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CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, extent and commencement 2. Definitions SCHEDULE Rules 3 to 11 prescribed under sub section !

1" o# Section $ 3. 3-A. Approval of site and plan 4. Application for registration and grant of license 5. Grant of icence !. Amendment of icence ". #ene$al of licence %. &ransfer of licence '. (roced)re on death or disa*ilit+ of licencee 1,. oss of licence 11. (a+ment of fees 11-A. (rohi*iting #)nning of a -actor+ $itho)t a valid licence %or& prescribed under sub section 1 o# Section ' 12. .otice of /cc)pation Under sub section !(" o# Section ' 12-A. .otice of change of 0anager 12-1. G)idelines 2nstr)ctions and records CHAPTER II THE INSPECTIN) STA%% Rule prescribed under Section * 13. (o$er of 2nspectors Rule Prescribed under Section 11+ 13-A. 3)alification of an 2nspector Rule prescribed under sub section !(" o# Section 1, 14. D)ties of 4ertif+ing S)rgeon CHAPTER III E-e&ption under sub section !+" o# Section 11 15. 4leanliness of $alls and ceilings SCHEDULE Re.ister prescribed under sub section !1" o# Section 11 1!. #ecord of $hite-$ashing etc. Rule prescribed under sub section !+" o# Section 1+ 1". Disposal of trade $astes and effl)ents.

Rule 1/ to +/ prescribed under sub section o# 1 o# Section 10 1%. 5hen artificial h)midification not allo$ed 1'. (rovision of 6+grometer 2,. 7xemption from maintenance of h+grometers 21. 4op+ of Sched)le to #)le 1% to *e affixed near ever+ h+grometer. 22. &emperat)re to *e recorded at each h+grometer. 23. Specifications of 6+grometer. 24. &hermometers to *e maintained in efficient order. 25. An inacc)rate thermometer not to *e )sed $itho)t fresh certificate 2!. 6+gometer not to *e affixed to $all etc., )nless protected *+ $ood. 2". .o reading to *e ta8en $ithin 15 min)tes of rene$al of $ater 2%. 6o$ to introd)ce steam for h)midifications Rules +* to 33 prescribed under sub section !(" o# Section !1'" 2'. ighting-application and commencement 3,. ighting of 2nterior parts 31. (revention of glare 32. (o$er of 4hief 2nspector to exempt 33. 7xemption from #)le 3, SCHEDULE +$ Rules 3( to 3* prescribed under sub section !(" o# Section 1/ 34. 3)antit+ of drin8ing $ater 35. So)rce of S)ppl+ 3!. 0eans of s)ppl+ 3". 4leanliness of $ell to reservoir 3%. #eport from 6ealth /fficer 3'. 4ooling of $ater Rules (, to (* prescribed under sub section !3" o# Section 1* 4,. atrine Accommodation 41. atrines to confirm to p)*lic health re9)irements 42. (rivac+ of latrines 43. Sign *oards to *e displa+ed 44. :rinal accommodation 45. :rinals to conform to p)*lic health re9)irements 4!. 4ertain latrines and )rinals to *e connected to se$erage s+stem 4". 5hite-$ashing, colo)r-$ashing of latrines and )rinals 4%. 4onstr)ction and maintenance of drains 4'. 5ater taps in latrines Rules 0, to 0+ prescribed under sub section !+" o# Section +, 5,. .)m*er and location of Spittoons 51. &+pe of spittoons 52. 4leaning of Spittoons CHAPTER I1 SA%ETY %urt2er prec3utions prescribed under sub section !+" o# Section +1

52. -)rther safet+ preca)tions S467D: 7 2 4otton &extiles S467D: 7 22 4otton Ginning S467D: 7 222 5ood-5or8ing 0achiner+ S467D: 7 2; #)**er 0ills S467D: 7 ; 4entrif)gal 0achines S467D: 7 ;2 (o$er (ress 3! S467D: 7 ;22 Shears, Slitters and G)illotin 0achines Re.ister prescribed under section ++ !1" 53-A. Rules #r3&ed under Section +/ 54. 7mplo+ment of +o)ng persons on dangero)s machines 55. 6oists < ifts SCHEDULE (+ Rules #r3&ed under sub section !+" o# Section +* 55A. Rule Prescribed under sub section !+" o# Section 3( 5!. (ress)re (lant 5!-A. 5ater-sealed Gasholder Rule prescribed under sub section !+" o# Section 3( 5". 7xcessive $eights Rule prescribed under Section 30 5%. (rotection of e+es S467D: 7 2 4' S467D: 7 22 4' Rules prescribed under sub section !$" o# Section 3$ 5'. 0inim)m dimensions of manholes 4' E-e&ptions under sub section !0" o# Section 3' !,. 7xemptions !1-A. -ire (rotection S467D: 7 2 -irst Aid -ire -ighting 79)ipment S467D: 7 22 79)ipment to *e provided $ith &railer p)mp !1-1. !1-4. Safet+ committee !1-D. /vens and driers !1-7. &hermic fl)id heaters !1--. Site Appraisal 4ommittee -ormat of Application to the site appraisal committee !1-G. 6ealth and Safet+ !1-6. 4ollection and development and dissemination of information

S467D: 7= -ormat of a Safet+ Data Sheet !1-1. Disclos)re of information to $or8ers !1->. Disclos)re of information to the 4hief 2nspector !1-?. 2nformation on ind)strial $astes !1- . #evie$ of the information f)rnished to $or8ers etc. !1-0. 4onfidentialit+ of 2nformation !1-.. 0edical 7xamination !1-,. /cc)pational 6ealth 4entres S467D: 7= 79)ipment for /cc)pational 6ealth 4entre in -actories !1-(. Am*)lance ;an !1-3. Decontamination facilities !1-#. 0a8ing availa*le 6ealth #ecords to $or8ers !1-5. 3)alifications, etc. of S)pervisors !1- &. 2ss)e of g)idelines Control o# Industri3l M34or Accident H353rds Rules !CIMAH Rules" !1-:A. 4ollection, development and dissemination of information for 0a@or Accident 6aAard 2nstallation !1-:AA. D)ties of 2nspector !1-:1. General responsi*ilit+ of the occ)piers !1-:4. .otification of ma@or accidents !1-:D. 2nd)strial activit+ or isolated storage to $hich #)les !1-:7 to !1-:0 appl+ !1-:7. .otification of site !1-:-. :pdating of the site notification !1-:G. &ransitional provision B/mittedC !1-:6. Safet+ #eports and Safet+ A)dit #eports !1-:2. :pdating of safet+ reports )nder #)le !1-:6 '4 !1-:>. #e9)irements for f)rther information to *e sent to the 2nspector and the 4hief 2nspector '4 !1-:?. (reparation of on-site emergenc+ plans *+ the occ)pier !1-: . (reparation of off-site emergenc+ plans B/mittedC !1-:0. 2nformation to *e given to persons lia*le to *e affected *+ a ma@or accident !1-:.. Disclos)re of information !1-:/. 2mprovement notice B/mittedC !1-:(. (o$er to the State Government to modif+ the Sched)les S467D: 7 1 2ndicative 4riteria and list of chemicals (art 2 2ndicative 4riteria (art 22 ist of 6aAardo)s and &oxic 4hemicals S467D: 7 2 7xplanation 2DcE after #)le !1-:(, #)le !1-:1 D1E D*E, !1-:4, !1-:D D1E DcE and DdE S467D: 7 3 7xplanation DaE DiiiE #)le !1-:(, #)le !1-:4, !1-:D DiE DaE and D*E (art 2 .amed 4hemicals (art 22 4lasses of 4hemicals not specificall+ named in (art 2 S467D: 7 4 7xplanation D1E DiE after #)le !1-:( S467D: 7 5 2nformation to *e f)rnished regarding .otification of a 0a@or Accident S467D: 7 ! 2nformation to *e f)rnished for the .otification of Site S467D: 7 " 2nformation to *e f)rnished in a Safet+ #eport S467D: 7 % Details to *e f)rnished in the /n-site 7mergenc+ (lan

CHAPTER 1 6EL%ARE Rules prescribed under sub section !+" o# Section (+ !2. 5ashing facilities Rules Prescribed Under Section (3 !2-A. Rule prescribed under sub section !1" o# Section (0 !3. -irst Aid Appliance !4. Am*)lance #oom Rules $0 to '1 prescribed under Section ($ !5. 4anteens !!. Dining 6all !". 79)ipment !%. (rices to *e charged !'. Acco)nt ",. 0anaging 4ommittee #)le prescri*ed )nder Section "2. Shelters, #est #ooms and )nch #ooms Rules '3 to '$ prescribed under sub section !3" o# Section (/ "3. 4reches "3-A. "3-1. "4. 5ash #oom "5. S)ppl+ of 0il8 and #efreshment "!. 4lothes for 4reche Staff Rule pro7ided under Section (* "!-A. 5elfare /fficers S467D: 7 CHAPTER 1I 68R9IN) H8URS 8% ADULTS Re.ister prescribed under sub section + o# Section 03 "". 4ompensator+ 6olida+s Muster roll prescribed under sub section ( o# Section 0*

"%. 0)ster-roll for exempted factories. "%-A. /vertime slip for /vertime $or8. Notice prescribed under sub section / o# Section $1 "'. .otice of periods of $or8 for ad)lts Re.ister Prescribed under sub section + o# Section $+ %,. #egister of ad)lt $or8ers %1. (ersons defined to hold positions of s)pervision or 0anagement %2. (ersons to hold confidential position %3. ist to *e maintained of persons holding position of s)pervision or management or confidential position %4. 7xemption of certain ad)lt 5or8ers S467D: 7 CHAPTER 1II EMPL8YMENT 8% Y8UN) PERS8N Notice prescribed under sub section 3 o# Section '+ %5. .otice of periods of $or8 for children Re.ister prescribed under sub section + o# Section '3 %!. #egister of child $or8ers. %!-A. CHAPTER 1III LEA1E 6ITH 6A)ES Rule /' *( prescribed under Sections /3 3nd 11+ %". eave $ith $ages register %%. eave 1oo8 %'. 0edical 4ertificate ',. .otice to 2nspector of invol)ntar+ )nemplo+ment '1. .otice *+ 5or8er '2. .otice of eave $ith $ages '3. (a+ment of $ages if the $or8er dies -/#0 '4. #egister to *e maintained in case of exemption )nder section %4 CHAPTER I: SPECIAL PR81ISI8NS

Rule prescribed under Section /' '5. Dangero)s /perations S467D: 7 2 0an)fact)re of Aerated 5aters and processes incidental thereto S467D: 7 22 7lectrol+tic plating S467D: 7 222 0an)fact)re and repair of electric acc)m)lators S467D: 7 2; Glass 0an)fact)re S467D: 7 ; Grinding or glaAing of metals and processes incidental thereto S467D: 7 ;2 0an)fact)re and treatment of lead and certain compo)nds of lead S467D: 7 ;22 Generating petrol gas from dangero)s petrole)m as defined in the (etrole)m Act, 1'34 S467D: 7 ;222 4leaning or smoothing of articles *+ a @et of sand, metal shot or grit or other a*rasive propelled *+ a *last of compressed air or steam S467D: 7 2F iming and tanning of ra$ hides and s8ins and processes incidental thereto S467D: 7 F (rinting (resses and &+pe fo)ndries-4ertain lead processes carried therein S467D: 7 F2 0an)fact)re of potter+ S467D: 7 F22 4hemical 5or8s S467D: 7 F222 0an)fact)re of articles from refractor+ materials S467D: 7 F2; 6andling and processing of As*estors, 0an)fact)re of an+ Article of As*estos and an+ other (rocess of 0an)fact)re of other$ise in $hich As*estos is )sed in an+ -orm S467D: 7 F; 6andling or manip)lation of corrosive s)*stances S467D: 7 F;2 4ompression of ox+gen and h+drogen prod)ced *+ electrol+sis or $ater S467D: 7 F;22 (rocess of extracting oils and fats from vegeta*le and animal so)rces in solvent extraction plants S467D: 7 F;222 0an)fact)re or manip)lation of manganese and its compo)nds S467D: 7 F2F 0an)fact)re or manip)lation of dangero)s pesticides S467D: 7 FF 0an)fact)re, handling and )sage of *enAene and s)*stances containing *enAene S467D: 7 FF2 0an)fact)ring process or operations in car*on-di-s)lphide plants S467D: 7 FF22 0an)fact)re or manip)lation of car*ionogonic d+emtermelates S467D: 7 FF222 (erations involving 6igh .oise evels S467D: 7 FF2; 6ighl+ -lamma*le i9)ids and -lamma*le 4ompressed Gases S467D: 7 FF; /perations in -o)ndries 23' S467D: 7 FF;2 0anip)lation of stone or An+ /ther 0aterial 4ontaining -ree Sillica Rule *$ prescribed under Section 3/ 3nd 3/ A '!. .otification of accidents and dangero)s occ)rrences Rule prescried under Section /* '". .otice of poisoning or disease CHAPTER : Supple&ent3l Rule prescribed under Section 1,'

'%. (roced)re in appeals Rule prescribed under Section 1,/ ''. Displa+ of notices. Rules prescribed under Section 11, 1,,. #et)rn Rule prescribed under Section 1,* 1,1. Service of notices Rule 1,+ to 1,$ prescribed under Section 11+ 1,2. 2nformation re9)ired *+ the 2nspector 1,3. 0)ster-roll 1,4. #egister of accidents and dangero)s occ)rrences 1,5. 0aintenance of 2nspection *oo8 1,!. 2nformation regarding clos)re of factories -orm Appendix .otifications &he ()n@a* 2nd)strial 7sta*lishments G.ational < -estival 6olida+s < 4as)al and Sic8 eaveE Act, 1'!5 Delhi 2nd)strial 7sta*lishment G.ational < -estival 6olida+s and 4as)al < Sic8 eaveE #)les, 1'"3

&he Delhi -actories #)les, 1'5, Delhi the 2"th >)l+, 1'5, .o. -. ' D13EH4%-Dev-ln exercise of the po$ers conferred *+ Section 112 of the -actories Act, 1'4%, D F222 of 1'4%E, read $ith the Government of 2ndia, 0inistr+ of a*o)r .otification .o, -ac. 41 D3%E, dated the 11th >an)ar+, 1'4%, the 4hief 4ommissioner of Delhi is pleased to ma8e the follo$ing r)les, the same having *een previo)sl+ p)*lished $ith his notification .o. -. 'D13E H 4%-(. < D., dated the 1'th 0arch, 1'4', #: 7S 46A(&7# 2 (reliminar+ 1. Short title, extent and commencement D1E &hese #)les ma+ *e cited as the Delhi -actories #)les, 1'5,. D2E &hese #)les shall extend to the $hole of the Delhi (rovince, D3E &hese #)les, except #)les 2' to 33,53,!2, !5 to "1 and '5 shall come into force on 15th A)g)st, 1'5, and #)les 2' to 33, 53, !2,!5 to "1 and '5 shall come into force on s)ch dates as are specified therein. 2. Definitions 2n these #)les )nless there is an+thing rep)gnant in the s)*@ect or context=DaE IActI means the -actories Act, 1'4%. D*E IAppendixI means an appendix appended to these #)les. DcE IArtificial 6)midificationI means the introd)ction of moist)re into the air of a room *+ an+ artificial means $hatsoever, except the )navoida*le escape of steams or $ater vapo)r into the atmosphere ere directl+ d)e to a man)fact)ring process = (rovided that the introd)ction of air directl+ from o)tside thro)gh mist end mats or screens placed in openings at times $hen the temperat)re of the room is %, degrees or more, shall not *e deemed to *e artificial h)midification. DdE I1eltIincl)des an+ driving strap or rope. DeE IDegreesI Dof temperat)reE means degrees on the -aherenheit scale. DfE IDistrict 0agistrateI incl)des s)ch other official as ma+*e appointed *+ the 4hief 4ommissioner in that *ehalf. DgE I-)meI incl)des gas or vapo)r, DhE I6ealth /fficerI means the 0)nicipal 6ealth /fficer or District 6ealth /fficer or s)ch other official as ma+ *e appointed *+ the 4hief 4ommissioner in that *ehalf. DiE I6+grometerI means an acc)rate $et and dr+ *)l* h+grometer conforming to the prescri*ed conditions as regards constr)ctions and maintenance. D@E I2nspectorI means an officer appointed )nder Section 3 of the Act and incl)des I4hief 2nspectorI. D8E I0aintainedI means maintained in an efficient state, in efficient $or8ing order and in good repair. D1E I0anagerI means the person responsi*le to the occ)pier for the $or8ing of the factor+ for the p)rposes of the Act.

2-A. 4ompetent (erson- D1E &he 4hief 2nspector ma+ recognise an+ person as a J4ompetent (ersonK $ithin s)ch area and for s)ch period as ma+ *e specified for the p)rposes of carr+ing o)t tests, examinations, inspections and certification for s)ch *)ildings, dangero)s, machiner+, hoists and lifts, lifting machines and lifting tac8les, press)re plants, confined space, ventilation s+stem and s)ch other process or plant and e9)ipment as stip)lated in the Act and the #)les made there)nder, located in a factor+, if s)ch a person possesses the 9)alifications, experience and other re9)irements as set o)t in the sched)le annexed to this #)le= (rovided that the 4hief 2nspector ma+ relax the re9)irements of 9)alifications in respect of a J4ompetent (ersonK if s)ch a person is exceptionall+ experienced and 8no$ledgea*le, *)t not the re9)irements in respect of facilities at his command = (rovided f)rther that $here it is proposed to recognise a person emplo+ed )nder the 4hief 2nspector as a J4ompetent (ersonK, conc)rrence of the State Government shall *e ta8en and s)ch a person after *eing so recognised, shall not have po$ers of an 2nspector= (rovided f)rther that the J4ompetent (ersonK recognised )nder this provision shall not *e a*ove the age of !2 and shall *e ph+sicall+ fit for the p)rpose of carr+ing o)t the tests, examination and inspection. D2E &he 4hief 2nspector ma+ recognise an instit)tion of rep)te, having person possessing 9)alifications and experience as set o)t in the sched)le annexed to s)*-r)le D1E for the p)rpose of carr+ing o)t tests, examinations, inspections and certification for *)ildings, dangero)s machiner+, hoists and lifts, lifting machines and lifting tac8les, press)re plant, confined space, ventilation s+stem and s)ch other process or plant and e9)ipment as stip)lated in the Act and the #)les made there)nder, as a L4ompetent (ersonL $ithin s)ch area and for s)ch period as ma+ *e specified. D3E &he 4hief 2nspector on receipt of an application in the prescri*ed form from a person or an instit)tion intending to *e recognised as a J4ompetent (ersonK for the p)rposes of this Act and the #)les made there)nder, shall register, s)ch application and $ithin a period of sixt+ da+s of the date of receipt of application, either after having satisfied himself as regards competence and facilities availa*le at the disposal of the applicant recognise the applicant as a J4ompetent (ersonK and iss)e a certificate of competenc+ in the prescri*ed form or re@ect the application specif+ing the reasons therefor . MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM D4E &he 4hief 2nspector ma+, after giving an opport)nit+ to the competent person of *eing heard, revo8e the certificate of competenc+ N N N N DiE if he has reason to *elieve that a competent personDaE has violated an+ condition stip)lated in the certificate of competenc+O or D*E has carried o)t a test, examination and inspection or has acted in a manner inconsistent $ith the intent or the p)rpose of this Act or the #)les made there)nderO or has omitted to act as re9)ired )nder the Act and the #)les made there)nderO or DiiE for an+ reason to *e recorded in $riting.

7xplanation= -or the p)rpose of this #)le, an instit)tion incl)ded a organisation. D5E &he 4hief 2nspector ma+, for reasons to *e recorded in $riting, re9)ire re-certification of lifting machines, lifting tac8les, press)re plant or ventilation s+stem, as the case ma+ *e, $hich has *een certified *+ a competent person o)tside the states. -orm of Application for grant of 4ertificate of 4ompetenc+ to a person )nder s)*-r)le D1E of #)le 2A 1. .ame 2. Date of 1irth 3. .ame of the /rganisation D2f not self emplo+edE 4. Designation 5. 7d)cational 3)alification Dcopies of testimonials to *e attachedE !. Details of professionals experience Din chronological orderE .ame of the (eriod of Service /rganisation


Area #esponsi*ilit+


". 0em*ership, if an+, of professional *odies. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %. DiE Details of facilities Dexamination, testing etc.E at his disposal. DiiE Arrangements for cali*rating and maintaining the acc)rac+ of these facilities. '. ()rpose for $hich competenc+ certificate is so)ght Dsection or sections of the Act sho)ld *e statedE. 1,. 5hether the applicant has *een declared as a 4ompetent (erson )nder an+ stat)te Dif so, the detailsE. 11. An+ other relevant information. 12. Declaration *+ the applicant. 2PPPPPPPPPPP. here*+, declare that the information f)rnished a*ove is tr)e, 2 )nderta8e-DaE that in the event of an+ change in the facilities at m+ disposal Deither addition or deletionE or m+ leaving the aforesaid organisation, 2 $ill promptl+ inform the 4hief inspectorO D*E to maintain the facilities in good $or8ing order, cali*rated periodicall+ as per man)fact)rers instr)ctions or as per .ational standardsO and DcE to f)lfil and a*ide *+ all the conditions stip)lated in the certificate of competenc+ and instr)ctions iss)ed *+ the 4hief 2nspector from time to time. (lace = Date= Declaration *+ the 2nstit)tion Dif emplo+edE Signat)re of applicant

2PPPPPPPPPPP certif+ that ShriPPPPPPPP. $hose details are f)rnished a*ove, is in o)r emplo+ment and nominate him on *ehalf of the organisation for the p)rposes of *eing declared as a competent person )nder the Act, 2 also )nderta8e that 2 $illDaE notif+ the 4hief 2nspector in case the competent person leaves o)r emplo+mentO D*E provide and maintain in good order all facilities at the disposal as mentioned a*oveO DcE notif+ the 4hief 2nspector an+ change in the facilities Deither addition or deletionE. Signat)reMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Designation MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM &elephone .o. Date PPPPPPPPPP..

/fficial seal

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM -orm of Application for grant of 4ertificate of competenc+ to an 2nstit)tion )nder s)*-r)le D2E of r)le 2A. 1. .ame and f)ll address of the organisation. 2. /rgainsationLs stat)s Dspecif+ $hether Government, A)tonomo)s, 4ooperative, 4orporate or (rivateE. 3. ()rpose for $hich competenc+ certificate is so)ght Bspecif+ sectionDsE of the ActC. 4. 5hether the /rganisation has *een declared as a competent person )nder this or an+ other stat)te. 2f so, give details. 5. (artic)lars of persons emplo+ed and possessing 9)alification and experience as set o)t in Sched)le, annexed to s)*-r)le D1 E of #)le 2A. Sl. .o. 1. 2. 3. 4. !. Details of facilities Drelevant to item 3 a*oveE and arrangements made for their maintenance and period i.e. cali*ration. ". An+ other relevant information. %. Declaration = 2PPPP..............., here*+, on *ehalf of ................................................................................... certif+ the details f)rnished a*ove are correct to the *est of m+ 8no$ledge 2 )nderta8e to DiE maintain the facilities in good $or8ing order, cali*rated periodicall+ as per man)fact)rers instr)ctions as per .ational StandardsO an DiiE to f)lfil and a*ide *+ all the conditions stip)lated in the certificate of competenc+ and instr)ctions iss)ed *+ the 4hief 2nspector from time to time. (lace < Signat)re of 6ead of the .ame and 3)alification Designation 7xperience SectionDsE and the #)les )nder $hich competenc+ is so)ght for


2nstit)tions or of the persons a)thorised to sign on his *ehalf Designation.

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM -orm of 4ertificate of competenc+ iss)ed to a person or an instit)tion in p)rs)ance to #)le 2A made )nder section 2DcaE read $ith sectionPPPPPPPPPP 2PPPPPPPPPPPPP, in exercise of the po$ers conferred on me )nder section 2DcaE of the -actories Act and the r)les made there)nder, here*+ recogniAe PPPPPPPPP.. D.ame of the instit)tionE of Shri PPPPPPPPPP..emplo+ed in D.ame of the personE PPPPPPPPPPPPPPD.ame of the /rganisationE to *e a competent person for the p)rpose of carr+ing o)t tests, examinations, inspections and certificate for s)ch *)ildings, dangero)s machiner+, lifts and hoists, lifting machines and lifting tac8les, press)re plants, confined space, ventilation s+stem and process or plant and e9)ipment as the case ma+ *e, )sed in a factor+ located in )nder section and the #)les made there)nder&his certificate is valid fromPPPPPPPPPP.. toPPPPPPPPPPPPP. &his certificate is iss)ed s)*@ect to the conditions stip)lated here)nder=DiE &ests, examinations and inspections shall *e carried o)t in accordance $ith the provisions of the Act and the #)les made there)nderO DiiE &ests, examinations and inspections shall *e carried o)t )nder direct s)pervision of the competent person or *+ a person so a)thorised *+ an instit)tion recognised to *e a competent personO DiiiE &he certificate of competenc+ iss)ed in favo)r of a person shall stand cancelled if the person leaves the /rganisation mentioned in his applicationO DivE &he instit)tion recognised as a competent person shall 8eep the 4hief 2nspector informed of the names, designations and 9)alifications of the persons a)thorised *+ it to carr+ o)t tests, examinations and inspections. DvE PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. DviE PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Station Date .ote =- A separate certificate sho)ld *e iss)ed )nder each relevant section. A person or an instit)tion ma+ *e recognised competent for the p)rpose of more than one section of the Act. NStri8e o)t the $ords not applica*le. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM S467D: 7 Sl. .o. Section or #)les )nder $hich 3)alification re9)ired 7xperience for the p)rpose -acilities at his command /fficial seal Signat)re of the 4hief 2nspector

competenc+ is recognised 1 1. 2 #)les made )nder section ! and section 112- 4ertificate of sta*ilit+ for *)ildings 3 4 Degree in DiE A minim)m of 1, 4ivil or +ears experience in the Str)ct)ral design of constr)ction or engineering or testing or repairs of 79)ivalent str)ct)res. DiiE ?no$ledge of nondestr)ctive testing, ario)s codes of practices that are c)rrent and the effect of the vi*rations and nat)ral forces on the sta*ilit+ of the *)ilding, and DiiiE A*ilit+ to arrive at a relia*le concl)sion $ith regard to the safet+ of the str)ct)re of the *)ilding. #)les made )nder Degree in DiE A minim)m of " +ears section 21 D2E Q 7lectrical or experience in =RDangero)s 0echanical or DaE design or operation or machinesS &extile maintenance, or 7ngineering D*E testing, examination or e9)ivalent and inspection of relevant machiner+, their g)ards, safet+ devices and appliances. DiiE 6e shall Q DaE *e conversant $ith safet+ devices and their proper f)nctioning. D*E *e a*le to identif+ defects and an+ other ca)se leading to fail)reO and DcE have a*ilit+ to arrive at a relia*le concl)sion $ith regard to the proper f)nctioning of safet+ device and appliance and machine g)ard. Section 2% Q ifts and A degree in DiE A minim)m 6oists 7lectrical experience of " +ears in =and H or DaE design or erection or 0echanical maintenance, or 5


G)ages for meas)rement instr)ments for meas)rement of speed and an+ other e9)ipment or device to determine the safet+ in the )se of the dangero)s machines.



7ngineering D*E inspection and test or its proced)res, of lifts and 79)ivalent hoistsO DiiE 6e shall *e -DaE 4onversant $ith relevant codes of practices and test proced)res that are c)rrent. D*E 4onversant $ith other stat)tor+ re9)irements covering the safet+ of the 6oists and iftsO DcE a*le to identif+ defects and arrive at a relia*le concl)sion $ith regard to the safet+ of 6oists and ifts. Section 2'- ifting Degree in DiE A minim)m 0achiner+ and 0echanical or experience of " +ears --ifting &ac8le 7lectrical or DaE design or erection or 0etall)rgical maintenance, or 7ngineering D*E testing, examination or its and inspection, of lifting e9)ivalent machiner+, chains, ropes and lifting tac8les.

-acilities for load testing, tensile testing, heat treatment, e9)ipmentH gadget for meas)rement, ga)ges and s)ch other e9)ipment to determine the safe $or8ing conditions of the lifting machiner+ tac8le.

DiiE 6e shall *e -DaE 4onversant $ith relevant codes of practices and test proced)res that are c)rrent. D*E 4onversant $ith fract)re mechanics and metall)rg+ of the material of constr)ctionO DcE 4onversant $ith heat treatmentH stress relieving techni9)es as applica*le to stress *earing components and parts of


Section 31- (ress)re Degree in (lant 4hemical or 7lectrical 0etall)rgical or 0echanical 7ngineering or its e9)ivalent

lifting machiner+ and lifting tac8les. DdE capa*le of identif+ing defects and arriving at a relia*le concl)sion $ith regard to the safet+ of lifting machiner+, chains, ropes and lifting tac8les. DiE A minim)m experience of " +ears --DaE design or erection or maintenance, or D*E testing, examination and inspection, of press)re plant.

-acilities for carr+ing o)t h+dra)lic test, on destr)ctive test, ga)ges e9)ipmentH gadget for meas)rement, and an+ other e9)ipment or ga)ges to determine the safet+ in the )se of (ress)re vessels.


DiiE 6e shall *e -DaE 4onversant $ith relevant codes of practices and test proced)res relating to press)re vessels. D*E 4onversant $ith stat)tor+ re9)irements concerning the safet+ of )nfired press)re vessels and e9)ipment operating )nder press)reO DcE 4onversant $ith nondestr)ctive testing techni9)es as are applica*le to press)re vessels. DdE a*le to identif+ing defects and arriving at a relia*le concl)sion $ith regard to the safet+ of press)re plants.. Section 3!- 0asterKs DiE A minim)m of " +ears 0eters, (reca)tions against degree in in collection and anal+sis instr)ments and dangero)s f)mes 4hemistr+ or of environmental samples devices d)l+


;entilation s+stems as re9)ired )nder vario)s sched)les framed )nder sec. %", s)ch as Sched)les on DiE Grinding or glaAing metals and processes incidental thereto. DiiE 4leaning or smoothing, ro)ghening etc. of articles, *+ a @et and metal shot, or grit, or other a*rasive propelled *+ a *last of compressed air or stream. DiiiE 6andling and processing of as*estos, DivE man)fact)re of #o+an *+ ;iscose process. DvE -o)ndr+

a degree in and cali*ration of cali*rated and 4hemical monitoring e9)ipmentsO certified for 7ngineering. carr+ing o)t the tests and certification of safet+ in $or8ing in confined spaces. DiiE 6e shall *e -DaE 1e conversant $ith the haAardo)s properties of chemicals and their permissi*le limit val)es. D*E 1e conversant $ith the c)rrent techni9)es of sampling and anal+sis of the environmental contaminants DcE *e a*le to arrive at a relia*le concl)sion as regards the safet+ in respect of entering and carr+ing o)t hot $or8. Degree in DiE A minim)m of " +ears -acilities for 0echanical or in the design, fa*rication, testing the 7lectrical installation testing of ventilation 7ngineering ventilation s+stem and s+stems, or e9)ivalent. s+stems )sed for instr)ments and extraction and collection ga)ges for of d)sts, f)mes and testing the vapo)rs and other effectiveness of ancillar+ e9)ipment. the extraction s+stems for d)sts, vapo)rs and f)mes and an+ other e9)ipment needed for determining the efficienc+ and a ade9)ac+ of these s+stems. 6e shall have the assistance of a s)ita*le 9)alified technical person $ho can come to


a reasona*le concl)sion as to the ade9)ac+ of the s+stem. DiiE 6e shall *e conversant $ith relevant codes of practice and tests proced)res that are c)rrent in respect of ventilation and extraction s+stem for f)mes and *e a*le to arrive at a relia*le concl)sion $ith regard to effectiveness of the s+stem.

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM #)les 3 to 11 prescri*ed )nder s)*-section D1E of Section ! 3. &he t. Governor or the 4hief 2nspector of -actories ma+ re9)ire, for the p)rposes of the Act, s)*mission of plans of an+ factor+ $hich $as either in existence on the date of commencement of the Act or $hich has not *een constr)cted or extended since then. S)ch plans shall *e dra$n to scale sho$ing=DiE &he site of the factor+ and immediate s)rro)ndings incl)ding ad@acent *)ildings and other str)ct)res, road, drains, etc. DiiE the plan, elevation and necessar+ cross-sections of the factor+ *)ildings indicating all relevant details relating to nat)ral lighting, ventilation and means of escape in case of fire, and the position of the plant and machiner+, aisles and passage$a+sO and DiiiE s)ch other partic)lars as the State Government or the 4hief 2nspector, as the case ma+ *e, an+ re9)ired. 3-A. Approval of site and plan- D1E .o site shall *e )sed for the location of a factor+ or no *)ilding in a factor+ sho)ld *e constr)cted, reconstr)cted, extended or ta8en into )se as a factor+ or part of a factor+ )nless previo)s permission in $riting is o*tained from the Administrator or the 4hief 2nspector of -actories. Applications for s)ch permission shall *e in -orm .o.1 and accompanied *+ the follo$ing doc)ments = DaE A flo$ chart of the man)fact)ring process s)pplemented *+ a *rief description of the process in its vario)s stages. D*E (lans in d)plicate dra$n to scale sho$ing = DiE &he site of the factor+ and immediate s)rro)nding incl)ding ad@acent *)ildings, and other str)ct)res roads, drains, etc. DiiE &he plan elevation and necessar+ 4ross-sections of the vario)s *)ildings, indicating all relevant details relating to nat)ral lighting, ventilation and means of

escape in case on fire. &he plans shall also clearl+ indicate the plant and machiner+, aisles and passage $a+sO and DcE S)ch other partic)lars as the 4hief 2nspector ma+ re9)ire. D2E 2f the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that the plans are in consonance $ith the re9)irements of the Act he shall, s)*@ect to s)ch conditions as he ma+ specif+ approve them *+ signing and ret)rning to the applicant one cop+ of each planO or he ma+ call for s)ch other partic)lars as he ma+ re9)ire to ena*le s)ch approve to *e given. 4. Application for registration and grant of license-- &he /cc)pier of ever+ factor+ shall s)*mit to the 4hief 2nspector of -actories an application in triplicate in the prescri*ed form .o.2 for the registration of the factor+ and grant of a license. 5. Grant of icence-- D1E A licence for a factor+ shall *e granted *+ the 4hief 2nspector of -actories or an+ other officer appointed )nder s)*-section D2-AE of section % of the Act and speciall+ empo$ered in this *ehalf *+ the State Government, in -orm .o.4 prescri*ed for the p)rpose, for a period of one +ear or five +ears, as ma+ *e re9)ested in the application for registration and grant of licence and on pa+ment of the fees specified in s)*-r)le D2E. D2E &he fees for grant of licence for one +ear shall *e as specified in the Sched)le hereto. 2n case an application for licence has *een made for a period of five +ears, the licence fees shall *e five times the fees pa+a*le for grant of a licence for one +ear, as specified in the said Sched)le. D3E A licence granted )nder this r)le ma+, at the re9)est of license, *e rene$ed for one +ear or five +ears in accordance $ith the provisions of r)le ". D4E 7ver+ licence as granted or rene$ed, shall remain in force )pto 31 st Decem*er of the +ear for or )pto $hich it is rene$ed. S467D: 7 -ees for the grant of a licence for a factor+ for one +ear 6.(. on 2nstalled 0axim)m n)m*er of $or8ers to *e emplo+ed on an+ da+ d)ring the +ear 21 to 51 to 1,1 to 251 to 5, 1,, 25, 5,, #s. #s. #s. #s. 5, 1,, 25, 4,, 1,, 12, 3,, !,, 15, 2,, 5,, 1,,, 25, 4,, 3,, 5,, "5, 1,,, 15,, 2,,, 5,1 to "5, #s. "5, ',, 15,, 225, 3,,, "51 to 1,,, #s. 1,,, 12,, 2,,, 3,,, 4,,, A*ove 1,,, #s. 125, 15,, 25,, 3",, 5,,,

:pto 2, #s. .il 2, :pto 1, 5, A*ove 1, and 1,, )pto 5, A*ove 5, and 2,, )pto 1,, A*ove 1,, 3,,

!. Amendment of icence-- D1E A licence granted )nder r)le 4 ma+ amended *+ the 4hief 2nspector of -actories or an+ other officer appointed )nder s)*-section D2-AE of section % of the Act and speciall+ empo$ered in this *ehalf *+ the State Government. D2E . o licence shall-

H DiE 4hange the name of his factor+O or DiiE emplo+ persons in excess of the n)m*er stated in the licenceO or DiiiE )se motive po$er in excess of the limits of horse po$er specified in the licenceO $itho)t getting his licence amended. D3E A licensee $ho desires to have his licence amended shall s)*mit it to the 4hief 2nspector or an+ other officer appointed )nder s)*-section D2- AE of Section % of the Act and speciall+ empo$ered in this *ehalf, $ith an application stating the nat)re of the amendment and reasons therefor. D4E &he fee for the amendment of a licence shall *e t$ent+ five r)pees pl)s the amo)nt Dif an+E *+ $hich the fee that $o)ld have *een pa+a*le if the licence had originall+ *een iss)ed in the amended form exceeds the fee originall+ paid for the licence. ". #ene$al of licence-- D1E A licence ma+ *e rene$ed *+ the 4hief 2nspector of -actories or an+ other officer appointed )nder s)*-section D2-AE of section % of the Act and speciall+ empo$ered in this *ehalf *+ the State Government. D2E 7ver+ application for the rene$al of a licence shall *e made in triplicate, in -orm .o.2 together $ith the pa+ment of fees for a period of one +ear or five +ears as the case ma+ *e, and shall *e s)*mitted not less than 3, da+s *efore the date on $hich the licence expires. 2f the application, complete in all respects, is so made, the premises shall *e held to *e d)l+ licensed )ntil s)ch date as the 4hief 2nspector of the -actories or as the case ma+ *e, the /fficer appointed )nder s)*-section D2-AE of section % of the Act and speciall+ empo$ered in this *ehalf *+ the State Government, rene$s the licence. D3E &he fees for the rene$al of licence for one +ear shall *e the same as for the grant thereof. 2n case an application for rene$al has *een made for a period of five +ears, the rene$al fees shall *e five times the fees pa+a*le for rene$al of licence for one +ear, as specified in the Sched)le appended *elo$ r)le 5. (rovided that if the application for rene$al, d)l+ completed in all respects, is not received $ithin the time specified in s)*-r)le D2E of this r)le, the licence shall *e rene$ed onl+ on pa+ment of a fee t$ent+ five percent in excess of the fees ordinaril+ pa+a*le for the rene$al of a licence for the +ear or +ears for $hich the application has *een received late. %. &ransfer of licence-- D1E &he holder of a licence ma+, at an+ time *efore the expir+ of the licence, appl+ for permission to transfer his licence to another person. D2E S)ch application shall *e made to the 4hief 2nspector of -actories or an+ other officer appointed )nder s)*-section D2-AE of section % of the Act and speciall+ empo$ered in this *ehalf *+ the State Government $ho shall, if he approves of the transfer, enter )pon the licence, )nder his signat)re, an endorsement to the effect that the licence has *een transferred to the person named. D3E A fee of t$ent+ five r)pees shall *e charged on each s)ch application. '. (roced)re on death or disa*ilit+ of licencee--lf a licencee dies or *ecomes insolvent the person carr+ing on the *)siness of s)ch licence shall not *e lia*le to an+ penalt+ )nder the Act for exercising the po$ers granted to the licencee *+ the licence d)ring s)ch time as ma+ reasona*l+ *e re9)ired to allo$ him to ma8e an application for the amendment of the licence )nder #)le ! in his o$n name for the )nexpired portion of the original licence.

1,. oss of licence-- 5here a licence granted )nder the #)les is lost or accidentall+ destro+ed, a d)plicate ma+ *e granted on pa+ment of a fee of r)pees t$ent+ five. 11. (a+ment of fees- D1E 7ver+ application )nder the #)les shall *e accompanied *+ a treas)r+ receipt sho$ing that the appropriate fees has *een paid into the a)thorised *ranch of the State 1an8 of 2ndia )nder the head of acco)nt, affixed *+ the office of the 4hief 2nspector of -actories. D2E 2f an application for the grant, rene$al or amendment of a licence is re@ected, the fee paid shall *e ref)nded to the applicant. 11-A. (rohi*iting #)nning of a -actor+ $itho)t a valid licenceTAn occ)pier shall not )se an+ premises as a factor+ or carr+on an+ man)fact)ring process in a factor+ )nless a licence has *een iss)ed in respect of s)ch premises and is in force for the time *eing = (rovided that if a valid application for grant of licence has *een s)*mitted and the re9)ired fees has *een paid, the premises shall *e deemed to *e f)ll+ licensed )ntil s)ch date as the 4hief 2nspector of -actories or as the case ma+ *e, an+ other officer appointed )nder s)*section D2-AE of section % of the -actories Act, and speciall+ empo$ered in this *ehalf *+ the State Government, grants or rene$s the licence or ref)ses in $riting $ith reasons, to grant or rene$ licence. (rovided f)rther that if the 4hief 2nspector of -actories or as the case ma+ *e, an+ other officer appointed )nder s)*-section D2-AE of section % of the Act and speciall+ empo$ered in this *ehalf, *+ the State Government fails to grant or rene$ the licence or fails to ref)se to do so, for reasons to *e comm)nicated in $riting to the applicant, $ithin !, da+s from the date of the application, licence shall *e deemed to have *een granted or rene$ed. -orm prescri*ed )nder s)*-section 1 of Section " 12. .otice of /cc)pation- &he notice of occ)pation shall *e in -orm .o 2. :nder s)*-section D4E of Section " 12-A. .otice of change of 0anager- &he notice of change of 0anager shall *e in -orm .o.3. 12-1. G)idelines 2nstr)ctions and records- DiE 5itho)t pre@)dices to he general responsi*ilit+ of the occ)pier to compl+ $ith the provisions of sect on "DaE the 4hief 2nspector ma+, from time to time, iss)e g)idelines and instr)ctions regarding the general d)ties of the occ)pier relating to health safet+ and $elfare of all $or8ers $hile the+ are at $or8 in the factor+. DiiE &he occ)pier shall maintain s)ch records, as ma+ *e prescri*ed *+ the 4hief 2nspector, in respect of monitoring of $or8ing environment in the factor+. 46A(&7# 22 &he 2nspecting Staff #)le prescri*ed )nder Section ' 13. (o$er of 2nspectors- An 2nspector shall, for the p)rpose of the exec)tion of the Act, have po$er to do all or an+ of the follo$ing things, that is to sa+=-

DaE to photograph an+ $or8erO to inspect, examine meas)re, cop+, photograph, s8etch or test, as the case ma+ *e, an+ *)ilding or roomO an+ plant, machiner+, appliance or apparat)sO an+ register or doc)mentO or an+thing provided for the p)rpose of sec)ring the health, safet+ or $elfare of the $or8ers emplo+ed in a factor+O G*E in the case of an 2nspector $ho is a d)l+ 9)alified medical practitioner, to carr+ o)t s)ch medical examinations as ma+ *e necessar+ for the p)rposes of his d)ties )nder the ActO GcE to prosec)te, cond)ct or defend *efore a 4o)rt an+ complaint or other proceeding arising )nder the Act or in discharge of his d)ties as an 2nspectorO (rovided that the po$ers of the District 0agistrates and s)ch other p)*lic officers as are appointed to *e additional inspectors shall *e limited to the inspection of factories in respect of the follo$ing matters, namel+=4leanliness GSection 11E, /ver-cro$ding GSection 1!E, ighting GSection 1"E, Drin8ing $ater GSection 1%E, atrines < :rinals GSection 1'E, Spittoons GSection 2,E, (reca)tions in the case of fire GSection 3%E, 5elfare G4hapter ;E, 5or8ing ho)rs of ad)lts G4hapter ;2except the po$er of exemption )nder the proviso to Section !2E, 7mplo+ment of +o)ng persons, D4hapter ;222E, eave $ith $ages G4hapter ;222E and Displa+ of notices GSection 1,%E. #)le (rescri*ed )nder Section 112 13-A. 3)alification of an 2nspector- .o person shall *e appointed as an 2nspector for the Act )nless he possesses the follo$ing 9)alificationsGaE 6e m)st not *e less than 23 +ears or more than 35 +ears of age. G*E 6e m)st have = GiE had a good general ed)cation )pto the 2ntermediate standard of a recognised :niversit+. GiiE Sec)red a degree, or diploma e9)ivalent to a degree of a recognised )niversit+, in an+ *ranch of 7ngineering, &echnolog+ of 0edicine and prefera*l+ $ith practical experience of at least t$o +ears in a $or8shop or a man)fact)ring concern of good standing and in the case of 0edical 2nspector an experience of at least 2 +ears in a p)*lic hospital or factor+ medical Department or alternatel+ a diploma in 2nd)strial medicine. DcE 5here for a partic)lar post special 8no$ledge, Ithe deal $ith special pro*lems is re9)ired the 4hief 4ommissioner, ma+, in addition to the *asic 9)alifications prescri*e appropriate 9)alifications for s)ch a post.I (rovided that in the case of a person $ho has *een $or8ing as 2nspector )nder the Act at the time of commencement of these r)les, the 4hief 4ommissioner ma+, s)*@ect to s)ch conditions as he ma+ specif+, exempt s)ch persons from the provisions of this r)le. (rovided f)rther that the provisions of this r)le relating to 9)alifications shall not appl+ in the case of a person $ho is alread+ appointed as 2nspector of -actories on reg)lar *asis, in accordance $ith the provisions of the #ecr)itment #)les framed )nder Article 3,' of the 4onstit)tion. #)le prescri*ed )nder s)*-section D4E of Section 1,

14. D)ties of 4ertif+ing S)rgeon- D1E -or p)rposes of the examination and certification of +o)ng persons $ho $ish to o*tain certificates of fitness, the 4ertif+ing s)rgeon shall arrange a s)ita*le time and place for the attendance s)ch persons, and shall give previo)s notice in $riting of s)ch arrangements to the managers of factories sit)ated $ithin the local limits assigned to him. D2E &he 4ertif+ing S)rgeon shall iss)e his certificates in -orm .o.4. &he foil and co)nter-foil shall *e filled in and the left th)m* mar8 of the person in $hose name the certificate is granted shall *e ta8en on them. /n *eing satisfied as to the correctness of entries, made therein and of the fitness of the person examined he shall sign the foil and initial the co)nterfoil and shall deliver the foil to the person in $hose name the certificate is granted. &he foil so delivered shall *e the certificate of fitness granted )nder Section !'. All co)nterfoils shall *e 8ept *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon for a period of at least 2 +ears after the iss)e of the certificate. D3E &he certif+ing S)rgeon shall )pon re9)est *+ the 4hief 2nspector, carr+ o)t s)ch examination and f)rnish him $ith s)ch report as he ma+ indicate, for an+ factor+ or class or description of factories $here=DaE cases of illness have occ)rred $hich it is reasona*le to *elieve are d)e to the nat)re of the man)fact)ring process carried on or other conditions of $or8 prevailing therein, or D*E *+ reason of an+ change in the man)fact)ring process carried on, or in the s)*stances )sed therein, or *+ reason of the adoption of an+ ne$ man)fact)ring process or of an+ ne$ s)*stance for )se in a man)fact)ring process, there is a li8elihood of in@)r+ to the health of $or8ers emplo+ed in that man)fact)ring process, or DcE +o)ng persons are or are a*o)t to *e, emplo+ed in an+ $or8 $hich is li8el+ to ca)se in@)r+ to their health. D4E -or the p)rpose of the examination of persons emplo+ed in processes covered *+ the #)les relating to Dangero)s /perations, the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon shall visit the factories $ithin the local limits assigned to him at s)ch intervals as are prescri*ed *+ the #)les relating to s)ch dangero)s operations. D5E At s)ch visits the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon shall examine the persons emplo+ed in s)ch processes and shall record the res)lts of his examination in a #egister 8no$n as the 6ealth #egister D-orm .o.1"E $hich shall *e 8ept *+ the factor+ manager and prod)ced to the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon at each visit. D!E 2f the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon finds as a res)lt of his examinations that an+ person emplo+ed in s)ch process is no longer fit for medical reasons to $or8 in that process he shall s)spend s)ch person from $or8ing in that process for s)ch time as he ma+ thin8 fit and no person after s)spension shall *e emplo+ed in that process $itho)t the $ritten sanction of the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon in the 6ealth #egister. D"E &he manager of a factor+ shall afford to the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon facilities to inspect an+ process in $hich an+ person is emplo+ed or is li8el+ to *e emplo+ed. D%E &he manager of a factor+ shall provide for the p)rposes of an+ medical examination $hich the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ishes to cond)ct at the factor+ Dfor his excl)sive )se on the occasion of an examinationE a room $hich shall *e properl+ cleaned and ade9)atel+ ventilated and lighted and f)rnished $ith a screen, a ta*le D$ith $riting materialsE and chairs. 46A(&7# 222 7xemption )nder s)*-section D2E of Section 11

15. 4leanliness of $alls and ceilings- D1E 4la)se DdE of s)*-section D1E of section 11 of the Act shall not appl+ to the class or description of factories or parts of factories specified in the Sched)le hereto = (rovided that the+ are 8ept in a clean state *+ $ashing, s$eeping, *r)shing, d)sting vacc)mcleaning or other effective means = (rovided f)rther that the said cla)se DdE shall contin)e to appl+= DiE as respects factories or parts of factories specified in (art A of the said Sched)le, to $or8rooms in $hich the amo)nt of c)*ic space allo$ed for ever+ person emplo+ed in the room is less than 5,, c)*ic feetO DiiE as respects factories or parts of factories specified in (art 1 of the said Sched)le, to $or8rooms in $hich the amo)nt of c)*ic space allo$ed for ever+ person emplo+ed in the room is less than 2,5,, c)*ic feetO DiiiE to engine ho)ses, fitting shops, l)nch-rooms, canteens, shelters, creches, cloc8 rooms, rest rooms and $ash-placesO and DivE to s)ch parts of $alls, sides and tops of passages and stair cases as are less than 2, feet a*ove the floor or stair . D2E 2f it appears to the 4hief 2nspector that an+ part of a factor+, to $hich *+ virt)e of s)*r)le D1E an+ of the provisions of the said cla)se DdE do not appl+, or appl+ as varied *+ s)*r)le D1E, is not *eing 8ept in a clean state, he ma+ *+ $ritten notice re9)ire the occ)pier to $hite-$ash or colo)r-$ash, $ash paint or varnish the same and in the event of the occ)pier failing to compl+ $ith s)ch re9)isition $ithin t$o months from the date of the notice, s)*r)le D1E shall cease to appl+ to s)ch part of a factor+, )nless the 4hief 2nspector other$ise determines. S467D: 7 (A#& A 1last f)rnaces. 1ric8s and title $or8s in $hich )nglaAed *ric8s or tiles are made. 4ement $or8s. 4hemical $or8s. 4opper mills. Gas $or8s. 2ron and steel mills. Stone, slate and mar*le $or8s. &he follo$ing parts of factories. #ooms )sed onl+ for the storage of articles. #ooms in $hich the $alls or ceiling consist of galvanised iron, glaAed *ric8s, glass, slate, as*estos, *am*oo, thatch. (arts in $hich dense steam is contin)o)sl+ evolved in the process. (arts in $hich pitch, tar or li8e material is man)fact)red or is )sed to s)*stantial extent, except in *r)sh $or8s. &he parts of a glass factor+ 8no$n the glass ho)se. #ooms in $hich graphite is man)fact)red or is )sed to s)*stantial extent in an+ process. (arts in $hich coal, co8e, oxide or iron, ochre, lime or stone is cr)shed or gro)nd (arts of $alls, partitions, ceilings or tops of rooms $hich are at least 2, feet a*ove the floor.

4eilings or tops of rooms in cement $or8s, *leach $or8s or d+e $or8s $ith the exception of finishing rooms or $are-ho)ses. 2nside $alls of oil mills *elo$ a height of 5 feet from the gro)nd floor level. 2nside $alls in tanneries *elo$ a height of 5 feet from the gro)nd floor level $here a $et process is carried on. (A#& 1 4oach and motor *od+ $or8s. 7lectrical generating or transforming stations. 7ngineering $or8s. -actories in $hich s)gar is refined or man)fact)red. -o)ndaries other than fo)ndaries in $hich *rass casting is carried on. G)n factories. Ship*)ilding $or8s. &hose parts of factories $here )npainted or )nvarnished $ood man)fact)red #egister prescri*ed )nder s)*-section D1E of Section 11 1!. #ecord of $hite-$ashing etc.- &he record of dates on $hich $hite $ashing, colo)r$ashing varnishing etc., are carried o)t shall *e entered in #egister maintained in -orm .o.". #)le prescri*ed )nder s)*-section D2E of Section 12 1". Disposal of trade $astes and effl)ents- &he arrangements made in ever+ factor+ for the treatment of $astes and effl)ents d)e to the man)fact)ring processes carried on therein shall *e in accordance $ith those approved *+ the relevant 5ater and Air (oll)tion 1oards, appointed )nder the 5ater D(revention and 4ontrol of (oll)tionE Act, 1'"4 and the Air D(revention and 4ontrol of (oll)tionE Act, 1'%1 and other local a)thorit+ concerned. #)le 1% to 2% prescri*ed )nder s)*-section 1 of Section 15 1%. 5hen artificial h)midification not allo$ed- &here shall *e no artificial h)midification in an+ room of a cotton spinning or $eaving factor+ =DaE *+ the )se of steam d)ring an+ period $hen the dr+ *)l* temperat)re of that room exceeds %5 degreesO D*E at an+ time $hen the $et *)l* reading of the h+grometer is higher than that specified in the follo$ing Sched)le in relation to the dr+ *)l* reading of the h+grometer at that timeO or as regards a dr+ *)l* readings intermediate *et$een an+ t$o dr+ *)l* readings indicated consec)tivel+ in the Sched)le $hen the dr+ *)l* reading does not exceed the $et *)l* reading to the extent indicated in relation to the lo$er of these t$o dr+ *)l* readingsS467D: 7 Dr+ *)l* !,., !1., !2., 5et *)l* 5%., 5'., !,., Dr+ *)l* ""., "%., "'., 5et *)l* "5., "!., ""., Dr+ *)l* '4., '5., '!., 5et *)l* %!.5 %"., %".5

!3., !4., !5., !!., !"., !%., !'., ",., "1., "2., "3., "4., "5., "!.,

!1., !2., !3., !4., !5., !!., !"., !%., !'., ",., "1., "2., "3., "4.,

%,., %1., %2., %3., %4., %5., %!., %"., %%., %'., ',., '1., '2., '3.,

"%., "'., %,., %,.5 %1., %2., %2.5 %3., %3.5 %4., %4.5 %5., %5.5 %!.,

'"., '%., ''., 1,,., 1,1., 1,2., 1,3., 1,4., 1,5., 1,!., 1,"., 1,%., 1,'., 11,.,

%%., %%.5 %'., '%.5 ',., ',., ',.5 ',.5 '1., '1., '1.5 '1.5 '2., '2.,

(rovided, ho$ever, that 4la)se D*E shall not appl+ $hen the difference *et$een the $et *)l* temperat)re as indicated *+ the h+grometer in the department concerned and the $et *)l* temperat)re ta8en $ith a h+grometer o)tside in the shade is less than 3.5 degrees. 1'. (rovision of 6+grometer- 2n all departments of cotton spinning and $eaving mills $herein artificial h)midification is adopted h+grometers shall *e provided and maintained in s)ch position as are approved *+ the 2nspector. &he n)m*er of h+grometers shall *e reg)lated according to the follo$ing scale=DaE 5eaving departments- /ne h+grometer for departments $ith 5,, looms, and one additional 6+grometer for ever+ 5,, or part of 5, looms in excess of 5,,. D*E /ther departments- /ne 6+grometer for each room of less than 3,,.,, c)*ic feet capacit+ and one extra h+grometer for each 2,,.,, c)*ic feet or part thereof, in excess of this. DcE /ne additional h+grometer shall *e provided and maintained o)tside each cotton spinning and $eaving factor+ $herein artificial h)midification is adopted, and in a position approved *+ the 2nspector, for ta8ing h+grometer shade readings. 2,. 7xemption from maintenance of h+grometers- 5hen the 2nspector is satisfied that the limits of h)midit+ allo$ed, *+ the Sched)le of #)le 1% are never exceeded, he ma+, for an+ department other than the $eaving department grant exemption from the maintenance of the h+grometer. &he 2nspector shall record s)ch exemption in $riting. 21. 4op+ of Sched)le to #)le 1% to *e affixed near ever+ h+grometer- A logi*le cop+ of the Sched)le to #)le 1% shall *e affixed near each h+grometer. 22. &emperat)re to *e recorded at each h+grometer- At each h+grometer maintained in accordance $ith #)le 1', correct $et and dr+ *)l* temperat)re shall *e recorded thrice dail+ d)ring each $or8ing da+ *+ competent person nominated *+ the 0anager and approved *+ the 2nspector. &he temperat)re shall *e ta8en *et$een " a.m. and ' a.m. *et$een 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. D*)t not in the rest intervalE and *et$een 4 p.m. and 5.3, p.m. 2n exceptional circ)mstances s)ch additional readings and *et$een s)ch ho)rs, as the 2nspector ma+ specif+ shall *e ta8en. &he temperat)res shall *e entered in a 6)midit+ #egister in the prescri*ed -orm .o.!, maintained in the factor+. At the end of each month, the persons $ho have ta8en

the readings shall sign the #egister and certif+ the correctness of the entries. &he #egister shall al$a+s *e availa*le for inspection *+ the 2nspector. 23. Specifications of 6+grometer-=.- D1E 7ach h+grometer shall comprise t$o merc)rial thermometers of $et *)l* of similar constr)ction and e9)al in dimensions, scale and divisions of scale. &he+ shall *e mo)nted on a farm $ith a s)ita*le reservoir containing $ater. D2E &he $et *)l* shall *e closel+ covered $ith a single la+er of m)slin, 8ept $et *+ means of a $ic8 attached to it and dropping into the $ater in the reservoir. &he m)slin covering and the $ic8 shall *e s)ita*le for the p)rpose, clean and free from siAe or grease. D3E .o part of the $et *)l* shall *e $ithin 3 inches from the dr+ *)l* or less than 1 inch from the s)rface of the $ater in the reservoir and the $ater reservoir shall *e *elo$ it, on the side of it a$a+ from the dr+ *)l*. D4E &he *)l* shall *e spherical and of s)ita*le dimensions and shall *e freel+ exposed on all sides to the air of the room. D5E &he *ores of the stems shall *e s)ch that the position of the top of the merc)r+ col)mn shall *e readil+ disting)isha*le at a distance of 2 feet. D!E 7ach thermometer shall *e grad)ated so that acc)rate readings ma+ *e ta8en *et$een 5, and 12, degrees. D"E 7ver+ degree from 5, degrees )pto 12, degrees shall *e clearl+ mar8ed *+ horiAontal lines on the stems. 7ach fifth and tenth degree shall *e mar8ed *+ longer mar8s than the intermediate degrees and the temperat)re mar8ed opposite each tenth degree, i.e., 5,, !,, ",, %,, ',, 1,,, 11, and 12,. D%E &he mar8ings as a*ove shall *e acc)rate that is to sa+, at no temperat)re *et$een 5, and 12, degrees shall the indicated readings, *e in error *+ more than t$o tenths of a degree. D'E A distinctive n)m*er shall *e indeli*l+ mar8ed )pon the thermometer. D1,E &he acc)rac+ of each thermometer shall *e certified *+ the .ational (h+sical a*orator+, ondon, or some competent a)thorit+ appointed *+ the 4hief 2nspector and s)ch certificate shall *e attached to the 6)midit+ #egister . 24. &hermometers to *e maintained in efficient order- 7ach thermometer shall *e maintained at all times d)ring the period of emplo+ment in efficient $or8ing order, so as to give acc)rate indications and in partic)lar =DaE the $ic8 and the m)slin covering of the $et *)l* shall *e rene$ed once a $ee8O D*E the reservoir shall *e fitted $ith $ater $hich shall *e completel+ rene$ed once a da+. &he 4hief 2nspector ma+ direct the )se of distilled $ater or p)re rain $ater in an+ partic)lar mill or mills in certain localitiesO DcE no $ater shall *e applied directl+ to the $ic8 or covering d)ring the period of emplo+ment. 25. An inacc)rate thermometer not to *e )sed $itho)t fresh certificate- if an 2nspector gives notice in $riting that a thermometer is not acc)rate it shall not, after one month from the date of s)ch notice, *e deemed to *e acc)rate )nless and )ntil it has *een re-examined as prescri*ed and afresh certificate o*tained $hich certificate shall *e 8ept attached to the 6)midit+ #egister. 2!. 6+gometer not to *e affixed to $all etc., )nless protected *+ $ood- D1E .o h+grometer shall *e affixed to a $all, pillar or other s)rface )nless protected therefrom *+ $ood or other

non-cond)cting material at least half an inch in thic8ness and distant at least one inch from the *)l* of each thermometer . D2E .o h+grometer shall *e fixed at a height of more than 5 feet ! inches from the floor to the top of thermometer steam or in the direct dra)ghts from a fan, $indo$ or ventilating opening. 2". .o reading to *e ta8en $ithin 15 min)tes of rene$al of $ater- .o reading shall *e ta8en for record on an+ h+grometer $ithin 15 min)tes of the rene$al of $ater in the reservoir. 2%. 6o$ to introd)ce steam for h)midifications- 2n an+ room in $hich steam pipes are )sed for the introd)ction of steam for the p)rpose of artificial h)midification of the air the follo$ing provisions shall appl+DaE &he diameter of s)ch pipes shall not exceed t$o inches and in the case of pipes installed after 1st A)g)st, 1'5, the diameter shall not exceed one inchO D*E S)ch pipes shall *e short as it reasona*l+ practica*leO DcE All hangers s)pporting s)ch pipes shall *e separated from the *e pipes *+ an efficient ins)lator not less than half an inch thic8ness DdE .o )ncovered @et from s)ch pipe shall pro@ect more than 4-1H2 inches *e+ond the o)ter s)rface of an+ coverO DeE &he steam press)re shall *e as lo$ as practica*le and shall not exceed ", 2*s. per s9)are inchO DfE &he pipe emplo+ed for the introd)ction of steam into the air in a department shall *e effectivel+ covered $ith s)ch non-cond)cting material, as ma+ *e approved *+ the 2nspector in order to minimise the amo)nt of heat radiated *+ them into the department. #)les 2' to 33 prescri*ed )nder s)*-section D4E of Section D1"E 2'. ighting-application and commencement- D1E S)*@ect as in these #)les provided, #)les 2' to 33 shall appl+ to factories in $hich persons are *eing reg)larl+ emplo+ed in a man)fact)ring process or processes for more than 4% ho)rs a $ee8, or in shifts, provided that nothing in these #)les shall *e deemed to re9)ire the provision of lighting of a specified standard in an+ *)ilding or str)ct)re so constr)cted that, in the opinion of the 4hief 2nspector, it $o)ld not *e reasona*l+ practica*le to compl+ $ith s)ch re9)irements. D2E #)les 2' to 33 shall come into force, in respect of an+ class or description of factories, on s)ch dates as the 4hief 4ommissioner ma+, *+ notification in the /fficial gaAette, appoint in this *ehalf. 3,. ighting of 2nterior parts- D1E &he general ill)mination over these interior parts of a factor+ $here persons are reg)larl+ emplo+ed shall *e not less than ! feet candles meas)red in horiAontal plane at a level of 3 feet a*ove the floor = (rovided that in an+ s)ch parts in $hich the mo)nting height of the light so)rce for general ill)mination necessaril+ exceeds 25 feet meas)red from the floor or $here the str)ct)re of the room or the position or constr)ction of the fixed machiner+ or plant prevents the )niform attainment of this standard, the general ill)mination at the said level shall not *e less than 2 feet candle and $here $or8 is act)all+ *eing done the ill)mination shall *e not less than ! feet candles. D2E &he ill)mination over all other interior parts of the factor+ over $hich persons emplo+ed pass shall, $hen and $here a person is passing, *e not less than ,.5 foot candles at floor level.

D3E &he standard specified in this #)le shall *e $itho)t pre@)dice to the provision of an+ additional ill)mination re9)ired to render the lighting s)fficient and s)ita*le for the nat)re of the $or8. 31. (revention of glare-- D1E 5here an+ so)rce of artificial light in the factor+ is less than 1! feet a*ove floor level, no part of the light so)rce or of the lighting fitting having a *rightness greater than 1, candles per s9)are inch shall *e visi*le to persons $hilst normall+ emplo+ed $ithin 1,, feet of the so)rce, except $here the angle of elevation from the e+e to the so)rce or part of the fitting as the case ma+ *e exceeds 2,U. D2E An+ local light that is to sa+ an artificial light designed to ill)minate partic)larl+ the area or part of the area of $or8 of a single operative or small gro)p of operatives $or8ing near other, shall *e provided $ith a s)ita*le shade of opa9)e material to prevent glare or $ith other effective means *+ $hich the light so)rce is completel+ creened from the e+es of ever+ person emplo+ed at the normal $or8ing place, or shall *e so placed that no s)ch person is exposed to glare therefrom. 32. (o$er of. 4hief 2nspector to exempt- 5here the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied in respect of an+ partic)lar factor+ or part thereof or in respect of an+ description of $or8room or process that an+ re9)irement of #)les 2' to 31 is inappropriate or is not reasona*l+ practica*le, he ma+ order in $riting exempt that factor+ or part thereof, or description of $or8room or process from s)ch re9)irement to s)ch extent and s)*@ect to s)ch conditions as he ma+ specif+. 33. 7xemption from #)le 3,- D1E .othing in #)le 3, shall appl+ to the parts of factories specified in part 2 of the Sched)le annexed hereto. D2E .othing in s)*-r)le D1E of #)le 3, shall appl+ to the factories or parts of factories respectivel+ specified in (art 22 of the said Sched)le. S467D: 7 (A#& 2 (art of factories in $hich light sensitive photographic materials are made or )sed in an exposed condition. (A#& 22 4ement 5or8s. 5or8s for the cr)shing and grinding of limestone. Gas $or8s. 4o8e oven $or8s. 7lectrical stations. -lo)r mills. 0elting and *re$eries. (arts of factories in $hich the follo$ing processes are carried on. 4oncrete or artificial stone ma8ing. 4onversion of iron into steel. Smelting of iron ore. 2ron or steel rolling. 6ot rolling or forging tempering or annealing of metals.

Glass *lo$ing and other $or8ing in molten glass. &ar distilling (etrole)m refining and *lending. #)les 34 to 3' prescri*ed )nder s)*-section D4E of Section 1% 34. 3)antit+ of drin8ing $ater- &he 9)antit+ of drin8ing $ater to *e provided for the $or8ers in ever+ factor+ shall *e at least as man+ gallons a da+ as there are $or8ers emplo+ed in the factor+ and s)ch drin8ing $ater shall *e readil+ availa*le at all times d)ring $or8ings ho)rs. 35. So)rce of S)ppl+- &he $ater provided for drin8ing shall *e s)pplied =DaE from a p)*lic $ater s)ppl+ s+stem, or D*E from an+ other so)rce approved in $riting *+ the 6ealth /ffice . 3!. 0eans of s)ppl+- 2f drin8ing $ater is not s)pplied directl+ from taps either connected $ith p)*lic $ater s)ppl+ s+stem or an+ other $ater s)ppl+ s+stem of the factor+ approved *+ the 6ealth-/fficer, it shall *e 8ept in s)ita*le vessels receptacles or tan8s fitted $ith taps and having d)st proof covers placed on raised stands or platforms in shade and haring s)ita*le arrangement of drainage to carr+ a$a+ the split $ater. S)ch vessels or receptacles and tan8s shall *e 8ept clean and the $ater rene$ed at least once ever+ da+. All practica*le meas)res shall *e ta8en to ens)re that the $ater is free from contamination. 3". 4leanliness of $ell to reservoir- D1E Drin8ing $ater shall no *e s)pplied from an+ open $ell or reservoir )nless it is so constr)cted, sit)ated, protected and maintained as to *e free from the possi*ilit+ of poll)tion *+ chemical, or *acterial and extraneo)s imp)rities. D2E 5here drin8ing $ater s)pplied from s)ch $ell or reservoir the $ater in it shall *e sterilised once a $ee8 or more fre9)entl+ if the 2nspector *+ $ritten order so re9)ires, and the date, on $hich sterilising is carried o)t shall *e recorded. (rovided that his re9)irement shall not appl+ to an+ s)ch $ell or reservoir if the $ater therein is filtered and treated to the satisfaction of the 6ealth /fficer *efore it is s)pplied for cons)mption. 3%. #eport from 6ealth /fficer- &he 2nspector ma+ *+ order in $riting direct the 0anager to o*tain, at s)ch time or at s)ch intervals as he ma+ direct, a report from the 6ealth /fficer as to the fitness for h)man cons)mption of the $ater s)pplied to the $or8ers, and in ever+ case to s)*mit to the 2nspector a cop+ of s)ch report as it is received from the 6ealth /fficer. 3'. 4ooling of $ater- 2n ever+ factor+ $herein more than t$o h)ndred and fift+ $or8ers are ordinaril+ emplo+edDaE &he drin8ing $ater s)pplied to the $or8ers shall from the 1!th of April to the 3, th Septem*er, in ever+ +ear, *e cooled *+ ice or other effective method= (rovided that if ice is placed in the drin8ing $ater, the ice shall *e clean and $holesome and shall *e o*tained onl+ from a so)rce approved in $riting *+ the 6ealth /fficerO

D*E the cooled drin8ing $ater shall *e s)pplied in ever+ canteen l)nch room and rest room and also at convenientl+ accessi*le points thro)gho)t the factor+ $hich for the p)rpose of these #)les shall *e called I5ater 4entresIO DcE the $ater centres shall *e sheltered from the $eather and ade9)atel+ drainedO DdE the n)m*er of $ater centres to *e provided shall *e one I4entreI for ever+ 15, persons emplo+ed at an+one them in the factor+O (rovided that in the case of a factor+ $here the n)m*er of persons emplo+ed exceeds 5,, it shall *e s)fficient if there is one s)ch IcentreI as aforesaid for ever+ 15, persons )pto the first 5,, and one for ever+ 5,, persons thereafterO DeE ever+ $ater centre shall *e maintained in a clean and orderl+ conditionO DfE ever+ $ater centre shall *e incharge of a s)ita*le person $ho shall distri*)te the $ater. S)ch person shall *e provided $ith clean clothes on d)t+. 4la)se DfE shall not appl+ to an+ factor+ in $hich s)ita*le mechanicall+ operated drin8ing $ater refrigerating )nits are installed to the satisfaction of the 4hief 2nspector. #)les 4, to 4' prescri*ed )nder s)*-section 3 of Section 1' 4,. atrine Accommodation- atrine accommodation shall *e provided in ever+ factor+ on the follo$ing scale =DaE $here females are emplo+ed there shall *e least one latrine for ever+ 25 femalesO D*E $here males are emp lo+ed, there shall *e at leas t one latrine for ever+ 25 malesO (rovided that $here the n)m*er of males emplo+ed exceeds 1,,, it shall *e s)fficient if there is one latrine for ever+ 25 males )pto the first l,, and one for ever+ 5, thereafter. 2n calc)lating the n)m*er of latrines re9)ired )nder this #)le, an+ odd n)m*er of $or8ers less than 25 to 5,, as the case ma+ *e, shall *e rec8oned a 25 or 5,. 41. atrines to confirm to p)*lic health re9)irements- atrines other than those connected $ith an efficient $ater-*orne se$age s+stem, shall compl+ $ith the re9)irements of the ()*lic 6ealth A)thorities. 42. (rivac+ of latrines- 7ver+ latrine shall *e )nder cover and so partitioned off as to sec)re privac+ and shall have a proper door and fastenings. 43. Sign *oards to *e displa+ed- 5here $or8ers of *oth sexes are emplo+ed, there shall *e displa+ed o)tside each latrine *loc8 a notice in the lang)age )nderstood *+ the ma@orit+ of the $or8ers I-or 0en /nl+I or I-or 5omen /nl+I as the case ma+ *e. &he notice shall also *ear the fig)re of a man or of $oman as the case ma+ *e. 44. :rinal accommodation- :rinal accommodation shall *e provided for the )se of male $or8ers and shall not *e less than 2 feet in length for ever 5, males provided that $here the n)m*er of males emplo+ed exceeds 5,,, it shall *e s)fficient if there is one )rinal for ever+ 5, males )pto the first 5,, emplo+ed, and one for ever+ l,, thereafter . 2n calc)lating the )rinal accommodation re9)ired )nder the #)le ma+ odd n)m*er of $or8ers less than 5, or %,,, as the case ma+ *e, shall *e rec8oned as 5, or 1,,.

