied with a grin. #=ou should pro-a-ly pac! a -ag.'

The End For now

Captured Book 2 of Captured by the Billionaire Julia Sykes 2012

Chapter 1 #Cenice&' Mallory s7uea!ed. # s in, the Cenice& $n Italy&' 4a!es wide grin told her she was right. #=ep,' he answered simply. Mallory stared at him, mouth agape, for a few moments. (e made a shooing motion at her. #0ell go on. 3et pac!ed. 0ell -e gone for three nights.' Mallory was -reathing hard, her head spinning. $t was almost too much for her mind to comprehend. 0as this really happening& /r was she dreaming& She pinched herself. .he little ping of pain on her arm told her that this was indeed real. #$ cant,' she said finally. 4a!e frowned. # nd why not&' (e as!ed. #=ou did agree to go out with me, remem-er&' #=es, $ agreed to dinner" <ot a three night mini"*acay with a complete stranger; (ow do $ !now that you arent going to murder me or sell me into sla*ery or something&' Mallory had seen the mo*ie aken* she !new how this would go down. 4a!e just laughed. #0ell, for one, $m a pretty high"profile character, $ dont thin! $ could murder you without anyone noticing. you for myself, Mallory.' She shi*ered at the possessi*eness in his eyes. #But"' she -egan, -ut he cut her off. nd for another, $ would ne*er gi*e you to anyone else.' (is ga8e turned hungry, his eyes intense. #$ want

#<o @-uts, Mallory. =ou agreed to this and thats that. $ want to ta!e you to Cenice.' (is ga8e turn hard, a -it menacing. (e placed a strong finger under her chin, lifting her face so that she had no choice -ut to meet his eye. # nd $ always get what $ want.' 3od, he was an arrogant ass. But she could not deny the rush of heat to her se+ at his words, remem-ering how he had captured her, restrained her as he manipulated her -ody so s!illfully. She wanted more of that dar! seduction, that much she !new. #%ont you want to go to Cenice, Mallory&' (e as!ed softly, his tone demanding a truthful answer. #=es,' Mallory heard herself admitting, her *oice a whisper. She had always longed to go to $taly. She wanted to teach high"school history, and she yearned to *isit the ancient historical sites of 1urope. 4a!e smiled a 5heshire"cat grin, !nowing he had her trapped now. #0ell then, whats the pro-lem& 5ome with me,' he said more earnestly, the lines of his face -etraying an+iety again. Mallory was intrigued -y this softer side of him, the real man -eneath the hard mas!. She wanted to !now that man -etter, and she wanted to !now the coc!y 4a!e se+ually now that he had awa!ened the dar! carnal desires within her. nd after all, Mallory admitted to herself a touch resentfully, it wasnt as if she had anything to do here, no responsi-ilities, no jo- to go to. #9ine,' she conceded, -ut she was sure to put a sharp edge to her *oice, to mas! the fact that she was secretly thrilled to accept his offer, she didnt want him to get too -ig for his -ritches. She would -e sure to challenge him at e*ery turn, to ma!e him see that she wasnt some push"o*er he could win with o*er with his money. #But you ha*e to let me call Sally to let her !now where $m going. .hat way $ !now you cant !ill me without someone !nowing your M/.'

4a!e chuc!led at her again. #$ can assure you that $ will not murder you. =ou dont ha*e anything to fear from me.' But his smile was sly, a dangerous twin!le in his eye. Mallory gulped, !nowing that she did ha*e something to fear6 that he would turn her to pliant jelly with his erotic ministrations. Its +ust fabulous se,, she assured herself. -ou want that dont you% #ust dont let him get the u!!er hand again. =eah, right. .hat would -e so easy. #/!ay,' she said, a -it acidly, #$ll pac!.' 4a!e grinned despite her tone. #1+cellent.' (e waited in the sitting room while she darted around her -edroom, throwing her fa*orite dresses into her -ag. fter a moments hesitation, she pac!ed her se+iest lingerie as well, if she had any hope of -eing the seductress rather than the seductee, she would need all the weapons in her arsenal. few minutes later, her duffel was -eing loaded into the trun! of a -lac! limo -y the dri*er. .f course he has a driver. And of course he has a limo. 4a!e definitely li!ed nice things, and he definitely ne*er did any mundane tas!s for himself. /nce they were in the limo, 4a!e seated as close to her as possi-le despite the ample room, she decided to goad him. #%ont you e*er do anything for yourself&' She as!ed a -it condescendingly. .he guy might -e ta!ing her to 1urope, -ut that didnt get the spoiled little rich -oy off the hoo!. 4a!e -lin!ed at her, ta!en a-ac! -y her -luntness. (e loo!ed as though no one had e*er spo!en to him so fran!ly, and, to -e honest, so rudely. $ell its about time he had a dose of reality, Mallory thought to herself. #0hat do you mean&' (e as!ed, pu88led.

#=ou send your staff to fetch people, for one, you dont answer your own door, and you dont dri*e your own car. .hese are -asic life s!ills.' She loo!ed at him challengingly, daring him to contradict her. #0ell,' he -egan, a -it uncomforta-ly, #$ do dri*e my own car sometimes. $ lo*e my 9errari.' Mallory snorted derisi*ely. #/h, how independent of you.' 4a!e loo!ed at her earnestly, his -row furrowed. .he an+ious man was -ac!, clearly hurt -y her words. #0hy do you hate me, Mallory&' (e as!ed. Mallory was shoc!ed. She didnt hate him, she didnt hate any-ody. /o why am I being such a bitch% %eep down, she reali8ed that she resented him, although it ran!led to admit it. She sighed. #$ dont hate you, 4a!e. $ dont !now if $ li!e you all that much, -ut $ dont hate you. $ts just> $ cant -egin to understand your lifestyle. $ts li!e youre from another planet or something.' (is strained e+pression eased, a small smile playing around his mouth. #0ell, $m sure we can manage to cross the cultural di*ide. $ assure you that $m not an alien. t least, $ dont thin! $ am. May-e $ should chec! my family tree. My uncle l-ert sure loo!s alien enough, poor fellow.' Mallory couldnt suppress a smile. So apparently 4a!e did ha*e a lighter side -ehind the serious, dominant faDade. # nd so far as you not li!ing me goes,' he continued, #$m sure we can remedy that as well.' (is grin turned wic!ed, and his hand mo*ed to -rush her upper thigh. (er pussy clenched just from his light touch. (is hand eased upwards, nearing her se+. #Spread your legs for me, Mallory,' he commanded.

She hesitated, torn -etween satiating the need that had arisen in her and her pride. Bolstering her will, pride won out. #<o,' she said -reathily. 4a!e a-ruptly withdrew his hand. #Suit yourself,' he said with a shrug. But Mallory was still -urning with need, as if 4a!e had lit a fire within her that would not go out. (is indifference toward her reaction, his coolness, only turned her on more. I will not cave, I will not cave, she repeated to herself o*er and o*er again. (e raised an imperious eye-row at her. # nything you want to say&' (e as!ed. -es" ouch me" She was just a-out to gi*e in when the limo came to a stop.

#.oo -ad.' 4a!e loo!ed li!e he was suppressing a laugh, entertained -y her discomfort. #0ere here.' Mallorys attention was pulled away from the thro--ing in her loins when the dri*er opened the door for her. 0ell, it lessened a -it at least. She -lushed, sure that he could smell her wetness. 0ont be ridiculous, she admonished herself, wal!ing as confidently as she could out onto the tarmac. 4a!es arm was suddenly lin!ed through hers, guiding her towards the pri*ate jet that was waiting for them. 1imos, 2erraris, !rivate +ets* Is there any lu,ury item that he doesnt own% So long as she didnt allow him to own her she would -e just fine, she assured herself. 4a!e too! her hand, leading her carefully up the steps leading up to the jet. 0hen they got inside, Mallory suppressed the urge to gi*e a low whistle. .here

were no rows of seats in the jet, -ut four captains chairs set alongside the di*ide -etween the ca-in and the coc!pit and two long, padded -ench seats lining either side of the plane. .here were two pretty hostesses there to greet them. 0ell, they were more than just pretty. .f course he only em!loys hot women. Mallory wondered if he had had se+ with either of them, and was surprised to feel jealousy shoot through her gut. She chose to ignore the sensation, telling herself that it was just a physical reaction to her ner*ousness, she had ne*er flown anywhere -efore. 4a!e seemed to notice her discomfort as he guided her to one of the -ench seats -efore sitting down -eside her. # re you alright, Mallory&' (e as!ed, genuinely concerned. She too! a deep -reath. #=eah,' she said a -it sha!ily. #$ts just> $*e ne*er flown -efore.' She felt li!e such a peasant admitting it. 4a!e had pro-a-ly -een flying on pri*ate jets since -efore he could wal!. 4a!e touched a tender hand to her face, stro!ing his inde+ finger down her chee! and the line of her jaw. Mallory felt the tension lea*e her as the heat -etween her legs returned. 4a!e smiled. #$m sure we can find a way to distract you,' he said, his *oice low and seducti*e. seat -elt. s he spo!e, he reached around either side of her, grasping her s he drew it around her hips, he allowed his fingers to linger against her,

sending tingles across her s!in. 0hen he finally clic!ed the -uc!le together, he pulled the tongue of the -elt until it was almost uncomforta-ly tight, pressing her into the seat, trapping her there. #Still ner*ous&' (e as!ed, !indness -leeding into his seducti*e tone. #=es,' she admitted. #But not a-out flying.'

4a!e chuc!led, low and rum-ling.

nd se+y as hell. (e fastened his own

seat -elt, his face turning more serious. (e gently grasped -oth of her slightly sha!ing hands in his. #0ere going to ta!e off now. =ou ha*e nothing to -e afraid of, Mallory.' She swallowed and nodded, reassured -y his touch and his soothing tone. .his was the 4a!e that she actually li!ed, the one that she wanted to get to !now -etter, she was still on the fence a-out the coc!y asshole side of him. s the plane thundered down the runway, Mallory s7uee8ed her eyes shut, and 4a!e tenderly stro!ed the insides of her wrists with his thum-s. .he intimate contact distracted her from her fear, ma!ing it less terrifying when her stomach dropped as the jet -egan its ascent into the hea*ens. /nce they le*eled out, the captain said o*er the intercom that it was safe for them to mo*e around the ca-in. #<eed more distracting&' 4a!e as!ed with a predatory smile. Mallorys pulse 7uic!ened under his fingers and his smile -roadened. 4a!e signaled to the hostesses and they disappeared into a compartment at the -ac! of the plane. #$ !now its a clich?, -ut how would you li!e to -ecome a mem-er of the Mile (igh 5lu-&' #)mmm>' Mallory -egan uneasily, wanting him desperately -ut not wanting to admit it. (e placed a gentle finger to her lips, silencing her. #Euiet,' he said sternly. #=ou dont want the staff to hear this, do you&' Mallorys eyes widened, horrified at the thought. She shoo! her head *igorously. 4a!e suddenly grasped the nape of her nec! and pulled her towards him for a fierce !iss. (is tongue plundered her mouth, and she tried to match his intensity, to

win a little -it of control in the !iss. She twined her fingers in his hair and tugged his head -ac!, trying to assert her dominance. But his hand mo*ed from the -ac! of her nec! to her throat, encircling it with his large hand. (e did not apply any pressure, -ut the *ulnera-le position she was in awo!e something primal in her, su-mission to a -eing stronger than herself. (er hand dropped from his hair immediately, and she mee!ly allowed him to continue fuc!ing her mouth with his tongue. (e growled into her mouth in satisfaction, s7uee8ing her nec! slightly to reinforce who was in charge. .hen she heard the clic! of her seat-elt -eing un-uc!led, and she was -eing pulled forward -y her throat, ine+ora-ly guided to the floor where 4a!e forced her to her !nees until she was !neeling in front of him. She loo!ed up into his eyes, panting. .hey were glinting with satisfaction. #$ -elie*e you owe me something, Mallory,' he said matter"of"factly, reminding her of her promise that she had made after he had pleasured her at her house. She gulped, remem-ering the si8e of him that she had felt though his pants. 5ould she ta!e that& But then he was un-uc!ling his -elt, un8ipping his trousers. (is coc! sprang free, long and hard. (er mouth watered for him, wanting to please him as he had pleased her. 0ithout a word, she compliantly parted her lips, ta!ing the head of him into her mouth, her tongue swirling around it. 4a!es head tipped -ac! and he groaned. #.hats it, girl,' he said throatily. #4ust li!e that.' t his praise, Mallory increased her pace, ta!ing him deeper into her mouth, la*ing the length of him with her tongue in -etween ta!ing him with her lips. She felt 4a!es hand at the -ac! of her head, pushing her down on his coc!, dictating her rhythm. .he loss of control made her wet. She moaned onto him, and his coc! twitched at the *i-rations. 4a!e suddenly grasped her hair and roughly jer!ed her off of him.

#$m going to fuc! you now, Mallory,' he said, his tone -roo!ing no resistance. <ot -othering to remo*e his clothes in his haste to ha*e her, 4a!e sho*ed her shoulders, ma!ing her fall onto her -ac! on the ca-in floor. She could feel the slight *i-ration of the jet, the sensation per*aded her pussy, ma!ing her clit thro-. She needed him desperately, and he o-liged. 2owering himself o*er her, 4a!e sho*ed up the hem of her dress and pulled her thong aside. (e thrust into her in one fluid motion. Mallory cried out as he fully seated his impressi*e length inside of her. She had ne*er -een with anyone so well"endowed, and it too! her a moment to adjust to his si8e. #Aela+,' 4a!e said the command gently, stro!ing her hair. (e paused to gi*e her time to adjust. She melted at his tender touch, her pussy accommodating him. 9eeling her gi*e way to him, 4a!e -egan thrusting in and out of her, ta!ing her hard and fast. .he primal nature of how he fuc!ed her increased Mallorys need, and her se+ -egan to contract around him as he hit her g"spot with e*ery thrust. (er legs -egan to 7ui*er with the -eginnings of her orgasm. 0ithout warning, 4a!e slapped her across the face. $t wasnt particularly hard, -ut it stung, focusing Mallorys whole attention on him rather than the feelings per*ading her -ody. She should -e furious with him at his disrespectful treatment, -ut loo!ing up into his eyes, she saw no cruelty, there was nothing there -ut lust. She felt a responding flare of heat deep within her. #0ait for me,' he reprimanded her. #%ont come until $ say.' Mallory whined, desperate to finish -ut una-le to defy him. 4a!e clamped his hand o*er her mouth, silencing her. #=ou dont want the others to hear, do you&'

She shoo! her head as much as she could with his hand restricting her. But staying 7uiet -ecame more and more difficult, and she found that she was grateful for his hand muffling her cries. (e grunted as he thrust into her unrelentingly. .hen6 #5ome with me, Mallory;' 0ith his permission, Mallory finally let herself go, her orgasm all the more intense for him ma!ing her wait. (er pussy contracted around him o*er and o*er, mil!ing his coc! as he emptied his hot seed into her. s the final pleasura-le shi*er wrac!ed her, she came -ac! down to earth. She was suddenly e+hausted, sighing sleepily, content. 4a!e turned her onto her side and positioned himself -ehind her, holding her against him with a strong arm around her waist. She felt him tenderly !iss her hair as her eyes closed. Mallory slept deeply for the rest of the flight.

Chapter 2 lthough she was far from -ored, Mallory yawned as they strolled through St. Mar!s S7uare. Because of the time difference, they hadnt gotten to their hotel until four ocloc! in the morning the night -efore, and ha*ing slept for most of the flight, Mallory had hardly -een a-le to sleep once she arri*ed in Cenice, she was far too e+cited. 4a!e smiled at her, ta!ing her arm with his. # s cute as you are when youre sleepy, $ dont want you passing out on me today,' he said, his tone colored with amusement. #5mon, sleepy head, lets get you an espresso.' Mallory consented, ha*ing no reason to protest. $n fact, the entire day that she had spent with 4a!e had -een wonderful, she had found no reason to shoot disparaging remar!s at him. (e seemed elated at her wonder for the city as he shared it with her. $t was almost as though he himself were seeing it with new eyes as they e+plored the -ac! alleys and more hea*ily populated tourist sites together. Mallory couldnt suppress a smir! as she thought of their foray into a particularly shaded alley within *iew of the -eautiful Bridge of Sighs, where 4a!e had sho*ed her up against the ancient plaster wall and !issed her thoroughly, his fingers sna!ing up her s!irt to tease her clit. .he thought of -eing disco*ered had -een terrifying. nd thrilling.

<ow he was leading her to a 7uaint caf? on the edge of St. Mar!s S7uare, where they could watch the people staring at the gorgeous cathedral opposite. .he sandy"colored, domed church had four massi*e -ron8e horses prancing atop it. :igeons " which 4a!e called @*ermin " floc!ed around the people, landing on them

as they fed the -irds -read and seed.

nd -est of all, the city had flooded the night

-efore, shallow puddles lined the edges of the s7uare, the reflection of the palisaded rectangular -uilding that enclosed it mirrored in them. Mallory lo*ed it. She couldnt help -eing impressed when 4a!e ordered for them in $talian. #$ didnt !now you could spea! $talian,' she said, ma!ing small tal!. #=ou ne*er as!ed,' he replied. #My father re7uired that $ learn se*eral languages so that $ could conduct international -usiness.' Mallorys interest was pi7ued. #(ow many languages do you spea!&' #9i*e, including 1nglish. $ !now Spanish, $talian, 9rench, and just enough Mandarin to get -y.' (er eye-rows rose, undenia-ly impressed. #$*e ne*er much had a !nac! for languages,' she admitted. #$ !now a -it of Spanish, -ut thats it.' #0ell, its a good thing youre with me, then,' he said, a -it arrogantly. Mallorys annoyance with his coc!iness suddenly came -ac! to the fore. #0ell, if $d had any warning that $ was coming to $taly, $ pro-a-ly would ha*e -ought a phrase -oo!. $ can read, you !now. them for anything useful&' 4a!es -row furrowed, pu88led. #0hat do you mean&' (e as!ed. Mallory rolled her eyes. 0as he really going to ma!e her come out and say it& .he guy was a glutton for punishment. And we had been having such a nice day u! until now, she thought a -it regretfully. But she couldnt stop herself. #=ou said that you learned the languages for -usiness. But you dont actually use them for that, you dont wor!.' nd -esides,' she continued, #!nowing fi*e languages is all well and good -ut whats the point if you ne*er use

4a!e loo!ed shoc!ed for a moment. #=ou thin! that $ dont wor!&' (is tone turned hard. #$*e -een wor!ing for my father since $ was si+teen. $ started in the copy room and had to wor! my way up, he ne*er cut me any slac!.' (is face was a -it dar!er now, as though remem-ering something unpleasant. #<e*er good enough,' he said under his -reath, as though he didnt mean to say it aloud. But Mallory heard, and she softened toward him instantly. #$m sorry, 4a!e. $ just assumed"' #=es, you assumed,' he said, his *oice clipped. #4ust li!e e*eryone else.' (e loo!ed at her angrily now, -ut there was something more in his eyes. 0as it disappointment& Mallory felt the need to justify her assumption. #$m really sorry, 4a!e,' she said, im-uing her tone with sincerity. #$ had no idea. $ts just> =ou offered to sweep me off to Cenice for a few nights, that does imply that you ha*e a lot of free time.' (e loo!ed slightly mollified, -ut his usual easy smile wasnt -ac! in place either. Mallory found that its a-sence made her inordinately sad. #$ suppose thats understanda-le, then,' he conceded with a sigh. #=ou ha*e to !now that $ ne*er do this Mallory, $ ne*er ta!e time off wor! li!e this. 1*en if $m not in my office, $m constantly on call.' #.hen why the e+ception this time&' Mallory as!ed, testing him. #Because you resisted me,' he admitted after a moment. #<o woman has e*er challenged me. $*e told you, Mallory, $ always get what $ want. you.' Mallorys e+pression hardened e*en as heat pooled in her -elly. She couldnt help -eing flattered that this gorgeous man, who could ha*e anyone he wanted, had chosen to pursue her so relentlessly. But at the same time, she was not nd $ want

some pri8e to -e won. #%ont you thin! $ should ha*e some say in this&' She as!ed se*erely. #0hat a-out what $ want&' 4a!e smiled, his coc!y grin sliding -ac! into place. #But you do want me, Mallory. $ thin! we -oth !now that.' She snorted and threw up her hands in e+asperation. #9ine,' she -it out, una-le to contradict him. #But this is just se+. <othing more.' 4a!es e+pression turned cool. #/f course not.' But as he said it, Mallory felt a sin!ing feeling in her stomach. =es, the se+ was ama8ing, and the idea of it ending -ummed her out. But she found that she was growing to li!e spending time with 4a!e. 1*ery new thing she learned a-out him flew in the face of all of the terri-le things she had assumed a-out his character. =es, he was arrogant, -ut it was -ecoming clear to her that his arrogance was a defense mechanism, a means of hiding his true feelings, his *ulnera-ility. Mallory wondered what had made him that way. (e had muttered a-out his fathers disappro*al. 0as that the source of his coc!y persona& She wanted to !now him -etter, to understand the real 4a!e 5leary, -eyond the money and the se+. But Mallory schooled her face into an unconcerned mas!, unwilling to *oice her feelings when 4a!e so o-*iously wanted to !eep their relationship casual. fter an uncomforta-le minute, they eased -ac! into small tal!, discussing where Mallory had gone to school, her lo*e of the -each, and her dream of -ecoming a teacher. 4a!e listened attenti*ely, seeming genuinely interested in her modest life. .hat night, as promised, 4a!e too! her to an authentic $talian restaurant, where she had the -est pasta she had e*er eaten in her life. fter dinner, they too! a stroll, pausing on Aialto Bridge to loo! out at the city. $t sprang up from the main canal on either side, as though the -uildings were floating on the surface of the

water, secured there -y some ancient magic. .he warm lights coming from the houses illuminated the colorful facades. .he pastels reminded her of Aain-ow Aow in 5harleston, her fa*orite landmar! in her hometown. 4a!es arm slid around her waist and pulled her tightly to his side. (e -ent down to murmur in her ear. #0ould you li!e to go -ac! to the hotel&' .here was a se+y rum-le in his tone that made Mallory shi*er in delight. She nodded as demurely as she could, trying to conceal her eagerness, after his teasing her clit as he !issed her -y the Bridge of Sighs, she had -een ready to jump him all day. Minutes later, they were -ac! in 4a!es opulent suite at the :la88ina 3rassi (otel. .he e+terior resem-led all of the other old Cenetian -uildings in the city, -ut the interior was slee! and modern. .heir room was all white furniture and linens, with large mirrors on the walls ma!ing the room seem e*en more spacious than it was. gracefully cur*ing -lac! chandelier hung from the ceiling, its dar!ness the one elegant contrast to the almost star! white theme of the room. But Mallory didnt ha*e much time to admire her surroundings. lmost as

soon as the door was loc!ed -ehind them, 4a!e was on her, tearing off her dress. (e made a sound of masculine satisfaction as he too! in her sheer -lac! lace -ra and panties that she had pic!ed out for the occasion. .rying to gain the upper hand at his moments pause, Mallory lunged at him, pushing him up against the mirrored wall as she hastily un-uttoned his shirt, longing to trace his hard muscles with her fingers once again. She felt a few seconds of triumph when she was a-le to actually mo*e him -y force, ha*ing ta!en ad*antage of his distraction. (e loo!ed down at her, stunned at her gumption. $n a mo*e faster than she could see, 4a!e gra--ed her wrist and pulled it -ehind her -ac!, twisting it as he did so. 0ith a cry, Mallory found herself forced to turn around to alle*iate the pressure on her shoulder, if she didnt, he surely would ha*e -ro!en her arm. .hen his !nee hit the -ac! of her own, and he released her wrist as she tum-led down onto the plush carpet. She tried to push herself up,

