Great Britain and London

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Great Britain and London

Match the names of the buildings, monuments and famous people with the descriptions .
1) 2) 3) $) () +) ') 0) 1) 1&) Trafalgar Square Buckingham Palace Lady iana red %u"e" )illiam Shake"*eare )e"tmin"ter !%%ey London -ye Stonehenge The /lo%e Theatre The 4ueen 11) The Royal Family 12) The City 13) !r"enal # Chel"ea 1$) &&' !gatha Chri"tie 1+) Sherlock ,olme" Co.ent /arden Piccadilly Circu" 11) 23ford # Cam%ridge Sir )in"ton Churchill

1() 1') 10) 2&)

a) a Briti"h *olitician and "tate"man during the Second )orld )ar %) an -ngli"h *oet and a *lay5right6 the greate"t 5riter in the -ngli"h language6 he 5rote 7Romeo and 8uliet9 c) one of the %e"t:kno5n detecti.e 5riter" of the 5orld; her famou" detecti.e" 5ere ,ercule Poirot and <i"" <ar*le d) the mo"t famou" "treet in London6 kno5n for "ho**ing6 re"taurant"6 "treet *erformer"6 %ar"6 = e) t5o mo"t famou""itie" in -ngland f) famou" foot%all clu%"6 they %oth come from London g) the *lace 5here the Royal Family li.e" h) The 4ueen6 The uke of -din%urgh6 Prince Charle"6 Prince )illiam6 Prince ,arry6 The utche"" of Cam%ridge6 => i) The ,ead of State of the ?@6 %orn in 112+6 "he 5a" the daughter of 4ueen -liAa%eth The 4ueen <other and %ecame the 4ueen at the age of 2( B) a *rehi"toric monument6 located north of Sali"%ury6 made of "tanding "tone" arranged in a circle k) former and late 5ife of Prince Charle"6 the mother of Prince )illiam and Prince ,arry6 murdered on !ugu"t6 31"t6111' l) famou" Shake"*earean theatre6 %uilt in 1(11 %y Shake"*eareC" *laying com*any : the Lord Cham%erlainD" <en m) i" a /othic Church in the City of )e"tmin"ter; it i" a *lace of coronation and %urial of The Briti"h monarch" n) a *u%lic *lace and a touri"t attraction in the central London; it ha" a Eel"onC" Column at it" centre6 guarded %y four lion "tatue" at it" %a"e o) the Briti"h financial centre

p) q) r) s) t)

a fictional detecti.e created %y a Scotti"h author and *hy"ician Sir !rthur Conan


al"o kno5n a" 7 Bond6 8ame" Bond9 ; the "ym%ol &&' mean" that he ha" a licence to kill LondonC" mo"t famou" road Bunction6 %uilt in 1011 to connect Regent Street 5ith the maBor "ho**ing "treet of Piccadilly a 5orld5ide recogniAed dou%le : deck %u" a giant 13(:metre tall Ferri" 5heel "ituated on the %ank" of the Thame"

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