45. :rinals to conform to p)*lic health re9)irements- :rinals other than those connected $ith an efficient $ater-*orne se$age s+stem, and )rinals in a factor+ $herein more than t$o h)ndred and fift+ $or8ers are ordinaril+ emplo+ed shall compl+ $ith the re9)irements of the ()*lic 6ealth A)thorities. 4!. 4ertain latrines and )rinals to *e connected to se$erage s+stem- 5hen an+ general s+stem of )ndergro)nd se$erage $ith an ass)red $ater s)ppl+ for an+ partic)lar localit+ is provided in m)nicipalit+, all latrines and )rinals of a factor+ sit)ated in s)ch localit+ shall, if the factor+ is sit)ated $ithin l,, feet o an existing se$er, *e connected that $ith se$erage s+stem. 4". 5hite-$ashing, colo)r-$ashing of latrines and )rinals- &he $alls, ceiling and partitions of ever+ latrine and )rinal shall *e $hite-$ashed or colo)r-$ashed and the $hite-$ashing or colo)r-$ashing shall *e repeated at least once in ever+ period of fo)r months. &he dates on $hich the $hite-$ashing or colo)r-$ashing is carried o)t shall *e entered in the prescri*ed #egister D-orm .o."E. (rovided that this #)le shall not appl+ to latrines and )rinals the $alls, ceilings or portions of $hich are laid glaAed tiles or other$ise finished to provide smooth, polished impervio)s s)rface and that the+ are $ashed $ith s)ita*le detergents and disinfectants at least once in ever+ period of fo)r months. 4%. 4onstr)ction and maintenance of drains- All drains carr+ing $aste or s)llage $ater shall *e constr)cted in mosonr+ or other impermea*le material and shall *e reg)larl+ fl)shed and the effl)ent disposed of *+ connecting s)ch drains $ith a s)ita*le drainage line. (rovided that, $here there is no s)ch drainage line, the effl)ent shall *e dedoriAed and rendered innoc)o)s and then disposed of in a s)ita*le manner to the satisfaction of the 6ealth /fficer. 4'. 5ater taps in latrines- D1E 5here piped $ater s)ppl+ is availa*le a s)fficient n)m*er of $ater taps, convenientl+ accessi*le shall *e provided in or near s)ch latrine accommodation. D2E 2f piped $ater s)ppl+ is not availa*le s)fficient 9)antit+ of $ater shall *e 8ept stored in s)ita*le receptacles near the latrines. #)le 5, to 52 prescri*ed )nder s)*-section D2E of Section 2, 5,. .)m*er and location of Spittoons- &he n)m*er and location of the spittoons to *e provided shall *e to the satisfaction of the 2nspectorO 51. &+pe of spittoons- &he spittoons shall *e of either of the follo$ing t+pes=DaE a galvaniAed iron container $ith a conical f)nnel shaped cover. A la+er of s)ita*le disinfectant li9)id shall al$a+s *e maintained in the containerO D*E a container filled $ith dr+, clean sand, and covered $ith a la+er of 1leaching po$derO DcE an+ other t+pe approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector.

52. 4leaning of Spittoons- &he spittoon mentioned in 4la)se DaE of #)le 51 shall *e emptied, cleaned and disinfected at least once ever+ da+O and the spittoon mentioned in 4la)se D*E of #)le 51 shall *e cleaned *+ scrapping o)t the top la+er of sand as often as necessar+ or at least once ever+ da+. 46A(&7# 2; SA-7&V -)rther preca)tions prescri*ed )nder s)*-section D2E of Section 21 52. -)rther safet+ preca)tions- D1E 5itho)t pre@)dice to the provisions of s)*-section D1E of Section 21 in regard to the fencing of machines the f)rther preca)tions specified in the Sched)les annexed hereto shall appl+ to the machines noted in each Sched)le. D2E &his #)le shall come into force, in respect of an+ class or description of factories, $here machines noted in the said Sched)les are in )se, on s)ch dates as the 4hief 4ommissioner ma+, *+ notification in the official gaAette, appoint in this *ehalf. S467D: 7 2 4/&&/. &7F&2 7S 1. 4otton /peners, Sc)tchers, 4om*ined /peners and Sc)tcher and ap 0achines, 6ard 5aste *rea8ers, etc.- D1E All 4otton /peners, Sc)tchers, 4om*ined /peners and Sc)tchers, Sc)tchers and ap 0achines, 6ard 5aste 1rea8ers and similar machines shall *e driven *+ separate motors or from co)nter shafts provided $ith fast and loose p)lle+s and efficient *elt shifting devices. D2E 2n all /peners, 4om*ined /peners and Sc)tchers, Sc)tchers, Sc)tchers- lap machines, 6ard 5aste 1rea8ers and similar machines, the *eater covers and doors $hich give access to an+ dangero)s part of the machine shall *e fitted $ith effective interloc8ing arrangements $hich shall preventDaE the covers and doors *eing opened $hile the machine is in motionO D*E the machine *eing re-started )ntil the covers and doors are close O (rovided that in res pect of doors of openings, other than dirt doors or des8 doors s)ch openings shall *e so fenced as to prevent access to an+ dangero)s part of the machine if effective interloc8ing arrangement is not provided. D3E 2n all /peners, 4om*ined /peners and Sc)tchers, Sc)tchers, Sc)tcher-lap machines, 6ard $aste 1rea8ers and similar machines, the openings giving access to the d)st cham*er shall *e provided $ith permanentl+ fixed fencing, $hich shall, $hile admitting light, +et prevent contact *et$een an+ portion of a $or8erLs *od+ and the *eater grid *ars. (rovided that the latter re9)irement in respect of the a)tomatic loc8ing device shall not appl+ $hile stripping or grinding operations are carried o)t. (rovided f)rther the stripping or grinding operations shall *e carried o)t onl+ *+ speciall+ trained ad)lt $or8ers $earing tight fittings clothing $hose names have *een recorded in the register prescri*ed in this *ehalf as re9)ired in s)*-section D1E of Section 22.

2. 4om*ined /peners and Sc)tchers, Sc)tcher-lap, Silver ap, ap 0achines, Dor*+ Do)*lers and #i**on 0achines- D1E &he lap forming rollers shall *e fitted $ith a g)ard or cover $hich shall prevent access to the inta8e of the lap roller and fl)ted roller as long as the $eighted rac8 is do$nO or D2E &he g)ard or cover shall *e so loc8ed that it cannot *e raised )ntil the machine is stopped and the machine cannot *e started )ntil the g)ard or cover is closed. 3. 4arding 0achines- All 4+linder doors shall *e sec)red *+ an a)tomatic loc8ing device $hich shall prevent the door *eing opened )ntil the c+linder has ceased to revolve and shall render it impossi*le to restart the machine )ntil the door has *een closed. 4. Speed -ramers- 6eadstoc8s shall *e fitted $ith a)tomatic loc8ing arrangements $hich shall prevent the doors giving access to @ac8 *ox $heels opened $hile the machiner+ is in motion and shall render it impossi*le to restart the machine )ntil the doors have *een closed. 5. Self-acting 0)les- &he drive shall *e from co)nter-shafts $hich shall *e provided $ith fast and loose p)lle+s and efficient *elt shifting devices. !. 4alendering 0achines etc.- 2n respect of calendering machines, mangles and similar machines, alls)ch machines shall *e provided $ith an efficient InipI g)ard along the $hole length on the inta8e side of each pair of *o$ 2s and similar parts $hich shall *e so fitted and maintained, $hilst the rollers of *o$ls are in motion, as to prevent access to the point of contact of the rollers or *o$ls. S467D: 7 22 4otton Ginning ine Shaft- &he line shaft or second motion in cotton ginning factories, $hen *elo$ floor level, shall *e completel+ enclosed *+ a contin)o)s $all or )nclima*le fencing $ith onl+ so man+ openings as are necessar+ for access to the shaft for removing cotton seed, cleaning and oilingO and s)ch openings shall *e provided $ith gates or doors $hich shall *e 8ept closed and loc8ed. S467D: 7 222 5ood-5or8ing 0achiner+ 1. Definition- -or the p)rposes of this Sched)le =DaE 5ood-5or8ing machine means a circ)lar sa$, *and sa$, planning machines, chain mortising machine or vertical spindle mo)lding machine operating of 5ood or 4or8. D*E 4irc)lar sa$ means a circ)lar sa$ $or8ing in a *ench Dincl)ding a rac8 *enchE *)t des not incl)de a pend)l)m or similar sa$ $hich is moved to$ards the $ood for the p)rpose of c)tting operation. DcE 1a21d sa$ means a *and sa$, the c)tting portion of $hich r)ns in a vertical direction *)t does not incl)de a log sa$ or *and resa$ing machine. DdE (lanning machine means a machine for overhand plannings or for thic8nessing or for *oth operations.

2. Stopping and starting deviceTAn efficient stopping and starting device shall *e provided on ever+ $ood-$or8ing machine. &he control of this device shall *e in s)ch a position as to *e readil+ and convenientl+ operated *+ the person in charge of the machine. 3. Space aro)nd machines- &he space s)rro)nding ever+ $ood-$or8ing machine in motion shall *e 8ept free from o*str)ction. 4. -loors- &he floor s)rro)nding ever+ $ood-$or8ing machine shall *e maintained in good and level condition, and shall not *e allo$ed to *ecome slipper+, and as far as practica*le shall *e 8ept free from chips or other loose material. 5. &raining and S)pervision- D1E .o person shall *e emplo+ed at a $ood - $or8ing machine )nless he has *een s)fficientl+ trained to $or8 that class of machine, or )nless he $or8s )nder the ade9)ate s)pervision of person $ho has a thoro)gh 8no$ledge of the $or8ing of the machine. D2E A person $ho is *eing trained to $or8 a $ood-$or8ing machine shall *e f)ll+ and caref)ll+ instr)cted as to the dangers of the machine and the preca)tions to *e o*served to sec)re safe $or8ing of the machine. !. 4irc)lar Sa$s- 7ver+ circ)lar sa$ shall *e fenced as follo$s=DaE 1ehind and in direct line $ith the sa$ there shall *e a riving 8nife, $hich shall have a smooth s)rface, shall *e strong rigid and easil+ ad@)sta*le, and shall also conform to the follo$ing conditions = DiE &he edge of the 8nife nearer the sa$ shall from an area of a circle having a radi)s not exceeding the radi)s of the largest sa$ )sed on the *ench. DiiE &he 8nife shall maintained as close as practica*le to the sa$ having regard to the nat)re of the $or8 *eing done at the time and at the level of the *ench ta*le the distance *et$een the front edge of the 8nife and the teeth of the sa$ shall not exceed half an inch. DiiiE -or a sa$ of a diameter of less than 24 inches, the 8nife shall extent )p$ards from the *ench ta*le to $ithin one inch of top of the sa$ and for a sa$ of a diameter of 24 inches or over shall extend )p$ards from the *ench ta*le to a height of at least nine inches. D*E &he top sa$ shall *e covered *+ a strong and easil+ ad@)sta*le g)ard, $ith a flange at the side of the sa$ farthest from the fence. &he g)ard shall *e 8ept so ad@)sted that the said flange shall extend *elo$ the roots of the teeth of the sa$. &he g)ard shall extend from the top of the riving 8nife to a point as point as practica*le at the c)tting edge of the sa$. DcE &he part of the sa$ *elo$ the *ench ta*le shall *e protected *+ t$o plates of metal or other s)ita*le material one on each side of the sa$O s)ch plates shall not *e more than six inches apart, and shall extend from the axis of the sa$ o)t$ords to a distance of not less than t$o inches *e+ond the teeth of the sa$. 0etal plates, if not *eaded, shall *e of a thic8ness of at least 1H1, inch, or if *eaded *e of a thic8ness of at least 1H2, inch. ". ()sh Stic8s- A p)sh stic8 or other s)ita*le appliance shall *e provided for )se at ever+ circ)lar sa$ and at ever+ vertical spindle mo)lding machine to ena*le the $or8 to *e done $itho)t )nnecessar+ ris8. %. 1and Sa$s- 7ver+ *and sa$ shall *e g)arded as follo$s =-

DaE 1oth sides of the *ottom p)lle+ shall *e completel+ encased *+ sheet or expanded metal or other s)ita*le material. D*E &he front of the top p)lle+ shall *e covered $ith sheet or expended metal or other s)ita*le material. DcE All portions of the *lade shall *e enclosed or other$ise sec)rel+ g)arded except the portion of the *lade *et$een the *ench ta*le and the top g)ide. '. (lanning 0achines- D1E A planning machine Dother than a planning machine $hich is mechanicall+ fedE shall not *e )sed for overhand planning )nless it is fitted $ith a c+lindrical c)tter *loc8. D2E 7ver+ planning machine )sed for overhand planning shall *e provided $ith a I*rigeI g)ard capa*le of covering the f)ll length and *readth of the c)tting slot in the *ench and so constr)cted as to *e easil+ ad@)sted *oth in a vertical and horiAontal direction. G3E &he fee roller of ever+ planing machine )sed for thic8nessing except the com*ined machine for overhand planing and thic8nessing, shall *e provided $ith an efficient g)ard. 1,. ;ertical Spindle mo)lding machines- &he c)tter of ever+ vertical spindle mo)lding machine shall *e g)arded *+ the most efficient g)ard having regard to the nat)re of the $or8 *eing performed. D2E &he $ood *eing mo)lded at a vertical spindle mo)lding machine shall, if practica*le, *e held in a Aig or holder of s)ch constr)ction as to red)ce as far as possi*le the ris8 of accident to the $or8er. 11. 4hain mortising machines- &he chain of ever+ chain mortising machine shall *e provided $ith a g)ard $hich shall enclose the c) tiers as far as practica*le. 12. Ad@)stment and maintenance of g)ards- &he g)ards and other appliance re9)ired )nder this Sched)le shall *eDaE maintained in an efficient state, D*E constant+ 8ept in position $hile the machiner+ is in motion, and DcE so ad@)sted as to ena*le the $or8 to *e done $itho)t )nnecessar+ ris8. 1%. 7xemptions- (aragraphs !, %, ' and 1, shall not appl+ to an+ $ood $or8ing machine in res pect of $hich it can *e proved that other safeg)ards are provided, maintained and )sed $hich render the machine as safe as it $o)ld *e if g)arded in the manner prescri*ed in this Sched)le. S467D: 7 2; #:117# 02 S 1. 2nstallation of machines- 0ills for *rea8ing do$n, cra8ing, grating, mixing, refining and $arming r)**er or r)**er compo)nds shall *e so installed at the top of the front roll is not less than fort+-six inches a*ove the floor or $or8ing level. (rovided that in existing installations $here the top of the front roll is *elo$ this height a strong rigid distance *ar g)ards shall *e fitted across the front of the machine in s)ch position that the operator cannot reach the nip of the rolls. 2. Safet+ Devices- D1E #)**er mills shall *e e9)ipped $ith =-

DaE hoppers so constr)cted or g)arded that it is impossi*le for the operators to come into contact in an+. manner $ith the nip of the rollsO D*E horiAontal safet+-trip rods or tight $ire ca*les across *oth front and rear, $hich $ill, $hen p)shed or p)lled, operate instantl+ to disconnect the po$er and appl+ the *ra8es, or to reverse the rolls. D2E Safet+-trip rods or tight $ire ca*les on all r)**er mills shall extend across the entire length of the face of the rolls and shall *e located not more than sixt+ nine inches a*ove the floor or $or8ing level. D3E Safet+-trip rods and tight $ire ca*les on all r)**er mills shall *e examined and tested dail+ in the presence of the 0anager or other responsi*le person and if an+ defect is disclosed *+ s)ch examination and test the mill shall not *e )sed )ntil s)ch defect has *een remedied. S467D: 7 ; 4entrif)gal 0achines 1. Definition- I4entrif)gal machineI incl)de centrif)gal extractors and driers. 2. 7ver+ part of centrif)gal machine shall *eDaE of good design and constr)ction and of ade9)ate strengthO D*E properl+ maintainedO and DcE examined thoro)ghl+ *+ a competent person at reg)lar intervals. 3. 2nterloc8ing g)ard for dr)m or *as8et.- D1E &he cage ho)sing the rotating dr)m or *as8et of ever+ centrif)gal machine shall *e provided $ith a strong lid. &he design and constr)ction of the cage as $ell as the lid sho)ld *e s)ch that no access is possi*le to the dr)m or *as8et $hen the lid is closed. D2E 7ver+ centrif)gal machines shall *e provided $ith an efficient interloc8ing device that $ill effectivel+ prevent the lid referred to in s)* paragraph D1E from *eing opened $hile the dr)m or *as8et is in motion and prevent the dr)m or *as8et *eing set in motion $hile the lid is in the open position. 4. 1ra8ing arrangement- 7ver+ centrif)gal machine shall *e provided $ith an effective *ra8ing arrangement capa*le of *ringing the dr)m or *as8et to rest $ith in a short period of time as reasona*l+ practica*le after the po$er is c)t off. 5. /perating speed- .o centrif)gal machine shall *e operated at a speed in excess of the man)fact)rerLs rating $hich shall *e legi*l+ stamped at easil+ visi*le places *oth on the inside of the *as8et and on the o)tside of the machine casting. !. 7xceptions- S)*-paragraph D2E of paragraph 3, paragraph 4 and 5 shall not appl+ in case of top l)ng machines or similar machines )sed in the s)gar man)fact)ring ind)str+. S467D: 7 ;2 (o$er (ress 1. Application- &he sched)le shall appl+ to all t+pes of po$er presses incl)ding press *ra8es, except $hen )sed for $or8ing hot metal. 2. Definition- -or the p)rpose of this sched)leDaE IapprovedI means approved *+ the chief inspectorO

D*E I-ixed fencingI means fencing provided for the tools of a po$er press *eing fencing $hich has no moving part associated $ith or dependent )pon the mechanism of a po$er and incl)des that part of closed tool $hich acts as a g)ardO DcE R(o$er pressS means a machine )sed in metal other ind)stries for mo)lding, pressing, *lan8ing raising dra$ing and similar p)rposes. DdE RSafet+ deviceS means the fencing and an+ other safeg)ard provided for the tools of a po$er press. 3. Starting and stopping mechanism- &he starting and stopping mechanism shall *e provided $ith a safet+ stop so as to prevent over r)nning of the press or descent of the ram d)ring tool setting etc. 4. (rotection of tool and die- D1E 7ach press shall *e provided $ith a fixed g)ard $ith a slip plate on the )nderside enclosing the front and all sides of the tool. D2E 7ach die shall *e provided $ith a fixed g)ard s)rro)nding its front and sides and extending to the *ac8 in the form of a t)nnel thro)gh $hich the pressed article falls to the rear of the press. D3E &he design constr)ction and m)t)al position of the g)ards referred to D1E and D2E shall *e s)ch as to precl)de the possi*ilit+ of the $or8erLs hand or fingers reaching the danger Aone. D4E &he machine shall *e fed thro)gh a small apert)re at the *ottom of the die g)ard *)t a $ider apert)re ma+ *e permitted for second or s)*se9)ent operations if feeding is done thro)gh a ch)te. D5E .ot$ithstanding an+thing contained in s)*-cla)se D1E and D2E an a)tomatic or an interloc8ed g)ard ma+ *e )sed in place of a fixed g)ard *)t $here s)ch g)ards are )sed the+ shall *e maintained in an efficient $or8ing condition and if an+ g)ard develops a defect, the po$er press shall not *e operated )nless the defect of the g)ard is removed. 5. Appointment of persons to prepare po$er presses for )se-LI D1E 7xcept provided in s)*paragraph D4E no person shall set, re-set, ad@)st or tr+o)t the tools on a po$er press or install or ad@)st an+ safet+ device thereon, *eing installation or ad@)stment preparator+ to prod)ction of die proving, or carr+ o)t an inspection and test of an+ safet+ device thereon re9)ired *+ paragraph % )nless heDaE has attained age of eighteenO D*E has *een trained in accordance $ith the s)*-paragraph D2EO and DcE has *een appointed *+ the occ)pier of the factor+ to carr+ o)t these d)ties ill respect of the class or description of po$er press or the class or description of safet+ device to $hich the po$er press or the safet+ device Das the case ma+ *eE *elongs and the name of ever+ s)ch person shall *e entered in a register inform 2'. D2E &he training shall incl)de s)ita*le and s)fficient practical instr)ction in the matters in relation to each t+pe of po$er press and safet+ device in respect of $hich it is proposed to appoint the person *eing trained. !. 7xamination and testing of po$er presses and safet+ devices- D1E .o po$er press or safet+ device shall *e ta8en into )se in an+ factor+ for the first time in the factor+ or in case of a safet+ device for the first time on an+ po$er press, )nless it has *een thoro)ghl+ examined and tested, in the case of a po$er press, after installation in the factor+, or in the case of a safet+ device, $hen in position on the po$er press in connection $ith $hich it is to *e )sed.

D2E .o po$er press shall *e )sed )nless it has *een thoro)ghl+ examine and tested *+ a competent person $ithin the immediatel+ preceding period of t$elve months. D3E .o po$er press shall *e )sed )nless ever+ safet+ device Dother than fixed fencingE thereon has $ithin the immediatel+ preceding period of six months $hen in position on that po$er press, *een thoro)ghl+ examined and tested *+ a competent person. D4E &he competent person carr+ing o)t an examination and test )nder the foregoing provision shall ma8e a report of the examination and test containing the follo$ing partic)lars and ever+ s)ch report shall *e 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection = DaE name of the occ)pier of the factor+O D*E address of the factor+O DcE identification n)m*er or mar8 s)fficient to identif+ the po$er press, or the safet+ deviceO DdE date on $hich the po$er press or the safet+ device $as first ta8e into )se in the factor+O DeE the date of each periodical thoro)gh examination carried o)t as per re9)irements of s)*paragraph D2E a*oveO DfE partic)lars of an+ defects effecting the safet+ $or8ing of the po$er press or the safet+ device fo)nd at an+ s)ch thoro)gh examination and steps ta8en to remed+ s)ch defects. ". Defects disclosed d)ring a thoro)gh examination and tests- D1E 5here an+ defect is disclosed in an+ po$er press or in an+ safet+ device *+ an+ examination and test )nder paragraph ! and in the opinion of the competenent person carr+ing o)t the examination and test, eitherDaE the said defect is a ca)se of danger to $or8ers and in conse9)ence the po$er press or safet+ device Das the case ma+ *eE o)ght not to *e )sed )ntill the said defect has *een remediedO or D*E the said defect ma+ *ecome a ca)se of danger to $or8ers and in conse9)ence the po$er press or safet+ device Das the case ma+ *e o)ght not to *e )sed after the expiration of a specified period )nless the said defect has *een remedied, s)ch defect shall, as soon as possi*le after the completion of the examination and test, *e rectified in $riting *+ the competent person to the occ)pier of the factor+ and, in the case of a defect falling $ithin cla)se D1E of this s)*-paragraph s)ch notification shall incl)de the period $ithin $hich, in the opinion of the competent person, the defect o)ght to *e remedied. D2E 2n ever+ case $here notification has *een given )nder this paragraph, cop+ of the report made )nder paragraph !D4E shall *e sent *+ the competent person to the inspector for the area $ithin fo)rteen da+s of the completion of the examination and test. D3E 5here an+ s)ch defect is notified to the occ)pier in accordance $ith the foregoing provisions of this paragraph the po$er press or safet+ device Das the case ma+ *eE having the said defect shall not *e )sedDaE in the case of a defect falling $ithin cla)se DaE of s)* paragraph D1E )ntil the said defect has *een remediedO and D*E in the case of a defect falling $ithin cla)se D*E of s)*-paragraph D1E after the expiration of the said defect has *een remedied. D4E As soon as it practica*le after an+ defect of $hich notification has *ee given )nder s)*paragraph D1E has *een remedied, a record shall *e made *+ or on *ehalf of the occ)pier stating the meas)res *+ $hich and the date on $hich the defect $as remedied.

%. 2nspection and test of safet+ devices- D1E .o po$er press shall *e )sed after the setting, resetting or ad@)stment of the tools thereon )nless person appointed or a)thorised for the p)rpose )nder paragraph 5 has inspected and tested ever+ safet+ device thereon $hile it in position on the said po$er press. (rovided that an inspection test and certificate as aforesaid shall not *e re9)ired $here an+ ad@)stment of the tools has not ca)sed or res)lted in alteration to or dist)r*ance of an+ safet+ device on the po$er press and if, after the ad@)stment of the tools, the safet+ devices remain, in the opinion of s)ch a person aforesaid, in efficient $or8ing order. D2E 7ver+ po$er press and ever+ safet+ device thereon $hile it is in position on the said po$er press shall *e inspected and tested *+ a trained person ever+ da+. D'E Defects disclosed d)ring an inspection and test.- D1E $here it appears to an+ person as a res)lt of an+ inspection and test carried o)t *+ him )nder paragraph % that an+ necessar+ safet+ device is not in position or is not properl+ in position on a po$er press or that an+ safet+ device $hich is in position on a po$er press is not in his opinion s)ita*le, he shall notif+ the manager forth$ith. D2E 7xcept as provided in s)*-paragraph D3E $here an+ defect is disclosed in a safet+ device *+ an+ inspection and test )nder paragraph %, the person carr+ing o)t the inspection and test shall notif+ the manager forth$ith. D3E 5here an+ defect in a safet+ device is the s)*@ect of a notification in $riting )nder paragraph " *+ virt)e of $hich the )se of the safet+ device m+ *e contin)ed d)ring a specified period $itho)t the said defect having *een remedied, the re9)irement in s)*paragraph D2E of this paragraph shall not appl+ the said defect )ntil the said period has expired. 1,. 2dentification of po$er presses and safet+ devices- -or the p)rpose of identification ever+ po$er press and ever safet+ device provided for the same shall *e distinctivel+ and plainl+ mar8ed. 11. &raining and instr)ctions to operators- &he operators shall *e trained and instr)cted in the safe method of $or8 *efore starting $or8 on an+ po$er press, 12. 7xemptions- D1E 2f in respect of an+ factor+, the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that o$ing to the circ)mstance, or infre9)enc+ of the processes or for an+ other reason, all or an+ of the provisions of this sched)le are not necessar+ for the protection of the $or8ers emplo+ed on an+ po$er press or an+ class or description of the $or8ers, emplo+ed on an+ po$er press the 4hief 2nspector ma+ *+ a certificate in $riting D$hich ma+ in his discretion revo8e at an+ meE exempt s)ch factor+ from all or an+ of s)ch provisions s)*@ect to s)ch conditions, if an+, as he ma+ specif+ therein, D2E 5here s)ch exemption is granted, a legi*le cop+ of the certificate, sho$ing the conditions Dif an+, s)*@ect to $hich it has *een grantedE shall *e 8ept posted in the factor+ in a position $here it ma+ *e convenientl+ read *+ the persons emplo+ed, S467D: 7 ;22 Shears, Slitters and G)illotin 0achines 1. Definition- -or the p)rpose of this sched)le-

DaE IG)illotinI means a machine ordinaril+ e9)ipped $ith straight *evel-edged *lade operating verticall+ against a stationer+ raising edge and )sed for c)tting, metallic or nonmetallic s)*stancesO D*E IShearsI or IShearing machineI means a machine ordinaril+ e9)ipped $ith straight, *evel-edged *lade operating verticall+ against reasisting edges, or $ith rotar+ overlapping c)tting $heels, and )sed for shearing metals or non-metallic s)*stancesO DcE ISlitterI or ISlitting 0achineI means a machine ordinaril+ e9)ipped $ith circ)lar disct+pe 8nives and )sed for trimming or c)tting into metal or non-metallic s)*stances or for slitting them into narro$ stripsO for the p)rpose of this sched)le, this term incl)des *read or other food slicers e9)ipped $ith rotar+ 8nives or c)tting discs. 2. G)illoting and Shears- D1E 5here practica*le, a *arrier metal g)ard of ade9)ate strength shall *e provided at the front of the 8nife, fastened to the machine frame and shall *e so fixed as $o)ld prevent an+ part of the operatorLs *od+ to reach the descending *lade from a*ove, *elo$ or thro)gh the *arrier g)ard or from the sidesO (rovided that in case of machines )sed in the paper printing and allied ind)stries, $here a fixed *arrier metal g)ard is not s)ita*le on acco)nt of the height and vol)me of the material *eing fed, there shall *e provided s)ita*le starting devices $hich re9)ire sim)ltaneo)s action of *oth the hands of the operator or an a)tomatic device $hich $ill remove *oth the hands of the operator from the danger Aone at ever+ descent of the *lade. D2E At the *ac8 end of s)ch machines, an inclined g)ard shall *e provided over $hich the slit pieces $o)ld slide and *e collected at a safe distance in a manner as $o)ld prevent a person at the *ac8 from reaching the descending *lade. D3E (o$er driven g)illotine c)tters, except contin)o)s feed trimmers *e e9)ipped $ithDaE starting devices $hich re9)ire the sim)ltaneo)s action of *oth hands to start the c)tting motion and of at least one hand on a control d)ring the complete stro8e of the 8nifeO or D*E an a)tomatic g)ard $hich $ill remove the hands of the operator from the danger Aone at ever+ descent of the *lade, )sed in con@)nction $ith one hand starting devices $hich re9)ire t$o distinct movements of the devices to start the c)tting motion, and so designed as to ret)rn positivel+ to the non-starting position after each complete c+cle of the 8nife. D4E 5here t$o or more $or8ers are emplo+ed at the same time on the same po$er-driven g)illotine c)tter e9)ipped $ith t$o hand control, the device shall *e so arranged that each $or8er shall *e re9)ired to )se *oth hands sim)ltaneo)sl+ on the safet+ trip to start the c)tting motion, and at least one hand on a control to complete the c)t. D5E (o$er-driven g)illotine c)tters, other than contin)o)s trimmer, shall *e provided, in addition to the *ra8e or other stopping mechanism, $ith an emergenc+ device $hich $ill prevent the machine from operating in the event of fail)re of the *ra8e $hen the starting mechanism is in the non-starting position, 3. Slitting machine-- D1E 4irc)lar disc-t+pe 8nives on machines for c)tting metal and leather, paper, r)**er, textiles or other non-metallic s)*stances shall, if $ithin reach of operators standing on the floor or $or8ing level, *e provided $ith g)ards enclosing the 8nife edges at all times as near as practica*le to the s)rface of the material, and $hich ma+ eitherDaE a)tomaticall+ ad@)st themselves to the thic8ness of the material, or D*E *e fixed or man)all+ ad@)sted so that the space *et$een the *ottom of the g)ard and the material $ill not exceed ! mm D1H4 in.E at an time.

D2E (ortions of *lades )nderneath the ta*les or *enches of slitting machine shall *e covered *+ g)ards. 4. 2ndex c)tters and vertical paper slotters- 2ndex c)tters, and other machines for c)tting strips from the ends of *oo8s, and for similar operations shall *e provided $ith fixed g)ards, so arranged that the fingers of the operator cannot come *et$een the *lades and the ta*les. 5. 4orner 4)tters- 4orner c)tters )sed in the man)fact)re of paper *oxes shall *e e9)ipped $ithDaE s)ita*le g)ard, fastened to the machine in front of the 8nives an provided $ith slots or perforations to afford visi*ilit+ of the operationsO or D*E other g)ards e9)all+ efficient for the protection of the fingers of the $or8ers. !. 1and 8nives- 1and $heels on *and 8nives, and all portions of the *lade except the $or8ing side *et$een the sliding g)ide and the ta*le on vertical machines, or *et$een the $heels g)ards on horiAontal machine, shall *e completel+ enclosed $ith hinged g)ards of sheet metal not less than W 1 m D,.,4 in.E in thic8ness or of other material of e9)al strength. #egister prescri*ed )nder section 22 D1E 53-A. &he #egister for recording the names of speciall+ trained ad)lt male $or8ers shall *e in -orm .o.2%. #)les framed )nder Section 2% 54. 7mplo+ment of +o)ng persons on dangero)s machines- &he follo$ing machines shall *e deemed to *e s)ch dangero)s character that +o)ng persons shall not $or8 at them )nless the provisions of Section 23 D1E are complied $ith= (o$er presses other than h+dra)lic pressesO 0illing machines )sed in the metal tradesO G)illotine machinesO 4irc)lar sa$sO (laten printing machines. 55. 6oists < ifts- D2E A register shall *e maintained to record partic)lars of examination of hoists or lifts and shall give partic)lars as sho$n in -orm. .o. "1. D22E 7xemption of certain hoists and lifts. 2n p)rs)ance of the provisions of s)*-section D4E of section 2% in respect of an+ class or description of hoist or lift specified in the second col)mn of the said sched)le, and set opposite to than class or description hoists or lift shall not appl+ 4lass or description of hoist or lift 2 6oists or lifts mainl+ )sed for raising materials for charging *last f)rnaces or lime 8ilns. 6oists not connected $ith mechanical po$er and $hich are not )sed for carr+ing persons. S467D: 7 #e9)irement $hich shall not appl+ 22 S)*-Section 2 D*E in so far as it re9)ires agate at the *ottom landingO s)*-section 2 DdEO s)*-section 2 DeE, S)*-section 2 D*E in so far as it re9)ires the hoist $a+ of lift$a+ enclos)re to *e so constr)cted as to prevent an+ person or thing from *eing trapped *et$een an+ part of the hoist or lift and an+ fixed str)ct)re or moving partO s)*-section 2 DeE.

#)les framed )nder s)*-section D2E of Section 2'. 55A. D1E .o lifting machine and no chain, rope or lifting tac8le, except fi*re rope or fi*re rope sling, shall *e ta8en into )se in an+ factor+ for the first time in that factor+ )nless it has *een tested and all parts having *een thoro)ghl+ examined *+ a competent person and a certificate of s)ch a test and examination specif+ing the safe $or8ing load or loads and signed *+ the person ma8ing the test and the examination, has *een o*tained and is 8ept availa*le for inspection. D2E DaE 7ver+ @i*-crane so constr)cted that the safe $or8ing load ma+ *e varied *+ raising or lo$ering of the @i*, shall have attached thereto either on a)tomatic indicator of safe $or8ing loads or an a)tomatic @i* angle indicator and a ta*le indicating the safe $or8ing loads at corresponding inclinations of the @i* or corresponding radil of the load. D*E A ta*le sho$ing the safe $or8ing loads of ever+ 8ind and siAe of chain, rope or lifting tac8le in )se, and, in the case of a m)ltiple sling, the safe $or8ing load at different angles of the legs, shall *e posted in the store in $hich the chains, ropes or lifting tac8les are 8ept, and in prominent, positions on the promises, and no chain, rope or lifting tac8le not sho$n in the ta*le shall *e )sed. &he foregoing provisions of this cla)se shall not appl+ in respect of an+ lifting tac8le if the safe $or8ing load there $or8ing load at different angles of the legs is plainl+ mar8ed )pon its. D3E (artic)lars of register to *e maintained )nder cla)se DaE DiiiE of s)*-sec ion D1E of section 2' of the Act shall *e = DiE .ame of occ)pier of factor+. DiiE Address of the factor+. DiiiE Disting)ishing n)m*er of mar8, if an+, and description s)fficient to identif+ the lifting machine, chain, rope, or the lifting tac8le. DivE Date $hen the lifting machine, chain, rope or lifting tac8le $as first ta8en into )se in the factor+. DvE Date and n)m*er of the certificate relating to an+ test and examination made )nder s)*r)les D1E and D"E together $ith the name and address of the person $hen iss)ed the certificate. DviE Date of each periodical thoro)gh examination made )nder cla)se DaE DiiiE of s)*-section D1E of Section 2' of the Act and s)*-r)le D!E and *+ $hom it $as carried o)t. DviiE Date of annealing or other heat treatment of the chain other lifting tac8le made )nder s)*-r)le D5E and *+ it $as carried o)t. DviiiE (artic)lars of an+ defects effecting the safe $or8ing load fo)nd at an+ s)ch thoro)gh examination or after annealing and the steps ta8en to remed+ s)ch defects. &he register shall *e 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection. D4E All rails on $hich a travelling crane moves and ever+ trac8 on $hich the carriage of a transporter or r)n$a+ moves shall *e or proper siAe and ade9)ate strength and have an even r)nning s)rface and ever+ s)ch rail or trac8 shall *e properl+ laid, ade9)atel+ s)pported and properl+ maintained. D5E All chains and lifting tac8le, except a rope sling shall )nless the+ have *een s)*@ected to s)ch other heat treatment as ma+ *e approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector *e effectivel+ annealed )nder the s)pervision of a competent person at the follo$ing intervals=DiE All chains, sling rings hoo8s, shac8les a21d s$ivels )sed in connection $ith molten metals or molten slage or $hen the+ are made of half inch *ar or smaller, once at least in ever+ six months.

DiiE All other chains, rings, hoo8s shac8les and s$ivels in general )se once at least in ever+ t$elve months. (rovided that chains and lifting tac8le not in fre9)ent )se shall, s)*@ect to the 4hief 2nspectorLs approval, *e annealed onl+ $hen necessar+. (artic)lar of s)ch annealing shall *e entered in a register prescri*ed )nder #)le 3. D!E .othing in s)*-r)le 5 shall appl+ to the follo$ing cla)ses of chains and lifting tac8les = DiE 4hains made of mallea*le cast iron. DiiE (late lin8 chains. DiiiE 4hains, rings, hoo8s, shac8les and s$ivels made of steel or an+ non-ferro)s metal. DivE (itched chains $or8ing on sproc8et or pec8eted $heel. DvE #ings, hoo8s, shac8les and s$ivels permanentl+ attached to pitched chains, p)ll+ *loc8s or $eighing machines. DviE 6oo8s, and s$ivels having scre$ threaded parts or *all *earing or other case hardened parts. DviiE Soc8et shac8les sec)red to $ire ropes *+ $hite metal capping. DviiiE 1oardean connections. S)ch chains and lifting tac8le shall *e thoro)ghl+ examined *+ a competent person once at least in ever+ t$elve months, and partic)lars entered in the register 8ept in accordance $ith r)le 3. D"E All lifting machines, chains, ropes and lifting tac8le except a fi*re rope or fi*re rope sling, $hich have *een lengthened, altered or repaired *+ $elding or other$ise, shall *efore *eing again ta8en into )se the ade9)atel+ retested and re-examined *+ a competent person and a certificate of s)ch test and examination *e o*tained and partic)lars entered in the register 8ept in accordance $ith r)le 3. D%E .o person )nder 1% +ears of age and no person $ho is not s)fficientl+ competent and relia*le shall *e emplo+ed as driver other$ise or to give signals to driver . #)le prescri*ed )nder s)*-section D2E of Section 31 5!. (ress)re (lant- D1E 7ver+ plant of machiner+ other than the $or8ing c+linders of prime movers )sed in a factor+, and operated at a press)re greater than atmospheric press)re, shall *e =DaE of good constr)ction, so)nd material, ade9)ate strength, and free from an+ patent defectO D*E properl+ maintained in a safe conditionO DcE fitted $ith =DiE a s)ita*le valve or other effective device to ens)re that the maxim)m permissi*le $or8ing press)re of the vessel shall not *e exceededO DiiE a s)ita*le press)re ga)ge easil+ visi*le and designed to sho$, at all times, the correct interval press)re in l*s, per s9)are inch, and mar8ed $ith a prominent red mar8 at the safe $or8ing press)re of the vesselsO DiiiE a s)ita*le stop valve or valves *+ $hich the vessel ma+ *e isolated from other vessels or so)rce of s)ppl+ of press)reO DivE a s)ita*le drain coc8 or valve at the lo$est part of the vessel for the discharge of connected li9)id. DdE thoro)ghl+ examined *+ a competent person =-

DiE externall+, once in ever+ period of six months, to ens)re general condition of the vessel and the $or8ing its fittingsO DiiE internall+, once in ever+ period of t$elve months to ens)re condition $alls, seams, and ties, *oth inside and o)tside the vessel, so)ndness of the parts of the vessel, and the effects of correction. 2f *+ reason of constr)ction of the vessel, a thoro)gh internal examination is not possi*le, this examination ma+ *e replaced *+ a h+dra)lic test $hich shall *e carried o)t once. ever+ t$o +ears. (rovided that the vessels in contin)o)s processes $hich cannot *e fre9)entl+ opened, the period of internal examination ma+ *e extended to fo)r +earsO and DiiiE h+dra)licall+ tested at interval or not more than fo)r +ear provided that in respect of press)re vessels $ith thin $all s)ch as siAing c+linders made of copper or an+ other non ferro)s metal periodic h+dra)lic test ma+ *e dispensed $ith on the condition that the re9)irements laid do$n in cla)se D2E are f)lfilled. (rovided that it shall *e s)fficient for the p)rposes of cla)ses DeE if the safet+ valve, press)re ga)ge and stop valve are mo)nted on a pipe line immediatel+ ad@acent to the vessel < $here there is a range of t$o or more similar vessels in a plant served *+ the same press)re lead, onl+ one set of s)ch mo)ntings need *e fitted provided the+ cannot *e isolated. D2E DaE 2n respect of press)re vessels of thin $all s)ch as siAing c+linder made of copper or an+ other non-ferro)s metal the safe $or8ing press)re shall *e red)ced at the rate of 5 per cent of the original $or8ing press)re for ever+ +ear of its )se after the first five +ears and no s)ch c+linder shall *e contin)ed to *e )sed for more than t$ent+ +ears after it $as first ta8en into )se. D*E 2f no information as the date of constr)ction thic8ness of $alls and safe $or8ing press)re is availa*le, the age of the siAing c+linder shall *e determined *+ the competent person in cons)ltation $ith the 4hief 2nspector from an+ other partic)lars availa*le $ith the manager. DcE 7ver+ ne$ and second hand c+linder of thin $alls to $hich repairs, $hich ma+ affect its safet+, have *een carried o)t, shall *e tested *efore )se to at least one and a half times its $or8ing press)re. D3E 7ver+ vessel other than part of a prime mover operated at a press)re greater than atmospheric press)re, and not so constr)cted as to $ithstand $ith safet+ the maxim)m permissi*le $or8ing press)re at the so)rces of s)ppl+, or the maxim)m press)re $hich can *e o*tained in the pipe connecting the vessel $ith an+ other so)rce of s)ppl+ shall *e fitted $ith a s)ita*le red)cing valve or other s)ita*le a)tomatic device to prevent the safe $or8ing press)re of the vessel *eing exceeded. D4E 2n cases o$ing to the nat)re of the process or the action of the contents of the vessel, a press)re ga)ge or safet+ valve or *oth cannot $or8 relia*le a tested and relia*le $or8ing thermometer, $ith a s)fficient large scale, on $hich shall *e clearl+ mar8ed the maxim)m permissi*le temperat)re in the vessel or p+rometers or r)pt)re discs in addition to the press)re ga)ge and safet+ valve ma+ *e fitted as ma+ *e directed *+ the 4hief 2nspector. D5E 2f d)ring thoro)gh examination, do)*t arises as to the a*ilit+ of vessels to $or8 safet+ )ntil the next examination provided for in these r)les then the competent person shall enter in the register prescri*ed a reasoned statement, to a)thorise the vessel for f)rther $or8 s)*@ect to a lo$ering of press)re or to more fre9)ent inspection or s)*@ect to *oth of these re9)irements. D!E .o vessel $hich has )ndergone alterations or repairs shall *e ta8en into )se )nless it is thoro)ghl+ examined *+ a competent person. D"E A report of the res)lt of ever+ examination made shall *e completed in the prescri*ed -orm .o.% and signed *+ the person ma8ing the examination, and shall *e 8ept availa*le for per)sal *+ an 2nspector at an+ time $hile the vessel is in service.

D%E .o vessel $hich has previo)sl+ *een )sed shall *e ta8en into )se in an+ factor+ for the first time in the factor+ )ntil it has *een examined and reported in accordance $ith these r)les and no ne$ vessel shall *e ta8en into )se )nless there has *een o*tained from the ma8er of the vessel, or from a competent person, a certificate specif+ing the maxim)m permissi*le $or8ing press)re thereof, and stating the nat)re of the tests to $hich the vessel and its fittings Dif an+E have *een s)*@ected, and the certificate is 8ept availa*le for per)sal *+ an 2nspector and the vessel is so mar8ed as to ena*le it to *e identified, the vessel to $hich the certificate relates. D'E 5here the report of an+ examination )nder this #)le specifies conditions for sec)ring the safe $or8ing of vessel, shall not *e )sed except in accordance $ith these conditions. D1,E &he competent person ma8ing the report of an+ examination )nder this r)le, shall $ithin seven da+s of the completion of the examination send to the 2nspector a cop+ of the report in ever+ case $ere the maxim)m permissi*le $or8ing press)re is red)ced, or the examination sho$s that the part cannot contin)e to *e )sed $ith safet+ )nless certain repairs and carried o)t immediatel+ or $ithin a specified time. D11E &he re9)irements of this r)le shall *e in addition to and not in derogation the re9)irements of an+ other Act, r)les or reg)lations. D12E .othing in this r)le shall appl+ to =DaE an+ vessels $hich comes $ithin the scope of the 2ndian 1oiler Act. D*E metal *ottles of c+linders )sed for the storage or transport of compressed gases or li9)ified or dissolved gases )nder press)re. D13E &he 4hief 2nspector ma+ exempt, s)*@ect to s)ch conditions as ma+ *e considered necessar+, all or an+ of the press)re vessels from all or an+ of the provisions of this r)le if he has reason to *elieve that the constr)ction or )se of those vessels is s)ch that the provisions of relating to inspection are not necessar+ or it is not practica*le to compl+ $ith them. 5!-A. 5ater-sealed Gasholder- D1E &he expression IGasholderI means a $ater-sealed gasholder $hich has a storage capacit+ of not less than 141.5 c)*ic meters D5,,, cft.E D2E 7ver+ gasholder shall *e of ade9)ate material and strength, sho)ld constr)ct and shall *e properl+ maintained. D3E 5here there is more than one gasholder in the factor+ ever+ gasholder shall *e mar8ed in a conspic)o)s position $ith a disting)ishing n)m*er of letter . D4E 7ver+ gasholder shall *e thoro)ghl+ examined externall+ *+ a competent person at least once in a period of 12 months. D5E 2n the case of gasholder of $hich an+ lift has *een in )se for more than 1, +ears the internal state of the sheeting, shall $ithin one +ear of the coming into operation of this r)le and thereafter at least ever+ period of fo)r +ears, *e examined *+ a competent person *+ means of electronic or other acc)rate devices. (rovided that if the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that s)ch electronic or other acc)rate devices are not availa*le, he ma+ permit the c)tting of samples from the cro$n and the sides of the holder. (rovided f)rther that if the a*ove inspection raises a do)*t, an internal vis)al examination shall *e made. D!E All possi*le steps shall *e ta8en to prevent or minimise in gress of imp)rities in the gasholder. D"E .o gasholder shall *e repaired or demolished except )nder the direct s)pervision of a person $ho, *+ his training and experience and his 8no$ledge of the necessar+ preca)tions

against ris8s of explosion and of persons *eing over come *+ gas, is competent to s)pervise s)ch $or8. D%E All sample dis-c)t )nder s)*-r)le D5E shall *e 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection. D'E A permanent register d)l+ signed *+ the occ)pier or 0anager shall *e maintained giving the follo$ing partic)lars =DaE &he serial n)m*er of the gasholder vide r)le D3E and the partic)lars of man)fact)re i.e. ma8erLs name, date of man)fact)re, capacit+, n)m*er of lifts, press)re, thro$n *+ holder $hen f)ll of gas. D*E &he dates of inspection carried o)t as re9)ired )nder s)*-r)les D4E and D5E and *+ $home carried o)t. DcE &he method of inspection )sed. DdE Date of painting etc. DeE .at)re of repairs and name of person carr+ing o)t repairs, and DfE #emar8. &he res)lts of examinations *+ a competent person carried o)t )nder s)* r)les D4E and D5E shall *e in -orm " A. D1,E A cop+ of the report in -orm " A shall *e 8ept in the register and *oth the register and the report shall *e readil+ availa*le for inspection. D11E &he 2nspector shall inspect the gasholder at least once in a period of 12 months. #)le prescri*ed )nder s)*-section D2E of Section 34 5". 7xcessive $eights- D1E .o $oman or +o)ng person, shall, )naided *+ another person, lift, carr+ or move *+ hand or on head, an+ material, article, tool or appliance exceeding the maxim)m limit in $eight set o)t in the follo$ing Sched)le =S467D: 7 (ersons DaE D*E DcE DdE DeE DfE Ad)lt male Ad)lt female Adolescent male Adolescentfemale 0ale child -emale child 0axim)m $eight of material article, tool or appliance D2n ?ilogramsE 55 3, 3, 2, 1! 14

D2E .o $oman or +o)ng person shall engage, in con@)nction $ith others, in lifting, carr+ing or moving *+ hand or on head, an+ material, article, tool or appliance, if the $eight thereof exceeds the lo$est $eight fixed *+ the Sched)le to s)*-r)le D1E for an+ of the persons engaged, m)ltiplied *+ the n)m*er Xf the persons engaged. #)le prescri*ed )nder Section 35 5%. (rotection of e+es- 7ffective screens or s)ita*le goggles shall *e provided for the protection of persons emplo+ed in or in the immediate vicinit+ of the follo$ing process O-

DaE &he processes specified in Sched)le 2 annexed hereto, *eing processes $hich involve ris8 of in@)r+ to the e+es from particles or fragments thro$n off in the co)rse of the process. D*E &he processes specified in Sched)le 22 annexed hereto, *eing processes $hich involve ris8 of in@)r+ to the e+es *+ reason of expos)re to excessive light or infrared or )ltraviolet radiation. S467D: 7 2 Dr+ grinding of metals or articles of metal applied *+ hand to revolving $heel or disc driven *+ mechanical po$er. &)rning Dexternal or internalE of non-ferro)s metals or of cast iron or articles of s)ch metals or s)ch iron $here the $or8 is done dr+, other than a precision t)rning $here the )se of goggles or a screen $o)ld serio)sl+ interfere $ith the $or8 or t)rning *+ means of hand tools. 5elding or c)tting of metals *+ means of an electric ox+acet+lene or similar process. &he follo$ing processes $hen carried on *+ means of hand tools or other porta*le tools= -ettling of metal involving the removal of metal. 4)tting o)t or c)tting off cold rivets or *olts from *oilers or other plant, or from ships. 4hipping or scaling of *oilers or ships plates. 1rea8ing or dressing of stone, concrete or slag. S467D: 7 22 1. 5elding or c)tting of metals *+ means of an electrical, ox+acet+lene or similar process. 2. All $or8 on f)rnaces $here there is ris8 of expos)re to excessive light or infra-red radiations. 3. (rocess s)ch as rolling casting or forgoing of metals $here there is ris8 of expos)re to excessive light or )ltraviolet or infra-red radiations. #)les prescri*ed )nder s)*-section ! of Section 3! 5'. 0inim)m dimensions of manholes- 7ver+ cham*er, tan8, vat, pipe, fl)e or other confined space, $hich persons ma+ have to enter and $hich ma+ contain dangero)s f)mes to s)ch an extent as to involve ris8 of the persons *eing overcome there shall, )nless there is other effective means of egress, *e provided $ith a manhole $hich ma+ *e rectang)lar, oval or circ)lar in shape and $hich shall=DaE in the case of a rectang)lar or oval shape, *e not less than 1! inches long and 12 fiches $ideO D*E in the case of a circ)lar shape, *e not less than 1! inches in diameter. 7xemptions )nder s)*-section D5E of Section 3" !,. 7xemptions- &he re9)irements of s)*-section 4 of Section 3" shall not appl+ to the follo$ing processes carried on in an+ factor+=DaE &he operation of repairing a $ater-sealed gas-holder *+ the electric $elding process, s)*@ect the follo$ing conditions= DiE &he gas-holder shall contain onl+ the follo$ing gases, separatel+ or mixed at a press)re greater than atomospheric press re, namel+, to$n gas, co8e-oven gas, prod)cer gas, *last f)rnace gas, or gases, other than air, )sed in their man)fact)re=

(rovided that this exemption shall not appl+ to an+ gas-holder containing acet+lene or mixt)re of gases to $hich acet+lene has *een added intentionall+O DiiE 5elding shall onl+ *e done *+ the electric $elding process and shall *e carried o)t *+ experienced operatives )nder the constant s)pervision of a competent person. D*E &he operations of c)tting or $elding steel $ro)ght iron gas mains and services *+ the application of heat, s)*@ect to the follo$ing conditions =DiE &he main or service shall *e sit)ated in the open air, and it shall contain onl+ the follo$ing gases separatel+ or mixed at a press)re greater than atmospheric press)re, namel+, to$n gas, co8e oven gas, prod)cer gas, *last f)rnace gas, or gases other than air, )sed in their man)fact)reO DiiE &he main or service shall not contain acet+lene or an+ gas or mixt)re of gases to $hich acet+lene has *een added intentionall+O GiiiE &he operation shall *e carried o)t *+ an experienced person or persons and at least 2 persons Dincl)ding those carr+ing o)t the operationsE experienced in $or8 on-gas mains and over 1% +ears of age shall *e present d)ring the operationO DivE &he site of the operation shall *e free from an+ inflamma*le or explosive gas or vapo)rO DvE 5here acet+lene gas is )sed as a so)rce of heat in connection $ith an operation, it shall *e compressed and contained in a poro)s s)*stance in a c+linderO and DviE (rior to the application of an+ flame to the gas main of service, this shall *e pierced or drilled and the escaping gas ignitedO DcE &he operation of repairing an oil tan8 on an+ ship *+ the electric $elding process, s)*@ect to the follo$ing conditions =DiE &he onl+ oil contained in the tan8 shall have a flash point of not less than 15, - Dclose testE and a certificate to this effect shall *e o*tained from a competent anal+st. DiiE &he anal+stLs certificate shall *e 8ept availa*le for inspection *+ an 2nspector, or *+ an+ person emplo+ed or $or8ing on the shipO DiiiE &he $elding operation shall *e carried o)t onl+ on the exterior s)rface of the tan8 at a place DaE $hich is free from oil or oil lea8age in inflamma*le 9)antities, and D*E $hich is not less than one foot *elo$ the nearest part of the s)rface of the oil $ithin the tan8O and DivE 5elding shall *e done onl+ *+ the electric $elding and shall *e carried o)t *+ experienced operatives )nder the constant s)pervision of a competent person. !1-A. -ire (rotection- D1E (rocesses e9)ipment, plant, involving serio)s explosion and serio)s fire haAardsDaE All processes, storages, e9)ipments, plants, etc. involving serio)s explosion and flash fire haAard shall *e located in segregated *)ildings $here the e9)ipment shall *e so arranged that on a minim)m n)m*er of emplo+ees are exposed to s)ch haAards at an+ one time. D*E All ind)strial processes involving serio)s fire haAard shall *e located in *)ilding or $or8 places separated from one another *+ $all of fire-resistant constr)ction. DcE 79)ipment and plant involving serio)s fire or flash fire haAard shall, $herever possi*le *e so constr)cted and installed that in case of fire, the+ can *e easil+ isolated. DdE ;entilation d)cts, pnematic conve+ors and similar e9)ipment involving a serio)s fire ris8 sho)ld *e provided $ith flame-arresting or a)tomatic fire exting)ishing appliances, or fire resisting dampers electricall+ interloc8ed $ith heat sensitiveHsmo8e detectors and the airconditioning plant s+stem. DeE 2n all $or8 places having serio)s fire or flash fire haAards, passages *et$een machines, installations or piles of material sho)ld *e at least ', cms. $ide. -or storage piles, the clearance *et$een the ceil rig and the top of the pile sho)ld not *e less than 2 m.

D2E Access for fire fightingDaE 1)ilding and plants shall *e so laid o)t and roads, passage$a+s etc, so maintained as to permit )no*str)cted access for fire fighting. D*E Doors and $indo$ openings shall *e located in s)ita*le positions on all external $alls of the *)ilding to provide eas+ access to the entire area $ithin the *)ilding for fire fighting. D3E (rotection against lightening- (rotection from lightening shall *e provided forDaE *)ilding in $hich explosive or highl+ flamma*le s)*stances are man)fact)red, )sed, handled or storedO D*E storage tan8s containing oils, paints or other flamma*le li9)idsO DcE rains elevatorsO DdE *)ildings, tall chimne+s or stac8s $here flamma*le gases, f)mes d)st or lint are li8el+ to *e presentO DeE s)*-station *)ilding and o)t-door transformers and s$itch +ards. D4E (reca)tions against ignition- 5here there is danger of fire or explosion from acc)m)lation of flamma*le or explosive s)*stances in airDaE All electrical apparat)s shall either *e excl)ded from the area of ris8 or the+ shall *e of s)ch constr)ction and so installed and maintain as to prevent the danger of their *eing so)rce of ignitionO D*E 7ffective meas)res shall *e adopted for prevention of acc)m)lation of static charges to a dangero)s extentO DcE 5or8ers shall $ear shoes $itho)t iron or steel nails or an+ other exposed ferro)s materials $hich is li8el+ to ca)se spar8s *+ friction DdE &ransmission *elts $ith iron fasteners shall not *e )sedO DeE Smo8ing, lightening or carr+ing of matches, lighters or smo8ingO materials shall *e prohi*itedO DfE All other preca)tions, as are reasona*l+ practica*le, shall *e ta8en to prevent initiation of ignition from all other possi*le so)rces s)ch as spenflames, frictional spar8s, overheated s)rfaces of machiner+ or plant, chemical or ph+sical-chemical reaction and radiant heat. D5E Spontaneo)s ignition- 5here materials are li8el+ to ind)ce spontaneo)s ignition, care shall *e ta8en to avoid formation of air poc8et and ens)re ade9)ate ventilation. &he material s)scepti*le to spontaneo)s ignition sho)ld *e stored in dr+ condition and sho)ld *e in heaps of s)ch capacit+ and separated *+ s)ch passage $hich $ill prevent fire. &he materials s)scepti*le to ignition and stored in the open shall *e at a distance not less than 1, meters a$a+ from process or storage *)ildings. D!E 4+linders containing compressed gas- 4+linders containing compressed gas ma+ onl+ *e stored in open, if the+ are protected against excessive variation of temperat)re, direct ra+s of s)n, or contin)o)s dampness. S)ch c+linders shall never *+ stored near highl+ flamma*le s)*stances, are stored shall have ade9)ate ventilation. D"E Storage of flamma*le li9)idsDaE &he 9)antit+ of flamma*le li9)ids in an+ $or8 room shall *e the minim)m re9)ired for the process or processes carried on in s)ch room. -lamma*le li9)ids shall *e stored in s)ita*le containers $ith close fitting coversO (rovided that not more than 2, liters of flamma*le li9)ids having a flash point of 2,U4 or less shall *e 8ept or stored in an+ $or8 room.= D*E -lamma*le li9)ids shall *e stored in closed containers and limited 9)antities in $ell ventilated room of fire resisting constr)ction $hich are isolated from the remainder of the *)ilding *+ fire $alls and self closing fire doors.

DcE arge 9)antities of s)ch li9)ids shall *e stored in isolated ade9)atel+ ventilated *)ilding of fire resisting constr)ction or in storage tan8s, prefera*l+ )ndergro)nd and at a distance from an+ *)ilding as re9)ired in the petrole)m #)les, 1'"!. DdE 7ffective steps shall *e ta8en to prevent lea8age of s)ch li9)ids into *asements, s)mps or drains and to confine an+ escaping li9)id $ithin safe limits. D%E Acc)m)lation of flamma*le d)st, gas f)me or vapo)r in air or flamma*le $aste material on the floorsDaE 7ffective steps shall *e ta8en for removal or prevention of the acc)m)lation in the air of flamma*le d)st, gas, f)me or vapo)r to an extent $hich is li8el+ to *e dangero)s. D*E .o $aste material of a flamma*le nat)re shall *e permitted to acc)m)late on the floors and shall *e removed at least once in a da+ or shift, and more often, $hen possi*le. S)ch materials shall *e placed in s)ita*le metal containers $ith covers $herever possi*le. D'E -ire 7xitsDaE 2n this r)leDiE IhoriAontal existI means an arrangement $hich allo$s alternative egress from a floor area to another floor at or near the same level in an ad@oining *)ilding or an ad@oining part of the same *)ilding $ith ade9)ate separationO and DiiE Itravel distanceI means the distances an occ)pant has to travel to reach an exit. D*E An exit ma+ *e a door$a+ corridor, passage$a+ to an external stair$a+ or to a varandah or to an internal stair$a+ segregated from the rest of *)ilding *+ fire resisting $alls $hich shall provide contin)o)s and protected means of egress to the exterior of a *)ilding or to an exterior open space. An exit ma+ also incl)de a horiAontal exit leading to an ad@oining *)ilding at the same level. DcE ifts, escalators and revolving doors shall not *e considered as exit for the p)rpose of this s)*-r)le. DdE 2n ever+ room of a factor+ exits s)fficient to permit safe escape other occ)pants in case of fire or other emergenc+ shall *e provided $hich shall *e free of an+ o*str)ction. DeE &he exits shall *e clearl+ visi*le and s)ita*l+ ill)minated $ith s)ita*le arrangement, $hatever artificial lightening is to *e adopted for this p)rpose to maintain the re9)ired ill)mination in case of fail)re of the normal so)rce of electric s)ppl+. DfE &he exits shall *e mar8ed in a lang)age )nderstood *+ the ma@orit+ of the $or8ers. DgE 2ron r)ng ladders or spiral staircases shall not *e )sed as exit staircases. DhE -ire resisting doors or roller sh)ttors shall *e provided at appropriate places along the escape ro)tes to prevent spread of fire and smo8e, partic)larl+ at the entrance of lifts or stairs $here f)nnel or fl)e effect ma+ *e created ind)cing an )p$ard spread of fire. DiE All exits shall provide contin)o)s means of egress to the exterior of a *)ilding or to an exterior open space leading to a street. D@E 7xists shall *e so located that the travel distance to reach at least one of them on the floor shall not exceed 3, meters. D8E 2n case of these factories $here high haAard materials are stored or )sed, the travel distance to the exist shall not exceed 22.5 meters and there shall *e at least t$o $a+s escape from ever+ room, ho$ ever shall, except toilet rooms, so located that the paints of access there to are o)t of or s)ita*l+ shielded from areas of high haAard. DlE 5herever more than one exit is re9)ired for an+ room space or floor, exits shall *e placed as remote from each other as possi*le and shall *e arranged to provide direct access in separate directions from an+ point in the areas served.

DmE &he )nit of exit $idth )sed to meas)re capacit+ of an+ exit shall *e 5, cm. A clear $idth of 25 cm. shall *e co)nted as an additional half )nit. 4lear $idth of less than 25 cm. shall not *e co)nted for exit $idth. DnE /cc)pants per )nit $idth shall *e 5, for stairs and "5 for doors. D,E -or determining the exits re9)ired, the occ)pant lead shall *e rec8oned on the *asis of act)al n)m*er of occ)pants $ithin an+ floor area or 1, s9)are meters per person, $hichever is more. DpE &here shall not *e less than t$o exits serving ever+ floor area a*ove and *elo$ the gro)nd floor, and at least one of them shall *e an internal enclosed stair$a+. D9E -or ever+ *)ilding or str)ct)re )sed for storage onl+ and ever+ section thereof considered separatel+, shall have access to at least one exit to arrange and located as to provide a s)ita*le means of escape of an+ per-son emplo+ed therein, and in an+ s)ch room $herein more than 1, persons ma+ *e normall+ present, at least t$o separate means of exit shall *e availa*le, as remote from each other as practica*le. DrE 7ver+ storage area shall have access to at least one means of exit $hich can *e readil+ opened. DsE 7ver+ exit door$a+ shall open into an enclosed stair$a+, horiAontal exit on a corridor or passage$a+ providing contin)o)s and protected means of egress. DtE .o exit door$a+ shall *e less than 1,, cm in $idth, door$a+ shall *e not less than 2,, cm in height. D)E 7xit door$a+s shall open o)t$ards, that is, a$a+ from the room *)t shall not o*str)ct the travel along an+ exit, no door $hen opened, shall red)ce the re9)ired $idth of a stair$a+ or landing to less than ', cm. /ver head or sliding doors shall not *e installed for this p)rpose. DvE An exit door shall not open immediatel+ )pon a flight of stairs A landing at least 1.5m x 1.5m in siAe shall *e provided in the stair$a+ at each door$a+. &he level of landing shall *e the same as that of the floor $hich it serves. D$E &he exit door$a+s shall *e opena*le from the side $hich the+ serve $itho)t the )se of a 8e+. DxE 7xit carridors and passage$a+s shall *e of a $idth not less than the aggregate re9)ired $idth of exit door$a+s leading from there in the direction of travel to the exterior. D+E 5here stair$a+s discharge thro)gh corridors and passage$a+s the height of the corridors and passage$a+s shall not *e less than 2.4 meters. DaaE A staircase shall not *e arranged ro)nd a lift shaft )nless the latter is totall+ enclosed *+ a material having a fire resistance rating not lo$er than that of the t+pe of constr)ction of the former. D**E 6ollo$ com*)sti*le shall not *e permitted. DccE &he minim)m $idth of an internal staircase shall *e 1,, cm. DddE &he minim)m $idth of treads $itho)t nosing shall *e 25 cm. for an internal staircase. &he treads shall *e constr)cted and maintained in a manner to prevent slipping. DeeE &he maxim)m height of a risor shall *e 1' cm. and the n)m*er of risers shall *e limited to 12 per flight. DffE 6and rails shall *e provided $ith minim)m height of 1,, cm. and shall *e fairml+ s)pported. DggE &he )se of spiral staircase shall *e limited to lo$ occ)pant load and to a *)ilding of height of ' meters, )nless the+ are connected to platform s)ch as *alconies and terraces to allo$ escape to pa)se. A spiral staircase shall *e not less than 3,, cm. in diameter and have ade9)ate head room. DhhE &he $idth of a horiAontal exit shall *e same as for the exit door

DiiE &he horiAontal exit shall *e e9)ipped $ith at least one fire door of self closing t+pe. D@@E &he floor area on the opposite or ref)ge side of a horiAontal exit shall *e s)fficient to accommodate occ)pants of the floor areas served allo$ing not less than ,.3 s9)are meter per person. &he ref)ge area shall *e provided $ith exits ade9)ate to meet the re9)irements of this s)* r)le. At least one of the exits shall lead directl+ to the exterior. D88E 5here there is difference in level *et$een connected areas for horiAontal exit, ramps, not more than 1 in % slopes shall *e provided -or this p)rpose steps shall not *e )sed. DllE Doors in horiAontal exits shall *e opena*le at all times. DmmE #amps $ith a slope of not more than 1 in 1, to s)*stit)ted for the re9)irements of staircase. -or all slopes exceeding 1 in 1, and $herever the )se in s)ch as to involve danger of slipping, the ramp shall *e s)rfaced $ith non-slipping material. DnnE 2n an+ *)ilding not provided $ith a)tomatic fire alarm a man)al fire alarm s+stem shall *e provided if the total capacit+ of the *)ilding is over 5,, persons, or if more than 25 persons are emplo+ed a*ove or *elo$ the gro)nd floor, except that no man)al fire alarm shall *e re9)ired in one-store+ *)ildings $here the entire area is )ndivided and all parts thereof are clearl+ visi*le to all occ)pants. D1,E -irst-aid fire fighting arrangementsDaE 2n ever+ factor+ there shall *e provided and maintained ade9)ate and s)ita*le fire fighting e9)ipment for fighting fires in the earl+ stages, those *eing referred to as first-aid fire fighting e9)ipment in this r)le. D*E &he t+pes of first-aid fire fighting e9)ipment to *e provided shall *e determined *+ considering the different t+pes of fire ris8s $hich are classified as follo$s =DiE I4lass A -ireI- -ire d)e to com*)sti*le materials s)ch as $ood, textiles, paper, r)**ish and the li8e. 1. I ight 6aAardI- /cc)pancies li8e offices, assem*l+ halls canteens, restroom, am*)lances, rooms and the li8eO 2. I/rdinar+ 6aAard I- /cc)pancies li8e sa$ mills carpentr+ shop, shall tim*er +ards, *oo8 *inding shops engineering $or8shop and the li8eO 3. I7xtra 6aAardI- /cc)pancies li8e large tim*er +ards, godo$ns storting fi*ro)s materials, flo)r mills, cotton mills, @)te mills, large $ood $or8ing factories and the li8eO DiiE I4lass 1 -ireI- -ire in flamma*le li9)ids li8e oil, petrole)m prod)cts, solvents, grease, paints etc. DiiiE I4lass 4 fireI--ire arising o)t of gaseo)s s)*stances. DivE I4lass D -ireI- -ire from reactive chemicals, active metals and the li8e. DvE I4lass 7 -ireI- -ire involving electrical e9)ipment and machiner+ and the li8e. DcE &he n)m*er and t+pes of first-aid fire fighting e9)ipment to *e provided for Ilight haAard occ)panc+ shall *e as given in sched)le 2. -or ordinar+ haAard or extra haAard occ)pancies e9)ipment as given in paragraph 12 shall *e provided in addition to that given in sched)le 2. DdE &he first-aid fire fighting e9)ipment shall confirm to the relevant 2ndian Standards. DeE As far as possi*le the first-aid fire fighting e9)ipment shall all *e similar in shape and appearance and shall have the same method of operation. DfE All first aid fire fighting e9)ipment shall *e placed in a conspic)o)s position and shall *e readil+ and easil+ accessi*le for immediate )se. Generall+ these e9)ipment shall *e placed as near as possi*le to the exits or stair landing or normal ro)tes of escape. DgE All $ater *)c8ets and *)c8et p)mp t+pe exting)ishers shall *e filled $ith clean $ater. All send *)c8ets shall *e filled $ith clean, dr+ and fine sand.