-ut he was on her in an instant, his hand at the nape of her nec!, pressing her head to the floor and holding her there. (is arm sna!ed under her -elly, pulling her upwards until she was forced into a !neeling position. 0ith her head still pinned to the floor, her ass was flagrantly e+posed. She felt heat rush to her chee!s as she -lushed crimson. But that wasnt the only part of her -ody that was flushed with heat. (ow could she -e so incredi-ly turned on -y this treatment& 0asnt this misogynistic& #2et me up,' she demanded, a -it alarmed despite her arousal. She pressed her hands to the carpet to gain some le*erage, -ut his hand on her nec! held her securely down. .here was a sudden, loud smack, 7uic!ly followed -y an intense stinging sensation where her ass met her upper thighs. She gasped in shoc!. #%ont mo*e.' (is *oice was dangerous, a ra8ors edge. Mallory stilled instantly. (e stro!ed a gentle finger down the length of her spine, and she 7ui*ered -eneath him. #$ told you that $ always get what $ want, Mallory. nd what $ want is

control. $ want you to su-mit to me.' (is *oice was hard, and Mallory found herself panting at his words, her pussy clenching in*oluntarily at the word #su-mit.' #0hat do you !now a-out B%SM, Mallory&' (e as!ed con*ersationally, as though she wasnt pinned down in a humiliating position. #<ot"' She stuttered. #<ot much.' She was familiar with the term, -ut she didnt !now what it actually stood for. $t had to do with whips and chains, she !new that much. on. nd she had ne*er understood how -eing tortured could -e a turn" are three parts to it,' he lectured as he traced his fingers around the underside of her ass. She shi*ered at the erotic touch. #B%6 Bondage and %iscipline, %S6 %omination and su-mission, and SM6 Sadism and Masochism.' Mallory shi*ered at the last, getting truly scared now. # re you going to -eat me, 4a!e&' She as!ed, her *oice tremulous. #<ot if you dont want me to,' he answered. 5utting her eyes to the side, she met his ga8e, seeing nothing -ut earnestness there. #But $*e seen how you react to me, Mallory, how you react to our games, the power"play.' (e traced his finger up the crac! of her ass, ma!ing her whimper at the intimate contact. #=ou cant tell me that you didnt enjoy it,' he smiled predatorily. She was suddenly acutely aware that 4a!e was almost a total stranger to her, he might -e capa-le of anything. #:lease, 4a!e' she implored. #%ont hurt me.' (e stro!ed a tender hand down her -ac!, calming her. But he didnt let go of her nec!. #$ wont hurt you. $ promise you that, Mallory. B%SM play is all a-out trust. %o you trust me&' #$ hardly !now you,' she -reathed. #.hen $ll earn your trust,' he ga*e her a gentle smile. #$m going to let you up now, Mallory. But only if you promise to stay and hear me out.' #/!ay,' she said mee!ly, totally o*erwhelmed -y his show of dominance. nd undenia-ly wet from his ministrations. 4a!e gently guided her up -y her shoulders until she was standing on unsteady legs. (e too! -oth of her hands in his, leading her to the couch and helping her sit. Mallory wanted to protest that she was perfectly capa-le of wal!ing -y herself, -ut that would ha*e -een a lie. She was so sha!en, so ner*ous a-out what was a-out to happen to her, that her legs would -arely support her.

<e*er letting go of her hands, 4a!e traced the lines on her palms soothingly, 7uieting her 7ui*ering. #0ere just going to tal!, Mallory,' he assured her. #<othing else. <ot unless you say.' She nodded her understanding, finding that she trusted his word despite what she had said a-out hardly !nowing him. #B%SM comes in many different fla*ors,' he -egan, his tone turning lecturing once again. #0e already !now that you enjoy -eing dominated and that you are turned on -y a little humiliation.' Mallory opened her mouth to protest, -ut 4a!e cut her off -efore she could -egin. #%ont deny it, Mallory. =ou !now that what $m saying is true, you !now that you ha*e enjoyed e*erything $*e done to you.' (e reached out a hand as though he wanted to stro!e her -etween her legs, to feel the wetness there, -ut Mallory -al!ed, and he drew his hand away. #But $ dont want you to hurt me,' she said softly. #.hat sadism stuff, $ couldnt -ear it.' #$m not a sadist, Mallory,' he assured her. # s $ said, !in! comes in many fla*ors, and that isnt one that $ enjoy.' Mallory thought that she saw something dar!en in his eyes, a flash of pain. But it was gone as soon as it had come, and she wasnt sure if she had imagined it. #But,' he continued, #-ondage and discipline, %omination and su-mission6 those are definitely to my taste. 0e already !now that you enjoy su-mission, Mallory. nd you enjoy -eing held down, a strong indicator that you would -e recepti*e to -ondage.' #But what a-out the discipline part&' She as!ed tremulously. #%oesnt that in*ol*e pain&'

4a!e considered for a moment -efore answering. is a fine line -etween pleasure and pain, Mallory. # nd $ am an e+perienced %om.' Mallorys -reathing had turned shallow, her pupils dilated. She couldnt deny that she was intrigued -y the idea, remem-ering her lustful reaction when 4a!e had slapped her. nd when he had span!ed her just now, reprimanding her for spea!ing out of turn... 0isci!line, she thought. She reali8ed that the games they had -een playing had all -een leading up to this, to 4a!e re*ealing his true se+ual preferences. nd she had lo*ed e*ery minute of it. (adnt she just -een thin!ing earlier that she wanted more& 4a!e was silent, gi*ing her a few minutes to process her thoughts. 0hen he finally spo!e, his *oice was low, his seducti*e tone -arely concealing his yearning. # re you willing to e+plore this with me, Mallory&' Am I% 0as she ready to gi*e in to his world of !in!y games& She thought of the dar! desires he had awo!en within her. #=es,' she whispered. n e+perienced %ominant !nows how to hold a su-missi*e on that line, to ma!e the pain pleasura-le.' (e ga*e a sly smile.

Chapter 3 4a!e grinned, his eyes flashing intimidatingly. (is hand mo*ed from her palm to her throat, tracing his inde+ finger from her shoulder up to her earlo-e. .he contact made her shi*er, remem-ering his grasp on her nec! as he had dominated her during their tryst on his jet. #0here to -egin&' (e as!ed, his ga8e thoughtful. #(a*e you e*er -een span!ed -efore, Mallory&' (e as!ed. #<o, she -reathed, her lips parted. She had ne*er had any se+ual e+periences that came close to what 4a!e wanted to do with her. $f se+ had fla*ors, then the only one she had e*er sampled was *anilla. &eading into chocolate territory now, she thought a -it madly. /r was it Aoc!y Aoad& 4a!e was suddenly grasping her hair at the scalp, tugging her ine+ora-ly forward until she was sprawled across his lap. until they reached her se+. (e sho*ed her legs away from the support of the couch, pulling her head downward -y her hair until her toes were -arely touching the ground, she was draped o*er his !nees, her ass in the air. #<ow,' he said softly. #$ -elie*e that you ha*e -een *ery diso-edient since we met6 defying me in my office, refusing to go out with me, fighting me as $ tried to ta!e you just now.' (is *oice turned hard. #.his -eha*ior stops now.' s he had promised, the pain of it sent tingles through her, starting at her head and spreading out through her -ody

Mallory shi*ered at his -rash words, her pussy contracting. She tensed, anticipating the same sting she had e+perienced from his earlier slap. But she jumped as he ran a gentle hand o*er her right chee!, then her left, stro!ing her until she rela+ed across his lap. #=our safe wor! is red, Mallory. $f it all -ecomes too much, just say the word and it will all stop.' Mallory rela+ed further, reassured now that she had an out, had regained some modicum of control in the situation. #.han! you,' she whispered. She could almost hear him grinning. #=oure welcome, su-.' /ub. .he term should ha*e disconcerted her, -ut instead warmth flooded her chest at the word. (e had -randed her with the name, claiming her as his to do with as he wished. (is hand left her for a moment, and then it crac!ed down on her ass, the sound of it seeming to resound throughout the room. :ain -loomed on her right ass chee!, and she cried out. But after a few moments, heat spread out from the area of impact, per*ading her pussy and ma!ing her clit thro-. Mallory was shoc!ed -y her *isceral reaction. She only had a second to wonder at it -efore his hand crac!ed down on her left chee!. .his time she only let out a small whine, more prepared for the impact. (is hand smac!ed down on her again and again, ne*er hitting the same place twice. 0ithin minutes, her ass was enflamed. But as the hits continued to rain down, she found that they hurt less and less, the stinging pain dulled to a warm glow, despite the fact that the strength of the -lows had increased. (er awareness was completely focused on the thro--ing of her se+, the need that had arisen in her from this humiliating treatment, from 4a!es assertion of his dominance of her -ody.

fter an intermina-le length of time, she had gone completely limp. .he crac!s of 4a!es hand across her ass were silenced at her su-mission, satisfied that his message had -een recei*ed. .hen his fingers were at her inner thighs, -rushing against her sensiti*e s!in, teasing her with his feather"light touch. Mallory let out a strangled cry that she hardly recogni8ed as her own at the contact, it contrasted so sharply with the punishment she had just endured. #:lease,' she heard herself -egging. #:lease, 4a!e. $ need you to touch me.' (e chuc!led down at her softly. #$ dont thin! $ ga*e you permission to spea!, su-. But since you -egged so sweetly, $ cant possi-ly deny you.' 0ith that as her only warning, he dro*e two fingers into her pussy. .hey slid in easily, she was so wet and ready for him. (e curled his fingers inside of her, pressing them against her g"spot. She came immediately, her se+ contracting around his fingers as he continued to stro!e her. 4ust when she thought she couldnt ta!e anymore, he withdrew them from her. But 4a!e wasnt done with her yet. #3et on your hands and !nees,' he commanded. Mallory complied with as much alacrity as she could manage, considering that her lim-s felt li!e jelly. 0hen she was situated on the plush carpet, her ass offered to him, she loo!ed -ac! at him o*er her shoulder. (is eyes were filled with a hunger so intense that it made her shudder, it was as though a -arely contained -east li*ed within him, and it was all he could do to hold it -ac!, to !eep from ra*aging her. (is mo*ements carefully controlled, he shrugged off his un-uttoned shirt and un-uc!led his -elt, letting his trousers fall to the floor.

Mallory lic!ed her lips as she too! him in fully. (e was glorious in his na!edness6 his muscles were hard and defined, his demeanor radiated power, and his coc! was thic! and hard for her. Bneeling -ehind her, he pressed himself at her entrance. She pushed -ac! into him, desperate for him to fill her. (e gra--ed her hips, holding her in place. #Stay still,' he ordered. Mallory whined -ut instincti*ely did as he -ade her. #3ood girl,' he praised her. Mallory couldnt e*en -egin to summon up any resentment at the diminuti*e e+pression. $t felt> right for him to spea! to her li!e that. She found herself shuddering in pleasure. (e pushed into her slowly, only pressing the head of his coc! into her se+, holding it there for a moment -efore languorously sliding into her to the hilt. .he feeling was delicious, the need in her flaring -ac! to life, -uilding in intensity with e*ery inch of him. (e held himself there -efore grasping her waist, guiding her forward and -ac!ward, dictating her rhythm as she fuc!ed him. She had a-solutely no control. nd she lo*ed it.

(e -egan pulling her onto him harder and faster, increasing her pace. She could feel her orgasm -uilding within her, his coc! twitching, ready to come. t the last moment, he reached -eneath her with one hand and pinched her hardened clit. Bright lights popped -efore her eyes, pleasure rushing from her pussy to her head as she came. (e emptied himself into her, -randing her with his hot seed. s her head cleared and she came -ac! down to earth, she felt herself -eing lifted up, 4a!e carrying her to the -ed. (e laid her down -eside him and she snuggled into his chest, -reathing him in. (is masculine scent was the last thing she remem-ered -efore drifting off to sleep.

Mallory awo!e the ne+t morning to find herself alone, the -ed cold -eside her. She felt a pang of sadness, feeling a-andoned after her intense connection with 4a!e the night -efore. /o this really is +ust casual se,, she thought to herself, resol*ing not to let her emotions get in*ol*ed. But how could she !eep her distance after 4a!e had possessed her so completely, it had -een such an intimate connection, gi*ing herself o*er to him. Its +ust se,, and thats all you want from him anyway, she told herself firmly. But if that were true, then why did she feel so sad& 9orcing away her unsettling thoughts, she got up and too! a shower, getting ready for the day. She had no idea where 4a!e was, and she told herself she didnt care, she was more than capa-le of e+ploring the city on her own. But just as she was finishing getting dressed, the door opened and 4a!e stepped inside. (e was holding a large garment -ag, grinning. #$ -rought you a present,' he said, e*idently pleased. $hat is this% Mallory thought angrily. 3ayment for the great se,% .he idea of recei*ing gifts in e+change for her> ser*ices made her feel dirty. #4a!e, you shouldnt ha*e.' #But $ wanted to.' (e was still -eaming. #<o,' she said coldly. #=ou really shouldnt ha*e.' (e -lin!ed, ta!en a-ac!. #0hats wrong&' (e as!ed, clearly pu88led. #0hats wrong&;' (er *oice was tight with anger. #%o you thin! you can -uy me& 2i!e some whore&' 4a!e too! a step -ac!, shoc!ed. #0hoa, Mallory,' he -egan, alarm coloring his tone. #.hats not what this is.'

#0hat else would you call it then&' She hissed. (e too! a hesitant step toward her, approaching her cautiously. #$ got this for you -ecause $ wanted to. $f anything, its as much a gift for myself as it is for you.' .he ice in Mallorys *eins melted slightly, her interest pi7ued. #0hat do you mean&' She as!ed, her tone suspicious. #2et me show you&' $t came out as a 7uestion. (is -row was furrowed, lines of apprehension around his eyes. Mallory couldnt stand to -erate him when he showed this side of himself, reminding her of his true *ulnera-ility. She ga*e him a curt nod. (olding the clothes hanger aloft, he un8ipped the garment -ag and re*ealed what it contained6 it was one of the most -eautiful dresses Mallory had e*er seen. $t was clearly a period costume, -ut made to the highest 7uality, as though it had -een -rought straight out of the si+teenth century and deli*ered to her. $t was a gorgeous s!y -lue, nearly the color of her eyes. corseted top

-loomed out into a full taffeta s!irt. .here were four"inch thic! straps holding up the corset, with large, o*al tur7uoise stones set on the fa-ric. Sheer white gossamer had -een used to ma!e long, floating slee*es, fitted to the upper arm -efore flaring out off the el-ow, the -ell"shaped length of them dripping gracefully to the floor. Mallory couldnt help gasping at the -eauty of it. She wanted it dearly, -ut she wasnt ready to ca*e just yet. # nd how is this for you&' She wanted her *oice to maintain a sharp edge, -ut it was soft, wondering. (e eyed her le*elly. #$ want you to wear it for me, Mallory. <othing would please me more.'

#0ear it& .hrough the streets of Cenice& 0ont that seem a tad out of place&' 4a!es wolfish grin was -ac! in place. #/h, we wont -e strolling around the city,' he said. #0ere going to a -all tonight.' Mallorys stomach tightened. She had ne*er -een to a -all, unless you counted ser*ing at 4a!es soir?e. (er throat went dry. # costume -all&' #<o,' 4a!e said, pausing to draw out the anticipation. # fetish -all.' Mallorys jaw dropped.

The End For now.

Teased Book 3 of Captured by the Billionaire Julia Sykes 2012

Chapter 1 Mallorys stomach was in !nots as she wal!ed tentati*ely through the hotel foyer, 4a!e leading her -y the hand. (e was gripping it firmly, stilling her trem-ling fingers. (ow could he loo! so calm and cool when she was a mess of ner*es& Mallory pee!ed up at him, ta!ing him in. (is eyes twin!led down at her, two points of -lue"green light standing in contrast to the -lac! mas! that co*ered the upper half of his face. 4a!e loo!ed more than just cool and collected, his graceful, fluid mo*ements coupled with his hea*ily muscled physi7ue ga*e him an aura of power and danger. .his was only enhanced -y the fact that he was dressed as a si+teenth"century Cenetian no-leman. (e wore a -lac! leather jac!et with stitched *ine"li!e patterns at the collar and cuffs o*er a simple white tunic. .he top of it had -een left untied, and it fell open to re*eal his chiseled chest with its sprin!ling of dar! hair. .ight -lac! trousers showed off his taut ass, and the tall -lac! leather -oots he was wearing clic!ed ominously on the tiled floor as he led her out into the terrifying night. 0here 4a!e was a dar! prince, Mallory was a decadent courtesan. -eautiful Cenetian wooden mas! hid her identity, co*ering the top half of her face. $t had sweeping cur*es, and it was all white with gold and light"-lue accents that -rought out the s!y -lue of her eyes. She was tightly cinched into her corseted gown, her -reasts threatening to spill out if she so much as -reathed too hard. $t was uncomforta-le, -ut at the same time there was something erotic a-out how it restricted her. 4a!e had insisted on lacing it up for her, and as he had done so a pleasura-le and une+pected warmth had per*aded her se+. $t was as though he was

gi*ing her a constant, physical reminder of his dominance o*er her -ody, controlling her e*ery shallow -reath through constricting her in the corset. -ellhop opened the door for them with a slight -ow. $t opened directly onto the canal, where a gondola was waiting for them. 0aiting to ta!e them to a fetish -all. Mallory could hardly -elie*e this was happening to her, that she had actually agreed to this. She felt detached from her -ody, as though she were watching someone else gripping 4a!es hand li!e a lifeline as she was lowered into the -oat. .he salty, earthy smell of the city en*eloped her as she sat down on the cushioned -ench seat. shi*ering. 4a!e ga*e her hand a little s7uee8e, loo!ing down at her !indly. #=oure fine, Mallory.' (is eyes turned hungry as he too! her in. #=ou loo! -eautiful.' Mallory couldnt help -lushing at the compliment, distracted from her fear -y his o-*ious lust for her. #$m ner*ous, 4a!e,' she confessed, a -it ashamed to admit her uneasiness. mong her friends, she was usually the daring one when it came to se+ual matters. She had had to practically drag her -est friend Sally into her first se+ shop to -uy a simple *i-rator, and she had e*en -een to a strip cluwith one of her e+"-oyfriends. But the thought of going to a strip show paled in comparison with where she was going now. .he disparity -etween the two was almost laugha-le. $ell if this isnt daring I dont know what is. 0hat had she let 4a!e cajole her into& 4a!e gently ru--ed the pad of his thum- o*er the -ac! of her hand. #$ts o!ay to -e ner*ous,' he assured her. #$ was ner*ous my first time.' She -lin!ed up at him, startled -y his admission. She couldnt imagine a ner*ous 4a!e, he was always so confident. #Aeally&' She as!ed, dis-elie*ing. lthough there was no chill in the air, Mallory was

%etecting her dou-tful tone, he laughed softly. #%espite what you may thin!, $ ha*e insecurities just li!e e*eryone else.' Mallorys eye-rows rose. #=eah, thats so o-*ious,' she said sarcastically. But 4a!es eyes were sincere. .he real man -ehind the arrogant mas! had come to the fore again, -ut that aura of power still surrounded him. Mallory reali8ed in that moment that his %ominant nature was more than just a persona that he assumed to protect his *ulnera-ility, it was an intrinsic part of him. arousing. (e flashed her an easy smile, and the wind was !noc!ed right out of her. 3od, he was se+y when he smiled li!e that. #%ont worry, Mallory,' he soothed her. #<othing will happen if you dont want it to. 0e can lea*e at any time if you feel at all uncomforta-le. =ou ha*e your safe word, remem-er&' Mallory let out a small sigh of relief. Bnowing that she had an out eased her ner*es. #=es, $ remem-er6 @red.' #%o you want to use it now, Mallory&' (e as!ed, spearing her with an earnest ga8e. #.he last thing $ want is to upset you. $m ta!ing you to the -all -ecause $ thin! you will enjoy it.' (is grin turned a -it wolfish. # nd -ecause $ want to show up with the se+iest woman there.' Mallory -lushed, deeply complimented -ut not 7uite -elie*ing his words. She had always considered herself pretty, -ut she !new that she was far from gorgeous. #<o,' she whispered. #$ dont want to use my safe word.' #1+cellent,' he -eamed. (e leaned into her slowly, and she came forward to meet him. (eat swirled in her -elly as his lips too! hers gently -ut firmly. her that she could ma!e it through this if he was -y her side. s he !issed her, his powerful aura washed o*er her, ma!ing her feel protected, reassuring nd rather nd than -eing ir!ed -y it as she was -y his coc!iness, she found it> comforting.

fter a few sweet minutes, he pulled away, lea*ing her wanting. (e ga*e her a small, !nowing smile that made her se+ clench. #0ere here,' he said softly as they stopped -efore a door that opened directly onto the canal. (e stood and !noc!ed sharply on the door in a peculiar pattern. Mallorys heart suddenly leapt up into her throat, -eating wildly. She clung tightly to 4a!es hand as he pulled her to her feet, helping her step up out of the gondola and through the door that had opened to admit them. (e lin!ed her arm through his, his stance formal and assured. Mallory struggled to match his composure as they wal!ed through the mar-le"floored entranceway. .here were two men in identical full -lac!"and"white mas!s waiting to admit them to the main room. Mallory almost wished that those dou-le doors would ne*er open, that she could stay suspended in this moment rather than face what was -ehind them. But then they parted -efore her, and she had to hold -ac! as gasp at the opulence of what lay on the other side. .he walls of the spacious room had -een draped with deep red *el*et curtains. 3ilded, intricately"wor!ed wood emerged from the top of them, glinting in the dull light of the enormous crystal chandelier. .he domed ceiling had -een painted with a map of the !nown world dating to the si+teenth century, the continents delineated in golden -rown hues. .he lu+urious room was filled with men and women in la*ish costumes li!e 4a!es and Mallorys. /nly some of them were already in *arious states of undress. Mallory tried to force -ac! her -lush as she watched one man -iting a womans -reasts, which had spilled out of her tight golden corset. nother mans coc! was -eing teased -y a cruel"loo!ing woman who was wearing mens trousers and -oots. Mallory was o*erwhelmed -y the sumptuous world of se+ that she had just stepped into. .hen her eyes fell on a man in a -lac! mas! that co*ered his entire face, car*ed into a for-idding frown. (e wore a deep red cape and twisted de*ils horns. She shi*ered as he met her ga8e.