DhE All other exting)ishers shall *e charged appropriatel+ in accordance $ith the instr)ctions of the man)fact)rer . DiE 7ach first-aid fire fighting e9)ipment shall *e allotted serial n)m*er *+ $hich it shall *e referred to in the records. &he follo$ing details shall *e painted $ith $hite paint on the *od+ of each e9)ipment1. Serial n)m*erO 2. Date of last refillingO and 3. Date of last inspection. D@E -irst-aid fire fighting e9)ipment shall *e placed on platforms or in ca*inets in s)ch a$a+ that their *ottom is "5, mm a*ove the floor level. -ire *)c8ets shall *e placed on hoo8s attached to a s)ita*le stand or $all in s)ch a $a+ that their *ottom is "5, mm a*ove the floor level. S)ch e9)ipment if placed o)tside the *)ilding, shall *e )nder sheds or covers. D8E All exting)ishers shall *e thoro)ghl+ cleaned and recharged immediatel+ after discharge. S)fficient refill material shall *e 8ept readil+ availa*le for this p)rpose at all times. DlE All first-aid fire fighting e9)ipment shall *e s)*@ected to ro)tine maintenance inspection and testing to *e carried o)t properl+ trained persons. (eriodicall+ of the ro)tine maintenance inspection and text shall confirm to the relevant 2ndian Standards. D11E /ther fire fighting arrangementsDaE 2n ever+ factor+ 2 ade9)ate provision of $ater s)ppl+ for fire fighting shall *e made and $here the amo)nt of $ater re9)ired in liters per min)te, as calc)lated from the form)la AY1Y4YD divided *+ 2, is 55, or more po$er driven trailor p)mps of ade9)ate capacit+ to meet the re9)irement of $ater as calc)lated a*ove shall *e provided and maintained. 2n the a*ove form)laA W &he total area in s9)are meters of all floors incl)ding galleries *)ilding of the factor+O 1 W &he total area in s9)are meters of all floors and galleries incl)ding open spaces in $hich com*)sti*le materials are handed or stored. 4 W &he total area in s9)are meters of all floors over 15 meters a*ove gro)nd levelO and D W &he total area in s9)are meters of all floors of all *)ildings other than those of fire resisting constr)ction. (rovided that in areas $here the fire ris8 involved does not re9)ire )se of $ater, s)ch areas )nder 1, 4 or D ma+, for the p)rpose of calc)lation, *e halved (rovided f)rther that $here the areas )nder 1, 4 or Dare protected *+ permanent a)tomatic fire fighting installations approved *+ an+ fire association or fire ins)rance compan+ s)ch areas ma+ for the p)rpose of calc)lation, *e halved. (rovided also that $here the factor+ is sit)ated at not more than 3 8ilometers from an esta*lished cit+ or to$n fire service, the p)mping capacit+ *ased on the amo)nt of $ater arrived at *+ the form)la a*ove ma+ *e red)ced *+ 25Z, *)t no acco)nt shall *e ta8en of this red)ction in calc)lating $ater s)ppl+ re9)ired )nder cla)se DaE. D*E 7ach trailor p)mp shall *e provided $ith e9)ipment as per sched)le 22 appended to this r)le. S)ch e9)ipment shall confirm to the relevant 2ndian Standards. DcE &railor p)mp shall *e ho)sed in a separate shed or sheds $hich shall *e sited closed to a principal so)rce of $ater s)pplies in the vicinit+ of the main ris8s of the factor+,

DdE 2n factories $here the area is s)ch as cannot *e reached *+ man-ha)ling of trailor p)mps $ithin reasona*le time vehicles $ith to$ing attachment shall *e provided at the scale of one for ever+ fo)r trailor p)mps $ith a minim)m of one s)ch vehicle 8ept availa*le at all times, DeE 5ater s)ppl+ shall *e provided to give flo$ of $ater as re9)ired d )nder cla)se DaE for at least l,, min)tes. At least 5,Z of this $ater s)ppl+ or 45,,,,, liters $hichever is less shall *e in the form of static tan8s of ade9)ate capacities Dnot less than 45,,,,, liters eachE distri*)ted ro)nd the factor+ $ith d)e regards to the potential fire ris8s in the factor+. 5here piped s)ppl+ is provided, the siAe of the main shall not *e less than 15 centimeters diameter and it shall *e capa*le of s)ppl+ing a minim)m of 45,, liters per min)te at a press)re of not less than " 8ilogrammes per s9)are centimeter . DfE All trailor p)mps incl)ding the e9)ipment provided $ith them and the vehicles for to$ing them shall *e maintained in good condition and s)*@ected to periodical inspection and testing as re9)ired. D12E (ersonnel in charge of e9)ipment and for fire fighting, fire drills, etc. - DaE &he first-aid and other fire fighting e9)ipment to *e provided as re9)ired in s)* r)le 1, < 11 shall *e in charge of a trained responsi*le person. D*E S)fficient n)m*er of persons shall *e trained in the proper handling of fire fighting e9)ipment as referred to in cla)se DaE and their )se against the t+pes of fire for $hich the+ are intended to ens)re that ade9)ate n)m*er of persons are availa*le for fire fighting *oth *+ means of first-aid fire fighting e9)ipment and others. S)ch persons shall *e provided $ith clothing and e9)ipment incl)ding helmets, *elts, and *oots prefera*l+ g)m*oots. 5herever vehicles $ith to$ing attachment are to *e provided as re9)ired in cla)se DdE of s)*-r)le D11E s)fficient n)m*er of persons shall *e trained in driving these vehicles to ens)re that trained persons are availa*le for driving them $henever the need arises. DcE -ire fighting drills shall *e held at often as necessar+ and at least once in ever+ period of 2 months. D13E A)tomatic sprin8lers and fire h+drants shall *e in addition and not in s)*stit)tion of the re9)irements in s)* r)le D1,E and D11E D14E 2f the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied in respect of an+ factor+ or an+ part of the factor+ that o$ing to the exceptional circ)mstances s)ch as inade9)ac+ of $ater s)ppl+ or infre9)enc+ of the man)fact)ring process or for an+ other reason, to *e recorded in $riting, all or an+ of the re9)irements of the r)les are impractica*le or not necessar+ for the protection or $or8ers, he ma+ *+ order in $riting D$hich he ma+ at his discretion revo8eE exempt s)ch factor+ or part of the factor+ from all or an+ of the provisions of the r)les s)*@ect to conditions as he s)ch order prescri*e. S467D: 7 2 -irst Aid -ire -ighting 79)ipment D1E &he different t+pe of fires and first aid fire fighting e9)ipments s)ita*le for )se on them are as )nder = 4lass of -ire S)ita*le t+pe of Appliances A. -ires in ordinar+ com*)sti*les D$ood, 4hemical 7xting)ishers of sodash, gasH vegeta*les, fi*res, paper < the li8eE expelled $ater and antifreeAe t+pes, and $ater *)c8ets.

1. -ires in flamma*le li9)ids, paints, grease, 4hemical 7xting)ishers of foam car*onsolvents and the li8e dioxide and dr+ po$der t+pes and sand *)c8ets. 4. -ires in gaseo)s s)*stances )nder 4hemical 7xting)ishers of car*on dioxide press)re and dr+ po$der t+pes. D. -ires in reactive 4hemicals, active metals Special t+pe of dr+ po$der.. 7xting)ishers and the li8e and sand *)c8ets. 7. -ires in electrical e9)ipments 4hemical 7xting)ishers of car*on dioxide and dr+ po$der t+pes and sand *)c8ets. D2[ /ne ' liters $ater *)c8ets shall *e provided for ever+ 1,, s9. mm. of the floor area or part thereof and one ' liters $ater t+pe exting)ishers shall *e provided to six *)c8ets or part thereof $ith a minim)m of one exting)isher an and t$o *)c8ets part per compartment of the *)ilding. 1)c8ets ma+ *e dispensed $ith provided s)ppl+ of exting)ishers is do)*le that indicated a*ove. D3[ Accepta*le replacements for $ater *)c8ets and $ater t+pe exting)ishers in occ)pancies $here class 1 fires are anticipated, are as )nder =Accepta*le 1)c8ets of 5ater 5ater t+pe 7xting)ishers #eplacements -or one *)c8ets -or t$o *)c8ets -or each ' litres, Dor 2 gallons, exting)ishers Dr+ and car*on- 1 *)c8et 38g. Dor "l*s.E 3 *)c8et '8g. Dor '8g. Dor dioxide exting)isher 2,l*s.E 2,l*s.E is not less than 2 exting)ishers Dr+ po$der 28g. Dor 5l*s.E 58g. Dor 11l*s.E 58g. Dor is one or more 11l*s.E exting)ishers -oam exting)ishers ' liters Dor 2 gallonsE ' liters Dor 2 gallonsE ' liters Dor 2 gallonsE D4E &he follo$ing provision shall *e complied $ith $here class fires are anticipated= DaE -or rooms containing electrical transformers s$itch gears motors andH or other electrical apparat)s onl+, not less than t$o 8g. Dr+ -po$der or car*on-dioxide t+pe exting)ishers shall *e provided $ithin 15 m. of the apparat)s. D*E 5here motors andHor other electrical e9)ipments are installed in rooms other than these containing s)ch e9)ipment onl+ one 5 8g. Dr+ po$der or car*on-dioxide exting)isher shall *e installed $ithin 15 m. of s)ch e9)ipment in addition to the re9)irements of mentioned at D2E and D3E a*ove. -or this p)rpose the same exting)isher ma+ *e deemed to afford protection to all apparat)s $ithin 15 m. thereof. DcE 5here electrical motors are installed on platforms, one 2 8g. Dr+ po$der or car*ondioxide t+pe exting)isher shall *e provided on or *elo$ each platforms. 2n case of a long platform $ith a n)m*er of motors, one exting)isher shall *e accepta*le as ade9)ate for ever+ 3 motors on the common platform. &he a*ove re9)irements $ill *e in addition to the re9)irements mentioned at item D2E and D3E a*ove. D5E &he first-aid fire fighting e9)ipments shall *e so distri*)ted over the entire floor area that a person has to travel not more than 15 m. to reach the nearest e9)ipment.

D!E Selection of sites for the installation of first-aid fire fighting e9)ipment DaE 5hile selecting sites for first-aid fire fighting e9)ipment, d)e consideration shall *e given to the nat)re of the ris8 to *e covered. &he e9)ipment shall *e placed in conspic)o)s position and shall *e readl+ accessi*le for immediate )se in all parts of the occ)panc+. 2t sho)ld al$a+s *e *orne in mind $hile selecting sites that first-aid fire fighting e9)ipments are intended onl+ for )se in incipient fires and their val)es ma+ *e negligi*le if the fire is not exting)ished or *ro)ght )nder control in the earl+ stages. D*E 1)c8ets and exting)ishers shall *e placed at convenient and easil+ accessi*le location either on hangers or on stands in s)ch a$a+ that their *ottom is "5, mm a*ove the floor level. D"E &he operating instr)ctions of the exting)ishers shall not *e defaced or o*literated. 2n case the operating instr)ctions are o*literated or have *ecome illegi*le d)e to passage of time fresh transfers of the same shall *e o*tained from the man)fact)rers of the e9)ipment and affixed to the exting)ishers. S467D: 7 22 79)ipment to *e provided $ith &railer p)mp -or light trailer p)mp of a capacit+ of !%, litresHmin)te 1 Armo)red s)ction hose of ' meters length, $ith $renches 1 0etal s)ction strainer 1 1as8et strainer 1 &$o-$a+ s)ction collecting head 1 S)ction adapter 1, :nlined or r)**er lined ", mm deliver+ hose of 25 meters length complete $ith 9)ic8release co)plings. 1 Dividing *reaching piece 2 1ranch-piece $ith 15 mm noAAles 1 Diff)ser noAAle 1 Standpipe $ith *lac8 cap 1 6+drant 8e+ 4 collapsi*le canvas *)c8ets 1 -ire hoo8 DpreventorE $ith c)tting edge 1 25 mm manila rope of 3, meters length 1 7xtension ledder of ' meters length D$here necessar+E 1 6eav+ axe 1 Spade 1 (ic8 axe 1 4ro$*ar 1 Sa$ 1 6)rricane lamp 1 7lectric torch 1 (air r)**er gloves -or large trailer p)mp of capacit+ of 1%,, >itresHmin)te1 Armo)red s)ction hose of ' meters length, $ith $renches 1 0etal strainer 1 1as8et strainer 1 &hree $a+ s)ction collecting head 1 S)ction adapter

14 :nlined or r)**er lined ", mm deliver+ hose of 25 meters length complete $ith 9)ic8release co)plings 1 Dividing *reaching piece 1 4ollecting *reaching piece 4 1ranch pipes $ith one 25 mm, t$o 2, mm and one diff)ser noAAles 2 Standpipe $ith *lac8 cap 2 6+drant 8e+ ! 4ollapsi*le canvas *)c8ets 1 4oiling hoo8 Dpre+entorE $ith c)tting edge 1 5, mm manila rope of 3, meters length 1 7xtension ladder of ' meters length D$here necessar+E 1 6eav+ axe 1 Sa$ 1 Spade 1 6)ricane lamp 1 (ic8 axe 1 7lectric torch 1 4ro$*ar 1 (air r)**er gloves .ote= 2f it appears to the 4hief 2nspector of factories that in an+ factor+ the provision of *reathing apparat)s is necessar+ he ma+ *e order in $riting re9)ire the occ)pier to provide s)ita*le *reathing apparat)s in addition to the e9)ipment for light trailer p)mp or large trailer p)mp as the case ma+ *e. !1-1. D1E 3)alification- DaE A person shall not *e eligi*le for appointment as Safet+ /fficer )nless he = DiE (ossesses a recognised degree in an+ *ranch of engineering or technolog+ and has had practical experience of $or8ing in factor+ in a s)pervisor+ capacit+ for a period of not less than 2 +earsO or a recogniAed degree in ph+sics or chemistr+ and has had practical experience of $or8ing in a factor+ in a s)pervisor+ capacit+ for a period of not less than 5 +earsO or a recognised diploma in an+ *ranch of engineering or technolog+ and has had practical experience of $or8ing in a factor+ in a s)pervisor+ capacit+ for a period of not less than 5 +ears. DiiE (ossesses a degree or diploma in ind)strial safet+ recognised *+ the 2 State Government in addition to possessing other 9)alification laid do$n in the said s)* r)le. DiiiE had ade9)ate 8no$ledge of the lang)age spo8en *+ ma@orit+ of the $or8ers in the region in $hich the factor+ $here he is to *e appointed is sit)ated. D*E .ot$ithstanding the provision contained in cla)se DaE, an+ person $ho=(ossesses a recognised degree or diploma in engineering or technolog+ and has had experience of not less than S +ears in a department of the 4entral or :nion &erritor+, State Government $hich deals $ith the administration or the -actories Act\ 1'4%O or (ossesses a recognised degree or diploma in engineering or technolog+ and had experience of not less than S +ears, -)ll time, on training ed)cation cons)ltanc+, or research in the field of accident prevention in ind)str+ or in an+ instit)tion, shall also *e eligi*le for appointment as a Safet+ /fficer= (rovided that the 4hief 2nspector ma+, s)*@ect to s)ch conditions as he ma+ specif+, grant exemption from the re9)irements of this s)*-r)le if in his opinion a s)ita*le person possessing the necessar+ 9)alification and experience is hot availa*le for appointment= (rovided f)rther that in the case of a person $ho has *een $or8ing as a Safet+ /ffice for a period not less than S +ears on the date of commencement of this r)le, the 4hief 2nspector ma+, s)*@ect to s)ch conditions as he ma+ specif+, relax all or an+ of the a*ove said 9)alifications.

D2E 4onditions of Service- DaE 5here the n)m*er of Safet+ /fficers to *e appointed in a factor+ as re9)ired *+ a notification in the /fficial GaAette exceeds one, one of them shall *e designated as the 4hief Safet+ /fficer and shall have a Stat)s higher than that of the others. &he 4hief Safet+ /fficer shall *e in overall charge of the safet+ f)nctions as envisaged in s)*-r)le D3E, the other safet+ /fficers $or8ing )nder his control. D*E &he 4hief Safet+ /fficer or the Safet+ /fficer in the case of factories $here onl+ one Safet+ /fficer is re9)ired to *e appointed, shall *e given the stat)s of a senior exec)tive and he shall $or8 directl+ )nder the control of the 4hief 7xec)tive of the factor+. All other Safet+ /fficers shall *e given appropriate stat)s to ena*le them to discharge their f)nction effectivel+. DcE &he scale of pa+ and the allo$ances to *e granted to the Safet+ /fficer incl)ding the 4hief Safet+ /fficer and the other conditions of their service shall *e the same as those of the officers of corresponding stat)s in the factor+.O DdE 2n the case of dismissal or discharge, a Safet+ /fficer shall have a right to appeal to the State Government $hose decision thereon shall *e final. D3E D)ties of Safet+ /fficer- DaE &he d)ties of a Safet+ /fficer shall *e to advise and assist the factor+ management in the f)lfilment of its o*ligations, stat)tor+ or other$ise concerning prevention of personal in@)ries and maintaining a safe $or8ing environment. &hese d)ties shall incl)de the follo$ing namel+ =DiE to advise the concerned departments in planning and organiAing meas)res necessar+ for the effective control of personal in@)ries. DiiE to advise on safet+ aspects in all @o* st)dies, and to carr+ o)t detailed @o* safet+ for the selected @o*sO DiiiE to chec8 and eval)ate the effectiveness of the action ta8en or proposed to *e ta8en to prevent personal in@)riesO DivE to provide advice on matters related to carr+ing o)t ens)ring high 9)alit+ and availa*ilit+ of personal protective e9)ipmentO DvE to provide advice on matters related to carr+ing o)t plant safet+ inspectionO DviE to carr+ o)t plant safet+ inspection in order to o*serve the ph+sical condition of $or8 and the $or8 practices and proced)res follo$ed *+ $or8ers and to render advice on meas)res to *e adopted for removing the )nsafe actions *+ $or8erO DviiE to investigate selected accidentO DviiiE to render advice on matters related to reporting and investigation of ind)strial accidents and diseasesO DixE to investigate the cases on ind)strial disease contracted and dangero)s occ)rrence reported )nder #)le '!O DxE to advise on the maintenance of s)ch records as are necessar+ relating to accidents, dangero)s occ)rrences and ind)strial diseasesO DxiE to promote setting )p of safet+ committees and act as advisor and catal+st to s)ch committeesO DxiiE to organise in association $ith the concerned departments, campaigns, competitions, contests and other activities $hich $ill develop and maintain the interest of $or8ers in esta*lishing and maintaining Safe 4onditions of $or8 and proced)resO and DxiiiE to design and cond)ct either independentl+ or in colla*oration $ith the training departments s)ita*le training and ed)cational programmes for the prevention of (ersonal in@)ries.

D4E -acilities to *e provided to Safet+ /fficers. An occ)pier of the factor+ shall provide each Safet+ /fficer $ith s)ch facilities e9)ipment and information as are necessar+ to ena*le him to discharge his d)ties effectivel+. D5E (rohi*ition of performance of other D)ties. .o Safet+ /fficer shall *e re9)ired or permitted to do an+ $or8 $hich is inconsistent $ith or detrimental to the performance of the d)ties prescri*ed in s)*-r)le D3E. !1-4. Safet+ committee-- D1E 2n ever+ factor+DaE $herein 25, or more $or8ers are ordinaril+ emplo+edO D*E $hich carries on an+ process or operation declared to *e dangero)s )nder section %" of the ActO or DcE $hich carries on haAardo)s process as defined )nder section 2 Dc*E of the Act, there shall *e a safet+ committee. D2E &he representative of the management of safet+ committee shall incl)de DaE A senior official, $ho *+ his position in the organisation can contri*)te effectivel+ to the f)nctioning of the committee, shall *e the chairmanO D*E A safet+ officer, and a factor+ 0edical /fficer $herever availa*le and the Safet+ /fficer in s)ch a case shall *e the Secretar+ of the committee. DcE A representative each from the prod)ction maintenance and p)rchase departments. D3E &he $or8erLs representatives of this committee shall *e elected *+ the $or8ers. D4E &he ten)re of the committee shall *e t$o +ears. D5E Safet+ committee shall meet as often as necessar+ *)t at least once in ever+ 9)arter. &he min)tes of the meeting shall *e recorded and prod)ced to the 2nspector on demand. D!E Safet+ committee shall have the right to ade9)atel+ and s)ita*le informed ofDaE (otential safet+ and health haAard to $hich the $or8ers, ma+ *e exposed at $or8 placeO D*E Data on accidents as $ell as data res)lting from s)rveillance of the $or8ing environment and of the health of $or8ers exposed to haAardo)s s)*stances so far as the factor+ is concerned provided that the committee )nderta8es to )se the date on a confidential *asis and solel+ to provide g)idance and advice on meas)re to improve the $or8ing environment and the health and safet+ of the $or8ers. D"E -)nction and d)ties of the safet+ committee shall incl)deDaE assisting and cooperating $ith the management in achieving the alarms and o*@ectives o)tlined in the R6ealth and safet+ polic+S of the occ)pierO D*E dealing $ith all matters concerning health, safet+ and environment and to arrive at practica*le sol)tions to pro*lems enco)nter DcE creating safet+ a$areness amongst all $or8ersO DdE )nderta8ing ed)cational, training and promotional activitiesO DeE disc)ssing reports on safet+, environmental and occ)pational health s)rve+s, safet+ a)dits, ris8 assessment, emergenc+ and disaster management plans and implementation of the recommendations made in the reportsO

DfE carr+ing o)t health and safet+ s)rve+s and identif+ing ca)ses of accidentsO DgE loo8ing into an+ complaint made on the li8elihood of an imminent danger to the safet+ and health of the $or8ers and s)ggesting corrective meas)resO and DhE revie$ing the implementation of the recommendation made *+ it. D%E 5here o$ing to the siAe of the factor+ or an+ other reason, the f)nctions referred to in s)*-r)le D"E cannot *e effectivel+ carried o)t *+ the safet+ committee, it ma+ esta*lish s)*committee as ma+ *e re9)ired to assist it. !1-D. /vens and driers-D1E Application-&his r)le shall appl+ to ovens and driers except those )sed in la*oratories or 8itchens of an+ esta*lishment and those $hich have a capacit+ *elo$ 325 litres. D2E Definition-- -or the p)rpose of this r)le, oven or drier means an+ enclosed str)ct)re, receptacle compartment of *ox $hich is )sed for *a8ing dr+ing or temperat)re higher than the am*ient temperat)re of the air in the room or space in $hich the oven or drier is sit)ated and in $hich a flamma*le or explosive s)*stance is li8el+ to *e evolved $ith in the enclosed str)ct)re, receptacle, compartment or *ox or part thereof on acco)nt of the other$ise processed $ithin it. D3E Separate electrical connection- 7lectrical po$er s)pplied to ever+ oven or drier shall *e *+ means of a separate circ)it provided $ith an isolation s$itch. D4E Design, constr)ction, examination and testingDaE 7ver+ oven or drier shall *e properl+ designed on so)nd engineering practice and *e good constr)ction so)nd materials and ade9)ate strength, free from an+ patent defects and safe if properl+ )sed. D*E .o oven or drier shall *e ta8en into )se in a factor+ for the first time )nless a Icompetent personI has thoro)ghl+ examined allits parts and carried o)t the tests as are re9)ired to esta*lish that the necessar+ safe s+stem and controls provided for safet+ in operation for the processes for $hich it is to *e )sed and a certificate of s)ch examination and tests signed *+ that competent person has *een o*tained and 8ept availa*le for insepection. DcE All parts of an oven or drier $hich has )ndergone an+ alteration or repair $hich has effect of modif+ing an+ of the design characteristics, shall not *e )sed )nless a thoro)gh examination and tests as have *een mentioned in cla)se D*E has *een carried o)t *+ a competent person and a certificate of s)ch examination and tests signed *+ that Icompetent personI has *een o*tained and is 8ept availa*le for inspection. D5E Safet+ ;entilationDaE 7ver+ oven or drier shall *e provided $ith a positive and effective safet+ ventilation s+stem )sing one or more motor driven centrif)gal fans so as to dil)te an+ mixt)re of air and an+ flamma*le s)*stance that ma+ *e formed $ithin the oven or drier and maintain the concentration of the flamma*le s)*stance in the air at safe level of dil)tion. D*E &he safe level of dil)tion referred to in cla)se DaE shall *e so as to achieve a concentration of the concerned flamma*le s)*stance in air of not more than 25 per cent of its lo$er explosive limits.

(rovided that a level of concentration in air )pto 5,Z of the lo$er explosive limits of the concerned flammes or s)*stance ma+ *e permitted to exist s)*@ect to installation and maintenance of an a)tomatic device $hichDiE sho$s contin)o)sl+ the concentration of the flamma*le s)*stance in air present in the oven or drier at an+ instantO DiiE so)nds an alarm $hen the concentration of the flamma*le s)*stance in air in an+ part of the oven or drier reaches a level of 5,Z of its lo$er explosive limitsO and DiiiE sh)ts do$n the heating s+stem of the oven or drier a)tomaticall+ $hen the concentration in air of the flamma*le s)*stance in an+ part of the oven or drier reaches a level of !,Z of its lo$er explosive limits is provided to the oven or drier and maintained in $or8ing condition. DcE /n oven or drier shall *e operated $itho)t its safet+ ventilation s+stem $or8ing in an efficient manner . DdE .o oven or drier shall *e operated $ith a level of dil)tion less than $hat is referred to in cla)se D*E. DeE 7xha)st d)cts of safet+ ventilation s+stems sho)ld *e as designed and placed that their d)cts discharge the mixt)re of air and flamma*le s)*stance a$a+ from the $or8-rooms and not near $indo$s or doors or other openings from $here the mixt)re co)ld re-enter the $or8room. DfE &he fresh air admitted into the oven or drier *+ means of the safet+ ventilation s+stem shall *e circ)lated ade9)atel+ *+ means of circ)lating fan or fans thro)gh all parts of the oven or drier so as to ens)re that there are no locations $here the flamma*le s)*stance can acc)m)late in the air or *ecome poc8eted to an+ dangero)s degree. DgE &hrottling dampers in an+ safet+ ventilation s+stem sho)ld *e so designed *+ c)tting a$a+ a portion of the damper other$ise that the s+stem $ill handle at least the minim)m ventilation rate re9)ired for safet+ $hen the+ are set in their maxim)m throttling position D!E 7xplosion panelsDaE 7ver+ oven or drier having an internal total space of not less the half c)*ic meter shall *e provided $ith s)ita*le designed explosion panels so as to allo$ release of the press)re of an+ possi*le explosion $ithin the oven or drier thro)gh explosion vents. &he area of opening to *e provided *+ mean] of s)ch vents together $ith the area of openings of an+ recess doors $hich are provided $ith s)ita*le arrangements for their release in case of an explosion shall *e not less than 22,, s9)re centimetre for ever+one c)*ic meter of vol)me of the oven or drier. &he design of the explosion panels and doors as a*ove said shall *e s)ch as to sec)re their complete release )nder an interval press)re of ,.25 8g. per s9)are centirnetre. D*E &he explosion releasing panels shall as far as practica*le *e sit)ated at the roof of the oven or drier or at those portions of the $alls $here persons do not remain in connection $ith operation of the oven or drier. D"E 2nterloc8ing arrangementsDaE 2n each oven or drier different inter-loc8ing arrangements shall *e provided and maintained to ens)re thatDiE All ventilating fans and circ)lating fans $hose fail)re $o)ld adversel+ affect the ventilation rate of flo$ pattern are in operation *efore an+ mechanical conve+or that ma+ *e provided for feeding the articles or s)*stance to *e processed in the oven or drier is p)t into operationO DiiE -ail)re of an+ of the ventilation or circ)lating fans $ill a)tomaticall+ stop an+ conve+or as referred to in cla)se D1E as ma+ *e provided as $ell as stop the f)el s)ppl+ *+ closing the,

sh)t off valve and sh)t off the ignition in the case of gas or all fired ovens and in the case of electricall+ heated ovens s$itch off the electrical s)ppl+ to the heatersO DiiiE &he a*ove said mechanical conve+or is set in operation *efore the a*ove said sh)t off valve can *e energiAedO and DivE &he fail)re of the a*ove said conve+or $ill a)tomaticall+ close the a*ove said sh)t of valve in the case of ovens and driers heated *+ gas, oil or steam and deactivate the ignition s+stem or c)t off the electrical heaters in the case of electricall+ heated ovens or f)rnaces. D%E A)tomatic preventilation- 7ver+ oven or drier heated *+ oil, gas steam or electricit+ shall *e provided $ith an efficient arrangement for a)tomatic preventilation consisting of at least 3 vol)me changes $ith fresh air *+ operation of safet+ ventilation fans and the circ)lating fans Dif )sedE so as to a fact p)rging of the oven or drier of an+ mixt)re of air and a flamma*le s)*stance *efore the heating s+stem can *e achieved and *efore the conve+or can *e placed in position. D'E &emperat)re control- 7ver+ oven or drier shall *e provided $ith an a)tomatic arrangement to ens)re that the temperat)re $ithin does not exceed a safe )pper present limit to *e decided in respect of the partic)lar processing *eing carried on. D1,E 0)ltistage (rocesses- 5herever materials are to *e processed in oven or driers in s)ccessive operations, s)ita*le arrangement sho)ld *e provided to ens)re that the operating temperat)res necessar+ for safe operation at each steps are maintained $ithin the design limits. D11E 4om*)sti*le s)*stances not to drip on electrical heaters or *)rners fame-- 7ffective arrangements shall *e provided in ever+ oven or drier to prevent dripping of com*)sti*le s)*stances in electric heaters or *)rner flame )sed for heating. D12E (eriodical examination testing and maintenance-DaE All parts of ever+ oven and drier shall *e properl+ maintained and thoro)ghl+ examined and the vario)s controls as maintained in this r)le and the $or8ing of the oven or drier tested at fre9)ent intervals to ens)re its safe operation *+ a responsi*le person designated *+ the occ)pier or manager, $ho *+ his experience and 8no$ledge of necessar+ preca)tions against ris8s of explosion is fit to )nderta8e s)ch $or8. D*E A register shall *e maintained in $hich the details of the vario)s tests carried o)t from time to time )nder cla)se DaE shall *e entered and ever+ entr+ made shall *e signed *+ the person ma8ing the tests. D13E &raining of operators- .o person shall *e assigned an+ tas8 connected $ith operation of an+ oven or drier )nless he has completed 1% +ears of age, and he is properl+ trained. D14E (ol+merising machinesDaE (rinted fa*ric shall *e thoro)ghl+ dried *+ passing them over dr+ing can or thro)gh hot fl)e or other e9)all+ effective means *efore the same is allo$ed to pass thro)gh pol+merising machines. D*E 2nfrared ma+ heaters of pol+meriAing machines shall *e c)toff $hile r)nning the prints.

!1-7. &hermic fl)id heaters- D1E All heaters shall *e s)ch constr)ction that coils are removea*le for periodic cleaning vis)al inspection and h+dra)lic test D2E S)ita*le arrangements shall *e made for cooling the f)rnace effectivel+ in case of po$er fail)re. D3E 1efore restarting the f)rnace it shall *e effectivel+ p)rged. D4E ;elocit+ of flo$ of the thermic fl)id shall not *e allo$ed to fall *elo$ the minim)m recommended *+ the man)fact)rers $hile the heater is in operation. D5E &he thermic fl)id shall *e circ)lated in a closed circ)it formation $ith an expansion-c)m dea*rator tan8. &his tan8 shall *e located o)tside the shed $here the heater is installed. D!E 7ver+ heater shall *e provided $ith a photoresister act)ated a)dio-vis)al alarm to indicate flame fail)re and a)tomatic *)rner c)t off. D"E &he stac8 temperat)re monitor-c)m-controller $ith a)dio-vis)al alarm shall *e provided so as $arn the operator in case the o)tlet temperat)re exceeds the specified minim)m. D%E 5here inspection doors are provided on the f)rnace the+ shall *e interloc8ed $ith the *)rner itself so that the+ cannot *e opened )ntil *)rner is sh)t off and f)rnace is cooled s)fficientl+. D'E All heaters hall also *e provided $ith the follo$ing safet+ devices-O DaE level control in the expansion tan8O D*E temperat)re control of the thermic fl)idO O DcE differential press)re s$itch on the o)tlet line of the heater t)*esO and DdE temperat)re control device for the f)el oil s)ppl+ to the *)rner. D1,E All devices mentioned in paragraph ' shall have interloc8ing arrangement $ith *)rner so that in case of an+ pre-determined limits *eing crossed the s)ppl+ of f)el and air to *)rner shall a)tomaticall+ vis)al alarms. D11E All safet+ interloc8s $hen operated shall *e indicated on the control panel of the heater *+ a s)ita*le a)dio vis)al alarm. D12E 7ver+ heater )nit shall *e provided as a standard accessor+ an arrangement for shifting $ith lo$ press)re steam or nitrogen for p)tting o)t the fire. D13E 7lectric panel for the heater shall *e located near the heater *)t not so close as to *e exposed to s -oiling or lea8ing oil. D14E &he heater shall *e located in a place segregated from other man)fact)ring activitiesD15E 7xplosion vent shall *e as installed that release ta8es place at safe location.

D1!E &he heater coil shall *e s)*@ected to press)re test *+ competent person once at least in ever+ 12 months. &he test press)re shall not *e less than t$ice the operating press)re. D1"E 2f repair are carried o)t to the coil, it shall *e tested *efore ta8ing it into )se. D1%E &he thermic fl)id shall conform to the specification prescri*ed *+ the man)fact)rers and shall *e tested *+ competent person for s)ita*ilit+ at least once in ever+ three months period. S)ch test shall incl)de test for acidit+, s)spended matter, as contents, viscosit+ and flash point. D1'E 4losing of the internal s)rface of the heater or soot and chec8 )p of refractor+ s)rface on the inside shall *e carried o)t ever+ month or as often as re9)ired depending )pon $or8ing conditions. &he coils shall *e removed and s)rface of the coils cleaned thoro)ghl+ once at least in a period of six months. &he *)rner, noAAles, oil filters and p)mps shall *e cleaned once a $ee8 d)ring the period of )se. D2,E A separate register containing the follo$ing information shall *e maintainedDaE $ee8l+ chec8s carried o)t confirming the effectiveness of the interloc8O D*E $ee8l+ chec8s confirming that all accessories are in good state of repairsO and DcE information recording f)el oil temperat)re, press)re, thermic fl)id inletH o)tlet press)re and temperat)re, f)el gas temperat)re, recorded at ho)rl+ interval. D21E &he heater $hen in operation shall al$a+s *e 8ept incharge of a trained operator. !1--. Site Appraisal 4ommittee- D1E 4onstit)tion= &he follo$ing provisions shall govern the f)nctioning of the site appraisal committee, hereinafter, *e referred to as the IcommitteeI in these r)lesDaE &he state government ma+ constit)te a site appraisal committee and reconstit)te the committee and $hen necessar+O D*E &he state government ma+ appoint a senior official of the factories 2nspectorate prefera*l+ $ith 9)alification in 4hemical 7ngineering to *e the Secretar+ of the committeeO DcE &he state government ma+ appoint the follo$ing as mem*ers of the committeeDiE A representative of the -ire Service /rganisation of the state GovernmentO DiiE A representative of the State Department of 2nd)striesO DiiiE A representative of the Director General of -actor+ Advice Service and a*o)r 2nstit)te, 1om*a+. D2E .o mem*er )nless re9)ired to do so *+ a co)rt of la$ shall disclose other$ise than in connection $ith the p)rpose of the Act, at an+ time an+ information relating to man)fact)ring or commercial *)siness or an+ $or8ing process $hich ma+ come to his 8no$ledge d)ring his ten)re as a mem*er on this committee. D3E Application for Appraisal of Sites- , DaE Application for appraisal of sites in respect of the factories covered )nder section 2Dc*E of the act shall *e s)*mitted to the chairman of the site appraisal committee. D*E &he application for site appraisal along$ith 15 copies thereof shall *e s)*mitted in the form annexed to this r)le. &he committee ma+ dispense $ith f)rnishing information on an+

partic)lar item in the Application form if it considers the same to *e relevant to the application )nder consideration. D4E -)nction of the committeeDaE &he Secretar+ shall arrange to register the application received for appraisal of site in a separate register and ac8no$ledge the same $ithin a period of " da+s. D*E &he Secretar+ shall fix )p mooting in s)ch a manner that all the applications received and registered are referred to the committee $ithin a period of one month from the date of their receipt. DcE &he committee ma+ adopt a proced)re for its $or8ing 8eeping in vie$ of the need for expeditio)s disposal of applications. DdE &he committee shall examine the applications for appraisal of asite $ith reference to the prohi*itions and restrictions on the location of ind)str+ and the carr+ing on of processes and operations in different area as per the provisions of r)le 5 of the 7nvironment D(rotectionE Act, 1'%!. DeE &he committee ma+ call for doc)ments, examine, experts, inspect of the site, if necessar+ and ta8e other steps for form)lating 2ts vie$s in regard to the s)ita*ilit+ of the site. DfE 5herever the proposed site re9)ire clearance *+ the 0inistr+ of 2nd)str+ the application for site appraisal $ill *e considered *+ the site appraisal committee onl+ after s)ch clearance has *een received. -/#0A& /- A(( 24A&2/. &/ &67 S2&7 A((#A2SA 4/002&&77 1. .ame and address of the applicant. 2. Site o$nership Date. 2.1 #even)e details of site s)ch as s)rve+ no., plot no., etc. 2.2 5hether the site is classified as forest and if so, $hether approval of the 4entral Government )nder section 5 of the 2ndian -orests Act, 1'2" has *een ta8en. 2.3 5hether the proposed site attracts the provisions of section 3D2E D;E of the 7.(. A4&, 1'%!, if so, the nat)re of the restrictions. 2.4 ocal a)thorit+ )nder $hose @)risdiction the site is located. 3. Site plan. 3.1 Site plan $ith clear identification of *o)ndaries and total area proposed to *e occ)pied and sho$ing the follo$ing details near *+ the proposed site. DaE 6istorical mon)ment, if an+, in the vicinit+. D*E .ames of neigh*o)ring man)fact)ring )nits and h)man ha*its, ed)cational and training instit)tions, petrol installations, storages of (G, and other haAardo)s s)*stance in the vicinit+ and their distances from the proposed )nit. DcE 5ater so)rces Drivers, streams, canals, dams, $ater filteration plants, etc.E in the vicinit+. DdE .earest hospitals, fire-stations, civil defence stations and police stations and their distances. DeE 6igh tension electrical transmission lines, pipe lines for $ater, oil gas or se$erage, rail$a+ line, roads, stations, @attice, and other similar installations. 3.2 Details of roll conditions and depth at $hich hard strata o*tained. 3.3 4onto)r map of the area sho$ing near*+ hilloc8s and difference in levels. 3.4 (lot plan of the factor+ sho$ing the entr+ and exit points, reads $ithin $ater drains etc. 4. (ro@ect #eport. 4.1 A s)mmar+ of the salient feat)res of the pro@ect.

4.2 Stat)s of the organisation DGovernment, semi-government, p)*lic or private etc.E 4.3 0axim)m n)m*er of persons li8el+ to *e $or8ing in the factor+. 4.4 0axim)m amo)nt of po$er and $ater re9)irements and so)rces of their s)ppl+. 4.5 1loc8 diagram of the *)ildings and installations in the proposed s)ppl+. 4.! Details of ho)sing colon+, hospital, school and other infrastr)ct)ral facilities proposed. 5. /rganisation str)ct)re of the proposed man)fact)ring )nitH factor+ 5.1 /rganisation diagram of -(roposed enterprise in general -6ealth safet+ and 7nvironment protection departments and their lin8age to operation and technical departments. 5.2 (roposed 6ealth and safet+ polic+. 5.3 Area allocated for treatment of $ater and effl)ent. 5.4 (ercentage o)tla+ on safet+, health and environment protection meas)res. !. 0eteorological date relating to the site. !.1 Average minim)m and maxim)m of -&emperat)re O -6)midit+ -5ind velocities d)ring the previo)s ten +ears. !.2 Seasonal variations of $ind direction. !.3 6ighest $ater level reached d)ring the floods in the area recorded so far . !.4 ightening and seismic data of the area. ". 4omm)nication lin8s. ".1 Availa*ilit+ of telephoneHtelexH$ireless and other comm)nication facilities for o)tside comm)nication. ".2 2nternal comm)nication facilities proposed. %. 0an)fact)ring process information. %.1 (rocess flo$ diagram. %.2 1rief $rite )p on process and technolog+. %.3 4ritical process parameters s)ch as press)re *)ild )p, temperat)re $ise and r)n-a$a+ reactions. %.4 /ther external effects critical to the process having safet+ implications, s)ch as engress of moist)re or $ater contact $ith incompati*le s)*stances, s)dden po$er fail)re. 6ighlights of the *)ild in safet+ H poll)tion control devices or meas)re H incorporated in the man)fact)ring technolog+. '. 2nformation of haAardo)s materials. '.1 #a$ materials, intermediates prod)cts and *+-prod)cts and their 9)antities Denclose material safet+ data sheet in respect of each haAardo)s s)*stances. '.2 0ain and intermediate storage proposed for ra$ materialsH intermediatesHprod)ctsH*+prod)cts Dmaxim)m 9)antities to *e stored at an+ timeE. '.3 &ransportation methods to ne )sed for materials inflo$and o)tflo$, their 9)antities and li8el+ ro)tes to *e follo$ed. '.4 Safet+ meas)res proposed for= -handling of materials, -internal and external transportation, and -disposal Dpac8ing and for$arding of finished prod)ctsE. 1,. 2nformation on disposalH disposal of $astes and poll)tants.

1,.1 0a@or poll)tants Dgas, li9)id, solidE their characteristics and 9)antities Daverage and at pea8-loadsE. 1,.2 3)alit+ and 9)antit+ of solid $astes generated, method of their treatment and disposal. 1,.3 Air $ater and soil poll)tion pro*lems anticipated and the proposed meas)res to control the same incl)ding treatment and disposal of effl)ents. 11. (rocess haAards information. 11.1 7nclose a cop+ of the report on environmental impact assessment. 11.2 7nclose a cop+ of the report on #is8 Assessment st)d+. 11.3 ()*lished Dopen or classifiedE reports, if an+ on accident sit)ationsH occ)pational health haAards or similar plants else $here D$ithin or o)tside the co)ntr+E. 12. 2nformation of proposed safet+ and occ)pational 6ealth 0eas)res. 12.1 Details of fire fighting facilities and minim)m 9)antit+ of $ater and or other fire fighting meas)res needed to meet the emergencies. 12.2 Details of in ho)se medical facilities proposed. 13. 2nformation on emergence preparedness. 13.1 /nsite emergenc+ plan. 13.2 (roposed arrangements if an+ for m)t)al aid scheme $ith the gro)p of neigh*o)ring factories. 14. An+ other relevant information. 2 certif+ that the information f)rnished a*ove is correct to *est of m+ 8no$ledge and nothing of importance has *een concealed $hile f)rnishing it .ame < signat)re of applicant !1-G. 6ealth and Safet+- D1E (olic+- &he occ)pier of ever+ factor+ except as provided for in s)*-r)le D2E shall prepare $ritten statement of his polic+ in respect of health and a safet+ of $or8ers of $or8. D2E All factoriesDaE covered )nder section 2DmE DiE *)t emplo+ing less than 5, $or8ersO D*E covered )nder section 2DmE DiiE *)t emplo+ing less than 1,, $or8ers are exempted from re9)irements of s)*-r)le D1E. (rovided that the+ are not covered )nder the first sched)le )nder section 2Dc*E or carr+ing o)t processes or operations declared to *e dangero)s )nder section %" of the Act. D3E .ot$ithstanding an+thing contained in s)*-r)le D2E, the 4hief 2nspector ma+ re9)ire the occ)piers of an+ of the factories or class or description of factories to compl+ $ith the re9)irements of s)*-r)le D1E, if, in his opinion, it is expedient to do so. D4E &he 6ealth and Safet+ (olic+ sho)ld contain or deal $ith =DaE declare intension and commitment of the top management to health, safet+ and environment and compliance $ith all the relevant stat)tor+ re9)irementO D*E organiAational set)p to carr+ o)t the declared polic+ clearl+ assigning the responsi*ilit+ at different levelsO and DcE arrangements for mar8ing the polic+ effective. D5E 2n partic)lar the polic+ sho)ld specif+ the follo$ing =DaE Arrangement for involving the $or8ersO

D*E 2ntention of ta8ing into acco)nt the health and safet+ performance of individ)al at different levels $hile considering their career advancementO DcE -ixing the responsi*ilit+ of the contractors, s)*-contractors, transported and other agencies entering the premisesO DdE (roviding a res)me of health and safet+ performance of the factor+ in its Ann)al reportO DeE #elevant techni9)es and methods, s)ch as safet+ a)dits and ris8 assessment for periodical assessment of the stat)s on health, safet+ and environment and ta8ing all the remedial meas)resO DfE Stating its intentions to integrate health and safet+, in all decisions incl)ding these dealing $ith p)rchase of plants, e9)ipment, machiner+ and material as $ell as selection and placement of personnelO DgE Arrangements for informing, ed)cating and training and retraining its o$n emplo+ees at different levels and the p)*lic, $herever re9)ired. D!E A cop+ of the declared 6ealth and Safet+ polic+ signed *+ the occ)pier shall *e made availa*le to the 2nspector having @)risdiction over the factor+ and to the 4hief 2nspector OD"E &he polic+ shall *e made $idel+ 8no$n *+DaE 0a8ing copies availa*le to all $or8ers incl)ding contract $or8ers, apprentices transport $or8ers, s)ppliers etc. D*E Displa+ing copies of the polic+ at conspic)o)s placesO and DcE An+ other means of comm)nications ma lang)age )nderstood *+ ma@orit+ of $or8ers. D%E &he occ)pier shall revise the safet+ polic+ as often as ma+*e appropriate *)t it shall necessaril+ *e revised )nder the follo$ing circ)mstancesDaE 5henever an+ expansion or modification having implications on safet+ and health of persons at $or8 is madeO or D*E 5henever ne$ s)*stances or articles are introd)ced in the man)fact)ring process having implications on health and safet+ persons exposed to s)ch s)*stances. !1-6. 4ollection and development and dissemination of information D1E &he occ)pier of ever+ factor+ carr+ing on a haAardo)s process shall arrange to o*tain or develop information in the form of Safet+ Data Sheet in respect of ever+ haAardo)s s)*stances or material handled of the man)fact)re, transportation and storage in the factor+. 2t shall *e accessi*le )pon re9)est to a $or8er for reference. DaE 7ver+ s)ch Safet+ Data Sheet shall incl)de the follo$ing information-DiE &he identit+ )sed in the la*elO DiiE 6aAardo)s ingredients of the haAardo)s s)*stancesO DiiiE (h+sical and chemical characteristics of the haAardo)s s)*stanceO DivE &he ph+sical haAards of the haAardo)s s)*stance, incl)ding the potential for fire, explosion and reactivit+O DvE &he health haAard of the haAardo)s s)*stance, incl)ding signs and s+mptoms of expos)re and an+ medical conditions $hich are generall+ recognised as *eing aggravated *+ expos)re to the s)*stanceO DviE &he primar+ ro)teDsE of entr+O DviiE &he permissi*le limits of expos)re prescri*ed in the Second Sched)le )nder section 41- of the Act, and in respect of a 4hemical not covered *+ the said sched)le, an+ expos)re limit )sed or recommended *+ the man)fact)res importer or occ)pierO

DviiiE An+ generall+ applica*le preca)tions for safe handling and )se of the haAardo)s s)*stances, $hich are 8no$n, incl)ding .appropriate h+gienic practices protective meas)res d)ring repairs and maintenance of contaminated e9)ipment, proced)res for clean )p of spills and lea8sO DixE An+ generall+ applica*le control meas)res, s)ch as appropriate engineering controls $or8 practices or )se of personal protective e9)ipmentO DxE 7mergenc+ and first-aid proced)resO DxiE &he date of preparation of the Safet+ Data Sheet, or the last change to itO and DxiiE &he name, address and telephone n)m*er of the man)fact)rers, importer, occ)pier or other responsi*le part+ preparing or distri*)ting the Safet+ Data Sheet $ho can provide additional information on the haAardo)s s)*stances and appropriate emergenc+ proced)res, if necessar+. D*E &he occ)pier $hile o*taining or developing a Safet+ Data Sheet in respect of a haAardo)s s)*stances shall ens)re that the information recorded acc)ratel+ reflects the scientific evidence )sed in ma8ing the haAard determination. 2f the *ecomes of a s)*stances, or $a+s to pro@ect against the haAards, this ne$ information shall *e added to the Safet+ Data Sheet as soon as practica*le. DcE An example of s)ch Safet+ Data Sheet is given in the sched)le to this #)le. a*elling D2E 7ver+ container of a haAardo)s s)*stances shall *e clearl+ la*elled or mar8ed to identif+O DaE the contents of the containersO D*E the name and address of the man)fact)rer or importer of the haAardo)s s)*stancesO DcE the ph+sical and health haAardsO and DdE recommended personal protective e9)ipment needed to $or8 safet+ to the haAardo)s s)*stances. S467D: 7 -ormat of Safet+ Data Sheet 1. 4hemical 2dentit+ 4hemical .ame S+non+ms -orm)la #eg)lated identification 1. 2. 2. (h+sical and 4hemical data 1oiling rangeH point 0eltingH -reeAing point 4hemical 4lassification &rade .ame 4.A.S. .o. .ame 6aAchem m .

:... .o.

Shipping 4odes H a*el 6aAardo)s 5aste 2.D. .o.

3. 4.

, ,

4 4

(h+sical State Appearance ;apo)r pressing at 6G odo)r 35,4 mm

;apo)r Densit+ Sol)*ilit+ in $ater at DAirW1E 3,,4 specificGravit+ (6 $aterW1 3. -ire and explosive 6aAard data -lamma*ilit+ VesH.o



Z -lash (oint,4

&DG -lamma*ilit+ :7 Z -lash (oint 7xplosion sensitivit+ to impact 6aAardo)s (ol+merisation 4om*)sti*le i9)id 7xplosive 0aterial -lamma*le 0aterial /xidiser (+rophoric material 4. #eactivit+ Data 4hemical Sta*ilit+ 2ncompati*ilit+ $ith other material #eactivit+ 6aAardo)s #eaction (rod)cts 5. 6ealth 6aAard data #o)tes of 7ntr+ 7ffects of 7xpos)reH S+mptoms 7mergenc+ treatment & ; DA4G26E (pm mgHm3 (ermissi*le (pm mgHm3 7xpos)re imit D5, .epa 6aAard Signal !. (reventive 0eas)res (ersonal (rotective 79)ipment 6andling and Storage (reca)tions ". 7mergenc+ and -irst-aid 0eas)res

A)toignition &emperat)re ,4 , 4 6aAardo)s 7xplosion to Static 4om*)stion (rod)cts 7lectricit+ 4orrosive 0aterial /thers /rganic (eroxide

S&7 /do)r D


(pm (pm Sta*ilit+

0gHm3 0gHm3 Special

6ealth -lamma*ilit+

-ire -ire 7xpos)res Spills

-ire 7xting)ishing 0edia Special (roced)res :n)s)al 6aAards -irst-aid 0eas)res AntidotesH Dosages Steps to *e ta8en 5aste Disposal 0ethods

%. Additional information H reference

'. 0an)fact)rer S)ppliers Data .ame of -irms 0ailing Address

H 4ontact (erson in emergenc+ ocal *odies involved Standards (ac8ing &remcard #ef. others DetailsH

&elephone H &ales .o. &elegraphic Address

1,. Disclaimer 2nformation contained in this Safet+ data Sheet is *elieved to *e relia*le *)t no representationO g)arantee or $arranties of an+ 8ind are made as to its acc)rac+, s)ita*ilit+ for a partic)lar application or res)lts to *e o*tained from them. 2t is )pto the man)fact)rerHseller to ens)re that the information contained in the Safet+ data Sheet is relevant to the prod)ct man)fact)redH handled or sold *+ him as the case ma+ *e. &he Government ma8es no $arranties expressed or implied in respect of the ade9)ac+ of this doc)ment for an+ partic)lar p)rpose. Acron+ms and Glossar+ of terms = Gas= 4hemical A*stract Service #egistration .)m*er. :n .)m*er= :nited .ations .)m*er. 6A^4670 4ode= 7mergenc+ Action 4ode D7A4E Allocated *+ the >oint 4ommittee of -ire 1rigade /perations :?. &DG -lamma*ilit+= &ransport of Dangero)s Goods= -lamma*ilit+ 4lassification *+ :nited .ations. .7(A = .ational -ire Association, :SA.

D5, and 45, represent the dose in mgHhg of *od+ $eight and the concentration in mgH1 for 4 ho)rs having lethal effect on 5,Z of the animals DratsE treated. (7 = (ermissi*le 7xpos)re imit as laid do$n in the stat)tes. & ; = &hreshold imit ;al)e as laid do$n *+ the American conference of Government 2nd)strial h+gienists DA4G26E, :SA S&7 = Short &erm 7xpos)re imit as laid do$n in the stat)tes or *+ the A4G26. G:2D7 2.7S= All efforts sho)ld *e made to fill in all the col)mns. .o col)mn sho)ld *e left *lan8. 2n case, certain information is not applica*le or availa*le, . H A(( or . H Av sign ma+ *e )sed. !1-2. Disclos)re of information to $or8ers- D1E &he occ)pier of a factor+ carr+ing on a JhaAardo)s processK shall s)ppl+ to all $or8ers the follo$ing information in relation to handling of haAardo)s materials or s)*stances in the man)fact)re, transportation, storage and other processes =DaE #e9)irements of Section 41%, 414 and 416 of the ActO D*E A list of LhaAardo)s processesL carried on in the factor+O DcE ocation and availa*ilit+ of all Safet+ Data Sheets as per #)le !1-. DdE (h+sical and health haAards arising from the expos)re to or handling of s)*stancesO DeE 0eas)res ta8en *+ the occ)pier to ens)re safet+ and control of ph+sical and health haAardsO DfE 0eas)res to *e ta8en *+ the $or8ers to ens)re safe handling, storage and transportation of haAardo)s s)*stancesO DgE (ersonal (rotective 79)ipment re9)ired to *e )sed *+ $or8ers emplo+ed in LhaAardo)s processL or Ldangero)s operationsLO DhE 0eaning of vario)s la*els and mar8ings )sed on the containers of haAardo)s s)*stances as provided )nder #)le !16. DiE Signs and s+mptoms li8el+ to *e manifested on expos)re to haAardo)s s)*stances and to $hom to reportO D@E 0eas)res to *e ta8en *+ the $or8ers in case of an+ spillage or lea8age of a haAardo)s s)*stanceO D8E #)le of $or8ers vis-a-vis the emergenc+ plan of the factor+, in partic)lar the evac)ation proced)re. D1E An+ other information considered necessar+ *+ the occ)pier to ens)re safet+ and health of $or8ers. D2E &he information re9)ired *+ s)*-r)le D1E shall *e complied and made 8no$n to $or8ers individ)all+ thro)gh s)ppl+ of *oo8lets or leaflets and displa+ of ca)tionar+ notices at the $or8 places. D3E &he *oo8lets, .leaflets and ca)tionar+ notices displa+ed in the factor+ shall *e in the lang)age )nderstood *+ the ma@orit+ of the $or8ers, and also explain to them. D4E &he 4hief 2nspector ma+ direct the occ)pier to s)ppl+ f)rther information to the $or8ers as deemed necessar+. !1->. Disclos)re of information to the 4hief 2nspector- D1E &he occ)pier of ever+ factor+ carr+ing on LhaAardo)s processL shall f)rnish, in $riting, to the 4hief 2nspector, a cop+ of all the information f)rnished to the $or8ers.

D2E A cop+ of compilation of Safet+ Data Sheet in respect of haAardo)s s)*stances )sed, prod)ced or stored in the factor+ shall *e f)rnished to the 4hief 2nspector and the local inspector. Q D3E &he occ)pier shall also f)rnish an+ other information as8ed for *+ the 4hief 2nspector from time to time for the p)rpose of the Act and #)les made there)nder. !1-?. 2nformation on ind)strial $astes- D1E &he information f)rnished )nder #)les !1-2, and !1-> shall incl)de the 9)antit+ of the solid and li9)id $astes generated per da+, their characteristics and the method of treatment s)ch as incineration of solid $astes, chemical and *iological treatment of li9)id $aste and arrangements for their final disposal. D2E 2t shall also incl)de information on the 9)alit+ and 9)antit+ of gaseo)s $aste discharged thro)gh the stoc8s or other openings, and arrangements s)ch as provision of scr)**ers, c+clons separators, electrostatic precipitators or similar s)ch arrangements made for controlling poll)tion of the environment. D3E &he occ)pier shall also f)rnish the information prescri*ed in the s)*-r)les D1E and D2E to the State (oll)tion 4ontrol 1oard. !1- . #evie$ of the information f)rnished to $or8ers etc.- D1E &he occ)pier shall revie$ once in ever+ calender +ear and modif+, if necessar+, the information f)rnished )nder #)le !1-2 and !1-> to the $or8ers and the 4hief 2nspector. !1-0. 4onfidentialit+ of lnformation- &he occ)pier of a factor+ carr+ing on LhaAardo)s processL shall disclose all information needed for protecting safet+ and health of the $or8ers to-DaE his $or8ersO and D*E 4hief 2nspector, as re9)ired )nder #)les !1-1 < !1-[, if the occ)pier is of the opinion that the disclos)re of details regarding the process and form)lations $ill adversel+ affect his *)siness interests, he ma+ ma8e a representation to the 4hief 2nspector stating the reasons for $ithholding s)ch information. &he 4hief 2nspector shall give an opport)nit+ to the occ)pier of *eing heard and pass an order on the representation. An occ)pier aggrieved *+ an order of 4hief 2nspector ma+ prefer an appeal *efore the State Government $ithin a period of 3, da+s. &he State Government shall give an opport)nit+ to the occ)pier of *eing heard and pass an order. &he order of the state Government shall *e final. !1-.. 0edical 7xamination- D1E 5or8ers emplo+ed in a LhaAardo)s processL shall *e medicall+ examined *+ a 9)alified medical practitioner herein after referred to as -actor+ 0edical /fficer, in the follo$ing mannerDaE /nce *efore emplo+ment, to ascertain ph+sical fitness of the person to do the partic)lar @o*O

D*E /nce in a period of ! months to ascertain the health stat)s of all the $or8ers in respect of occ)pational health haAards and in case $herein the opinion of the -actor+ 0edical /fficer is necessar+ to do so at a shorter interval in respect of an+ $or8erO DcE &he details of pre-emplo+ment and periodical medical examinations carried o)t as aforesaid shall *e recorded in the 6ealth #egister in -orm .o.1". D2E .o person shall *e emplo+ed for the first time $itho)t a certificate of -itness in -orm 33 granted *+ the -actor+ 0edical /fficer. 2f the -actor+ 0edical /fficer declared a person )nfit for *eing emplo+ed in an+ process covered )nder s)*-r)le DiE, s)ch a person shall have the right to appeal to the 2nspector $ho shall refer the matter to the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $hose opinion shall *e final in this regard. 2f the 2nspector is also a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon, he ma+ dispose of the application himself. D3E An+ findings of the -actor+ 0edical /fficer revealing an+ a*normalit+ or )ns)ita*ilit+ of an+ person emplo+ed in the process shall immedialel+ *e reported to the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ho shall in t)rn, examine the $or8er and comm)nicate his findings to the occ)pier $ithin 3, da+s- 2f the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon is of the opinion that the $or8er so examined is in9)ired to *e ta8en a$a+ from the process for health protection, he $ill direct the occ)pier accordingl+, $ho shall not emplo+ the said $or8er in the same process. 6o$ever, the $or8er so ta8en a$a+ shall *e provided $ith alternate placement )nless he is in the opinion of the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon f)ll+ incapacitated in $hich case the $or8er affected shall *e s)ita*l+ reha*ilitated. D4E 4ertif+ing S)rgeon on his o$n motion or a reference from an 2nspector ma+ cond)ct medical examination of a $or8er to ascertain the s)ita*ilit+ of his emplo+ment in a haAardo)s process or for ascertaining his health stat)s. &he opinion of the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon in s)ch a case shall *e final. &he fee re9)ired for this medical examination shall *e paid *+ the occ)pier. D5E &he $or8er ta8en a$a+ from emplo+ment in an+ process )nder s)*-r)le D2E ma+ *e emplo+ed again in the same process onl+ after o*taining the -itness 4ertificate from the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon and after ma8ing entries to that effect in the 6ealth #egister. D!E &he $or8er re9)ired to )l1dergo medical examination )nder these r)les and for an+ medical s)rve+ cond)cted *+ or on *ehalf of the 4entral or the State Government shall not ref)se to )ndergo s)ch medical examination. !1-,. /cc)pational 6ealth 4entres- D1E 2n respect of an+ factor+ carr+ing on LhaAardo)s processL there shall *e provided and maintained in good order an occ)pational 6ealth 4entre $ith the services and facilities as per scale laid do$n here)nderDaE -or factories emplo+ing )pto 5, $or8ersDiE the services of a -actor+ 0edical /fficer on retainer-ship *asis in his clinic to *e notified *+ the occ)pier. 6e $ill carr+ o)t the pre-emplo+ment and periodical medical examination stip)lated in r)le !1-. and render medical assistance d)ring an+ emergenc+O DiiE a minim)m of 5 persons trained in first aid proced)re amongst $hom at least one shall al$a+s *e availa*le d)ring the $or8ing periodO DiiiE a f)ll+ e9)ipped first aid *ox. D*E -or factories emplo+ing 51 to 2,, $or8ers O-

DiE An occ)pational 6ealth 4entre having a room $ith a minim)m floor area of 15 s9.m. $ith floors and $alls made of smooth and impervio)s s)rface and $ith ade9)ate ill)mination and ventilation as $ell as e9)ipment as per the sched)le annexed to this #)leO .DiiE apart time -actor+ 0edical /fficer shall *e in over all charge of the 4entre $ho shall visit the factor+ at least t$ice in a $ee8 and $hose services shall *e readil+ availa*le d)ring medical emergenciesO DillE one 9)alified and trained dresser-c)m-compo)nder on d)t+ thro)gho)t the $or8ing periodO DivE a f)ll+ e9)ipped first aid *ox in all the departmentsO DcE -or factories emplo+ing a*ove 2,, $or8ers =DiE one f)ll time -actor+ 0edical /fficer for factories emplo+ing )pto 5,, $or8ers and one mere 0edical /fficer for ever+ additional 1,,, $or8ers or part thereofO DiiE an /cc)pational 6ealth 4entre having at least 2 rooms each $ith a minim)m floor area of 15 s9.m. $ith floor and $alls made of smooth and impervio)s s)rface and ade9)ate ill)mination and ventilation as $ell as e9)ipment as per the sched)le annexed to this #)leO DiiiE there shall *e one n)rse, one dresser-c)m-compo)nder and one s$eeper-c)m-$ard *o+ thro)gho)t the $or8ing periodO DivE the /cc)pational 6ealth 4entre shall *e s)ita*l+ e9)ipped manage medical emergencies. D2E &he -actor+ 0edical /fficer re9)ired to *e appointed )nder s)* r)le D1E shall have 9)alifications incl)ded in Sched)le to the 2ndian 0edical Degrees Act of 1'1! or in the Sched )le to the 2ndian 0edical 4o)ncil Act, 1'5! and possess a certificate of &raining in 2nd)strial 6ealth of minim)m three months d)ration recognised *+ the State Government. (rovided that DiE a person possessing a Diploma in 2nd)strial 6ealth or e9)ivalent shall not *e re9)ired to possess the certificate of training as aforesaidO DiiE the 4hief 2nspector ma+, s)*@ect to s)ch conditions as he ma+ specif+, grant exemption from the re9)irement of this s)*-r)le, if in his , opinion a s)ita*le person possessing the necessar+ 9)alification is not availa*le for appointmentO DiiiE in case of a person $ho has *een $or8ing as a -actor+ 0edical /fficer , for a period of not less than 3 +ears on the date of commencement of this r)le, the 4hief 2nspector ma+, s)*@ect to the condition that the said person shall o*tain the aforesaid certificate of training $ithin a period of 3 +ears relax the 9)alification. D3E &he s+lla*)s of the co)rse leading to the a*ove certificate and the organisations cond)cting the co)rse shall *e approved *+ the Directorate General of -actor+ Advice Services and a*o)r 2nstit)tes or the State Government in accordance $ith the g)idelines iss)ed *+ the DG- AS 2. D4E 5ithin one month of the appointment of a -actor+ 0edical /fficer, the occ)pier of the -actor+ shall f)rnish to the 4hief 2nspector the follo$ing partic)>ars= DaE .ame and address of the -actor+ 0edical /fficerO D*E 3)alificationO DcE 7xperience, if an+, and DdE &he s)*-r)le )nder $hich appointed. S467D: 7

79)ipment for /cc)pational 6ealth 4entre in -actories1. A glaAed sin8 $ith hot and cold $ater al$a+s availa*le. 2. A ta*le $ith a smooth top at least 1%, cm x 1,5 cm. 3. 0eans for steriliAing instr)ments. 4. A co)ch. 5. &$o *)c8ets or containers $ith close fitting lids. !. A 8ettl.e and spirit store or other s)ita*le means of *oiling ". /ne *ottle of spirt)s ammeniac aromatio)s D12, mlE. %. &$o medi)m siAe sponges. '. &$o L?idne+L tra+s. 1,. -o)r ca8es of toilet, prefera*l+ antiseptic soap. 211. &$o glass t)m*lers and t$o $ine glasses. I 12. &$o clinical thermometers. 13. &$o tea spoons. 14. &$o grad)ated D12, ml.E meas)ring glasses. 15. /ne $ash *ottle D1,,, ccE for $ashing e+es. 1!. /ne *ottle Done litreE car*olic lotion 1 in 2,. 1". &hree chairs. 1%. /ne Screen. 1'. /neel)ctric hand torch. 2,. An ade9)ate s)ppl+ of tetan)s toxide. 21. 4oramine li9)id D!, mlE. 22. &a*les-antihistaminic, antispasmedic D25 eachE. 23. S+ringes $ith needles-2cc, 5cc and 1,cc. 24. &$o needle holders, *ig and small. 25. S)t)ring needles and materials. 2!. /ne dissecting forceps. 2". /ne dressing forceps. 2%. /ne scapels. 2'. /ne stethoscope. 3,. #)**er *andage-press)re *andage. 31. /x+gen c+linder $ith necessar+ attachments. 32. /ne 1lood press)re apparat)s. 33. /ne pateller 6ammer. 34. /ne pea8-flo$ meter for l)ng f)nction meas)rement. 35. /ne stenach $ash set. 3!. An+ other e9)ipment recommended *+ the -actor+ 0edical /fficer according to specific need relating to man)fact)ring 3". 2n additionD1E -or factories emplo+ing 51 to 2,, $or8ers1. -o)r plain $ooden splints ',, mm F 1,, mm F ! mm 2. -o)r plain $ooden splints 35, mm F "5 mm F ! mm 3. &$o plain $ooden splints 25, mm F 5, mm F 12 mm 4. /ne pair arter+ forceps. 5. 2n@ections-morphia, pethidine, atropine, adrenaline, coramine, novacan D2 eachE. !. /ne s)rgical scissors. D2E -or factories emplo+ing a*ove 2,, $or8ers-

1. 7ight plain $ooden splints ',, mm F 1,, mm F ! mm 2. 7ight plain $ooden splints 35, mm F "5 mm F ! mm 3. -o)r plain $ooden splints 25, mm F 5, rem F 12 mm 4. &$o pair arter+ forceps. 5. 2n@ections-morphia, pethedine, atropine, adrenaline, coramaine, novacan D4 eachE. !. &$o s)rgical scissors. !1-(. Am*)lance ;an- D1E 2n an+ factor+ carr+ing on L6aAardo)s (rocess, there shall *e provided and maintained in good condition, a s)ita*l+ constr)cted am*)lance van e9)ipped $ith item as per s)*-r)le D2E and manned *+ a f)ll time Driver-c)m-mechanic and a 6elper trained in first-aid, for the p)rpose of transportation of serio)s cases of accidents or sic8ness. &he am*)lance van shall not *e )sed for an+ p)rpose other than the p)rpose stip)lated herein and $ill nermall+ *e stationed at or near to the /cc)pationa1 6ealth 4entreO (rovided that a factor+ emp1o+ing less than 2,, $or8ers, ma+ ma8e arrangements for proc)ring s)ch facilit+ at short notice from a near*+ hospital or other places, to meet an+ emergenc+. D2E &he am*)lance sho)1d have the follo$ing e9)ipments = DaE Genera1 -A $hee1ed stretched $ith folding and ad@)sting devices, $ith the head of the stretcher capa*1e of *eing lifted )p$ardO --ixed s)ction )nit $ith e9)ipmentO --ixed ox+gen s)ppl+ $ith e9)ipmentO -(illo$ $ith caseO sheetsO 1lan8etO to$elsO -7mesis 1agO 1ed panO :rinalO Glass. D*E Safet+ e9)ipment --lares $ith life of 3, min)tesO flood lightsO --lash 1ightsO -ire exting)isher dr+ po$er t+peO -2ns)1atedga)ntletsO DcE 7mergenc+ 4are e9)ipment DiE #es)scitation -(orta*le s)ction )nitO (orta*le ox+gen )nitsO -1ag-valve-mas8, *and operated artificial ventilation )nitO -Air$a+s, 0o)th gapsO &rachestom+ adaptorsO -Short spine *oardO 2. ;. -l)ids $ith administration )nitO -1.(. 0anometerO 4imnO Stethoscope DiiE 2mmo*iliAation - ong and short padded *oardsO 5ire ladder splintsO -&riang)lar *andageO long and short spine *oardsO DiiiE Dressings , -G)aAe pads -4I F 4IO :niversal dressing 1,I F 3!I -" #ool of al)mini)m failsO soft roller *andage !I F 5 +ardsO All *esive tape in 3I rollO -Safet+ pinsO -1andage gheeingO 1)rn sheet DivE (oisoning -S+r)p of 2pecasO Activated 4harcoal prepac8ed in doAesO sna8e *ite 8itO Drin8ing $ater .

DvE 7mergenc+ 0edicines -As per re9)irement D)nder the ad vice of 0edical officer onl+E !1-3. Decontamination facilities- 2n ever+ factor+, carr+ing o)t L6aAardo)s (rocessL, the follo$ing provisions shall *e made to meet emergenc+O DaE -)ll+ e9)ipped first aid *oxO D*E readil+ accessi*le means of $ater for $ashing *+ $or8ers as $ell as for drenching the clothing of $or8ers $ho have *een contaminated $ith haAardo)s and corrosive s)*stanceO and s)ch means shall *e as per the scale sho$n in the &a*le *elo$= &a*le .o. of (ersons emplo+ed at an+ time .o. of drenching sho$ers DiE :pto 5, $or8ers 2 DiiE 1et$een 51 to 2,, $or8ers 2 Y 1 for ever+ additional 15, or part thereof DiiiE 1et$een 2,1 to 5,, $or8ers 5 Y 1 for ever+ additional 1,, or part thereof DivE 5,1 $or8ers and a*ove 2 Y 1 for ever+ additional 2,, or part thereof DcE A s)fficient n)m*er of e+e $ash *ottles filled $ith distilled $ater or s)ita*le li9)id, 8ept in *oxes or c)p*oards convenientl+ sit)ated and clearl+ indicated *+ a distinctive sign $hich shall *e visi*le at all times. !1-#. 0a8ing availa*le 6ealth #ecords to $or8ers- D1E &he occ)pier of ever+ factor+ carr+ing o)ta LhaAardo)s processL shall ma8e accessi*le the health records incl)ding the record of $or8erLs expos)re to haAardo)s process or, as the case ma+*e, the medical records of an+ $or8er for his per)sal )nder the follo$ing conditions =DaE /nce in ever+ six months or immediatel+ after the medical examination $hichever is earlierO D*E 2f the factor+ 0edical /fficer or the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon as the case ma+ *e, is of the opinion that the $or8ers has manifested signs and s+mptoms of an+ notifia*le disease as specified in the &hird Sched)le of the ActO DcE 2f the $or8er leaves the emplo+mentO DdE 2f an+one of the follo$ing a)thorities as direct -&he 4hief 2nspector of -actoriesO -&he 6ealth A)thorit+ of the 4ontrol or State GovernmentO -4ommissioner of 5or8manLs 4ompensationO -&he Director General, 7mplo+eeLs, State 2ns)rance 4orporation D0edical 1enefitsE andO -&he Director General, -actor+ Advice Services and a*o)r 2nstit)tes. D2E A cop+ of the )p-to-date health records incl)ding the record of $or8erLs expos)re to haAardo)s process or, as the case ma+, the medical records shall *e s)pplied to the $or8ers on receipt of an application from him. F-ra+ plates and other medical diagnostic reports ma+ also *e made availa*le for reference to his medical practitioner. !1-5. 3)alifications, etc. of S)pervisors- D1E All persons $ho are re9)ired to s)pervise the handling of haAardo)s s)*stance shall possess the follo$ing 9)alifications and experienceO DaE DiE A degree in chemistr+ or Diploma in 4hemical 7ngineering or &echnolog+ $ith 5 +ears experienceO or DiiE A 0asterLs degree in chemistr+ or a degree in chemical 7ngineering or &echnolog+ $ith 2 +ears experience.