#1yes on me, Mallory,' she heard 4a!es deep *oice command. She loo!ed up into his eyes, and he cupped her face tenderly in one large hand. #=oure safe with me. =ou !now that, dont you&' Mallory ga*e a jer!y nod. She did feel safe -y his side, his strong arm anchoring her, his powerful demeanor calming her. (is ga8e -ecame intense. #%o you trust me, Mallory&' She felt a moments hesitation. %id she trust him& She wasnt sure. She !new that she wanted to, -ut then again she had only !nown the man for a few days. But he had shown her more se+ual pleasure than she had e*er e+perienced in her life in that short time. hurt her. #=es,' she admitted. #$ thin! $ do.' (e smiled smugly, as though he had won a pri8e. $t made Mallory shi*er, -ut not entirely unpleasantly. #5ome on,' he said, still smiling. #2ets get you some champagne, loosen you up a little.' #So what now&' Mallory jo!ed. #=oure going to roofie me&' (e smir!ed down at her. # s if $ would need to,' he said coc!ily. Mallory rolled her eyes at him. But she could not deny the twinge in her se+ at his haughty demeanor. Suddenly, he gripped her upper arm and pulled her into him. #%ont you roll your eyes at me,' he told her repro*ingly. s he spo!e, he nd although he had caused her pain, he had ne*er truly

ran his free hand softly o*er her -reasts, tracing the cur*e of them where they were pushed up -y the corset. (er nipples pe--led and her -reath hitched at the sensual

contact. (is hand dipped into her clea*age, pushing its way under the garment until he found her hard nipple. .he pressure of his hand on her already constricted -reasts was painful, a pain that was only increased when he closed his thum- and forefinger around her nipple, pinching it. (e slowly increased the pressure until Mallory was wincing, e*en as pleasura-le tingles rushed from her -reast to her pussy. #4a!e, please,' she said -reathily, not sure if she could handle any more. (e loo!ed down at her, his eyes hard and menacing. #Say youre sorry,' he ordered coldly. #$m sorry,' she said immediately. #=ou will address me as @Sir tonight. $s that clear&' Mallory -al!ed. $hat% <o way. <o" But then he was pinching impossi-ly tighter, gra8ing her delicate flesh with his manicured nails. She could no longer -ear it. #$m sorry, Sir;' She gasped out. She sagged in relief as he released her, a-ruptly e+tricating his hand from her corset. But her moment of relief was short"li*ed as she again -ecame aware of where she was. She suddenly felt as though do8ens of eyes were on her, e*eryone around her had witnessed her humiliating capitulation. .o her chagrin, she could feel wetness -etween her thighs. (er face went crimson. 4a!es arm was around her waist, his mouth at her ear. #=es, they all saw, Mallory.' (is -reath was hot on her nec!. #.hey all saw you gi*e in to me.' (is free hand pressed against her se+, and e*en through the *oluminous folds of her s!irt the contact made her clit harden with need. her. #.heyre watching you, Mallory. soft, strangled sound escaped nd you lo*e it, dont you&'

(e was trying to force her to admit it out loud when she could hardly e*en admit it to herself& #4a!e"' She -egan. But he cut her off. # nswer my 7uestion, Mallory.' (e insisted. She tensed, resisting. #%o you need another lesson in o-edience&' .here was a threatening growl in his tone. She shi*ered. <o, she didnt thin! she could handle that. <ot again. #<o,' she said, her *oice small. #.hen answer me, Mallory. =ou lo*e !nowing that e*eryone is watching you, dont you&' #=es,' she whispered, her chee!s flaming. 4a!e gripped her se+ harder, cupping it roughly through her s!irt. #$s that how you are to address me&' (is ga8e was a deep -lue now, hard and flinty, demanding only one response. #=es, Sir,' she said, her *oice -arely audi-le, her eyes dropping su-missi*ely. #3ood girl,' his se+y, appro*ing rum-le made her shi*er delightedly.

Chapter 2 #(ere,' 4a!e said, his *oice !ind again. Mallory glanced up to see that he had ta!en two glasses of champagne from a waiter and was proffering one to her. She loo!ed the li*eried man in the eye and than!ed him, remem-ering that just four days ago she had -een the one ser*ing at a fancy party. (is eyes loo!ed surprised through his -lac!"and"white mas!. #3ra8ie,' he murmured -efore turning away from them, continuing his rounds. 4a!e touched his glass to hers with a small clin!ing sound. #.o new ad*entures,' he said with a smile. Mallory wanted to roll her eyes at him, -ut she stopped herself just in time. $nstead she settled for a slightly sharp loo! as she -rought her glass to her lips. .han!fully, 4a!e ga*e her a pass, seeming amused -y her attitude rather than angry, as though he thought her petulance was cute. Mallory too! a long drin! to !eep herself from saying something snappish at him, the man shouldnt -e allowed to -e so damn smug. .he champagne, deliciously dry and sweet at the same time, -u--led down her throat in an effer*escent stream. $t instantly sent warmth shooting from her chest to her fingertips, ma!ing her pussy tingle. (er clit was still hard from 4a!es teasing, and the effects of the champagne were only heightening the discomfort caused -y her intense need to -e touched.

0hen she finally lowered the glass from her mouth, it was nearly empty. 4a!e chuc!led at her. # -it frustrated, are we&' (e as!ed. #4ust a -it,' she said caustically. (e raised his eye-rows at her, his ga8e repro*ing. She sighed. #4ust a -it, /ir.' She put as much acid into the term as she could. 4a!e shoo! his head and cluc!ed his tongue at her. #0e clearly need to wor! on your manners, su-,' he said, moc!"disappointedly. #5ome,' he said simply, ta!ing her -y the hand and leading her toward one of the curtained walls. /nly, when 4a!e pulled the curtain aside, there was an open doorway. Mallory hesitated at the entrance, -ut 4a!e pulled her o*er the threshold with him. .he room was he+agonal, each of the si+ walls separated -y pin! mar-le columns that matched the floor. .here were frescoes on the walls depicting -eautiful mermaids with creamy s!in and glimmering tails, strands of pearls threaded through their long hair. 5andela-ras were mounted to the walls, illuminating the room with a soft glow. But Mallorys attention was focused on a large ta-le in the center of the room, crafted of deeply polished wood. $t was not the -eautiful craftsmanship that drew her eye, though, there were iron shac!les attached to chains at each of the four corners, the metal glinting dully in the candlelight. She fro8e where she stood, her mouth going dry. 4a!e stepped in front of her, hiding the ta-le from *iew. (e cupped her face with -oth of his hands, forcing her head up to loo! him in the eye. #%ont -e afraid, Mallory,' he said. #=ou are going to enjoy this. $ promise you,' his *oice was low and seducti*e. Mallory noticed that his eyes had once again ta!en on a greenish hue. $t seemed that their color changed with his mood6 -lue"green when he was -eing playfully seducti*e, and that hard, deep sapphire when he was asserting his dominance, -ringing her under his control.

(e slowly lowered one hand to her nape, tracing the length of her nec! as he did so. (e held her there as he -ent to ta!e her lips with his, his tongue tracing their outline, teasing. She melted, opening for him. (e !issed her slowly, languorously massaging her tongue with his. :ulling away slightly, he whispered against her lips. #%o you trust me, Mallory&' #=es, Sir,' she -reathed, saying the honorific without thin!ing. (is smile was genuinely pleased, -ut it had a sharp edge to it, a hint of menace, he had her right where he wanted her, and there was nothing she could do to resist him. (is hand dropped from her face, mo*ing to the small of her -ac!. $t slipped -etween her s!irt and corset, dipping downwards. (e -rushed his fingers against the s!in where her tail-one met her ass, and she gasped in pleasure as her pussy contracted in response to his touch. (e suddenly grasped the laces that tightened her s!irt around her waist and pulled. .he tension released, and the s!irt slipped from her waist and pooled at her feet, lea*ing her standing -efore him in nothing -ut her corset and heels, at his re7uest, she hadnt worn any underwear. She had assented, thin!ing it a se+y game, ne*er reali8ing that he might e+pose her li!e this. $nstincti*ely, she mo*ed her hands to co*er herself, -ut 4a!e 7uic!ly caught her wrists and drew them -ehind her -ac!, holding them there in one large hand. #<o, su-,' he said in a low, gra*elly tone. #$ li!e to loo! at whats mine.' Mine. .he word made something twinge in her chest. But she was immediately distracted -y his hand -etween her legs, his fingers running up her inner thigh. (e paused -efore he touched her se+, lea*ing her wanting. #%o you want me to touch you, Mallory&' (e as!ed softly. She nodded, panting, holding herself -ac! from -egging.

#$f youre good, $ will.' She loo!ed up at him in dis-elief as he withdrew his hand. (e was smiling down at her coldly, his eyes deep -lue and glinting. #2ie down on the ta-le, Mallory,' he commanded. She hesitated, still in shoc! from his denial. (is smile disappeared, replaced -y a small frown. #$ ga*e you an order, su-.' Mallory warred with herself for a moment. .his imperious treatment grated on her, -ut at the same time, she was desperate for release. She thought a-out touching herself, -ut one loo! at 4a!es hard eyes told her that that was a *ery -ad idea indeed. (e coc!ed an eye-row at her, letting her !now that he was not amused with her hesitation. Euailing under his impatient ga8e, Mallory stepped out of her s!irt and edged around him, approaching the ta-le. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she sat on the edge of it. $t was cold and unyielding -eneath her heated flesh. 4a!es arm hoo!ed under her !nees, lifting her legs and swinging them up onto the wooden surface. .hen his hand was on her shoulder, firmly pushing her down onto her -ac!. (e circled around to the head of the ta-le and too! her left arm, slowly pulling it up o*er her head. .here was something cold and hard encircling her wrist, and there was an audi-le snap as the shac!le closed around it. Mallory shi*ered, and she wasnt sure if it was from the coolness of the metal or her growing fear, she had ne*er -een -ound li!e this -efore. 4a!e did the same to her right wrist -efore securing her an!les. $nstincti*ely, she pulled at her restraints, testing them. .he unyielding metal -it into her delicate s!in, a harsh reminder of her helplessness. Mallory was feeling light"headed, o*erwhelmed -y what was happening to her.

#Breathe, Mallory,' 4a!e reminded her. She gasped in a shallow -reath, una-le to draw in much air -ecause of the tightness of her corset. She heard the heels of his -oots clic!ing on the mar-le floor as he wal!ed around her. (is ga8e was impassi*e as she watched him warily. (e disappeared from her line of sight as he wal!ed around the head of the ta-le. She craned her head to loo! -ac! at him. #1yes forward, su-,' he said in a clipped tone. (er head snapped -ac! so that she was staring at the ceiling. .he clic!ing of his -oots seemed e*en louder as he wal!ed around -ehind her, the sound her only means of trac!ing his location. Suddenly, he was looming o*er her, grinning. (er -reathing turned fast and hard when she saw what he was holding in his hand6 one of the white tapered candles that illuminated the room. (is e+pression softened as he noticed her alarm. (e reached out and gently traced the line of her chee!-one and jaw with his long fingers. #$m not going to harm you, Mallory,' he assured her. #=ou trust me, dont you&' (e as!ed again, reminding her that she had already admitted as much. She ga*e a jer!y nod, not trusting herself to spea!. #<ow,' he said, a -it clinically, #there will -e pain, Mallory, -ut $ !now you can ta!e it. )se your safe word if it -ecomes too much.' She rela+ed a modicum as he reminded her of her out, that she ultimately held all the power here in that she could stop their play at any time. .hen he held the candle aloft, directly o*er her chest. Mallory gulped as he paused, the anticipation of pain tying her stomach in !nots. .hen he tilted the taper slowly. She could see the -ead of wa+ dangle on the edge for a moment -efore dripping down, dropping faster than she could see.

Mallory hissed in a -reath as the hot wa+ left a little -urning circle on the top of her right -reast. But then the heat san! into her s!in, shooting down through her to warm her se+. .he intense need that she had felt when 4a!e had teased her a few minutes -efore surged -ac! to the fore, her nipples hardening and her clit thro--ing. .he -urning sensation on her -reast had -arely receded when another hot drop landed on her chest. She should ha*e -een ready for it, -ut it was just as shoc!ing as the first time. (er need impossi-ly increased. She loo!ed up at 4a!e, wide"eyed. (e was studying her chest li!e an artist would study his painting, completely focused on what he was doing. (e tilted the candle more sharply, mo*ing it as he did so. (alf a do8en drops fell onto her -reasts in 7uic! succession, the -urning ma!ing her eyes roll -ac! in her head as she was assailed -y the pleasure that accompanied the pain. .here was a pause, and then Mallorys eyes snapped open and she cried out as heat flashed on her left thigh. She jer!ed in surprise and was rewarded -y her cuffs -iting into her an!les. 4a!e loo!ed at her sternly. #%ont mo*e, or this may land somewhere *ery unpleasant.' Mallory gulped, thin!ing of the -urning wa+ hitting her sensiti*e se+. She didnt thin! she could handle that. 3athering her willpower, she forced her -ody to remain still as the ne+t hot drop fell onto her right thigh. 4a!e continued at a slow, torturous pace, as drip -y drip he painted her with the hot wa+, mo*ing incrementally closer to her pussy with e*ery drop. $t was e*erything she could do to stop from s7uirming. #:lease, Sir,' she -egged. #:lease, no more.' (e smiled down at her, staring into her eyes as he tilted the candle. (eat seared her sensiti*e s!in just a-o*e her clit. Mallory screamed in shoc!.

nd then his hand was at her clit, finally, finally touching her. .he relati*e coolness of his hand soothed away the -urning of the wa+, -ut his touch sto!ed the fire that had -een growing within her all e*ening. (e del*ed one thic! finger inside of her, !eeping his thum- on her clit. :umping in and out of her, he hit her g"spot as his thum- traced circles around her hardened -ud. .he -la8e inside her turned to a conflagration, utterly consuming her as she cried out her orgasm. 4a!e continued to stro!e her as she rode it out, her -ody 7ui*ering around him as she came. 9inally, she went limp, her eyes closed. She had ne*er felt so completely sated in her life.

Chapter 3 Mallory opened her eyes, -lin!ing, when she heard the clan!ing of the metal cuffs as 4a!e released her from her -onds. She pulled her wrists down to her chest, ru--ing at the red lines that the metal had left around them. /nce her an!les were free, 4a!e too! her hands in his, pulling her to a sitting position. (e tenderly tuc!ed -ac! a stray loc! of hair that had fallen from her ela-orate up"do as she had thrashed around during her orgasm. She was grinning up at him li!e a fool, still feeling high from the -liss that had soared through her. #1njoyed that, did we&' (e was smiling -ac! at her, e7ually as -roadly. Mallory nodded, almost shyly. $t was a strange transition to go from -eing with the detached, dominant 4a!e to the sweet, caring one. $t put her off"-alance, -ut she had to admit to herself that she was coming to li!e -oth sides of him. She had -een scared of the hot wa+, of -eing restrained, -ut she had ta!en a leap of faith, putting her trust in him. nd it had -een a-solutely ama8ing. May-e there really was something to B%SM after all. $t was more than just -eing tied up and fuc!ed, it was a power"play, a deep emotional connection as you surrendered to someone completely. #3ood,' 4a!e grinned. #So did $.' Mallory !new that 4a!e had felt the same connection to her as she did to him, although in a different way. (e had -een so focused on her as they had played, as though nothing in the world e+isted -ut her, as though he li*ed for her reactions to his ministrations. her. nd the world had melted away for her as well, all of her senses honing in on him, on what he was doing to

4a!e released her hands from his grip, turning from her. She felt a slight sense of loss as he -ent to retrie*e her s!irt from the floor. #5ome on. 2ets get you dressed,' he said. Mallory loo!ed down at herself and saw the thic! white drops of wa+ co*ering her chest, the little splashes of it dotting the -ust of her corset, and the splatters of it on her upper thighs. #(ow am $ going to get this off&' She as!ed him. She reached up to scrape some of it off with her fingernails. #=oure not,' he said simply, gripping her wrist -efore she could touch the wa+. #0hat&' She gaped at him. (e was -ac! in her personal space, trailing his fingers o*er the -u--les of wa+ on her -reasts. #=ou wouldnt as! an artist to destroy his painting, would you&' (e as!ed. #$ li!e how this loo!s.' (e grinned wolfishly. # nd so will e*eryone else.' So e*eryone would !now what they had -een doing in here& Mallory had -een glad of the pri*acy of the room, -ut now he wanted to ta!e her in pu-lic li!e this& She flushed as she reali8ed that people in the main room had pro-a-ly heard her screaming. She glared at 4a!e, -ut his own ga8e had turned stony, unyielding. 9inally, Mallory capitulated with a sigh, electing to say nothing at all. (opping down off of the ta-le, she stepped into her s!irt and allowed 4a!e to help her tie it in place. She -arely had time to compose herself -efore he was pushing the curtain aside, pulling her -ac! into the room full of mas!ed per*s. $ell, Im one of them now, I guess, she thought ruefully. She tried her -est to ignore how the hardened wa+ pulled slightly on her s!in as she mo*ed, a physical reminder of what 4a!e had done to her. $mpossi-ly, she was feeling aroused again, -ut although she found the

em-arrassment secretly thrilling, her ner*es were getting jittery again now that they were -ac! in the crowd. #%o you want some more champagne&' 4a!e as!ed !indly. #=es, please,' she gratefully accepted. But there were no longer any waiters circulating the room with drin!s trays. 4a!e placed a finger under her chin, lifting her face so that her eyes met his. #$m going to go find us some drin!s. 0ill you -e o!ay here for a few minutes&' Mallory wanted to go with him, -ut she didnt want to seem li!e some needy child who had to -e monitored at all times. So she schooled her face to an impassi*e e+pression and nodded that she would -e fine. She felt a pang of panic as he wal!ed away, -ut pride made her stay put. (o*ering at the edge of the room, she tried her -est for nonchalance. #So you enjoy wa+ play, then&' Mallory jumped at the sudden pro+imity of a deep, $rish"accented *oice. She turned and found herself staring up into a pair of cold -lac! eyes, which were peering out at her through a frowning -lac! mas! that co*ered the mans entire face. $t was the horned man that she had noticed when she had first arri*ed. She too! a step -ac!, unner*ed -y his closeness. #)m,' she -egan dum-ly, reali8ing that a long moment had passed without her answering. #$ts o!ay.' .he cold eyes crin!led in amusement. #$d say you li!e it more than just @o!ay judging -y your screaming.' Mallorys face turned -eet red, and this time there was no twinge in her se+ accompanying her em-arrassment, she just felt disconcerted. She tried to peer around the towering man. $here is #ake% She wondered, an+ious for him to return. She had no idea how she was supposed to act around this man. 0hat were the social rules at this !ind of party&

.he horned man too! a step toward her, and she too! an in*oluntary step -ac!, her -ac! -umping up against the curtained wall -ehind her. #.his is -eautiful wor!,' he said admiringly, gesturing at the wa+ that was splattered across her -reasts. (e reached out to -rush his glo*ed hand o*er it. /!ay, rules or no rules, in no scenario was it alright with Mallory for someone to touch her without her consent. She slapped his hand away with her own. #1+cuse me,' she said coldly, mo*ing to step around him. Strong hands were gripping her shoulders, restraining her, pinning her to the wall. Mallorys eyes widened in shoc!. Surely this wasnt accepta-le -eha*ior& .his man was a complete stranger; 4ust -ecause she had come to this party as 4a!es su-missi*e didnt mean that just anyone could manhandle her. (is touch made her s!in crawl. #2et me go,' she forced her *oice to remain carefully controlled, not wanting to -etray her fear. 0here was 4a!e& (e should -e -ac! -y now. #=oure a fiery one, arent you lass&' (e said condescendingly. (is amused tone was much li!e 4a!es when he toyed with her, -ut there was no rush of warmth to her se+ this time, the mans words just left Mallory feeling cold. #$ll show you fiery if you dont let me go,' she snapped at him, her hac!les rising. /ne of his hands left her shoulder to grip her jaw tightly, using almost -ruising force. Mallorys eyes watered from the pain. #%ont worry, little one,' he said sil!ily. #$ll -e a-le to ta!e you in hand.' Mallory was close to panic!ing now. 4a!e didnt seem to -e coming to her rescue, and this guy was hurting her.

#.a!e this, asshole,' she hissed as she -rought up her !nee as sharply as she could. lthough her s!irts encum-ered her, she managed to get a good shot in. .he man cursed, releasing her instantly as he dropped to his !nees. She dodged around him, -ut his hands grasped at her full s!irt. #=ou -itch,' he snarled. She lashed out, her high heel connecting with his doughy gut. him -efore he could gra- her again. (er eyes 7uic!ly ro*ed o*er the crowd, searching for 4a!e. (er molester was cursing so loudly that he was drawing attention. :eople were staring at her, judging her. 0anting nothing more than to get out of there, Mallory -egan sho*ing her way through the crowd, heading for the e+it. 9inally, she -urst through the dou-le doors and into the foyer, closing them sharply -ehind her and leaning on them for support. #0hat are you doing out here&' s!ed a hard, cold *oice. ll of the

wind rushed out of him as he dou-led o*er, releasing her. She darted away from

Aelief washed o*er Mallory as she loo!ed up. #4a!e;' She sighed in relief, mo*ing towards him. But he stepped -ac! from her. She met his eyes, and they were cold and for-idding. #%ont try to play me, Mallory,' he said harshly. #$ saw you in there.' $hat% 0as he mad that she had gi*en that asshole what he deser*ed& #4a!e,' she -egan tentati*ely, worried that she had em-arrassed him. #$m sorry if $"' #Sorry for what, Mallory&' (e as!ed acer-ically, his eyes flashing with anger and something else that was harder to define. 0as it -etrayal& #9or using me for my money or for -eing a slut&'

Mallory gasped, the word hitting her li!e a slap to the face. (urt came -efore anger did. #0hat are you tal!ing a-out&' (er *oice 7ua*ered. #$ saw you with him, Mallory.' (is stare was glacial, wrapping ice around her heart. #=ou loo!ed *ery co8y together. So why dont we stop this charade now -efore you em-arrass yourself any further&' <ow Mallorys anger -u--led up at the injustice of his assumption. #Cozy%"' She had to stop herself from shrie!ing. #%id you not see me nail the -astard in the -alls for touching me&' .he lines of anger on 4a!es face ga*e way to surprise. #0hat&' (e as!ed faintly. /h, now Mallory was really pissed. #=ou left me alone to -e molested -y a random stranger, and youre angry with me&; $ dont !now what !ind of world you li*e in, 4a!e, -ut where $ come from what he was doing is not considered consensual.' #Mallory, $"' #=ou what&' She cut him off, seething. # re you going to call me a s"slut again&' She stum-led o*er the word. #/r accuse me of -eing a gold"digger& Might $ remind you that $ didnt e*en want to come on this trip. -ecoming pretty clear that $ should ha*e trusted my instincts.' She was furious at how unfair he was -eing. /!oiled little rich boy. #=oure always as!ing me to trust you. But you clearly dont trust me. (ell, you clearly dont e*en respect me.' #$m so sorry, Mallory,' he -egan, ta!ing a step towards her. But she drew -ac! from him as though he were ad*ancing on her with a sword. #Stay away from me, 4a!e,' she hissed. nd now its

But he didnt stop until she was trapped -etween his -ody and the doors -ehind her, -loc!ing her in just as the horned man had done. She had had it with men pushing her around. nd she definitely wasnt going to stand for anyone touching her without her permission again. Aiding her anger li!e a wa*e, she drew her hand -ac! and crac!ed it hard against 4a!es chee!. (er palm stung from the impact. (e reeled -ac! from her, his eyes wide with shoc!. #%ont touch me, 4a!e 5leary,' she said acidly. #1*er. gain.'

9ighting -ac! tears, she darted around him and flung open the door that opened onto the canal. gondola was waiting, and she jumped into it.

#Mallory, wait;' 4a!e was standing in the doorway, a dar!, masculine silhouette lit from -ehind -y the warm yellow light of the grand old -uilding. Mallory hoped that the dar!ness o-scured the glistening of the tears on her face. #2ea*e me alone, 4a!e. $m going home. %ont call me. $ ne*er want to see you again.' She tried her -est for a snappish tone, -ut e*en in her own ears her *oice sounded misera-le.

The End For Now

Bound Book 4 of Captured by the Billionaire Julia Sykes 2012

Chapter 1 $t had -een one wee! since Mallory had run away from 4a!e, fleeing Cenice. /ne misera-le wee!. She had returned to their hotel alone, hastily pac!ing her -ag -efore 4a!e could catch up with her and stop her. 0ith difficulty, she had unlaced herself from her corset and scraped the wa+ off her chest and thighs with her fingernails, turning her pale s!in red. s she was half"running through the entranceway, the concierge had stopped her, telling her that a first class tic!et -ac! to 5harleston had -een reser*ed for her. :art of her was pissed, not wanting to accept anything else from 4a!e, he had accused her of -eing a #gold"digger,' after all. But she reluctantly accepted, !nowing that her -an! account couldnt fund a last"minute flight. nd now she was -ac! at her hum-le apartment, moping. dream. t times she

thought of their time together in Cenice and wondered if it had all -een a surreal nd she wished it had -een a dream. .hen 4a!e 5leary wouldnt -e real, and he wouldnt ha*e hurt her with his harsh words. 4old'digger. /lut. Mallory tried to sha!e off the insults that were -urned into her -rain. She !new that she should -e happy, ecstatic e*en, after months of agoni8ing waiting, she had -een offered a teaching jo- at a prestigious prep school just outside of 5harleston. .he pay was good, and she was thrilled to ha*e something producti*e to loo! forward to in a months time when term started.

/nly she wasnt *ery thrilled. $n the free time that she had -efore her jostarted, she had had nothing to occupy her thoughts -ut 4a!e6 his gorgeous, easy smile, the fa-ulous se+, his arrogance, and his insults. (er emotions were tangled when it came to thin!ing a-out him. /ne moment she would yearn for his company, and the ne+t anger would -oil up in her. But the worst was when tears pric!ed at the corners of her eyes. t those times, her fury would -e directed at herself, angry that she was allowing him to affect her so deeply. .hey had only !nown each other for a few days, for gods sa!e. .wo days after she had arri*ed -ac! at home, Sally called her in a panic, worried -ecause she hadnt gotten in touch after the four days that she had said she would spend in Cenice. Mallory assured her that she was o!ay, -ut her *oice had -een hollow, dejected. (er friend had come o*er to her place immediately, demanding to !now what was wrong. She pulled the truth from Mallory -it -y -it, until she found herself shamefully so--ing on her friends shoulder, her heart twisting painfully at the loss, at 4a!es -etrayal. But now she was done crying, she told herself sternly. She had almost -ro!en down when 4a!e had called her the first time. <ot recogni8ing his num-er, she had answered. s soon as he said her name, her heart leapt, -ut she had hung up on him -efore his rich, deep *oice could pull her in. (e had called her e*ery day since then, -ut she refused to answer, deleting his messages immediately, she couldnt handle hearing his *oice without ripping the wound -ac! open again. .oday Sally had ta!en her to Mar-le Stone 5reamery, her fa*orite ice cream place. Mallory hated that she was falling -ac! on the old clich? of eating ice cream when she was depressed o*er a man, -ut at this point she was -eyond caring. .hey didnt lea*e until she had polished off an entire e+tra"large chocolate peanut -utter e+plosion.

But as she stepped outside of the creamery, she spotted a slee! -lac! 4aguar waiting -y the cur-. sharply"dressed man was standing formally -eside the -ac! door. Mallorys stomach dropped as he approached her. #Miss 0illiams&' (e as!ed. #=es&' (er answer was 7uestioning. #0ould you come with me please.' his answer was a statement. Mallory crossed her arms o*er her chest. #$d rather not.' She !new whose car that was, and she !new where it would ta!e her. #$ would ad*ise that you come along,' he said, more insistently. #$*e -een instructed to tail you where*er you go until you agree to come with me.' Mallory was angry, -ut she couldnt help the flutter that stirred in her loins. 0amn dominant asshole, she thought, annoyed at her reaction. 5I always get what I want, Mallory.6 (adnt he told her that se*eral times& She ga*e an e+asperated sigh. #$ guess $ dont really ha*e much of a choice then, do $&' .he man ga*e her a solemn loo!. #<o maam.' Mallory loo!ed -ac! at Sally. #0ell, apparently $m -eing !idnapped. $ll call you later.' Sally narrowed her eyes at the man. #=ou had -etter,' she replied, a threat in her tone. .he dri*er opened the -ac! door for Mallory, and she reluctantly slid onto the leather seat. s they dro*e through downtown 5harleston, her ner*es -ecame more and more frayed. She didnt !now if she could handle seeing 4a!e again, she lthough it was worded as a 7uestion,

was worried that she would dissol*e into a puddle of tears as soon as she laid eyes on him. .a!ing se*eral deep -reaths, she clung tightly to her anger to hold the tears at -ay. 0hen the car stopped fifteen agoni8ingly long minutes later, Mallory was surprised to find that they were par!ed in front of a huge office -uilding, all -loc!y lines and large windows that gleamed in the sun. She had -een -racing herself for the long ride to 4a!es mansion, -ut apparently he was at wor!. Mallory felt a pang as she remem-ered his hurt loo! when she accused him of ne*er wor!ing, it seemed he hadnt -een lying a-out the time he spent at the office. .he dri*er opened her door for her and too! her hand, helping her step out of the car. As if I couldnt manage on my own, she thought scathingly. But refusing his hand would ha*e -een rude, so she too! it, her lips pressed firmly together to hold -ac! her retort. #.his way please, Miss 0illiams.' Aeleasing her hand, he wal!ed toward the entrance to the -uilding, and she followed him in when the glass doors slid open to admit them. Moments later, she was in the ele*ator, where the dri*er had pressed the -utton for the top floor. .he ele*ator finally stopped with a pinging noise, and Mallory stepped out. .here was a large, cur*ed des! -efore her with a pretty redhead sitting -ehind it. Another hot em!loyee, she thought disparagingly. .he woman ga*e her a smile and gestured down the long hallway. #=ou can go right in, Miss 0illiams.' 3od, did e*eryone !now who she was& (ad 4a!e circulated her picture to his staff or something& She wouldnt put it past him to ha*e had people spying on her.

.he dri*er followed her down the hall, gi*ing the impression of politely escorting her, -ut she thought of him as more of a guard, ma!ing sure that the prisoner didnt escape. Mallory forced her hea*ing chest to still as her guard opened the door to 4a!es office. (e was sitting -ehind his des!, his fingers pressed together as though praying. She couldnt help -eing stunned -y how handsome he was, she had forgotten the effect he had on her. But there were lines of an+iety around his mouth and dar! circles under his eyes. (is usually perfect hair was a -it un!empt, as though he had -een running his hands through it fre7uently in frustration. Mallory couldnt help softening towards him as she reali8ed his o-*ious distress. No, she told herself firmly. #ake Cleary is an entitled asshole who +ust sent a lackey to fetch you like his dry cleaning. #(ello, Mallory.' (is *oice was tired, -ut there was a small smile playing around his mouth, and the lines of an+iety eased, as though her mere presence was melting his dar! mood. Mallory felt an answering loosening of the tension within her, not e*en reali8ing that she had held it until it was released. But she forced her *oice to hone to sharpness. #0hat do you want, 4a!e&' (is face fell slightly at her tone. #$ ha*e to tal! to you, Mallory. .o e+plain.' #0hat is there to e+plain&' She snapped. #=ou accused me of using you for your money and called me a slut.' She spat the last word out, flinging it at him li!e a dagger. (e winced, and she felt a moment of triumph, !nowing that she had hurt him as he had hurt her. But the *ictory felt hollow, wrong somehow.

#=ou ha*e to let me ma!e this right, Mallory. :lease.' (is *oice was strained on the last word. Mallory was sure that he rarely -egged for anything. $t was possi-le that he ne*er had. 0ith a resigned sigh, she plopped down in the cushioned leather seat opposite from him. #.hen tal!,' she said in a clipped tone. 4a!e closed his eyes and too! a deep -reath, as though -racing himself. 0hen he opened them, they were full of pain. #$*e ne*er told anyone a-out this Mallory, you ha*e to understand that. But please, gi*e me time and hear me out.' She nodded curtly, wanting him to get on with it and get it o*er with so that she could lea*e. was a woman, 4ennifer, who $ dated a few years ago. She was my first and only lo*e. She was sweet, gentle, o-edient.' (is eyes flashed to Mallory, -arely concealing his longing. #$ thought she was perfect in e*ery way.' (is face twisted into an anguished frown. #$ ga*e her e*erything6 money, jewels. 0e tra*elled the world together. $ was going to as! her to marry me. #2ittle did $ !now that her> appetites were more *oracious than $ reali8ed,' he continued. #She would ha*e dar! -ruises on her s!in days after we had played, -ut she claimed that she mar!ed up easily. $ was so -linded -y my feelings for her that $ -elie*ed her.' (is face shifted into a mas! of anger. #But then one day $ came home early from a -usiness trip, and $ found them. .hey were together, in our house6 4ennifer and the sadist.' (e suddenly loo!ed weary, sad, clearly still wounded -y the memories. #0hen $ confronted her, she tried to apologi8e, saying that it was the first time that

she had -een with him. $ forga*e her, and $ tried to -e rougher with her, to gi*e her what she wanted. But it went against my nature.' (is eyes were shining. 0ere those tears& Mallory had ne*er seen him so raw. She felt herself softening towards him as she witnessed his grief. #But then her friend 5eleste came to me,' he trudged on. #She said that she was -eing crushed -y the weight of her secret, and she confessed that 4ennifer had -een seeing the sadist since -efore we e*en started dating. She had ne*er -ro!en off the relationship, -ut she had -een using me for my money. She had -een lying to me the whole time, had played me for the fool. $ !ic!ed her out of my life and ha*e ne*er -een with a woman for more than one night since then. #)ntil $ met you, Mallory,' he was loo!ing at her with a fierce hunger in his eyes, mingled with an intense yearning. #My harsh words werent meant for you, they were meant for her.' $t all made sense to Mallory now6 he had lashed out in Cenice -ecause seeing her with the horned man had -rought his feelings of -etrayal -ac! to the fore. (is calling her a gold"digger and a slut had -een a reaction to his old wound -eing ripped -ac! open. 1specially since he had opened himself up to Mallory, showing her glimpses of his *ulnera-ility. nd apparently he hadnt allowed himself to do that in the years since 4ennifer had -ro!en his heart. Mallory felt a sudden surge of hatred toward the faceless -itch who had hurt 4a!e, she had scarred him so deeply that he was scared of true intimacy. Mallory met his eyes and was caught up in their multifaceted -eauty, all royal -lue with hints of dar!est green. #$ forgi*e you, 4a!e,' she said softly. (e *isi-ly sagged in relief at her words. .hen he straightened, mo*ing around his des! so 7uic!ly that she gasped in shoc! as he too! her -y the shoulders and lifted her up. (is arms gripped her waist tightly, clinging onto her as if she

were the only real thing in the world. (e too! her mouth fiercely, as though he could -rand her with his !iss. 0hen he finally pulled -ac! from her, his eyes were shining. #.han! you, Mallory.' She was sure that he had ne*er said that to a su-missi*e in his life.

Chapter 2 (alf an hour later, Mallory found herself riding in the -ac! of 4a!es 4aguar again, pulling down the long dri*e leading to his plantation house. (e sat as closely -eside her as possi-le, occasionally leaning in for a sweet !iss, as though he couldnt help himself. $f she had found the house stunning in the dar!ness of the e*ening, it was nothing short of -reathta!ing in the daylight. .here were light"pin! a8aleas interspersed with gardenia -ushes lining the house on either side of the semi" circular porch. (uge oa! trees shaded the manor, pro*iding relief from the South 5arolina summer heat, and two massi*e 5arolina :almetto trees -oo!ended either side of 4a!es sprawling home. .he entire picture was one of classic elegance. Mallory lo*ed it, especially considering her passion for history. She didnt e*en reali8e that she was -eaming, her earlier anger at 4a!e forgotten as she too! in the idyllic -eauty of the grounds. (e grinned -ac! at her, and, holding her hand, he led her into the house. .hey wal!ed down a long, high" ceilinged hallway -efore clim-ing the stairs that Mallory had first tread when she had -een led to 4a!es office, where they had shared their first !iss. (er heart ga*e a little leap at the memory of his strong hands on her, his mouth hot and demanding, her first taste of his dominant nature. fter clim-ing two flights of stairs, 4a!e paused in front of a closed door crafted of dar!ly polished wood. #$ ha*e something $ want to show you, Mallory. Something that $ thin! youll li!e, if you gi*e it a chance,' he said in a low, gra*elly tone.

#0hat is it&' She as!ed suspiciously, the -eginnings of ner*ousness stirring in her -elly. #$ ta!e it that means you want me to show you&' (e as!ed, grinning. She rolled her eyes at him. #=es, $ -elie*e that was implied -y my 7uestion.' (e suddenly gripped her hair at the nape of her nec!, jer!ing her head -ac! roughly so that she was forced to loo! up into his eyes. #0hat ha*e $ told you a-out rolling your eyes at me, su-&' (is *oice was dangerous, his eyes that deep -lue that told her his %ominant side was ta!ing o*er. #Sorry,' she said, dropping her eyes. (e tugged on her hair harder, sending tingles down her spine as he -rought her wide"eyed ga8e -ac! to his hard one. #(ow are you to address me, su-&' #Sorry, Sir,' she whispered, o*erwhelmed -y his dominant aura. (e smiled softly, running the pad of his thum- o*er her lower lip, applying pressure. She opened for him, and he slid it inside her mouth. She suc!ed on it gently, swirling her tongue around it, gra8ing it with her teeth. #3ood girl,' he murmured, his pleasure at her response o-*ious. (er pussy clenched at the diminuti*e phrase. fter a moment, he pulled his hand away and released his grip on her hair, lea*ing her wanting. .hen he was opening the door, leading her -y the hand into the dim room. 9or a moment, she could see nothing, -ut then 4a!e flipped a switch, flooding the room with a reddish light. Mallory couldnt help -ut gasp. 3rey stone walls matched the slate tiled floor, gi*ing the room a sense of rough se*erity. Strangely"shaped furniture was crafted of -lac!"painted metal topped with red leather. .here was a huge, four"poster !ing"si8e -ed with red

*el*et drapes pushed up along one wall and a large, -lac!"painted wooden F in the corner -eside it. Mallory could hardly -elie*e what she was seeing, she was standing in a dungeon. $ho has one of these in their house% She wondered, her feeling of -emusement more comforta-le to contemplate than her ner*ousness. #ake Cleary, 0ominant se,y billionaire. .f course he has one. (ow silly of her to e*en -e remotely surprised. 4a!e too! her gently -y the shoulders, loo!ing down at her. .here was a furrow of concern in his -row, his eyes apprehensi*e. # re you alright, Mallory&' (e as!ed. #$ !now this is pro-a-ly all a -it o*erwhelming.' #4ust a -it,' she said faintly. She didnt e*en !now what most of the furniture in the room was meant to -e used for, -ut she could figure out the -asics -ased on the restraints on each piece. (ell, e*en the -ed had leather cuffs chained to the posts. 4a!e tenderly tuc!ed a stray loc! of hair -ehind her ear. #$d li!e to play with you, Mallory. $f youre willing.' (is eyes were an+ious, -elying his otherwise cool demeanor, her answer was clearly of the upmost importance to him. She considered for a moment. =es, the room was scary, -ut it was nothing compared to her fear of the crowds at the fetish -all in Cenice. nd she couldnt deny that the fear of the un!nown was> enticing, erotic. She shot a ner*ous loo! around the room one more time. Swallowing against the dryness in her throat, she gathered up her courage. #=es, 4a!e,' she said finally. #$m willing.' (e ga*e a low, satisfied growl and instantly crushed his lips to hers, !issing her in a fren8y, as though she were a drug that he couldnt help -ut consume. <e*er ta!ing his mouth from hers, he pushed her -ac!wards until her -ac! hit the hard

stone wall. .he roughness of it gra8ed her s!in lightly, -ringing all of her ner*e endings to life. 4a!e sho*ed her dress up roughly, pulling it o*er her head. She was left in nothing -ut her s!impy panties and her low heels, which she 7uic!ly !ic!ed off. .here was something distinctly arousing a-out -eing na!ed while 4a!e was fully clothed in his sharply cut suit. .he im-alance of his power and her *ulnera-ility sent a pleasura-le shi*er down her spine. 4a!es hand was -etween her thighs, cupping her se+ roughly, possessi*ely. 0hen he pulled -ac! from her lips he was -reathing hard, his eyes -oring into hers. #.ell me you need me, Mallory,' he demanded, gripping her pussy more tightly. But his e+pression -etrayed his an+iousness for her answer. She thought a-out Cenice, how he had demanded her trust -ut hadnt trusted her in return. #$ need to hear you say it first,' she -reathed. She met his eyes warily, worried that she had treaded into territory that he wasnt ready for. (is eyes widened, surprised at her ultimatum. (e clearly wasnt used to a su-missi*e challenging him. But finally, loo!ing more apprehensi*e than e*er, he spo!e6 #$ need you, Mallory.' (is *oice was rough, strained. She smiled up at him, relie*ed to hear the words. #$ need you too, Sir,' she admitted. (e loo!ed stunned. (e traced his thum- gently o*er her chee!-one, staring at her in wonder, as though he could hardly -elie*e she was real. #$ want to e+plore your pain tolerance today, Mallory,' he said softly, as though he didnt want to spoo! her. # re you alright with that&'

Mallory remem-ered the span!ing that 4a!e had gi*en her in their hotel room in Cenice, her first taste of B%SM. She lic!ed her lips in*oluntarily and nodded. 4a!e ga*e her a slightly cold, hard smile, the green fading from his eyes, gi*ing way to dar!, sapphire -lue. .he change -rought out a *isceral reaction in her. But his hands were gentle as they closed around her wrists, leading her to the center of the room until they were standing -eside one of the strange pieces of furniture. #.his,' 4a!e e+plained in a detached *oice, #is a span!ing -ench.' (e suddenly gra--ed her waist and positioned her where he wanted her, lifting her up until her !nees rested on two padded e+tensions jutting out a few feet -elow the larger rectangular surface. (e a-ruptly sho*ed her -ac! -etween her shoulder -lades, !noc!ing her forward so that she fell onto it, the wind momentarily !noc!ed out of her. .a!ing ad*antage of her moment of disorientation, he gra--ed her wrist and pulled it in front of her, swiftly -uc!ling a soft leather restraint around it. #(ey;' she cried automatically in her shoc!. (e made a gra- from her other wrist, -ut she pulled it out of his reach. #Mallory.' (e said sharply. #%ont resist me or this will go -adly for you. .his can -e either a reward or a punishment. =ou decide. <ow.' She 7uelled under his hard stare, which was full of disappointment. (is disappro*al swayed her more effecti*ely than his harsh words, and she mee!ly held out her wrist for him. #3ood girl,' he rewarded, gently stro!ing the inside of her wrist -efore -uc!ling the cuff around it. Aefle+i*ely, Mallory ga*e her arms a little tug, -ut they -arely -udged, she was effecti*ely trapped, -reasts pressed almost painfully into the padded leather and ass flagrantly e+posed. She felt her chee!s and her se+ heating at the same time.

4a!e left her for a moment, wal!ing -ehind her, out of her sight. She heard a drawer opening and closing, and then his footsteps were approaching her once again. (e stared down into her eyes for a moment, drawing out the tension, -efore pulling something from -ehind his -ac!, dangling it in front of her face. Mallorys -reath hitched at the sight of it. #%o you !now what this is, Mallory&' (e as!ed. She may ne*er ha*e seen one in person, -ut she wasnt completely naG*e. #9logger,' she forced out the word -etween rapid, shallow -reaths. # re you frightened&' (e sounded only mildly curious, as though her fear made no difference to him one way or the other, he was still going to do whate*er he wanted to her. clench in need. #<o,' she lied. 4a!e gripped her hair, pulling her head -ac! to an almost painful degree. #%ont lie to me, su-. nd address me properly. re you frightened&' nd there was nothing that she could do to stop him. She tugged again at her restraints, and her ina-ility to shrin! away from him only made her se+

#=es, Sir,' she gasped, her throat constricted. (e released her hair immediately, and her head fell forward, her chee! coming to rest against the -ench. 4a!e stepped out of her line of sight again, stopping to stand just -ehind her. She lay there, panting for a moment, tensing as she anticipated the pain. (er only warning was a whooshing sound as the tails of the flogger sang through the air -efore slapping down on her upper -ac!. .he length of them thudded on her s!in -efore drawing -ac!wards, lea*ing a stinging line on her -ac!. Before she could process the pain, it came -ac! down on her, falling diagonally

across where the first -low had struc!, forming a wide, stinging F shape. Mallory hissed in pain, -ut she tried her -est to a-sor- it. .he thudding hits continued. lthough they increased in intensity, her s!in -egan to -ecome desensiti8ed, and the -lows -ecame less painful, lea*ing only a glowing warmth on her -ac!. But then 4a!e shifted the angle of the flogger, only allowing the tips of the tails to lash against her. .he sting dou-led in intensity, -ringing -ac! the pain and ma!ing her cry out in shoc!. .he F pattern of hits tra*elled down her -ac!, !issing the s!in that hadnt yet -ecome desensiti8ed. Mallory understood then that 4a!e had just -een warming up, allowing her to -ecome accustomed to the lash. But now he was testing her, seeing how much she could ta!e. She was determined to meet his challenge, and she gritted her teeth against the cries that threatened to escape her with e*ery -low. 4a!e must ha*e noticed her resistance, for he seemed determined to -rea! it, to force her to yield to him. .he tips of the floggers tails suddenly came down on her where the cur*e of her ass met her thighs. Mallory had no idea how sensiti*e her s!in was there until the first hit landed. (er cry was so loud it was nearly a scream. She heard 4a!e chuc!le in satisfaction at her capitulation. (e ga*e her one more there, reinforcing his dominance o*er her -ody and mind. She let out an in*oluntary so-, and she considered using her safe word. But 4a!e was totally attuned to her reactions, and he immediately ga*e her a reprie*e, mo*ing the flogger -ac! to her ass chee!s rather than her tender thighs. .he hits continued in a steady rhythm now, lulling her with their hypnotic consistency. .he pain was fading, gi*ing way to pleasure as each -low sent a rush of heat shooting to her pussy. (er eyes rolled -ac! in her head in -liss, riding the high as the pleasure spread from her se+ to her mind, causing her thoughts to disappear, all contemplation of resistance lea*ing her. .here was only 4a!e and the erotic sensations per*ading her -ody.