&he experience stip)lated a*ove shall *e in process operation and maintenance in the 4hemical 2nd)str+. D*E &he 4hief 2nspector ma+ re9)ire the s)pervisor to )ndergo training in 6ealth and Safet+. D2E &he s+lla*)s and d)ration of the a*ove training and the organiAations cond)cting the training shall *e approved *+ the DG-AS 2 or the State Government in accordance $ith the g)idelines iss)ed *+ the DG-AS 2. !1-&. 2ss)e of g)idelines- -or the p)rpose of compliance $ith the re9)irements of s)*-section D1E, D4E and D"E of section 41-1 or 41-4, the 4hief 2nspector ma+, if deemed necessar+, iss)e g)idelines from time to time to the occ)piers of -actories carr+ing on L6aAardo)s (rocessL. S)ch g)idelines ma+ *e *ased on .ational Standards, 4odes of (ractice, or recommendations of 2nternational 1odies s)ch as 2 / and 56/. 4ontrol of 2nd)strial 0a@or Accident 6aAards #)les D420A6 #)lesE !1-:A. 4ollection, development and dissemination of information for 0a@or Accident 6aAard 2nstallation- D1E &his r)le shall appl+ to an ind)strial activit+ or isolated storage in $hich a haAardo)s chemical $hich satisfies an+ of the criteria laid do$n in (art 2 of Sched)le lor is listed in col)mn 2 of (art 22 of that Sched)le is or ma+ *e involved. D2E An occ)pier of an ind)strial activit+ or isolated storage in terms of s)*-r)le D1E of this r)le shall arrange to o*tain or develop information in the form of Safet+ Data Sheet as specified in Sched)le appended to r)le !1-6. &he information shall *e made accessi*le to $or8ers )pon re9)est for reference. D3E &he occ)pier $hile o*taining or developing a Safet+ Data Sheet as specified in Sched)le appended to r)le !1-6 in respect of a haAardo)s chemical handled *+ him shall ens)re that the information is recorded acc)ratel+ and reflects the scientific evidence )sed in ma8ing the haAard determination. 2n case, an+ significant information regarding a haAard of chemical is availa*le, it shall *e added to the Safet+ Data Sheet as specified in Sched)le appended to r)le !1-6, as soon as practica*le. D4E 7ver+ container of a haAardo)s chemical shall *e clearl+ la*elled or mar8ed to identif+= DaE &he contents of the containerO D*E &he name and address of the man)fact)rer or importer of the haAardo)s chemicalO and DcE &he ph+sical, chemical and toxicological data of the haAardo)s chemicals. D5E 2n terms of s)*-r)le D4E of this r)le $here it is impractical to la*el a chemical in vie$ of the siAe of the container or the nat)re of the pac8age, provision sho)ld *e made for other effective means li8e tagging or accompan+ing doc)ments. !1-:AA. D)ties of 2nspector- &he 2nspector shallDaE inspect the ind)strial activit+ or isolated storage at least once in a calendar +ear, D*E send ann)all+ stat)s report on the compliance $ith the #)les *+ occ)piers to the 0inistr+ of 7nvironment and -orests thro)gh the Directorate General -actor+ Advice Service and a*o)r 2nstit)tes and 0inistr+ of a*o)r, Government of 2ndia,

DcE enforce direction and proced)re in respect of ind)strial activities or isolated storage covered )nder the -actories Act, 1'4% and in respect of pipe lines )p to a distance of five h)ndred meters from the o)tside of the perimeter of the factor+, regardingDiE notification of the ma@or accidents as per r)les !1-:4D1E and !1-:4D2EO DiiE notification of sites as per r)les !1-:7 and !1-:-O DiiiE Safet+ #eports and Safet+ A)dits as per r)les !1-:6 to !1-:>O DivE notification of sites as per r)les !1-:7 and !1-:-O DvE notification of sites as per r)les !1-:7 and !1-:-O DviE Safet+ #eports and Safet+ A)dits as per r)les !1-:6 to !1-:>O DviiE (reparation of Ion-site 7mergenc+ (lansI as per r)le !1-:? and involvement in the preparation of I/ff-site 7mergenc+ (lansI in cons)ltation $ith District 4ollector or District 7mergenc+ A)thorit+. !1-:1. General responsi*ilit+ of the occ)pier- D1E DaE An ind)strial activit+ in $hich a haAardo)s chemical, $hich satisfies an+ of the criteria laid do$n in (art 2 of Sched)le 1 or is listed in 4ol)mn 2 of (art 22 thereof, is or ma+ *e involvedO and D*E isolated storage in $hich there is involved a 9)antit+ of a haAardo)s chemical listed in 4ol)mn 2 of Sched)le 2 $hich is e9)al to or more than the threshold 9)antit+ specified in this Sched)le for that chemical in 4ol)mn 3 thereof. D2E An occ)pier in terms of s)*-r)le D2E shall provide information on demand to sho$ that he has DaE identified the ma@or accident haAardsO and D*E ta8en ade9)ate steps toDiE prevent s)ch ma@or accidents and to limit their conse9)ences to persons and the environmentO and DiiE provide to the persons $or8ing on the site $ith the information, training and e9)ipment incl)ding antidotes necessar+ to ens)re their safet+ and healthO DiiiE prevents s)ch ma@or accidents and to limit their conse9)ences to persons and the environmentO and DivE provide to the persons $or8ing on the site $ith the information, training and e9)ipment incl)ding antidotes necessar+ to ens)re their safet+ and health. !1-:4. .otification of 0a@or Accidents- D1E 5here a ma@or accident occ)rs on a site or in a pipeline, the occ)pier, shall, $ithin 4% ho)rs, notif+ the 2nspector and 4hief 2nspector of that accident, and f)rnish thereafter to the 2nspector and 4hief 2nspector a report relating to the accident in instalments, if necessar+, in Sched)le 5. D2E &he 2nspector and 4hief 2nspector shall, on receipt of the report in accordance $ith s)*r)le D1E of this r)le, )nderta8e a f)ll anal+sis of the ma@or accident and send the re9)isite information to the 0inistr+ of 7nvironment and -orests thro)gh the Directorate General -actor+ Advice Service and a*o)r 2nstit)tes and 0inistr+ of a*o)r, Government of 2ndia. D3E An occ)pier shall notif+ to the 2nspector steps ta8en to avoid an+ repetition of s)ch occ)rrence on a site. D4E &he 2nspector and 4hief 2nspector shall compile information regarding ma@or accidents and ma8e availa*le a cop+ of the same to the 0inistr+ of 7nvironment and -orests thro)gh

Directorate General -actor+ Advice Service and a*o)r 2nstit)tes and 0inistr+ of a*o)r, Government of 2ndia. D5E &he 2nspector and the 4hief 2nspector shall inform the occ)pier in $riting, of an+ lac)nae $hich in their opinion needs to *e rectified to avoid ma@or accident. !1-:D. 2nd)strial activit+ or isolated storage to $hich #)les !1-:7 to !1-:0 appl+- D1E DaE #)les !1-:7, !1-:-, !1-:? and !1-:0 shall appl+ to an ind)strial activit+, other than isolated storage, in $hich there is chemical listed in 4ol)mn 2 of Sched)le 3 $hich is e9)al to or more than the threshold 9)antit+ specified in the entr+ for that chemical in 4olm)n 3O D*E #)les !1-:6 to !1-:> shall appl+ to an ind)strial activit+ other than isolated storageO in $hich there is involved a 9)antit+ of a haAardo)s chemical listed in 4ol)mn 2 of Sched)le 3 $hich is e9)al to or more than the threshold 9)antit+ specified in the entr+ for that chemical in 4ol)mn 4. DcE #)les !1-:7 and !1-:- shall appl+ to an isolated storage in $hich there is involved a 9)antit+ of a haAardo)s chemical listed in 4ol)mn 2 of Sched)le 2 $hich is e9)al to or more than the threshold 9)antit+ specified in the entr+ for that chemical in 4ol)mn 3O and DdE #)les !1-:6 to !1-:? and !1-:0 shall appl+ to an isolated storage in $hich there is involved a 9)antit+ of a haAardo)s chemical listed in 4ol)mn 2 of Sched)le 2 $hich is e9)al to or more than the threshold 9)antit+ specified in the entr+ for that chemical in 4ol)mn 4. !1-:7. .otification of site- D1E An occ)pier shall not )nderta8e an+ ind)strial activit+ or isolated storage )nless he has s)*mitted a $ritten report to the 4hief 2nspector containing the partic)lars specified in Sched)le ! at least ', da+s *efore commencing that activit+ or *efore s)ch shorter time as the 4hief 2nspector ma+ agree and for the p)rposes of this s)*-r)le, an activit+ in $hich s)*se9)entl+ there is or is lia*le to *e a threshold 9)antit+ given in 4ol)mn 3of Sched)les 2 and 3 or more of and additional haAardo)s chemical shall *e deemed to *e a different activit+ and shall *e notified accordingl+. D2E &he 4hief 2nspector $ithin !, da+s from the date of receipt of the report in accordance $ith s)*-r)le D1E of this #)le shall examine and on examination of the report if he is of the opinion that contravention of the provisions of the Act or the r)les made there)nder has ta8en place, he ma+ iss)e notice for o*taining compliance. !1-:-. :pdating of the site notification- 5here an activit+ has *een reported in accordance $ith r)le !1:7 D1E and the occ)pier ma8es a change in it Dincl)ding an increase or decrease in the maxim)m 9)antit+ of a haAardo)s chemical to $hich this r)le applies $hich is or is lia*le to *e at the site or in the pipeline or at the cessation of the activit+E $hich affects the partic)lars specified in that report or an+ s)*se9)ent report made )nder this r)le, the occ)pier shall forth$ith f)rnish a f)rther report to the 2nspector and the 4hief 2nspector. !1-:G. &ransitional provision- /mitted. !1-:6. Safet+ #eports and Safet+ A)dit #eports- D1E S)*@ect to the follo$ing s)*-r)les of this r)le an occ)pier shall not )nderta8e an+ ind)strial activit+ or isolated storage to $hich this r)le applies, )nless he has prepared a Safet+ #eport on that ind)strial activit+ containing the information specified in Sched)le " and has sent a cop+ of that report to the 4hief 2nspector at least ninet+ da+s *efore commencing that activit+.

D2E After the commencement of these r)les, the occ)piers of *oth the ne$s and the existing ind)strial activities or isolated storages shall arrange to carr+ o)t safet+ a)dit *+ a competent agenc+ to *e accredited *+ an Accreditation 1oard to *e constit)ted *+ the 0inistr+ of a*o)r, Government of 2ndia in this *ehalf. -)rther, s)ch a)diting shall *e carried o)t as )nder=DaE 2nternall+ once in a +ear *+ a team of s)ita*le plant personnel. D*E 7xternall+ once in t$o +ears *+ a competent agenc+ accredited in this *ehalf. DcE 2n the +ear $hen an external a)dit is carried o)t internal a)dit need not *e carried o)t. D3E &he occ)pier $ithin 3, da+s of the completion of the a)dit, shall send a report to the 4hief 2nspector $ith respect to the implementation of the a)dit recommendation. !1-:2. :pdating of safet+ reports )nder r)le !1-:6- D2E 5here an occ)pier has made a safet+ report in accordance $ith s)*-r)le D1E of r)le !1-:6, he shall not ma8e an+ modification to the ind)strial activit+ or isolated storage to $hich that safet+ report relates $hich co)ld materiall+ affect the partic)lars in that report, )nless he has made a f)rther report to ta8e acco)nt of those modifications and has sent a cop+ of that report to the 2nspector and 4hief 2nspector at least ninet+ da+s *efore ma8ing those modifications. D2E 5here an occ)pier has made a report in accordance $ith r)le !1:6 and s)*-r)le D1E of this r)le and that ind)strial activit+ or isolated storage is contin)ing, the occ)pier shall $ithin three +ears of the date of the last s)ch report ma8e a f)rther report $hich shall have regard in partic)lar to ne$ technical 8no$ledge $hich has affected the partic)lars in the previo)s report relating to safet+ and haAard assessment, and shall $ithin thirt+ da+s or in s)ch longer times as the 4hief 2nspector ma+ agree in $riting, send a cop+ of the report to the 2nspector and the 4hief 2nspector. !1-:>. #e9)irement for f)rther information to *e sent to the 2nspector and the 4hief 2nspector- 5here in accordance $ith r)les !1-:6 and !1-:2, and occ)pier has sent safet+ report and safet+ a)dit report relating to an ind)strial activit+ of isolated storage to the 2nspector and the 4hief 2nspector ma+, *+ a notice served on the occ)pier re9)ire him to provide s)ch additional information as ma+ *e specified in the notice and the occ)pier shall send that information to the 2nspector and the 4hief 2nspector $ithin ninet+ da+s. !1-:?. (reparation of /n-Site 7mergenc+ (lan *+ the occ)pier- D1E &he 2t occ)pier shall prepare, 8eep )p-to-date and f)rnish to the 2nspector and 4hief 2nspector an I/n-Site 7mergenc+ (lanI containing details specified in Sched)le % and detailing ho$ ma@or accidents $ill *e dealt $ith on the site on $hich the ind)strial activit+ or isolated storage is carried on and that (lan shall incl)de the name of the person $ho is responsi*le for safet+ on the site and the names of those $ho are a)thorised to ta8e action in accordance $ith the (lan in case of an emergenc+. D2E &he occ)pier shall ens)re that the 7mergenc+ (lan prepared in accordance $ith s)*-r)le D1E of this r)le, ta8es into acco)nt an+ modification made in the ind)strial activit+ or isolated storage and that ever+ person on the site $ho is concerned $ith the (lan is informed of its relevant provisions.

D3E &he occ)pier shall prepare the 7mergenc+ (lan re9)ired )nder s)*-r)le D1E of this r)leDaE *efore the commencement of ind)strial activit+ or isolated storageO D*E $ithin ninet+ da+s of coming into operation of these r)les in case of an existing ind)strial activit+ or isolated storage. D4E &he occ)pier shall ens)re that a moc8 drill of the /n-site 7mergenc+ is cond)cted at least once in ever+ six months, D5E A detailed report of the moc8 drill cond)cted )nder s)*-r)le D4E shall *e made immediatel+ availa*le to the 2nspector and 4hief 2nspector, !1-: . (reparation of off-site emergenc+ plans- /mitted. !1-:0.lnformation to *e given to persons lia*le to *e affected *+ a ma@or accident- D1E &he occ)pier shall ta8e appropriate steps to inform persons o)tside the site $ho are li8el+ to *e in an area $hich ma+ *e affected *+ a ma@or accident a*o)tDaE the nat)re of the ma@or accident haAardO and D*E the safet+ meas)res and LD/sL and LD/.L&sL $hich sho)ld *e adopted in the event of a ma@or accident. D2E &he occ)pier shall ta8e the steps re9)ired )nder s)*-r)le D1E of this r)le to inform persons a*o)t an ind)strial activit+ or isolated storage *efore that activit+ is commenced, except that in respect of an existing ind)strial activit+ or isolated storage, the occ)pier shall compl+ $ith the re9)irements of s)*-r)le D1E of this r)le $ithin ninet+ da+s of coming into operation of these r)les. !1-:.. Disclos)re of information- 5here, for the p)rpose of eval)ating information notified )nder r)le !1-:4 or r)les !1-:7 to !1-:0, the 2nspector or the 4hief 2nspector discloses that information to some other person, that other person shall not )se that information for an+ p)rpose except a p)rpose of the 2nspector or the 4hief 2nspector disclosing it, as the case ma+ *e, and *efore disclosing that information the 2nspector or the 4hief 2nspector, as the case ma+ *e, shall inform that other person of his o*ligations )nder this r)le. !1-:/. 2mprovement notice- /mitted. !1-:(. (o$er of the State Government to modif+ the Sched)les-&he State Government ma+, at an+ time, *+ notification in the /fficial GaAette, ma8e s)ita*le changes in the Sched)les. 7xplanation- -or the p)rpose of r)les !1-:A to !1-:(DaE IhaAardo)s chemicalImeans,DiE an+ chemical $hich satisfies an+ of the criteria laid do$n in (art 2 of the Sched)le 2 and is listed in col)mn 2 of (art 22 of this Sched)leO or DiiE an+ chemical listed in col)mn 2 of Sched)le 2O or DiiiE an+ chemical listed in col)mn 2 of Sched)le 3O D*E Iind)strial activit+I means an operation or process carried o)t in an factor+ referred to in Sched)le 4 involving or li8el+ to involve one or more haAardo)s chemicals and incl)des on-

site storage or on-site transport $hich is associated $ith that operation or process as the case ma+ *eO DcE Iisolated storageI means storage $here no other man)fact)ring process other than p)mping of haAardo)s chemical is carried o)t and that storage involves at least a 9)antit+ of that chemical set o)t in Sched)le 2, *)t does not incl)de storage associated $ith a factor+ specified in Sched)le 4 on the same siteO DdE Ima@or accidentI means an incident involving loss of life inside or o)tside the site or 1, or more in@)ries inside andH or one or more in@)ries o)tside or release of toxic chemical or explosion or fire or spillage of haAardo)s chemical res)lting in Lon-siteL or Loff-siteL emergencies or damage to e9)ipment leading to stoppage of process or adverse effects to the environmentO DeE Ipipe lineI means a pipe Dtogether $ith an+ apparat)s and $or8s associated there$ith, or s+stems of pipes Dtogether $ith an+ apparat)s and $or8s associated there$ithE for the 4onve+ance of haAardo)s chemical, other than a flamma*le gas as set o)t in col)mn 2 of (art 22 of Sched)le 3 at a press)re of less than % *ars a*sol)teO DfE ISched)leI means Sched)le appended to these r)lesO DgE 5ords and expressions not defined in these r)les *)t defined or )sed in the -actories Act, 1'4%, and the r)les made there)nder have the same meanings as assigned thereinO DhE -or the p)rposes of r)les !1-:A to !1-:(L these r)les ma+ *e called the 0a@or Accident 6aAards 4ontrol #)les. S467D: 7 1 BSee 7xplanation a DiE after r)le !1-:(, r)le !1-:A D1E, r)le !1-:1 D1E DaE, and r)le !1-:1 D2E D1EC 2.D24A&2;7 4#2&7#2A A.D 2S& /- 467024A S 2.D24A&2;7 4#2&7#2A (art 2 DaE &oxic 4hemicals = 4hemicals having the follo$ing val)es of ac)te toxicit+ and $hich o$ing to their ph+sical and chemical properties are capa*le of prod)cing ma@or accident haAards. Sl. .o. Degree &oxicit+ of 0edi)m lethal dose *+ the oral ro)te &oxicit+ D D5, *od+ $eight of test animalsE 1 Q 5, 51 Q 5,, 0edi)m lethal *+ the dermal Ddermal D5, $eight of animalsE 1 Q 2,, 2,1 Q 2,,, dose ro)te *od+ test 0edi)m lethal concentration *+ inhalation D0gH?gE ro)te Dfo)r ho)rsE D5, DmgHlE inhalation in test animals ,.1 Q ,.5 ,.5 Q 2.,

1. 2.

7xtremel+ toxic 6ighl+ toxic

D*E -lamma*le chemicals =

DiE -lamma*le gasesH chemicals $hich in the gaseo)s state at normal press)re and mixed $ith air *ecome flamma*le and the *oiling point of $hich at normal press)re is 2,U4 or *elo$O DiiE 6ighl+ flamma*le li9)ids= 4hemicals $hich have a flash point lo$er than 23U4 and the *oiling point of $hich at normal press)re is a*ove 2,U4O DiiiE -lamma*le li9)ids= 4hemicals $hich have a flash point lo$er than !5U4 and $hich remain li9)ids )nder press)re, $here partic)lar processing conditions, s)ch as high press)re and high temperat)re, ma+ create ma@or accident haAardsO DcE 7xplosives = 4hemicals $hich ma+ explode )nder the effect of flame, heat or photo-chemical conditions or $hich are more sensitive to shoc8s or friction than dinitro*enAene. S. .o. (A#& 22 - 2S& /- 6A^A#D/:S A.D &/F24 467024A S .ame of chemical 1. Acetone 2. Acetone 4+anoh+drine 3. Acet+l 4hloride 4. Acet+lene D7thl+neE 5. Acrolein D2-(ropenalE !. Acr+lonitrile ". Aidicar* %. Aldrin '. Al8+l (hthalate 1,. All+l Alcohol 11. All+lamine 12. Alpha .aphth+l &hio)rea DA)t)E 13. Aminodiphen+l-4 14. Aminophenol-2 15. Amiton 1!. Ammonia 1". Ammoni)m .itrate 1%. Ammoni)m .itrate in -ertiliAers 1'. Ammoni)m S)lfamate 2,. Ana*asine 21. Aniline 22. Anisidine-( 23. Antimon+ and 4ompo)nds 24. Antimon+ 6+dride DSti*ineE 25. Arsenic 6+dride DArsineE 2!. Arsenic (entoxide, Arsenic DvE Acid and Salts 2". Arsenic &rioxide, Arsenio)s DiiiE Acids and Salts 2%. As*estos 2'. AAinphos-7th+l 3,. AAinphos-0eth+l 31. 1ari)m AAide 32. 1enAene 33. 1enAidine

34. 1enAidine Salts 35. 1enAo9)inone 3!. 1enAo+l 4hloride 3". 1enAo+l (eroxide 3%. 1enA+l 4hloride 3'. 1enA+l 4+anide 4,. 1er+lli)m Dpo$ders and 4ompo)ndsE 41. 1iphen+l 42. 1is D2-4hlorometh+lE ?etone 43. 1is D2, 4, !- &rinitrophen+lE Amine 44. 1is D2-4hloroeth+lE S)lphide 45. 1is D4hlorometh+lE ?etone 4!. 1is Dtert-1)t+lperox+E 1)tane-2,2 4". 1is Dtert-1)t+lperox+E 4+clohexane-1,1 4%. 1is-1, 2 D&ri*romophenox+E 7thane 4'. 1is (henol 5,. 1oron and 4ompo)nds 51. 1romine 52. 1romine (entafl)oride 53. 1romoform 54. 1)tadiene-1, 3 55. 1)tane 5!. 1)tox+ 7thanol 5". 1)t+lgl+cidal 7ther 5%. 1)t+l (erox+acetate, tert 5'. 1)t+l (erox+iso*)t+rate, tert !,. 1)t+l (erox+isoprop+l 4ar*onate, tert !1. 1)t+l (erox+maleate, &ert !2. 1)t+l (erox+privalate, &ert !3. 1)t+l ;in+l 7ther !4. 1)t+l-n-0ercaptan !5. 1)t+lamine !!. 4'-Aromatic 6+drocar*on -raction !". 4admi)m and 4ompo)nds !%. 4admi)m /xide Df)mesE !'. 4alci)m 4+anide ",. 4aptan "1. 4aptofol "2. 4ar*ar+l DSevinE "3. 4ar*of)ran "4. 4ar*on Dis)lphide "5. 4ar*on 0onoxide "!. 4ar*on &etrachloride "". 4ar*ophenothion "%. 4ell)lose .itrate "'. 4hlorates D)se in explosivesE %,. 4hlordane

%1. 4hlorfenvinphos %2. 4hlorinated 1enAen %3. 4hlorine %4. 4hlorine Dioxide %5. 4hlorine /xide %!. 4hlorine &rifl)orid %". 4hlorme9)at 4hlo %%. 4hloroacetal 4hlori %'. 4hloroacetaldeh+de ',. 4hloroaniline-2 '1. 4hloroaniline-4 '2. 4hloro*enAene '3. 4hlorodiphen+l '4. 4hloroepox+propa '5. 4hloroethanol '!. 4hloroeth+l 4hloro '". 4hlorofl)orocar*o '%. 4hloroform ''. 4hloroform+l, -4, 0 1,,. 4hloromethane 1,1. 4hlorometh+l 7ther 1,2. 4hlorometh+l 0eth 1,3. 4hloronitro*enAene 1,4. 4hloroprene 1,5. 4hloros)lphonic Ac 1,!. 4hlorotrinitro*enAe 1,". 4hlorox)ron 1,%. 4hromi)m and 4o 1,'. 4o*alt and 4ompo 11,. 4opper and 4ompo 111. 4o)maf)r+l 112. 4o)maphos 113. 4o)matetral+l 114. 4resols 115. 4rimidine 11!. 4)mene 11". 4+anophos 11%. 4+anothoate 11'. 4+an)ric -l)oride 12,. 4+clohexane 121. 4+clohexanol 122. 4+clohexanone 123. 4+cloheximide 124. 4+clopentadiene 125. 4+clopentane 12!. 4+clotetrameth+lene tetra nitramine 12". 4+clotrimeth+lene trinitramin

12%. 12'. 13,. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 13!. 13". 13%. 13'. 14,. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 14!. 14". 14%. 14'. 15,. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 15!. 15". 15%. 15'. 1!,. 1!1. 1!2. 1!3. 1!4. 1!5. 1!!. 1!". 1!%. 1!'. 1",. 1"1. 1"2. 1"3. 1"4.

DD& Deca *romodiphen+l oxide Demeton Di-2so*)t+l (eroxide Di-n-(rop+l (er ox+ dicar*ona Di-sec-1)t+l (er ox+ dicar*ona e Dialifos DiaAodinitrophenol DiaAomethane Di*enA+l (erox+dicar*onate Dichloroacet+lene-o Dichloro*enAene-o Dichloro*enAene-p Dichloroethane Dichloroeth+l 7ther Dichlorophenol, -2, 4 Dichlorophenol, -2, ! Dichlorophenox+ Acetic Acid, -2 4 D2, 4-DE Dichloropropane, -1, -2 Dichlorosalic+lic Acid, -3,5 Dichlorvos DDD;(E Dicrotophos Dieldrin Diepox+ 1)tane Dieth+l (erox+di 4ar*onate Dieth+lene Gl+col Dinitrate Dieth+lene &riamine Dieth+lenegl+col 1)t+l 7therH Dieth+lenegl+col 1)t+l Acetate Dieth+lenetriamine DD7&AE Digl+cid+l 7ther Dih+droperox+propane, -2, 2 LOL2. Di-iso*)t+r+l (eroxide Dimefox Dimethoate Dimeth+l (hosphoramidoc+anidic Acid Dimeth+l (hthalate Dimeth+lcar*om+l Dimeth+lnitrosamine Dinitrophenol, Salts Dinitrotol)ene Dinitro-o-4resol Dioxane Dioxathion Dioxolane Diphacinone Diphosphoramide /ctameth+l

1"5. 1"!. 1"". 1"%. 1"'. 1%,. 1%1. 1%2. 1%3. 1%4. 1%5. 1%!. 1%". 1%%. 1%'. 1',. 1'1. 1'2. 1'3. 1'4. 1'5. 1'!. 1'". 1'%. 1''. 2,,. 2,1. 2,2. 2,3. 2,4. 2,5. 2,!. 2,". 2,%. 2,'. 21,. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 21!. 21". 21%. 21'. 22,. 221.

Diprop+lene Gl+colmeth+lether Dis)lfoton 7ndods)lfan 7ndrin 7pichloroh+drine 7(. 7pox+propane, 1, 2 7thion 7th+l 4ar*amate 7th+l 7ther 7th+l 6exanol, -2 7th+l 0ercaptan 7th+l 0ethacr+late 7th+l .itrate 7th+lamine 7th+lene 7th+lene 4hloroh+drine 7th+lene Diamine 7th+lene Di*romide 7th+lene Dichloride 7th+lene Gl+col Dinitrate 7th+lene /xide 7th+leneimine 7th+lthioc+anate -ens)lphothion -l)enetil -l)oro, -4, -2-6+drox+*)t+ric Acid and Salts, 7sters, Amides -l)oroacetic Acid and Salts, 7sters, Amides -l)oro*)t+ric Acid, -4, and Salts, 7sters, Amides -l)orocortonic Acid, -4 and Salts, 7sters, Amides -ormaldeh+de Gl+conitrile D6+drox+acetonitrileE G)an+l, -1, -4-.itrosaminog)an+l-1-&etraAene 6eptachlor 6exachloro 4+clopentadiene 6exachloroc+clohexane 6exachloroc+clomethane 6exachlorodi*enAo-p- Dioxine, 1,2,3,",%,' 6exafl)opropene 6exameth+lphosphoramide 6exameth+l, -3,3,!, -','-1,2,4,5, &etraroxac+clononane 6exameth+lendiamine 6exane 6exanitrostil*ene, -2, 2, 4, 4, !, ! 6exavalent 4hromi)m 6+draAine 6+diAine .itrate

222. 223. 224. 225. 22!. 22". 22%. 22'. 23,. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 23!. 23". 23%. 23'. 24,. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 24!. 24". 24%. 24'. 25,. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 25!. 25". 25%. 25'. 2!,. 2!1. 2!2. 2!3. 2!4. 2!5. 2!!. 2!". 2!%.

6+drochloric Acid 6+drogen 6+drogen 1romide D6+dro*romic AcidE 6+drogen 4hloride D i9)ified GasE 6+drogen 4+anide 6+drogen -l)oride 6+drogen Selenide 6+drog-en S)lphide 6+dro9)inone 2odine 2so*enAan 2sodrin 2sophorone Di-isoc+anate 2soprop+l 7ther >)glone D5-6+drox+naphthalene-l, 4-DioneE ead D2norganic f)mes < d)stsE ead 2,4,!- &rini troresorcinoxide D ead St+phnateE ead AAide eptophos indane i9)ified (etrole)m Gas D (GE 0aleic Anth+dride 0anganese < 4ompo)nds 0ercapto 1enAothiaAole 0erc)r+ Al8+l 0erc)r+ -)lminate 0erc)r+ 0eth+l 0ethacr+lic Anh+dride 0ethacr+lonitrile 0ethacr+lo+l 4hloride 0ethamidophos 0ethanes)lphon+l -l)oride 0ethanthiol 0ethox+ 7thanol D2-0eth+l 4ellosolveE 0ethox+eth+lmerc)ric Acetate 0eth+l Acr+late 0eth+l Alcohol 0eth+l Am+l8etone 0eth+l 1romide D1romomethaneE 0eth+l 4hloride 0eth+l 4hloroform 0eth+l 4+clohexene 0eth+l 7th+l ?etone (eroxide 0eth+l 6+draAine 0eth+l 2so*)t+l ?etone 0eth+l 2so*)t+l ?etone (eroxide 0eth+l 2soc+anate

2!'. 2",. 2"1. 2"2. 2"3. 2"4. 2"5. 2"!. 2"". 2"%. 2"'. 2%,. 2%1. 2%2. 2%3. 2%4. 2%5. 2%!. 2%". 2%%. 2%'. 2',. 2'1. 2'2. 2'3. 2'4. 2'5. 2'!. 2'". 2'%. 2''. 3,,. 3,1. 3,2. 3,3. 3,4. 3,5. 3,!. 3,". 3,%. 3,'. 31,. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315.

0eth+l 2sothioc+anate 0eth+l 0ercaptan 0eth+l 0ethacr+late 0eth+l (arathion 0eth+l (hosphonic Dichloride 0eth+l-., 2,4,!- &etranitroaniline 0eth+lene 4hloride 0eth+lene*is, -4, 4 D2, -4hloranilineE 0eth+ltrichlorosilane 0evinphos 0ol+*eden)m < 4ompo)nds .-0eth+l-., 2, 4, !-&etranitraniline .ephtha D4oal &arE .aphth+lamine, 2 .ic8el < 4ompo)nds .ic8el &etracar*on+l .itroaniline-/ .itroaniline-( .itro*enAene .itrochloro*enAene-( .itroc+clohexane .itroethane .itrogen Dioxide .itrogen /xides .itrogen &rifl)oride .itrogl+cerin .itrophenol-( .itropropane-1 .itropropane-2 .itrosodimeth+lamine .itrotol)ene /cta*romophen+l /xide /le)m /le+lamine //-Dieth+l S-7th+ls)lphon+l-meth+l //-Dieth+l S-7th+ls)lphon+l-meth+l (hosphorothioate //-Dieth+l S-7th+lthiometh+l (hosphorothioate //-Dieth+l S-2soprop+lthiometh (hosphorodithioate //-Dieth+l S-(rop+lthiometh (hosphorodithioate /x+am+l /x+dis)lfoton /x+gen D i9)idE /x+gen Difl)oride /Aone (aroxon DDieth+l 4-.itrophen+l (hosphateE (ara9)at (arathion

31!. (arathion 0eth+l 31". (aris Green D1is Aceto 6exametar-senitotetra 4opperE 31%. (enta*orane 31'. (enta*romodiphen+l /xide 32,. (enta*romophenol 321. (entachloro .aphthalene 322. (entachloroethane 323. (entachlorophenol 324. (entaer+thritol &etranitrate 325. (entane 32!. (eracetic Acid 32". (erchloroeth+lene 32%. (erchlorometh+le 0ercaptan 32'. (entanone, 2, 4, -0eth+l 33,. (henol 331. (hen+l Gl+cidal 7ther 332. (hen+lene p-Diamine 333. (hen+l 0erc)r+ Acetate 334. (horate 335. (hosacetim 33!. (hosalone 33". (hosfolan 33%. (hosgene D4ar*on+l 4hlorideE 33'. (hosmet 34,. (hosphamidon 341. (hosphine D6+drogen (hosphideE 342. (hosphoric Acid and 7sters 343. phosphoric Acid 1romoeth+l 1romo D2. 2-Dimeth+lprop+lE 1romoeth+l 7ster 344. (hosphoric Acid 1romoeth+l 1romo D2, 2-Dimeth+lprop+lE 4hloroeth+l 7ster 345. (hosphoric Acid 4hloroeth+l 1romo D2,2-Dimethox+l prop+lE 4hloroeth+l 7ster 34!. (hosphoro)s and 4ompo)nds 34". (hostalan 34%. (icric Acid D2, 4, !- &rinitrophenolE 34'. (ol+*rominated 1iphen+ls 35,. (otassi)m Arsenite 351. (otassi)m 4hlorate 352. (rom)rit D1-D3, 4-Dichlorophen+lE-3- &riaAenethiocar*oxamide E 353. (ropanes)ltone-l, 3 354. (ropen-l, 2-4hloro-l, 3-Diol-Diacetate 355. (rop+lene /xide 35!. (rop+leneimine 35". (+raAoxon 35%. Seleni)m 6exafl)oride 35'. Semicar*aAide 6+drochloride

3!,. 3!1. 3!2. 3!3. 3!4. 3!5. 3!!. 3!". 3!%. 3!'. 3",. 3"1. 3"2. 3"3. 3"4. 3"5. 3"!. 3"". 3"%. 3"'. 3%,. 3%1. 3%2. 3%3. 3%4. 3%5. 3%!. 3%". 3%%. 3%'. 3',. 3'1. 3'2. 3'3. 3'4. 3'5. 3'!. 3'". 3'%. 3''. 4,,. 4,1. 4,2. 4,3. 4,4. 4,5. 4,!.

Sodi)m Arsenite Sodi)m AAide Sodi)m 4hlorate Sodi)m 4+anide Sodi)m (icramate Sodi)m Selenite St+rene, 1, 1, 3, 2- &etrachloroethane . S)lfotep S)lph)r Dichloride S)lph)r Dioxide S)lph)r &rioxide S)lph)ric Acid S)lphoxide, 3-4hloroprop+loct+l &ell)ri)m &ell)ri)m 6exafl)oride &epp &er*)fon &etra*romo*isphenol-A &etrachloro, 2, 2, 5, !, 2, 5-4+clohexadiene-l, 4 Dione &etrachlorodi*enAo-p-Dioxin, 2 3, ", % D&4DDE &etraeth+l ead &etrafl)oroethane &etrameth+lenedis)lphotetramine &etrameth+l ead &etranitromethane &halli)m < 4ompo)nds &hionaAin &hino+l 4hloride &irpate &ol)ene &ol)ene-2-4-Di-isoc+anate &ol)idine-o &ol)ene 2, !-Di-isoc+anate &rans-1, 4-4hloro*)tene &ri-1 D4+crohex+lE Stann+l-16-1, 2, 4-&raAole &riamino-1, 3, 5, 2, 4, !- &rinitroxenAene &ri*romophenol, 2, 4, ! &richloro Acet+lchloride &richloro 7thane &richloro .aphthalene &richloro D4hlorometh+lESilane &richlorodichlorophen+l Silane &richloroethane, 1, 1, 1 &richloroeth+l Silane &richloroeth+lene &richloromethanes)lphen+l chloride &richlorophenol, 2, 2, !

4,". 4,%. 4,'. 41,. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 41!. 41". 41%. 41'. 42,. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 42!. 42". 42%. 42'. 43,. 431. 432.

&richlorophenol, 2,4,5 &rieth+lamine &rieth+lenemelamine &rimeth+l 4hlorosilane &rimeth+lpropane (hosphite &rinitroaniline &rinitroanisole, 2, 2, 4, ! &rinitro*enAene &rinitro*enAoic Acid &rinitrocresol &rinitrophenetole, 2, 5, ! &rinitroresorcinol, 2, 4, ! DSt+phni AcidE &rinitrotol)ene &riorthocres+l (hosphate &riphen+l tin 4hloride &)rpentine :rani)m < 4ompo)nds ;anadi)m < 4ompo)nds ;in+l 4hloride ;in+l -l)oride ;in+l &ol)ene 5arfarin F+lene F+lidine ^inc < 4ompo)nds ^irconi)m < 4ompo)nds S467D: 7 2 BSee 7xplanation 2 DcE after #)le !1-:(, #)le !1-:1 D1E D*E, !1-:4, !1-:D D1E DcE and DdEC

DaE &he threshold 9)antities set o)t *elo$ relate to each installation or gro)p of installations *elonging to the same occ)pier $here the distance *et$een installations is not s)fficient to avoid, in foreseea*le circ)mstances, an+ aggravation of ma@or accident haAards. &hese threshold 9)antities appl+ in an+ case to each gro)p of installations *elonging to the same occ)pier $here the distance *et$een the installations in less than 5,, meters. D*E -or the p)rpose ,_ determining the threshold 9)antit+ of haAardo)s chemical at an isolated storage, acco)nt shall also *e ta8en of an+ haAardo)s 4hemical $hich is =DiE 2n that part of an+ pipeline )nder the control of the occ)pier having control of the site, $hich is $ithin 5,, meters of that site and connected to itO DiiE At an+ other site )nder the control of the same occ)pier an+ part of the *o)ndar+ of $hich is $ithin 5,, meters of the said siteO and DiiiE 2n an+ vehicle, vessel, aircraft or hovercraft )nder the control of the same occ)pier $hich is )sed for storage p)rpose either at the site or $ithin 5,, meters of it.

1)t no acco)nt shall *e ta8en of an+ haAardo)s chemical $hich is in a vehicle, vessel, aircraft or hovercraft )sed for transporting it. &hreshold 3)antities D&onnesE -or application of -or application of #)les !1-:1, !1#)les !1-:6 to :4, !1-:7 and !1-:0 !1-:D1E D2E D3E D4E 1. Acr+lonitrile 35,.,,, 5.,,,.,,, 2. Ammonia !,.,,, !,,.,,, 3. Ammoni)m nitrate DaE 35,.,,, 2,5,,.,,, 4. Ammoni)m nitrate fertiliAers D*E 1,25,.,,, 1,,,,,.,,, 5. 4hlorine 1,.,,, 25.,,, !. -lamma*le gases as defined in Sched)le 5,.,,, 3,,,,.,,, 1, paragraph D*E DiE ". 6ighl+ flamma*le li9)ids as defined in 1,,,,,.,,, 1,,,,,.,,, Sched)le 1, paragraph D*E DiiE %. i9)id ox+gen 2,,.,,, 2,,,,.,,, '. Sodi)m 4hlorate 25.,,, 25,.,,, 1,. S)lph)r dioxide 2,.,,, 5,,.,,, 11. S)lph)r trioxide 15.,,, 1,,.,,, 12. 4ar*on+l 4hloride ,."5, ,."5, 13. 6+drogen S)lphide 5.,,, 5,.,,, 14. 6+drogen -l)oride 5.,,, 5,.,,, 15. 6+drogen 4+anide 5.,,, 2,.,,, 1!. 4ar*on dis)lphide 2,.,,, 2,,.,,, 1". 1romine 5,.,,, 5,,.,,, 1%. 7th+lene oxide 5.,,, 5,1.,,, 1'. (rop+lene oxide 5.,,, 5,,,,, 2,. (ropenal DAccroleinE 2,.,,, 2,,.,,, 21. 1romomethane D0eth+l 1romideE 2,.,,, 2,,.,,, 22. 0eth+l 2soc+anate ,.15, ,.15, 23. &etraeth+llead or &erameth+llead 5.,,, 5,.,,, 24. 1, 2 Di*romoethane D7th+lene di*romideE 5.,,, 5,.,,, 25. 6+drogen 4hloride D i9)ified gasE 25.,,, 25,.,,, 2!. Diphen+l 0ethane di-isoc+anate D0/lE 2,.,,, 2,,.,,, 2". &ol)ene di-2sosc+anate D&D2E 1,.,,, 1,,,,,, -ootnotes= DaE &his applies to ammoni)m nitrate and mixt)re of ammoni)m nitrate $here the nitrogen content derived from the ammoni)m nitrate is greater than 2% per cent , *+ $eight and to a9)eo)s sol)tions of ammoni)m nitrate $here the concentration >O of ammoni)m nitrate is greater than ', per cent *+ $eight. D*E &his applies to straight ammoni)m nitrate fertiliAer and to compo)nd fertiliAers I $here the nitrogen content derived from the ammoni)m nitrate is greater than 2% per cent *+ $eight Da compo)nd fertiliAer contains ammoni)m nitrate together $ith phosphate andHor potashE. Sl. .o. 4hemicals

S467D: 7 3 BSee 7xplanation DaE DiiiE #)le !1-:(, #)le !1-:4, !1-:D DiE DaE and D*EC DaE &he 9)antities set o)t *elo$ relate to each installation or gro)p of installations *elonging to the same occ)pier $here the distance *et$een the installation is not s)fficient to avoid, in foreseea*le circ)mstances, an+ aggravation of ma@or accident haAards. &hese 9)antities appl+ in an+ case to each gro)p of installations *elonging to the same occ)pier $here the distance *et$een the installations is less than 5,, meters. D*E -or the p)rpose of determining the threshold 9)antit+ of haAardo)s chemical in an ind)strial installation, acco)nt shall also *e ta8en of an+ haAardo)s chemical $hich is =DiE in that part of an+ pipeline )nder the control of the occ)pier having control of the site, $hich is $ithin 5,, meters of that site and connected to itO DiiE at an+ other site )nder the control of the same occ)pier an+ part of the *o)ndar+ of $hich is $ithin 5,, meters of the said siteO and DiiiE in an+ vehicle, vessel, aircraft or hovercraft )nder the control of the same occ)pier $hich is )sed for storage p)rpose either at the site or $ithin 5,, meters of it. 1)t no acco)nt shall *e ta8en of an+ haAardo)s chemical $hich is in a vehicle, vessel, aircraft or hovercraft )sed for transporting it. Sl. .o. 4hemicals &hreshold 3)antities -or application of #)les !1-:4, !1-:7, !1-:and !1-:? and !1-:0 D3E 1,, 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1,, 8g 5,, 8g 1,, 8g 1, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1, 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g ""%4-42-1 2!42-"1-' %!-5,-, '2-%"-5 5,5-!,-2 542-%%-1 15!3-!!-2 "%!-1'-! -or application of #)les !1-:6 to !1-:> D4E D5E 11!-,!-3 '2-!"-1 "%-53-5 4'4-52-, 4AS .)m*ers

D1E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. !. ". %. '. 1,. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1!.

D2E Gro)p 1-&oxic 4hemicals Aldicar* 4-Aminodiphen+l Amiton Ana*asine Arsenic pentoxide, Arsenic D;E acid and Salts Arsenic trioxide, Arsenio)s D222E acid and salts Arsine DArsenic h+drideE AAinphos-eth+l AAinophos-meth+l 1enAidine 1enAidine salts 1er+lli)m Dpo$ders, compo)ndsE 1is D2-chloroeth+lE s)lphide 1is Dchlorometh+lE ether 4ar*of)ran 4ar*ophenothion

1". 1%. 1'. 2,. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 2!. 2". 2%. 2'. 3,. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 3!. 3". 3%. 3'. 4,. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 4!. 4". 4%. 4'. 5,. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

4hlorfenvinphos 4-D4hloroform+lE morpholine 4hlorometh+l meth+l ether 4a*alt metal, oxides, car*onates, s)lphides as po$ders 4rimidine 4+anthoate 4+cloheximide Demeton Dialifos //-Dieth+l S-eth+ls)lphen+l meth+l phosphorothioate //-Dieth+l S-eth+ls)lphon+l meth+l phosphorothioate //-Dieth+l S-eth+lthiometh+l (hosphorodithioate //-Dieth+l S-isoprop+lthiometh+l phosphorodithioate //-Dieth+l S-prop+lthiomethE phosphorodithioate Dimefox Dimeth+lcar*amo+l 4hloride Dimeth+lnitrosamine Dimeth+l (hosphoramidoc+anidic acid Diphacinone Dis)lfoton 7(. 7thion -ens)lfothion -l)enetil -l)oroacetic acid -l)oroacetic acid, salts -l)oroacetic acid, esters -l)oroacetic acid, amides 4--l)oro*)t+ric acid 4--l)oro*)t+ric acid, salts 4--l)oro*)t+ric, esters 4--l)oro*)t+ric acid, amides 4--l)orocrotonic acid 4--l)orocrotonic acid, salts 4--l)orocrotonic acid, esters 4--l)orocrotonic acid, amides 4--l)oro-2-h+drox+*)t+ric acid 4--l)oro-2-h+drox+*)t+ric acid, salts 4--l)oro-2-h+drox+*)t+ric acid,

1,, 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1t 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1t 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1 8g 1 8g

4",-',-! 1515'-4,-" 1,"-3,-2 535-%'-" 3"34-'5-, !!-%1-' %,!5-4%-3 1,311-%4-' 25%%-,5-% 25%%-,!-' 2!,,-!'-3 "%-52-4 33,'-!%-, 115-2!-4 "'-44-" !2-"5-, !3'1"-41 %2-!!-! 2'%-,4-4 21,4-!4-5 5!3-12-2 115-',-2 43,1-5,-1 144-4'-,



5!. 5". 5%. 5'. !,. !1. !2. !3. !4. !5. !!. !". !%. !'. ",. "1. "2. "3. "4. "5. "!. "". "%. "'. %,. %1. %2. %3. %4. %5. %!. %". %%. %'. ',. '1. '2. '3.

esters 4--l)oro-2-h+drox+*)t+ric acid, amides Gl+colonitrile Dh+drox+acetonitrileE 1,2,3,",%,'- 6exachlorodi*enAo-pdioxin 6exameth+lphosphorarnide 6+drogen Selenide 2so*enAar) 2sodrin >)glone D5-6+drox+naphthalene-l,4-DioneE 4, 4-0eth+lene*is D2-4hloroanilineE 0eth+l isoc+anate 0evinphos 2-.aphth+lamine .ic8el metal, oxides, car*onates, s)lphide, as po$ders .ic8el tetracar*on+l /x+dis)lfoton /x+gen difl)oride (araoxon Ddieth+l 4-nitrophen+lE phosphateE (arathion (arathion-meth+l (enta*orane (horate (hosacetim (hosgene D4ar*on+l chlorideE (hosphamidon (hosphine D6+drogen phosphideE (rom)rit D1-D3,4- Dichlorophen+lE3-triaAenethio car*oFamlde[ 1, 3-(ropanes)ltone 1-(ropen-2-chloro-l, 3-diol diacetate (+raAoxon Seleni)m hexafl)oride Sodi)m selenite Sti*ine DAntimon+ h+drideE S)lfotop S)lph)r dichloride &ell)ri)m hexafl)oride &7(( 2, 3, ", %-&etrachlorodi*enAo-( dioxin D&4DDE &etrameth+lenedis)lphotetramine

1 8g 1,, 8g l,, 8g 1 8g 1, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1, 8g 15, 8g 1,, 8g 1 8g 1t 1, 8g 1,, 8g 1, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g "5, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1 8g 1, 8g 1,, 8g 1, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1t 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1 8g 1 8g 15, 8g 1,"-1!-4 !%,-31-' ""%3-,"-5 2'"-"%-' 4!5-"3-! 4%1-3'-, 1,1-14-4 !24-%3-' ""%!-34-"

134!3-3'-3 24'"-,"-! ""%3-41-" 311-45-5 5!-3%-2 2'%-,,-, 1'!21-22-" 2'%-,2-2 41,4-14-" "5-44-5 131"1-21-! "%,3-51-2 5%3!-"3-" 112,-"1-4 1,11%-"2-! 1,%-34-' ""%3-"'-1 1,1,2-1%-% "%,3-52-3 3!%'-24-5 1,545-''-, ""%3-%,-4 1,"-4'-3 \"4!-,1-! %,-12-!

1,, 8g "5, 8g

'4. '5. '!. '". '%. ''. 1,,. 1,1. 1,2. 1,3. 1,4. 1,5. 1,!. 1,". 1,%. 1,'. 11,. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 11!. 11". 11%. 11'. 12,. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 12!.

&hionaAin &irpate D2, 4 -Dimeth+l-l, 3dithiolane- 2-4ar*oxaldeh+de /meth+l car*o mo+loximeE &richloromethane-s)lphen+l chloride 1-&ri Dc+clohex+lE stann+l-16-1, 2, 4-triaAole &rieth+lenemelamine 5arfarin Go)p2-&oxic chemicals D3)antit+ ` 1 tonneE Acetone c+anoh+drin D24+anopropan-2-olE Acrolein D2-(ropenalE D1, 2di*romomethaneE Acr+lonitrile All+l alcohol D2-(ropen-l-olE All+lamine Ammonia 1romine 4ar*on dis)lphide 4hlorine Diphen+l methane di-isoc+anate D0D2E 7th+lene di*romide D1, 2di*romomethaneE 7th+leneimine -ormaldeh+de Dconcentration ` W ',ZE 6+dirogen chloride D:9)efied gitsE 6+drogen c+anide 6+drogen fl)oride 6+drogen s)lphid 0eth+l *romide D1romomethaneE .itrogen oxides (rop+leneimine S)lph)r dioxide S)lph)r trioxide &etraeth+llead &etrameth+llead &ol)ere di-isoc+anate D&D2E Gro)p 3-6ighl+ reactive chemicals Acet+lene Deth+neE A. Ammoni)m nitrate D1E *. Ammoni)m nitrate in the form of fertiliser D2E

1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1,, 8g 1, 8g 1,, 8g 2,, t 2, t 2, t 2,, t 2,, t 5, t 4, t 2, t 1, t 2, t 5t 5, t 5t 25 t 5t 5t 5t 2, t 5, t 5, t 1, t 15t 5t 5t 1, t 5t 35, t 125, t 25,t 2, t 5, t 5, t 2,, t 5,, t 2,, t 25 t

2'"-'"-2 2!41'-"3-% 5'4-42-3 41,%3-11-% 51-1%-3 %1-%1-2 "5-%!-5 1,"-,2-% 1,"-13-1 1,"-1%-! 1,"-11-' "!!4-41-" ""2!-'5-! "5-15-, ""%2-5,-5 1,1-!%-% 1,!-'3-4 151-5!-4 5,-,,-, "!4"-,1-, "4-',-% "!!4-3'-3 ""%3-,!-4 "4-%3-' 111,4-'3-1 "5-55-% "44!-,'-5 "44!-11-' "%-,,-2 "5-"4-1 5%4-%4-' "4-%!-2 !4%4-52-2

25, t "5 t

25,, t

12". 2, 2-1is Dtert-*)t+l-perox+E *)tane Dconcentration ` W ",ZE 12%. 1, 1-1is Dtert-*)t+l-perox+E c+clohexane Dcencentration ` W %,ZE 12'. &ert-1)t+l perox+acetate Dconcentration ` W ",ZE 13,. &ert-1)t+l perox+iso*)t+rate Dconcentration ` W %,ZE 131. &ert-1)t+l perox+isoprop+l car*onate Dconcentration ` W %,ZE 132. &ert-1)t+l perox+maleate Dconcentration ` W %,ZE 133. &ert-1)t+l perox+pivalate Dconcentration ` W ""ZE 134. Di*enA+l perox+dicar*onate Dconcentration ` W ',ZE 135. Di-sec-*)t+l perox+dicar*onate Dconcentration ` W %,ZE 13!. Dieth+l perox+dicar*onate Dconcentration ` W 3,ZE 13". 2, 2-Dih+droperox+propane Dconcentration ` W 3,ZE 13%. Di-iso*)t+l peroxide Dconcentration ` W 5,ZE 13'. Di-n-prop+l perox+dicar*onate Dconcentration ` W %,ZE 14,. 7th+lene oxide 141. 7th+l nitrate 142. 3,3,!,!,','-6exameth+l-1,2,4, 5tetroxac+-clonane Dconcentration ` W "5ZE 143. 6+drogen 144. i9)id ox+gen 145. 0eth+i eth+l 8etone peroxide Dconcentration ` W !,ZE 14!. 0eth+l iso*)t+l 8etone peroxide Dconcentration ` W !,ZE 14". (erilcetic acid Dconcentration ` W !,ZE 14%. (rop+lene oxide 14'. Sodi)m chlorate Gro)p 4-7xplosive chemicals 15,. 1ari)m aAide 151. 1ig D2, 4, !-trinitrophen+lE amine 152. 4hlorotrinitro*enAene 153. 4ell)lose nitrate Dconcentration ` W

5t 5t 5t 5t 5t 5t 5, t 5t 5t 5, t 5t 5, t 5t 5t 5, t 5, t 2t 2,, t 5t 5, t 5, t 5t 25 t 5, t 5, t 5, t 5, t 5t 5, t 5, t 5, t 5t

21!"-23-' 3,,!-%!-% 1,"-"1-1 1,'-13-" 23"2-21-! 1'31-!2-, '2"-,"-1 2144-45-% 1''1,-!5-" 14!!!-"%-5 2!14-"!-% 343"-%4-1 1!,!!-3%-' "5-21-% !25-5%-1 223'"-33-" 1333-"4-, ""%2-44-" 133%-2-1-4 3"2,!-2,-5 "'-21-, "5-5!-' """5-,'-' 1%%1,-5%-" 131-"3-" 2%2!,-!1-' ',,4-",.=,

154. 155. 15!. 15". 15%. 15'. 1!,. 1!1. 1!2. 1!3. 1!4. 1!5. 1!!. 1!". 1!%. 1!'. 1",. 1"1. 1"2. 1"3. 1"4. 1"5. 1"!. 1"". 1"%. 1"'.

12.!Z nitrogenE 4+clotetrameth+lene tetranitramine 4+clotrimeth+lenetri nitroami2Lle DiaAodinitrophenol Dieth+lene gl+col dinitrate Dinitrophenol, salts 7th+lene gl+col dinitrate 1, G)an+l-4-nitrosamineog)an+l- 1tetraAene 2, 2L,4,4L, !,!L-6exanitrostil*ene 6+draAine nitrate ead aAide ead st+phnate Dlead 2,4,!trinitroresorcinoxide E 0erc)r+ f)lminate .-0eth+l-., 2,4,!-tetranitroaniline .itrog+lcerine (entaer+thritol tetranitrate (icric acid D2,4,!- &rinitrophenolE Sodi)m picrarnate St+phnic acid D2,4,!&rinitroresorcinolE 1,3,5&riamino-2,4,!&rinitro*enAene &rinitroaniline 2,4,!- &rinitroanisole &rinitro*enAene &rinitro*enAoic acid &rinitrocresol 2, 4, !-&rinitrophenetole 2, 4, !- &rinitrotol)ene

5, t 5, t 1, t 1, t 5, t 1, t 1, t 5, t 5, t 5, t 5, t 1, t 5, t 1, t 5, t 5, t 5, t 5, t 5, t 5, t 5, t 5, t 5, t 5, t 5, t 5, t 5, t

2!'1-41-, 121-%2-4 ",,%-%1-3 !'3-21-, !2%-'!-! 1,'-2"-3 2,,!2-22-, 134!4-'"-! 13424-4!-' 15245-44-, !2%-%!-4 4"'-45-% 55-!3-, "%-11-5 %%-%'-1 %31.-52-" %2X"1-3 3,5%-3%-! 2!'52-42-1 !,!-35-' 253""-32-! 35%!,-5,-5 2%',5-"1-" 4"32-14-3 11%-'!-"

1, t

S467D: 7 3 Dcontin)edE (art 22 4lasses of chemicals not specificall+ named in (art 2 Sl. .o. 4lasses in 4hemical &hreshold 3)antities -or application of -or application #)les !1-:4, !1of #)les !1-:6 :7, !1-:-, !1-:? to !1-:> and !1-:0 D3E D4E 15 t 2,, t

D1E 1.

D2E Gro)p- 5 -flamma*le 4hemicals -lamma*le gases = 4hemicals $hich in gaseo)s state at normal press)re and mixed $ith air



*ecome flamma*le and the *oiling point of $hich at normal press)re is 2,U4 or *elo$O 6ighl+ flamma*le li9)ids= 4hemicals $hich have a flash point lo$er than 23U4 and the *oiling point of $hich at normal press)re is a*ove 2,U4O -lamma*le li9)ids= 4hemicals $hich have a flash point lo$er than !5/4 and $hich remain li9)id )nder press)re, $here partic)lar processing conditions, s)ch as high press)re and high temperat)re, ma+ create ma@or accident haAards.

1,,, t

5,,,, t

25 t

2,, t

-ootnotes= D1E &his applies to ammoni)m nitrate and mixt)re of ammoni)m nitrate $here the nitrogen content derived from the ammoni)m nitrate is greater than 2%Z *+ $eight and a9)eo)s sol)tions of ammoni)m nitrate $here the concentration of ammoni)m nitrate is greater than ',Z *+ $eight. D2E &his applies to straight ammoni)m nitrate fertilisers and to compo)nd fertiliAers $here the nitrogen content derived from the ammoni)m nitrate is greater than 2%Z *+ $eight Da compo)nd fertiliAer contains ammoni)m nitrate together $ith phosphate andHor potashE. N 4AS .)m*er D4hemical A*stracts Service .)m*erE means the n)m*er assigned to the chemical *+ the 4hemical A*stracts Service. S467D: 7 4 BSee 7xplanation D1E DiE after #)le !1-:(C 1. -actories involving in prod)ction, processing or treatment of organic or inorganic chemicals )sing for this p)rpose among others= DaE al8+lation D*E amination *+ ammonol+sis DcE car*on+lation DdE condensation DeE deh+drogenation DfE esterification DgE halogenation and man)fact)re of halogens DhE h+drogenation DiE h+drol+sis DgE oxidation D8E pol+meriAation DlE s)lphonation DmE des)lph)risation, man)fact)re and transformation of s)lp)r containing compo)nds DnE nitration and man)fact)re of nitrogen containing compo)nds

DoE man)fact)re of phosphor)s containing compo)nds DpE form)lation of pesticides and of pharmace)tical prod)cts D9E distillation DrE extraction DsE sotvation DtE mixing 2. -actories involving in distillation, refining or other processing of petrole)m or petrole)m prod)cts. 3. -actories involving in total or partial disposal of solid or li9)id chemicals *+ incineration or chemical decomposition. 4. -actories involving in prod)ction, processing or treatment of energ+ gases, for example= (G, .G, S.G. 5. -actories involving in dr+ distillation of coal or lignite. !. -actories involving in prod)ction of metals or non-metals *+ a $et process or *+ means of electrical energ+. S467D: 7 5 BSee #)le !1-:4 D1EC 2nformation to *e f)rnished #egarding .otification of a 0a@or accident #eport .oPPPPPPPPPP.. of the partic)lar accident 1. General data DaE .ame of the site D*E .ame and address of the occ)pier DAlso state the telephoneHtelex n)m*erE DcE DiE #egistration n)m*er DiiE icence n)m*er DAs ma+ have *een allotted )nder an+ stat)te applica*le to the site, e.g. the -actories ActE DdE DiE .at)re of 2nd)strial activit+ D0ention $hat is act)all+ man)fact)red, stored etc.E DiiE .ational 2nd)strial 4lassification, 1'%" at the fo)r digit level 2. &+pe of ma@or accident 7xplosion -ire 7mission of 6aAardo)s chemical

3. Description of the ma@or accident DaE Date, shift and ho)r of the accident D*E DepartmentHSection and exact place $here the accident too8 place DcE &he processH operation )nderta8en in the DepartmentHSection $here the accident too8 place DAttach a flo$ chart, if necessar+E

DdE &he circ)mstances of the accident and the haAardo)s chemical involved 4. 7mergenc+ meas)res ta8en and meas)res envisaged to *e ta8en to alleviate short term effects of the accident. 5. 4a)ses of the ma@or accident ?no$n Dto *e specifiedE .ot 8no$n 2nformation $ill *e s)pplied as soon as possi*le !. .at)re and extent of damage DaE 5ithin the esta*lishment-cas)alties -(ersons exposed to the ma@or accident -0aterial damage -Damage is still present -Danger no longer exists D*E /)tside the esta*lishment-cas)alties -(ersons exposed to the ma@or accident -0aterial damage -Damage to environment -Damage is still present -Danger no longer exists ". Data availa*le for assessing the effects of the accident on persons and environment,. %. Steps alread+ ta8en or envisaged = DaE to alleviate medi)m or long-term effects of the accident. D*E to prevent rec)rrence of similar ma@or accident. DcE An+ other relevant information. SCHEDULE $ ;See Rule $1 UE !1"< In#or&3tion to be #urnis2ed #or t2e Noti#ic3tion o# Site (artic)lars to *e incl)ded in a notification of site 1. &he name and address of the occ)pier ma8ing the notification. 2. &he f)ll postal address of the site $here the notifia*le ind)strial activit+ $ill *e carried on. 3. &he area of the site covered *+ the notification and of an+ ad@acent site $hich is re9)ired to *e ta8en into acco)nt *+ virt)e of Sched)le 2D*E and Sched)le 3D*E. 4. &he date on $hich it is anticipated that the notifia*le ind)strial activit+ $ill commence or if it has alread+ commenced a statement to that effect. -?illed -2n@)red -(oisoned

-?illed -2n@)red -(oisoned

5. &he name and maxim)m 9)antit+ lia*le to *e on the site of each haAardo)s chemical for $hich notification is *eing made. !. /rganisation str)ct)re, namel+, organisation diagram for the proposed ind)strial activit+ and set )p for ens)ring safet+ and health. ". 2nformation relation to the potential for ma@or accidents, namel+DaE identification of ma@or accident haAards, D*E the condition of events $hich co)ld *e significant in *ringing one a*o)t DcE a *rief description of the meas)res ta8en. %. 2nformation relating to the site namel+DaE a map of the site and its s)rro)nding area to a scale large eno)gh to sho$ an+ feat)res that ma+ *e significant in the assessment of the haAard or ris8 associated $ith the siteO DiE area li8el+ to *e affected *+ the ma@or accident, DiiE pop)lation distri*)tion in the vicinit+. D*E a scale plan of the site sho$ing the location and 9)antit+ of all significant inventories of the haAardo)s chemicalsO DcE a description of the processes or storage involving the haAardo)s chemicals, the maxim)m amo)nt of s)ch a haAardo)s chemical in the given process or storage and an indication of the conditions )nder $hich it is normall+ heldO DdE the maxim)m n)m*er of persons li8el+ to *e present on site'. &he arrangement for training of $or8ers and e9)ipment necessar+ to safet+ to s)ch $or8ers. SCHEDULE ' ;See Rule $1 UH!1"< In#or&3tion to be #urnis2ed in 3 S3#et= Report 1. &he name and address of the person f)rnishing the information. 2. Description of the ind)strial activit+, namel+DaE Site. D*E 4onstr)ction design. DcE (rotection Aones Dexplosion, protection, separation distancesE. DdE Accessi*ilit+ of plant. DeE 0axim)m n)m*er of persons $or8ing on the site and partic)larl+ of those persons exposed to the haAard. 3. Description of the processes, namel+DaE technical p)rpose of the ind)strial activit+, D*E *asic principles of the technological process, DcE process and safet+-related data for the individ)al process stages, DdE process description, DeE safet+ related t+pes of )tilities. 4. Description of the haAardo)s chemicals, namel+DaE chemicals D9)antities, s)*stance data on ph+sical and chemical properties, safet+ related data on explosive limits, flash point thermal sta*ilit+, toxicological data and threshold limit val)es, lethal concentrations, D*E the form in $hich the chemicals ma+ occ)r or into $hich the+ ma+ *e transformed in the event of a*normal conditions, DcE the degree of p)rit+ of the haAardo)s chemicals. 5. 2nformation on the (reliminar+ 6aAard Anal+sis, namel+-

DaE t+pe of accident, D*E s+stem elements or foreseen events that can lead to a ma@or accident, DcE haAards, DdE safet+ relevant components. !. Description of safet+ relevant )nits, among othersDaE Special design criteria, D*E controls and alarms, DcE press)re relief s+stems, DdE 9)ic8 acting valves, DeE collecting tan8sH d)mp tan8s, DfE sprin8ler s+stems, DgE fire protection. ". 2nformation on the haAard assessment, namel+DaE identification of haAards, D*E the ca)ses of ma@or accidents, DcE assessment of haAards according to their occ)rrence fre9)enc+, DdE assessment of accident conse9)ences, DeE safet+ s+stems, DfE 8no$n accident histor+. %. Description of information on organisational s+stems )sed to carr+ on ind)strial activit+ safet+, namel+DaE maintenance and inspection sched)les, D*E g)idelines for the training of personnel, DcE allocation and delegation of responsi*ilit+ for plant safet+, DdE implementation of safet+ proced)res. '. 2nformation on assessment of the conse9)ences of ma@or accidents, namel+ DaE assessment of the possi*le release of haAardo)s chemicals or of energ+. D*E possi*le dispersion of released chemicals, DcE assessment of the effect of the release DsiAe of the affected area, health effects, propert+ damageE. 1,. 2nformation on the mitigation of ma@or accidents, namel+DaE fire *rigade, D*E alarm s+stems, DcE emergenc+ plan containing s+stem of organisation )sed to fight the emergenc+, the alarm and the comm)nication ro)tes, g)idelines for fighting the emergenc+, examples of possi*le accident se9)ences, DdE co-ordination $ith the District 4ollector or the District 7mergenc+ A)thorit+ and its off-site emergenc+ plan, DeE notification of the nat)re and scope of the haAard in the event of a accident, DfE antidotes in the event of a release of a haAardo)s chemical. SCHEDULE / ;See Rule $1U9!U"< Details to *e f)rnished in the /n-site 7mergenc+ (lan 1. .ame and address of the person f)rnishing the information.

2. ?e+ personnel of the organiAation and responsi*ilities assigned to them in case of an emergenc+. 3. /)tside organiAation if involved in assisting d)ring on-site emergenc+ DaE &+pe of accidents D*E #esponsi*ilit+ assigned. 4. Details of liaison arrangement *et$een the organiAations. 5. 2nformation on the preliminar+ haAard anal+sis DaE &+pe of accidents D*E S+stem elements or events that can lead to a ma@or accident DcE 6aAards DdE Safet+ relevant 4omponents !. Details a*o)t the site DaE ocation of dangero)s s)*stances D*E Seat of 8e+ personnel DcE 7mergenc+ control room. ". Description of haAardo)s chemicals at plant site DaE 4hemicals D3)antities and toxicological dataE D*E &ransformation if an+ $hich co)ld occ)r DcE ()rit+ of haAardo)s chemicals. %. i8el+ dangers to the plant '. 7n)merate effects of= DiE stress and strain ca)sed d)ring normal operationO DiiE fire and explosion inside the plant and effect if an+ of fire and explosion o)t side. 1,. Details regarding DiE 5arning, alarm < safet+ and sec)rit+ s+stems. DiiE Alarm and haAard control plans in line $ith disaster control and haAard control planning, ens)ring the necessar+ technical and organiAational preca)tions. DiiiE #elia*le meas)ring instr)ments, control )nits and servicing of s)ch e9)ipments. DivE (reca)tions in designing of the fo)ndation and load *earing parts of the *)ilding. DvE 4ontin)o)s s)rveillance of operations. DviE 0aintenance and repair $or8 according to the generall+ recogniAed r)les of goods engineering practices. 11. Details of comm)nication facilities availa*le d)ring emergenc+ and those re9)ired for an off-site emergenc+. 12. Details of fire fighting and other facilities availa*le and those re9)ired for an off-site emergenc+. 13. Details of first aid and hospital services availa*le and its ade9)ac+. CHAPTER 1 6EL%ARE Rules prescribed under sub section + o# Section (+ !2. 5ashing facilities- D1E &his r)le shall come into force, in respect of an+ class or description of factories, on s)ch dates as the 4hief 4ommissioner ma+, *+ notification in the official gaAette, appoint in this *ehalf. D2E &here shall *e provided and maintained in ever+ factor+ for the )se of emplo+ed persons ade9)ate and s)ita*le facilities for $ashing $hich shall incl)de soap and nail *r)shes or other

s)ita*le means of cleaning and the facilities shall *e convenientl+ accessi*le and shall *e 8ept in a clean and orderl+ condition. D3E 5itho)t pre@)dice to the generalit+ of the foregoing provisions the $ashing facilities shall incl)de=DaE a tro)gh $ith taps or @ets at intervals of not less than t$o feet, or D*E $ash-*asins $ith taps attached thereto, or DcE taps on stand-pipes, or DdE sho$ers controlled *+ taps, or DeE circ)lar tro)ghs of the fo)ntain t+pe. (rovided that the 2nspector ma+, having regard to the needs and ha*its of the $or8ers, fix the proportion in $hich the aforementioned t+pes of facilities shall *e installed, D4E DaE 7ver+ tro)gh and *asin shall have a smooth, impervio)s s)rface and shall *e fitted $ith a $aste-pipe and pl)g, D*E &he floor or gro)nd )nder and in the immediatel+ vicinit+ of ever+ tro)gh tap, @et, $ash *asin, standpipe and sho$er shall *e so laid or finished as to provide a smooth impervio)s s)rface and shall *e ade9)atel+ drained, D5E -or persons $hose $or8 involves contact $ith an+ in@)rio)s or noxio)s s)*stance there shall *e at least one top for ever+ fifteen personsO and for persons $hose $or8 does not involve s)ch contact the n)m*er of taps shall *e as follo$ =.o. of 5or8ers .o. of &aps :pto 2, 1 21 to 35 2 3! to 5, 3 51 to 15, 4 151 to 2,, 5 7xceeding 2,, *)t not exceeding 5,, 5 pl)s one top for ever+ 5, or fraction of 5, 7xceeding 5,, 11 pl)s one top for ever+ 1,, or fraction of 1,, D!E 2f female $or8ers are emplo+ed, separate $ashing facilities shall *e provided and so enclosed or screened that the interiors are not visi*le from an+ place $here persons of the other sex $or8 or pass. &he entrance to s)ch facilities shall *ear conspic)o)s notice in the lang)age )nderstood *+ the ma@orit+ of the $or8ers R-or 5omen /nl+S and shall also *e indicated pictoriall+, D"E &he $ater s)ppl+ to the $ashing facilities shall *e capa*le of +ielding at least six gallons a da+ for each person emplo+ed in the factor+ and shall *e from a so)rce approved in $riting *+ the 6ealth /fficer, provided that $here there the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that s)ch an +ield is not practica*le he ma+ *+ certificate in $riting permit the s)ppl+ of a smaller 9)antit+ not *eing less the then one gallon per da+ for ever+ person emplo+ed in the factor+, Rules Prescribed Under Section (3 !2-A. &he follo$ing classes of factories shall provide therein s)ita*le place for 8eeping clothing not $or8 d)ring $or8ing ho)rs and for the dr+ing of $et clothing=D1E Glass -actories. D2E 2ron < Steel -actories. D3E /il 0ills. D4E 4hemical -actories. D5E A)tomo*ile 5or8shops.

Rule prescribed under sub section !1" o# Section (0> !3. -irst Aid Appliance- &he first aid *oxes or c)p-*oards shall *e distinctivel+ mar8ed $ith a red cross on a $hite gro)nd and shall contain the follo$ing e9)ipment =A. -or factories in $hich the n)m*er of persons emplo+ed does not exceed ten or in the Dcase of factories in $hich mechanical po$er is not )sedE does not exceed fift+ persons- 7ach first aid *ox or c)p-*oards shall contain the follo$ing e9)ipments =DiE ! small steriliAed dressings. DiiE 3 medi)m siAe steriliAed dressings. DiiiE 3 large siAe steriliAed dressings. DivE 3 large siAe steriliAed *)rn dressings. DvE 1 D1 oA.E *ottle containing a t$o per cent, alcoholic sol)tion of iodine. DviE 1 D1 oA.E *ottle containing sal-volatile having the dose and mode of administration indicated on the la*el. DviiE A sna8e-*ite lancet. DviiiE 1 D1 oA.E *ottle of potassi)m permanganate cr+stals. DixE 1 pair scissors. DxE 1 cop+ of the first aid leaflet iss)ed *+ the 4hief Adviser, -actories, Government of 2ndia. DxiE &a*les aspirin DGrs. 5E /ne doAen. DxiiE 1)rn /intment. /ne t)*e. DxiiiE Dettol. /ne phial Da*o)t 2 oAs.E 1. -or factories in $hich mechanical po$er is )sed and in $hich the n)m*er of persons emplo+ed exceeds ten *)t does not exceeds fift+-7ach first-aid *ox or c)p*oard shall contain the follo$ing e9)ipment=DiE 12 small steriliAed dressings. DiiE ! medi)m siAe steriliAed dressings. DiiiE ! large siAe steriliAed dressings. DivE ! large siAe steriliAed *)rn dressings. DvE ! D1H2 oA.E pac8ets steriliAed cotton $ool. DviE 1 D2 oA.E *ottle containing a t$o per cent alcoholic sol)tion of iodine. DviiE 1 D2 oA.E *ottle containing sal-volatile having the dose and mod of administration indicated on the lia*le. DviiiE 1 roll of adhesive plaster. DixE A sna8e *ite lancet. DxE 1 B1 oA.C *ottle of potassi)m permanganate cr+stals. DxiE 1 pair scissors. DxiiE 1 cop+ of first-aid leaflet iss)ed *+ the 4hief Adviser -actories, Government of 2ndia. DxiiiE &a*lets aspirin DGrs 5E &$o doAen. DxivE 1)rn /intment &$o t)*es. DxvE Dettol &$o (hial Da*o)t 2 oAs.E 4. -or factories emplo+ing more than fift+ persons. 7ach first-aid *ox or c)p*oard shall contain the follo$ing e9)ipments=DiE 24 small steriliAed dressings. DiiE 12 medi)m siAe steriliAed dressingsDiiiE 12 large siAe steriliAed dressings.