(er cries had ceased and her -reathing had turned deep and e*en. Mallory was so caught up in her world of -liss that she -arely noticed when the -lows stopped. She felt her panties -eing pulled down her thighs, fully e+posing her se+. 4a!e grunted, and she was suddenly speared -y his coc!. (er eyes popped open in surprise at the intrusion, -ut her shoc! 7uic!ly faded as she was drowned in -liss when he hit her g"spot. (er orgasm roc!ed through her, the pleasure that had -een -uilding in her e+ploding outward. 4a!e leaned forward and gra--ed her hair, twisting the length of it around his hand, pulling her head -ac! roughly as he rode her. (is hand crac!ed down on her ass as he too! her hard and fast. (is pace increased as his coc! fully hardened within her. $t twitched as he spilled his seed into her with a howl of pleasure. #Mallory;' (e groaned her name as he came. (e collapsed atop her, -reathing hard and stro!ing her hair. #3ood girl,' he -reathed out as he gasped to catch his -reath. Mallory glowed at the words, not at all demeaned -y them.

Chapter 3 .he rest of Mallorys wee! passed -y in a ha8e of -liss. She was coming to lo*e 4a!es !in!y dungeon, where they had played e*ery night after he finished wor!. (e wanted to spend e*ery minute of the day with her, -ut Mallory insisted that he attend to his wor!. s she got to !now him -etter, she reali8ed that he lo*ed what he did. 5leary 5orporation dominated the oil mar!et, and at first Mallory imagined 4a!e to -e an e*il tycoon for -eing in the oil -usiness. But apparently a large sector of their -usiness funded research for clean energy, trying to -e the cutting edge leader in the new industry when oil ine*ita-ly fell into disuse. 9urthermore, 4a!e was personally responsi-le for se*eral philanthropic projects around the world. Mallory was thrilled to learn that a large part of these charita-le funds went towards -uilding schools in third world countries, something that she cared a-out deeply. 0hen her !een interest -ecame apparent, 4a!e promised to ta!e her to (aiti to *isit the schools there. (e was o-*iously pleased at her e+citement, as well as surprised that she didnt insist on going somewhere la*ish li!e :aris instead. .he more time that they spent together, the more Mallory saw the real 4a!e, and the less often his coc!y mas! appeared. She hoped that the memories of his e+, 4ennifer, were fading as he got to !now her. lthough they had only !nown each other for a short time, when she loo!ed into his eyes it was clear that he cared a-out her as deeply as she cared for him. She reali8ed that her initial assessment of him as an entitled douche-ag couldnt -e further from the truth, he was sweet, caring, and charita-le. nd dominant in the -edroom.

Mallorys nipples hardened just thin!ing a-out their se+ual encounters. e*ery command as he s!illfully manipulated her -ody, perfectly in tune with her needs.

much as she tried to challenge him at e*ery turn, she found herself gi*ing way to his

But then 9riday morning came, and 4a!e said something that filled her with terror unli!e any fear she e*er e+perienced in his dungeon6 #0ere hosting a -all tonight,' he said casually o*er -rea!fast. #$ want you to -e my date.' Mallory almost cho!ed on her eggs. #0hat !ind of -all&' She as!ed warily after she finished coughing. She !new that she wasnt ready to handle another fetish -all, not after what had happened in Cenice. shudder ran through her as nd 4a!es she remem-ered the horned man trapping her, ma!ing her s!in crawl.

anger, his -etrayal. She so wasnt ready to go through anything li!e that again. 1specially not when e*erything was going so perfectly -etween them now. 4a!e too! her hand in his reassuringly, tracing little circular patterns on her palm, calming her. #$ts a -enefit -all, to raise money for new te+t-oo!s in the schools we*e -uilt in frica. $ arranged it -ecause $ thought it would ma!e you happy.' Mallorys jaw dropped. (e had put together a swan!y -all just to please her& Some men ga*e you flowers, 4a!e 5leary ga*e you your dreams. But her stomach was still twisting uncomforta-ly. .he last time she had -een to a -all at 4a!es house, she had -een ser*ing champagne to the elegant guests. She had -een ner*ous enough then, she could hardly imagine how uncomforta-le she would -e at such a glit8y function. (er parents had taught her good manners, -ut she was sure she would stic! out li!e a sore thum- amongst the refined elite at the soir?e.

4a!e was loo!ing at her an+iously, clearly disconcerted -y her pause. #Mallory& re you o!ay&' (e as!ed, his -row furrowed. #$ can call it off if you dont want it.' #<o;' Mallory assured him 7uic!ly. #<o, $ dont want you to do that. $ts just> $m ner*ous, 4a!e,' she admitted, her chee!s coloring. (e ga*e her hand a little s7uee8e. #.heres no need to -e ner*ous, Mallory,' he told her earnestly. #1*eryone will lo*e you. 0ho could help it&' Mallory had to stifle a little gasp. (ad he just insinuated what she thought he had& 0as he falling for her as hard as she was falling for him& She almost didnt dare thin! it. $hoa, girl, youre getting way ahead of yourself. 0hat, would she -e planning their wedding ne+t& /nly cra8y girls planned their weddings after !nowing a guy for a wee!. And Im not crazy, she assured herself. #/f course $ll come,' she said after a pregnant pause. 4a!e grinned. #1+cellent. My mother will -e thrilled to meet you.' Mallorys stomach dropped. .hat e*ening, Mallory was in 4a!es la*ish -edroom, and he was watching her put on her ma!eup in the mirror. #=ou dont need that, you !now,' he told her earnestly from where he sat on his enormous -ed. Mallory rolled her eyes at him -efore she could stop herself. #%ont thin! $ didnt see that, su-,' he warned. # nd dont thin! that $ll forget a-out it, either. =oull pay later.' (e loo!ed far too pleased at the prospect. #/h, darn,' she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes again, goading him. .o -e honest, she loo!ed forward to a good -eating now.

4a!e just ga*e her a sly smile. #/h, little su-, you are playing with fire. =ou ha*ent had a real punishment yet. $ enjoy discipline, -ut $ dont thin! you will li!e it all that much, if you enjoy it, then $m not doing it right.' Mallory swallowed at his predatory ga8e, and she dropped her own eyes. #Sorry, Sir,' she mum-led. 4a!e was suddenly -ehind her where she sat in a chair -efore the *anity. (e placed -oth hands on either side of her jaw, forcing her head up so that she met his eye in the mirror. #=oure forgi*en,' he said. #But dont thin! that half"assed apology gets you off the hoo!. $m going to thoroughly enjoy this e*ening.' (is grin was wolfish, and she shi*ered. (is thum-s gently -rushed her chee!s, his e+pression softening. #$ got you something to wear tonight.' Mallory stiffened. #=ou already -ought me this dress, 4a!e. $ really cant accept any other gifts.' .he dress truly was -eautiful, a slin!y sil! num-er the deep -lue color of 4a!es eyes, with a plunging nec!line. $t was draped gracefully in the -ac!, re*ealing her entire upper -ac!. 4a!e just cluc!ed his tongue at her. # nd what ma!es you thin! that your acceptance is up for de-ate& $ want you to wear this, Mallory, and $ wont permit your refusal, if $ ha*e to tie you down and force it upon you, $ will.' She shuddered pleasura-ly at the thought, -ut if he followed through on his threat her ela-orate up"do would -e ruined. .rying for petulance, she sighed. #9ine,' she said resignedly. #3ood girl,' he grinned. t first, Mallory hadnt -een sure a-out their %Hs

relationship -leeding o*er into their li*es outside the -edroom. But she supposed they were in the -edroom right now, so it was o!ay. So long as he didnt call her #su-' in front of his mother, she would -e alright.

t the thought of his mother, -utterflies -eat against her ri-cage. But her ner*ousness was completely -lown away -y shoc! when 4a!e re*ealed his gift. $t was a platinum nec!lace, meant to sit high up around her nec!. $t was co*ered in diamonds interspersed with sapphires, and it dripped down elegantly to come to a point in the hollow -etween her collar-ones, where a final large diamond was set into the precious metal. #4a!e,' she -reathed. #.his is too much. $ cant accept it.' #=ou can and you will,' he said firmly as he clipped the clasp together at her nape. (e touched his fingers to the front of her nec!, running them down from -eneath her chin to the top of the nec!lace. 0hen his eyes met hers in the mirror, they were a deep, dominant -lue. #)ntil we get you a real collar,' he said, an edge of longing in his hard *oice. Mallory shi*ered. collar& She was so not ready for that. She wasnt sure

that she would e*er -e ready for that. But she didnt want to hurt 4a!e -y refusing, so she !ept silent. $nstead, she said, #than! you,' in a small *oice. #$ts -eautiful.' 4a!e -eamed at her acceptance. #=oure welcome, Mallory.' She was relie*ed that he had said her name rather than #su-.' She wasnt ready for ta!ing that step, she wasnt sure that she would e*er -e comforta-le with the idea of -eing owned -y someone else, e*en if it was 4a!e. Sha!ing off her disconcerting thoughts, she painted on a smile as 4a!e too! her arm, ready to lead her downstairs, where she could already hear music playing. She tried to force the !nots in her stomach to loosen, -ut it seemed she was fighting a losing -attle. (er ner*ousness only ratcheted up a few notches when they entered the -allroom, where they were immediately greeted -y an elegantly dressed, older

woman. (er sil*er hair was cut in a simple -o-, and her -one structure was refined. (er -rown eyes were warm as she held out her arms to greet Mallory. #Mallory, this is my mother,' 4a!e introduced. #Mother, this is Mallory 0illiams.' Mallory aw!wardly leaned in as his mother !issed her on -oth chee!s. #$ts wonderful to meet you, Miss 0illiams,' she said. really meant it. #:lease, call me Mallory, Mrs. 5leary,' she said, feeling more at ease. # nd you must call me Susan, dear.' Mallory smiled, warming to the older woman already. #4a!e tells me that youre going to start teaching (istory this 9all,' she said, clearly interested rather than just ma!ing small tal!. #$*e always lo*ed the su-ject myself. $t was what drew me to this old plantation. $t too! some doing, -ut $ finally con*inced 4a!es father to mo*e South with me.' Mallory -eamed, recogni8ing a !indred spirit. #$m glad you li!e it down here,' she said. #My family has -een here fore*er. $ a-solutely adore 5harleston.' 4ust then, a man and woman approached them. (e was young and handsome, his -londe hair carefully coifed, as impecca-le as his tailored tu+. Mallory recogni8ed the woman -eside him. $t was the -itchy platinum -londe who had -een so rude to her when she had spilled champagne all o*er 4a!e at their first fateful meeting. She clearly recogni8ed Mallory as well, and she was loo!ing at her as though she was something unpleasant stuc! to the -ottom of her shoe. 4a!e seemed completely o-li*ious to the glacial stare that the -itch was shooting her way, proceeding with introductions. #Mallory, this is 4ohn %u:ree and his sister, 5eleste.' nd it sounded as though she

Mallorys eyes widened slightly. 0as this the same 5eleste who had -een 4ennifers friend, who had told 4a!e of his lo*es -etrayal& $t wasnt e+actly a common name, it had to -e the same woman. 9inally releasing Mallory from her disdainful stare, 5eleste -eamed at 4a!e, all sugar sweet and innocent. Conniving bitch. #4a!e, $ hate to pull you away,' 4ohn said, #-ut $ dont want to -ore the ladies with -usiness tal!.' (e shot a 7uestioning loo! at Mallory and Susan. #%o you mind if $ steal him for a moment&' (e as!ed politely. Mrs. 5leary wa*ed him away. #/f course not, dear.' 4a!e ga*e Mallory an apologetic loo! as he followed 4ohn out of the -allroom for a pri*ate con*ersation. Susan turned -ac! to Mallory. #4a!e spea!s *ery highly of you,' she said. Mallory felt her chee!s go pin! e*en as she saw 5eleste shoot her a strangely smug loo! out of the corner of her eye. #.han! you,' she murmured, her eyes dropping in em-arrassment. Susan leaned into Mallory confidentially. #$m glad he has someone li!e you around, dear. .his -enefit was an a-solutely wonderful idea.' #/h,' Mallory -egan, not wanting to ta!e credit for 4a!e throwing an e+pensi*e party. #.his was all 4a!es idea.' Susan patted her arm. #But he did it -ecause of you, honey. $ thin! youll -e a good influence on him.' .hen she withdrew from her suddenly, her eyes focusing on something -eyond Mallory. She ga*e a little wa*e. #/h,' she said, #there are the Madisons. $

should go greet them.' She focused on Mallory again. #$ hope to see a lot more of you, dear.' with 5eleste. She loo!ed -ac! at the woman and was surprised to find her smiling sweetly. #0ould you mind if we tal!&' She as!ed. #4ust us girls&' Mallory eyed her suspiciously, -ut she !new it would -e rude to decline. nd she didnt want to em-arrass 4a!e -y insulting one of his guests. #Sure,' she said, allowing 5eleste to guide her to a 7uiet corner. s soon as they were isolated from the rest of the party, the -itch was -ac!, an e*il smile playing around her full red lips. #$ ha*e something that you might -e *ery interested in,' she said imperiously. Mallory eyed her warily, not sure what her game was. #/h&' She as!ed simply. 5eleste was outright grinning now. #$ ha*e in my possession a rather, ah, compromising little *ideo of you and 4a!e.' ll of the wind was !noc!ed out of Mallory. #0hat&' She as!ed faintly. #$t would -e *ery em-arrassing for him if it were to come out. $magine the scandal. 0hat would his mother say&' 5eleste continued, tutting. # nd what would your little prep school say when they find out what innocent Miss 0illiams gets up to in her spare time&' (er smile was predatory, !nowing that she had Mallory cornered. #$ dont thin! that people would trust their children with a se+ual de*iant.' nd then she was off, clearly 7uite the social -utterfly. Mallory decided that she li!ed her *i*aciousness, e*en though she had just left her alone

Mallory was feeling sic!. (ow had 5eleste possi-ly gotten a tape li!e that& May-e she was lying> But no, 5se,ual deviant,6 she had said. She must !now. But 5eleste couldnt -e doing this just out of spite, could she& 0hat was her endgame& #0hat do you want, 5eleste&' Mallory as!ed, her *oice hollow. 5elestes smile turned saccharine. #9or you to -rea! up with 4a!e 5leary, of course.'

The End For Now

Tested Book 5 of Captured by the Billionaire Julia Sykes 2012

Chapter 1 Mallory tried to swallow down the panic that was rising in her throat. (ow could 5eleste possi-ly ha*e a tape of 4a!e a Mallory together& (ad someone -een spying on them in Cenice& 5eleste was still grinning at her, a sharp edge to her sweet smile. #/f course $ !now a-out 4a!es tendencies,' she gloated. #$ do ha*e first" hand e+perience.' #ake sle!t with this bitch% Mallory was outraged. nd hurt.

5eleste loo!ed at her appraisingly, disdainfully. # lthough $ ha*e no idea what appeal you hold for him. (ow did you con*ince him to ta!e you to Cenice& 9or three nights, no less, he hasnt -een with any of the others for more than one night since my dear friend 4ennifer got dumped.' (er face twisted into a frown, as though she had something sour in her mouth. #May-e he li!es the whole hired help thing, li!e the 9rench maid fetish. .hat would certainly ma!e sense, seeing as he lo*es ma!ing you serve him.' She shot Mallory a contemptuous loo!. (er chee!s flamed red. May-e 5eleste was lying a-out the tape. nasty taste in her mouth just thin!ing a-out them together. # nd how do $ !now that youre telling the truth&' She as!ed challengingly, clinging to mad hope. fter all,

she said she !new a-out 4a!es !in!s. May-e she was in*enting it. Mallory had a

5elestes eyes glinted. #7I need you, /ir. ' She said in a moc!ing tone. #3od, what a cold -itch you are, you gold"digging whore. (ow dare you manipulate him li!e that&' Mallory was appalled. nd furious. She wanted to *indicate herself, to rail

at 5eleste that she wasnt a gold"digger and that her feelings for 4a!e were real. But she !new that her arguments would -e falling on deaf ears. $nstead, she narrowed her eyes at the leering -londe. #$f you thin! that intimidating me will get 4a!e to fall for you, youre mista!en, -itch. $m not going anywhere. 0hen $ tell him a-out this, you are going to -e in deep shit.' 5elestes smile ne*er wa*ered. #But youre not going to tell him. $f you do, $ll release the tape so fast you wont e*en see your world crum-ling down around you until its in ashes.' (er eyes flashed menacingly. # nd -elie*e me, $ll !now if you tell him.' Mallory felt as though 5eleste had wrapped her well"manicured claws around her throat, s7uee8ing, cutting off her air. &ow could she !ossibly know% But she !new the intimate details of her couplings with 4a!e. $f she !new that, surely she would -e pri*y to anything that Mallory said to him. 5eleste leaned in as though to !iss her on the chee!. #2ea*e now,' she whispered, her *oice a purr, #and sa*e him and yourself. $f you dont, $ will ruin you -oth.' nd with that, she turned from Mallory, sauntering -ac! into the crowd with a smir! on her face. Mallory stood there for a moment, fro8en in horror. 3ull it together, she ordered herself. 4et out now. s much as she hated herself for doing it, she !new that she had to do what 5eleste had ordered. (er dreams of -eing a teacher could -e crushed for good if that tape came out. <ot to mention the shame it would -ring on 4a!e. Mallory thought of his mother, who had -een so !ind to her. $n her mind,

Susans easy smile turned to a furious scowl, hatred and contempt for Mallory etched into the lines of her face. Bile was rising in Mallorys throat, -ut she forced her feet to mo*e, her !nees to -end. Scanning the -allroom, she saw that 4a!e was deep in con*ersation with an elegantly dressed couple in the far corner of the room. $f she could just get out without him seeing her> She wal!ed to the e+it as though in a drun!en ha8e, the edges of her *ision -lurring as she fought -ac! tears. (er fingers were trem-ling in shoc! and rage. She paused in the corridor that would lead her out of the house and away from 4a!e. But she couldnt just lea*e him without saying anything. 3athering up her resol*e, she turned to the stairs that lead up to 4a!es office, treading up them as 7uic!ly as she could, she had to get this o*er with as soon as possi-le -efore 4a!e found her and confronted her. She !new that she couldnt -ear to see him without -rea!ing down. 0hen she entered his office, memories assailed her, memories that had once -een pleasant -ut now they caused her nothing -ut pain. She couldnt help pausing to run her fingers o*er the spines of the -oo!s that lined the walls, the ones that had -een !noc!ed to the floor when 4a!e had first thrown her up against them, pulling her in with his demanding !iss. Swiping angrily at the tears streaming down her face, she turned sharply towards the enormous des! in the corner. 0ith sha!ing fingers, she undid the clasp of the gorgeous nec!lace that 4a!e had gi*en her. .here was no way that she could !eep it gi*en what she was a-out to do, !eeping his gift would ma!e it seem li!e she still cared. fter carefully laying the nec!lace on the des!, she -egan ripping open drawers, searching frantically for pen and paper. 0hen she had what she needed, she san! down in 4a!es chair in order to write her good-ye. s she did so, his masculine scent mingled with that of the leather, inundating her mind with

memories of their time in his dungeon, when the same smells per*aded the room, -lending with her own mus!y arousal. Sha!ing herself, she forced pen to paper. (er usually neat handwriting was an untidy scrawl, she could hardly see what she was writing through her tears. #ake, I cant do this anymore. $e dont belong to the same world. 3lease forgive me. She could thin! of nothing else to say, and she had to get going. <ot !nowing what formality to end with " #sincerely' was too cold, -ut #lo*e' would ne*er do I she simply signed her name and then -olted from the room -efore she could tear the note to pieces. She fled down the stairs and darted down the corridor leading out of the house. She was almost at the door when a strong hand on her upper arm stopped her short. #Mallory.' She heard his *oice and couldnt hold -ac! a so-. .here was no way she could handle this. 0ithout loo!ing his way, she tugged at her arm, trying to jer! it out of his grip. But he held her firmly, his fingers tightening to an almost -ruising force. #Mallory&' (is tone was colored with alarm. #0hats wrong&' #2et me go, 4a!e,' she gasped, desperate to escape. (is *oice turned hard, determined. #<o. 2oo! at me, Mallory.' (is tone -roo!ed no argument, and she found her eyes ine+ora-ly rising to meet his. (is ga8e was dar! -lue, flinty. Mallory so--ed as she reali8ed what she was going to ha*e to do6 she was going to ha*e to hurt him. (e would ne*er let her go otherwise.

#.ell me whats wrong, Mallory,' he commanded. #<othing,' she answered automatically, stupidly, delaying the moment she would ha*e to rip his heart out. (is -rows came together, his e+pression hard. #0hat ha*e $ told you a-out lying to me, su-&' (e as!ed softly, dangerously. #$m not your su-missi*e,' she forced out. #$m not yours.' She wanted her *oice to sound harsh, cruel, -ut she just sounded desolate. (e gripped her arm tighter, his e+pression growing angry now. #0hats happened to you, Mallory& .ell me the truth. <ow.' #$ cant do this, 4a!e,' she hea*ed out, close to hyper*entilating. #%ont ma!e me. :lease, just let me go.' (er *oice was soft at the last, pleading. #$m not going to do that, Mallory. $m not going to let you go.' (is *oice softened, turning gentle. #$ need you, Mallory.' Bracing herself, she hurled out the words6 #0ell, $ dont need you;' She would ha*e to -ecome what 5eleste had accused her of -eing if she had any hope of escaping him. 4a!es grip on her arm slac!ened, and he loo!ed as though she had slapped him across the face again. But he did not release her. #$ dont -elie*e that,' he said, his *oice rough. #$*e -een using you, 4a!e;' She insisted. #$m e+actly what you said6 a gold"digger and a s"slut.' But now she was crying harder than e*er. 4a!e grasped her -y her shoulders, sha!ing her. #0hy are you saying this, Mallory&' (e demanded. #0hy& $ !now this isnt you.'

#$...' She hesitated, una-le to -ring herself to say the lie that she !new she would ha*e to tell. #$ dont want to -e your su-missi*e. $t ma!es me feel degraded, its disgusting.' 4a!e shoo! her again. #0hy are you lying to me&' 9rustration made his *oice almost a growl. #9ine;' She e+claimed, hating him for ma!ing her do this to him. 0hy couldnt he just let her go& 5linging to that anger, she stilled her hea*ing chest and said her ne+t words as clearly and as coldly as she could manage. #$m seeing someone else. $ lo*e him. $*e only -een with you -ecause of your money.' 4a!es mouth parted, shoc! etched in e*ery line of his face. (e loo!ed as though he had seen a ghost, as though Mallory were morphing into 4ennifer and he was e+periencing her -etrayal all o*er again. (is hands dropped from Mallorys shoulders, hanging limply at his sides. She couldnt -ear seeing him li!e this, it cut her to the core to see what she had done to him. #4a!e>' She said hesitantly, una-le to stop herself from reaching out for him. (e flinched away from her. #3et out,' he said softly. #3et out of my house. <ow.' Sei8ing the opportunity to flee, Mallory immediately followed his command. She turned on her heel, so--ing as she ran out the door. She flung herself into her car and tore down his long dri*eway. 0hen she reached the highway, she had to pull o*er, too -linded -y her tears to dri*e.

Chapter 2 Mallory didnt sleep that night. She cried for hours until her tears ran try. 4a!es anguished loo! flashed -efore her eyes o*er and o*er again. She closed her eyes as if she could -loc! the image out, -ut then the whole scene would just play out -ehind her eyelids. 5I need you, Mallory,6 he had said. deeply. nd she had thrown it in his face. $t

didnt matter that e*erything she had said was a lie, she had still wounded him nd she would ne*er -e a-le to forgi*e herself for that. (er -lood -oiled as she thought of 5eleste. She would ne*er forgi*e that -itch, either. Mallory wasnt used to -ac!ing down when she was challenged, -ut 5eleste was playing in a whole different league than she e*er had. 0id I do the right thing% She had as!ed herself so many times. But of course she had, there was no other way open to her. May-e she could ha*e let herself -e ruined if it would ha*e sa*ed 4a!e, -ut she couldnt -ear the thought of -ringing shame down on him, of destroying his entire world. (e had wor!ed so hard to earn respect in his company, had wor!ed his way up from nothing at his fathers insistence. $f that tape came out, he would lose e*erything. %awn came, and still Mallory had not slept. (er eyes were puffy from crying, her throat raw from her so-s. .he sun was halfway to its 8enith when she was jer!ed from her -rooding thoughts -y a !noc! at her door. Must be /ally, coming to gush about the s!lendid ball, she thought morosely. She wasnt sure if she could handle seeing her friend right now. /r

anyone for that matter. But if she ignored Sally she would only -adger Mallory with phone calls until she came to answer the door. Aesignedly, Mallory rolled out of -ed with a groan. #5oming;' She called, her *oice raspy from crying. She wrapped her -athro-e around herself and went to open the door. 0hen she did, she fro8e when she saw who was on the other side. 4a!e was standing there, loo!ing lost. (is eyes were as red"rimmed as her own, and his hair was a tousled mess. (e e+tended his hand, and Mallorys eyes widened when she saw what he was holding out to her6 it was the -eautiful diamond and sapphire nec!lace that he had gifted her the night -efore. #0hat&' She said -reathlessly. #4a!e>' 4ust saying his name aloud sent a pang through her heart. But she pressed on. #$ cant accept"' #=oure lying to me, Mallory,' he cut her off, his *oice gruff. #$ !now youre lying to me. 0hat $ want to !now is6 0hy&' (ecause Celeste is a conniving bitch" She wanted to shout it out, to erase the hurt on 4a!es face. But she couldnt, they would -oth -e ruined if she did that. #$m not ly"' #3od damn it, Mallory;' (e half"shouted, his fist tightening around the nec!lace. #Stop lying to me; $ dont !now why youre doing this, -ut $m not lea*ing until you e+plain.' (e was fuming, his nostrils flaring. Mallory wanted to cower in the wa!e of his rage. 3ulping down the lump in her throat, Mallory forced herself to repeat the lie. #$m with someone else, 4a!e. $ was just using you for"' #$f you were just using me, then why would you tell me& 0hy are you so upset a-out lea*ing me& $ts -ecause you ha*e feelings for me. $ !now you do.' (is face turned an+ious, pleading. #$ !now you do,' he murmured.

#<o, 4a!e,' she gasped out. #$ dont. $ dont;' (er *oice was high and panic!y. .here was only so much longer she could !eep up this charade without -rea!ing. 4a!e seemed to sense that he was gaining ground, and he pressed on relentlessly. (e held out the nec!lace, sha!ing it. # nd what !ind of gold"digger lea*es one"hundred"thousand dollars in jewels -ehind&' #4a!e, $>' Mallory was at a loss for words. 0hat could she say to that& #2et me in, Mallory,' 4a!e growled. #<ow.' Aefle+i*ely o-eying his domineering command, Mallory stepped -ac!. 4a!e sho*ed his way through the small opening that she had made, pushing her aside so that he could enter. 0hen he had, he slammed the door -ehind him and loc!ed it, trapping her. (e ad*anced on her, his powerful aura seeming to intensify around him li!e a palpa-le thing. She -ac!ed away, raising her hands as though to defend herself. But he didnt stop until her -ac! was against the wall, his strong arms on either side of her, pinning her in. 4ust his pro+imity made her se+ thro-, despite her distress. 3od, how could she resist him& (is dar! -lue eyes -ored into hers, merciless. #0hy did you lie to me, Mallory& $f you do not answer truthfully things will go *ery -adly for you,' he threatened. #$ cant tell you;' She cried, sha!ing her head *igorously. #$ cant.' (er *oice -ro!e on the last words. #:lease, 4a!e>' #0hat do you mean, you cant&' (e sei8ed on her words, and she !new that he would cling to them tenaciously, ne*er allowing her an out. #0hat happened, Mallory& 0ho has done this to you&'

Mallorys mouth opened -efore she could stop herself, she couldnt -ear this any longer. #5eleste,' she whispered. 4a!es -rows drew down in a frown. #0hat a-out her&' (e as!ed harshly. #She>' Mallory hesitated. But now that she had started, there was no point in stopping, she had already -etrayed -oth of them -y e*en spea!ing the -itchs name. #Shes -lac!mailing me, 4a!e.' (is e+pression turned li*id. #0hat&;' (e demanded furiously. #1+plain. <ow.' (is tone was clipped as he made an o-*ious effort to reign in his anger. But his hands on either side of her had -alled into fists. #She has a tape of us, 4a!e. $ didnt -rea! up with you. > a se+ tape.' She forced herself to continue

as 4a!es face dar!ened e*en further, li*id. #She said she would go pu-lic with it if nd now she will anyway -ecause $*e told you.' (er *oice turned to an anguished whisper. #$m so sorry, 4a!e.' $f she had had any tears left, she would ha*e -een so--ing. <ow she had -etrayed him twice. She pee!ed up at him, -ut his hard eyes had turned soft, the lines of his face easing. (e wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a tight hug. .he feeling of his strong arms around her was undenia-ly comforting, and she -reathed in his masculine scent with a small sigh of pleasure. $t felt so right to -e held -y him. (e stro!ed his hand up and down her -ac! tenderly, soothing her. #$ts alright, Mallory.' (is *oice was a deep rum-le, the warmth of it en*eloping her. #0e can get through this. 5eleste wont get away with this, $ll press charges.' #But the tape,' Mallory insisted, pulling -ac! from him. #Shell release it as soon as she finds out that $*e told you.' 4a!e frowned. #But how will she !now&'

#$ ha*e no idea, -ut she said she would.

nd $ -elie*e her, 4a!e. She had

*ideo footage of us together in your house. 0ho !nows where else she might ha*e eyes and ears.' She suddenly loo!ed around herself, getting the creeping feeling that someone was watching her. 0as she e*en safe in her own apartment& 4a!es face turned thunderous. #$f she has sur*eillance inside my house, then $ll find out who put it there. $t must ha*e -een one of the staff.' (is e+pression suddenly cleared as a plan formed in his mind. #$m going home, -ut you ha*e to stay here. $ll call the staff together and get answers, e*en if $ ha*e to ta!e them to the police to -e interrogated. .hat way they wont !now that were -ac! together until $*e already found them out.' #But what if whoe*er it is manages to get in touch with 5eleste& 0hat if she finds out regardless&' 4a!e too! her -y the hands. #.hen shell still go to jail, Mallory. stand -y you, no matter what happens.' #4a!e,' she said softly. #$ cant let this happen to you. :lease>' (e held a finger to her lips. #$ts too late for that Mallory.' (is ga8e turned intense. # nd $ would gladly sacrifice my reputation if thats what it too! to ha*e you.' (er lips parted and her heart s!ipped a -eat. .hat e*ening Mallory found herself sitting in the -ac!seat of 4a!es 4aguar, his dri*er ta!ing her to his plantation house. (e had sounded cruelly satisfied o*er the phone when he told her that someone was coming to pic! her up. Mallory tried to muster up some of her usual resentment for -eing fetched and -rought to 4a!e, -ut she was coming to reali8e that she didnt really mind it all that much. (er impatience with his high"handed ways seemed unfair when she thought of what 4a!e had said to her -efore lea*ing her apartment, if he was willing to sacrifice nd $ll

e*erything he had e*er wor!ed for in order to ha*e her, then she sure as hell could forgi*e him for sending a fancy car to pic! her up. 4a!e was waiting at the front door for her when she arri*ed, -eaming triumphantly. Mallory was -uoyed -y this, -ut she didnt dare hope that e*erything had turned out o!ay. 1specially since 4a!e had made clear his lac! of concern for the outcome of the situation. s soon as Mallory was out of the car, he was on her, literally sweeping her off her feet as he dipped her -ac! for a classic (ollywood !iss. 0hen he finally pulled -ac! from her and helped her stand upright, she was di88y. #0hat was that for&' She as!ed, -reathless -ut grinning li!e a fool. (e held her -y the shoulders and smiled -ac! at her. #1*erything is perfect, Mallory,' he -eamed. #0ere going to -e fine.' #(ow&' Mallory gasped. #0hat happened&' #$ found the hidden camera in the dungeon, so $ rounded up my staff and showed it to them, demanding answers.' (is face dar!ened slightly. #$t was 5harlie, one of the -utlers. (e crac!ed pretty 7uic!ly.' Mallory had no trou-le understanding how 4a!e had intimidated the man into tal!ing with no more than a glare and a few hard words. She had -een on the recei*ing end of it many times herself. # pparently 5eleste has seduced him, poor fool thin!s that she lo*es him.' (is e+pression was a -it pitying. Mallory !new that he understood misguided lo*e. #(es in jail now. $*e pressed charges for -lac!mail.' #But what a-out 5eleste&' Mallory as!ed. #(as she released the tape&'

4a!e smile -roadly. #<ope. .urns out 5harlie had the only copy. 5eleste didnt want to -e a-le to get caught with it red"handed. all the dirty wor!.' nger -loomed within Mallorys chest. #0hat a -itch,' she said under her -reath. 4a!e chuc!led at her. #$ndeed.' #So where is she& $n jail&' Mallory couldnt help -eing a -it *indicti*e. #$ -et orange is so not her color.' (e laughed again. #=es, they arrested her a few hours ago. Shell pro-a-ly get out on -ail, -ut she will definitely pay for what shes done to you.' (is face turned fierce. #$ wont e*er let anyone hurt you, Mallory.' 2oo!ing up into his eyes, Mallory saw the truth of his words, he really would protect her no matter what. #$ !now,' she whispered. (e ga*e her a reprimanding loo!. #<o more lying, then&' #<o, Sir.' 4a!e -eamed. pparently she let him do

Chapter 3 #$ want to show you something, Mallory,' 4a!e told her as he too! her -y the hand. She smir!ed. #.he last time you said that you were a-out to ta!e me into a terrifying, !in!y dungeon. 0hat could it possi-ly -e this time&' She as!ed, moc!" contemplati*e. # n orgy in the attic&' 4a!e laughed, a deep, rich sound that sent tingles from her fingers to her toes. #<ot 7uite,' he grinned roguishly. #But youre on the right trac!.' Mallory paused, suddenly ner*ous, -ut 4a!e didnt stop with her. #=oure not getting out of this one so easily, Mallory.' She was pulled along -y his grip on her hand as he continued steadily forward, insisting that she follow. .hey wal!ed around the -ac! of the house and into the gardens -ehind it, which Mallory had ne*er seen -efore. .hey were a-solutely -reathta!ing. .here were well"manicured camellia -ushes lining a long wal!way that stretched from the -ac! door of the house all the way out to the distant -ay, where there was a large doc!. 9rom this distance, she could just ma!e out a small yacht moored to it. (alfway to the -ay, the garden ended at a -eautiful wrought iron gate that separated it from an open pasture where half a do8en horses were gra8ing. Mallory wanted to stop and drin! it all in, -ut 4a!e !ept up his pace, not allowing her to linger. #=ou can loo! later,' he said with a small smile. #But right now youre coming with me.'

#0here are we going&' She as!ed, curious. #=oull see.' 0amn cry!tic 0om, Mallory thought wryly. But she found out where he was ta!ing her soon enough. .hey *eered off the garden path and wal!ed through a stand of /a! trees into a more shaded area. 0hen they emerged from the trees, they were standing in a hollow with *erdant green grass and a small fish pond. Beside it was a huge, ancient 0illow tree. 4a!e led her towards it and parted the -ranches, pulling her under the leafy canopy with him. .he pliant -ranches fell -ac! into place -ehind them, hiding them from the outside world li!e a glowing green curtain. 4a!e circled -ehind her, as though allowing her a moment to mar*el at the -eauty of where he had -rought her. Suddenly, he jer!ed her arm -ac!, putting her off"-alance. t the same time he !noc!ed his !nee into the -ac! of hers. Before she !new what was happening, she was tum-ling to the ground, the wind whooshing out of her as she hit the soft earth. #(ey;' She cried, -ut 4a!e was already on top of her, his lips on hers, silencing her protests. (is !iss was soft and sweet, contrasting with his ferocity as he tore open her -louse, popping the -uttons off in his haste to remo*e it. s he was un8ipping her jeans, her own hands were fum-ling at his shirt -uttons, -lindly unfastening them as she increased the intensity of the !iss. 0ith a growl, 4a!e pulled away from her, denying her control. (e yan!ed her jeans down her legs, lea*ing her in her -ra and panties. (e was on his !nees, looming o*er her where she lay on her -ac!. .hey stared into one anothers eyes for a moment, 4a!es were completely open to her, e+posing his soul, lea*ing him *ulnera-le. #Mallory,' he said her name li!e a caress. #=ou told me last night that you didnt want to -e my su-missi*e. .hat you

were disgusted -y it. $ !now that the last part is a lie.' (e smiled down at her !nowingly. #But $ need to !now if the first part is true.' (is e+pression so-ered 7uic!ly. #0ill you -e my su-missi*e, Mallory&' (eat flooded Mallorys chee!s as she remem-ered how she had wounded 4a!e with her words. /f course she wasnt disgusted -y what they did together; She had ne*er -een more -lissful in her life. #=es, 4a!e,' she -reathed. #$ will.' (is grin was so wide it was almost -oyish, li!e a !id on 5hristmas morning. #1+cellent,' he -eamed. 0ithout another word, he -ent down and hoo!ed one arm -ehind her -ac! and the other under her !nees. She s7uealed in delight as he lifted her up swiftly, cradling her to his chest and leaning in for a sweet !iss. <e*er letting go of her lips, he stood and -egan wal!ing towards the trun! of the 0illow tree. (e set her down gently on her feet and pressed her -ac! against the tree, the soft -ar! lightly scratching her na!ed flesh. Beeping pressure on her shoulders for a moment, he loo!ed down into her s!y -lue eyes with his sapphire ones. #%ont mo*e,' he ordered. Mallory swallowed and went still as a statue. 4a!e circled around -ehind the tree, and she heard a slight rustling sound as he retrie*ed something that he had hidden there. .hen one of his strong hands was gripping her wrist, pulling it -ehind her so that it wrapped around the 0illow. She felt a rough cord -eing looped o*er her wrist -efore it pulled tight. 4a!e -ound her other wrist with the cord -efore tying them together. She tried pulling at the restraints, testing them, -ut she was trapped, pressed closely to the tree. 4a!e was wal!ing towards her again, meeting her eye as he crossed -ac! into her line of sight. (e was na!ed now, and he was holding a coil of rope in his

hands. $t was clearly connected to her restrained wrists. Spearing her with his intense ga8e, he pulled the rope around her nec!, pressing it lightly on her throat, restricting her airflow. .he utter dominance of it, her complete *ulnera-ility to him, made her !nees go wea!. She could feel herself growing wet as she -ecame lightheaded. She was floating, high on his control. 0hen he released the pressure, Mallory gulped in air, and the rush of o+ygen -ac! to her -rain sent her soaring e*en higher. -ut it was held there loosely now. 0hen 4a!e was standing -efore her once again, she tried to nod her head forward, only to find herself stopped short -y a tightening of the rope around her nec!, he must ha*e tied it off around the tree trun!. a slightly cruel glint in his pleased ga8e. #%o you trust me, su-&' (e as!ed. 0ithout hesitation, Mallory nodded, enjoying the way the roughness of the rope made her ner*e endings jump to life as it gra8ed o*er her s!in. .hen 4a!e reached into his poc!et and pulled out a pair of large sil*er scissors. Mallory -al!ed, feeling a moment of panic. 0as he going to cut her& (e cupped her face with his free hand. #$m not going to hurt you, su-. .rust me.' lthough she was trem-ling, Mallory swallowed and nodded again. She did trust him. )ne7ui*ocally. 4a!e -rought the scissors up slowly, gently pressing the dull length of them to her s!in. She shi*ered at the contact with the cool, smooth metal. (e pulled it across her chest, starting at one collar-one and drawing it towards the other. s Mallory reali8ed her predicament, her pussy swelled and her nipples hardened. 4a!e was smiling at her, s she gasped, 4a!e left her again, seemingly indifferent to her reactions. .he rope remained against her throat,

Mallory let out a little whine, and she wasnt sure if it was from fear or from the growing need inside her. 0hen he reached her shoulder, the -lades eased open, closing around her -ra strap. 0ith a definiti*e snipping sound, 4a!e cut through the elasticated fa-ric. $t parted easily and fell forward, partially re*ealing her left -reast. But 4a!e wasnt distracted. .he scissors were at the other strap, cutting it 7uic!ly. (er -ra was only held on -y the clasps at the -ac! now. But her -ac! was pressed against the tree, 4a!e wouldnt -e a-le to unsnap it. She watched, -arely -reathing, as he snipped the small -it of fa-ric that connected the cups of her -ra together. 0ith a little tug to pull it out from where her -ac! pinned it to the tree, he pulled her ruined -ra free, lea*ing her e+posed. (er nipples were hard -uds, -egging to -e touched. But 4a!e ignored them, drawing the cold, flat -lade of the scissors down her sternum and o*er her -elly. 0hen he reached the top of her panties, he changed his grip so that the point of the -lades scraped gently across her sensiti*e flesh as he mo*ed the scissors to her hip. She shi*ered at the sensation. She was completely at 4a!es mercy, and her pussy was thro--ing at the thought. 0ith a suddenness that shoc!ed her, 4a!e cut away her panties, snipping either side. (e grasped the front of them and pulled them forward roughly. .he feeling of the lace ru--ing o*er her hardened clit as he did so made her cry out in longing. She needed 4a!e to touch her, to -e inside her. #:lease, Sir,' she whispered desperately. 0ith a growl, he was on her, lifting her legs up and wrapping them around his waist as he entered her. Mallory gasped as her -ac! scraped against the tree -ar! when he pushed into her, the two rough sensations ma!ing her eyes roll -ac! in her head as she was o*erwhelmed. 4a!e thrust up into her, jarring her against the tree deliciously each time. She wrapped her legs more tightly around him, needing him closer. (is strong arms held her up as he fuc!ed her hard, ma!ing her feel helpless against his

onslaught, his power. She could feel him hardening inside her, close to coming. She was on the precipice as well, and he pushed her o*er it. (e grasped the rope on one side of her throat and pulled, restricting her air. Bliss soared through her again as her primal reaction to su-mit was -rought to the fore, she completely surrendered to 4a!e in that moment, gi*ing him e*erything. She e+ploded around him, letting out a strangled cry. (e grunted as he came with her, calling her name as he finished. s they -oth came down from their high, 4a!e released the tension of the rope against Mallorys throat. (e carefully unwrapped her legs from around him and helped her stand. managed. Aather than ta!ing the time to untie the ropes, 4a!e retrie*ed the scissors from the ground and cut through them. s soon as she was free, Mallory san! to her !nees as they ga*e out -eneath her. 4a!e was at her side immediately, easing her onto her -ac! so that she lay on the cushion of the springy grass -eneath them. (e sat -ehind her and rested her head in his lap, stro!ing her hair -ac! from her forehead as she continued to enjoy the floaty feeling in her head. (e was loo!ing down at her intensely. #Mallory,' he said her name after a long moment. #(mmm&' She answered *aguely. (is eyes were suddenly *ulnera-le again. #0ould you let me collar you&' #0hat&' She as!ed faintly. #$ts not meant to -e demeaning,' he said 7uic!ly. #$ts a sym-ol of our commitment. $t means that youre mine.' (is words were laced with longing. lthough they could -arely support her, she somehow

Mallory wanted so -adly to say yes, to ease his worry. Mine. .he word sounded nice, it thrilled her that 4a!e thought of her in that way. But this was all mo*ing *ery 7uic!ly, wasnt it& $n the wa!e of her pause, 4a!e rushed to e+plain himself. #$ts just> fter almost losing you> $ cant>' (is usual composure was crum-ling. Mallory couldnt -ear to see him falling apart li!e this. #4a!e,' she said softly, gently cutting him off. #$ dont want to lose you either.' She too! a deep -reath, !nowing that she was a-out to hurt him -ut ha*ing no other answer. #But $ dont thin! $m ready for that. <ot yet,' she added, hoping to soften the -low. But inside she still didnt thin! that she would e*er -e o!ay with the idea of someone owning her. #/h,' he said simply. .hen his walls were coming -ac! up, the coc!y mas! slipping -ac! into place for the first time since they had left Cenice. Mallory hated seeing it again, -ut she understood. $t was his defense mechanism, and he needed it right now. Still, !nowing that didnt stop the pain she felt at hurting him. #0ell, then,' the coc!y 4a!e ga*e an easy smile. #2et me show you more of my fa-ulous home.' Mallory loo!ed around at her ruined clothes that were strewn around them. #But what am $ going to wear&' She as!ed. (is grin was wolfish. #$f youre good, $ might gi*e you a change of clothes.' Mallory couldnt help scowling up at him. /to! mo!ing" Mallory ordered herself as she moped around her apartment. $t had only -een two days since 4a!e left on his -usiness trip, -ut it felt more li!e a wee!. nd she wasnt comforta-le with how they had parted. 4a!e was clearly still

sha!en -y her refusal of his offer to collar her. But Mallory couldnt commit to something li!e that when she wasnt sure, it wasnt fair to either of them. (e had called her twice since he had -een gone, -ut their con*ersations had -een mundane and -rief. Mallory was terrified that she had dri*en a permanent wedge -etween them -y turning him down. 5ould they e*er mo*e past this& She decided that she was going to tal! it out with him, to e+plain her feelings. (e was coming -ac! into town tonight, and she wanted to ha*e the con*ersation in person. $t might -e a -it difficult, -ut she couldnt -ear the disconnect that she felt -etween them now. (er heart leapt as her phone rang, and she 7uic!ly fished it out of her purse, an+ious to hear 4a!es *oice. But when she saw the caller $%, she frowned. #Bloc!ed num-er.' She decided to let it go to *oicemail. $t was pro-a-ly a solicitation call. .he call ended, -ut then the phone started ringing again immediately. #Bloc!ed num-er.' May-e it was just acting weird -ecause 4a!e was calling from an international num-er& But no, he was supposed to -e arri*ing -ac! in 5harleston in a few hours, he had to -e in the air right now. %id he ha*e a phone on his jet& Mallory rolled her eyes at herself. .f course he has a !hone on his +et. $hat doesnt he have% She answered 7uic!ly -efore the call could end. #(ello&' #$s this Mallory 0illiams&' .he *oice was deep and distorted, li!e in mo*ies when -ad guys used *oice modifiers to disguise themsel*es. #0ho is this&' She as!ed, her *oice suddenly high and ner*ous. .his had to -e a pran! or something. But how did they !now her name&

.he *oice didnt answer her 7uestion. #Bring me fi*e"hundred"thousand dollars, or 4a!e 5leary dies.' Mallorys hands went num-, and the phone almost slipped from her fingers. #0hat&' She as!ed faintly. #Bring me the money, or $ll !ill him,' the *oice said simply. Mallory was trem-ling. .his couldnt -e real, couldnt -e happening. #(ow do $ !now youre for real&' She as!ed, trying to ma!e her tone hard, -ut it was still high"pitched, terrified. .hen she heard 4a!es *oice in the -ac!ground, and her -lood went cold. #Mallory,' he groaned her name.