DivE 12 large siAe steriliAed *)rn dressings. DvE 12 D1H2 oA.E pac8ets steriliAed cotton $ool. DviE 1 sna8e *ite lancet. DviiE 1 pair scissors. DviiiE 2 D1 oA.E *ottles of potassi)m permanganate cr+stals. DixE 1 D4 oA.E *ottles containing a t$o per cent alcoholic sol)tion of iodine. DxE 1 D4 oAE *ottle of sal-volatile having the dose and mode of administration indicated on the la*el. DxiE 1 cop+ of the first-aid leaflet iss)ed *+ the 4hief Adviser, -actories, Government of 2ndia. DxiiE 12 rolls *andages 4 inches $ide. DxiiiE 12 rolls *andages 2 inches $ide. DxivE 2 rolls of adhesive plaster. DxvE ! triang)lar *andages. DxviE 2 pac8ets of safet+ pins. DxviiE A s)ppl+ of s)ita*le splints. DxviiiE 1 to)rni9)et. DxixE &a*lets asprin Dgrs. 5E -o)r doAen. DxxE 1)rn /intment -o)r t)*es. DxxiE Dettol -o)r (hial Da*o)t 2 oAs.E (rovided that items DxiiE to DxviiiE incl)sive need not *e incl)ded in the standard first-aid *ox or c)p*oard DaE $here there is a properl+ e9)ipped am*)lance room, or D*E if at least one *ox containing s)ch items and placed and maintained in accordance $ith the re9)irements of Section 45 is separatel+ provided. D. 2n lie) of the dressings re9)ired )nder items DiE and DiiE there ma+ *e s)*stit)ted adhesive $o)nd dressings approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector of -actories. Rules prescribed under sub section !3" o# Section (0> !4. Am*)lance #oom- D1E &he am*)lance room or dispensar+ shall *e in charge of 9)alified medical practitioner assisted *+ at least one 9)alified n)rse and s)ch s)*ordinate staff 2nspector ma+ direct. 7xplanations- I3)alified medical practionerI means a person holding at 9)alification granted *+ an a)thorit+ specified in the Sched)le to the 2ndian 0edical Degrees Act, 1'1! D;22 of 1'1!E or in the Sched)les to the 2ndian 0edical 4o)ncil Act, 1'5!. D2E &he am*)lance room or dispensar+ shall *e separated from the rest of the factor+ and shall *e )sed onl+ for the p)rpose of first-aid treatment and rest. 2t shall have a floor area of at least 25, s9. ft. and smooth, hard and impervio)s $alls and floor and shall *e ade9)atel+ ventilated and lighted *+ *oth nat)ral and artificial means. An ade9)ate s)ppl+ of $holesome drin8ing $ater shall *e laid on and the room shall contain at least=DiE A glaAed sin8 $ith hot and cold $ater al$a+s availa*le. DiiE A ta*le $ith a smooth top at least !I x 3L!I. DiiiE 0eans for steriliAing instr)ments. DivE A co)ch. DvE &$o stretchers. DviE &$o *)c8ets or containers $ith close fitting lids. DviiE &$o r)**er hot $ater *ags. DviiiE A 8ettle and spirit stove or other s)ita*le means of *oiling $ater.

DixE &$elve plain $ooden splints 3!I x 4I x 1H4I. DxE &$elve plain $ooden splints 14I x 3I x 1H4I. DxiE Six plain $ooden splints 1,I x 2I x 1H2I. DxiiE Six $oolen *lan8ets. DxiiiE /ne pair aster+ forceps. DxivE /ne *ottle of *rand+. DxvE &$o medi)m siAe sponges. DxviE Six hand to$els. DxviiE -o)r I8idne+I tra+s. DxviiiE -or ca8es car*olic soap. DxixE &$o glass t)m*lers and t$o $ine glasses. DxxE &$o clinical thermometers. DxxiE Grad)ated meas)ring glass $ith teaspoon. DxxiiE /ne e+e *ath. DxxiiiE /ne *ottle D2 l*s.E car*olic lotion 1 in 2,. DxxivE /ne screen. DxxvE &hree chairs. DxxviE /ne elecric hand torch. DxxviiE -o)r first-aid *oxes or c)p*oards stoc8ed to the standards prescri*ed )nder item 4 of #)le !3. DxxviiiE An ade9)ate s)ppl+ of anti-tetan)s ser)m. D3E &he occ)pier of ever+ factor+ to $hich these #)les appl+ shall for the p)rpose of removing serio)s cases of accident or sic8ness, provide in the premises and maintain in good condition a s)ita*le conve+ance )nless he has made arrangements for o*taining s)ch a conve+ance from a hospital. D4E A record of all cases of accident and sic8ness treated at the room shall *e 8ept and prod)ced to the 2nspector of 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $hen re9)ired. Rules $0 to '1 prescribed under Section ($ !5. 4anteens- #)les !5 to "1 shall come into force in respect of an+ class or description of factories on s)ch dates as the 4hief 4ommissioner ma+, *+ notification in the official gaAette, appoint in this *ehalf. D2E &he occ)pier of ever+ factor+ notified *+ the 4hief 4ommissioner, and $herein more than t$o h)ndred and fift+ $or8ers are ordinaril+ emplo+ed shall provide in or near the factor+ an ade9)ate canteen according to the standards prescri*ed in these #)les. D3E &he 0anager of a factor+ shall s)*mit for the approval of the 4hief 2nspector plans and site plan, in d)plicate, of the *)ilding to *e constr)cted or adapted for )se as a canteen. D4E &he canteen *)ilding shall *e sit)ated not less than fift+ feet from an+ latrine, )rinal, *oiler ho)se, coal stac8s, ash d)mps and an+ other so)rce of d)st, smo8e or a*noxio)s f)mes. (rovided that the 4hief 2nspector ma+ in an+ partic)lar factor+ relax the provisions of this s)*-r)le to s)ch extent as ma+ re9)ire meas)res to *e adopted to sec)re the essential p)rpose of this s)*-r)le. D5E &he can teen *)ild ing shall *e constr)cted in accordance $ith the plans approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector and shall accommodate at least a dining hall, 8itchen, store room, pantr+ and $ashing places separatel+ for $or8ers and for )tensils.

D!E 2n a canteen the floor and inside $alls )p to a height of a 4 feet from the floor shall *e made of smooth and impervio)s materialsO the remaining portion of the inside $alls shall *e made smooth *+ cement plaster or in an+ other manner approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector . D"E &he doors, $indo$s of a canteen *)ilding shall *e of fl+ proof constr)ction and shall allo$ ade9)ate ventilation. D%E &he canteen shall *e s)fficientl+ lighted at all times $hen an+ person have access to it. D'E DaE 2n ever+ 4anteenDiE all inside $alls of rooms and all ceilings and passages and staircases shall *e lime$ashed or colo)r-$ashed at least once each +ear or painted once in three +ears dating from the period $hen last lime-$ashed, or painted, as the case ma+*eO DiiE all $ood $or8 shall *e varnished or painted once in three +ears dating from the period $hen last varnished or paintedO DiiiE all internal str)ct)ral iron or steel $or8 *e varnished or painted once in three +ears dating from the period $hen last varnished or painted. (rovided that inside $alls of the 8itchen shall *e lime-$ashed once ever+ fo)r months. D*E #ecord of dates on $hich lime-$ashing, colo)r-$ashing, varnishing of painting is carried o)t, shall *e maintained in the prescri*ed #egister B-orm .o."C. D1,E &he precincts of the canteen shall *e maintained in a clean and sanitar+ condition. 5aste $ater shall *e carried a$a+ in s)ita*le covered drains and shall not *e allo$ed to acc)m)late so as to ca)se a n)isance. S)ita*le arrangement shall *e made for the collection and disposal of gar*age. !!. Dining 6all- D1E &he dining hall shall accommodate at a time at least 3, per cent of the $or8ers $or8ing at a time = (rovided that, in an+ partic)lar factor+ or in an+ partic)lar class of factories, the 4hief 4ommissioner ma+, *+ a notification in this *ehalf, alter the percentage of $or8ers to *e accommodated. D2E &he floor area of the dining hall, excl)ding the area occ)pied *+ the service co)nter and an+ f)rnit)re except ta*les and chairs, shall *e not less than 1, s9)are feet per diner to *e accommodated as prescri*ed in s)*-r)le D1E, D3E A portion of the dining hall and service co)nter shall *e partitioned off and reserved for $omen $or8ers in proportion to their n)m*er. 5ashing place for $oman shall *e separate and screened to sec)re privac+. D4E S)fficient ta*les, chairs or *enches shall *e availa*le for the n)m*er of diners to *e accommodated as prescri*ed in s)*-r)le D1E. !". 79)ipment- D1E &here shall *e provided and maintained s)fficient )tensils, croc8er+, c)tler+, f)rnit)re and an+ other e9)ipment necessar+ for efficient r)nning of the canteen. S)ita*le clean clothes for emplo+ees serving in the canteen shall also *e provided and maintained. D2E &he f)rnit)re, )tensils and other e9)ipment shall *e maintained in a class and h+gienic condition. A service co)nter, if provided, shall have a top of smooth and impervio)s material. S)ita*le facilities incl)ding an ade9)ate s)ppl+ of hot $ater shall *e provided for the cleaning of )tensils and e9)ipment. D3E 5here the canteen is managed *+ a co-operative societ+, registered )nder the 1om*a+ 4o-operative Societies Act, 1'52 as in force in the :nion &erritor+ of Delhi, the occ)pier shall provide and maintain the e9)ipment as re9)ired )nder s)*-r)le D1E for s)ch 4anteen.

!%. (rices to *e charged- D1E -ood, drin8 and other items served in the canteen shall *e sold on a non-profit *asis and the prices charged shall *e s)*@ect to the approval of the 4anteen 0anaging 4ommittee. (rovided that $here the canteen is managed *+ a 4o-operative Societ+ of the $or8ers of the factor+ registered )nder the 1om*a+ 4o-operative Societies Act, 1'25 as in force in the :nion &erritor+ of Delhi, s)ch Societ+ ma+ incl)de in the charges to *e made for the foodst)ffs served, a profit )pto 5Z on its $or8ing capital emplo+ed in r)nning the canteen. D2E 2n comp)ting the prices referred to in s)*-r)le D1E the follo$ing items of expendit)re shall not *e ta8en into consideration, *)t $ill *e *orne *+ the occ)pier=DaE the rent for the land and *)ildingO D*E the depreciation and maintenance charges of the *)ilding and e9)ipment provided for the canteenO DcE the cost of p)rchase, repair and replacement of e9)ipment incl)ding f)rnit)re, roc8er+, c)tler+ and )tensilsO DdE the $ater charges and expenses for providing lighting and ventilationO DeE the interest on the amo)nt spentpn the provision and maintenance of the *)ilding f)rnit)re and e9)ipment provided for the canteenO DfE the cost of f)el re9)ired for coo8ing or heating food st)ffs or $aterO and DgE the cost of )niformsO if an+ provided to them. D3E &he charge per portion of foodst)ff, *everages and an+ other item served in the canteen shall *e conspic)o)sl+ displa+ed in the canteen. !'. Acco)nt- D1E All *oo8s of acco)nts, registers and an+ other doc)ments )sed in connection $ith r)nning of the canteen shall *e prod)ced on demand to an 2nspector of -actories. D2E &he acco)nts pertaining to the 4anteen shall *e a)dited, once ever+ month, *+ registered acco)ntants and a)ditors. &he *alance-sheet prepared *+ the said a)ditors shall *e s)*mitted to the 4anteen 0anaging 4ommittee not latter t$o month after the closing of the a)dited acco)nts. D3E (rovided that the acco)nts pertaining to the canteen in a Government ma+ *e a)dited in s)ch Department. (rovided f)rther that $here the canteen is managed *+ a co-operative societ+ of the $or8ers of the factor+, registered )nder the 1om*a+ 4o-operative Societies Act, 1'25, as in force in the :nion &erritor+ of Delhi, the acco)nts pertaining to s)ch canteen ma+ *e a)dited in accordance $ith the provisions of the said Act. ",. 0anaging 4ommittee- D1E &he 0anager shall appoint a 4anteen 0anaging 4ommittee $hich shall *e cons)lted from time to time as to = DaE the 9)alit+ and 9)antit+ of foodst)ffs to *e served in the canteenO D*E the arrangement of the men)sO DcE times of meals in the canteenO and DdE an+ other matter as ma+ *e directed *+ the 4ommittee. (rovided that $here the canteen is managed *+ a co-operative societ+ of the $or8ers of the factor+, registered )nder the 1om*a+ 4o-operative Societies Act,1'25, as in force in the :nion &erritor+ of Delhi, it shall not *e necessar+ to appoint a 4anteen 0anaging 4ommittee. D2E &he 4anteen 0anaging 4ommittee shall consist of an e9)al n)m*er of persons nominated *+ the occ)pier and elected *+ the $or8ers. &he n)m*er of elected $or8ers shall *e in the proportion of 1 for ever+ 1,,,, $or8ers emplo+ed in the factor+, provided that in no case shall there *e more than 5 or less than 2 $or8ers on the 4ommittee.

D3E &he 0anager shall determine and s)pervise the proced)re for elections to the 4anteen 0anaging 4ommittee. D4E A 4anteen 0anaging 4ommittee shall *e dissolved *+ the 0anager t$o +ears alter the last election, no acco)nt *eing ta8en of a *+e-election. Rule prescribed under Section (' "2. Shelters, #est #ooms and )nch #ooms- &he shelters, or rest rooms and l)nch rooms shall confirm to the follo$ing standards and the 0anager of a factor+ shall s)*mit for the approval of the 4hief 2nspector a site p 2an in d)plicate of the *)ilding to *e so constr)cted or adoptedDaE &he *)ilding shall *e so)ndl+ constr)cted and all the $alls and roof shall *e of s)ita*le heat resisting materials and shall *e $aterproof. &he floor and $alls to a heigh t of 3 feet shall *e so laid or finished to provide a smooth, hard and impervio)s s)rface. D*E &he height of ever+ room in the *)ilding shall *e not less than 12 feet from floor level to the lo$est part of the roof and there shall *e at least 12 s9)are feet of floor area for ever+ person emplo+ed. (rovided that DiE $or8ers $ho ha*it)all+ go home for their meals d)ring the rest periods ma+ *e excl)ded in calc)lating the n)m*er of $or8ers to *e accommodatedO and DiiE in the case of factories in existence at the date of commencement of the Act, $here it is impractica*le, o$ing to lac8 of space to provide 12 s9)are feet of floor area for each person, s)ch red)ced floor area per person shall *e provided as ma+ *e provided in $riting *+ the 4hief 2nspector. DcE 7ffective and s)ita*le provision shall *e made in ever+ room for sec)ring and maintaining ade9)ate ventilation *+ the circ)lation of fresh air and there shall also *e provided and maintained s)fficient and s)ita*le nat)ral or artificial lighting. DdE 7ver+ room shall *e ade9)atel+ f)rnished $ith chairs or *enches $ith *ac8-rests. DeE S$eepers shall *e emplo+ed $hose primar+ d)t+ is to 8eep the rooms, *)ilding and precincts thereof in a clean and tid+ condition. Rules '3 to '$ prescribed under sub section !3" o# Section (/ "3. 4reches- D1E &he creche shall *e convenientl+ accessi*le to the mother of the children accommodated therein and so far as is reasona*l+ practica*le it shall not *e sit)ated in close proximit+ to an+ part of the factor+ $here o*noxio)s f)mes, d)st or do)rs are given off or in $hich excessivel+ nois+ processes are carried in. D2E &he *)ilding in $hich the creche is sit)ated shall *e so)ndl+ constr)cted and all the $alls and roof shall *e of s)ita*le heat-resisting materials and shall *e $ater-proof. &he floor and internal $alls of the creche shall *e so laid or finished as to provide a smooth impervio)s s)rface, D3E &he height of the rooms in the *)ilding shall *e not less than 12 feet from the floor to the lo$est part of the roof and there shall *e not less than 2, s9. ft. of floor area for each child to *e accommodated, D4E 7ffective and s)ita*le provision shall *e made in ever+ part of the crache for sec)ring and maintaining ade9)ate ventilation *+ the circ)lation of fresh air. D5E &he creche shall *e ade9)atel+ f)rnished and e9)ipped and in partic)lar there shall *e one s)ita*le cot or cradle $ith the necessar+ *edding for each child, Dprovided that for children over t$o +ears of age it $ill *e s)fficient if s)ita*le *edding is made availa*leE at least one

chair or e9)ivalent seating accommodation for the )se of each mother $hile she is feeding or attending to her child, and a s)fficient s)ppl+ of s)ita*le to+s for the older children. D!E A s)ita*l+ fenced and shad+ open air pla+-gro)nd shall *e provided for the older children, (rovided that the 4hief 2nspector ma+ *+ order in $riting exempt an+ factor+ from compliance $ith this s)*-r)le if he is satisfied that there is not s)fficient space availa*le for the provisions of s)ch a pla+-gro)nd, "3-A. &he case e9)ivalent of the advantage accr)ing thro)gh the concessional sale to a $or8er of food-grains and other articles shall *e 1comp)ted at the end of the ever+ $ages period fixed )nder the provisions of the pa+ment of 5age Act, 1'3!. "3-1. -or the p)rpose of comp)ting cash e9)ivalent of the advantage occ)rring thro)gh the concessional sale to a $or8er of food grains and other articles, the difference *et$een the val)e of food grains and other articles at the average rates in the nearest mar8et prevailing d)ring the $ages period in $hich over time $as mar8ed and val)e of food grains and other articles s)pplied at concessional rates shall *e calc)lated and allo$ed for the n)m*er of overtime ho)rs $or8ed. &his r)le shall not appl+ the an+ -ederal #ail$a+ -actor+ $hose alternative method of comp)tation has *een approved *+ the 4hief 4ommissioner. "4. 5ash #oom- D1E &here shall *e in or ad@oining the creche a s)ita*le $ash room for the $ashing of the children and their clothing. &he $ash room shall conform to the follo$ing standards=DaE &he floor and internal $alls of the room to a height of 3 feet shall *e so laid or finished as to provide a smooth impervio)s s)rface. &he room shall *e ade9)atel+ lighted and ventilated and the floor shall *e effectivel+ drained and maintained in a clean and tid+ condition. D*E &here shall *e at least one *asin or similar vessel for ever+ fo)r children accommodated in the creche at an+one time together $ith a s)ppl+ of $ater provided, if practica*le thro)gh taps from a so)rce approved *+ the 6ealth /fficer. S)ch so)rce shall *e capa*le of +ielding for each child a s)ppl+ of at least five gallons of $ater a da+. DcE An ade9)ate s)ppl+ of clean clothes, soap and clean to$els shall *e made availa*le for each child $hile it is in the creche. D2E Ad@oining the $ash room referred to a*ove a latrine shall *e provided for the sole )se of the children in the creche. &he design of latrine and the scale of accommodation to *e provided shall either *e approved *+ the ()*lic 6ealth A)thorities, or $here there is no ()*lic 6ealth A)thorit+, *+ the 4hief 2nspector of -actories. "5. S)ppl+ of 0il8 and #efreshment- At least half a pint of clean p)re mil8 shall *e availa*le for each child on ever+ da+ it is accommodated in the creche and the mother of s)ch a child shall *e allo$ed in the co)rse of her dail+ $or8O 2 intervals at least 15 min)tes each to feed the child. -or children a*ove t$o +ears of age there shall *e provided in addition an ade9)ate s)ppl+ $holesome refreshment. "!. 4lothes for 4reche Staff-&he creche staff shall *e provided $ith s)ita*le clean clothes for )se $hile on d)t+ in the creche. Rule pro7ided under Section (*

"!-A. 5elfare /fficers- D1E &here shall *e one 5elfare /fficer for factories emplo+ing *et$een 5,, to 2,,, $or8ers. 5here the n)m*er of $or8ers exceeds 2,,,, there shall *e an additional 5elfare /fficer for ever+ additional to tho)sand $or8ers or fraction thereof over 5,,. D2E .o person shall *e eligi*le for appointment as a 5elfare /fficer, )nless he DaE possesses a degree of a :niversit+ recognised *+ the 4hief 4ommissioner in this *ehalfO D*E has o*tained a Degree or Diploma in Social Science from an instit)tion recognised *+ the 4hief 4ommissioner in this *ehalfO and DcE has ade9)ate 8no$ledge of the lang)age spo8en *+ the ma@orit+ of the $or8ers in the factor+ $hich he is to *e attached. (rovided that, in the case of a person, $ho is acting as a 5elfare /fficer to the commencement of this r)le, the 4hief 4ommissioner ma+, s)*@ect to s)ch conditions as he ma+ specif+, relax all or an+ of the aforesaid 9)alifications, (rovided f)rther that the 4hief 4ommissioner ma+ relax the a*ove 9)alification if he is satisfied that the person is other$ise f)ll+ competent of discharge the d)ties, D3E DaE &he post of a 5elfare /fficer shall *e advertised in at least t$o ne$spapers, one $hich shall *e in 7nglish, having a $ide circ)lation in the State. D*E &he selection shall *e made from amongst the candidate appl+ing for the post *+ a 4ommittee appointed *+ the /cc)pier of the -actories. DcE &he appointment $hen made shall *e notified *+ the /cc)pier the 4hief 4ommissioner or s)ch a)thorit+ as the 4hief 4ommissioner ma+ specif+ for the p)rpose, giving f)ll details of the 9)alifications etc. of the officer appointed and the conditions of his service, D4E DaE A 5elfare /fficer shall *e given a stat)s corresponding to the stat)s of the other exec)tive heads of the factor+ and shall *e appointed at a minim)m salar+ of #s, 2,,.,, pet month. D*E &he conditions of service of a 5elfare /fficer shall *e the same as of other mem*ers of the staff of corresponding stat)s in the factor+, provided that no p)nishment shall *e inflicted on a 5elfare /fficer $itho)t o*taining the prior approval of the 4hief 4ommissioner. D5E &he d)ties of a 5elfare /fficer shall *eDiE to esta*lish contracts and hold cons)ltations $ith a vie$ to maintaining harmonio)s relations *et$een the factor+ management and $or8ers. DiiE to *ring to the notice of the factor+ management the grievances of a $or8er or $or8ers, $ith a vie$ to sec)re expeditio)s redress and to act as a iaison /fficer *et$een the management and la*o)r. DiiiE to st)d+ and )nderstand the point of vie$ of la*o)r in order to help the factor+ management to shape and form)late la*o)r policies and to interpret these policies to the $or8ers in a lang)age )nderstood *+ themO DivE to $atch ind)strial relations $ith a vie$ to )se his infl)ence in the event of a disp)te arising *et$een the factor+ management and $or8ers and to *ring a*o)t a settlement *+ pers)asive effortsO DvE to advise on f)lfilment *+ the management and the concerned departments of the factor+ of their o*ligations, stat)tor+ or other$ise concerning #eg)lation of $or8ing ho)rs, maternit+ *enefit, medical care compensation for in@)ries and sic8ness and other $elfare and social *enefit meas)resO

DviE to advise and assist the management in the f)lfilment of its o*ligations stat)tor+ or other$ise, concerning prevention of personal in@)ries and maintaining a safe $or8 environment in s)ch factories $here Safet+ /fficer is not re9)ired to *e appointed )nder the ena*ling provisions )nder section 4/1O Dvi-AE to promote s)ch relations *et$een the concerned departments of the factor+ and $or8ers as are li8el+ to *ring a*o)t prod)ctive efficienc+ as $ell as amelioration in the $or8ing conditions and to help the $or8ers in their ad@)stment and adoption of their $or8ing environmentsO DviiE to enco)rage the formation of $or8s and >oint (rod)ction 4ommittees, and Safet+--irst and 5elfare 4ommittees, and to s)pervise their $or8O DviiiE to enco)rage provisions of amenities s)ch as canteens, shelters for rest, creches, ade9)ate latrine facilities, drin8ing $ater sic8ness and *enevolent scheme pa+ments, pension and s)perann)ation f)nds, grat)it+ pa+ments, granting of loans and legal advice to $or8ersO DixE to help the factor+ management in reg)lating the grant of leave $ith $ages and explain to the $or8ers the provisions relating to leave $ith $ages and other leave privileges and to g)ide the $or8ers in the matter of s)*mission of applications for the grant of leave for reg)lating a)thorised a*senceO DxE to advise on 9)estions relating to provisions of $elfare facilities, s)ch as ho)sing facilities, food st)ffs, social and recreational facilities, sanitation, individ)al personnel pro*lems and ed)cation of childrenO DxiE to advise the factor+ management on 9)estion relating to training of ne$ starters, apprentices, $or8ers on transfer and promotion, instr)ctions and s)pervisors, s)pervise and control notice-*oards and information *)lletins to f)rther ed)cation of $or8ers and to enco)rage their attendance at &echnical 2nstit)tesO DxiiE to s)ggest meas)res $hich $ill raise the standard of living of $or8ers and promote their $ell-*eing in general. D!E &he 4hief 4ommissioner ma+, *+ notification in the official GaAette, exempt an+ factor+ or class or description of factories from the operation of all or an+ of the provisions of this r)le s)*@ect to s)ch conditions as ma+ *e specified in the said notifications. D"E 5elfare /fficers not to deal $ith disciplinar+ cases .or Appear on *ehalf of the management against $or8ers. .o 5elfare /fficer shall deal $ith an+ discriplinar+ case against a $or8er or appear *efore a 4onciliation /fficer, or in a 4o)rt or &ri*)nal on *ehalf of the factor+ management against a $or8er or $or8ers. SCHEUDLE 1. 0anager 2. Assistant 0anager 3. 4hief 7ngineer 4. 4hief 4hemists 5. Departmental head !. 7lectricalH0echanical. 7ngineers D0aintenanceE ". a*o)r /fficers %. /verseers '. 1oiler 2ncharge 1,. &echnical 7xperts

11. 6ead Store ?eepers 12. a*orator+ 2ncharge 13. (o$er 6o)se S)perintendent 14. Assistant (o$er 6o)se S)perintendent 15. 5or8shop 2ncharge 1!. -oreman 1". 2nspectors 1%. 4hargemen 1'. 5or8shop /verseersHor $or8s incharge 2,. 6ead 7lectricians 21. S)pervisors 22. >o**ers 23. /verseers 24. 5eaving < Spinning 0asters 25. -oremen 0echanics.

5or8ing in po$er ho)se 5or8ing in 7ngg. 5or8 shop 5or8ing in Spg. < 5vg. -ac.

CHAPTER 1I 68R9IN) H8URS 8% ADULTS Rules prescribed under sub section + o# Section 03 "". 4ompensator+ 6olida+s- D1E 7xcept in the case of $or8ers engaged in an+ $or8 $hich for technical reasons m)st *e carried on contin)o)sl+ thro)gho)t the da+, the compensator+ holida+s to *e allo$ed )nder s)*-section D1E of Section 52 of the Act shall *e so spaced that not more than t$o holida+s are given in one $ee8. D2E &he 0anager of the factor+ shall displa+, on or *efore the end of the month in $hich holida+s are lost, a notice in respect of $or8ers allo$ed compensator+ holida+s d)ring the follo$ing month and of the dates thereof, at the place at $hich the notice of (eriods of 5or8s, prescri*ed )nder Section !1 is displa+ed. An+ s)*se9)ent change in the notice in respect of an+ compensator+ holida+ shall *e made not less than three da+s in advance of the date of that holida+. D3E An+ compensator+ holida+ or holida+s to $hich a $or8er is entitled shall *e given to him *efore he is discharged or dismissed and shall not *e rec8oned as part of an+ period-of notice re9)ired to *e given *efore discharge or dismissal. D4E DaE &he manager shall maintain a #egister in -orm .o.'= (rovided that if the 4hief 2nspector of -actories is of the opinion that an+ m)ster roll or register maintained as part of the ro)tine of factor+ or ret)rn made *+ the 0anager, gives in respect of an+ or all of the $or8ers in the factor+ the partic)lars re9)ired for the enforcement of Section 52O he ma+, *+ order in $riting, direct that s)ch m)ster roll or register or ret)rn shall, to the corresponding extent *e maintained in place of and *e treated as the register or ret)rn re9)ired )nder this #)le for that factor+. D*E &he register maintained )nder 4la)se DaE shall *e preserved for a period of three +ears after the last entr+ in it and shall *e prod)ced *efore the 2nspector on demand. Muster roll prescribed under sub section ( o# Section 0* "%. 0)ster-roll for exempted factories- &he 0anager of ever+ factor+ in $hich $or8ers are exempted )nder Section !4 and !5 from the provisions of section 51 or 54 shall 8eep a m)ster-roll in -orm .o.1, sho$ing the normal piece-$or8 rate of pa+, or the rate of pa+ per

ho)r, of all exempted emplo+ees, in this master-roll shall *e correctl+ entered the over-time ho)rs of $or8 and pa+ments therefore of all exempted $or8ers. &he m)ster-roll in -orm .o.' shall al$a+s *e availa*le for inspection. "%-A. /vertime slip for /vertime $or8- (eriod of overtime $or8 shall *e entered in overtime slip in -orm .o.1, DaE in d)plicate a cop+ of $hich d)l+ signed *+ the 0anager or *+ a person d)l+ a)thorised *+ him in this *ehalf shall *e given to the $or8er immediatel+ after completion of this overtime $or8. Notice prescribed under sub section / o# Section $1 "'. .otice of periods of $or8 for ad)lts- D1E &he notice of periods of $or8 for ad)lts shall *e = DaE in -orm 11 DaE $hen all the ad)lt $or8ers in a factor+ are re9)ired to $or8 $ithin the same period. D*E in -orm 11 D*E in all other cases. D2E All notices shall *e painted in *old letters on a $ooden or metal plate and shall *e displa+ed in a conspic)o)s place at the main entrance to the factor+. Re.ister prescribed under sub section + o# Section $+ %,. #egister of ad)lt $or8ers- &he m)ster-roll or the register, as the case ma+ *e, shall *e $ritten )p fresh each +ear and shall *e preserved for a period of 12 months after the last entr+ in it, and shall *e prod)ced *efore the inspector on demand. %1. (ersons defined to hold positions of s)pervision or 0anagement- &he follo$ing persons shall *e deemed to hold position of s)pervision or management provided the+ are not re9)ired to perform an+ man)al la*o)r as a reg)lar part of their d)ties and the+ are emplo+ed in a s)pervisor+ capacit+. DiE All persons specified in the Sched)le *elo$ annexed hereto. DiiE An+ other persons specified, $ho in the opinion of the 4hief 2nspector holds a position of s)pervision or management and if so declared *+ him in $riting. %2. (ersons to hold confidential position- &he follo$ing persons shall deemed to hold confidential position in a factor+=1. Stenographers. 2. /ffice S)perintend or 6ead 4ler8. 3. All time 8eepers. 4. 6ead 4ashiers and 4ashiers. 5. 6ead Acco)ntants and Acco)ntants. !. Secretar+ to 0anaging Director or (ersonal Assistant to the 0anager. ". An+ other person $ho is in the opinion of the 2nspector holds a confidential position and is so declared *+ him in $riting. %3. ist to *e maintained of persons holding position of s)pervision or management or confidential position-A list sho$ing the names and designations of all persons in r)le %1 and %2 shall *e maintained in ever+ factor+ and shall *e prod)ced *efore the 2nspector $henever re9)ired.

%4. 7xemption of certain ad)lt 5or8ers- Ad)lt 5or8ers engaged in factories specified in col)mn 2 of the sched)le hereto annexed on the specified in col)mn 3 of the said Sched)le shall *e exempted from the provisions of the sections specified in col)mn 4 s)*@ect to the conditions if an+ specified in col)mn 5 of the said Sched)le. SCHEDULE Section of the Act empo$ering exemption 1 DaE !4 D2EDaE and !4 D3E 4lass of factor+ 2 All factories .at)re of exempted $or8 3 :rgent repairs 7xtent of exemption 4 Sections 51, 52, 54, 55, 5! < 5! 4ondition of exemption

5 DiE .o $or8er shall *e emplo+ed on s)ch repairs for more than 15 ho)rs on an+ $or8ing da+, 3' ho)rs d)ring an+ three consec)tive da+s or !, ho)rs d)ring each period of seven consec)tive da+s, commencing from his first emplo+ment on s)ch repairs. DiiE 2nterval of at least half an ho)r for food and rest shall *e given after a period of $or8 not exceeding six ho)rs on each $or8ing da+ to all $or8ers emplo+ed on s)ch $or8s. DiiiE 5ithin 24 ho)rs of commencement of the $or8, notice shall *e sent to the inspector descri*ing to nat)re of the )rgent repairs and the period pro*a*l+ re9)ired for their completion and a cop+ of the notice shall *e affixed on a conspic)o)s place near the main entrance to the factor+ *efore the $or8ers are p)t on )rgent repairs. DviE 7xemption from the provisions of section 54 shall appl+ onl+ in the case of ad)lt male $or8ers. DvE Shall send $ee8l+, d)ring the contin)ance of the $or8 of )rgent repairs statement

D*E !4 D2E D*E and !4D3E

All -actories

1. 5or8 in Sections mechanic shop, 51, 54, 55 the smith+ or in < !1 connection $ith fo)ndr+ mill gearing the electric driving or lighting apparat)s, the mechanical or electrical lifts of. 2. &he steam or $ater pipes or p)mp of a factor+ or $or8 on extr)sion machines 3. 5or8 of examining for repairing an+ machiner+ or other parts of the plant $hich is necessar+ for carr+ing on the

giving the names of all persons $ho have $or8ed for more than ' ho)rs in an+ one da+ or more than 4% ho)rs of the preceeding $ee8 in a factor+, s)ch statement shall also sho$ total n)m*er of ho)rs $or8ed each da+ of the $ee8. DviE 2f the 2nspector is of the opinion that an+ $or8 *eing carried on or li8el+ to *e carried on in a factor as R:rgent #epairsS is manager and order to that effect and the manager shall in respect of s)ch $or8 not allo$ an+ $or8er to $or8 in contravention of the provision of Sections 51, 52, 54, 55 and 5! and shall compl+ $ith section !1. DiE .o $or8er shall *e emplo+ed and for more than 54 ho)rs in an+ one $ee8. &he total n)m*er of ho)rs of overtime $or8 shall not exceed 5, for an+ one 9)arter.

DiiE .o $or8er shall *e emplo+ed for more than 1, ho)rs on an+ one da+.

DiiiE 2nterval of at least half an ho)r for a rest shall *e given on each $or8ing to all $or8ers emplo+ed in s)ch $or8.

D*E !4 D2EDcE All -actories and !4D3E

DdE !4 D2E < !4 D3E

7lectric s)ppl+ )nderta8ing generating electricit+

$or8 in a factor+. 4. 5or8 in 1oiler ho)ses and engine rooms s)ch as lighting fires in order to raise steam or generate gas preparator+ to the commencement of reg)lar $or8 in the factor+ or $or8 on extr)sion machines. 5or8 performed *+ drivers on lighting, ventilating and h)midif+ing apparat)s, $or8 performed *+ fire p)mpmen. 5or8 of person engaged in factories $here s)ch $or8 is intermittent and mainl+ o)tside the factor+ premises. 5or8 performed *+ $or8ers on operation of *oiler, prime movers, a)xiliaries and s$itch gear.

DviE &he spread over incl)ding interval for rest shall not exceed 12 ho)rs on an+ one da+.

Sections 51, 54, 55 < !1

As at DiE, DiiE, DiiiE < DivE against entr+ D*E

Sections 51, 54, 55 < !1

DiE &he total n)m*er of ho)rs of over time $or8 of an+ $or8ers shall not exceed 5, for an+ one 9)arter.

DiiE .o $or8er shall *e emplo+ed for more than 14 consec)tive da+s $itho)t rest

period of at least 24 consec)tive ho)rs. 6olida+s so lost shall *e fixed in accordance $ith Section 53 of the Act. DiiiE .o $or8er, shall *e allo$ed to $or8 or for more than 1, ho)rs on an+ one da+ or for more than 5! ho)rs in one $ee8. DivE in the a*sence of a $or8er $ho has failed to report for d)t+ a shift $or8er shall *e allo$ed to $or8 the $hole or part of a s)*se9)ent Shift provided that =DaE the next shift or shift $or8er shall not commence *efore a period of % ho)rs had elapsed. D*E 5ithin 24 ho)rs of the commencement of the s)*se9)ent shift notice shall *e sent the 2nspector descri*ing the circ)mstances )nder $hich the $or8er is re9)ired to $or8 in the s)*se9)ent shift. DvE 2nterval of at least half an ho)r for rest shall *e given on each $or8ing da+ to all $or8ers emplo+ed in s)ch $or8. DviE &he exemption shall *e restricted to onl+ male ad)lt $or8ers. 7lectric transforming station 5or8 performed *+ $or8ers on operation of transforming plant, s$itches and s+nchrono)s condensers. 5or8s performed *+ $or8ers on Sections 51, 54, 55 < !1

5ater $or8s, Se$age Disposal

Sections 51, 54, 55 < !1

$or8s and $ater s)ppl+ p)mping stations. ;egeta*le /il h+drogenation factories.

operation of generations and p)mping plant. &he $or8, viA. refining *leaching filtering, generation of h+drogen h+drogenating and decade rising processes, compression of ox+gen, 4+linder filling and $or8 in electrical po$er plant. All contin)o)s process

4hemical factories 2ce -actories

5or8 of the engine and compressor drivers and assistants and *oiler operators /il 0ills 5or8 in connection $ith pressing of oil, oil refining soap ma8ing and the $or8 in po$er ho)ses. (otteries 5or8 of firemen emplo+ed in potter+ 8ilns. (rod)ction 5or8 on and attending to compression generators and of ox+gen and compressors. Acet+elene Gas 4ar*onic 5or8 on the

Sections 51, 54, 55 < !1 Section 51, 52, 54, 55 < !1

Section 51, 52, 54, 55 < !1

As at DiE to DviE a*ove against this entr+.

Section 51, 52, 54, 55 < !1 Section 51, 52, 54, 55 < !1

Section 51,





Acid gas factories

prod)ction of 4ar*onic Acid Gas.

52, 54, 55 < !1

allo$ed to ta8e light refreshment or meals at the place of their emplo+ment in room speciall+, reserved for the p)rpose or in a canteen provided in the factor+, once d)ring an+ period exceeding fo)r ho)rs.

2ron and Steels smelting and rolling factories and similar plants attached to an+ other factor+ Glass -actories iron and steel -o)ndries incl)ding s)ch plants attached to other factories.

/peration of Section 51 *last f)rnaces, D1E steel melting f)rnaces rolling mills.

(aper factories

#)**er -actories or department doing 0fg. of #)**er.

All $or8 on attending to f)rnaces. /peration of c)pola or steel melting f)rnaces incl)ding other $or8 connected there$ith and incidental thereto. 5or8 on choopers, digesters, 8neaders, strainders $ashers, *eaters, paper ma8ing machine, p)mping, plants, reclars, c)tters and po$er plants. All $or8 on c)ring process.

Section 52, 55

As at DiiE and DivE a*ove against this entr+ s)ch $or8ers shall *e allo$ed to ta8e light refreshment or meals at the place of their emplo+ment in a room speciall+, reserved for the p)rpose or in a canteen provided in the factor+, once d)ring an+ period exceeding fo)r ho)rs. As at DiiE a*ove against this entr+ and DiiE, DiiiE against entr+ D*E.

Section 52, 54 and 55

Section 55

As at DiiiE against entr+ D*E.

D+eing and *leaching -actories or Departments. 4loth (rinting or departments /f factories and *leaching finishing merceriAing and d+eing department of factories. -actories or Departments of factories charging electric acc)m)lators. -lo)r 0ills &enneries, 6ides < s8in -actories

5or8 performed *+ 8iermen.

Section 51, 52, 54, 55 < !1

As at DiE to DivE against entr+ DdE.

All $or8.

Section 51, 52, 54, 55 < !1

/peration in connection $ith electric acc)m)lators. All contin)o)s process $or8. Salting and s)n dr+ing of hides and s8ins, s8in c)ring and dr+ salting of s8ins.

Section 51, 52, 54, 55 < !1

Section 55, Section 51, 52, 54, 55, 5! < !1

As at DiiiE against entr+ D*E

DiE .o $or8er shall *e emplo+ed for more than 14 consec)tive da+s $itho)t holida+ of 24 consec)tive ho)rs. DiiE &he total n)m*er of ho)rs of over time $or8 shall not exceed 5, in an+ one 9)arter. DiiiE All $or8ers $or8ing in excess of 4% ho)rs per $ee8 in a factor+ shall *e paid in respect of s)ch additional ho)rs at the rate of t$ice the ordinar+ rate in accordance $ith the provisions of section 5' of the Act. DivE 7ver+ $or8er shall *e given a compensator+ holida+ in accordance $ith section 53 of the Act. DvE 2nterval of at least half an

DeE !4 D2E DcE < !4 D3E DfE !4 D2E DhE < !4 D3E

Dairies 7ngine room < *oiler ho)ses All .e$spaper All factories

All $or8 5or8ers emplo+ed on operation of engines and *oilers. &eleprinter Service oading, )nloading of #ail$a+ $agons, lorries of &r)c8s.

Section 52 Section 52

ho)r food and rest shall *e given to all the $or8ers emplo+ed on s)ch $or8s. DviE &he $or8 of s)ch $or8ers on S)nda+ shall not exceed 4 ho)rs. As atDiiE against entr+ DdE

DgE !4 D2E DiE < !4 D3E DhE !4 D2E D@E

Section 51, 52, 54, 55, 5! < !1 Section 51, 54 < !1

As at DiE, DiiE, DiiiE, DivE against entr+ at D*E. As at DiE, DiiE, DiiiE, DivE against the entr+ at item DdE !4 D2E DdE and !4 D3E DiE .o $or8er shall *e allo$ed to $or8 for more than !, ho)rs in one $ee8. DiiE &he spread over incl)sive of 2nterval for rest shall not exceed 12 ho)rs in an+ one da+.

7xplanation =- &he follo$ing shall *e considered to *e )rgent repairs. DaE D*E #epairs to an+ part of machiner+, plant or str)ct)re of a factor+ $hich are s)ch a nat)re that dela+ in their exec)tion involve, danger in their h)man life of safet+ or the stoppage of man)fact)ring process. 1rea8 Q do$n repairs to the motive po$er, transmission or other essential plant of other factories, collieries, rail$a+s doc8+ards, har*o)rs, tram$a+s, motor transport, gas, electrical generating and transmission, p)mping or similar essential or p)*lic )tilit+ service carried o)t in a general engineering $or8s and fo)ndaries and $hich are necessar+ to ena*le s)ch concerns to maintain their main man)fact)ring process, prod)ction of service d)ring normal $or8ing ho)rs. #epairs in connection $itho)t change of motive po$er, for example from steam to electricit+ or vice versa, $hen s)ch $or8 can not possi*l+ *e done $itho)t stoppage of the normal man)fact)ring process. CHAPTER 1II EMPL8YMENT 8% Y8UN) PERS8N Notice prescribed under sub section 3 o# Section '+


%5. .otice of periods of $or8 for children- &he notice of periods of $or8 for child $or8ers shall *e in -orm .o.13. Re.ister prescribed under sub section + o# Section '3 %!. #egister of child $or8ers- &he #egister of child $or8ers shall *e in -orm .o. 14. %!-A. &he cash e9)ivalent of the advantage accr)ing thro)gh the concessional sale of food grains and other articles pa+a*le to $or8ers proceeding on leave shall *e the difference *et$een the val)e at the average rates in the nearest mar8et prevailing d)ring the month immediatel+ proceeding his leave and the val)e at the concessional rates allo$ed of food grains and other articles he is entitled to. -or the p)rpose of the cash e9)ivalent monthl+ average mar8et rate of food grains and other articles shall *e comp)ted at the end of ever+ month. CHAPTER 1III LEA1E 6ITH 6A)ES Rule /' *( prescribed under Sections /3 3nd 11+ %". eave $ith $ages register- D1E &he 0anager shall 8eep a #egister in -orm .o.15 hereinafter called the eave $ith 5ages #egister = (rovided that if the 4hief 2nspector is of the opinion that an+ m)ster-toll or register maintained as part of the ro)tine of the factor+, or ret)rn made *+ the manager, gives, in respect of an+ or all of the $or8ers in the factor+, the partic)lars re9)ired for the enforcement of 4hapter ;222 of the Act, he ma+, *+ order in $riting, direct that s)ch m)ster-roll or register or ret)rn shall, to the corresponding extent, *e maintained in place of and *e treated as the register of ret)rn re9)ired )nder this #)le in respect of that factor+. D2E &he eave $ith 5ages register shall *e preserved for a period of three +ears after the last entr+ in it and shall *e prod)ced *efore the 2nspector on demand. %%. eave 1oo8- D1E R&he 0anager shall provide each $or8er $ho has *ecome entitled to leave d)ring a calender Vear, $ith a *oo8 in -orm .o.1! Dhereinafter called the eave 1oo8E. .ot latter than the 31st >an)ar+ of the follo$ing calender Vear .&he leave 1oo8 shall *e the propert+ of the $or8er and the 0anager of his agent shall not demand it except to ma8e the relevant entries therein $henever necessar+ and shall not 8eep it for more than a $ee8, at a time. (rovided that in the case of a $or8er $ho is discharged or dismissed from service d)ring the co)rse of the +ear i.e. $ho is covered )nder s)*-section D3E section "' of the Act, the 0anager shall iss)e an a*stract from the R#egister of eave $ith 5agesS D-orm .o.15E $ithin a $ee8 from the date of discharge or dismissal, as the case ma+ *e. D2E 2f a $or8er loses his eave 1oo8, 0anager shall provide him $ith another cop+ on pa+ment of 15 na+a paise and shall complete it from his record. %'. 0edical 4ertificate-2f an+ $or8er is a*sent from $or8 d)e to his illness and he $ants to avail himself of leave $ith $ages d)e to cover the $hole or part of the period of his illness

)nder the provisions of s)*-section D"E of Section ', he shall, if re9)ired *+ the 0anager, prod)ce a medical certificate signed a #egistered 0edical (ractitioner or recognised ;aid or 6a8im stating the ca)se of the a*sence and the period for $hich the $or8er, is, in the opinion of s)ch medical practitioner, ;aid of 6a8im )na*le to attend to his $or8 or other relia*le evidence to prove that he $as act)all+ sic8 d)ring the period for $hich he leave is to *e availed of. ',. .otice to 2nspector of invol)ntar+ )nemplo+ment- &he 0an)el shall give, as soon as possi*le a notice to the 2nspector of ever+ case of invol)tion )nemplo+ment of $or8ers, giving n)m*ers of )nemplo+ed and the reason of their )nemplo+ment. 7ntries to this effect shall *e made in the eave $ith 5ages #egister and the eave *oo8 in respect of each $or8er concerned. '1. .otice *+ 5or8er- 1efore or at the end of ever+ calendar +ear, a $orrier $ho ma+ *e re9)ired to avail of leave in accordance $ith s)*-section D% of Section "' ma+ give notice to the 0anager of his intention not to avail himself of the leave $ith $ages falling d)e d)ring the follo$ing calender +ear. &he 0anager shall ma8e an entr+ to that effect in the eave $ith 5ages #egister and in the eave 1oo8 of the $or8er concerned. '2. .otice of eave $ith $ages- D1E As far as circ)mstances parried mem*ers of the same famil+ comprising h)s*and, $ife and children shall *e allo$ed leave on the same date. D2E &he 0anaher ma+ alter the dates fixed for leave onl+ after giving a notice of fo)r $ee8s to the $or8er. '3. (a+ment of $ages if the $or8er dies- 2f a $or8er dies *efore the res)mes $or8, the *alance of his pa+ d)e for the period of leave $ith $age not availed of shall *e paid to his nominees $ithin one $ee8 of the intimation of the death of the $or8er. -or this p)rpose each $or8er shall s)*mit nomination in the follo$ing form d)l+ signed *+ himself and attested *+ t$o $itnesses. %8RM 2 here*+ re9)ire that in the event of m+ death *efore res)lting $or8 to *alance of m+ pa+ d)e for the period of leave $ith $ages not availed of shall *e paid toPPPPPPPP. $ho is m+PPPPPPPPP.. and resides atPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. R&he nomination shall remains in force )ntil it is cancelled or revised *+ another nominationS. '4. #egister to *e maintained in case of exemption )nder section %4--D1E 5here an exemption is granted )nder Section %4, the 0anager shall maintain a #egister sho$ing the position of each $or8er as regards leave d)e, leave ta8en and $ages granted. D2E 6e shall displa+ at the main entrance of the factor+, a notice giving f)ll details of the s+stem esta*lished in the factor+ for leave $ith $ages and shall send a cop+ of it to the 2nspector. D3E .o alteration shall *e made in the scheme approved *+ the 4hief 4ommissioner at the time of granting exemption )nder Section %4 $itho)t its previo)s sanction. CHAPTER I:

SPECIAL PR81ISI8NS Rule prescribed under Section /' '5. Dangero)s /perations- D1E &he follo$ing operations D0an)fact)ring process or operationE $hen carried on in a factor+ are declared to *e dangero)s operations )nder Section %"=1. 0an)fact)re of aerated $ater and processes incidental thereto. 2. 7lectrol+tic plating or oxidation of metal articles *+ )se of an electrol+te containing chromic acid and other chromi)m compo)nds. 3. 0an)fact)re and repair of electric acc)m)lators. 4. Glass man)fact)re. 5. Grinding or glaAing of metals. !. 0an)fact)re and treatment of lead and certain compo)nds of lead. ". Generating petrol gas from petrol. %. 4leaning or smoothing of articles *+ a @et of sand, metal shot or grit or other a*rasive propelled *+ a *last of compressed air or steam. '. iming and tanning of ra$ hides and s8ins and processes incidental thereto. 1,. 0an)fact)re of (otter+. 11. ead (rocessing. 12. 4hemical $or8s and processes incidental thereto. 13. 0an)fact)re of articles from refractor+ materials. 14. 6andling and processing of as*estos for man)fact)re of an+ article of as*estos and process of man)fact)re or other$ise in $hich as*estos is )sed in an+ form. 15. 6andling or manip)lation of corrosive s)*stances. 1!. 4ompression of /x+gen or 6+drogen prod)ced *+ electrol+sis of $ater. 1". (rocess of extracting of oil and fats from extraction plants. 1%. 0an)fact)re of manip)lation of 0anganese and its compo)nds. 1'. 0an)fact)re of manip)lation of dangero)s pesticides2,. 0an)fact)re, handling and )se of 1enAene and s)*stances containing 1enAene. 21. 0an)fact)ring process or operation is 4ar*on Di S)lphide plants. 22. 0an)fact)re and manip)lation of carcenogenic d+e intermediates. 23. /peration involving high noise levels. 24. 6ighl+ flamma*le compressed gases. 25. /perations in fo)ndries. 2!. 0anip)lation or stone or an+ other material containing -ree Silica. D2E &he provisions specified in the Sched)les annexed hereto shall appl+ to an+ class or description of factories $herein dangero)s man)fact)ring process or operation specified in each Sched)le are carried o)t. D2-AEDaE -or the medical examination of $or8ers to *e carried o)t *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon as re9)ired *+ the Sched)le annexed to this r)le, the occ)pier of the factor+ shall pa+ fees at the rate of #)pees one per +ear for each $or8er. D*E &he fees prescri*ed in s)*-r)le 2A shall *e excl)sive of an+ charges as for *iological, radio-logical or other test $hich ma+ have to *e carried o)t in connection $ith the medical examinations. S)ch charges shall *e pa+a*le *+ the occ)pier. DcE &he fees to *e paid for medical examinations shall *e paid into the local treas)r+ )nder the head of acco)nt 0a@or 6ead ,%", a*o)r and 7mplo+ment, #eceipts :nder a*o)r a$. #eceipts )nder vario)s Acts, -ee realised )nder -actories Act.

DdE -or each *iological and radiological examination of $or8ers ta8e carried o)t *+ the certif+ing S)rgeon as re9)ired *+ the sched)les annexed to this r)le the occ)pier of the factor+ shall pa+ fees at the rate of r)pees five and t$elve respectivel+ for each $or8er at the time of each examination . D3E &he #)le shall come into force in respect of an+ class or description of factories $herein the said operations are carried on s)ch dates as the 4hief 4ommissioner ma+, *+ notification in the official gaAette, appoint in this *ehalf. D4E .ot$ithstanding the provisions specified in the Sched)le annexed to this r)e, the 2nspector or the 4hief 2nspector, as the case ma+ *e, *+ iss)e of order in $riting to the manager, or occ)pier or *oth, direct to carr+ o)t s)ch MMMM and $ithin s)ch time, as ma+ *e specified in s)ch order $ith a vie$ to MMMM conditions dangero)s to the health of the $or8ers or to s)spend an+ process, $here s)ch process constit)tes in the opinion of the 2nspector or the 4hief 2nspector, as the case ma+ *e, danger of poisoning or toxicit+. SCHEDULE I M3nu#3cture o# Aer3ted 63ters 3nd processes incident3l t2ereto 1. -encing of machines- All machines for filling *ottles or s+phons shall *e so constr)cted, placed or fenced as to prevent, as far as ma+ *e practica*le, a fragment of a *)rsting *ottle or s+phon from stri8ing an+ person emplo+ed in the factor+. 2. -ace g)ards and ga)ntlets- D1E &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain in good condition for the )se of all persons engaged in filling *ottles or s+phons= DaE s)ita*le face-g)ards to protect the face, nec8 and throat, and D*E s)ita*le ga)ntlets for *oth arms to protect the $hole hand and arms. (rovided that = DiE paragraph 2D1E shall not appl+ $here *ottles are filled *+ means of an a)tomatic machine so constr)cted that no fragment of a *)rsting *ottle can escape, and DiiE $here a machine is so constr)cted that onl+ one arm of the *ottler at $or8 )pon it is exposed to danger, a ga)ntlet need not *e provided for the arm $hich is not exposed to danger. D2E &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain in good condition for the )se of all persons engaged in cor8ing, cro$ning, scre$ing, $iring, foiling, caps)ling, sighting or la*elling *ottles or s+phonsDaE s)ita*le face-g)ards to protect the face, nec8 and throat, and D*E s)ita*le ga)ntlets for *oth arms to protect the arms and at least half of the palm and the space *et$een the th)m* and forefinger . 3. 5earing of face g)ards and ga)ntlets- All persons engaged in an+ of the processes specified in paragraph 2 shall, $hile at $or8 in s)ch processes, $ear the face g)ards and ga)ntlets provided )nder the provisions of the said paragraph. SCHEDULE II 7lectrol+tic plating or oxidation of metal articles *+ )se of an electrol+te containing acids, *ases or salts or metals s)ch as chromi)m, nic8lex, cadmi)m, Ainc, copper, silver, gold etc.1. Definitions- -or the p)rposes of this Sched)le =DaE Relectrol+tic processS means the electrol+tic plating or oxidation of metal articles *+ the )se of an electrol+te containing acids, *ases or salts of metals s)ch as chromi)m, nic8el, cadmi)m, Ainc, copper, silver, gold etc.

D*E R*athS means an+ vessel )sed for an electrol+tic process or for an+ s)*se9)ent processO and DcE Remplo+edS means emplo+ed in an+ process involving contact $ith li9)id from a *ath. 2. 7xha)st dra)ght- An efficient exha)st dra)ght shall *e applied to ever+ vessel in $hich an electrol+tic process is carried on. S)ch dra)ght shall *e provided *+ mechanical means and shall operate on the vapo)r or spra+ given off in the process a near as ma+ *e at the point of origin. &he exha)st dra)ght appliances shall *e so constr)cted, arranged and maintained as to prevent the vapo)r or spra+ entering into an+ room or place in $hich $or8 is carried on. 3. (rohi*ition relating to $omen and +o)ng persons- .o $omen, adolescent or child shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 at a *ath. 4. -loor of $or8rooms- &he floor of ever+ $or8room containing a *ath shall *e impervio)s to $ater. &he floor shall *e maintained in good and level condition and shall *e $ashed do$n at least once a da+. 5. (rotective devices- D1E &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain in good and clean condition the follo$ing articles of protective devices for the )se of all persons emplo+ed on an+ process at $hich the+ are lia*le to come in contact $ith li9)id from a *ath and s)ch devices shall *e $orn *+ the persons concernedDaE $aterproof aprons and *i*sO and D*E for persons act)all+ $or8ing at a *ath, loose fitting r)**er glove and r)**er or other $aterproof foot$ear, and chemical goggles. D2E &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain for the )se of all persons emplo+ed s)ita*le accommodation for the storage and dr+ing of protective devices. !. 5ater facilities- D1E &here shall *e provided and maintained in good repairs for the )se of all persons emplo+ed in electrol+tic process and processes incidental to itDaE a $ash place )nder cover, $ith eitherDiE a tro)gh $ith a smooth impervio)s s)rface filled $ith a $aste pipe, and of s)fficient length to allo$ at least !, cms for ever+ 5 persons emplo+ed at an+one time, and having a constant s)ppl+ of $ater from taps or @ets a*ove the tro)gh at intervals of not more than !, cms, or DiiE at least one $ash *asin for ever+ five s)ch persons emplo+ed at an+one time, fitted $ith a $aste pipe and having a constant s)ppl+ of $ater laid on. D*E a s)fficient s)ppl+ of clean to$els rene$ed dail+, and soap or other s)ita*le cleaning material. D2E 2n addition to the facilit+ in s)*-paragraph 1, an approved t+pe of emergenc+ sho$er $ith e+e fo)ntain shall *e provided and maintained in good $or8ing order. 5henever necessar+, in order to ens)re contin)o)s $ater s)ppl+, storage tan8 of 15,, litres capacit+ shall *e provided as a so)rce of clean $ater for emergenc+ )se. ". 4a)tionar+ placard- A ca)tionar+ placard in the form specified *elo$ and printed in the lang)age of the ma@orit+ of the $or8ers emplo+ed shall *e affixed in a prominent place in the factor+ $here it can *e easil+ and convenientl+ read *+ the $or8ers. CAUTI8NARY N8TICE 7lectrol+tic plating1. 4hemicals handled in this plant are corrosive and poisono)s.

2. Smo8ing, che$ing to*acco, eating food or drin8ing, in this area in prohi*ited. .o food st)ff or drin8 shall *e *ro)ght in this area. 3. Some of these chemicals ma+ *e a*sor*ed thro)gh the s8in and ma+ ca)se poisoning. 4. A good $ash shall *e ta8en *efore meals. 5. (rotective devices s)pplied shall *e )sed $hile $or8ing in this area. !. Spillage of the chemicals on an+ part of the *od+ or on the floor shall *e immediatel+ $ashed a$a+ $ith $ater. ". All $or8ers shall report for the prescri*ed medical tests reg)larl+ to protect their o$n health. 1. 0edical facilities and records of examinations and tests D1E &he occ)pier of ever+ factor+ in s)ch electrol+tic processes are carried on shallDaE emplo+ a 9)alified medical practitioner for medical s)rveillance of the $or8ers emplo+ed therein $hose appointment shall *e s)*@ect to the approval of the 4hief 2nspector of -actoriesO D*E provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessar+ facilities for the p)rpose referred in cla)se DaEO and DcE maintain a s)fficient s)ppl+ of s)ita*le *arrier cream, ointment and 2mpermea*le $ater proof plaster ma separate *ox readil+ accessi*le to the $or8ers and )sed solel+ for the p)rpose of 8eeping these s)*stances. 2n case c+anides are )sed in the *ath, the *ox shall also contain an emergenc+ c+anide 8it. D2E &he medical practitioner shall examine all $or8ers *efore the+ are emplo+ed in electrol+tic processes. S)ch examination in case of chrome plating shall incl)de inspection of hands, forearms and nose and $ill *e carried o)t once at least in ever+ fortnight. D3E &he record of the examinations referred to in s)*-paragraph D2E shall *e maintained in a separate register approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector of -actories $hich shall *e 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection *+ the 2nspector. '. 0edical examination *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon- D1E 7ver+ $or8er emplo+ed in the electrol+tic processes shall *e examined *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon *efore his first emplo+ment. S)ch examination shall incl)de F-ra+ of the chest andDaE in case of chromi)m plating incl)de examination for nasel sept)m perforation and test for chromi)m in )rineO D*E in case of nic8el plating, test for nic8el in )rineO and DcE in case of cadmi)m plating, test for cadmi)m in )rine and microglo*)llin in )rine. D2E .o $or8er shall *e emplo+ed in an+ electrol+tic process )nless certified fit for s)ch emplo+ment *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon. D3E 7ver+ $or8er emplo+ed in the electrol+tic processes shall *e re-examined *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon at least once in ever+ +ear, except in case of the $or8ers emplo+ed in cadmi)m, chromi)m and nic8el plating processes for $hom this examination shall *e carried o)t once in ever+ six months. S)ch re-examination shall, $herever the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon considers appropriate, incl)de tests as specified )nder s)*-paragraph D1E excl)ding the F-ra+ of the chest $hich shall not *e re9)ired normall+ to *e carried o)t earlier than once in three +ears. D4E &he 4ertif+ing S)rgeon after examining a $or8er, shall iss)e a 4ertificate of -itness in -orm 5. &he record of examination and re-examination carried o)t shall *e 8ept in the c)stod+ of the manager of the factor+. &he record of each examination carried o)t )nder s)*paragraphs D1E and D2E, incl)ding the nat)re and the res)lts of the tests, shall also *e entered *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon in a health register in -orm 1".

D5E &he certificate of -itness and the health register shall *e 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection *+ the 2nspector. D!E 2f at an+ time the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon is of the opinion that a $or8er is no longer fit for emplo+ment in the electrol+tic processes on the gro)nd that contin)ance therein $o)ld involve danger to the health of the $or8er, he shall ma8e a record of his findings in the said certificate and the health register. &he entr+ of his findings in those doc)ments sho)ld also incl)de the period for $hich he considers that the said person is )nfit for $or8 in the said processes. &he person declared )nfit in s)ch circ)mstances shall *e provided $ith alternate placement facilit+ )nless he is f)ll+ incapacitated in the opinion of the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon, in $hich case the person affected shall *e s)ita*l+ reha*ilitated. D"E .o person $ho has *een fo)nd )nfit to $or8 as said in s)*-paragraph D!E shall *e reemplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in the said processes )nless the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon, after f)rther examination, again certifies him fit for emplo+ment in those processes.

S467D: 7 222 0an)fact)re and repair of electric acc)m)lators 1. Savings- &his sched)le shall not appl+ to the man)fact)re or repair of electric acc)m)lators or parts thereof not containing lead or an+ compo)nd of leadO or to the repair on the premises of an+ acc)m)lator forming part of a stationar+ *atter+. 2. Definitions- -or the p)rposes of this Sched)le=DaE I ead (rocess I means the melting of lead or an+ material containing casting, pasting, lead *)rning, or an+ other $or8 incl)ding trimming, or other a*rading or c)tting of pasted plates, involving the )se, movement or manip)lation of, or contact $ith, an+ oxide of lead. D*E I0anip)lation of ra$ oxide of leadI means an+ lead process involving an+ manip)lation on movement of ra$ oxides of lead other than its conve+s in a receptacle or *+ means of an implement from one operation to another DcE IS)spensionI means s)spension from emplo+ment in an+ lead process $ritten certificates in the 6ealth #egister D-orm 1"E signed *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon, $ho shall have po$er of s)spension as regards all persons emplo+ed in an+ s)ch process. 3. (rohi*ition relating to $omen and +o)ng persons-.o $oman or +o)ng person shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in an+ lead process or an+ room in $hich the manip)lation of ra$ oxide of lead or pasting is carried on.

4. Separation of certain processes- 7ach of the follo$ing processes shall *e carried on in s)ch a manner and )nder s)ch conditions as to sec)re effect)al separation from one another, and from an+ other process. DaE 0anip)lation of ra$ oxide of leadO D*E (astingO DcE Dr+ing of pasted platesO DdE -ormation $ith lead *)rning DItrac8ingIE necessaril+ carried on in connection there$ithO DeE 0elting do$n of pasted plates. 5. Air Space-- 2n ever+ room in $hich a lead process is carried on, there shall *e at least 5,, c)*ic feet of air space for each person emplo+ed therein and in comp)ting this air space no height over 12 feet shall *e ta8en into acco)nt. !. ;entilation- 7ver+ $or8-room shall *e provided $ith inlets and o)t of ade9)ate siAe as to sec)re and maintain efficient ventilation in all parts of room. ". Distance *et$een $or8ers in pasting room- 2n ever+ pasting room the distance *et$een the centre of the $or8ing position of an+ paster and that of the paster $or8ing nearest to him shall not *e less than six feet.

%. -loor of $or8-rooms- D1E &he floor of ever+ room in $hich a lead process iscarried on shall *eDaE /f cement or similar material so as to *e smooth and impervio)s to $aterO D*E 0aintained in so)nd conditionO DcE ?ept free from materials, plant or other o*str)ction not re9)ired for or prod)ced in the process carried on in the room. D2E 2n all s)ch rooms other than grid casting shop the floor shall *e cleaned dail+ after *eing thoro)ghl+ spra+ed $ith $ater at a time $hen no other $or8 is *eing carried on in the room. D3E 2n grid casting shops the floor shall *e cleansed dail+. D4E 5itho)t pre@)dice to the re9)irements of s)*-paragraphs D1E D2E and D3E, $here manip)lation of ra$ oxide of lead or pasting is carried on, the floor shall also *e-

DaE ?ept constantl+ moist $hile $or8 is *eing doneO D*E (rovided $ith s)ita*le and ade9)ate arrangements for drainageO DcE thoro)ghl+ $ashed dail+ *+ means of a ho)se pipe. '. 5or8-*enches- &he $or8-*enches at $hich an+ lead process is carried on shallDaE have smooth s)rface and *e maintained in so)nd conditionO D*E *e 8ept free from all material or plant not re9)ired for, or prod)ced in the process carried on thereatO and all s)ch $or8-*enches other than those in grid casting shops shallDcE *e cleansed dail+ either after *eing thoro)ghl+ damped or *+ means of a s)ction cleaning apparat)s at a time $hen no other $or8 is *eing carried on thereat and all s)ch $or8-*enches in grids casting shops, shallDdE *e cleansed dail+O and ever+ $or8-*ench )sed for pasting shallDeE *e covered thro)gho)t $ith sheet lead or other impervio)s materialO DfE *e provided $ith raised edgesO DgE *e 8ept constantl+ moist $hile pasting is *eing carried on. 1,. 7xha)st dra)ght- &he follo$ing processes shall not *e carried on $itho)t the )se of an efficient exha)st dra)ghtDaE 0elting of lead or materials containing leadO D*E 0anip)lation of ra$ oxide of lead, )nless done in an enclose apparat)s so as to prevent the escape of d)st into the $or8-roomO -

DcE (astingO DdE &rimming, *r)shing, filing or an+ other a*rading or c)tting of pasted plates giving rise to d)stO DeE ead *)rning other thanO DiE Itac8ingI in the formation roomsO DiiE 4hemical *)rring for the ma8ing of lead linings for cell case necessaril+ carried on in s)ch a manner that the application efficient exha)st in impractica*le. S)ch exha)st dra)ght

shall *e affected *+ mechanical means and shall operate on the d)st or f)me given off as nearl+ as ma+ *e at its point of origin, so as prevent its entering the air of an+ room in $hich persons $or8. on 11. -)mes and gases from melting pots- &he prod)cts of com*)stion prod)ced in the heating of an+ melting pot shall not *e allo$ed to escape into room in $hich persons $or8. 12. 4ontainer for dross- A s)ita*le receptacle $ith tightl+, fitting cover shall *e provided and )sed for dross as it is removed from ever+ melting pot S)ch receptacle shall *e 8ept covered $hile in the $or8-room, except $hen dross is *eing deposited therein. 13. 4ontainer for lead $aste-- A s)ita*le receptacle shall *e provided in ever+ $or8-room in $hich old plates and $aste materials $hich ma+ give ris8 to d)st shall *e deposited. 14. #ac8s and Shelves in dr+ing room- &he rac8s or shelves provided in an+ dr+ing room shall not *e more than % feet from the floor nor more than 2 feet in $idthO provided that as regards rac8s or shelves set or dra$n from *oth sides the total $idth shall not exceed 4 feet. S)ch rac8s or shelves shall *e cleansed onl+ after *eing thoro)ghl+ damped )nless an efficient s)ction cleaning apparat)s is )sed for this p)rpose. 15. 0edical 7xaminationDaE 7ver+ person emplo+ed in a leap process shall *e examined *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ithin seven da+s preceding or follo$ing the date of his first emplo+ment in s)ch process and thereafter shall *e examined *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon once in ever+ calendar month or at s)ch other intervals as ma+ *e specified in $riting *+ the 4hief 2nspector, on a da+ of $hich d)e notice shall *e given to all concerned. L-irst 7mplo+mentL means first emplo+ment in a lead process in the factor+ or $or8shop and also re-emplo+ment therein in a lead process follo$ing an+ < cessation of emplo+ment in s)ch process for a period exceeding three calendar months. D*E A 6ealth #egister in -orm .o.1" containing the names of all persons emplo+ed in a lead process shall *e 8ept.