The End For Now

Collared Book 6 of Captured by the Billionaire Julia Sykes 2012

Chapter 1 Mallorys -lood turned to ice at the sound of 4a!es *oice calling out her name. (er legs no longer a-le to support her, she san! down onto her couch. #Miss 0illiams&' .he unnaturally deep, distorted *oice harshly called her -ac! to attention. #%o you understand& $ will not hesitate to !ill him if you dont -ring me the money within the ne+t hour.' #:lease,' Mallorys *oice was strained. #$ dont ha*e that !ind of money.' 0hat was she going to do& #.hen youll ha*e to figure something out,' the *oice said pitilessly. #$m te+ting you directions to his location. 5ome alone, or we !ill him anyway.' #:lease,' Mallory forced out, her tone strangled. #$ll get you whate*er you want. 4ust dont hurt him.' #.hat is entirely up to you, Miss 0illiams.' .he phone went dead. Mallory was sha!ing so hard that the phone slipped from her fingers and clattered to the floor. $t -eeped three times, letting her !now that she had a te+t. She reached down with trem-ling fingers and scooped it up. directions to where she was supposed to go. (er first instinct was to get help, to call the police. But no, they had told her to come alone. She swallowed down the fear rising in her throat. She couldnt ris! 4a!e. s promised, the !idnappers had sent her

$t wouldnt ta!e more than twenty minutes to reach his location. .hat ga*e her just under forty minutes to come up with fi*e"hundred thousand dollars. mad giggle escaped her. $t might as well ha*e -een fi*e"hundred million, she had just o*er one thousand dollars in her -an! account. She ra!ed her fingers through her hair in frustration. $hat am I going to do% She wondered frantically, wrac!ing her -rain for a solution. .hen it came to her6 the diamond and sapphire nec!lace that 4a!e had gi*en her. (e had said it was worth one"hundred thousand dollars. $t was only a fifth of what the !idnappers as!ed. 5ould she -luff her way through it& (ow would they !now its actual *alue& Mallory had ne*er -een a good liar, -ut she didnt ha*e a choice. $t was her -est chance. But the nec!lace was at 4a!es house, and that was twenty minutes away. She didnt ha*e much time. 3ull it together" Mallory commanded herself sternly. She willed her legs to cease their trem-ling and forced herself to her feet. drenaline was pumping through her *eins now, gi*ing her strength. She had to mo*e faster. 3ra--ing her !eys from the hoo! at her front door, she dashed out of her house and flung herself into her old 5orolla. She pushed it to its limits as she sped towards 4a!es house, praying that she didnt get stopped for speeding. By some miracle, she found herself tearing down his dri*eway fifteen minutes later. But she couldnt allow the staff to see her upset, they would !now that something was up. She forced herself to ease her foot -ac! off the gas pedal, nearing the manor at a more normal pace. Breathing deeply through her nose, she struggled to slow her shallow, panic!ed -reaths. Still, she couldnt help half" jogging to the front door. .he wait -etween her ringing the -ell and the -utler arri*ing at the door seemed to ta!e a lifetime. 0hen he finally opened it for her, she tried her -est to seem casual.

#0ont 4a!e -e home soon&' She as!ed. #=es,' the li*eried man answered. #(e should -e -ac! in an hour or so. =oure more than welcome to wait for him.' .han! god her presence didnt raise any suspicion, she had spent enough time here that it didnt seem odd for her to -e at the house when 4a!e was out. She stepped o*er the threshold when the man opened the door and 7uic!ly made her way to 4a!es -edroom, hoping that he had stored the nec!lace there. 9linging the door open, she -egan unceremoniously ripping open drawers, throwing out their contents as the frantically searched. 9rustrated tears welled in her eyes as she reali8ed she had torn through e*ery drawer in the room to no a*ail. 4er!ing her fingers through her hair, she loo!ed around wildly. .hen she spotted it6 a large, lidded -o+ crafted of cherry wood sitting atop 4a!es chest of drawers. (er heart san! when she saw that there was a loc! on it. She *ainly tried to pry it open, -rea!ing her nails as she scra--led at the tiny crac! -etween the -ase and the lid. 9inally, with a so- of frustration, she flung the -o+ at the wall. $t dented the wooden panels on impact, -ut there was a crunching sound that accompanied the loud -ang when it hit the wall. Mallory dropped to her !nees and let out a so- of relief when she saw something glinting -rightly, the -o+ had -ro!en open. :ic!ing it up, she threw it down to smash it against the floor, and it -ro!e open. She scooped up the spar!ling nec!lace and sho*ed it into her purse. .hen she fled the room, ta!ing the stairs two at a time as she headed for the corridor that would lead her out of the house. She chec!ed her watch, she only had twenty"fi*e minutes to get to 4a!e. Struggling to still her hea*ing chest, she headed for the door as slowly as she could force herself to. .he -utler loo!ed at her 7ui88ically as she neared the e+it. #Miss 0illiams&' (e as!ed.

Mallory turned, not !nowing what to say. #)m>' She -egan. #$ forgot something at my house.' She didnt ha*e time for this con*ersation; (er car would -arely ma!e it to 4a!e in time. n idea sprang to mind. #%o you thin! $ could -orrow the 4aguar&' She as!ed 7uic!ly. .he -utlers eye-rows rose. #$ can get .homas to dri*e"' (e -egan, -ut Mallory cut him off. #$d really li!e to ta!e it out myself. $m sure 4a!e wouldnt mind.' She had no idea if 4a!e would mind under normal circumstances, -ut considering their predicament, she was sure that he wouldnt -e too mad. .he man seemed torn, not wanting to deny her, -ut clearly worried that he would get in trou-le for it. 9inally, he sighed. #$ll get you the !eys.' Aelief washed o*er Mallory, and she found herself impatiently -ouncing in on the -alls of her feet once he left to get the !eys for her. s soon as they were in her hands, she said a 7uic!, #than! you,' and was out the door. She half"ran to the old carriage house that ser*ed as 4a!es garage. 0hen she was finally in the dri*ers seat, she cran!ed the ignition, the car letting out a satisfying roar as it came to life. nd then she was tearing down the dri*e again, headed for the highway. She tried her -est to swallow her panic down as she raced towards 4a!e, slowing only when she glanced at the directions that the !idnappers had sent her. I dont know what Ill do if anything ha!!ens to him, she thought desperately. I cant let anything ha!!en to him. $n that moment, she reali8ed the depth of her feelings for 4a!e. I love him, she thought in wonder. She had ne*er really -een in lo*e -efore him. (e had opened a whole new world to her, and her life was -etter for ha*ing him in it, she

couldnt imagine her life without him now. She was wrac!ed -y guilt as she thought of how she had hurt him the last time she had seen him, refusing his offer to collar her. But now she would do anything to erase what she had done. She hadnt wanted to -e owned, -ut now she saw that 4a!e already possessed her heart. nd why was she reali8ing this just now, when it might -e too late& 0hat if the !idnappers had already !illed him& 0hat if they reali8ed that the nec!lace wasnt worth what she claimed it was& But there was nothing else she could do, she couldnt a-andon 4a!e. She !new that a part of her would die along with him. 9ollowing the directions that had -een te+ted to her, Mallory pulled off of the highway onto an old dirt road that was -arely discerni-le. She plowed ahead regardless. Someone had clearly already dri*en through here, -rea!ing through the -rush that would ha*e otherwise destroyed the 4ag. few miles later, she arri*ed at an old shac!, a moonshine distillery that had clearly -een a-andoned for some time. .he sun"-leached grey wood was rotted, and the tin roof was rusted a reddish"-rown color. Mallory shi*ered as it reminded her of dried -lood. %ar! was falling now, and she had to pic! her way carefully through the -rush that had grown up around the -uilding. Suddenly, a strong arm sna!ed around her waist, pulling her -ac! up against a hard torso. Mallorys scream cut through the silence of the wood. .here was something cold and sharp at her throat. #<o one can hear you, -itch,' said a soft, cold *oice in her ear. (er heart was in her throat, -eating wildly. #:lease,' she whispered. #$ ha*e your money. :lease let 4a!e go.' But the man just chuc!led, his -reath hot on her nec!. .he !nife mo*ed away from her *ulnera-le throat. But Mallory didnt ha*e time to -reathe a sigh of relief, it had only -een mo*ed to press against her ri-s. She was trem-ling now.

#Mo*e,' the *oice commanded, increasing the pressure of the !nife.

in*oluntary whine escaped Mallory as terror washed o*er her. She did as he -ade her, mo*ing slowly as the man !ept a grip on her shoulder while he prodded her forward, his restraining hand !eeping her from running. 0hen they reached the door to the shac!, he called out6 #$*e got her. /pen up.' .he door crea!ed open, and Mallory gasped when she saw who was standing in the threshold. #3ot you, -itch,' 5eleste smiled triumphantly.

Chapter 2 Mallory was shoc!ed, dum-struc!. 5eleste stepped out of the way, and the man prodded her forward into the shac!, the tip of the !nife pressing through her thin dress, cutting shallowly into her s!in. She hissed in pain and 7uic!ly wal!ed through the door. (e guided her to a rusty metal chair in the center of the otherwise empty room and sho*ed her roughly down onto it. She hea*ed a sigh of relief as the !nife was drawn away from her, -ut the man had only released her momentarily. (is hands were around her arms, jer!ing them -ehind her and securing her wrists together with a ca-le tie. (e pulled it so tightly that the hard plastic -it into her s!in. She winced, -ut didnt allow herself to ma!e any other show of discomfort, she wouldnt gi*e 5eleste the satisfaction. .he -itch was loo!ing down at her now, her face twisted into a leer. #0heres 4a!e&' Mallory as!ed, suddenly panic!ing as she reali8ed that he was nowhere in sight. #0hat ha*e you done to him&' She felt sic! as a series of gruesome images flashed -efore her eyes, images of 4a!e, -ro!en and dead. <o, they couldnt ha*e !illed him, she had -rought them the ransom within the timeframe that they had demanded. #$ -rought you what you as!ed for,' she said desperately. #:lease. 0here*er he is, let him go.' 5eleste laughed, a cold, cutting sound. #=ou really arent the sharpest tool in the shed, are you& (onestly, $ dont !now what he sees in you.' #0here is he&' Mallory demanded, trying to match 5elestes cold tone.

#(es pro-a-ly just landing at 5harleston airport,' she answered coolly. #=oure lying to me,' Mallory insisted. #$ heard him.' 5elestes smile widened. #%id you now& %id it sound something li!e this&' She pulled something small and -lac! from her jeans poc!et and pressed a -utton on the side. #Mallory;' 4a!es *oice groaned. #$ts from the tape, you stupid -itch,' 5eleste e+plained, gloating. #/f course $ had a -ac!up. %id you really -elie*e that $ would ha*e gi*en the only copy to 5harlie here&' Mallory was stunned, at a loss for words. 3od, she really was an idiot. She had wal!ed right into 5elestes clawed clutches. (er chee!s heated in shame and anger, and she pulled at her restraints. She was only rewarded -y the -ite of the plastic as it tore her delicate s!in. #So what is it that you want, 5eleste&' She spat out. #%o you thin! that getting rid of me would possi-ly ma!e 4a!e fall for you& $ !now you want him, you gold"digging whore.' 5eleste mo*ed so 7uic!ly that her arm was a -lur. (er hand crac!ed across Mallorys face, her long nails ra!ing across her s!in. She felt the s!in tear on the inside of her chee! and tasted -lood. (er head spun so hard that she felt sic! for a moment. #(ow dare you&;' 5eleste as!ed angrily. #0e -oth !now that youre the money"gru--ing slut here, waitress;' She pinched the -ridge of her nose and closed her eyes, ma!ing a *isi-le effort to calm herself. 0hen she opened them again, she was glaring at Mallory. #But now than!s to you $ll ne*er ha*e him. So $ll ha*e to settle for his money. $m going to get rich and then get so far away from here that theyll ne*er find me. <o way am $ going to jail.'

Mallory -reathed a small sigh of relief. May-e 5eleste would just ta!e the nec!lace and let her go. #$ -rought your money, if thats what it you want. $ts in my purse.' 5eleste raised an eye-row. # nd where did you come up with fi*e"hundred thousand dollars&' She as!ed e*en as she rummaged through Mallorys purse, which was still strapped o*er her shoulder. Mallory wanted to reach out and slap her across the face, to wipe that smug smile away, -ut her restraints stopped her short. (er hands curled to fists, her nails digging into her palms. 5elestes eyes widened when she pulled the nec!lace out of the -ag, and she lifted it up to the light of the spare -ul- hanging from the ceiling. She eyed it co*etously as it spar!led, throwing -ac! little stars onto her face where the diamonds reflected the light. #0ell, this is a pleasant surprise,' she -reathed. She loo!ed up at 5harlie, who was staring at her illuminated *isage li!e she was the most -eautiful thing in the world. #(elp me put it on, dear&' She as!ed, her tone sweet -ut her eyes cold. (e rushed to comply, his fingers lingering at her nec! as he clasped it at her nape. Mallorys -lood -oiled at the sight of it on 5eleste, she wanted to strangle the -itch with it. 58ntil we get you a real collar,6 4a!e had said. $t was more than just a pretty piece of jewelry, it was a sym-ol of his affection for her. Mallory yearned to ha*e it -ac!. But she -it her tongue and schooled her features to an unconcerned mas!. <o way was she going to gi*e 5eleste the pleasure of seeing her upset. .he -londe ran her long"nailed fingers o*er the jewels. #.han!s,' she gloated. #But $ want a tad -it more than this pri8e.' She turned her attention -ac! to 5harlie. #(e should -e -ac! -y now. $ thin! its time to call 4a!e.' Smiling, she ad*anced on Mallory. 0hen she had reached her, she gripped her hair at her scalp and wrenched her head -ac!. #$ thin! we need to add a touch

of drama to this. (e may care for you, -ut how much are you worth to him, waitress& =oure going to -eg for him to sa*e you,' she whispered e*illy. No way. Mallory refused to gi*e this -itch anything she wanted. She pinned 5eleste with a stony stare, -ut said nothing. .he -londe loo!ed into her eyes and saw the resistance there. <e*er letting go of Mallory, she reached her hand out to 5harlie. #.he !nife, please,' she said crisply. Mallory felt a flutter of fear as she eyed the glinting -lade in 5elestes pale hand. But she wasnt going to gi*e in to threats. #Ma!e the call,' 5eleste ordered in a clipped tone. 5harlie fished Mallorys phone out of her purse and then straightened. $t too! him a moment to scroll through her contacts, and then he dialed. Mallory could hear the phone ringing, he had left it on spea!erphone. $t rang once. #Mallory,' 4a!es *oice was warm, clearly pleased that she had called so soon after he arri*ed home. 5harlie held the *oice distorter up to his lips. #4a!e 5leary&' (e as!ed. .here was a moment of shoc!ed silence. .hen6 #=es&' (is tone was apprehensi*e. #$ want one"hundred million dollars, or $ will !ill Mallory 0illiams.' Mallorys eyes -ulged. /ne"hundred million&; 3od, what a fool she had -een for thin!ing that they would -e satisfied with fi*e"hundred thousand. #0hat&' 4a!es *oice was 7uiet, strained.

#=ou heard me, 5leary. .ransfer one"hundred million to my offshore account within the ne+t hour or $ll !ill her. Slowly.' #.hats your cue,' 5eleste hissed at her, gi*ing a sharp tug on her hair. Mallory just glared at her, refusing to play her game. .he -itch smiled. She placed the point of the !nife on Mallorys upper arm. #Beg,' she whispered. No. She had to -e -luffing. She had to" Mallorys scream echoed around the small shac! as cutting pain ripped through her. 5eleste had plunged the -lade an inch into her arm. #Mallory;' She heard 4a!e shout her name. #Beg,' 5eleste hissed, wiggling the -lade, tearing at Mallorys muscle. She couldnt ta!e it. #4a!e;' She screamed as 5eleste jer!ed the -lade out, further slicing her s!in. She heard him shout her name again, -ut it sounded as though it was coming to her through a long tunnel. (er eyes honed in on the warm, red -lood oo8ing from the deep cut on her arm. She was starting to feel light"headed, she was going into shoc!. She was *aguely aware of 5harlie gi*ing the details of the money transfer, of 4a!e hastily agreeing to the terms. But they wouldnt di*ulge their location until they had gotten the money and gotten as far away from Mallorys location as possi-le. Mallory had no idea how much time had passed, she was lost in a world of pain. nd self"loathing. She couldnt -elie*e that she had -een so stupid. She had just wal!ed right into 5elestes trap, dri*en there -y -lind panic for 4a!es safety. $f she had stopped to thin! for e*en one minute, it would ha*e -een o-*ious that it was a ruse.

She was jolted out of her re*erie -y 5elestes *oice. #0hat was that& %id you hear that&' (er tone was high and ner*ous. #3et her up,' she gestured at 5harlie. #0e might need to run.' .he tie -inding Mallorys wrists together was suddenly se*ered, freeing her arms. But the coolness of the -lade was -ac! at her throat once again as she was wrenched to her feet, 5harlies strong hand gripping her injured upper arm, holding her against him. Mallory ga*e a small cry as his palm pressed harshly against her wound. .hen she jumped at a sudden -ang as the door was !ic!ed in. 4a!e was illuminated -y the dim light of the room, his harsh e+pression made e*en more fearsome -y the shadows that fell under his -rows, hooding his eyes. (e was glorious in his rage. nd he was pointing a gun directly at 5elestes icy heart.

Chapter 3 4a!es -rows rose in slight surprise as he recogni8ed Mallorys !idnapper. #5eleste,' his tone was clipped. #0hat the fuc! are you doing&' #2ower your gun, or hell slit her throat,' 5elestes *oice was a hiss, -ut it was colored with alarm. (er eyes were loc!ed on 4a!es gun. 5harlies grip on Mallorys injured arm increased, and she ga*e an in*oluntary whine of pain. 4a!e too! a step forward, his e+pression enraged. (e didnt lower the gun. #2et her go, 5eleste.' #<o;' (er *oice was high and panic!ed now. #0ere going to lea*e here now, 4a!e. =oure going to gi*e me my money, and then youll get her -ac!. But if you dont play -y my rules, 5harlie will !ill her.' 4a!e hesitated, unmo*ing. #$ll gi*e you fi*e minutes to lea*e Mallory and wal! out of here, 5eleste.' (is *oice was cold and merciless. #.he police are on their way. =ou had -etter run, or youll -e going to jail for a *ery long time. $ promise you that.' #=oure -luffing,' 5harlie snarled as he pressed the !nife into Mallorys throat, -rea!ing the s!in. She stilled, hardly daring to -reathe. 4a!e growled and coc!ed the gun. 5eleste shot him a cold smile. #=ou wont do it, 4a!e,' she said assuredly. #=ou care more a-out her than you do a-out getting re*enge on me. =oure going to let us lea*e now. nd shes

coming with us. $ wont let her go until $ get my money. $m not going to jail, 4a!e. $ wont.' 5eleste and 5harlie -egan slowly -ac!ing towards the -ac! door, dragging Mallory along with them. She wanted to struggle, to fight her way free, -ut she didnt dare try anything while the -lade was pressed to her throat. #$m so sorry, 4a!e,' she whispered, hating herself for -eing so stupid and putting him in this position. (is e+pression was anguished. #$ wont let them hurt you, Mallory,' he promised. #$ wont hurt her if you let us get out of here. %ont follow us,' 5eleste commanded. #0ell -e in touch when youre allowed to come get her. long gone -y then.' She smiled triumphantly. 5harlie shot her a 7ui88ical loo!. #=ou mean @we, dont you, my lo*e&' (e as!ed, an+ious. #/f course, dear,' she answered a-sently. Mallory felt 5harlie hea*e a sigh of relief, -ut she could tell from 5elestes contemptuous e+pression that she planned to lea*e him -ehind, to lea*e him holding the -ag for her crimes. #Shes lying,' Mallory gasped out. #2isten to me, 5harlie,' she said desperately. #Shes going to lea*e you.' #Shut up, -itch,' 5harlie ordered, pressing his thum- into her wound. Mallory couldnt hold -ac! a small scream. s angry as she was at herself, it was nothing compared to her hatred for 5harlie and 5eleste. #%ont hurt her;' 4a!e -ar!ed, furious, -ut desperation laced his tone. nd $ll -e