DcE .o person after s)spension shall *e emplo+ed in a lead process $itho)t $ritten sanction from the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon entered in or attached to the 6ealth #egister. 1!. (rotective clothing- (rotective clothing shall *e provided and maintained in good repair for all persons emplo+ed in-

DaE manip)lation of ra$ oxide of leadO D*E pastingO DcE the formation roomO and s)ch clothing shall *e $orn *+ the persons concerned. &he protective clothing shall consist of a $aterproof apron and $aterproof foot$earO and also as regards persons emplo+ed in the manip)lation of ra$ oxide of lead or in pasting head coverings. &he head coverings shall *e $ashed dail+. 1". 0ess #oom- &here shall *e placed and maintained for the )se of all persons emplo+ed in a lead process and remaining on the premises d)ring the mean intervals, a s)ita*le messroom, $hich shall *e f)rnished $ith GaE s)fficient ta*les and *enches, and D*E ade9)ate means for $arming food. &he mess-room shall *e provided )nder the charge of a responsi*le person and shall *e 8ept clean. 1%. 4loa8-#oom- &here shall *e provided and maintained for the )se of all persons, emplo+ed in a lead processDaE a cloa8-room for clothing p)t off d)ring $or8ing ho)rs $ith ade9)ate arrangements for dr+ing the clothing if $et. S)ch accommodation shall *e separate from an+ mess-roomO D*E separate and s)ita*le arrangements for the storage of protective clothing provided )nder paragraph 1!. 1'. 5ashing facilities- &here shall *e provided and maintained in a clean state and in good repair for the )se of all persons emplo+ed in a lead processDaE A $ash-place )nder cover, $ith eitherDiE a tro)gh $ith a smooth impervio)s s)rface fitted $ith a $aste pipe, $itho)t pl)g and of s)fficient length to allo$ of at least t$o feet for ever+ five s)ch persons emplo+ed at an+one time, and having a constant s)ppl+ of $ater from taps or @ets a*ove the tro)gh at intervals of not more than t$o feetO or DiiE at least one $ash *asin for ever+ five s)ch persons emplo+ed at an+one time, fitted $ith a $aste pipe and pl)g and having a constant s)ppl+ of $ater laid onO DiiiE a s)fficient s)ppl+ of clean to$els made of s)ita*le rene$ed dail+, $hich s)ppl+, in the case of pasters and emplo+ed in the manip)lation of ra$ oxide of lead, shall incl)de a separate mar8ed to$el for each s)ch $or8erO

DivE a s)fficient s)ppl+ to soap or other s)ita*le cleansing material and of nail *r)shes. D*E &here shall in addition *e provided means of $ashing in close proximit+ to the rooms in $hich manip)lation of ra$ oxide of lead or pasting is carried on, if re9)ired *+ notice in $riting from the 4hief 2nspector.. 2,. &ime to *e allo$ed for $ashing- 1efore each meal and *efore the end of the da+Ls $or8, at least ten min)tes, in addition to the reg)lar meal times shall *e allo$ed for $ashing to each person $ho has *een emplo+ed in the manip)lation of ra$ oxide of lead or in pastingO (rovided that if there *e one *asin or t$o feet of tro)gh for each s)ch person this #)le shall not appl+. 21. -acilities for *athing- S)fficient *atch accommodation to the satisfaction of the 4hief 2nspector shall *e provided for all persons engaged in the manip)lation of ra$ oxide of lead or in pasting, and a s)fficient s)ppl+ of soap and clean to$els. 22. -ood, drin8s, etc. prohi*ited in $or8-rooms- .o food, drin8, pan and s)pari or to*acco shall *e cons)med or *ro)ght *+ an+ $or8er into an+ $or8-room in $hich an+ lead process is carried on. S467D: 7 2; 4lass 0an)fact)re 1. 7xemption- 2f the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied in respect of an+ factor+ or an+ class of process that, o$ing to the special methods of $or8 or the special conditions in a factor+ or other$ise an+ of the re9)irements of this Sched)le can *e s)spended or relaxed $itho)t danger to the persons emplo+ed therein or that the application of this Sched)le or an+ part thereof is for an+ reason impractica*le, he ma+ *e certificate in $riting a)thorise s)ch s)spension or relaxation as ma+ *e indicated in the certificate lor s)ch period and on s)ch conditions as he ma+ thin8 fit. 2. Definition- -or the p)rpose of this Sched)leDaE I7fficient exha)st dra)ghtI means, localised ventilation effected *+ mechanical means, for the removal of gas, vapo)r d)st or f)mes so as to prevent them Das far as practica*le )nder the atmospheric conditions, )s)all+ prevailingE from escaping into the air of an+ place in $hich $or8 is carried on. .o dra)ght shall *e deemed efficient $hich fails to remove smo8e generated at the point $here s)ch gas, vapo)r, f)me or d)st originate. D*E L1..ead compo)ndI means an+ compo)nd of lead other than galena $hich, $hen treated in the manner descri*ed *elo$, +ields to an a9)eo)s sol)tion of h+drochloric acid a 9)antit+ of sol)*le lead compo)nd exceeding, $hen calc)lated as lead monoxide five per cent of the dr+ $eight of the portion ta8en for anal+sis. &he method of treatment shall *e as follo$s =- A $eighted 9)antit+ of the material $hich has *een dried at 1,,U and thoro)ghl+ mixed shall *e contin)o)sl+ sha8en for one ho)r a the common temperat)re $ith 1,,,, times its $eight of

an a9)eo)s sol)tion of h+drochloric acid containing ,.25 per cent, *+ $eight h+drogen chloride. &his sol)tion shall thereafter *e allo$ed to stand for one ho)r and than filtered. &he lead salt contained in the clear filtrate shall then *e precipitated as lead s)lphide and $eighed as lead s)lphate. DcE IS)spensionI means s)spension from emplo+ment in an+ process specified in paragraph 3 *+ $ritten certificate in the 6ealth #egister -orm .o. 1" signed *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ho shall have po$er of s)spension as regards all persons emplo+ed in an+ s)ch process. 3. 7xha)st dra)ght- &he follo$ing processes shall not *e carried on except )nder an efficient exha)st dra)ght or )nder s)ch other conditions as ma+ *e approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector =DaE &he mixing of ra$ materials to form a I*atch IO D*E &he dr+ grinding, glaAing and polishing of glass or an+ article of glassO DcE All process in $hich h+drofl)oric acid f)mes or ammoniacal vapo)rs are given offO DdE All process in the ma8ing of f)rnace mo)lds or Ipots I incl)ding the grinding or cr)shing of )sed IpotsIO DeE All processes involving the )se of a dr+ lead compo)nd. 4. (rohi*ition relating to $omen and +o)ng persons- .o $omen or +o)ng person shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in an+ of the operations specified in paragraph 3 or at an+ place $here s)ch operations are carried on. 5. -loors and $or8-*enches- &he floor and $or8-*enches of ever+ room in $hich a dr+ compo)nd of lead is manip)lated or in $hich an+ process is *eing carried on giving off silica d)st shall *e 8ept moist and shall compl+ $ith the follo$ing re9)irements&he floors shall *eDaE of cement or similar material so as to *e smooth and impervio)s to $aterO D*E maintained in so)nd conditionO and DcE cleansed dail+ after *eing thoro)ghl+ spra+ed $ith $ater at a time $hen no other $or8 is *eing carried on in the room. &he $or8-*enches shallDaE have smooth s)rface and *e maintained in so)nd conditionO and D*E *e cleansed dail+ either after *eing thoro)ghl+ damped or *+ meal of a s)ction cleaning apparat)s at a time $hen no other $or8 is *eing carried on throat.

!. :se of h+drofl)oric acid- &he follo$ing provisions shall appl+ to rooms in $hich glass is treated $ith h+drofl)oric acidDaE &here shall *e inlets and o)tlets of ade9)ate siAe so as to sec)re a maintain efficient ventilation in all parts of the roomO D*E &he floor shall *e covered $ith g)tia-percha and *e tight and shall slope gentl+ do$n to a covered drainO DcE &he $or8 places shall *e so enclosed in pro@ecting hoods that openings re9)ired for *ringing in the o*@ects to *e treated shall *e practica*leO and DdE &he efficient exha)st dra)ght shall *e so contrived that the gases a exha)sted do$n$ards. ". Storage and transport of 6+drofl)oric Acid- 6+drofl)oric acid Shall not *e stored or transported except in c+linders or receptacles made of lead r)**er. %. 1lo$-pipes- 7ver+ glass *lo$er shall *e provided $ith a separate *lo$ pipe *earing the disting)ishing mar8 of the person to $hom it is iss)ed and s)ita*le facilities shall *e readil+ availa*le to ever+ glass *lo$er for steriliAing his *lo$-pipe. '. -ood, drin8s etc. prohi*ited in $or8-rooms- .o food, drin8, pan and s)pari or to*acco shall *e *ro)ght into or cons)med *+ an+ $or8er in an+ room or $or8-place $herein an+ process specified in paragraph 3 is carried on. 1,. (rotective clothing- &he occ)pier shall provide, maintain in go repair and 8eep in a clean condition for the )se of all persons emplo+ed in the processes specified in paragraph 3 s)ita*le protective clothing, foot-$ear a goggles according to the nat)re of the $or8 and s)ch clothing foot$ear, etc., shall *e $orn *+ the persons concerned. 11. 5ashing facilities- &here shall *e provided and maintained in a clean1+ state and good repair for the )se of all persons emplo+ed in the processes specified in paragraph 3. DaE a $ash place $ith eitherDiE a tro)gh $ith a smooth impervio)s s)rface fitted $ith a $aste pipe, $itho)t pl)g, and of s)fficient length to allo$ of at least t$o feet for ever+ five s)ch persons emplo+ed at an+ one time and having a constant s)ppl+ of $ater from taps or @ets a*ove the tro)gh at intervals of not more than 2 feetO or

DiiE at least one $ash *asin for ever+ five s)ch persons emplo+ed a an+one time, fitted $ith $aste pipe and pl)g and having ade9)ate s)ppl+ of $ater laid on or al$a+s readil+ availa*leO an D*E a s)fficient s)ppl+ of clean to$els made of s)ita*le material rene$ed dail+ $ith a s)fficient s)ppl+ of soap or other s)ita*le cleansing material and of nail *r)shesO and

DcE a s)fficient n)m*er of stand pipes $ith taps-the n)m*er an location of s)ch stand pipes shall *e to the satisfaction of the 4hie 2nspector. 12. 0edical 7xaminationDaE 7ver+ person emplo+ed in an+ process specified in paragraph 3 shall *e examined *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ithin seven da+s preceding or follo$ing the date of his first emplo+ment in s)ch process an thereafter shall *e examined *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon once in ever calendar month or at s)ch other intervals as ma+ *e specified $riting *+ the 4hief 2nspector on a da+ of $hich d)e notice shall *e given to all concerned. D*E A 6ealth #egister in -orm .o.1" containing the names of all person emplo+ed in an+ process specified in paragraph 3 shall *e 8ept. DcE .o person after s)spension shall *e emplo+ed in an+ process specified in paragraph 3 $itho)t $ritten sanction from the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon entered in or attached to the 6ealth #egister . S467D: 7 ; Grinding or glaAing of metals and processes incidental thereto 1. Definition- -or the p)rposes of this Sched)leDaE IGrindstoneI means a grindHstone composed of nat)ral or man)fact)red sandstone *)t does not incl)de a metal $heel or c+linder into $hich *loc8s of nat)ral or man)fact)red sandstone are fitted. D*E IA*rasive $heelI means a $heel man)fact)red of *onded emer+ or similar a*rasive. DcE IGrindingI means the a*rasion, *+ aid of mechanical po$er, of meta *+ means of grindstone or a*rasive $heel. DdE IGlaAingI means the a*rading, polishing or finishing, *+ aid of mechanical po$er, of metal, *+ means of an+ $heel, *)ff mop or similar appliance to $hich an+ a*rading or polishing s)*stance is attached or applied. DeE I#acingI means the t)rning )p, c)tting or dressing of a revolving grindstone *efore it is *ro)ght into )se for the first time. DfE I6ac8ingI means the chipping of the s)rface of a grindstone *+ a 6ac8 of similar tool. DgE I#oddingI means the dressing of the s)rface of a revolving grind. stone *+ the application of rod, *ar or strip of metal to s)ch s)rface.

2. 7xceptions- D1E .othing in this Sched)le shall appl+ to an+ factor+ in $hich onl+ repairs are carried on except an+ part thereof in $hich one or more persons are $holl+ or mainl+ emplo+ed in the grinding or glaAing of metals. D2E .othing in this Sched)le except paragraph 4 shall appl+ to an+ grinding or glaAing of metals carried on intermittentl+ and at $hich no person is emplo+ed for more than 12 ho)rs in an+ $ee8. D3E &he 4hief 2nspector ma+ *+ certificate in $riting s)*@ect to s)ch conditions as he ma+ specif+ therein, relax or s)spend an+ of the provisions of this Sched)le in respect of an+ factor+ if o$ing to the special methods of $or8 or other$ise s)ch relaxation or s)spension is practica*le $itho)t danger to the health or safet+ of the persons emplo+ed. 3. 79)ipment for removal of d)st- .o racing,. dr+ grinding or glaAing shall *e performed $itho)t =DaE A hood or other appliance so constr)cted arranged, placed and maintained as s)*stantiall+ to intercept the d)st thro$n offO and D*E A d)ct of ade9)ate siAe, air tight and so arranged as to *e capa*le of carr+ing a$a+ the d)st, $hich d)ct shall *e 8ept free from o*str)ction and shall *e provided $ith proper means of access for inspection and cleaning, and $here practica*le $ith a connection at the end remote from the fan to ena*le the 2nspector to attach thereto an+ instr)ment necessar+ for ascertaining the press)re of air in the said d)ctO and DcE A fan or other efficient means of prod)cing a dra)ght s)fficient to extract the d)stO . (rovided that the 4hief 2nspector ma+ accept an+ other appliance that is, in his opinion, as effect)al for the interception, removal and disposal of d)st thro$n of as a hood, d)st and fan $o)ld *e. 4. #estriction on emplo+ment on grinding operations- .ot more than one person shall at an+ time perform the act)al process of grinding or glaAing )pon a grindstone, a*rasive $heel or glaAing appliance. (rovided that this paragraph shall not prohi*it the emplo+ment of persons to assist in the manip)lation of heav+ or *)l8+ articles at an+ s)ch grindstone, a*rasive $heel or glaAing appliance. 5. GlaAing- GlaAing or other processes, except processes incidental to $et grinding )pto a grindstone shall not *e carried on in an+ room in $hich $et grinding )pon a grindstone is done. !. 6ac8ing and rodding- 6ac8ing or roddings shall not *e done )nless d)ring process either DaE an ade9)ate s)ppl+ of $ater is laid on at the )pper s)rface of the grindstone or D*E ade9)ate appliances for the interception of d)st 2re provided in accordance $ith the re9)irements of paragraph 3. ". 7xamination of d)st e9)ipment-

DaE All e9)ipment for the extraction or s)ppression of d)st shall at least once in ever+ six months *e examined and tested *+ a competent person and an+ defect disclosed *+ s)ch examination and test shall *e rectified as soon as practica*le. D*E DA register containing partic)lars of s)ch examination and test shall *e 8ept in -orm .o. 1"AE.

S467D: 7 ;2 0an)fact)re and treatment of lead and certain compo)nds of lead 1. 7xemptions- 5here the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that all or an+ of the provisions of this Sched)le are not necessar+ for the protection of the persons emplo+ed he ma+ *+ certificate in $riting exempt an+ factor+ from all or an+ of s)ch provisions, s)*@ect to s)ch conditions as he ma+ specif+ therein. 2. Definition- -or the p)rposes of this Sched)leDaE I ead 4ompo)ndI means an+ compo)nd of lead other than galena $hich $hen treated in the manner descri*ed *elo$ L+ields to an a9)eo)s sol)tion of h+drochloric acid, a 9)antit+ of sol)*le lead compo)nd exceeding, $hen calc)lated as lead monoxide, five percent, of the dr+ $eight of the portion ta8en for anal+sis. 2n the case of paints and similar prod and other mixt)res containing oil or fat the Idr+ $eightI means the dr+ $eight of the material remaining after the s)*stance has *een thoro)ghl+ mixed and treated $ith s)ita*le solvents to remove oil, fats, varnish or other media. &he method of treatment shall *e as follo$s=A $eighed 9)antit+ of the material $hich has *een dried at 1,,U4 and thoro)ghl+ mixed shall *e contin)o)sl+ sha8en for one ho)r, at the common temperat)re $ith 1,,,, times its $eight of an a9)eo)s sol)tion of h+drochloric acid containing ,.25 per cent *+ $eight of h+drogen chloride. &his sol)tion shall thereafter *e allo$ed to stand for one ho)r and then filtered. &he lead salt contained in the clear filtrate shall then *e precipitated as lead s)lphide and $eighted as lead s)lphate. D*E I7fficient exha)st dra)ghtI means, localised ventilation effected *+ the heat or mechanical means, for the removal of gas vapo)r,d)st or f)mes so as to prevent them Das far as practica*le )nder the atmospheric conditions )s)all+ prevailingE from escaping in to the air on an+place in $hich $or8 is carried on. .o dra)ght shall deemed efficient $hich fails to remove smo8e generated at the point $here s)ch gas, vapo)r, f)mes or d)st originate. l3. Application- &his Sched)le shall appl+ to all factories or parts of factories in $hich an+ of the follo$ing operations are carried on=DaE 5or8 at a f)rnace $here the red)ction of treatment of Ainc or lead ores is carried on.

D*E &he manip)lation, treatment or red)ction of ashes containing lead, the desilversing of lead or the melting of scrap lead or Ainc. DcE &he man)fact)re of solder or allo+s containing more than ten per cent of lead. DdE &he man)fact)re of an+ oxide car*onate, s)lphate, chromate acetate, nitrate or silicate of lead. DeE 6andling or mixing of lead tetra-eth+l. DfE An+ other operation involving the )se of a lead compo)nd. DgE &he cleaning of $or8-rooms $here an+ of the operations aforesaid are carried on. 4. (rohi*ition relating to $omen and +o)ng persons- .o $oman or +o)ng person shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in an+ of the operations specified in paragraph 3. 5. #e9)irements to *e o*served- .o person shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in an+ process involving the )se of lead compo)nds if the process is s)ch that d)st or f)me from a lead compo)nd is prod)ced therein, or the persons emplo+ed therein are lia*le to *e splashed $ith an+ lead compo)nd in the co)rse of their emplo+ment )nless the provisions of paragraph ! to 14 are complied $ith. !. 7xha)st dra)ght- 5here d)st, f)me, gas or vapo)r is prod)ced in the process, provision shall *e made for removing them *+ means of an efficient exha)st dra)ght so contrived as to operate on the d)st, f)me, gas or vapo)r as possi*le to the point of origin. ". 4ertificate of fitness- A person medicall+ examined )nder paragraph % and fo)nd fit for emplo+ment shall *e granted *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon a certificate of fitness in -orm .o.2% and s)ch certificate shall *e in the c)stod+ of the 0anager of the factor+. &he certificate shal*e 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection *+ an+ 2nspector and person granted s)ch a certificate shall carr+ $ith him, $hile at $or8, a to8en giving reference to s)ch certificate. %. 0edical 7xamination- D1E &he person so emplo+ed shall *e medicall+ examined *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ithin 14 da+s of his first emplo+ment, in s)ch process and thereafter shall *e examined *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon at intervals of not more than three months, and a record of s)ch examinations shall *e entered *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon in the special certificate of fitness granted )nder paragraph ". D2E 2f at an+ time the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon is of opinion that an+ person is no longer fit for emplo+ment on the gro)nds that contin)ance therein $o)ld involve special danger to health, he shall cancel the special certificate of fitness of that person. D3E .o person $hose speical certificate of fitness has *een cancelled shall *e emplo+ed )nless the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon, after re-examination, again certifies him to *e fit for emplo+ment.

'. -ood, drin8s, etc. prohi*ited in $or8-rooms- .o food, drin8, pan and s)pari or to*acco shall *e *ro)ght into or cons)med *+ an+ $or8er in an+ $or8-room in $hich the process is carried on and no person shall remain in an+ s)ch room d)ring intervals for meals or rest. 1,. (rotective clothing- S)ita*le protective overalls and head coverings shall *e provided, maintained and 8ept clean *+ the factor+ occ)pier and s)ch overalls and head covering shall *e $orn *+ the persons emplo+ed. 11. 4leanliness of $or8-rooms, tools etc.- &he rooms in $hich the persons are emplo+ed and all tools and apparat)s )sed *+ them shall *e 8ept in a clean state. 12. 5ashing facilities- D1E &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain for the )se of all persons emplo+ed s)ita*le $ashing facilities consisting of =DaE a tro)gh $ith a smooth impervio)s s)rface fitted $ith a $aste pipe $itho)t pl)gs and of s)fficient length to allo$ at least t$o feet for ever+ ten persons emplo+ed at an+one time, and having a constant s)ppl+ of clean $ater from taps of @ets a*ove the tro)gh at intervals of not more than t$o feetO or D*E at least one $ash-*asin for ever+ ten persons emplo+ed at an+one = time, fitted $ith a $aste pipe and pl)g and having constant s)ppl+ of clean $aterO together $ith, in either case, a s)fficient s)ppl+ of nail *r)shes, soap or other s)ita*le cleansing materials and clean to$els. D2E &he facilities so provided shall *e placed )nder the charge of a responsi*le person and shall *e 8ept clean. 13. 0ess-room or 4anteen- &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain for the )se of the persons emplo+ed s)ita*le ade9)ate arrangements for ta8ing their meals. &he arrangements shall consist of the )se of a room separate from an+ $or8room $hich shall *e f)rnished $ith s)fficient ta*les and *enches, and )nless a canteen serving hot meals is to *e provided, $ith ade9)ate means of $arming food. &he room shall *e ade9)atel+ ventilated *+ the circ)lation of fresh air, shall *e placed )nder the charge of a responsi*le person and shall *e 8ept clean. 14. 4loa8-room- &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain for the )se of persons emplo+ed s)ita*le accommodation for clothing not $orn d)ring $or8ing ho)rs, and for the dr+ing of $et clothing.

S467D: 7 ;22 Generating petrol gas from dangero)s petrole)m as defined in the (etrole)m Act, 1'34 1. (rohi*ition relating to $omen and +o)ng persons- .o $omen or +o)ng persons shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in or shall *e allo$ed to enter an+ *)ilding in $hich the generating of petrol gas from dangero)s petrole)m as defined in the (etrole)m Act, 1'34 is carried on.

2. -lame trapes- &he plant for generating petrol gas from dangero)sL petrole)m as defined in the (etrole)m Act, 1'34 and associated piping and fittings shall *e fitted $ith at least t$o efficient flame traps so designed and maintained as to prevent a flash *ac8 from an+ *)rner to the plant. /ne of these traps shall *e fitted as close to the plant as possi*le. &he plant and all pipes and valves shall *e installed and maintained free from lea8s. 3. Generating *)ilding or room- All plants for generating petrol gas from dangero)s petrole)m as defined in the (etrole)m Act, 1'34 erected after the coming into force of the provisions specified in this sched)le, shall *e erected o)tside the factor+ *)ilding proper in a separate $ell ventilated *)ilding 31erein after referred to as the Igenerating *)ildingIE. 2n the case of s)ch plant erected *efore the coming into force of the provisions specified in this Sched)le there shall *e no direct comm)nication *et$een the room $here s)ch plants are erected 31ereinafter referred to as Ithe generating roomIE and the remainder of the factor+ *)ilding. So far as practica*le all s)ch generating rooms shall *e constr)cted of fire resisting materials. 4. -ire exting)ishers- An efficient means of exting)ishing petrol fires shall *e maintained in an easil+ accessi*le position near the plant for generating petrol gas from dangero)s petrole)m as defined in the (etrole)m Act, 1'34. 5. (lant to *e approved *+ 4hief 2nspector- (etrol gas shall not *e man)fact)red except in a plant for generating petrol gas, the design and constr)ction of $hich has *een approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector. , !. 7scape of petrol- 7ffective steps shall *e ta8en to prevent petrol from escaping into an+ drain or se$er. ". (rohi*ition relating to smo8ing etc.- .o person shall smo8e or carr+ matches, fire or na8ed light or other means of prod)cing a na8ed light of spar8 in the generating room or *)ilding or in the vicinit+ thereof and a $arning notice in the lang)age )nderstood *+ the ma@orit+ of the $or8ers shall *e pasted in the factor+ prohi*iting smo8ing and the carr+ing of matches, fire or na8ed light other means of prod)cing a na8ed light or spar8 into s)ch room or *)ilding. %. Access to petrol or container- .o )na)thorised person shall have access to an+ petrol or to a vessel containing or having act)all+ contained petrol. '. 7lectric fittings- All electric fittings shall *e of flame-proof constr)ction and all electric cond)ctors shall either *e enclosed in metal cond)its or *e leadsheathed. 1,. 4onstr)ction of doors- All doors in the generating room or *)ilding shall *e constr)cted to open o)t$ards or to slide and no door shall *e loc8ed or o*str)cted or fastened in s)ch a manner that it cannot *e easil+ and immediatel+ opened from the inside $hile gas is *eing generated and an+ person is $or8ing in the generating room or *)ilding. 11. #epair of containers- .o vessel that has contained petrol shall *e repaired in a generating room or *)ilding and no repairs to an+ s)ch vessel shall *e )nderta8en )nless live steam has *een *lo$n into the vessel and )ntil the interior is thoro)ghl+ steamed o)t or other e9)all+

effective steps have *een ta8en to ens)re that it has *een rendered free from petrol or inflamma*le vapo)r. S467D: 7 ;222 4leaning or smoothing of articles *+ a @et of sand, metal shot or grit or other a*rasive propelled *+ a *last of compressed air or steam 1. Definition- -or the p)rposes of this sched)leD. ISand *lastingI means the *lasting of an+ articles *+ a @et of sand, metal shot grit or other a*rasive. 2. Sand *lasting to *e done in enclosed cham*er- Sand *lasting shall not *e done in room except in an enclosed cham*er or ca*inet in $hich no other $or8 is performed and at $hich efficient means are provided, arranged and maintained to prevent the escape of d)st to the o)tside of s)ch cham*er or ca*inet. 3. (rohi*ition relating to emplo+ment of $omen and +o)ng persons.o $oman or +o)ng person shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 at an+ operation of sand *lasting. 4. (rotective e9)ipment- D1E )nless he is $earing a s)ita*le protective helmet and ga)ntlets=DaE no person shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 at *lasting in the open air or $or8 $ithin thirt+ feet of sand *lasting apparat)s in operation in the open airO and D*E no person shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 or allo$ed in a sand *lasting cham*er $hilst the sand *lasting apparat)s is in operation. D2E &he occ)pier of the factor+ shall provide and maintain in good condition all helmets, overalls and ga)ntlets that are necessar+ to compl+ $ith the re9)irements of this Sched)le. D3E 7ver+ protective helmet, shall carr+ the disting)ishing mar8 of the person *+ $hom it is to *e )sed and shall *e provided $ith s)fficient s)ppl+ of p)re air for *reathing and ventilation, together $ith s)ita*le arrangements to permit the escape of the expired air. D4E .o person shall $ear a protective helmet that has *een $orn *+ another person )nless s)ch protective helmet shall have *een thoro)ghl+ disinfected. D5E All persons engaged in sand *lasting $hile at $or8 shall $ear the protective e9)ipment provided )nder the provisions of this paragraph. S467D: 7 2F iming and tanning of ra$ hides and s8ins and processes incidental thereto

1. 4a)tionar+ notices- D1E 4a)tionar+ notices as to anthrax in the form specified *+ the 4hief 2nspector shall *e affixed in prominent positions in the factor+ $here the+ ma+ *e easil+ and convenientl+ read *+ the persons emplo+ed. D2E A cop+ of a $arning notice as to anthrax in the form specified *+ the 4hief 2nspector shall *e given to each person emplo+ed $hen he is engagedI and s)*se9)entl+ if still emplo+ed on the first da+ of each calender +ear. D3E 4a)tionar+ notices as to the effects of chrome on the s8in shall *e affixed in prominent positions in ever+ factor+ in $hich chrome sol)tions are )sed and s)ch notice shall *e so placed as to *e easil+ and convenientl+ read *+ the persons emplo+ed. D4E .otices shall *e affixed in prominent places in the factor+ stating the position of the I-irst AidI *ox or c)p*oard and the name of the person in charge of s)ch *ox or c)p*oard. D5E 2f an+ person emplo+ed in the factor+ is illiterate, effective steps shall *e ta8en to explain caref)ll+ to s)ch illiterate person the contents of the notice specified in paragraph 1, 2 and 4 if chrome sol)tions are )sed in the factor+, the contents of the notice specified in paragraph 3. 2. (rotective clothing- &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain in good condition the follo$ing articles of protective clothing=DaE $ater proof foot$ear, leg coverings, aprons and gloves for persons emplo+ed in processes involving contact $ith chrome sol)tions, incl)ding the preparation of s)ch sol)tionsO D*E glove and *oots for persons emplo+ed in lime +ardO and DcE protective foot$ear, aprons and gloves for persons emplo+ed in processes involving the handling of hides or s8ins, other than in processes specified in cla)ses DaE and D*E. (rovided thatDiE the gloves, aprons, leg coverings or *oots ma+ *e of r)**er or leather *)t the gloves and *oots to *e provided )nder s)*-cla)ses DaE and D*E shall *e of r)**erO DiiE the gloves ma+ not *e provided to persons fleshing *+ hand or emplo+ed in processes in $hich there is no ris8 of contact $ith lime, sodi)m s)lphide or other ca)stic li9)or .

3. 5ashing facilities, mess-room and cloa8-room- &here shall *e provided and maintained in a clean state and in good repair for the )se of all persons emplo+edDaE a tro)gh $ith a smooth impervio)s s)rface fitted $ith a $aste pipe $itho)t pl)g, and of s)fficient length to allo$ at least t$o feet for ever+ ten persons emplo+ed at an+one time, and having a constant s)ppl+ of $ater from taps or @ets a*ove the tro)gh at interval of not more than t$o feetO or

D*E at least one $ash *asin for ever+ ten s)ch persons emplo+ed at an+ one time, fitted $ith a $aste pipe and pl)g and having a constant s)ppl+ of $ater together $ith either case, a s)fficient s)ppl+ of nail *r)shes, soap or other s)ita*le cleansing material, and clean to$elsO DcE a s)ita*le mess-room, ade9)ate for the n)m*er remaining on the premises d)ring the meal intervals, $hich shall *e f)rnished $ith D1E s)fficient ta*les and *enches and D2E ade9)ate means for $arming food and for *oiling $ater . &he mess-room shall D1E *e separate from an+ room or shed in $hich hides or s8ins are stored, treated or manip)lated, D2E *e separate from the cloa8-room, and D3E *e placed )nder the charge of a responsi*le personO DdE s)ita*le accommodation for clothing p)t off d)ring $or8ing ho)rs and another accommodation for protective clothing and shall also ma8e ade9)ate arrangements for dr+ing )p the clothing in *oth the cases, if $et.. &he accommodation so provided shall *e 8ept clean at all times and placed )nder the charge of responsi*le person. 4. -ood, drin8s etc. prohi*ited in $or8-rooms- .o food, drin8, pan and s)pari or to*acco shall *e *ro)ght into or cons)med *+ an+ $or8er in an+ $or8- room or shed in $hich hides and s8illed are stored, treated or manip)lated. -irst aid arrangements- &he occ)pier shallDaE arrange for an inspection of the hands of all persons coming into $ith chrome sol)tions to *e made t$ice a $ee8 *+ a responsi*le personO D*E collapse or fail)re of a crance, derric8, $inch, hoist or other and impermea*le $aterproof plaster in a *ox readil+ accessi*le to the $or8er and )sed solel+ for the p)rpose of 8eeping the ointment and plaster. S467D: 7 F (rinting (resses and &+pe fo)ndries- 4ertain lead processes carried 20X 1. Definitions- -or the p)rpose of this Sched)leDaE I ead materialI means material containing not less than five per cent of leadO D*E I ead processI meansDiE the melting of lead or an+ lead material for casting and mechanical composingO DiiE and the re-charging of machines $ith )sed lead materialO or DiiiE an+ other $or8 incl)ding removal of dross from melting pots cleaning of pl)ngersO and DivE manip)lation, movement or other treatment of lead material I7fficient exha)st dra)ghtI means localised ventilation affected *+ heat or mechanical means, for the removal of gas vapo)r d)st or f)mes so as to preve2 them from escaping into

the air of an+ place in $hich $or8 is carried on. .o dra)ght shall *e deemed efficient $hich fails to remove gas, vapo)r, f)mes or d)st at the point $here the+ originate. 2. 7xha)st dra)ght- .one of the follo$ing processes shall *e carried on except $ithin efficient exha)st dra)ght =DaE 0elting lead material or sl)gsO D*E 6ealting lead material so that vapo)r containing lead is given offO or )nless carried on in s)ch a manner as to prevent free escape of gas, vapo) f)mes or d)st into an+ place in $hich $or8 is carried onO or )nless carried on in electricall+ heated and thermostaticall+ controlle melting pots. S)ch exha)st dra)ght shall *e affected *+ mechanical means and so contrive as to operate on the d)st, f)mes, gas or vapo)r given off as closel+ as ma+ *e at its point of origin. 3. (rohi*iton relating to $omen and +o)ng person- .o $omen or +o)r persons shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in an+ lead process. 4. Separation of certain processes- 7ach of the follo$ing processes shall *e carried on in s)ch a manner and )nder s)ch conditions as to sec)re effect)al separation from one another and from an+ other process =DaE melting of lead or an+ lead materialO D*E casting of lead ingotsO DcE mechanical composing. 5. 4ontainer for dross- A s)ita*le receptacle $ith tightl+ fitting cover she *e provided and )sed for dross as it is removed from ever+ melting pot. S)ch receptacle shall *e 8ept covered $hile in the $or8-room near the machine excel $hen the dross is *eing deposited therein. !. -loor of $or8-room- &he floor of ever+ $or8-room $here lead process is carried on shall *eDaE of cement or similar material so as to *e smooth and impervio)s to $aterO D*E maintained in so)nd conditionO and DcE shall *e cleaned thro)gh dail+ after *eing thoro)ghl+ damped $ith $ater at a time $hen no other $or8 is *eing carried on at the place ". 0ess-room- &here shall *e provided and maintained for the )se of all persons emplo+ed in a led process and remaining on the premises d)ring he meal intervals, a s)ita*le mess-room, $hich shall *e f)rnished $ith s)fficien ta*les and *enches. %. 5ashing facilities- &here shall *e provided and maintained in a clean state and in good repair for the )se of all persons emplo+ed in a lead process=-

DaE A $ash place $ith eitherDiE a tro)gh $ith a smooth impervio)s s)rface fitted $ith a $as pipe $itho)t pl)g, and of s)fficient length to allo$ at least t$o feet of ever+ five s)ch persons emplo+ed at an+one time, an having a constant s)ppl+ of $ater from taps or @ets a*ove he tro)gh at intervals of not more than 2 feetO or DiiiE at least one $ash *asin for ever+ five s)ch persons emplo+ed at an+one time, fitted $ith a $aste pipe and pl)g and having an ade9)ate s)ppl+ of $ater laid on or al$a+s readil+ availa*le and D*E A s)fficient s)ppl+ of clean to$els made of s)ita*le material rene$ed dail+ $ith a s)fficient s)ppl+ of soap or other s)ita*le cleansing material. '. 0edical 7xaminationDaE 7ver+ person emplo+ed in a lead process shall *e examined *+ he 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ithin 14 da+s of his first emplo+ment in s)ch processes and thereafter shall *e examined *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon at intervals of not more than 3 months, and a record of s)ch examinations shall *e entered *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon in the special certificate of fitness in -orm .o.2%. D*E A 6ealth register containing names of all persons emplo+ed in an+ lead process shall *e 8ept in -orm . ,. 1". DcE .o person after s)spension shall *e emplo+ed in a lead process $itho)t the $ritten sanction from the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon entered in the 6ealth #egister. 1,. -ood drin8s etc., prohi*ited in $or8-rooms- .o food, drin8s, pan and s)pari, or to*acco shall *e cons)med or *ro)ght *+ an+ $or8er into an+ $or8-room in $hich an+ lead process is carried on. 11. 7xemption- 5here 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that all or an+ of he provisions of this sched)le are not necessar+ for the protection of persons emplo+edO he ma+ *+ certificate in $riting exempt an+ factor+ from all or an of s)ch provisions s)*@ect to s)ch conditions as he ma+ specif+ therein. S)ch certificate ma+ at an+ time *e revo8ed *+ the 4hief 2nspector. S467D: 7 F2 0an)fact)re of potter+ 1. Savings- &hese provisions shall not appl+ to a factor+ in $hich an+ of the follo$ing articles, *)t no other potter+ are madeDaE :nglaAed or salt glaAed *ric8s and tilesO and D*E Architect)ral terra-cotta made from plastic cla+ and either )nglaAed or glaAed *ric8s and tilesO and 2. Definition- -or the p)rposes of this sched)le-

DaE I(otter+I incl)de an earthen$are, stone$are, porcelain, china tiles, and an+ other articles made from cla+ and others materials s)ch as 9)artA, flint, feldspar and g+ps)mO D*E Iefficient exha)st dra)ghtI means localised ventilation affected *+ mechanical or other means for removal of d)st or f)me so as to prevent it from escaping into air of an+place in $hich $or8 is carried on. .o dra)ght shall *e deemed efficient $hich fails to remove effectivel+ d)st or f)me generated at the point $here d)st or f)me originatesO DcE IfettlingI incl)des scalloping, to$ing, sand papering, sand stic8ing, *r)shing or an+ other process of cleaning of potter+-$are in $hich d)st is given offO DdE Ileadless glaAeI means a glaAe $hich does not contain more than one per cent of its dr+ $eight, of a lead compo)nd calc)lated as lead monoxideO DeE Ilo$ sol)*ilit+ glaAeI means a glaAe $hich does not +ield to dil)te h+drochloric acid more than five percent of its dr+ $eight, of a sol)*le lead compo)nd calc)lated as lead monoxide $hen determined in the manner descri*ed *elo$. A $eighed 9)antit+ of the material $hich has *een dried at 1,, degrees centigrade and thoro)ghl+ mixed shall *e contin)o)sl+ sha8en for one ho)r at the common temperat)re $ith 1,,, times its $eight of an a9)eo)s sol)tion of h+drochloric acid containing ,.25 per cent *+ $eight of h+drogen chloride. &his sol)tion shall thereafter *e allo$ed to stand for one ho)r and then filtered. &he lead salt contained in the clear filtered shall than the precipitated as lead s)lphide and $eighed as lead s)lphateO DfE Igro)nd or po$dered flint or 9)artAI does not incl)de nat)ral sandsO DgE IpotterLs shopI incl)des all places $here potter+ is formed *+ pressing or *+ an+ other process and all places $here shaping, fettling or other treatment of potter+ articles prior to placing for the *isc)it fire is carried on. 3. 7fficient exha)st dra)ght- &he follo$ing processes shall not *e carried on $itho)t the )se of an efficient exha)st dra)ght=DiE all processes involving the manip)lation or )se of a dr+ and )nfitted lead compo)ndO DiiE fettling operations of an+ 8ind, $hether on green $are or *isc)it, provided that this shall not appl+ to the $et fettling, and to the occasional finishing of potter+ articles $itho)t the aid of mechanic po$erO DiiiE shifting of cla+ d)st or an+ other material for ma8ing tiles or other articles *+ press)re, except $hereDaE this is done in a machine so enclosed as to effect)all+ prevent the escape of d)stO D*E the material to *e shifted is so damp that no d)st can *e give offO

DivE pressing of tiles from cla+ d)st, and exha)st opening connected $ith each press. D&his cla)se shall also appl+ to the pressing from c2a+ d)st of articles other than titles, )nless the material is so damp that no d)st is given offEO DvE fetting oGtiles made from cla+ d)st *+ press)re, except $here the fettling is done $holl+ on, or $ith damp material. D&his cla)se shall also appl+ to the fettling of other articles made from cla+ d)st, )nless the material is so damp that no d)st is given offEO DviE process of loading and )nloading of saggars $here handling an manip)lation of gro)nd and po$ered flint, 9)artA, al)mina or other materials are involvedO DviiE *r)shing of earthen$are *isc)it, )nless the process is carried on in room provided $ith efficient general mechanical ventilation or other ventilation $hich is certified *+ the l11spector of -actories as ade9)ate having regard to all the circ)mstances of the caseO DviiiE fettling of *isc)it-$are $hich has *een fired in po$ered flint or 9)artA except $here this is done in machines effect)all+ prevent the escape of d)stO DixE $here c leaning is after the application of glaAe *+ dippling other processO DxE cr)shing and dr+ grinding of materials for potter+ *odies an saggars, )nless carried on in machines so enclosed as effectivel+ prevent the escape of d)st or is so damp that no d)st can *e given offO DxiE sieving or manip)lation of po$ered flint, 9)artA, cla+ grog or mixt)re of these materials )nless it is so damp that no d)st can *e given offO DxiiE grinding of tiles on a po$er driven $heel )nless an efficient $ater spra+ is )sed on the $heelO DxiiiE lifting and conve+ing of materials *+ elevators and conve+ors )nless the+ are effectivel+ enclosed and so arranged as to prevent escape of d)st into the air in or near to an+ place in $hich persons are emplo+edO DxivE the preparation or $eighing o)t of flo$ material, la$ning of dr+ colo)rsO colo)ring, d)sting and colo)r *lo$ingO DxvE in mo)ld ma8ing )nless the *ins or similar receptacles )sed for holding plaster of parts are provided $ith s)ita*le coversO DxviE the manip)lation of calcined material )nless the material has *een made and remains so $et that no d)st is given off. 4. Separation of processes- 7ach of the follo$ing processes shall *e carried on in s)ch a manner and )nder s)ch conditions so as to sec)re effect)al separation from one another, and from other $et processes =-

DaE 4r)shing and dr+ grinding or sieving of materials, fettling, pressing of tiles, dr+ing of cla+ and green $are, loading and )nloading of saggarsO D*E All processes involving the )se of a dr+ lead compo)nd. 5. (rohi*ition on )se of glaAe-- .o glaAe $hich is not leadless glaAe or a lo$ sol)*ilit+ glaAe shall *e )sed in a factor+ in $hich potter+ is man)fact)red. !. (rohi*ition relating to $omen and +o)ng persons- .o $omen or +o)ng persons shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in an+ of the operations specified in cla)se 2 or at an+ place $here s)ch operations are carried on. ". (rovision of screen to potterLs $heel- &he potterLs $heel D>oll+ and CiggarE shall *e provided $ith screens or so constr)cted as to prevent cla+ scrapings *eing thro$n off *e+ond the $heel. %. 4ontrolof d)st d)ring cleaning- D1E All practical meas)res shall *e ta8en *+ damping or other$ise to prevent d)st arising d)ring cleaning of floors. D2E Damp sa$-d)st or other s)ita*le material shall *e )sed to render the moist method effective in preventing d)st rising into the air d)ring the cleaning process $hich shall *e carried o)t after $or8 has ceased. '. -5r of certain $or8-rooms- D1E &he floors of potterLs shops, slip ho)ses, dipping ho)ses and $are cleaning rooms shall *e hard, smooth and impervio)s and shall *e thoro)ghl+ cleaned dail+ *+ a moist method *+ an Ad)lt male. 1,. (rotective e9)ipment- D1E &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain s)ita*le overalls and head coverings for all persons emplo+ed in process incl)ded )nder cla)se 2. D2E &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain s)ita*le aprons or a $aterproof or similar material, $hich can *e sponged dail+, for the )se of the dippersL assistants, thro$ers, >oll+ $or8ers, casters, mo)ld ma8ers and filter press and p)g mill $or8ers. D3E Aprons provided in p)rs)ance of cla)se 11 D2E shall *e thoro)ghl+ cleaned dail+ *+ the $earers *+ sponging or other $et process. All overalls and head coverings shall *e $ashed, cleaned and mended at least once a $ee8, and this $ashing, cleaning or mending shall *e provided for *+ the occ)pier. D4E .o person shall *e allo$ed to $or8 in empt+ing sac8s of d)st+ materials, $eighing o)t and mixing of d)st+ materials and charging of *alls mills and *leengers $itho)t $earing a s)ita*le and efficient d)st respirator. 11. 5ashing facilities- D1E &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain in a clean state and in good repair for the )se of all persons emplo+ed in an+ of the processes specified in cla)se 2. DaE A $ash place )nder cover $ith either-

DiE a tro)gh $ith smooth impervio)s s)rface fitted $ith a $aste pipe $itho)t pl)g, and of s)fficient length to allo$ at least t$o feet for ever+ five s)ch persons emplo+ed at an+ time, and having a constant s)ppl+ of clean $ater from tapes or @ets a*ove the tro)gh at intervals of not more than t$o feetO or DiiE at least one tape or stand pipe for ever+ five s)ch persons emplo+ed at an+one time, and having a constant s)ppl+ of clean $ater, the tap or stand pipe *eing spaced not less than 4 feet apartO and D*E A s)fficient s)ppl+ of clean to$els made of s)ita*le material changed dail+, $ith s)fficient s)ppl+ of nail *r)shes and soap. 12. &ime allo$ed for $ashing- 1efore each meal and *efore the end of the da+Ls $or8, at least ten min)tes, in addition to the reg)lar meal times, shall *e allo$ed for $ashing to each person emplo+ed in an+ of the processes mentioned in cla)se 2. 13. 0ess-room- &here shall *e provided and maintained for )se of all persons remaining $ithin the premises d)ring the rest intervals, a s)ita*le mess-room providing accommodation of 1, s9)are feet per head and f)rnished $ithDaE a s)fficient n)m*er of ta*le and chairs or *enches $ith *ac8 restO D*E Arrangements for $ashing )tensilsO DcE ade9)ate means for $arming foodO and DdE ade9)ate 9)antit+ of drin8ing $ater . D2E &he room shall *e ade9)atel+ ventilated *+ the circ)lation of fresh air and placed )nder the charge of a responsi*le person and shall *e 8ept clean. 14. -ood, drin8s etc. prohi*ited in $or8-rooms- .o food, drin8s pan and s)pari or to*acco shall *e *ro)ght into, or cons)med *+ an+ $or8 in an+ $or8room in $hich an+ of the processes mentioned in cla)se 2 carried on and no person shall remain in an+ s)ch room d)ring interva8 for meals or rest. 15. 4loc8-room etc.- &here shall *e provided and maintained for the of all persons emplo+ed in an+ of the processes mentioned in cla)se 2, DaE a cloa8-room for clothing p)t off d)ring $or8ing ho)rs and s)ch accommodation shall *e separate from an+ mess-roomO D*E separate and s)ita*le arrangements for the storage of protective e9)ipment provided )nder cla)se 11. 1!. 0edical examination- D1E All persons emplo+ed in an+ process incl)ded )nder paragraph 3 shall *e examined *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ithL " da+s preceding or follo$ing the date of their first emplo+ment in the process thereafter all persons emplo+ed in an+ process incl)ded

)nder s)*-paragraphs 3DiE and DxivE shall *e examined *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeons once in ever+ three calender months, and those emplo+ed in an+ process incl)ded in s)*-paragraph 3DiiE to DxiiiE and DxvE and DxviE of paragraph 3 once in ever+ 12 months *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon. #ecords of s)ch examinations shall *e entered *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon in the 6ealth #egister and certificate of fitness granted him )nder paragraph 1". D2E 2f at an+ time the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon is of opinion that an+ person emplo+ed in an+ process incl)ded in paragraph 3 is no longer fit for emplo+ment on the gro)nd that contin)ance therein $o)ld involve damage to his health, he shall cancel the certificate of fitness granted to that person. D3E .o person $hose certificate of fitness has *een cancelled shall *e re emplo+ed )nless the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon after examination again verifies him to *e fit for emplo+ment. 1". 4ertificate of fitness- A person medicall+ examined )nder paragraph 1! and fo)nd fit for emplo+ment shall *e granted *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon a certificate of fitness in -orm ! and s)ch certificate shall in the c)stod+ of the factor+. &he 4ertificate shall *e 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection *+ an+ 2nspector and the person granted s)ch a certificate shall carr+ $ith him $hile at $or8 a to8en giving reference to s)ch certificate. 1%. 7xemption- 2f in respect of an+ factor+ the 4hief 2nspector of -actories is satisfied that all or an+ of the provisions of this sched)le are not necessar+ for the protection of the persons emplo+ed in s)ch factor+, he ma+ *+ a certificate in $riting exempt s)ch factor+ from all or an+ of s)ch provisions s)*@ect to s)ch conditions as he ma+ specif+ therein. S)ch 4ertificate ma+ at an+ time *e revo8ed *+ the 4hief 2nspector $itho)t assigning an+ reasons.

S467D: 7 F22 (A#&2 4hemical 5or8s 1. Application- &his Sched)le shall appl+ to all man)fact)res and processes incidental thereto carried on in chemical $or8s. 2. Definitions--or the p)rpose of this sched)leDaE Ichemical $or8sI means an+ factor+ or s)ch parts of an+ factor+ as are listed in Appendix IAI to this Sched)leO D*E Iefficient exha)st dra)ghtI means localised ventilation effected *+ mechanical or other means for the removal of gas, vapo)r, f)me or d)st to prevent it from escaping into the air of an+ place in $hich $or8 is carried onO DcE *leaching po$der means the *leaching po$der commonl+ called chloride of limeO

DdE IchlorateI means chlorate of per chlorateO DeE Ica)sticI means h+droxide of potassi)m or sodi)mO DfE Ichrome process Imeans the man)fact)re of chromate or *ichromate of potassi)m or sodi)m, or the manip)lation, moverment or other treatment of these s)*stancesO DgE I.itro or amino processI means the man)fact)re of nitro or amino derivatives of phenol and of *enAene or its homologo)s, and the ma8ing of explosives $ith the )se of an+ of these s)*stancesO DhE the term Ipermit to $or8I s+stem means the compliances $ith the proced)res do$n )nder para 2, of part 22O DiE Itoxic s)*stancesI means all these s)*stances $hich $hen the+ enter into the h)man *od+, thro)gh inhalation or ingestion or a*sorption thro)gh s8in, in sifficient 9)antities ca)se fatalit+ or exert serio)s affliction of health, or chronic harmf)l effects on the health of persons exposed to it d)e to its inherent chemical or *iological effects. 2n respect of s)*stances $hose & ; is specified in #)le '5A exceeding the concentration specified therein $o)ld made the s)*stance toxicO D@E Iemergenc+I means a sit)ation or condition leading to a circ)mstance or set of circ)mstances in $hich there is danger to the life or health of persons or $hich co)ld res)lt in *ig fire or explosion or poll)tion to the $or8 and o)tside environment, affecting the $or8ers or neigh*o)rhood in a serio)s manner, demanding immediate actionO D8E Idangero)s chemical reactionsI means high speed reactions, r)na$a+ reactions, dela+ed reactions etc. and are characterised *+ eval)ation of large 9)antities of heat, intense release of toxic or flamma*le gases or vapo)rs, s)dden press)re *)ild-)p etc.O DlE Imanip)lationI means mixing, *lending, filling, empt+ing, grinding sieving, dr+ing, pac8ing, s$eeping, handling, )sing etc. DmE Iapproved personal protection e9)ipmentI means items of person protective e9)ipment conforming to the relevant 2S2 specification or in the a*sence of it, personal protective e9)ipment approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector of -actoriesO DnE Iappropriate personal protective e9)ipmentI means that $hen the protective e9)ipment is )sed *+ the $or8er, he shall have no ris8 to his life or health or *od+O and D,E Iconfined spaceI means an+ space *+ reason of its constr)ction as $ell as in relation to the nat)re of the $or8 carried there in and $here haAards to the persons entering into or $or8ing inside exit or are li8el+ to develop d)ring $or8ing. ( A#& 22 General re9)irements Appl+ing to all the $or8s in Appendix RAI

1. 6o)se-8eeping-D2E An+ spillage of materials shall *e cleaned )p *efore f)rther processing. D2E -loors, platforms, stair$a+s, passages and gang$a+s shall *e 8ept free of an+ o*str)ctions. D3E &here shall *e provided eas+ means of access to all parts of the plant to facilitate cleaning. 2. 2mproper :se of chemicals- .o chemicals or solvents or empt+ containers containing chemicals or solvents shall *e permitted to *e )sed *+ $or8ers for an+ p)rposes other than in the processes for $hich the+ are s)pplied. 3. (rohi*ition of the )se of food etc.- .o food, drin8, to*acco, pan or na+ edi*le item shall *e stored or heated or cons)med on or near an+ part of the plant or e9)ipment. 4. 4a)tionar+ notices and instr)ctions- D1E 4a)tionar+ notice in a lang)age )nderstood *+ the ma@orit+ of $or8ers shall *e prominentl+ displa+ed in all haAardo)s areas dra$ing the attention of all $or8ers a*o)t the haAards to health, haAards involving fire and explosion and an+ other haAard s)ch as conse9)ences of testing of material or s)*stances )sed in the process or )sing an+ contaminated container for drin8ing or eating, to $hich the $or8ers attention sho)ld *e dra$n for ens)ring their safet+ health. D2E 2n addition to the a*ove ca)tionar+ notice, arrangement shall *e made to instr)ct and ed)cate all the $or8ers incl)ding illiterate $or8ers a*o)t the haAards in the process incl)ding the specific haAards to $hich the+ ma+ *e exposed to, in the normal co)rse of their $or8. S)ch instr)ctions and ed)cation sho)ld also deal $ith the haAards involved in )na)thorised and )n-safe practices incl)ding the properties of s)*stances )sed in the process )nder normal conditions as $ell as a*normal conditions and the preca)tions to *e o*served against each and ever+ haAard. -)rther, an )nderta8ing from the $or8ers shall *e o*tained $ithin 1 month of their emplo+ment and for old $or8ers emplo+ed, $ithin one month of coming into operation of the r)les, to the effect that the+ have read the contents of the ca)tionar+ notices and instr)ctions, )nderstood them and sho)ld a*ide *+ them. &he training and instr)ctions to all $or8ers and all s)pervisor+ personnel shall incl)de the significance of different t+pes of s+m*ols and colo)rs )sed on the la*els str)c8 or painted on the vario)s t+pes of containers and pipe lines. 5. 7val)ation and provision of safeg)ards *efore the commencement of process- D1E 1efore commencing an+ process or an+ experimental $or8, or an+ ne$ man)fact)re covered )nder Appendix IA I, the occ)pier shall ta8e all possi*le steps to ascertain definitel+ all the haAards involved *oth from the act)al operations and the chemical reaction incl)ding the dangero)s chemical reactions. &he properties of the ra$ materials )sed, the final prod)cts to *e made, and an+ *+-prod)cts derived d)ring man)fact)re, shall *e caref)ll+ st)died and provisions shall *e made for dealing $ith an+ haAards incl)ding effects on $or8ers, $hich ma+ occ)r d)ring man)fact)re. D2E 2nformation in $riting giving details of the process, its haAards and the steps ta8en or proposed to *e ta8en from the design state to disposal stage for ens)ring the safet+ as in s)*para D1E a*ove sho)ld *e sent to the 4hief 2nspector at the earliest *)t in no case less than 15

da+s *efore commencing man)fact)re, handling or storage of an+ of item covered )nder Appendix IAI, $hether on experimental *asis, or as pilot plant or as trial prod)ction, or as large scale man)fact)re. D3E &he design, constr)ction, installation, operation, maintenance and disposal of the *)ildings, plants and facilities shall ta8e in consideration effective safeg)ards against all the safet+ and health haAards so eval)ated. D4E &he re9)irement )nder the s)*-para D1.E to G3E shall not act in lie) of at in derogation to, an+ other provisions contained in an+ Act governing the $or8. !. A)thorised entr+- A)thorised persons onl+ shall *e permitted to enter Lan+ section of the factor+ or plant $here an+ dangero)s operations or proceses are *eing carried on or $here dangero)s chemical reactions are ta8ing place or $here haAardo)s chemicals are stored. ". 7xamination of instr)ments and safet+ devices- D1E All instr)ments and safet+ devices )sed in the process shall *e tested *efore ta8ing into )se and after carr+ing o)t an+ repair to them and examined once in a month, *+ a competent person. #ecords of s)ch tests and examinations shall *e maintained in register. D2E All instr)ments and safet+ devices )sed in the process shall *e operated dail+ or as often as it is necessar+, to ens)re its effective and efficient $or8ing at all time. %. 7lectrical installations- All electrical installations )sed in the proc covered in Appendix IAI shall *e of an appropriate t+pe to ens)re safet+ against the haAard prevalent in that area s)ch as s)ita*ilit+ against d)st, dampness corrosion, flamma*ilit+ and explosivit+ etc, and shall conform to the relevant 151 specifications governing their constr)ction and )se for that area. '. 6andling and storage of chemicals- D1E &he containers for handling and storage of chemicals shall *e of ade9)ate strength ta8ing into consideration the haAardo)s nat)re of the contents. &he+ shall *e provided $ith ade9)ate la*eling and colo)r coding arrangements to ena*le identification of the containers and their contents indicating the haAards and safe handling methods and shall conform to the respective 151 standards. &he instr)ctions given in the la*el shall *e strictl+ adhere to. Damaged containers shall *e handled onl+ )ncle s)pervision of a 8no$ledgea*le and responsi*le person and spillage shall rendered innoc)o)s in a safe manner )sing appropriate means. D2E &he arrangements for the storage of chemicals incl)ding charging chemicals in reaction vessels and containers shall *e s)ch as to prevent an+ ris8 of fire or explosion or formation of toxic concentration of s)*stances a*ove the limits specified in #)le '5A. D3E 5itho)t pre@)dice to the generalit+ of the re9)irements in s)*-para D2[ a*ove, the arrangements shall have s)ita*le ventilation facilities and shall ena*le the maintenance of safe levels in vessels and containers. S)ch arrangement shall also ta8e into consideration, the t+pe flooring and the capacit+ of flooring and the compati*ilit+ re9)irements of s)*stances $ith other chemicals stored near*+.

D4E DaE Storage of chemicals and intermediate prod)cts, $hich are highl+ )nsta*le or reactive or explosive shall *e limited to the 9)antities re9)ired for t$o months :se. D*E 5henever the 9)antities laid do$n in the a*ove cla)se DaE are to *e exceeded, the permission of the 4hief 2nspector shall *e o*tained, DcE .ot$ithstanding an+thing contained in cla)se DaE and D*E a*ove, the 4hief 2nspector of -actories ma+ direct an+ factor+ carr+ing o)t processes covered in Appendix IAI, to f)rther limit the storage of haAardo)s s)*stances to 9)antities less than t$o months on considerations of safet+. D5E Stand*+ arrangements e9)al to the *iggest container shall al$a+s *e availa*le to transfer the toxic s)*stances 9)ic8l+ into the stand*+ storage facilit+ if an+ defect develops in an+ of the container res)lting in the release or toxic .s)*stances. G![ An+ .storage facilit+ constr)cted )sing non-metallic material s)ch as fi*reglass. #einforced (lastics D-#(E, all glass vessels etc., shall have ade9)ate strength to $ithstand the stress, if an+, exerted *+ the contents and shall *e properl+ anchored. 5or8ing platforms, access ladders, pipe lines etc. )sed in s)ch storage facilit+ shall not have an+ s)pport on the str)ct)re of the storage facilit+ and shall *e independentl+ s)pported. 1,. -acilit+ for isolation- &he plant and e9)ipment shall *e so constr)cted and maintained as to ena*le 9)ic8 isolation of plan or part of plant or e9)ipment, $ith appropriate indication. /ne cop+ of the la+o)t plan indicating the isolation facilities shall al$a+s *e availa*le $ith the sec)rit+ personnel, the maintenance and the health and safet+ personnel and these isolation facilities shall *e chec8ed for its effectiveness once in a month. 11. (ersonal protective e9)ipment- D1E All $or8ers exposed to the haAards in the processes covered *+ the Sched)le shall *e provided $ith appropriate and approved t+pe of personal protective e9)ipment. S)ch e9)ipment shall *e in a clean, sterils and h+gienic condition *efore iss)e. D2E &he occ)pier shall arrange to inform, ed)cate and s)pervise all the $or8ers in the )se of personal protective e9)ipment $hile carr+ing o)t the @o*. D3E As regards an+ do)*t regarding the appropriateness of an+ personal protective e9)ipment, the decision of the 4hief 2nspector $ill *e final. 12. Alarm s+stems- D1E S)ita*le and effective alarm s+stems giving a)di*le and visi*le indications, shall *e installed at the control room as $ell as in all strategic location $here process control arrangements are availa*le so as to ena*le corrective action to *e ta8en *efore the operational parameter exceed the predetermined safe levels or lead to conditions cond)ctive an o)t*rea8 fire or explosion to occ)r. S)ch alarm s+stems shall *e chec8ed dail+ and tested ever+ month at least once to ens)re its performance efficienc+ at all times. D2E &he 4hief 2nspector of -actories ma+ direct s)ch s+stems to *e installed fin case of plants or processes $here toxic materials are *eing )sed and spillage or lea8age of $hich ma+ ca)se $ide spread poisoning in or aro)nd the plant.

13. 4ontrol of escape of s)*stances into the $or8 atmosphere- D1E 7ffective arrangements s)ch as, enclos)re, or *+ pass, or efficient exha)st dra)ght, maintenance of negative press)re etc. shall *e provided in all plants containers, vessels, se$ers, drains, fl)es, d)cts, c)lverts and *)rried pipes and e9)ipments to control the escape and spread of s)*stances $hich are li8el+ to give rise to fire or explosion or toxic haAards d)ring normal $or8ing and in the event of accident or emergenc+. D2E 2n the event of the fail)re of the arrangements for control res)lting in the cape of s)*stances in the $or8 atmosphere immediate steps shall *e ta8en to control the process in s)ch manner, that f)rther escape is *ro)ght do$n to the safe level D3E &he s)*stance that $o)ld have escaped into the $or8 atmosphere *efore ta8ing immediate steps as re9)ired in s)*-para D2E, shall *e rendered innoc)o)s *+ dil)ting $ith air or $ater or an+ other s)ita*le agent or *+ s)ita*le treating the s)*stances. 14. 4ontrol of dangero)s chemical reactions- S)ita*le provision, s)ch as a)tomatic and or remote control arrangements, shall *e made for controlling the effects of Ldangero)s chemical reactionI. 2n the event of fail)re of controlling arrangements a)tomatic flooding or *lan8eting or other effective arrange men shall come into operation. 15. &esting, examination and repair of plant < e9)ipment- D1E All par of plant, e9)ipment and machiner+ )sed in the process $hich in the li8el+ even of their fail)re ma+ give rise to an emergent sit)ation shall *e tested *+ competent person *efore commencing process and retested at an interval of t$o +ears of after carr+ing o)t repairs to it. &he competent person shall identif+ the parts of the plant, e9)ipment and machiner+ re9)ired to *e tested as aforesaid and evolve a s)ita*le testing proced)re. 2n carr+ing o)t the test as mentioned a*ove in respect of press)re vessels or reaction vessels the follo$ing preca)tions shall *e o*served, namel+ =DaE *efore the testis carried o)t, each vessel shall *e thoro)ghl+ cleaned and examined externall+, and as far as practica*le, internall+ also for s)rface defects, corrosion and foreign matters. D)ring the process of cleaning and removal of sl)dge, if an+, all preca)tions shall *e ta8en against fire or explosion, if s)ch sl)dge is of p+repheric nat)re of contains spontaneo)sl+ com*)sti*le chemicalsO D*E as soon as the test is completed, the vessel shall *e thoro)ghl+ dried internall+ and shall *e clearl+ stamped $ith the mar8s and fig)res indicating the person *+ $hom testing has *een done and the date of testO and DcE an+ vessel $hich fails to )se the test or $hich for an+ other reason is fo)nd to *e )nsafe for )se shall *e destro+ed or rendered )n)sa*le )nder intimation to the 4hief 2nspector . D2E All parts of plant, e9)ipment machiner+ $hich is the li8el+ event of fail)re ma+ give rise to an emergent sit)ation shall *e examined once in a month *+ the competent person. D3E #ecords of testing and examination referred to in paragraphs D1E and D2E shall *e maintained as long as that part of the plant, e9)ipment and machiner+ are in )se.

D4E All repair $or8 incl)ding alteration, modification and addition to *e carried o)t to the plant, e9)ipment and machiner+ shall *e done )nder the s)pervision of a responsi*le person $ho shall evolve a proced)re to ens)re safet+ and health of persons doing the $or8. 5hen repairs or modification is done on pipelines, and @oints are re9)ired to *e $elded, *)t $elding of @oints shall *e preferred. 5herever necessar+ the responsi*le person shall reg)late the aforesaid $or8 thro)gh a I(ermit to $or8 s+stemI. 1!- Staging- D1E All staging that is erected for the p)rpose of maintenance $or8 or repair $or8 or for $or8 connected $ith entr+ into confined spaces and )sed in the processes incl)ded in Appendix IAI, shall *e sta*le, rigid and constr)cted o)t of s)*stantial material of ade9)ate strength. S)ch staging shall conform to the respective 2ndian Standard specifications. D2E Staging shall not *e erected over *+ closed or open vessel )nless the vessel is so constr)cted and ventilated .to prevent expos)re of persons $or8ing on the stages. D3E All the staging constr)cted for the p)rpose of this para shall have appropriate access $hich are safe and shall *e fitted $ith proper hand rails to a height of one meter and to *oard. 1". Seating arrangements- &he seating arrangements provided for the operating personnel $or8ing in processes covered in Appendix IAI shall *e located in a safe manner as to prevent the ris8 of expos)re to toxic, flamma*le and exlosive s)*stances evolved in the $or8 environment in the co)rse of man)fact)re, or repair or maintenance, either d)e to fail)re of plant and e9)ipment or d)e to the s)*stances $hich are )nder press)re, escaping in the atmosphere. 1%. 7ntr+ into or $or8 in confined spaces- D1E &he occ)pier of ever+ factor+ to $hich the provisions of this Sched)le appl+, shall ens)re the o*servance of the follo$ing preca)tions *efore permitting an+ person to enter or $or8 inside the confined spacesDaE identif+ all confined spaces and the nat)re of haAards that are enco)ntered in s)ch spaces, normall+ or a*normall+ and arrange to develop the most appropriate safeg)ards for ens)ring the safet+ and health of persons entering into or $or8ing inside, the confined spacesO D*E reg)late the entr+ or $or8 inside the confined spaces thro)gh a Ipermit to $or8 s+stemI $hich sho)ld incl)de the safeg)ards so developed as re9)ired )nder s)*-cla)se DaE a*oveO DcE *efore testing the confined space for entr+ into or $or8, the place shall *e rendered safe *+ $ashing or cleaning $ith ne)traliAing agentsO or p)rging $ith steam or inert gases and ma8ing ade9)ate forced ventilation arrangements or s)ch meas)re $hich $ill render the confined space safeO DdE shall arrange to carr+ o)t s)ch tests as arenecessL4\V for the p)rposed *+ a competent person and ens)re that the confined space is for the persons to enter or $or8. S)ch testing shall *e carried o)t as often asO is necessar+ d)ring the co)rse of $or8 to ens)re its contin)ed safet+O

DeE shall arrange to ed)cate and trained the personnel $ho $o)ld *e re9)ired to $or8 in confined spaces a*o)t the haAards involved in the $or8. 6e shall also 8eep in readiness the appropriate and approved personal protective e9)ipment incl)ding arrangements for resc)e, res)rrection and first aid, and shall arrange s)pervision of the $or8 at all times *+ a responsi*le and 8no$ledgea*le person. D2E &he manager shall maintain a log *oo8 of all entr+ into or $or8ing, confined spaces and s)ch record shall contain the details of persons assigned for the $or8, the location of the $or8 and s)ch other details that $o)ld have a *earing on the safet+ and health of the persons assigned for this $or8. &he log *oo8 so maintained shall *e retained aX long as the concerned $or8ers are in service and prod)ced to the 2nspector $hen demanded. 1'. 0aintenance $or8 etc.- D1E All the $or8 connected $ith the maintenance of plants and e9)ipment incl)ding cleaning of empt+ containers $hich have held haAards s)*stances )sed in the processes covered in this Sched)le, shall *e carried o)t )nder Ipermit to $or8 s+stemI emplo+ing trained personnel and )nder the s)pervision of responsi*le person, having 8no$ledge of the haAards and preca)tions re9)ired to deal $ith them. D2E 0aintenance $or8 shall *e carried o)t in s)ch a manner that there is no ris8 to persons in the vicinit+ or to persons $ho pass *+. 2f necessar+, the place of s)ch $or8 shall *e condoned off or the presence of )nconnected persons effectivel+ controlled. 2,. (ermit to $or8 s+stem- &he permit to $or8 s+stem shall inter-alia incl)de the o*servance of the follo$ing preca)tions $hile carr+ing o)t an+ specified $or8 to *e s)*@ected to the permit to $or8 s+stemDaE all $or8 s)*@ect to the permit to $or8 s+stem is carried o)t )nder the s)pervision of a 8no$ledgea*le and responsi*le personO D*E all parts of plant or machiner+ or e9)ipment on $hich permit to $or8 s+stem is carried o)t, shall remain isolated from other parts thro)gho)t the period of permit to $or8 and the place of $or8 incl)ding the parts of plant, machiner+ shall *e rendered safe *+ cleaning, p)rging, $ashing etc.O DcE all $or8 s)*@ect to the permit to $or8 s+stem shall have predetermined $or8 proced)res $hich integrate safet+ $ith the $or8. S)ch proced)res shall *e revie$ed $henever an+ change occ)rs in material or e9)ipment so that contin)ed safet+ is ens)redO DdE persons $ho are assigned to carr+ o)t the permit to $or8 s+stem shall *e ph+sicall+ fit in all respects ta8ing into consideration the demands and nat)re, of the $or8 *efore entering into the confined space. S)ch persons shall *e ade9)atel+ informed a*o)t the correct $or8 proced)res as $ell as the preca)tions to *e o*served $hile carr+ing o)t the permit to $or8 s+stemsO DeE ade9)ate resc)e arrangements $herever considered necessar+ and ade9)ate first-aid, resc)e and res)rrection arrangements shall *e availa*le in good $or8ing condition near the place of $or8 $hile carr+ing o)t the permit to $or8 s+stem, for )se in emergenc+O

DfE appropriate and approved personal protective e9)ipment shall *e )sed $hile carr+ing o)t the Ipermit to $or8 s+stemIO DgE after completion of $or8 s)*@ect to the Ipermit to $or8 s+stemI the person responsi*le shall remove all the e9)ipment and tools and restore to the original condition so as to prevent an+ danger $hile carr+ing o)t reg)lar process. 21. Safet+ sampling personnel- &he occ)pier shall ens)re the safet+ of persons assigned for collecting samples 1bV instr)cting them on the safe proced)res. S)ch personnel shall *e provided $ith proper and approved personal protective e9)ipment, if re9)ired. 22. ;entilation- Ade9)ate ventilation arrangements shall *e provided and maintained at all times in the process area $here dangero)s or toxic or flamma*le or explosive s)*stances co)ld *e evolved. &hese arrangements shall ens)re that concentrations, $hich are either harmf)l or co)ld res)lt in explosion, are not permitted to *e *)ilt )p in the $or8 environment. 23. (roced)res for meeting emergenciesX D1E &he occ)pier of ever+ factor+ carr+ing o)t the $or8s covered in Appendix IAI shall arrange to identif+ all t+pes of possi*le emergencies that co)ld occ)r in the processes d)ring the co)rse of $or8 or $hile carr+ing o)t maintenance $or8 or repair $or8. &he emergencies so identified shall *e revie$ed ever+ +ear D2E &he occ)pier shall form)late a detailed plan to meet all s)ch identified emergencies incl)ding arrangements for s)mmoning o)tside help for resc)e and fire fighting and arrangements for ma8ing availa*le )rgent medical facilities. D3E &he occ)pier shall send the list of emergencies and the details of proced)res and plans form)lated to meet the emergencies, to the 4hief 2nspector of -actories. D4E &he occ)pier shall arrange to install distinctive and recogniAa*le $arning arrangements to ca)tion all persons inside the plant as $ell as the neigh*oring comm)nit+, if necessar+, to ena*le evac)ation of persons and to ena*le the o*servance of emergenc+ proced)res *+ the persons $ho are assigned emergenc+ d)ties. All concerned m)st *e $ell in formed a*o)t the $arning arrangements and their meaning. &he arrangements m)st *e chec8ed for its effectiveness ever+ month. D5E Alternate po$er s)ppl+ arrangements shall *e made and interloc8ed $ith the normal po$er s)ppl+ s+stem so as to ens)re constant s)ppl+ of po$er to the facilities and e9)ipment meant for compliance $ith re9)irements of (aragraphs 1,,11,12,13,14,1%,22 and this paragraph of (art 22 (art 22, (art 2;, and (art ; of this Sched)le. D!E &he occ)pier shall arrange to s)spend the f)rther process $or8 in that $here emergenc+ is esta*lished and shall forth$ith evac)ate all persons in that area except $or8ers $ho have *een assigned emergenc+ d)ties.

D"E All the emplo+ees of the factor+ shall *e trained a*o)t the action to *e ta8en *+ them incl)ding evac)ation proced)res d)ring emergencies. D%E All emergenc+ proced)res m)st *e rehearsed ever+ three months and deficiencies, if an+, in the achievement of the o*@ectives shall s)ita*l+ *e corrected. D'E &he occ)pier shall arrange to have ten percent of the $or8ers trained in the )se of -irst Aid, -ire -ighting appliances and in there )ndering of specific -irst Aid meas)res ta8ing into consideration the special haAards of the partic)lar process. D1,E &he occ)pier shall f)rnish immediatel+ on re9)est the specific chemical identit+ of the haAardo)s s)*stances to the treating ph+sician $hen the information is needed to administer proper emergenc+ or first-aid treatment to exposed persons. 24. Danger d)e to effl)ents- D1E Ade9)ate preca)tions shall *e ta8en to prevent the mixing of effl)ents from different processes and operations $hich ma+ ca)se dangero)s or poisono)s gases to *e evolved. D2E 7ffl)ents $hich contain or give rise in the presence of other effl)ents to poisono)s gases shall *e provided $ith independent drainage s+stems to ens)re that the+ ma+ *e trapped and rendered safe. (A#& 222 -ire and 7xplosions #is8s 1. So)rces of ignition incl)ding lighting installation- D1E .o internal com*)stion engine and no electric motor or other electrical e9)ipment, and fittings and fixt)res capa*le of generating spar8s or other$ise ca)sing com*)stion or an+ other so)rce of ignition or an+ na8ed light shall *e installed or permitted to *e )sed in the process area $here there co)ld *e fire and explosion haAards. D2E All hot exha)st pipes shall *e installed o)tside a *)ilding and other hot pipes or hot s)rface or s)rfaces li8el+ to *ecome hot shall *e s)ita*le protected. D3E &he classification of $or8 area in terms of its haAards potential and the selection of electrical e9)ipment or other e9)ipment that co)ld constit)te a so)rce of ignition shall *e in accordance $ith the respective 2ndian Standard. D4E 5here a flamma*le atmosphere ma+ prevalent or co)ld occ)r, the soles of foot$ear $orn *+ $or8ers shall have no metal on them, and the $heels of tr)c8s or conve+ors shall *e cond)ctive t+pe. D5E All tools and appliances )sed for $or8 in this area shall *e of non-spar8ing t+pe.

D!E Smo8ing in process area $here there are ris8s of fire and explosion shall prohi*ited, and $arning notices in the lang)age )nderstood *+ ma@orit+ of $or8ers shall *e posted in the factor+ prohi*iting smo8ing into specified areas.

D2EStatic 7lectricit+-D1E All machiner+ and plant partic)larl+, pipelines and *eltdrives,on$hichstaticchargeisli8el+toacc)m)late,shall*eeffectivel+ earthed.#eceptaclesforflamma*leli9)idsshallhavemetallicconnectionsto heeartheds)ppl+tan8stopreventstaticspar8ing.5herenecessar+,h)midit+ shall *e reg)lated. D2E 0o*ile tan8er $agons shall *e earthed d)ring filling and discharge, and preca)tionsshall*eta8entoens)rethatearthingiseffective*efores)chfilling or discharge ta8es place. 3. ighting(rotection- ightingprotectionarrangementshall*efitted here necessar+, and shall *e maintained. 4.(rocessheating-&hemethodofprovidingheatforaprocessli8el+to res)lt in fire and explosion shall *e as safe as possi*le and $here the )se of na8edflameisnecessar+,theplantshall*esoconstr)ctedasthepreventan+ escaping flamma*le gas, vapo)r or d)st coming into contact $ith the flame or exha)stgasesorotherso)rcesli8el+toca)seignition.5hereverpossi*le,the heating arrangement shall *e a)tomaticall+ controlled at a predetermined temperat)re *elo$ the danger temperat)re5. ea8age of flamma*le li9)ids-D1E (rovision shall *e made to confine *+ means of *)nd $alls, d+8es, s)mps etc. possi*le lea8ages from storage vessels containing flamma*le li9)ids. D2E 5aste material in contact $ith flamma*le s)*stances shall *e disposed off s)ita*l+ )nder the s)pervision of 8no$ledgea*le and responsi*le person. D3E Ade9)ate and s)ita*le fire-fighting appliances shall *e installed in the vicinit+ of s)ch vessels. !. Safet+ valves- 7ver+ still and ever+ closed vessel in $hich gas in evolved or into $hich gas is passed, and in $hich the press)re is lia*le to rise a*ove the atmospheric press)re, shall have attached to it a press)re ga)ge, and a proper safet+ valve or other e9)all+ efficient means to relieve the press)re. &hese appliances shall *e maintained in good condition. ". 2nstallation of pipe line etc.- All pipelines carr+ing flamma*le or explosive s)*stances shall *e protected from mechanical damage and shall *e examined *+ a responsi*le person once in a $ee8 to detect an+ deterioration or defects, or acc)m)lation of flamma*le or explosive s)*stances, and record 8ept of an+ defects fo)nd and repairs made. %. -ire fighting s+stems- D1E 7ver+ factor+ emplo+ing 5,, or more person and carr+ing o)t processes listed in Appendix IAI shall provide-


&rained and responsl*lef1ref1ghtmgs9)adsoas to effectivel+ handle the fire fighting and life saving e9)ipment in the event of fire or other emergenc+ ..)m*er of persons in this s9)ad $ill )pon the siAe of ris8 involved, *)t in no case shall *e less trained persons to *e availa*le at an+ time. &he s9)ad shall consist of $atch and $ard personnel, fire p)mpman and departmental s)pervisors and operators trained in the operation of fire emergenc+ services.

D*E S9)ad leaders shall prefera*l+ *e trained in a recognised government instit)tion and their )sef)lness enhanced *+ providing residence on the premises. DcE S9)ad personnel shall *e provided $ith clothing and e9)ipment incl)ding helmets, *oots and *elts. D2E A m)ster-roll sho$ing the d)ties allocated to each mem*er of the s9)ad shall *e prepared and copies s)pplied to each leader as $ell as displa+ed, prominent places so as to *e easil+ availa*le for reference in case of emergenc+ D3E &he p)mpman shall *e thoro)ghl+ conversant $ith the location of a appliances. 6e shall *e responsi*le for maintaining all fire fighting e9)ipment in proper $or8ing order. An+ defect coming to his notice shall *e immediatel+ *e *ro)ght to the notice of s9)ad leader . D4E As far as is practica*le, the fire p)mp room and the main gateDsE of the factor+ *e connected to all man)fact)ring or storing areas thro)gh telephone inter lin8ed and placed in a convenient location near s)ch areas. (A#& 2; #is8s of &oxic S)*stances 1. ea8age-- D1E All plants shall *e so designed and constr)cted as to prevent the escape of toxic s)*stance. 5here necessar+, separate *)ildings, rooms or protective str)ct)re shall *e )sed for the dangero)s stages of the process and the *)ildings shall *e so designed as to localised an+ escape of toxic s)*stances, D2E 4atch pits, *)nd $alls, d+8es or other s)ita*le safeg)ards shall *e provided to restrict the serio)s effects of s)ch lea8ages. 4atch pits shall *e placed *elo$ @oints in pipelines $here there is danger involved to maintenance and other $or8ers from s)ch lea8age. 2. Drainage-- Ade9)ate drainage shall *e provided and shall lead to collection tan8s specificall+ provided for this p)rpose $herein deleterio)s material shall *e ne)tralised, treated or other$ise rendered safe *efore it is discharged into p)*lic drains or se$ers. 3. 4overing of vessels- D1E ever+ fixed vessel or str)ct)re containing an+ toxic s)*stance and not so covered as to eliminate all reasona*le ris8 of accidental contact of an+ portion of the *od+ of a $or8er, shall *e so constr)cted as to avoid ph+sical contact.

D2E S)ch vessel shall, )nless its edge is at least ', centimeters a*ove the ad@oining gro)nd or platform *e sec)rel+ fenced to a height of at least ', centimeters a*ove s)ch ad@oining gro)nd or platform. D3E 5here s)ch vessel ad@oin and the space *et$een them, clear of an+ s)rro)nding *ric8 or other $or8 is either less than 45 centimeters in $idth or 45 or more centimeters in $idth, *)t is not sec)rel+ fenced on *oth sides to height of at least ', centimeters a sec)re *arriers shall *e so placed as to preven passage *et$een them = (rovided that s)*-paragraph D2E of this paragraph shall not appl+ to=DaE sat)rators )sed in the man)fact)re of s)lphate of ammoniaO and D*E that part of the sides of *rine evaporating pans $hich re9)ire ra8ing, dra$ing or filling. 4. 4ontin)o)s exha)st arrangement- D1E An+ process evolving toxi vapo)r, gas, f)me and s)*stance shall have efficient contin)o)s exha)st dra)gh. S)ch arrangement shall *e inter loc8ed in the process control $herever possi*le. D2E 2n the event of fail)re of contin)o)s exha)st arrangement means shall *e provided to a)tomaticall+ stop the process. 5. 5or8-*ench- All the $or8 *enches )sed in processes involving the manip)lation of toxic s)*stance, shall *e graded properl+ and shall *e made smooth impervio)s s)rface $hich shall *e $ashed dail+ after the completion $or8. !. 5aste disposal- D1E &here shall *e provided a s)ita*le receptacle mace of nona*sor*a*le material $ith a tightl+ fitting cover for depositing $as material soiled $ith toxic s)*stances and the contents of s)ch receptacles shall *e destro+ed *+ *)rning or )sing other s)ita*le methods )nder the s)pervision of a responsi*le person. D2E D)ring the co)rse of man)fact)re, $henever an+ *atch or intercede prod)cts having toxicit+ is re@ected on consideration of 9)alit+, s)fficient preca)tions shall *e ta8en to render them innoc)o)s or other$ise treat them inactive them *efore disposal. D3E &he empt+ containers of toxic s)*stance shall *e cleaned thoro)ghl+ *efore disposal )nder the s)pervision of a responsi*le person.

(A#& ; Special (rovisions 1. Special preca)tions for .itro or Amino (rocesses- D1E :nless the cr+stallised nitro on amino s)*stances or an+ of its li9)or is *ro8en or agitated in a completel+ enclosed process so as not to give rise to d)st or f)me, s)ch process shall *e carried on )nder an efficient exha)st dra)ght or *+ adopting an+ other s)ita*le means to s)ch a manner as to prevent the escape of d)st or f)me in the $or8ing atmosphere. D2E .o part of the plant or e9)ipment or implements $hich $as in contact $ith nitro or amino compo)nds shall *e repaired, or handled )nless the+ *een emptied and thoro)ghl+ cleaned and decontaminated. D3E -illing of containers $ith nitro or amino compo)nds shall *e done onl+ *+ )sing a s)ita*le scoop to avoid ph+sical contact and the dr+ing of the containers in the stove shall *e done in s)ch a manner that the hot and contaminated air from the stove is not dra$n into the $or8 room. D4E (rocesses involving the steaming into or aro)nd an+ vessel containing nitro or amino compo)nds or its ra$ materials shall *e carried o)t in s)ch a manner that the steam or vapo)r is effectivel+ prevented to *e *lo$n *ac8 into the $or8ing atmosphere. D5E S)ita*le antidotes s)ch as meth+lene *l)e in@ections shall al$a+s *e availa*le at designated places of $or8 for )se d)ring emergenc+ involving the poisoning $ith nitro or amino compo)nds. 2. Special preca)tions for chrome processes- D1E Grinding and sieving of ra$ materials in chrome processes shall *e carried on in s)ch a manner and )nder s)ch condition as to sec)re effective separation from an+ other processes and )nder an efficient exha)st dra)ght. D2E &here shall *e $ashing facilities located ver+ near to places $here $et chrome processes s)ch as leaching, acidification, s)lphate settling, evaporation, cr+stallisation centrif)gation or pac8ing are carried o)t, to ena*le 9)ic8 $ashing of affected parts of *od+ $ith r)nning $ater. D3E 5ee8l+ inspection of hand and fact of all persons emplo+ed in chrome process shall *e done *+ a 9)alified n)rse and record of s)ch inspections shall *e maintained in a form approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector of -actories. D4E &here shall *e al$a+s availa*le at designated places of $or8 s)ita*le ointment s)ch as gl+cerine, vaceline etc. and $ater proof plasters in a separate *ox readil+ accessi*le to the $or8ers so as to protect against perforation of nasal sept)m. 3. Special preca)tions for processes carried o)t in all glass vessels- D1E (rocesses and chemical reactions s)ch as man)fact)re of vin+l chloride, *enA+l chloride etc. $hich are re9)ired to *e carried o)t in all glass vessels shall have s)ita*le means li8e s)*stantial

$iremesh covering to protect persons $or8ing near*+ in the event of *rea8age of glass vessel. D2E An+ spillage or emission of vapo)r from the all glass vessel d)e to *rea8age, shall *e immediatel+ inactivated or rendered innoc)o)s *+ s)ita*le means s)ch as dil)tion $ith $ater or s)ita*le solvents so as to avoid the ris8s of fire or explosion or health haAards. 4. Special preca)tions for processes involving chlorate man)fact)re-- D1E 4r+stallisation, grinding or pac8ing of chlorate shall not *e done in a place )sed for an+ other p)rpose and s)ch places shall have hard, smooth and impervio)s s)rface made of non--com*)sti*le material. &he place shall *e thoro)ghl+ cleaned dail+. D2E &he personal protective e9)ipment li8e overall etc. provided for the chlorate $or8ers shall not *e ta8en from the place of $or8 and the+ shall *e thoro)ghl+ cleaned dail+. D3E Ade9)ate 9)antit+ of $ater shall *e availa*le near the place of chlorate process for )se d)ring fire emergenc+. D4E 5ooden vessels shall not *e )sed for the cr+stallisation of chlorate or to contain cr+stallised gro)nd chlorate.

(A#& ;2 0edical #e9)irements 1. Decontamination facilities- 2n all places $here toxic s)*stances are )sed in processes listed in Appendix IA ,, the follo$ing provisions shall *e made to met an emergenc+O DaE f)ll+ e9)ipped first aid *oxO D*E readil+ accessi*le means of drenching $ith $ater persons, parts of *od+ of persons, and clothing of persons $ho have *een contaminated $ith s)ch toxic and corrosive s)*stances and s)ch means shall *e as sho$n in the &a*le *elo$= .o. of drenching sho$ers 2 3 3Y1 for ever+ 5 persons thereafter 5Y1 for ever+ 1, persons thereafter "Y1 for ever+ 2, persons thereafter

.o. of persons emplo+ed at an+ time :p to 5, persons 1et$een 51 to 1,, 1et$een 1,1 to 2,, 1et$een 2,1 to 4,, 1et$een 4,1 and a*ove

DcE a s)fficient n)m*er of e+e $ash *ottles filled $ith distilled $ater or s)ita*le li9)id, 8ept in *oxes or c)p*oards convenientl+ sit)ated and clearl+ indicated *+ a distinctive sign $hich shall *e visi*le at all times. 2. /cc)pational health centre-- 2n all the factories carr+ing o)t processes covered in Appendix IAI there shall *e provided and maintained in good order an occ)pational health centre $ith facilities as per scale laid do$n here)nderD1E -or factories emplo+ing )pto 5, $or8ersDaE &he services of a 9)alified medical practitioner herein after 8no$ as -actor+ 0edical /fficer, availa*le on a retainer ship *asis. in his notified clinic near to the factor+ for see8ing medical help d)ring emergenc+. 6e $ill also carr+ o)t the pre-emplo+ment and medical examinations as stip)lated in paragraph 4 of this part. D*E A minim)m of five persons trained in first-aid proced)res. Amongst $hom at leas t one shall al$a+s *e availa*le d)ring the $or8ing priedO DcE A f)ll+ e9)ipped first-aid *ox.

D2E -or f)ll+ emplo+ing 51 to 2,, $or8ersDaE &he occ)pational health centre shall have a room having a minim)m floor area of 15 s9.m. 5ith floors and $alls made of smooth, hard and impervio)s s)rface and shall *e ade9)atel+ ill)minated, ventilated and e9)ipped. D*E A part-time -actor+ 0edical /fficer $ill *e in over all charge of the 4entre $ho shall visit the factor+ minim)m t$ice in a $ee8 and $hose services shall *e readil+ availa*le d)ring emergencies. DcE &here shall *e one 9)alified and trained dresser-c)m-compo)nder on d)t+ thro)gho)t the $or8ing periodO DdE A f)ll+ e9)ipped first-aid *ox. D3E -or factories emplo+ing a*ove 2,, $or8ersDaE &here shall *e one f)ll-time -actor+ 0edical /fficer for factories emplo+ing )pto 5,, $or8ers and one more medical officer for ever+ 1,, $or8ers or part thereof. D*E &he occ)pational health centre in this case shall have a minim)m of 2 rooms each having a mini)m floor area of 15 s9.m. $ith floors and $alls made of smooth, hard and impervio)s s)rface and shall *e ade9)atel+ ill)minated, ventilated and e9)ipped. DcE &here shall *e one trained n)rse, one dresser-c)m-compo)nder and one s$eeper-c)m$ard *+ thro)gho)t the $or8ing period.

DdE &he /cc)pational 6ealth 4entre in this case shall *e s)ita*l+ e9)ipped to manage medical emergencies. 3. Am*)lance van- D1E 2n ever+ factor+ carr+ing o)t processes covered in Appendix IAft, there shall *e provided and maintained to good condition, a s)ita*l+ constr)cted and f)ll+ e9)ipped am*)lance van as per Appendix I4I manned *+ a f)ll+ time driver-c)m-mechanic and a helper, trained in first-aid for the p)rposes of transportation of serio)s cases of accidents or sic8ness )nless arrangements for proc)ring s)ch facilit+ at short notice d)ring emergencies have *een made $ith the near*+ hospital or other places. &he am*)lance van shall not *e )sed for an+ p)rpose other than the p)rpose stip)lated herein and $ill al$a+s *e availa*le near the /cc)pational 6ealth 4entre. D2E &he relaxation to proc)re Am*)lance van from near*+ places provided for in s)*-para D1E a*ove $ill not *e applica*le to factories emplo+ing more than 5,, $or8ers. 4. 0edical examination-D2E 5or8ers emplo+ed in processes covered in Appendix 2t Aft shall *e medicall+ examined *+ a -actor+ 0edical /fficer in the follo$ing mannerDaE /nce *efore emplo+ment, to ascertain ph+sical s)ita*ilit+ of the person to do the partic)lar @o*O

D*E /nce in a period of ! months, to ascertain the health stat)s of the $or8ersO and DcE &he details of pre-emplo+ment and periodical medical examinations carried o)t as aforesaid shall *e recorded in the prescri*ed form. D2E An+ findings of the -actor+ 0edical /fficer revealing an+ a*normalit+ or )ns)ita*ilit+ of an+ person emplo+ed in the process shall immediatel+ *e reported to the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ho shall in t)rn, examine the concerned $or8ers and comm)nicate his findings $ithin 3, da+s. 2f the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon is of the opinion that the person so examined is re9)ired to *e s)spended from the process for health protection he $ill direct the occ)pier accordingl+, $ho hall not emplo+ the said $or8er in the same process. 6o$ever, the person so s)spended from the process shall *e provided $ith alternate placement facilities )nless he is f)ll+ incapacitated in the opinion of the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon, in $hich case the person affected shall *e s)ita*l+ reha*ilitatedO (rovided that the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon on his o$n ma+ examine an+ other $or8er $hom he feels necessar+ to *e examined for ascertaining the s)ita*ilit+ of his emplo+ment in the process covered in Appendix IAI or for ascertaining the health stat)s of an+ other $or8er and his opinion shall *e final. D3E .o person shall *e ne$l+ appointed $itho)t the certificate of -itness granted *+ the -actor+ 0edical /fficer. 2f the -actor+ 0edical /fficer declares a person )nfit for *eing appointed to $or8 in the process covered in Appendix IAI s)ch person shall have a right of appeal to the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon, $hose opinion shall *e final in this regard.

D4E &he $or8er s)spended from the process o$ing to the circ)mstances covered in s)*-para D2E shall *e emplo+ed again in the same process onl+ after o*taining the -itness 4ertificate from the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon and after ma8ing entries to that effect in the health register.

(A#& ;22 Additional 5elfare Amenities 1. 5ashing facilities- D1E &here shall *e provided and maintained in ever+ factor+ for the )se of all the $or8ers taps for $ashing, at the rate of one tap for ever+ 15 persons incl)ding li9)id soap in a container $ith filling arrangements and nail *r)shes or other s)ita*le means for effective cleaning. S)ch facilities shall *e convenientl+ accessi*le and shall *e 8ept in a clean and h+gienic condition. D2E 2f, $ashing facilities as re9)ired a*ove are provided for $omen s)ch facilities shall *e separate for them and ade9)ate privac+ at all times shall ens)red in s)ch facilities. 2. 0ess-room facilities- D1E &he occ)pier of all the factories carr+ing o)t processes covered in Appendix IAI and emplo+ing 5, $or8ers or more, shall provide for all the $or8ers $or8ing in a shift mess-room facilities $hich are $ell ventilated and provided $ith ta*les and sitting facilities along $ith the provision of cold and h+gienic drin8ing $ater facilities. D2E S)ch facilities shall incl)de s)ita*le arrangements for cleaning and $ashing and shall *e maintained in a clean and h+gienic condition. 3. 4loa8-room facilities- D1E &he occ)pier of ever+ factor+ carr+ing o)t an+ process covered in Appendix IAll shall provide for all the $or8ers emplo+ed in the process cloa8-room facilities $ith loc8ers. 7ach $or8er shall *e provided $ith t$o loc8ers, one for $or8 clothing and another separatel+ for personal clothing and the loc8ers sho)ld *e s)ch as to ena*le the 8eeping of the clothing in a hanging position. D2E &he cloa8-room facilities so provided in p)rs)ance of s)*-para D1E shall *e located as far as possi*le near to the facilities provided for $ashing in p)rs)ance of para 1 D1E. 2f it is not possi*le to locate the $ashing facilities the cloa8-room facilities shall have ade9)ate and s)ita*le arrangements for cleaning and $ashing. 4. Special *athing facilities- D1E &he occ)pier of an+ factor+ carr+ing o)t the process covered )nder Appendix L212L shall provide special *athing facilities for all the $or8ers emplo+ed and s)ch facilities shall *e provided at the rate of 1 for 25 $or8ers and part thereof and shall *e maintained in a clean and h+gienic condition. D2E &he occ)pier shall insist all the $or8ers emplo+ed in the processes covered in Appendix I1I to ta8e *ath after the completion of the da+Ls or shift $or8 )sing the *athing facilities so

provided and shall also effectivel+ prevent s)ch of those $or8ers ta8ing *ath in an+ place other than the *athing facilities. D3E .ot$ithstanding an+thing contained in s)*-para D1E a*ove, the 4hief 2nspector ma+ re9)ire in $riting the occ)pier of an+ factor+ carr+ing o)t an+ other process for $hich in his opinion *athing facilities are essential from the health point of vie$, to provide special *athing facilities.

(A#& ;222

1. D)ties of $or8ers- D1E 7ver+ $or8er emplo+ed in the processes covered in Appendix IAI and Appendix I1I shall not ma8e an+ safet+ device or appliance or an+ g)arding or fencing arrangement, inoperative or defective and shall report the defective condition of the aforesaid arrangements as soon as he is a$are of an+ s)ch defect. D2E 1efore commencing an+ $or8, all $or8ers emplo+ed in processes covered in Appendix IAI shall chec8 their $or8place as $ell as the machiner+ e9)ipment or appliance )sed in the processes and report an+ mal-f)nction or defect immediatel+ to the s)pervisor or an+ responsi*le person of the management. D3E All $or8ers shall co-operate in all respects $ith the management $hile carr+ing o)t an+ $or8 or an+ emergenc+ d)t+ assigned to them in p)rs)ance of this Sched)le and shall al$a+s )se all the personal protective e9)ipment iss)ed to them in a caref)l manner. D4E All $or8ers emplo+ed in the processes covered in Appendix IAL or Appendix I1I shall not smo8e in the process area or storage area, 2f special facilities are provided *+ the management onl+ s)ch facilities sho)ld *e ) ed, D5E All $or8ers emplo+ed in the processes covered in Appendix IAI shall not remain in )na)thorised place or carr+ o)t )na)thoried $or8 or improve is an+ arrangements or adopt short o)t method or mis)se an+ of the facilities provided in p)rs)ance of the Sched)le, in s)ch a manner as to ca)se ris8 to themselves as $ell as or to others emplo+ed, D!E &he $or8ers shall not ref)se )ndergoing medical examination as re9)ired )nder these r)les,

(A#& 2F #estrictions on the emplo+ment of +o)ng persons )nder 1% +ears of age and $oman

D1E &he 4hief 2nspector of -actories ma+ *+ an order in $riting, restrict or prohi*it the emplo+ment of $omen and +o)ng persons )nder the age of 1% in an+ of the processes covered in Appendix I A I of this sched)le on considerations of health and safet+ of $omen and +o)ng persons, D2E S)ch persons $ho are restricted or prohi*ited from $or8ing in the process d)e to the order iss)ed in p)rs)ance of s)*-para D1E a*ove shall *e provide $ith alternate $or8 $hich is not detrimental to their health or safet+.

(A#& F 7xemptions 1. (o$er of exemption- &he State Government or s)*@ect to the control of the State Government, the 4hief 2nspector ma+ exempt from the compliance $ith an+ of the re9)irements of this Sched)le partl+ or f)ll+, an+ factor+ carr+ing o)t processes covered in Appendix IAI if it is clearl+ and satisfactoril+ esta*lished *+ the occ)pier that the compliance $ith an+ of the re9)irement is not necessar+ to ens)re the safet+ and health of persons emplo+ed s)ita*le ad effective alternate arrangements are availa*le to an+ of the re9)irements covered in this sched)le ,

Appendix IAI An+ $or8s or that part of $or8s in $hichDaE the man)fact)re, manip)lation or recover+ of an+ of the follo$ingLs carried on =DiE sodi)m, potassi)m, iron, al)mini)m, co*alt, nic8el, copper, arsenic, antimon+, chromi)m, Ainc, seleni)m, magnesi)m, cadmi)m merc)r+, *er+lli)m and their organic and inorganic salts, allo+s oxides and h+droxidesO DiiE ammonia, ammoni)m h+droxide and salts of ammoni)mO

DiiiE the organic and inorganic compo)nds of s)lph)ro)s, s)lph)ric, nitric, nitro)s, h+drochloric, h+drofl)oric, h+droiodic, h+dros)lph)ric, h+dro*romc, *oricO DivE c+anogen compo)nds, c+anide compo)nds, c+anate compo)ndsO DvE phosphor)s and its compo)nds other than organo phosphor)s insecticides O

DviE chlorine. D*E h+drogen s)lphide is evolved *+ the decomposition of metallic s)lphides, or h+drogen s)lphide is )sed in the prod)ction of s)ch s)lphidesO DcE *leaching po$der is man)fact)red or chlorine gas is prod)ced in chlor-al8ali plantsO DdE DiE gas tar or coal tar or *it)men or shalo oil asphalt or an+ resid)e of s)ch tar is distilled or is )sed in an+ process of chemicals man)fact)reO DiiE tar *ased s+nthetic colo)ring matters or their intermediates are prod)cedO DeE nitric acid is )sed in the man)fact)re of nitro compo)ndsO DfE explosives are prod)ced $ith the )se of nitro compo)ndsO DgE aliphatic or aromatic compo)nds or their metallic and non-metallic derivatives or s)*stit)ted derivatives, s)ch as chloroform, eth+lene gl+col, formaldeh+de, *enA+l chloride, phenol, meth+le eth+le 8e+tone peroxide, co*alt car*on+l, t)ngsten car*ide etc. are man)fact)red or recovered. Appendix I1I 4oncerning Special 1athing Accommodation in p)rs)ance of para 4 of (art 2; 1. .itro or amino processes. 2. All chrome processes. 3. (rocesses of distilling gas or coal tar or processes of chemical man)fact)re in $hich tar is )sed. 4. (rocesses involving man)fact)re, manip)lation, handling or, recover+ of c+anogen compo)nd, c+anide compo)nd, c+anate compo)nds. 5. (rocesses involving man)fact)re of *leaching po$er or prod)ction of chlorine gas in chlor-al8ali plants. !. 0an)fact)re, manip)lation or recover+ of nic8el and its compo)nds. ". All processes involving the man)fact)re, manip)lation or recover+ of aliphatic or aromatic compo)nds or their derivatives or s)*stit)te derivatives. Appendix I4I Am*)lance

Am*)lance sho)ld have the follo$ing e9)ipments=General=- An $heeled stretcher $ith folding and ad@)sting devicesO 6ead of the stretcher m)st *e capa*le of *eing lifted )p$ardO --ixed s)ction )nit $ith e9)ipmentsO --ixed ox+gen s)ppl+ $ith e9)ipmentsO -(illo$ $ith caseO -SheetsO -1lan8etsO -&o$elsO -7mesis *agO -1ed panO -:rinalO -Glass. Safet+ e9)ipment=--lares $ith life of 3, min)tesO --lood lightsO --lash lightsO --ire exting)isher dr+ po$er t+peO -2ns)lated ga)ntlets. 7mergenc+ care e9)ipments=-(orta*le s)ction )nitO -(orta*le ox+gen )nitO -1ag-valve-mas8 hand operated artificial ventilation )nitO -Air$a+sO -0o)th gagesO -&racheotom+ adaptorsO .-Short spine *oardO -2. ;. -l)ids $ith administration )nitO -1.(. manometerO -G)ggO -Stethoscope. 2mmo*iliAation=- ong < short padded *oardsO -5ire ladder splintsO -&riang)lar *andageO - ong < short spine *oards. Dressings=-Ga)Ae pads -4I F4IO

-:niversal dressing 1,I F 3!IO -#oll of al)min)m foilsO -Soft roller *andages !I F 511 +ardsO -Adhesive tape in 311 rollO -Safet+ pinsO -1andage sheetsO -1)rn sheet. (oisoning=-S+r)p of ipeceaO -Activated 4harcoalO -(re pac8ed in dosesO -Sna8e *ite 8itO -Drin8ing $ater. 7mergenc+ 0edicines=-As per re9)irement D)nder the advice of 0edical /ffcier onl+E. S467D: 7 F222 0an)fact)re of articles from refractor+ materials 1. Application and exemption- &his sched)le shall appl+ to the follo$ing (rocessesDaE 6andling, moving, *rea8ing, cr)shing, grinding or sieving of an refractor+ materials, containing not less than 25 per cent total silica for p)rpose of man)fact)reDiE of articles )sed in the constr)ction of f)rnaces and fl)esO DiiE of cr)ci*lesO and DiiiE of compositions of other materials )sed in the preparation mo)lds in $hich metals are castO or D*E an+ process in the man)fact)re of refractor+ *ric8 as hereinafter defined. (rovided that nothing this sched)le shall appl+MMM DiE to handling, moving, mixing or sieving of nat)ral sandO or DiiE to the manip)lation of rotten roc8 in the preparation of mo)l )sed in metal fo)ndries.

(rovided f)rther that if the 4hief 2nspector of -actories is satisfied in respect of an+ factor+ or part thereof that o$ing to the special conditions of $or8 other$ise, that an+ of the re9)irements of this sched)le can *e s)spended relaxed $itho)t an+ danger to the health of tl1e persons emplo+ed therein, ma+ *+ an order in $riting grant s)ch s)spension or relaxation for s)ch period and on s)ch conditions as he ma+ thin8 fit. An+ s)ch order ma+ *e revo8ed an+ time. 2. Definition- -or the p)rpose of this sched)leDaE Irefractor+ materialI means an+ refractor+ material containing and less than 25 per cent total silicaO D*E Irefractor+ *ric8I means an+ *ric8 or article composed of refractor material and containing not less than 25 per cent total silicaO and DcE Iefficient exha)st dra)ghtI means localised ventilation *+ mechanic means for the removal of d)st, so as to prevent d)st from escaping into the air or an+ place in $hich $or8 is carried on. .o dra)gll shall *e deemed to *e efficient $hich fails to remove the d)es prod)ced at the point $here s)ch d)st originates. 3. #efractor+ material not to *e *ro8en- .o refractor+ material shall *e *ro8en in pieces *+ man)al la*o)r )nless the process is carried o)t in the open air. (rovided that $here it is not practica*le to carr+ o)t this process in open air the process shall *e carried o)t )nder an efficient exha)st dra)ght. 4. 4r)shing or grinding of refractor+ material- .o refractor+ material )nless it is so $et that d)st $ill not *e prod)ced, shall *e cr)shed or gro)nd in a stone cr)shing or a grinding machine )nless s)ch machine is provided $ithDaE an efficient exha)st dra)ght and efficient d)st collecting appliancesO or D*E an efficient $ater or steam spra+O (rovided that ever+ grinding machine $herein an+ refractor+ material is gro)nd in dr+ state, shall *e, totall+ enclosed and connected to a mechanical exha)st s+stem so as to prevent effectivel+ an+ escape of d)st o)tside the casing of the machine *+ maintaining a press)re *elo$ the atmospheric press)re $ithin the casing of the machine. (rovided f)rther that all processes of cr)shing and grinding shall *e effectivel+ isolated from other processes. 5. #efractor+ material handling e9)ipment to *e enclosed- All ch)tes, conve+ors, elevators, screens, sieves and mixers )sed for manip)lating refractor+ material shall, )nless the material is so $et that the d)st $ill not *e prod)ced, *e enclosed and *e provided $ith an efficient exha)st dra)ght. !. (reca)tions in handling refractor+ material- .o refractor+ material so dr+ as to prod)ce d)st shall-

DaE *e loaded into an+ $agon or other receptacle for transport )nless it has *een placed in a s)ita*le d)st proof container or damped as to precl)de d)stO D* E *e )nloaded from an+ $agon on other receptacle for transport )nless it has *een so damped as to precl)de d)st or )nless the $or8 is done )nder an efficient exha)st dra)ghtO or DcE *e shoveled or ra8ed or other$ise manip)lated *+ means of hand tools in an+ man)fact)ring process )nless it has *een so damped as to precl)de d)st or )nless the $or8 is done )nder an efficient exha)st dra)ght. (rovided that s)*-paragraph D*E of this paragraph shall not appl+ to refractor+ material in the form of roc8 or pe**les *efore it is manip)lated in an+ man)fact)ring process. ". 0aintenance of floors- D1E &he floors of all places $here refractor+ *ric8s -are dried, other than the floors of t)nnel ovens or cham*er dries not normall+ entered *+ persons emplo+ed shall, after each lot of refractor+ *ric8s has *een removed, *e caref)ll+ cleaned of all de*ris and the part *eing cleaned shall *e 8ept damp $hile the cleaning is *eing done. D2E &here shall *e provided in ever+ s)ch place a constant s)ppl+ of $ater laid on )nder ade9)ate press)re $ith s)fficient connections and a flexi*le *ranch pipe and sprin8ler to ena*le $ater to *e s)pplied direct to ever+ part of the floor. %. (rohi*ition of )se of dr+ing stove-- .o dr+ing stove in $hich refractor+ *ric8s are *a8ed *+ fires *efore *eing placed in the 8ilns shall *e )sed. '. 4leaning of floors and s)ppression of refractor+ d)st- &he s)rface of ever+ floor or place $here persons are lia*le to pass shall *e cleaned of de*ris of refractor+ material once at least d)ring each dail+ period of emplo+ment or $here shifts are $or8ed, once d)ring each shift. S)ch de*ris )nless it is immediatel+ re9)ired for )se in the processes, shall *e effectivel+ damped and either *e placed in covered receptacles, or *e other$ise stored in s)ch a manner as to prevent the escape of d)st into the air in or near to an+ place $here an+ person is emplo+ed. 1,. S)ppression of refractor+ d)st $hile dr+ing- 5here plates are )sed, $hether porta*le or forming part of the floor, on $hich refractor+ *ric8s are dried, s)ch plates shall *e freed from adherent material onl+ *+ a $et method or *+ s)ch other method as $ell prevent the escape of d)st into the air. 11. (rohi*ition of )se of refractor+ d)st for mo)lding- &he d)st po$der of refractor+ materials shall hot *e )sed for sprin8ling the mo)lds refractor+ *ric8-ma8ing. (rovided that nothing in this paragraph shall *e deemed to prevent the )s of nat)ral sand for the p)rpose of sprin8ling the mo)lds. 12. 5or8ers not to $or8 in refractor+ d)st atmosphere-- .o $or8 shall *e allo$ed to $or8 on an+ d)st process or at an+ place $here d)st of an refractor+ material is present in the atmosphere. (rovided that in an emergenc+ a $or8er ma+ *e allo$ed to $or8 at s)ch process or places if he $ears a s)ita*le and efficient d)st mas8 or *reathing apparat)s.

13. 0edical examination- D1E 7ver+ $or8er emplo+ed on an+ of the processes specified in s)*paragraphs DaE and D*E of paragraph 1 shall *e medicall+ examined in s)ch manner and at s)ch intervals as ma+ *e specified *+ an+ r)les made )nder the 5or8menLs 4ompensation Act, 1'23 or it no s)ch r)les have *een framed )nder the said Act. 7ver+ s)ch $or8er shall *e medicall+ examined *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon *efore emplo+ment on an+ of the aforesaid 2 processes and at an interval not exceeding six months thereafter. D2E S)*@ect to s)*-paragraph D3E, an F-ra+ examination of the chest of ever+ $or8ers referred to in s)*-paragraph D1E shall *e carried o)tDaE if he is alread+ in emplo+ment on the date of coming into force of the s)*-paragraph, $ithin six months of s)ch date and at an interval of ever+ three +ears thereafterO D*E if he is emplo+ed after s)ch date $ithin one month of the date of his emplo+ment and at an interval of ever+ three +ears thereafter, the res)lt of ever+ s)ch F-ra+ examination shall *e prod)ced *efore the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ithin a month of the examination. D3E 2f the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon, d)ring the co)rse of medical examination of an+ $or8er )nder s)*-paragraph D1E has reason to s)spect onset of an+ chest disease, he ma+ direct the manager or the occ)pier to get an F-ra+ examination of the $or8er done and to prod)ce the F-ra+ plate *efore him $ithin a specified time and on receipt of s)ch direction the manager or the occ)pier, as the case ma+ *e, shall carr+ o)t the direction. D4E &he 4ertif+ing S)rgeon shall grant to each $or8er examined a certificate specif+ing therein $hether or not the $or8er $as considered fit to *e emplo+ed on an+ of the aforesaid processes. D5E &he manager shall maintain a register in $hich the findings and recommendations of the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon in respect of ever+ medical examination shall *e maintained d)l+ signed *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon. D!E A $or8er not declared fit shall not *e emplo+ed on an+ of the aforesaid of processes and he shall *e emplo+ed on onl+ s)ch other process or he shall *e s)*@ected to s)ch other examination or treatment as ma+ *e directed *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon. D"E .o fees shall *e charged from an+ $or8er for the medical examination and it shall *e the responsi*ilit+ of the occ)pier and the manager to compl+ $ith the provisions of this sched)le. 14. &ime limit for compliance in respect of existing plants- 2n case an+ existing plant or machiner+ needs alteration, modification or replacement or in case an+ ne$ plant is re9)ired to *e installed, to compl+ $ith the re9)irements of this sched)le, s)ch alteration, modification, replacement or installation of the plant or machiner+ shall *e carried on $ithin a period not exceeding one +ear from the date of p)*lication of this sched)le= (rovided that the 4hief 2nspector of -actories in consideration of special and exceptional circ)mstances *+

an order in $riting ma+ extend this period for s)ch reasona*le length of time as he ma+ thin8 fit. S467D: 7 F2; 6andling and processing of As*estos, 0an)fact)re of an+ Article of As*estos and an+ other (rocess of 0an)fact)re or other$ise in $hich As*estos is )sed in an+ -orm 1. Application- &his sched)le shall appl+ to all factories or parts of factories in $hich an+ of the follo$ing processes is carried on=DaE *rea8ing, cr)shing, disintegrating, opening grinding, mixing of serving of as*estos and an+ other processes involving handling and manip)lation of as*estos incidental theretoO D*E all processes in the man)fact)re of as*estos textiles incl)ding preparator+ and finishing processesO DcE ma8ing of ins)lation sla*s or sections, composed $holl+ or partl+ of as*estos, and processes incidental, theretoO DdE ma8ing or repairing of ins)lating mattresses, composed $holl+ or partl+ of as*estos and processes incidental theretoO DeE man)fact)re of as*estos card*oard and paperO DfE man)fact)re of as*estos cement goodsO DgE application of as*estos *+ spra+ methodO DhE sa$ing, grinding, t)rning, a*rading and polishing in dr+ state of articles composed $holl+ or partl+ of as*estosO DiE cleaning of an+ room, vessel, cham*er, fixt)re or appliance for the collection of as*estos d)stO and D@E an+ other processes in $hich as*estos d)st is given off into the $or8 environment. 2. Definition- -or the p)rpose of this sched)leDaE Ias*estosI means an+ fi*ro)s silicate mineral and an+ admix re containing actionlite lite, amosite, anthoph+llite, dhr+sotile, crocidoli e, tremolite or an+ mixt)re thereof, $hether cr)de, cr)shed or openedO D*E Ias*estos textilesI means +arn or cloth composed of as*estos as*estos mixed $ith an+ other materialO

DcE IapprovedI means approved for the time *eing in $riting *+ the 4hief 2nspector . DdE I*reathing apparat)sI means a helmet or face piece $ith necessar+ connection *+ means of $hich a person )sing it *reathes air free from d)st, or an+ other approved apparat)sO DeE Iefficient exha)st dra)ghtI means localised ventilation *+ mechanic 2 means for the removal of d)st so as to prevent d)st from escaping into air of an+ place in $hich $or8 is carried on. .o dra)ght shall *e deemed to *e efficient $hich fails to control d)st prod)ced at the point $here s)ch d)st originatesO DfE IpreparingI means cr)shing, disintegrating, and an+ other processes in or incidental to the opening of as*estosO DgE Iprotective clothingI means overalls and head covering $hich Din either case, $ill $hen $orn excl)de as *esots d)st. 3. &ools and 79)ipment- An+ tools or e9)ipment )sed in processes to $hich this sched)le applied shall *e s)ch that the+ do not create as*estos d)st a*ove the permissi*le limit or are e9)ipped $ith efficient exha)st dra)ght. 4. 7xha)st dra)ght- D1E An efficient exha)st dra)ght shall *e provided and maintained to control d)st from the follo$ing processes and machines =DaE man)fact)re and conve+ing machiner+ namel+DiE preparing, grinding or dr+ mixing machinesO DiiE carding, card $aste and ring spinning machines and loomsO DiiiE machines or other plant fed $ith as*estosO and DivE machines )sed for the sa$ing, grinding t)rning, drilling, a*rading or polishing, in the dr+ state, of articles composed $holl+ or partl+ of as*estosO D*E cleaning and grinding of the c+linders or other parts of a carding machineO DcE cham*ers, hoppers or other str)ct)res into $hich loose as*estos is delivered or passesO DdE $or8-*enches for as*estos $aste sorting or for other manip)lation of as*estos *+ handO DeE $or8places at $hich the filling or empt+ing of sac8s, s8ips or other (ota*le containers, $eighing or other process incidental thereto $hich is effected *+ hand, is carried onO DfE sac8 cleaning machinesO

DgE mixing and *lending of as*estos *+ handO and DhE an+ other process in $hich d)st is given off into the $or8 environment. D2E 7xha)st ventilation e9)ipment provided in accordance $ith s)*-paragraph D1E shall, $hile an+ $or8 of maintenance or repair to the machiner+, apparat)s or other plant or e9)ipment in connection $ith $hich it is provided is *eing carried on, *e 8ept in )se so as to prod)ce an exha)st dra)ght $hich prevents the entr+ of as*estos d)st into the air of an+ $or8place. D3E Arrangements shall *e made to prevent as*estos d)st discharged from exha)st apparat)s *eing dra$n into the air of an+ $or8room. D4E &he as*estos *earing d)st removed from an+ $or8room *+ the exha)st s+stem shall *e collected in s)ita*le receptacles or filter *ags $hich shall *e isolated from all $or8 areas. 5. &esting and examination of ventilating-s+stems- D1E All ventilating s+stems )sed for the p)rpose of extracting or s)ppressing d)st as re9)ired *+ this sched)le shall *e examined and inspected once ever+ $ee8 *+ a responsi*le person. 2t shall *e thoro)ghl+ examined and tested *+ a competent person once in ever+ period of 12 months. An+ defects fo)nd *+ s)ch examination of test shall *e rectified forth$ith. D2E A register containing partic)lars of s)ch examination and tests and the state of the plant and the repair or alterations Dif an+E fo)nd to *e necessar+ shall *e 8ept and shall *e availa*le for inspection *+ an 2nspector. !. Segregation in case of certain process- 0ixing or *lending *+ the hand of as*estos, or ma8ing or repairing of ins)lating mattresses composed $holl+ or partl+ of as*estos shall not *e carried on in an+ room in $hich an+ other $or8 is done. ". Storage and distri*)tion of loose as*estos- D1E All loose as*estos shall $hile not in )se, *e 8ept in s)ita*le closed receptacles $hich prevent the escape of as*estos d)st there from s)ch as*estos shall not *e distri*)ted $ithin a factor+ except in s)ch receptacles or in a totall+ enclosed s+stem of convenience. %- As*estos sac8s- D1E All sac8s )sed as receptacles for the p)rpose of transport of as*estos $ithin the factor+ shall *e constr)cted of impermea*le material and shall *e 8ept in good repair. D2E A sac8 $hich has contained as*estos shall not *e cleaned *+ hand *eating *)t *+ a machine, compl+ing $ith paragraph 3. '. 0aintenance of floors and $or8places- c1E 2n ever+ room in $hich an+ of the re9)irements of this sched)le appl+DaE the floors $or8-*enches, machiner+ and plant shall *e 8ept in a state and free from as*estos de*ris and s)ita*le arrangements s all *e made for the storage of as*estos not immediatel+ re9)ired or )seO and

D*E the floors shall *e 8ept free from an+ material, plant or other articles not immediatel+ re9)ired for the $or8 carried on in the room, $hich $o)ld o*str)ct the proper cleaning of the floor. D2E &he cleaning as mentioned in s)*-r)le D1E shall, so far as is practica*le, *e carried o)t *+ means of vac))m cleaning e9)ipment so designed and constr)cted and so )sed that as*estos d)st neither escapes nor is discharge into the air of an+ $or8place. D3E 5hen the cleaning is done *+ an+ method other than that mentioned in s)*-paragraph D2E, the person doing cleaning $or8 and an+ other person emplo+ed in that room shall *e provided $ith respirator+ protective e9)ipment and protective clothing. D4E &he vac))m cleaning e9)ipment )sed in accordance $ith provisions of s)*-paragraph D2E shall *e properl+ maintained and after each cleaning operation, its s)rface 8ept in a clean state and free from as*estos $asted d)st. D5E As*estos $aste shall not *e permitted to remain on the floors or other s)rfaces at the $or8place at the end of the $or8ing shift and shall *e transferred $itho)t dela+ to s)ita*le receotacles. An+ spillage of as*estos $aste occ)r ride d)ring the co)rse of the $or8 at an+ time shall *e removed and transferred of the receptacles maintained for the p)rpose $itho)t dela+. 1,. 1reathing Apparat)s and (rotective 4lothing- D1E An approved *reathing apparat)s and protective clothing shall *e provided and maintained in good conditions for )se of ever+ person emplo+ed. DaE in cham*ers containing loose as*estosO D*E in cleaning, d)st settling or filtering cham*ers of apparat)sO DcE in cleaning the c+linders, incl)ding the offer c+linders, or other par of a carding machine *+ means of hand-stic8lesO and DdE in filling, *eating, or leveling in the man)fact)re or repair of ins)lating mattressesO and DeE in an+ other operation or circ)mstances in $hich it is impractica*le to adopt technical means to control as*estos d)st in the $or8 environment $ithin, the permissi*le limit. D2E S)ita*le accommodation in convenientl+ accessi*le position shall provided for the )se of persons $hen p)tting on or ta8ing off *reathing apparat)s and protective clothing provided in accordance $ith this r)le an for the storage, of s)ch apparat)s and clothing $hen not in )se. D3E All *reathing apparat)s and protective clothing $hen not in )se shall *e stored in the accommodation provided in accordance $ith s)*-r)le D2E a*ove.

D4E All protective clothing in )se shall *e deg)sting )nder an efficient exha)st dra)ght or *+ vacc)m cleaning and shall *e $ashed at s)ita*le intervals. &he cleaning sched)le and proced)re sho)ld *e s)ch as to ens)re the efficienc+ in protecting the $earer. D5E All *reathing apparat)s shall *e cheaped and disinfected at s)ita*le intervals and thoro)ghl+ inspected once ever+ month *+ a responsi*le person. D!E A record of cleaning and maintenance and of the condition of the *reathing apparat)s shall *e maintained in register provided for that p)rpose $hich shall *e readil+ availa*le for inspected *+ an 2nspector. D"E .o person shall *e emplo+ed to perform an+ $or8 specified in s)*-paragraph D1E for $hich *reathing apparat)s is necessar+ to *e provided )nder that s)*-paragraph )nless he has *een f)ll+ instr)cted in the proper )se of that e9)ipment. D%E .o *reathing apparat)s provided in p)rs)ance of s)*-paragraph D1E $hich has *een $orn *+ a person shall *e $orn *+ another person )nless, it has *een thoro)ghl+ cleaned and disinfected since last *eing $orn and the person has *een f)ll+ instr)cted in the proper )se of that e9)ipment. 11. Separate accommodation for personal clothing- A separate accommodation shall *e provided in a convenientl+ accessi*le position for all persons emplo+ed @oin operations to $hich this sched)le applied for storing of personal clothing. &his sho)ld *e separated from accommodation provided )nder s)*-paragraph D2E to prevent contamination of personal clothing. 12. 5ashing and *athing facilities- D1E &here shall *e provided and maintained in a clean state and in good repair for the )se of all $or8ers emplo+ed in the processes covered *+ the sched)le, ade9)ate $ashing and *athing places having a constant s)ppl+ of $ater )nder cover at the rate of one s)ch place for ever+ 15 persons emplo+ed. D2E &he $ashing places shall have stand-pipe placed at intervals of not less than one meter. D3E .ot less than one half of the total n)m*er of $ashing places shall *e provided $ith *athroom. D4E S)fficient s)ppl+ of clean to$els made of s)ita*le material shall *e provided. (rovided that s)ch to$els shall *e s)pplied individ)all+ for each $or8er if so ordered *+ the 2nspector, D5E S)fficient s)ppl+ of soap and nail *r)shes shall *e provided. 13. 0ess-room- D1E &here shall *e provided and maintained for the )se of all $or8ers emplo+ed in the factor+ covered *+ his sched)le, remaining on the premises d)ring the rest intervals, a s)ita*le mess room $hich shall *e f)rnished $ith =-

DaE s)fficient ta*les and *enches $ith *ac8 rest, and D*E ade9)ate means for $arning food. D2E &he mess room shall *e placed )nder the charge of a responsi*le per on and shall *e 8ept clean. 14. (rohi*ition of emplo+ment of +o)ng persons- .o +o)ng person shall *e emplo+ed in an+ of the process covered *+ this sched)le. 15. (rohi*ition relating to smo8ing- .o person shall smo8e in an+ area $here processes covered *+ this sched)le are carried on. A notice in the lang)age )nderstood *+ ma@orit+ of the $or8ers shall *e posted in the plant prohi*iting smo8ing at s)ch areas. 1!. 4a)tionar+ .otice-- D1E 4a)tionar+ notice shall *e displa+ed at the approach and along the perimeter of ever+ as*estos processing area to $ar all persons regardingDaE haAards to health from as*estos d)stO D*E need to )se appropriate protective e9)ipmentO DcE prohi*ition of entr+ to )na)thorised person, or a)thorised person *)t $itho)t protective e9)ipment. D2E S)ch notice shall *e in the lang)age )nderstood *+ the ma@orit+ of the $or8ers. 1". Air 0onitoring- &o ens)re the effectiveness of the control meas)res, monitoring of as*estos fi*er entered in a register speciall+ maintained for the and the record of the res)lts so o*tained shall *e in air shall *e carried o)t once at least in ever+ shift p)rpose. 1%. 0edical facilities and records of medical examinations and tests D1E &he occ)pier of ever+ factor+ or part of the factor+ to $hich the sched)le applies, shallDaE emplo+ a 9)alified medical practitioner for medical s)rveillance of the $or8ers covered *+ this sched)le $hose emplo+ment shall *e s)*@ect to the approval of the 4hief 2nspector of -actoriesO D*E provide to the said medical practioner all the necessar+ facilities for the p)rpose referred to in cla)se DaE. D2E &he record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried o t *+ the said medical practitioner shall *e maintained in a separate register approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector of -actories, $hich shall *e 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection *+ the 2nspectors. 1'. 0edical examination *+ 4ertif+ing S)rgeonT 7ver+ $or8ers emplo+ed in the processes specified in paragraph 1 shall *e examined *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ithin 15 da+s of his first

emplo+ment. S)ch examination shall incl)de p)lmonar+ f)nction tests, tests for defecting as*estos fi*ers in sp)t)m and chest F-ra+ .o $or8er shall *e allo$ed to $or8 after 15 da+s of his first emplo+ment in the certified fit for s)ch emplo+ment *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon.

D2E 7ver+ $or8er emplo+ed in the process referred to s)*-paragraph D1E shall *e re-examined *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon at least once in ever+ t$elve calendar months. S)ch examination shall, $herever the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon considers appropriate, incl)ding all the tests specified in s)*-paragraph D1E except chest F-ra+ $hich $ill *e carried o)t once in 3 +ears. D3E &he 4ertif+ing S)rgeon after examining a $or8er shall iss)e a 4ertificate of -itness in -orm 5. &he record of examination and re-examinations carried o)t shall *e entered in the certificate and the certificate shall *e 8ept in the c)stod+ of the manager of the factor+. &he record of each examination carried o)t )nder s)*-paragraphs D1E and D2E incl)ding the nat)re and the res)lts of the tests shall also *e entered *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon in a health register in -orm 1". D4E &he 4ertificate of -itness and the 6ealth #egister shall *e 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection *+ the 2nspector. D5E 2f at an+ time the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon is of the opinion that a $or8er is no longer fit for emplo+ment in the said processes on the gro)nd that contin)ance therein $o)ld involve special danger to the health of the $or8er, he shall ma8e a record of his findings in the said certificate and the health register. &he entr+ of his findings in those doc)ments sho)ld also incl)de the period for $hich he considers that the said person is )nfit to $or8 in the said processes. D!E .o person $ho has *een fo)nd )nfit to $or8 as said in s)*-paragraph D5E shall *e reemplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in the said processes )nless the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon, after f)rther examination, again certifies him fit for emplo+ment in those processes. 2,. 7xemptions- 2f in respect of an+ factor+, the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that o$ing to the exceptional circ)mstances or intre9)enc+ of the processes or for an+ other reason, all or an+ of the provisions of this sched)le is not necessar+ for protection of the $or8ers in the factor+, the 4hief 2nspector ma+ *+ a certificate in $riting, $hich he ma+ at his discretion remove at an+ time, exempt s)ch factor+ from all or an+ of s)ch provisions s)*@ect to s)ch conditions, if an+, as he ma+ specif+ therein. S467D: 7 F; 6andling or manip)lation of corrosive s)*stances 1. Definitions- -or the p)rposes of this sched)le-

DaE Icorrosive operationI means an operation of man)fact)ring storing, handling, processing, pac8ing or )sing an+ corrosive s)*stance in a factor+O and D*E Icorrosive s)*stanceI incl)des s)lph)ric acid, nitric acid, h+drochloric acid, h+droflo)ric acid, car*olic acid, phosphoric acid, li9)id chlorine, li9)id *romine, ammonia, sodi)m h+droxide and potassi)m h+droxide and amixt)re thereof, and an+ other s)*stance $hich the State Government *+ notification in the /fficial GaAette specif+ to *e a corrosive s)*stance.

2. -looring- &he floor of ever+ $or8-room of a factor+ in $hich corrosive operation is carried on shall *e made of impervio)s, corrosion and fire resistant material and shall *e so constr)cted as to prevent collection of an+ corrosive s)*stance. &he s)rface of s)ch flooring shall *e smooth and cleaned as of teas necessar+ and maintained in a so)nd condition. 3. (rotective e9)ipment- D1E &he occ)pier shall provide for the )se of all persons emplo+ed in an+ corrosive operation s)ita*le protective $ear for hands and feet, s)ita*le aprons, face shields, chemical safet+ goggles, and respirators. &he e9)ipments shall *e maintained in good order and shall *e 8ept in clean and h+gienic condition *+ s)ita*l+ treating to get rid of the ill effects an+ a*sor*ed chemicals and *+ disinfecting. &he occ)pier shall also provide s)ita*le protective creams and other preparations $herever necessar+. D2E &he protective e9)ipment and preparations provided shall *e )sed *+ the persons emplo+ed in an+ corrosive operation. 4. 5ater facilities- 5here an+ corrosive operation is carried on, there shall *e provided as close to the place of s)ch operation as possi*le, a so)rce of clean $ater at a height of 21, centimeters from a pipe of 1.25 centimetersHdiameter and fitted $ith a 9)ic8 acting valve so that in case of in@)r+ to the $or8er *+ an corrosive s)*stance, the in@)red part can *e thoro)ghl+ flooded $ith $ater. 5henever necessar+, in order to ens)re contin)o)s $ater s)ppl+, a storage ta8e having a minim)m length, *readth and heightof21, centimeters, 12, centimeters and !, centimeters respectivel+ or s)ch dimensions as are approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector shall *e provided as the so)rce of clean $ater . 5. 4a)tiona+ notice-- A ca)tionar+ notice in the follo$ing form and printed in the lang)age $hich ma@orit+ of the $or8ers emplo+ed )nderstand, shall *e displa+ed prominentl+ close to the place $here a corrosive operation is carried o)t and $here it can *e easil+ and convenientl+ read *+ the $or8ers. 2f an+ $or8er is illiterate, effective steps shall *e ta8en to explain caref)ll+ to him the contents of the notice so displa+ed. 4A:&2/.A#V ./&247 Danger

4orrosive s)*stances ca)se severe *)rns and vapo)rs thereof ma+ *e extremel+ haAardo)s. 2n case of contact, immediatel+ flood the part affected $ith plent+ of $ater for at least 15 min)tes. Get medical attention 9)ic8l+. !. &ransport- D1E 4orrosive s)*stance shall not *e filled, moved or except in containers and $hen the+ are to *e transported, the+ shall *e placed in crates of so)nd constr)ction and of s)fficient strength. D2E A container $ith capacit+ of 11.5litres or more of a corrosive s)*stance shall *e placed in a receptacle or crate and then carried *+ more than one person at a height *elo$ the $aist line )nless a s)ita*le n)m*er $heeled tr)c8 is )sed for the p)rpose. D3E 4ontainers for corrosive s)*stances shall *e plainl+ la*eled. ". Devices for handling corrosive-- D1E S)ita*le tilting or lifting device shall *e )sed for empt+ing @ars, car*o+s and other containers of corrosives. D2E 4orrosive s)*stance shall not *e handled *+ *are hands *)t *+ means of a s)ita*le scoop or other device. %. /pening of valves- ;alves fitted to containers holding a corrosive s)*stance shall *e opened $ith great care. 2f the+ do not $or8 freel+, the+ shall not *e forced open. &he+ shall *e opened *+ a $or8er s)ita*l+ trained for the p)rpose. '. 4leaning tan8s, stills etc.- D1E 2n cleaning o)t or removing resid)es from stills or other large cham*ers )sed for holding an+ corrosive s)*stance, s)ita*le implements made of $ood or other material shall *e )sed to prevent prod)ction of areni)retted h+drogen DarsineE. D2E 5henever it is necessar+ for the p)rpose of cleaning or other maintenance $or8 for an+ $or8er to enter cham*er, tan8, vat, pit or other confined space $here a corrosive s)*stance had *een stored, all possi*le preca)tions re9)ired )nder section 3! of the Act shall *e ta8en to ens)re the $or8erLs safet+. D3E 5herever possi*le, *efore repairs are )nderta8en to an+ part of e9)ipment in $hich a corrosive s)*stance $as handled, s)ch e9)ipment or part there of shall *e freed of an+ adhering corrosive s)*stance *+ adopting s)ita*le methods. 1,. Storage-- D2E 4orrosive s)*stances shall not *e stored in the same room $ith other chemicals, s)ch as t)rpentine, car*ides, metallic po$ders and com*)sti*le materials, the accidental mixing $ith ma+ ca)se a reaction $hich is either violet or gives rise to toxic f)mes and gases. D2E ()mping or filling overhead tan8s, receptacles, vats or other containers for storing corrosive s)*stances shall *e thoro)ghl+ examined ever+ +ear for finding o)t an+ defects, and defects so fo)nd o)t shall *e removed forth$ith. A register shall *e maintained of ever+ s)ch examination made and shall *e prod)ced *efore the 2nspector $henever re9)ired.

11. -ire exting)ishers and fire fighting e9)ipments- An ade9)ate n)m*er of s)ita*le t+pe of fire exting)ishers or other fire fighting e9)ipments, depending on the nat)re of chemicals stored, shall *e provided. S)ch exting)ishers or other e9)ipments shall *e reg)larl+ tested and refilled. 4lear instr)ctions as to ho$ the exting)ishers or other e9)ipments sho)ld *e )sed, printed in the lang)age $hich ma@orit+ of the $or8ers emplo+ed )nderstand, shall *e affixed near each exting)isher or other e9)ipments. 12. 7xemption- 2f in respect of an+ factor+ on an application made *+ the manager, the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that o$ing to the exceptional circ)mstances, or the infre9)enc+ of the processes or for an+ other reason to *e recorded *+ him in $riting, all or an+ of the provisions of this sched)le are no necessar+ for the protection of the persons emplo+ed therein, he ma+ *+ certificate in $riting, $hich he ma+ at an+ time revo8e, exempt the factor+ from s)ch of the provisions and s)*@ect to s)ch conditions as he ma+ specif+ therein

S467D: 7 F;2 4ompression of ox+gen and h+drogen prod)ced *+ electrol+sis or $ater 1. ocation of electrol+ser plant- &he room in $hich electrol+ser plant in installed shall *e separated from the plant for storing and compressing ox+gen and h+drogen and also the electric generator room. 2. &esting of p)rit+- D1E &he p)rit+ of ox+gen and h+drogen shall *e test *+ a competent person at least once in ever+ shift at the follo$ing posts =DaE in the electrol+sis roomO D*E at the gasholder inletO and DcE at the s)ction end of the compressor . D2E &he p)rit+ fig)res shall *e entered in a register and signed *+ the person in carr+ing o)t s)ch tests. (rovided, ho$ever, that if the electro+ser plant is fitted $ith a)tomatic recorder of p)rit+ or ox+gen and h+drogen $ith alarm lights, it shall *e s)fficient I if the p)rit+ of gases is tested at the s)ction and of the compressor onl+. 3. #estriction as to *e compression- &he ox+gen and h+drogen gases shall not *e compressed if their p)rit+ as determined )nder paragraph 2 a*ove falls *elo$ '%Z at an+ time. 4. imits s$itch for gasholder- &he *ell of an+ gasholder shall not *e permitted to go $ithin the 3, centimeters of its lo$est position $hen empt+ and a limit s$itch shall

*ePPPPPPPPPP. &hePPPPPPPPPP. in s)ch a manner as to s$itch of thePPPPPPPPPPPPP. the limit is reached. 5. (rovision of negative press)re s$itch- 2n addition to the limit s$itch is gasholder, a sensitive negative press)re s$itch shall *e provided in or ad@acent to the s)ction main for h+drogen close to the gash older and *et$een the gasholder and.the h+drogen compressor to s$itch off the compressor motor in the event of the gasholder *eing emptied to the extent as to ca)se vacc)m. !. ()rit+ of ca)stic soda- &he $ater and ca)stic soda )sed for ma8ing l+e shall *e chemicall+ p)red $ithin pharmace)tical limits. ". (reca)tions against reversal of polarit+- 7lectrical connections at the electrol+ser cells and at the electric generator terminals shall *e so constr)cted as to precl)de the possi*ilit+ of $rong connections leading to the reversal of polarit+ and in addition an a)tomatic device shall *e provided to c)t off po$er in the event of reversal of polarit+ o$ing to $rong, connections either at the s$itch *oard or at the electric generator terminals. %. 4olo)ring of gas pipes- /x+gen and h+drogen gas pipes shall *e painted $ith disting)ishing colo)r and in the event of lea8age at the @oints of the h+drogen gas pipe, the pipe after reconnection shall *e p)gged of all air *efore dra$ing in h+drogen gas. '. :se of flame-proof fitting- All electrical $iring and apparat)s in the electrol+ser room shall *e of flame-proof constr)ction or enclosed in flame-poof of fittings and no na8ed light of flame shall *e allo$ed to *e ta8en either in the electrol+ser room or $here compression and filling of the gases is carried on and s)ch $arning notices shall *e exhi*ited in prominent places. 1,. (rohi*ition of hot $or8- .o part of the electrol+ser plant, and the 2 gasholders and compressor shall *e s)*@ect to $elding, *raAing, soldering or c)tting )ntil steps have *een ta8en to remove an+ explosive s)*stance from that part and render the part safe for s)ch operations and after the completion of s)ch operations no explosive s)*stance shall *e allo$ed to enter that part )ntil the metal has cooled s)fficientl+ to prevent ris8 of explosion. 11. #epair etc. to *e done )nder s)pervision- .o $or8 of operation, repair or maintenance shall *e )nderta8en except )nder the direct s)pervision of a person $ho, *+ his training, experience and 8no$ledge of the necessar+ preca)tions against ris8 of explosion is competent to s)pervise s)ch $or8. .o electric generator after erection or repairs shall *e s$itched on to the electrol+sers )nless the same is certified *+ the competent person )nder $hose direct s)pervision erection or repairs are carried on to *e in a safe condition and the terminals have *een chec8ed for the polarit+ as re9)ired *+ paragraph ". 12. 4hec8ing plant- 7ver+ part of the electrol+ser plant and the gasholders and compressor shall have a reg)lar sched)le overha)l and chec8ing and ever+ defect noticed shall *e rectified forth$ith.

S467D: 7 F;22 (rocess of extracting oils and fats from vegeta*le and animal so)rces in solvent extraction plants 1. Definition- -or the p)rposes of this sched)leDaE Isolvent extraction plantI means a plant in $hich the process of extracting oils and fats from vegeta*le and animal so)rces *+ )se of solvents is carried onO D*E IsolventI means an flamma*le li9)id s)ch as pentane, hexane and heptane )sed for the recover+ of vegeta*le oilsO DcE Iflameproof enclos)reI as applied to electrical machiner+ or apparat)s means an enclos)re that $ill $ithstand, $hen covers or other access doors are properl+ sec)red, an internal explosion of the flamma*le gas or vapo)r $hich ma+ enter or $hich ma+ originate inside the enclos)re $itho)t s)ffering damage and $itho)t comm)nicating internal inflammation Dor explosionE to the external flamma*le gas or vapo)rO

DdE Icompetent personI for the p)rpose of this sched)le shall *e at leas a 0em*er of the 2nstit)tion of 7ngineers D2ndiaE or an Associate 0em*er of the said 2nstit)tion $ith 1, +ears experience in a responsi*le position as Am+ *e approved *+ the 4hief inspector. (rovided that a grad)ate in mechanical engineering or chemical technolog+ $ith specialised 8no$ledge of oils and fats and $ith a minim)m experience of 5 +ears in a solvent extraction plant shall also *e considered to *e a competent person. (rovided f)rther that the State Government ma+ accept. an+ other 9)alifications if in its opinion the+ are e9)ivalent to the 9)alifications aforesaid. 2. ocation and la+o)t- D1E .o solvent extraction plant shall *e permitted to *e constr)cted or extended $ithin a distance of 3, meters from the nearest residential localit+. D2E A 1.5 meter high contin)o)s $ire fencing shall *e provided aro)nd the solvent extraction plant )p to a minim)m distance of 15 meters from the plant. D3E .o person shall *e allo$ed to carr+ an+ matches or an open flame or fire inside the area *o)nd *+ the fencing. D4E 1oiler ho)ses and other *)ildings $here open flame processes are carried on shall *e located at least 3, meters a$a+ from the solvent extraction plant. D5E 2f god o$ns and preparator+ processes are at a distance of less than 3, meters from the solvent extraction plant, these shall *e at least 15 meters distant from the plant, and a contin)o)s *arrier $all of non-com*)sti*le material 1.5 meters high shall *e erected at a distance of not less than 15 meters from the solvent extraction plant so that it extends to at

least 3, meters of. vapo)r travel aro)nd its ends from the plant to the possi*le so)rce of ignition. 3. 7lectrical installation- D1E All electrical motors and $iring and other electrical e9)ipment installed or ho)sed in solvent extraction plant shall *e of flame proof constr)ction. D2E All metal parts of the plant and *)ilding incl)ding vario)s tan8s and containers $here solvents are stored or are present and all parts of electrical e9)ipment not re9)ired to *e energised shall *e properl+ *onded together and connected to earth so as to avoid accidental rise in the electrical potential of s)ch parts a*ove the earth potential. 4. #estriction on smo8ing- Smo8ing shall *e strictl+ prohi*ited $ithin 15 meters distance from solvent extraction plant. -or this p)rpose LI.o smo8ing signs shall *e permanentl+ displa+ed in the area. 5. (reca)tions against friction- D1E All tools and e9)ipment incl)ding ladders, chains and other lifting tric8le re9)ired to *e )sed in solvent extraction plant shall *e of non-spar8ing t+pe. D2E .o machiner+ or e9)ipment in solvent extraction plant shall *e *elt driven. D3E .o person shall *e allo$ed to enter and $or8 in the solvent extract plant if $earing clothes made of n+lon of s)ch other fi*er that can generate static electrical charge, or $earing foot$ear $hich is li8el+ to ca)se spar8s *+ friction. !. -ire fighting apparat)s- D1E Ade9)ate n)m*er of porta*le fire exting)ishers s)ita*le for )se against flamma*le li9)id fires shall *e provided in the solvent extraction plant. ". (reca)tions against po$er fail)re-- (rovision shall *e made for the a)tomatic c)tting off of steam in the event of po$er fail)re and also for emergenc+ overhead $ater s)ppl+ for feeding $ater *+ gravit+ to condensers $hich shall come into pla+ a)tomaticall+, $ith the po$er fail)re. %. 0agnetic separators- /il ca8e shall *e fed to the extractor *+ a conve+or thro)gh a hopper and a magnetic separator shall *e provided to remove an+ pieces of iron d)ring its transfer. '. ;enting- D2E&an8s containing solvents shall *e protected $ith emergenc+ venting to relieve excessive internal press)re in the event of fire. D2E All emergenc+ relief vents shall terminate at least ! meters a*ove the gro)nd and *e so located that vapo)rs $ill not re-enter the *)ilding in $hich solvent extraction plant is located. 1,. 5aste $ater- (rocess $aste $ater shall *e passed thro)gh a flash evaporator to remove an+ solvent *efore it is discharge into a s)mp $hich sho)ld *e located $ithin the fenced area *)t not closer than % meters to the fence. 11. ;entilation- &he solvent extraction plant is ho)sed in a *)ilding, the *)ilding shall *e provided $ith mechanical ventilation $ith provision for at leas t six air changes per ho)r.

12. 6o)se8eeping- D1E Solvents shall not *e stored in an area covered *+ solvent extraction plant except in small 9)antities $hich shall *e stored in approved safet+ cans. D2E 5aste materials s)ch as oil+ rags, other $astes and a*sor*ents )sed to $ipe off solvent and paints and oils shall *e deposited he approved containers and removed from the premises at least once a da+. D3E Space $ithin the solvent extraction plant and $ithin 15 meters from the plant shall *e 8ept free from an+ com*)sti*le materials and an+ spills of oil or solvent, shall *e cleaned )p immediatel+. 13. 7xamination and repairs- D1E &he solvent extraction plant shall *e examined *+ the competent person to determine an+ $ea8ness or corrosion and $ear once in ever+ 12 months. #eport of s)ch examination shall *e s)pplied to the 2nspector $ith his o*servation as to $hether or not the plant is in safe condition to $or8. D2E .o repairs shall *e carried o)t to the machiner+ or plant except )nder the direct s)pervision of the competent person. D3E -acilit+ shall *e provided for p)rging the plant $ith inert gas *efore opening for cleaning or repairs and *efore introd)cing solvent after repairs 14. /perating personnel-L-- &he operation of the plant and machiner+ in he solvent extraction plant shall *e in the charge of s)ch d)l+ 9)alified and trained persons as are certified *+ the competent person to *e fit for the p)rpose and other person shall *e allo$ed to operate the plant and machiner+.. 15. 7mplo+ment of $omen and +o)ng persons- .o $oman and +o)ng person shall *e emplo+ed in the solvent extraction plant. 1!. ;apo)r detection- A s)ita*le t+pe of flame-proof and porta*le com*)sti*le gas indicator shall *e provided and maintained in good $or8ing order and a sched)le of ro)tine sampling of atmosphere at vario)s locations as approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector shall *e dra$n o)t and entered in a register maintained for the p)rpose. S467D: 7 F;222 0an)fact)re or manip)lation of manganese and its compo)nds 1. Application- &his sched)le shall appl+ to ever+ factor+ in $hich or. an+ part of $hich an+ manganese process is carried on. 2. Definition--or the p)rpose of this sched)leDaE Imanganese processI means processing, man)fact)re of manip)lation of manganese or an+ compo)nd of manganese of an ore or an+ mixt)re containing manganeseO

D*E Ifirst emplo+mentI means first emplo+ment in an+ manganese process and incl)des also re-emplo+ment in an+ manganese process follo$ing an+ cessation of emplo+ment for a contin)o)s period exceeding 3 calender monthsO DcE Imanip)lation Imeans mixing, *lending, filling, empt+ing, grinding, sieving, dr+ing, pac8ing, s$eeping or other$ise handling of manganese or a compo)nd of manganese, or an+ ore or an+ mixt)re containing manganeseO and DdE Iefficient exha)st ventilationI means localised ventilation effected *+ mechanical means for the removal of d)st or f)me or mist at its so)rce of origin so as to prevent it from escaping into the atmosphere of an+ place $here an+ $or8 is carried on. .o dra)ght shall *e deemed to *e efficient $hich fails to remove the d)st or f)me or mist at the point $here it is generated and fails to prevent it from escaping into and spreading. 3. 2solation of a process- 7ver+ manganese process $hich ma+ give rise to d)st, vapo)r or mist containing manganese, shall *e cartied on in a totall+ enclosed s+stem or other$ise effectivel+ isolated from other processes so that other plants and processes and other parts of the factor+ and persons emplo+ed on other processes ma+ not *e affected *+ the same. D4E. ;entilation of process- .o process in $hich an+ d)st, vapo)r or mist containing manganese is generated, shall *e carried o)t except )nder an efficient exha)st ventilation $hich shall *e applied as near to point of generation as practica*le. 5. (ersonal protective e9)ipment- D1E &he occ)pier of the factor+ shall provide and maintain in good and clean condition s)ita*le overalls and heads coverings for all persons emplo+ed in an+ manganese process and s)ch overalls and head coverings shall *e $orn *+ the persons $hile $or8ing on a manganese process. D2E &he occ)pier of the factor+ shall provide s)ita*le respirator+ protective e9)ipment for )se *+ $or8ers in emergenc+ to prevent inhalation of d)sts, f)mes or mists. S)fficient n)m*er of complete sets of s)ch e9)ipment shall al$a+s *e 8ept near the $or8 place and the same shall *e properl+ maintained and 8ept al$a+s in a condition to *e )sed readil+. D3E &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain for the )se of all persons emplo+ed, s)ita*le accommodation for the storage and made ade9)ate arrangement for cleaning and maintenance of personal protective e9)ipment. !. (rohi*ition relating to $omen and +o)ng persons- .o $omen or +o)ng persons shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in an+ manganese process. ". -ood, drin8s etc. prohi*ited in the $or8-rooms- . o food, drin8, pan and s)pari or to*acco shall *e allo$ed to *e *ro)ght into or cons)med *+ an+ $or8er in an+ $or8-room in $hich an+ manganese process is carried on. %. 0ess-room- &here shall *e provided and maintained for the )se of the persons emplo+ed in a manganese process a s)ita*le mess-room $hich shall *e f)rnished $ith s)fficient ta*les and

*enches and ade9)ate means for $arming of food. &he mess-room shall *e placed )nder the charge of a responsi*le person and shall *e 8ept clean. '. 5ashing facilities- &hese shall *e provided and maintained in a clean state and in good condition for the )se of persons emplo+ed in manganese processDaE a $ash place )nder cover, $ith eitherDiE a tro)gh $ith a smooth impervio)s s)rface fitted $ith a $aste pipe $itho)t pl)g, and of s)fficient length to allo$ !, centimeters for ever+ ten s)ch persons emplo+ed at an+one time, and having a constant s)ppl+ of $ater from taps or @ets a*ove the tro)gh at intervals of not more than !, centimetersO or DiiE at least one $ash *asin for ever+ five s)ch persons emplo+ed at an+one time, fitted $ith a $aste pipe and pl)g and having a constant s)ppl+ of $aterO and D*E S)fficient s)ppl+ of soap or other s)ita*le cleaning material and an *r)shes and clean to$els. 1,. 4loa8-room- 2f the 4hief 2nspector so re9)ires there shall *e provide and maintained for the )se of persons emplo+ed in manganese process a class room for clothing p)t off d)ring $or8ing ho)rs $ith ade9)ate arrangement for dr+ing the clothing. 11. 4a)tionar+ placard and instr)ctions-4a)tionar+ notices in the for specified in appendix and printed in the lang)age of the ma@orit+ of the $or8er emplo+ed, shall *e affixed in prominent places in the factor+ $here the+ can *e easil+ and convenientl+ read *+ the $or8ers and arrangements shall *e made *+ the occ)pier to instr)ct periodicall+ all $or8ers emplo+ed in a manganese process regarding the health haAards connected $ith their d)ties and the preventive meas)res and methods to protect themselves. &he notices shall al$a+s *e maintained in a legi*le condition. I 12. 0edical examination- D1E 7ver+ person emplo+ed in a manganese process shall *e medicall+ examined *+ 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ithin 14 da+s of the his first emplo+ment anX thereafter at intervals of no more than three months. D2E 2f a person medicall+ examined 2S fo)nd ht for emplo+ment on are manganese process the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon, shall grant a certificate of fitness in the -orm 2! $hich shall *e 8ept in the c)stod+ of the manager of the factor+. &he certificate shall *e readil+ prod)ced *+ the manager $henever re9)ired *+ an+ 2nspector, and the person granted s)ch a certificate shall *e provided $ith a to8en made of metal $ith the n)m*er of the certificate inscri*ed thereon and the said person shall al$a+s carr+ the said to8en on the person $hile at $or8. D3E 2f a person is fo)nd )nfit for $or8 in an+ manganese process, the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon shall grant a certificate to that effect and s)ch person shall not *e allo$ed to $or8 in an+ manganese process.