5eleste was smiling at him icily, her hand on the door!no- now. #/h $ wont. Much. But the longer you wait to gi*e me what $ want, the worse things will go for her. $ dont thin! youll li!e her so much if $ mess up her pretty face.' She -lew him a little !iss. #3ood-ye, 4a!e.' But then Mallory heard one of the sweetest sounds she had e*er heard in her life6 police sirens in the distance, growing louder with e*ery second. 4a!e smiled cruelly -ac! at 5eleste. #%id you really thin! $ was -luffing& $ ga*e you your chance, 5eleste. <ow youre going to pay.' #5eleste;' 5harlie cried in a panic. #0e ha*e to run;' $n his hurry to get away, the !nife eased away from Mallorys throat with his distraction. Sei8ing her opportunity, she -rought her el-ow -ac! hard, dri*ing it into his stomach. lthough he was fairly fit, he hadnt tensed his a-s to protect himself. She heard all of the wind rush out of him as he dou-led o*er, releasing her as he clutched at his stomach. Mallory tried to dart away from him, -ut he was on her in an instant, !noc!ing her to the floor with a snarl. (e turned her o*er roughly, and she watched as he raised the !nife high, ready to plunge it into her heart. She felt strangely detached as she watched it descend, as though this were happening to someone else. .here was a sudden howl of rage, and 5harlies weight was lifted from her as 4a!es -ody collided with his. She watched in horror for a moment as the men grappled, the !nife flashing sil*er -etween them. But she -reathed a sigh of relief as 4a!e s7uee8ed 5harlies wrist hard, and the -lade clattered to the floor as he cried out in pain. 4a!e was holding his gun to 5harlies head, and the man stilled -eneath him. /ut of the corner of her eye, Mallory saw a strea! of platinum -londe hair swinging out of sight as 5eleste darted out the -ac! door. 4a!e could clearly handle himself without her help, and there was no way that she was going to let the -itch

get away. .he police might ha*e arri*ed, -ut it wouldnt -e difficult for 5eleste to lose herself in the *ast wood. .he sirens had almost reached them as Mallory ran out into the night, momentarily -lind as her eyes adjusted to the -lac!ness. But she could hear 5eleste crashing through the under-rush, and she followed the sound. .he forest -egan to materiali8e around her as the world turned from -lac! to dar!est -lue, the tress dar! shadows around her. She could see a -right point of light ahead of her where the moonlight shone down to illuminate 5elestes -londe hair. #3ot you, -itch,' she whispered as she raced toward her. 5eleste suddenly stum-led and fell to the ground, crying out as fallen tree lim-s -ro!e her fall, scraping against her pale s!in. -ou think that hurts, bitch% Mallory thought sa*agely. Ill show you !ain. drenaline coursed through her, gi*ing her the speed and agility she needed to catch up to 5eleste -efore she could pic! herself up again. 0hen she reached her, Mallory flung herself atop the -londe, her !nees on either side of her -ony hips, trapping her -eneath her. Mallory could see the whites of her widened eyes. #%ont hurt me;' 5elestes *oice was high and tight with fear. Mallory smiled e*illy down at her. #Beg, -itch,' she ordered in a moc!ing tone. #:lease,' 5eleste said in a strangled whisper. #2et me go;' .he last was a -ro!en so-. Mallory coc!ed her head at her, as though considering. #<o,' she said softly, pitilessly. #$ dont thin! $ will.' She grinned madly, *engeance filling her heart. #(ow a-out we mess up that pretty face of yours&'

5eleste whimpered -eneath her. #:lease; $ll gi*e you anything you want;' #$ want you to hurt,' Mallory replied *iciously. .hen she drew her fist -ac! -efore swinging it down to connect with 5elestes perfectly a7uiline nose. .here was a sic!ening crunching sound as it -ro!e under her !nuc!les, -ut all Mallory felt was a surge of *indicti*e pleasure. .his woman had tried to ruin her life, had threatened to !ill her. She deser*ed to pay. Mallory drew her fist -ac! again, ignoring the pain in her hand. But a strong hand was around her wrist, restraining her. She jer!ed her arm, -arely aware of the wrenching pain as she pulled at her wound. #.hats enough, Mallory,' 4a!es *oice ordered softly. Mallory wanted to continue, -ut she couldnt resist 4a!es command. .he tension left her muscles, and she felt him grip her waist, lifting her up so that she was standing. 5eleste stayed down, groaning. Spinning her around, he pulled her into a tight em-race. #But she deser*es it,' Mallory whispered. #She threatened to !ill you. she hurt me.' #$ !now she deser*es it,' 4a!es *oice was hard, his anger -arely contained. #But $ dont want you charged with assault.' Mallory clung to him, suddenly o*erwhelmed -y e*erything that had happened. .he adrenaline had run its course, and her legs suddenly felt li!e jelly. 4a!e lifted her up in his arms as her legs ga*e out -eneath her. in fury as he felt the wetness of her -lood against him. #/n second thought,' he said, his *oice tight. #May-e $ should ha*e let you strangle the -itch.' (e too! a deep -reath, *isi-ly calming himself. #5ome on, lets get you patched up.' s he did so, he -umped up against her wounded arm, and she let out a small whimper. (e growled nd

.he sounds of se*eral people crunching through dried lea*es filled the silence around them. #Shes o*er here,' 4a!e called out to the police. n officer with a flashlight was at their side within a minute. (e loo!ed down at 5eleste where she was moaning on the forest floor. #0hat happened to her&' (e as!ed suspiciously. #She fell,' 4a!e said harshly, his tone -roo!ing no argument. .he officer met his hard eyes. #Aight,' he said after a moment. (e eyed Mallory. #$s she alright&' #<o,' 4a!e said, anger lea!ing into his tone. #She needs to see a doctor.' .he policeman gestured towards the ca-in. #.heres an am-ulance waiting o*er there.' #.han! you,' 4a!e said simply -efore turning and heading 7uic!ly -ac! towards the shac!. #(ow did you find me&' Mallory as!ed in a small *oice. #.he 4ag has 3:S.' (e ga*e her a small smile. #.han! god you too! it.' Mallory -lushed slightly. #Sorry a-out that,' she said, feeling guilty. #<ot at all,' he replied, amused. #:lease feel free to steal my cars anytime.'

Chapter 4 Mallory was feeling a little fu88y as 4a!e tuc!ed her into his enormous -ed. .he doctors had stitched up her arm and then had gi*en her the most fa-ulous pain!illers -efore letting her lea*e the hospital. She could hardly feel any discomfort at all anymore, just a dull, gently thro--ing ache in her torn muscles. She had light scratches down her chee! from 5elestes claws and a small cut at her throat where 5harlies !nife had -itten into her s!in. But those would heal within a wee! or so. (er arm would ta!e considera-ly longer to !nit -ac! together. (ence she had -een sent home with a large -ottle of these lo*ely pills. 0ell, she wasnt actually at her apartment, she was at 4a!es house. But she found that she felt at home with him. She ga*e a little contented sigh, feeling li!e she was floating on 4a!es soft mattress. (e settled down -eside her and shaped his hard -ody around hers, as though he couldnt get close enough to her. Mallory -reathed in his masculine scent and closed her eyes in rapture. #4a!e,' she mum-led his name sleepily. Sho*ing -ac! the fog in her -rain, she tried for a more normal tone. #$*e -een thin!ing.' (e tenderly stro!ed her hair -ac! from her face. #Shhh,' he said. #=ou just go to sleep, Mallory,' he ordered gently. #<o,' she said as staunchly as she could manage. She wouldnt gi*e into his commands this time, this was too important, and she felt that she needed to say it now, to let him !now how she felt.

#$ want you to collar me.' (er *oice was clear and she loo!ed him directly in the eye. 4a!es -rows rose in surprise. #Mallory,' he said gently. #0e should tal! a-out this later.' But she could see the yearning in his eyes. #<o,' she said again. #4a!e, they only caught me -ecause $ went there to sa*e you. $ thought that they were going to !ill you.' She ga*e a little shudder. #$ couldnt -ear the thought of my life without you in it, and if you need to collar me to ha*e that, then thats what $ want to do.' #Mallory,' he said a -it harshly. #$ dont want to collar you -ecause you feel manipulated into it.' #But $ dont,' she insisted. #$ want to -e yours.' .hen her *oice went 7uiet. # nd $ want you to -e mine.' 4a!e loo!ed dum-struc!, as though he could hardly -elie*e what was happening. But his e+pression 7uic!ly -ecame closed. #0ell tal! a-out this later, Mallory,' he said again. She wanted to protest, -ut the drugs were swirling in her -rain. She had fought it for as long as she could, -ut now she was -eing pulled under. #$ lo*e you, 4a!e,' she mum-led, hardly conscious of what she was saying. .he last thing she heard -efore she fell asleep was his sharp inta!e of -reath. $t had -een three wee!s since Mallory had -een !idnapped. .han!fully, her arm was well on its way to -eing mended, and as she healed the nightmares -ecame fewer and farther -etween. She had awo!en in a cold sweat more times than she could recall, panic!ing that she was still trapped in the dilapidated shac!, afraid for her life. But most often she re*isited her fear for 4a!e when she had thought his life was in danger. (er heart would twist painfully for the moments that it too! him to

calm her, holding her and murmuring soft reassurances as he stro!ed her hair. She clung to him tightly, ma!ing sure he was real, until she finally fell -ac! into sleep. $n her wa!ing hours, she often felt a surge of *indicti*e pleasure at the thought of 5eleste wearing a heinous orange jumpsuit in jail. Mallory had managed to -rea! her nose, and there werent any plastic surgeons in prison. wasnt a-out to get out on -ail after the stunt that she had pulled. s much as Mallory was thrilled to find herself happily safe and sound with 4a!e, she was trou-led. She had -een ha8y when she had first -een released from the hospital, -ut she could still recall her insisting that 4a!e collar her. nd that she had confessed that she lo*ed him. (e had said nothing a-out it since, and she was -eginning to thin! that he might ne*er say anything. %id he not want her in that way anymore& (e had hardly touched her in the past wee!s. (e claimed that it was -ecause he was waiting for her to heal, -ut what if he was just !eeping her around out of guilt for what had happened to her& nd so today a mi+ture of apprehension and e+citement filled her as she found herself -eing led into 4a!es dungeon for the first time since her !idnapping. 0ould this -e their last session together -efore he let her go& s 4a!e led her through the door -y -oth hands, he gently ru--ed the palms of her hands with his thum-s. (is -row was furrowed with concern. #0hats wrong, Mallory&' (e as!ed earnestly, an+iously, as he sat down -eside her on the huge iron -ed. #<othing,' she said as dismissi*ely as she could, not willing to confess her concerns. She couldnt -ear it if she laid -are her soul just to ha*e him callously ignore her words again. nd 5eleste

(is eyes turned a hard, sapphire -lue. (e roughly grasped her hair at her nape and sharply jer!ed her head -ac!, forcing her to meet his ga8e. #0hat ha*e $ told you a-out lying to me, su-&' (is *oice was soft and dangerous. Mallory swallowed against the sudden dryness in her throat. She couldnt deny him, not when he used that dominant tone, the su-missi*e in her instincti*ely complied. #=ou> =ou ha*ent mentioned collaring me again,' she -egan hesitantly. (er *oice turned strangled as she fought -ac! tears. #=ou*e -een so distant since> $m worried that you dont want me anymore,' she finally confessed in a whisper. 4a!e let out a low growl, his grip on her hair turning almost painfully tight as he shoo! her slightly. #%o you !now how hard its -een for me to resist you these past wee!s&' (e demanded, an angry edge to his *oice. #$ didnt want to hurt you, Mallory. %id you thin! $ was lying&' #)m,' she practically s7uea!ed under his scrutiny. #=es.' Mercifully, his hard e+pression softened. #$ wont e*er lie to you, Mallory, a good %om doesnt lie to his su-.' (is ga8e turned a -it repro*ing. # nd a good su- doesnt lie to her Master.' Mallorys jaw dropped slightly at the term #Master.' %id he truly still want to possess her& wanted to -e his. #$m sorry, Sir,' she said 7uic!ly, dropping her eyes as guilt shot through her. She found in that moment that she was truly -othered -y his disappro*al at her diso-edience. 0onder at the change in her since she met him s!ittered across her mind, her pride ne*er would ha*e tolerated such demands -y any other man. But she found that she didnt care. $ndeed, the idea of o-eying 4a!e lit a warm glow in her, ma!ing her pussy thro-. She -lushed slightly at her reaction, !eeping her eyes downcast. pang shot through her heart as she reali8ed anew how -adly she

4a!e released her hair, -ut then his strong fingers were firmly gripping her chin, -ringing her ga8e -ac! to his. 2oo!ing deeply into her eyes, lines of worry etched his face. #Mallory,' he said her name solemnly, his *oice laced with apprehension. #=ou told me that you wanted me to collar you. %id you really mean it&' (er eyes widened and she too! in a sharp -reath. #=es,' she answered, sincere. 4a!e -reathed deeply -efore spea!ing. #=ou ha*e no idea how $ ha*e longed to hear you say that,' he said softly, wonderingly. #But -efore you can accept, you need to !now what it in*ol*es.' (is tone turned a -it -rus7ue, -usiness"li!e. # collar is a serious commitment, a sym-ol that you -elong to me. $ will demand your complete o-edience, and you will -e punished if you defy me. %o you understand that, Mallory&' #=es>' she said, a -it hesitantly. #But only in the -edroom,' she said staunchly. .hen her eyes spar!led playfully. #/r in the dungeon.' (e grinned roguishly. #/r where*er $ want to ta!e you.' (is *oice turned more serious. #But $ would ne*er e+pect you to -e my su-missi*e outside of our se+ual relationship.' (e tenderly cupped her face. #$ want you to challenge me, Mallory. $ lo*e your spirit and your fire. $ would ne*er ma!e any demands of you that you werent comforta-le with. %o you trust me&' She thought of how he had so s!illfully seduced her, ne*er pushing her further than she could handle. #=es,' she -reathed. #)ne7ui*ocally.' (e ran a gentle thum- o*er her chee!-one. #$ need one final test -efore $ can collar you,' he said softly. #%o you remem-er your safe words&'

tremor ran through Mallory. 0hat did he ha*e planned& <ot trusting her *oice, she simply ga*e him a sha!y nod. .he corners of his lips 7uir!ed up in a pleased smile, -ut there was a hint of cruelty to the twist of it. Mallory shuddered, -ut she wasnt sure if it was from fear or pleasura-le anticipation. Standing a-ruptly, 4a!e too! her -y the hand and yan!ed her up with him, all gentleness gone. (e gra--ed the hem of her dress and roughly pulled it up o*er her head -efore reaching around her to swiftly unclasp her -ra. (er nipples pe--led in the suddenly cool air, and her chee!s heated as he e+posed her so efficiently, almost impersonally. (e pulled her panties down, and she compliantly stepped out of them, !ic!ing off her sandals at the same time. .hen 4a!e strode across the room at a 7uic! pace. (is strong fingers were curled around her forearm, and he half"dragged her to the corner of the room. pair of leather cuffs dangled from a chain directly a-o*e her head. Mallory tried to swallow -ac! her rising fear as he jer!ed her arms straight up o*er her head until they were fully e+tended. #%ont mo*e.' (is *oice was harsh, commanding. Mallory stood still as a statue, her muscles tensed. (e gra--ed her wrist, his towering height ma!ing it easy for him to reach the cuffs. (e swiftly encircled one wrist in a cuff and then the other, -uc!ing them tightly. pleasura-le shudder rippled through her at the nd feeling of -eing restrained, of -eing completely -ared for him, at his mercy. she prayed that he would -e merciful, she had no idea what he had planned. .here was a clan!ing sound -ehind her, and she felt herself -eing ine+ora-ly pulled upward, her -ody -eing stretched taut as she was forced onto her tiptoes. .he pulling on her wrists was a -it uncomforta-le, -ut the cuffs were lined with soft cloth, so the feeling wasnt un-eara-le. So long as she didnt drop -ac! on her heels. She jer!ed at the sudden contact of 4a!es gentle hand stro!ing down her spine. (is -reath was hot on her nec! as he whispered in her ear. #$ need you to

pro*e that you trust me, and that $ can trust you. Aemem-er your safe words, Mallory.' 0hy did he !eep repeating that& .here was a coolness on her s!in as his warmth left her, and she shi*ered. 9or a moment, there was nothing. .hen, a whooshing sound cut through the air. $t seemed to last an eternity -efore the single"tail whip flic!ed across her ass. .he sound of it hitting her was -arely percepti-le, -ut she hissed in a sharp -reath at the sting, more intense than any span!ing or e*en the flogger, the 8ap was concentrated, a small -ut powerful lic! of pain. Before she could fully process it, the whip whispered through the air again, and she couldnt hold -ac! an answering cry of pain as it made contact with her right leg. $f the pain on her ass had -een intense, it was magnified threefold when it hit the sensiti*e s!in of her upper thigh. %espite her cries, the tail of the whip continued to relentlessly lic! at her legs in an unpredicta-le rhythm, ne*er falling into a discerni-le pattern. 1*ery hit was a small line of fire. .ears -egan to roll down her chee!s. 0hy didnt he stop& (e had always -een so in tune with her needs -efore. 5ouldnt he see that she had reached her limit& 59emember your safe words, Mallory.6 She understood6 he needed her to communicate with him, to tell him that she couldnt ta!e any more. (e had to trust her to use her safe words, and she had to trust him to stop. #Aed;' She cried out in her moment of reali8ation. .he hits stopped immediately, and she let out a so- of relief. She heard the whip clatter to the floor -ehind her, and 4a!e was instantly in front of her, his arms encircling her. (e ran a gentle hand down her -ac!.

#3ood girl,' he murmured, o*er and o*er again until her sniffling ceased. (e pulled -ac! from her after a moment, tenderly wiping the tears from her chee!s. #%o you understand now, Mallory&' (e as!ed softly. #$ own your -ody, -ut you ultimately hold all of the power.' .he idea warmed her, she had ne*er thought of it that way. But now it was so o-*ious. She nodded firmly, no longer trem-ling. (e smiled appro*ingly and then ran his hands slowly up her arms. 0hen they reached her wrists, he released her from her cuffs. She stum-led a -it as she fell -ac! onto her heels, and he caught her in his strong arms. But rather than helping her stand upright, he gently lowered her to the floor, until she was on her !nees. (e released her and stood, loo!ing down at her with warm appro*al. she ga8ed up at him, totally lost in the moment, it felt so right to -e at his feet, demonstrating her full su-mission. 4a!e reached into his poc!et, and her eyes loc!ed on the o-ject in his hand6 her collar. $t was -lac!, a thin -and of leather that dipped down to a graceful point where it would rest at the hollow of her throat. e+amine it. #$ts -eautiful,' she -reathed as she ran tentati*e fingers o*er the slee! leather. 4a!e grinned. #.hen it suits you perfectly.' She flushed in pleasure at the compliment. (is e+pression turned serious, his dar! -lue eyes loc!ing her in place. #%o you agree to -e my su-missi*e, Mallory& .o o-ey me completely& any pleasure or pain that $ choose to gi*e you&' nd to accept small sil*er ring hung from the center. $t jangled melodically as 4a!e held the collar out to her, allowing her to nd

She wanted to -elong to him more fiercely that she had e*er wanted anything. nd now she !new that in -eing his collared su-missi*e, he would -elong to her as well. #=es,' she -reathed, caught up in his intense ga8e. #2ift up your hair,' he ordered. She gathered up her thic! loc!s, twisting them into a ponytail and then holding her hair to the -ac! of her head with -oth hands, e+posing her nec!. (e reached forward slowly, -oth of them sa*oring the moment as the cool leather encircled her nec!. (e secured it -y pushing a metal hoo! through a hole at the -ac! of the collar. .hen he reached into his poc!ed again and pulled out something small and sil*er6 a tiny, delicate padloc!. She was mesmeri8ed -y it, lic!ing her lips unconsciously as it glinted in the dim light of the room. (is hands were at her nape, and there was a small, satisfying snick as the padloc! loc!ed around the metal hoo!, ensuring that the collar was securely fastened around her nec!. through her at the sound, her nipples hardening and her clit thro--ing. 4a!e traced the line of the collar with gentle fingers, sending pleasure rippling across her s!in at the contact. (e pulled his hands -ac! from her slowly, reluctantly, -efore turning sharply away from her. #5ome,' he ordered simply, ta!ing a step towards the -ed. 0ith difficulty, Mallory scram-led to her feet. 4a!e glanced -ac! at her, his hard ga8e free8ing her in place. #$ didnt say you could stand,' he reprimanded her. #5rawl.' Mallorys mouth opened and closed a few times, -ut her flare of pride was 7uelled -y his repro*ing stare, one eye-row 7uir!ed e+pectantly. Swallowing, she dropped to her hands and !nees. (e turned away from her again and continued his progress across the room, e+pecting her to follow. %espite the fact that this humiliating situation grated on her, she couldnt deny the growing wetness -etween her legs as she crawled after him. shi*er ran

0hen she finally reached the edge of the -ed, 4a!e roughly gra--ed her -y her hips and threw her onto the mattress. She lay on her -ac!, panting in need as she loo!ed up at him. (astily, as though he couldnt do it fast enough, 4a!e -egan un-uttoning his collared shirt, roughly pulling it off -efore un8ipping his slac!s. Mallory lic!ed her lips as she too! in his glorious physi7ue6 his corded arms, the hard planes of his chest, and the dus!y trail of hair leading down to his impressi*e coc!. 0hen she finally met his ga8e, she was startled to see that he studied her hungrily, there was a need in his eyes that answered her own. %espite the heat that she saw there, when he spo!e, his *oice was cold. #/n your hands and !nees, su-,' he ordered. She o-eyed with alacrity, arching her -ac! and offering herself to him. 0ithout any warning or preparation, he dro*e into her, his thic! coc! sliding easily into her wet pussy. She cried out in shoc! and pleasure at the sudden intrusion. But he ga*e her no time to adjust, to prepare herself. (is hand came down sharply on her ass as he thrust into her, and her se+ answered -y contracting around him. She let out a small whimper in reaction, completely o*erwhelmed -y his rough handling of her -ody. <e*er slowing his hard, fast rhythm, 4a!e -ent forward o*er her and slid his fingers under her collar at her nape, pulling it -ac! slightly in time with his thrusts. .he sudden tightness of the collar restricted her -reathing, and she soon -ecame light"headed from more than just the pleasure per*ading her -ody. .hen his free hand was at her dar! hole, his large inde+ finger pressing against it. Slowly increasing the pressure, he wor!ed his finger inside, pumping in and out shallowly at first, -ut ine+ora-ly going deeper and deeper. Mallory mewled at the intrusion. .he sensations in her ass were undenia-ly pleasura-le, -ut it was the penetration of -oth of her holes that made her pussy clench in delight as 4a!e physically declared his ownership of all of her -ody.

(er orgasm was swiftly -uilding within her, and 4a!es hand firmly grasped the -ac! of her collar, his fist tightening as he neared his own release. #0ait, su-,' he ordered through gritted teeth. #0ait>' (e slammed his coc! and his finger into her at the same time. #<ow;' (e groaned. Mallory e+ploded around him, mil!ing his coc! as he emptied his hot seed into her. (e released her collar at the same time, and the rush of o+ygen -ac! to her head made her eyes roll -ac! in -liss as she rode the high, her entire -ody trem-ling, tingling as she floated into -lac!ness. She didnt !now how much time passed until she came -ac! to reality. She could feel his hard -ody pressed against her -reasts, their legs intertwined. (er eyes fluttered open, and her *ision was filled with 4a!es smiling *isage. #0elcome -ac!, su-,' he said, clearly pleased with her *isceral reaction to his thorough fuc!ing. (er entire -ody felt light, and she was more content than she could e*er remem-er -eing in her life. #.han! you, Master,' she said, the term coming to her lips naturally. 4a!es smile widened to a grin, his eyes glowing. #$ lo*e you, Mallory 0illiams,' he said earnestly. 4oy -loomed within her as an answering grin spread across her face. .hen she said something that she ne*er would ha*e imagined herself saying as she had first dri*en up to his plantation on that fateful first e*ening6 #$ lo*e you too, 4a!e 5leary.' (e hoo!ed his inde+ finger through the ring at the front of her collar, pulling her sharply towards him so that he could crush his lips to hers. She sighed into him as he !issed her fiercely, -randing her as his for fore*er. The End

$ would li!e to than! all of you, lo*ely readers, for your enthusiastic support of this series; $ hope you ha*e enjoyed the !in!y ride as much as $ ha*e; $f you e*er want to get in touch, you can find me at juliasy!! or email me directly at juliasy! .

5hec! out my 0ark /ubmission series; /witched :;<.=> 0angerous 0esires :;?> (ratting :;?.=> /ecret /ubmissive :;@> Mcoming soon;N

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