D4E DaE 2f the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon finds that an+ $or8er $ho had *een granted a certificate of fitness at a previo)s medical examination $as no longer fit to *e emplo+ed on an+ manganese process, he ma+ revo8e the previo)s certificate and no person $hose certificate of fitness has *een revo8ed shall *e allo$ed to $or8 on an+ manganese process. D*E &he 4ertif+ing S)rgeon ma+ re9)ire s)ch person to *e prod)ced *efore him for fresh medical examination after s)ch period as he ma+ specif+ in $riting on the revo8ed certificate and in the health register. D5E 2f the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon is of the opinion that a person had *ecome= permanentl+ )nfit for emplo+ment on an+ manganese process, he shall made an entr+ to that effect in the certificate and in the health register and no s)ch person shall *e allo$ed to $or8 in an+ manganese process. D!E 2f the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon is of the opinion that an+ special expert examination or test is necessar+ for a proper diagnosis in a do)*tf)l case, he ma+ direct the manager andH or the occ)pier to get the $or8er examined *+ s)ch expert, or to get tests carried o)t as ma+ *e specified *+ him and the manager or the occ)pier as the case ma+ *e shall compl+ $ith the direction given $ithin a specified time and prod)ce the report of examination or test, as the case ma+ *e, *efore the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon. D"E 2f the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon is of the opinion that an+ person is not fit for emplo+ment in an+ manganese process *)t is fit to *e emplo+ed on an+ other $or8 he ma+ advise the manager or the occ)pier to emplo+ the said person on s)ch other @o* as ma+ *e safe for him. &he 4ertif+ing S)rgeon ma+ also advise the $or8er to )ndergo s)ch treatment as he ma+ consider necessar+. D%E 2f an+ person has an+ do)*t regarding the diagnosis or decision of the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon he ma+ ma8e an appeal to the 4hief 2nspector of -actories and the 4hief 2nspector ma+ refer the case of the 0edical 2nspector of -actories or to a 0edical 4ommittee constit)ted *+ him for this p)rpose of $hich the 0edical 2nspector of -actories shall *e a mem*er. &he decision of the 0edical 2nspector or the 4ommittee Xs the case ma+ *e shall *e final in the matter. 13. 7xemption- 2f in respect of an+ factor+, the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that o$ing to an+ exceptional circ)mstances, or infre9)enc+ of the process, or for an+ other reason, application of all or an+ of the provisions of this sched)le is not necessar+ for the protection of. the persons emplo+ed in s)ch factor+ he ma+, *+ an order in $riting $hich he ma+ at his discretion revo8e, exempt s)ch factor+ from all or an+ of the provisions on s)ch conditions and for s)ch period as he ma+ specif+ in the said order. A((7.D2F 4A:&2/.A#V ./&247S 0anganese and 0anganese 4ompo)nds-

1. D)st f)mes and mists of manganese and its compo)nds are toxic $hen inhaled or $hen ingested. 2. Do not cons)me food or drin8 near the $or8 place. 3. &a8e a good $ash *efore ta8ing meals. 4. ?eep the $or8ing area clean. 5. :se the protective clothing and e9)ipment provided. !. 5hen re9)ired to $or8 in sit)ations $here d)sts, f)mes or mists are li8el+ to *e inhaled, )se respirator+ protective e9)ipment provided for the p)rpose. ". 2f +o) get severe head-aches, prolonged sleeplessness or a*normal sensations on the *od+, report to the manager $ho $o)ld ma8e arrangements for +o)r examination and treatment. S467D: 7 F2F 0an)fact)re or manip)lation of dangero)s pesticides 1. Application- &his sched)le shall appl+ in respect of all factories or an+ part thereof in $hich the process of man)fact)re or manip)lation of dangero)s pesticide hereinafter referred to as the man)fact)ring process is carried on. 2. Definition- -or the p)rpose of this sched)leDaE Idangero)s pesticidesI means an+ prod)ct proposed or )sed controlling destro+ing or repelling an+ pest or for preventing gro$th or mitigating effects of s)ch gro$th incl)ding an+ of its form)lations $hich is considered toxic )nder and is covered *+ the insecticides Act, 1'!% and the r)les made there )nder and an+ other prod)ct, ma+ *e notified from time to time *+ the State GovernmentO D*E Imanip)lation incl)des mixing, *lending, form)lating, filling, empt+ing, pac8ing or other$ise handlingO DcE Iefficient exha)st dra)ghtI means localised mechanical ventilation for removal of smo8e, gas, vaporH d)st, f)me or mist so as to prevent them from escaping into the air of an+ $or8room in $hich $or8 is carried on. . o exha)st dra)ght shall *e considered efficient if it fails to remove smo8e generated at the point $here s)ch gas, f)me, d)st, vapor or mist originates from the processO DdE Ifirst emplo+mentI shall means first emplo+ment in an+ man)fact)ring process to $hich this sched)le applies and shall also incl)de re-emplo+ment in the said man)fact)ring process follo$ing an+ cessation of emplo+ment for a contino)s period exceeding there calender monthsO and

DeE Is)spensionI means s)spension from emplo+ment in an+ process $herein a dangero)s pesticide is manip)lated, *+ $ritten certificate in the health register in -orm 25 signed *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ho shall *e competent to s)spend all persons emplo+ed in s)ch process. 3. 2nstr)ctions to $or8ers- 7ver+ $or8er on his first emplo+ment shall *e f)ll+ instr)cted on the properties incl)ding dangero)s properties of the chemicals handled in the said man)fact)ring process and the haAards involve &he emplo+ees shall also *e instr)cted in the meas)res to *e ta8en to deal $ith an+ emergenc+. S)ch instr)ctions shall *e repeated periodicall+. 4. 4a)tionar+ notice and placards- 4a)tionar+ notices and placards in the form specified in appendix to this sched)le and printed in the ang)age of the ma@orit+ of the $or8ers shall *e displa+ed in all ,$or8place in $hich said man)fact)ring process is carried on so that the+ can *e easil+ and convenientl+ read *+ the $or8ers. Arrangements shall *e made *+e occ)pier and the manager of the factor+ to periodicall+ instr)ct the $or8ers regarding the health haAards arising in the said man)fact)ring process and methods of protection. S)ch notices shall incl)de *rief instr)ctions regarding the periodical clinical tests re9)ired to *e )nderta8en for protecting health of the $or8ers. 5. (rohi*ition relating to emplo+ment of $omen or +o)ng persons- . o $oman or +o)ng person shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in an+ room in $hich the said man)fact)ring process is carried on or in an+ room in $hich dangero)s pesticide is stored. !. -ood, drin8s and smo8ing prohi*ited- D1E .o food, drin8, to*acco, pan or s)pari shall *e *ro)ght into or cons)med *+ an+ $or8er in an+ $or8- room in $hich the said man)fact)ring process is carried o)t. D2E Smo8ing shall *e prohi*ited in an+ $or8-room in $hich the said man)fact)ring process is carried o)t. ". (rotective clothing and protective e9)ipmentD1E (rotective clothing consisting of long pants and shirts or overalls $ith long sleeves and head coverings shall *e provided for all $or8ers emplo+ed in the said man)fact)ring process. D2E DaE (rotective e9)ipment consisting of r)**er gloves, g)m *oots, r)**er aprons, chemical safet+ goggles and respirators shall *e provided for all $or8ers emplo+ed in the said man)fact)ring process. D*E Gloves, *oots, aprons shall *e made from s+nthetic r)**er $here a pesticide contains oil. D3E (rotective clothing and e9)ipment shall *e $orn *+ the $or8ers s)pplied $ith s)ch clothing and e9)ipment. D4E (rotective clothing and e9)ipment shall *e $ashed dail+ from inside and o)tside if the $or8ers handle pesticides containing nicotine or phosphor)s and shall *e $ashed fre9)entl+ if handling other pesticides.

D5E (rotective clothing and e9)ipment shall *e maintained in good repair. %. -loors and $or8-*enches- D1E -loors in ever+ $or8-room $here dangero)s pesticides are manip)lated shall *e of cement or other impervio)s material giving a smooth s)rface. D2E -loors shall *e maintained in good repair, provided $ith ade9)slope, leading to a drain and thoro)ghl+ $ashed once a da+ $ith hose pipe. D3E 5or8-*enches $here dangero)s pesticides are manip)lates shall *e made of smooth, non-a*sor*ing material prefera*l+ stainless steel and shall *e cleaned at least once dail+. '- Spillage and $aste-- D1E 2f a dangero)s pesticide d)ring its manip)lation splashes or spills on the $or8-*ench, floor or on the protective clothing $orn *+ a $or8er, immediate action shall *e ta8en for thoro)gh decontamination of s)ch areas of articles. Q

D2E 4loth, rags, paper or other material soa8ed or soiled $ith dangers pesticide shall *e deposited in a s)ita*le receptacle $ith tight fitting cover. 4ontaminated $aste shall *e destro+ed *+ *)rning at least once a $ee8. D3E S)ita*le deactivating agents, $here availa*le, shall *e 8ept in a read accessi*le place for )se $hile attending to a spillage. D4E 7as+ means of access shall *e provided to all parts of the plant for cleaning, maintenance and repair. 1,. 7mpt+ containers )sed for dangero)s pesticides- 4ontainers )sed for dangero)s pesticides shall *e thoro)ghl+ cleaned of their contents and treat $ith an inactivating agent *efore *eing discarded or destro+ed. 11. 0an)al handling- D1E A dangero)s pesticide shall not *e re9)ired allo$ed to *e manip)lated *+ hand except *+ means of a long handled scoop D2E Direct contact of an+ part of the *od+ $ith a dangero)s pesticide d)ring its manip)lation shall *e avoided. 12. ;entilation- D1E 2n ever+ $or8-room or area $here a dangero)s pesticide is manip)lated ade9)ate ventilation shall *e provided at all times the circ)lation of fresh air. D2E :nless the process is completel+ enclosed, the follo$ing operations d)ring 2 manip)lation of a dangero)s pesticide shall not *e )nderta8en $itho)t at efficient exha)st dra)ghtDaE empt+ing a container holding a dangero)s pesticideO

D*E *lending a dangero)s pesticideO DcE changing or filling a dangero)s pesticide into a container, tan8 hopper or machine or small siAed containersO DdE preparing a li9)id or po$der form)lation containing a dangero)s pesticide. . D3E 2n the event of a fail)re of the exha)st dra)ght provided on the a*ove operation, the said operations shall *e stopped forth$ith. 13. &ime, allo$ed for $ashing- D1E 1efore each meal and *efore the end of the da+Ls $or8 at least ten min)tes in addition to the reg)lar rest interval shall *e allo$ed for $ashing to each $or8er engaged in the manip)lation of dangero)s pesticides. D2E 7ver+ $or8er engaged in the manip)lation of dangero)s pesticides shall have a thoro)gh $ash *efore cons)ming an+ food and also at the end of the da+Ls $or8. 14. 5ashing and *athing facilities- D1E &hese shall *e provided maintained in a clean state and in good repair for the )se of all $or8ers emplo+ed in the factor+ $here the said man)fact)ring process is carried on, ade9)ate $ashing and *athing places having a constant s)ppl+ of $ater )nder cover a the rate of one s)ch place for ever+ 5 persons emplo+ed.

D2E &he $ashing places shall have standpipes placed at intervals of not less than one meter. D3E .ot less than one half of, the total n)m*er of $ashing places shall *e provided $ith *athrooms. D4E S)fficient s)ppl+ of clean to$els made of s)ita*le material shall *e provided. (rovided that s)ch to$els shall *e s)pplied individ)all+ for each $or8er if so ordered *+ the 2nspector. D5E S)fficient s)ppl+ of soap and nail *r)shes shall *e provided. 15. 4loa8-room- &here shall *e provided and maintained for the )se of all $or8ers emplo+ed in the factor+ $here the said man)fact)ring process is carried on DaE a cloa8-room for clothing p)t off d)ring $or8ing ho)rs $ith ade9)ate arrangements for dr+ing clothing, if $etO and D*E separate and s)ita*le arrangements for the storage of protective clothing provided )nder paragraph ". 1!. 0ess-room- D1E &here shall *e provided and maintained for the )se of all $or8ers emplo+ed in the factor+ in $hich the said man)fact)ring process is carried on and remaining on the premises d)ring the rest intervals, a s)ita*le mess-room $hich shall *e f)rnished $ith-

DaE s)fficient ta*les and *enches $ith *ac8 rest, and D*E ade9)ate means for $arming food. D2E &he mess-room shall *e placed )nder the charge of a responsi*le person and shall *e 8ept clean. 1". 0anip)lation not to *e )nderta8en- 0an)fact)re or manip)lation of a pesticides shall not *e )nderta8en in an+ factor+ )nless a certificate regarding its dangero)s nat)re or other$ise is o*tained from the 4hief 2nspector. 1%. 0edical examination- D1E 7ver+ $or8er emplo+ed in the said man)fact)ring process shall *e examined *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ithin seven da+s of the first emplo+ment and no $or8er shall *e allo$ed to $or8 )nless certified fit for s)ch emplo+ment *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon. D2E 7ver+ $or8er emplo+ed in the said man)fact)ring process shall *e re- examined *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon at least once in six calender months. D3E D)e notice shall *e given to the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon and the 4oncerned $or8ers regarding date arrangements for examination of $or8ers emplo+ed in the said man)fact)ring process after o*taining the consent regarding the arrangement from the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon. D4E 6ealth register in -orm ! containing names of all $or8ers emplo+ed in the said man)fact)ring process shall *e maintained.

D5E .o $or8er after s)spension shall *e emplo+ed $itho)t $ritten sanction from the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon entered in or attached to the health register. 1'. 0edical facilities- D1E &he occ)pier shall engage a 9)alified medial practitioner approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector $ho shall examine and $hen necessar+ treat on the premises of the factor+, all $or8ers $ho are emplo+e in the said man)fact)ring process, for effects of excessive a*sorption of he dangero)s pesticides at least once a $ee8. D2E &he occ)pier shall ma8e necessar+ arrangements to ens)re 9)ic8 availa*ilit+ of 9)alified medical practitioner in emergenc+. D3E &he occ)pier shall provide medicines and antidotes and other e9)ipment re9)ired for treatment of excessive a*sorption of dangero)s pesticides. D4E #ecords of s)ch examinations and treatments and tests shall *e maintained in a form approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector and shall *e made availa*le to 2nspector.

D5E &he 4hief 2nspector ma+ order s)ita*le clinical test or tests to *e carried o)t at specified intervals in respect of $or8ers in an+ factor+ $here s)ch man)fact)ring process is carried on. 4harges for s)ch test or tests shall *e *orne *+ the emplo+er. D!E 7ver+ $or8er in an+ factor+ $here the man)fact)ring process is carried on shall )ndergo the prescri*ed examinations, tests and treatments. 2,. 7xemption- 2n respect of an+ factor+ if the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that o$ing to the exceptional circ)mstances or the infre9)enc+ of the said man)fact)ring process or for an+ other reason $hich he shall record in $ring all or an+ of the provisions of this sched)le are not necessar+ for the protect on of the $or8ers emplo+ed in the. -actor+, he ma+ *+ a certificate in $riting exempt s)ch factor+ from all or an+ of the provisions on s)ch conditions as he an+ specif+ therein. S)ch certificate ma+ at an+ time *e revo8ed *+ the 4hief 2nspector after recording his reasons there for.

A((7.D2F 4A:&2/.A#V ./&247 2nsecticides and pesticides 1. 4hemicals handled in this plant are poisono)s s)*stances. 2. Smo8ing, eating food or drin8ing, che$ing to*acoo in this are is prohi*ited. .o food st)ff or drin8 shall *e *ro)ght in this area. 3. Some of these chemicals ma+ *e a*sor*ed thro)gh s8in and ma+ poisoning. 4. A good $ash shall *e ta8en *efore meal. 5. A good *ath shall *e ta8en at the end of the shift. !. (rotective clothing and e9)ipment s)pplied shall *e )sed $hile $or8ing in this area. ". 4ontainers of pesticides shall not *e )sed for 8eeping food st)ffs. %. Spillage of the chemicals on an+ part of the *od+ or on the floor or $or8-*ench shall *e immediatel+ $ashed a$a+ $ith $ater. '. 4lothing contaminated d)e to splashing shall *e removed immediatel+. 1,. Scr)p)lo)s cleanlines shall *e maintained in this area. 11. Do not handle pesticides $ith *are hands, )se scoops provided $ith handle.

12. 2n case of sic8ness li8e na)sea, vomitting, giddiness, the manager sho)ld *e informed $ho $ill ma8e necessar+ arrangements for treatment. 13. All $or8ers shall report for the prescri*ed medical tests, reg)larl+ to protect their o$n health. S467D: 7 FF 0an)fact)re, handling and )sage of *enAene and s)*stances containing *enAene 1. Application- &his sched)le shall appl+ in respect of factories or parts thereof in $hich *enAene or s)*stances containing *enAene are man)fact)red, handled or )sed. 2. Definitions- -or the p)rpose of this sched)leDaE Is)*stances containing *enAeneS means s)*stances $herein *enAene content exceeds one percent *+ vol)meO D*E Is)*stit)teI means a chemical $hich is harmless or less harmf)l than *enAene and can *e )sed in place of *enAeneO DcE Ienclosed s+stemI means a s+stem $hich $ill not allo$ escape of *enAene vapo)rs to the $or8ing atmosphereO DdE Iefficient exha)st dra)ghtI means localised ventilation effected *+ mechanical means for the removal of gases, vapo)rs and d)sts or f)mes so as to prevent them from escaping into the air of an+ $or8- room. .o dra)ght shall *e deemed to *e efficient if it fails to remove smo8e generated at the point $here s)ch gases, vapo)rs, f)mes or d)sts originate. 3. (rohi*ition and s)*stit)tion- D1E 1enAene or s)*stances containing *enAene shall not *e )sed as a solvent or dil)ent )nless the process in $hich it is )sed is carried on in an enclosed s+stem or )nless the process is carried on in a manner $hich is considered e9)all+ safe as if it $ere carried o)t in an enclosed s+stem. D2E 5here s)ita*le s)*stit)tes are availa*le, the+ shall *e )sed instead of *enAene or s)*stances containing *enAene. &his provision, ho$ever, shall not appl+ to the follo$ing processes=DaE prod)ction of *enAeneO

D*E process $here *enAene is )sed for chemical s+nthesisO DcE motor spirits D)sed as f)elE. D3E &he 4hief 2nspector ma+, s)*@ect to confirmation *+ the State Government, permit exemptions from the percentage laid do$n in s)*-paragraph 2DaE and also from the provisions of s)*-paragraph D2E of this paragraph temporaril+ )nder conditions and $ithin limits of time to *e determined after cons)ltation $ith the emplo+ers and $or8ers concerned.

4. (rotection against inhalation- D1E &he process involving the )se of *enAene or s)*stances containing *enAene shall *e as far as practica*le carried o)t in an enclosed s+stem. D2E 5here, ho$ever, it is not practica*le to carr+ o)t the process in an enclosed s+stem, the $or8-room in $hich *enAene or s)*stances containing *enAene are )sed shall *e e9)ipped $ith an efficient exha)st dra)ght or other means for the removal of *enAene vapo)rs to prevent their escape into the air of the $or8 -room so that the concentration of *enAene in the air does not exceed 25 parts per million *+ vol)me or %, milligrams per c)*icmeter. D3E Air anal+sis for the meas)rement of concentration of *enAene vapo)r in air shall *e carried o)t ever+ % ho)rs or at s)ch intervals as ma+ *e directed *+ the 4hief 2nspector at places $here process involving )se of *enAene is carried on and the res)lt of s)ch anal+sis shall *e recorded in a register speciall+ maintained for this p)rpose. 2f the concentration of *enAene vapo)rs in air as meas)red *+ air anal+sis, exceeds 25 parts per million *+ vol)me or %, miligrarnes per c)*icmeter, the 0anager shall forth$ith report the concentration to the 4hief 2nspector stating the reasons for s)ch increase. D4E 5or8ers $ho for special reasons are li8el+ to *e exposed to concentration of *enAene in the air of the $or8-room exceeding the maxim)m referred to in s)*-paragraph D2E shall *e provided $ith s)ita*le respirators or face mas8 &he d)ration of s)ch expos)re shall *e limited as far as possi*le. 5. 0eas)res against s8in contact- G1E 5or8ers $ho are li8el+ to come in contact $ith li9)id *enAene or li9)id s)*stances containing *enAene shall *e provided $ith s)ita*le gloves, aprons, *oots and $here necessar+ vapo)r light chemical goggles, made of material not effected *+ *enAene or its vapo)rs. D2E &he protective $ear referred to in s)*-paragraph D1E shall *e maintained in good condition and inspected reg)larl+. !. (rohi*ition relating to emplo+ment of $omen and +o)ng .o $oman or +o)ng person shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8-room involving expos)re to *enAene or s)*stances containing ". a*elling- 7ver+ container holding *enAene or s)*stances contaning *enAene shall have the $ord I1enAeneI and approved danger s+m*ols clearl+ visi*le on it and shall also displa+ information on *enAene content, $arnin a*o)t toxicit+ and $arning a*o)t inflamma*ilit+ of the chemical. %. 2mproper )se of *eneAene-L- D1.E &he )se of *enAene or s)*stances containing *enAene *+ $or8ers for cleaning their hands or their $or8 clothing shall *e prohi*ited. D2E 5or8ers shall *e instr)cted on the possi*le dangers arising from s)ch mis)se. '. (rohi*ition of cons)ming food etc. in $or8-rooms- .o $or8er shall *e allo$ed to store or cons)me food or drin8 in the $or8-room in $hich *enAene or s)*stances containing *enAene

are man)fact)red, handled or )sed. Smo8ing and che$ing to*acco or pan shall *e pohi*ited in s)ch $or8-rooms. 1,. 2nstr)ctions as regards ris8s- 7ver+ $or8er on his first emplo+ment shall *e f)ll+ instr)cted on the properties of *enAene or s)*stances containing *enAene $hich he has to handle and of the dangers involved $or8ers shall also *e instr)cted on the meas)res to *e ta8en to deal $ith it in an emergenc+. 11. 4a)tionar+ notices- 4a)tionar+ notices in the form specified in the appendix and printed in the lang)age easil+ read and )nderstood *+ the ma@orit+ of the $or8ers shall *e displa+ed in prominent places in the $or8-room $here *enAene or s)*stances containing *enAene are man)fact)red, handled or )sed. 12. 5ashing facilities, cloa8-room and mess-room- 2n factories in $hich *enAene or s)*stances containing *enAene are man)fact)red, handled or )sed, the occ)pier shall provide and maintain in a clean state and in good repairDaE $ashing facilities )nder cover, of the standard of at least one tap for ever+ 1, persons having constant s)ppl+ of $ater $ith soap, and a clean to$el provided individ)all+ to each $or8er if so ordered *+ the 2nspectorO D*E a cloa8-room $ith loc8ers for each $or8ers, having t$o compartments--one for streetclothing and one for $or8-clothingO and DcE a mess-room f)rnished $ith ta*les and *enches $ith means for $arming food, provided that $here a canteen or other proper arrangements exit for the $or8ers to ta8e their meals, the re9)irements of mess-room shall *e dispensed $ith. 13. 0edical examination- D1E 7ver+ $or8er $ho is to *e emplo+ed in process involving )se of *enAene or s)*stances containing *enAene, shall )ndergoDaE a thoro)gh pre-emplo+ment medical examination incl)ding a *lood test for fitness for emplo+ment *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeonO and D*E periodical medical examination incl)ding *lood test and other *iological tests at intervals of ever+ six months *+ the factor+ medic officer $ith the assistance of a la*orator+. D2E 4ertificate of pre-emplo+ment medical examination and periodic medical examination incl)ding tests, shall *e entered in a health register in -orm !, $hich shall *e prod)ced on demand *+ an 2nspector. D3E DaE 2f the factor+ medical officer on examination at an+ time is of the opinion that an+ $or8er has developed signs or s+mptoms or *enAene expos)re, he shall ma8e a record of his finding in the said register and inform the manager in $riting. D*E /n receipt of the information from the factor+ medical officer, the 0anager of the factor+ shall send the $or8er so fo)nd expose, to the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ho shall, after satisf+ing himself $ith the finding of the factor+ medical officer and cond)cting necessar+

examinations, iss)e orders of temporar+ shifting of the $or8er or s)spension of the $or8er in the process. D4E &he medical examination shall *e arranged *+ the occ)pier or manger of the factor+ and the $or8er so examined shall not *ear an+ expenses for it

A((7.D2F 4A:&2/.A#V ./&247 1enAene and s)*stances containing *enAene 1. 6arards DaE 1enAene and s)*stances containing *enAene are harmf)l. D*E (rolonged or repeated *reathing of *enAene vapo)rs ma+ res)lt in ac)te or chronic poisoning. DcE 1enAene can also *e a*so*ed thro)gh s8in $hich ma+ ca)se s8in and other diseases. 2. (reventive meas)res DaE Avoid *reathing of *enAene vapo)rs. D*E Avoid prolonged or repeated contact of *enAene $ith the s8in. DcE #emove *enAene soa8ed or $et clothing promptl+. DdE 2f an+time +o) are exposed to high concentration of *enAene vapo)rs and exhi*it signs and s+mptoms s)ch as diAAiness, diffic)lt in *reathing, excessive excitation and losing of conscio)sness, immediatel+ inform +o)r factor+ manager. DeE ?eep all the containers of *enAene closed. DfE 6andle, )se and process *enAene and s)*stances containing *enAene caref)ll+ in order to prevent their spillage on floor. DgE 0aintain good ho)se8eeping. 3. (rotective e9)ipment DaE :se respirator+ protective e9)ipment in places $here vapo)rs are present in high concentration. D*E 2n emergenc+, )se self-generating ox+gen mas8 or ox+gen c+linder mas8s.

DcE 5ear hand gloves, aprons, goggles and g)m *oots to avoid contact of *enAene $ith +o)r s8in and *od+ part. 4. -irst-aid meas)res in case of ac)te *enAene poisoningDaE #emove the clothing immediatel+ if it is $etted $ith *enAene. D*E 2f li9)id *enAene enters e+es, fl)sh thoro)ghl+ for at least 15 min)tes $ith clean r)nning $ater and immediatel+ sec)re medical attention. DcE 2n case of )n)s)al expos)re to *enAene vapo)r, call a ph+sician immediatel+. :ntil he arrives do the follo$ing=DiE 2f the exposed person is conscio)sDaaE 0ove him to fresh air in open. D**E a+ him do$n $itho)t a pillo$ and 8eep him 9)iet and $arm. DiiE 2f the exposed person is )nconscio)sDaaE a+ him do$n prefera*l+ on the left side $ith the head lo$. D**E #emove an+ false teeth, che$ing-g)m, to*acco or other foreign o*@ects $hich ma+ *e in his mo)th. DccE (rovide him artificial respiration in case diffic)lt+ is *eing experienced in *reathing. DddE 2n case of shallo$ *reathing or c+anosis D*l)eness of s8in, lips, ears, finger nail *edsE, he sho)ld *e provided $ith medical ox+gen or ox+gen car*on dioxide mixt)re. 2f needed, he sho)ld *e given artificial respiration. /x+gen 2 sho)ld *e administered *+ a trained person onl+. S467D: 7 FF2 0an)fact)ring process or operations in car*on-di-s)lphide plants 1. Application- &his sched)le shall appl+ to all electric f)rnaces in $hich car*on-di-s)lphide is generate and all other plants $here car*on-di-s)lphide after generation, is condensed, refined and stored. &his sched)le is in addition to and not in derogation of an+ of the provisions of the Act and #)les made there)nder . 2. 4onstr)ction, installation and operation- D1E &he *)ildings in $hich electric f)rnaces are installed and car*on-di-s)lphide after generation is condensed and refined shall *e segregated from other parts of the factor+ and shall *e of open t+pe to ens)re optim)m ventilation and

the plant la+o)t shall *e s)ch that onl+ a minim)m n)m*er of $or8ers are exposed to the ris8 of an+ fire or explosion at an+one time. D2E 7ver+ electric f)rnace and ever+ plant in $hich car*on-di-s)lphide is condensed, refined and stored $ith all their fittings and attachments shall *e of good constr)ction, so)nd material and of ade9)ate strength of s)stain the internal press)re to $hich the f)rnace of the plant ma+ *e s)*@ected to and sail *e so designed that car*on-di-s)phide li9)id and gas are in closed s+stem d)ring their normal $or8ing. D3E &he electric f)rnace s)pports shall *e firml+ gro)ted a*o)t !, centimeters in concrete or *+ other effective means. D4E 7ver+ electric f)rnace shall *e installed and operated according to man)fact)rers instr)ctions and these instr)ctions shall *e clearl+ imparted to the personnel incharge of constr)ction and operations. D5E &he instr)ctions regarding o*servance of correct f)rnace temperat)re, s)lph)r dose, admissi*le c)rrent or po$er cons)mption and periodical chec8ing of charcoal level shall *e strictl+ complied $ith. 3. 7lectrodes-d2E 5here )pper ring electrodes made of steel are )se in the electric f)rnace, the+ shall *e of seamless t)*e constr)ction and shall have arrangement for *eing connected to cooling $ater s+stem thro)gh a siphon *)t in the electrodes or thro)gh a positive press)re $ater-p)mp. D2E &he arrangement for cooling $ater referred to in s)*-paragraph D1E shall *e connected $ith a)tomatic alarm s+stem $hich $ill act)ate in the event of interr)ption of cooling $atering the electrodes and give visi*le and a)di*le alarm signals in the control room and sim)ltaneo)sl+ stop po$er s)ppl+ for the f)r ace operation and to stop the f)rther s)ppl+ of $ater. &he alarm s+stem and the act)ating device shall *e chec8ed ever+ da+. 4. 0aintenance of charcoallevel- 5hen an+ electric f)rnace is in operation, it shall *e ens)red that the electrodes are 8ept covered $ith charcoal *ed. 5. 4harcoal separator- A c+clone t+pe of charcoal separator shall *e fitted on the off ta8e pipe *et$een the electric f)rnace and s)lph)r separator to prevent entr+ of pieces of charocal into the condensers and piping. !. #)pt)re discs and safet+ seal- D1E At least t$o r)pt)re discs of ade9)ate siAe $hich shall *lo$ off at a press)re t$ice the maxim)m operating press)re shall *e provided on each f)rnace and shall either *e mo)nted directl+ on the top o the f)rnace or each thro)gh an independent pipe as close as possi*le to the f)rnace . D2E A safet+ $ater seal shall *e provided and tapped from a point *et the charcoal separator and the s)lph)r separator. ". (+rometer and manometers- D1E 7ach electric f)rnace shall *e fitted $ith ade9)ate n)m*er of p+rometers to give an indication of the temper as correctl+ as reasona*l+ practica*le at

vario)s points in the f)rnace.&he did for reading the temperat)res shall *e located in the control room. D2E 0anometers or an+ other s)ita*le devices shall *e provided for indicate press)rein the off ta8e pipe *efore and after the s)lph)r separatorO and D*E in primar+ and secondar+ condensers. %. 4hec8 ;alves- All piping carr+ing car*on-di-s)lphide shall *e fitted $ith chec8 valves at s)ita*le positions so as to prevent gas from flo$ing *ac8 into an+ electric f)rnace in the event of it a sh)t do$n. '. 2nspection and maintenance of electric f)rnaces- D1E 7ver+ electric f)rnace shall *e inspected internall+ *+ a competent personDaE *efore *eing placed in service after installationO D*E *efore *eing placed in service after reconstr)ction or repairsO and DcE periodicall+ ever+ time the f)rnace is opened for cleaning or dashing or for replacing electrodes. D2E 5hen an electric f)rnace is sh)t do$n for cleaning or dashingDaE the *ric8 lining shall *e chec8ed for contin)it+ and an+ part fo)nd defective removedO D*E after removal of an+ part of the lining referred to in DaE the condition of the shell shall *e closel+ inspectedO and DcE an+ plates forming shell fo)nd corroded to the extent that safet+ of the f)rnace is endangered shall *e replaced. 1,. 0aintenance of records- &he follo$ing ho)rl+ records shall *e maintained in a log *oo8DaE 0anometer readings at the points specified in s)*-paragraph "D2EO D*E gas temperat)re indicated *+ p+rometers and all other vital points near the s)lph)r separator and primar+ and secondar+ condensersO DcE $ater temperat)re and flo$ of $ater thro)gh the siphen in the electrodesO and DdE primar+ and secondar+ voltages and c)rrent and energ+ cons)med. 11. 7lectrical apparat)s, $iring and fittings- All *).ildi11gs in $hich car*on-di-s)phide is refined or stored shall *e provided $ith electrical apparat)s, $iring and fittings $hich shall afford ade9)ate protection from fire and explosion.

12. (rohi*ition relating to smo8ing- .o person shall smo8e or carr+ matchetes, fire or na8ed light or other means of prod)cing a na8ed lightor spar8 in *)ildings in $hich car*on-dis)lphide is refined or stored, and a notice in the lang)age )nderstood *+ a ma@orit+ of the $or8ers shall *e pasted in the plant prohi*iting smo8ing and carr+ing of matches, fire or na8ed light or other means of prod)cing na8ed light or spar8 into s)ch rooms. 13. 0eans of escape-- Ade9)ate means of escape shall *e provided and maintained to ena*le persons to move to a safe place as 9)ic8l+ as possi*le in case of an+ emergenc+. At least t$o independent staircases of ade9)ate $ith shall *e provided in ever+ *)ilding ho)sing the f)rnaces at reasona*le intervals at opposite ends. &hese shall al$a+s *e 8ept clear of all o*str)ctions and so designed as to afford eas+ passage. 14. 5arnings in case of fire-- &here shall *e ade9)ate arrangements for giving $arnings in case of fire or explosion $hich shall operate on electricit+ and in case of fail)re of electricit+ *+ some mechanical means. 15. -ire fighing e9)ipment- D1E Ade9)ate n)m*er of s)ita*le fire exting)ishers or other firefighting e9)ipment shall *e 8ept in constant readiness for dealing $ith ris8s involved and depending on the amo)nt and nat)re materials stored. D2E 4lear instr)ctions as to ho$ the exting)ishers or other e9)ipment sho)ld *e )sed printed in the lang)age $hich the ma@orit+ of the $or8ers emplo+ed )nderstand shall *e affixed to each exting)ishers or other e9)ipment and the personnel trained in their )se. 1!. 1)l8 s)lph)r- D1E /pen or semi-enclosed spaces for storage of *)l8 s)lph)r shall *e sited $ith d)e regard to the dangers $hich ma+ arise from spar8s given off *+ near*+ locomotives, etc. and preca)tions shall *e ta8en to see that flames, smo8ing and matches and other so)rces of ignition do not come in contact $ith the clo)ds of d)st arising d)ring handling of *)l8 s)lph)r. D2E All enclo)res for *)l8 s)lph)r shall *e non-com*)sti*le constr)ction ade9)atel+ ventilated and so designed as to provide a minim)m of lodges on $hich d)st ma+ lodge. D3E &he *)l8 s)lph)r in the enclos)res shall *e handled in s)ch a manner to minimise the formation of d)st clo)ds and no flame, smo8ing and matches or other so)rces of ignition shall *e emplo+ed d)ring handling and non-spar8ing tools shall *e )sed $henever s)lph)r is shoveled or other$ise removed *+ him. D4E .o repairs involving flames, heat or )se of hand or po$er tools shall *e made in the enclos)re $here *)l8 s)lph)r is stored. 1". i9)id s)lph)r- /pen flamesO electric spar8s and other so)rces of ignition, incl)ding smo8ing and matches shall *e excl)ded from the vicinit+ of molten s)lph)r. 1%. &raining and s)pervision- D1E All electric f)rnaces and all plants in $hich car*on-dis)lphide is condensed, refined or stored shall *e )nder ade9)ate s)pervision at all times $hile the f)rnaces and plant are in operation

D2E 5or8ers incharge of operation and maintenance of electric f)rnaces the plants shall *e properl+ 9)alified and ade9)atel+ trained. 1'. 5ashing facilities- D1E &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain in a clean state and in repair, for the )se of all persons emplo+ed, $ash place )nder cover $ith at least one tap or stand pipe, having a constant s)ppl+ of clean $as for ever+ five s)ch persons, the taps or stand-pipes *eing spaced not less than 12/ centimeters apart $ith a s)fficient s)ppl+ of soap and clean to$els (rovided that to$els shall *e s)pplied individ)all+ to each $or8er if so ordered *+ the 2nspector. D2E All the $or8ers emplo+ed in the s)lph)r storage, handling and melting operations shall *e provided $ith nail *r)sh. 2,. (ersonal protective e9)ipment- D1E S)ita*le goggles and protective clothing consisting of overall $itho)t poc8ets, gloves and foot, $ear shall *e provided for the )se of operativesDaE $hen operating valves or coc8s controlling fl)ids etcO D*E dra$ing off of molten s)lph)r potsO and DcE handling charcoal or s)lph)r . D2E S)ita*le respirator+ protective e9)ipment shall *e provided and stored in the appropriate place for )se d)ring a*normal conditions or in an emergenc+. D3E Arrangements shall *e made for proper and efficient. cleaning of all s)ch (rotective e9)ipment. 21. 4loa8-rooms- &here shall *e provided and maintained for the )se of all persons emplo+ed in the proceses a s)ita*le cloa8-room for clothing p)t off d)ring $or8 ho)rs and a s)ita*le place separate from the cloa8-room for the storage or overalls or $or8ing clothes. &he accommodation so provided shall *e placed in the charge of a responsi*le person and shall *e 8ept clean. 22. :na)thorised persons- /nl+ maintenance and repair personnel, persons directl+ connected $ith the plant operation and those accompanied *+ a)thorised persons shall *e admitted into the plant.

S467D: 7 FF22 0an)fact)re or manip)lation of car*ionogonic d+e intermediates 1. Application- &he sched)le shall appl+ in respect of all factories or an+ part thereof $here processes in $hich the s)*stances mentioned in paragraphs

3 and 4 are formed, man)fact)red, handled or )sed and the processes incidental thereto in the co)rse of $hich these s)*stances are formed, are carried on. &he processes indicated in this paragraph shall *e referred to hereinafter as Ithe said processesI, and s)ch reference shall mean an+ or all the processes descri*ed in this paragraph. 2. Definition- -or the p)rpose of this sched)le the follo$ing definition shall appl+, )nless the contexts other$ise re9)ireDaE Icontrolled s)*stancesI means chemical s)*stances mentioned in paragraph 4 of this sched)leO D*E first emplo+mentL means first emplo+ment in the said process and also re-emplo+ment in s)ch processes follo$ing an+ cessation for a contin)o)s period exceeding three calender monthsO DcE Iefficient exha)st dra)ghtI means localised ventilation effected *+ mechanical means for the removal of gas, vapo)r, d)st or f)me so as to prevent them from escaping into air of an+ place in $hich $or8s carried on. .o dra)ght, shall *e deemed to *e efficient $hich fails to remove smo8e generated at the point $here s)ch gas, vapo)r, f)ne or d)st originatesO and DdE Iprohi*ited s)*stancesI means chemical s)*stance mentioned in paragraph 3 of this sched)le. 3. (rohi*ited s)*stances- -or the p)rpose of this sched)le the follo$ing chemical s)*stances shall *e classified as Iprohi*ited s)*stancesI except $hen these s)*stances are present or are formed as a *+ prod)ct of a chemical reaction in a total concentration not exceeding one percent =DaE *eta-naphth+lamine and its saltsO D*E *enAidine and its saltsO DcE 4-amino diphen+l and its saltsO DdE 4-nitro diphen+l and its saltsO and DeE an+ s)*stance containing an+ of these compo)nds. 4. 4ontolled s)*stances- -or the p)rpose of this sched)le the follo$ing chemical s)*stances shall *e classified as Icontrolled s)*stances=DaE alpha-naphth+lamine or alpha-maphth+lamine containing not more than one percent oD*eta-naphth+lamine either as a *+ prod)ct of chemical reaction or I!Xr$ise, and its saltsO D*E ortho -tolidine and its saltsO DcE dianisidine and its saltsO

DdE dichloro*enAidine and its saltsO DeE a)ramineO and DfE magneta. 5. (rohi*ition of emplo+ment- .o person shall *e emplo+ed in the said processes in an+ factor+ in $hich an+ prohi*ited s)*stance is formed man)fact)red, processed, handled or )sed except as emempted *+ the 4hief 2nspector as stip)lated in paragraph 23. !. #e9)irements for processing or handling controlled s)*stances- D1E 5herever an+ of the controlled s)*stances referred to in paragraph 4 are formed man)fact)red, processed, handled, or )sed, all practical steps shall *e ta8en to prevent inhalation, ingestion or a*sorption of the said controlled s)*stance *+ the $or8ers $hile engaged in processing that s)*stance and its storage or transport $ithin the plant, or in cleaning or maintenance of the concerned e9)ipment, plant, machiner+ and storage areas. D2E As far as possi*le all operations shall *e carried o)t in a totall+ enclosed s+stem. 5herever s)ch enclos)re is not possi*le, efficient exha)st dra)ght shall *e applied at the point $here the controlled s)*stances are li8el+ to escape into the atmosphere d)ring the process.. D3E &he contolled s)*stances shall *e received in the factor+ in tightl+ closed containers and shall *e 8ept so except $hen these s)*stances are in process or in )se.. &he controlled s)*stances shall leave the factor+ onl+ in tightl+ closed containers of appropriate t+pe.. All the containers shall *e plainl+ la*eled to indicate the contents.. ". (ersonal protective e9)ipment- D1E &he follo$ing items of personal protective e9)ipment shall *e provided and iss)ed to ever+ $or8er emplo+ed in the said process =DaE long tro)sers and shirts or overalls $ith f)ll sleeves and head covering.. &he shirt or overall shall cover the nec8 completel+, and D*E r)**er g)m-*oots.. D2E &he follo$ing items of personal protective e9)ipment shall *e provided in s)fficient n)m*er for )se *+ $or8ers emplo+ed in the said processes $hen there is danger of in9)ir+ d)ring the performance of normal d)ties or in the event of emergenc+DaE r)**er hand-glovesO D*E r)**er apronsO and DcE airline respirators or other s)ita*le respirator protective e9)ipment. D3E 2t shall *e the responsi*ilit+ of the manager to maintain all items of personal protective e9)ipment in a clean and h+gienic condition and in a good repair.

%. (rohi*ition relating to emplo+ment of $omen and +o)ng persons.o $oman or +o)ng person shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in an+ room in $hich the said processes are carried on. '. -loors of $or8-room- &he floor of ever+ $or8-room in $hich the said processes are carried on shall *e DaE smooth and impervio)s to $ater provided that asphalt or tar shall not *e )sed in the composition of the floor, D*E maintained in a state of good repair, DcE $ith a s)ita*le slope for eas+ draining and provided $ith g)tters, and DdE thoro)ghl+ $ashed dail+ $ith the drain $ater *eing led into a sever thro)gh a closed channel. 1,. Disposal of empt+ containers- 7mpt+ containers )sed for holding controlled s)*stances shall *e thoro)ghl+ cleaned of their contents and treated $ith an inactivating agent *efore *eing discarded. 11. 0an)al handling- 4ontrolled s)*stances shall not *e allo$ed to *e mixed, filled, emptied or handled except *+ means of a scoop $ith a handle. S)ch scoop shall *e thoro)ghl+ cleaned dail+. 12.2DStr)ctions regarding ris8- 7ver+ $or8er on his first emplo+ment in the said process shall *e f)ll+ instr)cted on the properties of the toxic chemicals to $hich he is li8el+ to *e ta8en. 5or8ers shall also *e instr)cted on the meas)res to *e ta8en to deal $ith an emergenc+.

13. 4a)tionar+ placards- 4a)tionar+ placards in the form specified in appendix attached to this sched)le and printed in the lang)age of the ma@orit+ of the $or8ers emplo+ed in the said processes shall *e affixed in prominent t places fre9)entl+ *+ them in the factor+, $here the placards can *e easil+ and convenientl+ read. Arrangements shall *e made *+ the manager to instr)ct periodicall+ all s)ch $or8ers regarding the preca)tions contained in the ca)tionar+ placards. 14. /*ligations of the $or8ers- 2t shall *e the d)t+ of the persons emplo+ed in the said processes to s)*mit themselves for the medical examination incl)ding exfoliative c+tolog+ of )rine *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon or the 9)alified medical practitioner as provided for )nder these r)les. 15. 5ashing and *athing facilities- D2E &he follo$ing $ashing and *athing facilities shall *e provided and maintained in a clean state and in good re air for the )se of all $or8ers emplo+ed in the said processes =DaE a $ash place )nder cover having constant s)ppl+ of $ater and provided $ith clean to$els, soap and nail *r)shes and $ith at last one stand pipe for ever+ five s)ch $or8ersO D*E 5, per cent of the stand pipes provided )nder cla)se DaE shall *e located in *athrooms $here *oth hot and cold $ater shall *e made availa*le d)ring the $or8ing ho)rs of the factor+ and for one ho)r thereafterO

DcE the $ashing and *athing facilities shall *e in close proximit+ of the area ho)sing the said processesO DdE clean to$els shall *e provided individ)all+ to each $or8erO and DeE in addition to the taps mentioned )nder cla)se DaE one stand pip in $hich $arm $ater is made availa*le shall *e provided on each floor . D2E Arrangement shall *e made to $ash factor+ )niforms and other $or8 cloths ever+da+. 1!. -ood, drin8s etc. prohi*ited in $or8-room- . o $or8er shall cons food, drin8, pan, s)pari or to*acco or shall smo8e in an+ $or8-room in $hich the said processes are carried on and no $or8er shall remain in an+ s)ch room 2 d)ring intervals for meals or rest. 1". 4loa8-room- &hese shall *e provided and maintained in a clean sate and in good repair for the )se of the $or8ers emplo+ed in the said processes aE a cloa8-room $ith loc8ers having t$o compartment-one for street the other for $or8 clothes and D*E a place separate from the loc8er room, for the storage of protective e9)ipment provided )nder paragraph. ". &he accommodation so provided shall *e )nder the care of a person and shall *e 8ept clean. 1%. 0ess-room- &here shall *e provided and maintained for the )s of $or8ers emplo+ed in the said processes $ho remain on the premises d)ring the meal intervals, a mess-room $hich shall *e f)rnished $ith ta*les and *enches and provided $ith s)ita*le means for $arming food. 1'. &ime allo$ed for $ashing- 1efore the end of each shift 3, min)tes shall *e allo$ed for *athing for each $or8er $ho is emplo+ed in the said processes. -)rther, at last 1, min)tes shall *e allo$ed for $ashing *efore each meal in addition to the reg)lar time allo$ed for meals. 2,. #estriction on age of persons emplo+ed- .o $or8er )nder the age of 4, +ears shall *e engaged in the factor+ in the said processes for the first time after the date on $hich the sched)le comes into force. 21. 0edical examination-D2E 7ver+ $or8er emplo+ed in the said processes shall *e examined *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ithin 14 da+s of his first emplo+ment. S)ch examination shall incl)de tests $hich the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon ma+ consider appropriate and shall incl)de exfoliative c+tolog+ of the )rine. .o $or8er shall *e allo$ed to $or8 after 14 da+s of his first emplo+ment in the factor+ )nless certified fit for s)ch emplo+ment *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon. D2E 7ver+ $or8er emplo+ed= in the said processes shall *e re-examined *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon at least once in ever+ six calender months. S)ch examination shall incl)de tests $hich the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon ma+ consider appropriate *)t shall incl)de ex-foliative c+tolog+ of the )rine.

D3E A person medicall+ examined )nder s)*-paragraph D1E shall *e granted *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon a certificate of fitness in -orm 2%. #ecord of each re-examination carried o)t )nder s)*-paragraph D2E shall *e entered in the certificate. &he certificate shall *e 8ept in the c)stod+ of the manager of the factor+. D4E &he record of each examination carried o)t as referred to in s)*-paragraph D1E and D2E incl)ding the nat)re and the res)lts of the tests shall *e entered *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon in a health register in -orm 2'. D5E &he certificate of fitness and the health register shall *e 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection *+ an+ inspector . D!E 2f at an+ time the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon is of the opinion that a person is no longer fit for emplo+ment in the said processes or in an+ other $or8 on the gro)nd that contin)ance therein $o)ld involve damage to his health, he shall ma8e a record of his findings in the said certificate and the health register. &he entr+ of his findings in these doc)ments sho)ld also incl)de the period for $hich he considers that the said person is )nfit for $or8 in the said processes or in an+ $or8 as the case ma+ *e. D1E .o person $ho has *een fo)nd )nfit to $or8 as said in s)*-paragraph D!E shall *e reemplo+ed or permitted to $or8 )nless the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon, after f)rther examination, again certified him to *e fit for emplo+ment. 22. 0edical facilities- D1E &he occ)pier of ever+ factor+ in $hich the said processes are carried on shall engage a 9)alified medical practitioner for medical s)rveillance of the $or8ers emplo+ed in s)ch processes. 6is appointment shall *e s)*@ect to approval of the 4hief 2nspector of -actories. D2E &he occ)pier shall provide to him all the necessar+ facilities for the p)rpose referred to in s)*-paragraph D1E. D3E A record on medical examinations and appropriate tests carried o)t *+ the 9)alified medical practitioner shall *e maintained in a form approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector. 23. 7xemptions-prohi*ited s)*stances- D1E &he 4hief 2nspector ma+ *+ a certificate in $riting D$hich he ma+ at his discretion revo8e at an+ timeE, s)*@ect to s)ch conditions, if an+, as ma+ *e specified therein, exempt an+ process in the co)rse of $hich an+ of the prohi*ited s)*stances is formed processed man)fact)red, handled, or )sed, from the provisions of paragraph 5 if he is satisfied that the process is carried o)t in a totall+ enclosed and hermeticall+ sealed s+stem in s)ch a manner that the prohi*ited s)*stance is not removed from the s+stem except in 9)antities no greater than that re9)ired for the p)rpose of the control of the process of s)ch p)rposes as is necessar+ to ens)re that the prod)ct is free from an+ of the prohi*ited s)*stances. D2E &he 4hief 2nspector ma+ allo$ the man)fact)re, handling or )se of *enAidine h+drochloride provided that all the processes in connection $ith it are carried o)t in a totall+ enclosed s+stem in s)ch a manner that no prohi*ited s)*stance other than *eneAidine h+drochloride is removed there from except in 9)antities no greater than re9)ired for the

p)rpose of control of the processes or s)ch p)rposes as is necessar+ to ens)re that the prod)ct is free from prohi*ited s)*stances and that ade9)ate steps are ta8en to ens)re that *enAidine h+drochloride is, except $hile noting a totall+ enclosed s+stem, 8ept $et not less than one part of $ater to t$o parts Lof *enAidine h+drochloride at all times. 24. 7xemptions general- 2f in respect of an+ factor+, the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that o$ing to the exceptional circ)mstances or infre9)enc+ of the processes or for an+ other reason, all or an+ of the provisions of this sched)le is not necessar+ for the protection of the $or8ers in the factor+, the 4hief 2nspector ma+ *+ a certificate in $riting D$hich he ma+ in his discretion revo8e at an+ timeE, exempt s)ch factor+ from all or an+ of s)ch provisions s)*@ect to s)ch conditions, if an+, as he ma+ specif+ therein. A((7.D2F 4A:&2/.A#V ( A4A#DH./&247 4arcinogenic d+e intermediates 1. D+e intermediates $hich are nitro amino derivatives or aromatic h+drocar*ons are toxic. Vo) have to handle these chemicals fre9)entl+ in this factor+. 2. :se the vario)s items of protective $ear to safeg)ard +o)r o$n health. 3. 0aintain scr)p)lo)s cleanlines at all times. &horo)ghl+ $ash hands and feet *efore ta8ing meals. 2t is essential to ta8e a *ath *efore leaving the factor+. 4. 5ash off an+ chemical falling on +o)r *od+ $ith soap and $ater. 2f splashed $ith a sol)tion of the chemical, remove the contaminated clothing immediatel+. &hese chemicals are 8no$n to prod)ce c+anosis. 4ontact the medical officer or appointed doctor immediatel+ and get his advice. 5. 6andle the d+e intermediates onl+ $ith long handled scoops, never $ith *are hands. !. Alcoholic drin8s sho)ld *e avoided as the+ enhance the ris8 of poisoning *+ the chemicals. ". ?eep +o)r food and drin8s a$a+ from $or8 place. 4ons)ming food, drin8s or to*acco in an+ form at the place of $or8 is prohi*ited. %. Serio)s effects from $or8 $ith toxic chemicals ma+ follo$ after an+ +ears. Great care m)st *e ta8en to maintain a*sol)te cleanliness of *od+, cloths machiner+ and e9)ipment.

S467D:7 FF222 (erations involving 6igh .oise evels 1. Application- &his sched)le shall appl+ to all operations in an+ man)fact)ring process having high noise level. 2. Definition- -or the p)rpose of this sched)leDaE I.oiseI means an+ )n$anted so)nd. D*E I6igh .oise evelI means an+ noise level meas)red on the A $eighted scale is ', d* or a*ove. DcE IDeci*elI means one-tenth of I1elI $hich is the f)ndamental division of a logarithmic scale )sed to express the ratio of t$o specified or implied 9)antities, the n)m*er of I1elI denoting s)ch a ratio *eing the logarithm to the *ase of 1, of this ratio. &he noise level Dor the so)nd press)re levelE corresponds to a reference press)re of 2, x 1, W ! ne$tons per s9)are meter or ,.,,,2 d+nes per s9)are centimeter $hich is the threshold of hearing, that is, the lo$est so)nd press)re level necessar+ to prod)ce the sensation of hearing in average health+ listeners. &he deci*el in a**reviated form is d*. DdE I-re9)enc+I is the rate of press)re variations expressed in c+cles per second or hertA. DeE Id*aI refer to so)nd level in decides as meas)red on a so)nd level meter operating on the A-$eighting net $or8 $ith slo$ meter response. DfE IA-$eightingI means ma8ing graded ad@)stments in the intensities of so)nd of vario)s fre9)encies for the p)rpose of noise meas)rement, so that the so)nd press)re level meas)red *+ an instr)ment reflects the act)al response of the h)man ear to the so)nd meas)red. 2. (rotection against noise-- D1E 2n ever+ factor+, s)ita*le engineering control or administrative meas)res shall *e ta8en to ens)re, so far a is reasona*l+ practica*le, that no $or8er is exposed to so)nd levels exceeding the maxim)m permissi*le noise expos)re levels specified in &a*les 1 and 2.

&A1 7-1 (ermissi*le 7xpos)re in 4ases of 4ontin)o)s .oise total time of expos)re Dcontin)o)s or a So)nd press)re level in d1 n)m*er of short term expos)resE (er da+ in ho)rs % ',

! 4 3 2 1

'2 '5 '" 1,, 1,2 1,5 1," 11, 115

.otes. 1. .o expos)re in excess of 115! 1A is to permitted. 3. -or an+ period of expos)re failing in *et$een an+ fig)res and the next higher or lo$er fig)re as indicated in col)mn 1, the permissi*le so)nd press)re level is to *e determined *+ the extrapolation on a proportionate *asis. &A1 7 Q 2 (ermissi*le 7xpos)re evels of 2mp)lsive or impact .oise pea8 so)nd press)re level in d1 14, 135 13, 125 12, (ermitted n)m*er of imp)lses or impacts per da+ 1,, 315 1,,,, 3,1!, 1,,,,,

.otes 1. .o expos)re in excess of 14, d1 pea8 so)nd press)re level is permitted. 2. D1E -or an+ pea8 so)nd press)re level failing in *et$een an+ fig)re and the next higher or lo$er fig)re as indicated in col)mn 1, the permitted n)m*er of imp)lses or impacts per da+ is to *e determined *+ extrapolation on a proportionate *asis. D2E -or the p)rposes of this Sched)le, if the variations in the noise level involve at intervals of one second or less the noise is to *e considered as a contin)o)s one and the criteria given in &a*le 1, $o)ld appl+. 2n other cases, the noise is to *e considered as imp)lsive of impact noise and the criteria given in &a*le 2 $o)ld appl+. D3E 5hen the dail+ expos)re is composed of t$o or more periods of noise expos)re at different levels their com*ined effect sho)ld *e considered, rather than the individ)al effect of each. &he mixed expos)re sho)ld *e considered to exceed the limit val)e if the s)m of the fractions MM41 Y42PPMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM exceeds )nit+-

12n &1Y&2 &n 5here the 41L 42 etc. indicate the total time of act)al expos)re at a specified noise level and &2, & 2 etc. denote the time of expos)re permissi*le at that level. .oise expos)re of less than ', d1A ma+ *e ignored in the a*ove calc)lation. D4E 5here it is not possi*le to red)ce the noise expos)re to the levels specified in s)*-r)le D1E *+ reasona*l+ practica*le engineering control or administrative meas)res, the noise expos)re shall *e red)ced to the greatest extent feasi*le *+ s)ch control meas)res, and each $or8er so exposed shall *e provided $ith s)ita*le ear protectors so as to red)ce the expos)re to noise to the levels specified in s)*- r)le D1 E. D5E 5here the ear protectors provided in accordance $ith s)*-paragraph D2E and $orn *+ a $or8er cannot still atten)ate the noise reaching near his ear, as determined *+ s)*tracting the atten)ation val)e in d1A of the ear protectors concerned from the meas)red so)nd press)re level, to a level permissi*le )nder &a*le 1 or &a*le 2 as the case ma+ *e, the noise expos)re period shall *e s)ita*l+ red)ced to correspond to the permissi*le noise expos)res specified in s)*- paragraph D1E. D!EDaE 2nal1cases $here the prevailing so)nd levels exceed the permissi*le levels specified in s)*-paragraph D1E there shall *e administered an effective hearing conservation program $hich shall incl)de among other hearing conservation meas)res, pre-emplo+ment and periodical a)ditor+ s)rve+s cond)cted on, $or8ers exposed to noise exceeding the permissi*le levels, and reha*ilitation of s)ch $or8ers either *+ red)cing the expos)re to the noise levels or *+ transferring them to places $here noise levels are relativel+ less or *+ an+ other s)ita*le means.. D*E 7ver+ $or8er emplo+ed in areas $here the noise exceeds he maxim)m permissi*le expos)re levels specified in s)*-r)le D1E shall *e s)*@ected to an a)ditor+ examination *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ithin 14 da+s of his first emplo+ment and thereafter, shall *e reexamined at-last once in ever+ 12 months. S)ch initial and periodical examinations shall incl)de tests $hich the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon an+ consider appropriate, and shall incl)de determination of a)ditor+ threshold for p)re tones of 125,25,,5,,,1,,,,2,,,,4,,, and % ,, c+cles per second. S467D: 7 FF2; 6ighl+ -lamma*le i9)ids and -lamma*le 4ompressed Gases 21. Application- &hese r)les $ill *e applica*le to all factories $here highl+ flamma*le li9)ids or flamma*le compressed gases are man)fact)red, stored, handled or )sed. 2. Definition- -or the p)rpose of this sched)le-

DaE Ihighl+ flamma*le li9)idI means an+ li9)id incl)ding its sol)tion, em)lsion or s)spension $hich $hen tested in a manner specified *+ sections 14 and 15 of the (etrole)m Act, 1'34, D3, of 1'34E gives of flamma*le vapo)rs at a temperat)re less than 32 degrees centigrade D*E Iflamma*le compressed gasI means flamma*le compressed gas as defined in section 2 of the Static and 0o*ile (ress)re ;essels D:nfiredE #)les, 1'%1 framed )nder the 7xplosives Act, 1'%4. 3. Storage-- D1E 7ver+ flamma*le li9)id or flamma*le compressed gas )sed in ever+ factor+ shall *e stored in s)ita*le fixed storage tan8, or in s)ita*le closed vessel located in a safe position )nder the gro)nd, in the open or in a store room of ade9)ate fire resistant constr)ction. D2E 7xcept as necessar+ for )se, operation or maintenance, ever+ vessel or tan8 $hich contains or had contained a highl+ flamma*le li9)id or flamma*le compressed gas shall *e al$a+s 8ept closed and all reasona*le practica*le steps shall *e ta8en to contain or immediatel+ drain off to a s)ita*le container an+ spill or lea8 than ma+ occ)r . D3E 7ver+ container, vessel, tan8, c+linder, or store room )sed for storing highl+ flamma*le li9)id or flamma*le compressed gas shall *e clearl+ and in *old letters mar8ed IDanger6ighl+ -lamma*le i9)idI or IDanger- -lamma*le 4ompressed Gas.I 4. 7nclosed S+s terns for 4onve+ing 6ighl+ -lamma*le i9)ids- 5herever it is reasona*l+ practica*le, highl+ flamma*le li9)ids shall *e conve+ed $ithin a factor+ in totall+ enclosed s+stems consisting of pipe lines, p)mps and similar appliances from the storage tan8 or vessel to the point of )se. S)ch enclosed s+stems shall *e so designed, installed, operated and maintained as to avoid lea8age or the ris8 of spilling. 5. (reventing -ormation of -lamma*le 0ixt)re $ith Air- 5herever there is a possi*ilit+ for lea8age or spills of highl+ flamma*le li9)id or flamma*le compressed gas from an e9)ipment, pipe line, valve, @oint or other part of a s+stem, all practica*le meas)res shall *e ta8en to contain, drain off or dil)te s)ch spills of lea8age as to prevent formation of flamma*le mixt)re $ith air . !. (revention of 2gnition- D1E 2n ever+ room, $or8 place or other location $here highl+ flamma*le li9)id or flamma*le com*)sti*le gas is stored, conve+ed, handled or )sed or $here there is danger of fire or explosion from acc)m)lation of highl+ flamma*le li9)id or flamma*le compressed gas in air, all practica*le meas)res shall *e ta8en to excl)de the so)rces of ignition. S)ch preca)tions shall incl)de the follo$ing=DaE All electrical apparat)s shall either *e excl)ded from the area of ris8 or the+ shall *e of s)ch constr)ction and so installed and maintained as to prevent the danger of their *eing a so)rce of ignitionO D*E 7ffective meas)res shall *e adopted for prevention of acc)m)lation of static charges to a dangero)s extentO

DcE .o person shall $ear or *e allo$ed to $ear an+ foot $ear having iron or steel nails or an+ other exposed ferro)s materials $hich is li8el+ to ca)se spar8s *+ frictionO DdE Smo8ing, lightening or carr+ing of matches, lighters or smo8ing materials shall *e prohi*itedO DeE &ransmission *elts $ith iron fasteners shall not *e )sedO and DfE All other preca)tions, as are reasona*le practica*le, shall *e ta8en to prevent initiation of ignition from all other possi*le so)rces s)ch as open flame, frictional spar8s, overheated s)rfaces of machiner+ or plant, chemical or ph+sical-chemical reaction and radiant heat. ". (rohi*ition of smo8ing- .o person shall smo8e in an+ plate $here highl+ flamma*le li9)id or flamma*le compressed gas is present in circ)mstances that smo8ing $o)ld give rise to a ris8 of fire. &he occ)pier shall ta8e all practica*le meas)res to ens)re compliance $ith this re9)irement incl)ding displa+ of a *old notice indicating prohi*ition of smo8ing at ever+ place $here this re9)irement applies. %- -ire -ighting- 2n ever+ factor+ $here highl+ flamma*le li9)id or flamma*le compressed gas is man)fact)red, stored, handled or )sed, appropriate and ade9)ate means of fighting a fire shall *e provided. &he ade9)ac+ and s)ita*ilit+ of s)ch means $hich expression incl)des the fixed and porta*le fire exting)ishing s+stems, exting)ishing material, proced)res and the process of fire fighting, shall *e to the standards and levels prescri*ed *+ the 2ndian Standards applica*le, and in an+ case not inferior to the stip)lations )nder the relevant -ire Safet+-#)les !'. '. 7xemptions-lf in respect of an+ factor+, the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that o$ing to the exceptional circ)mstances or in fre9)enc+ of the processes or for an+ other reason, all or an+ of the provisions of this sched)le is not necessar+ for protection of the $or8ers in the factor+, the 4hief 2nspector ma+ *+ a certificate in $riting, $hich he ma+ at his discretion revo8e at an+ time, exempt s)ch conditions, if an+, as he ma+ specif+ therein.

S467D: 7 FF; /perations in -o)ndries 1. Application- (rovision of this sched)le shall appl+ to all parts of factories $here an+ of the follo$ing operations or processes are carried on. DaE the prod)ction of iron castings or, as the case ma+ *e, steel castings *+ casting in mo)lds made of sand, loam, mo)lding composition or other mixt)re of materials, or *+ shell mo)lding, or *+ centrif)gal casting and an+ process incidental to s)ch prod)ctionO D*E the prod)ction of non-ferro)s castings *+ casting metal in mo)lds made of sand, loam, metal, mo)lding composition or other material or mixt)re of materials, or *+ shell mo)ldings,

die-casting Dincl)ding press)re die-castingE, centrif)gal casting or contin)o)s casting and an+ process indicident to s)ch prod)ctionO and DcE the melting and casting of non-ferro)s metal for the prod)ction of ingots, *illets, sla*s or other similar prod)cts, and the stripping thereofO *)t shall not appl+ $ith respect toDaE an+ process $ith respect to the smelting and man)fact)re of lead and the 7lectric Acc)llm)latorsO D*E an+ process for the p)rposes pf a printing $or8sO or DcE an+ smelting process in $hich metal is o*tained *+ a red)cing operation or an+ process incidental to s)ch operationO or DdE the prod)ction of steel in the form of ingotsO or DeE an+ process in the co)rse of the man)fact)re of solder or an+ process incidental to s)ch man)fact)reO or DfE the melting and casting of lead or an+ lead-*ased allo+ prod)ction of ingots, *illets, sla*s or other similar prod the stripping thereof, or an[L process incidental to s)ch melting casting or stripping. 2. Definition- -or the p)rpose of this sched)leDaE Iapproved respiratorI means a respirator of a t+pe approved *+ the 4hief 2nspectorO D*E c)pola of f)rnaceI incl)des a receiver associated there$ithO DcE Idressing or fetling operations I incl)des stripping and other removal of adherent sand, cores, r)nners, risers, flash and other s)rpl)s metal from a casting and the prod)ction of reasona*l+ clean and smooth s)rface, *)t does not incl)de DaE the removal of metal from a casting $hen performed incidentall+ in connection $ith machining or assem*ling of castings after the+ have *een dressed or fertile, or D*E an+ operation $hich is 8noc8-o)t operation $ithin the meaning of this sched)leO DdE Ifo)ndr+I means those parts of a factor+ in $hich the prod)ction of iron or steel or nonferro)s castings Dnot *eing the prod)ction of pig iron or the prod)ction of steel in the form of ingotsE is carried on *+ casting in mo)lds made of sand, loam, mo)lding composition or other mixt)re of materials, or *+ shell mo)lding or *+ centrif)gal casting 1 in metal mo)ld lined $ith sand, or die casting incl)ding press)re die castings, together $ith an+ part of the factor+ in $hich an+ of their follo$ing processes are carried on as incidental processes in connection $ith and in the co)rse of, s)ch prod)ction, namel+ the preparation and mixing of materials )sed in fo)ndr+ process, the preparation of mo)lds and cores, 8noc8 o)t operations and dressing or fettling operationsO

DeE I8noc8-o)t operationsI means all methods of removing castings from mo)lds and the follo$ing operations, $hen done in connection there$ith, namel+, stripping, corning-o)t and the removal of r)nners and risersO DfE Ipo)ring aisleI means an aisle leading from a main gang$a+ or directl+ from a c)pola or f)rnace to $here metal is po)red into mo)lds. 3. (rohi*ition of )se of certain materials as parting materials- D1E A material shall not *e )sed as a parting material if it is a material containing compo)nds of silicon calc)lated as silica to the extent more than 5 percent *+ $eight of the dr+ material. (rovided that this prohi*ition shall not prevent the follo$ing *eing )sed as a parting material if the material does not contain an admixt)re of an+ other silicaDaE ^irconi)m silicate D^irconE D*E 4alcined china cla+ D*E 4alcined al)mino)s firecla+

DdE Sillimanite DeE 4alcined or f)sed al)mina DfE /livine DgE .at)ralsancl D2E D)st or other matter deposited from a fettling or *lasting process shall not *e )sed as a parting material or as a constit)ent in a parting material. 4. Arrangement and storage- -or the p)rposes of promoting safet+ and cleanliness in $or8rooms the follo$ing re9)irement shall *e o*served=DaE mo)lding *oxes, loam plates, ladles, patterns, pattern plates, frames *oards, *ox $eights, and other heav+ articles shall *e so arranged and placed as to ena*le $or8 to *e carried on $itho)t )nnecessar+ ris8O D*E s)ita*le and convenientl+ accessi*le rac8s, *ins or other receptacle shall *e provided and )sed for the storage of other gear and toolsO DcE $here there is *)l8 storage of sand, f)el, metal scrap or other materials or resid)es, s)ita*le *ins *)n8ers of other receptacles shall *e provided for the p)rpose of s)ch storage. 5. 4onstr)ction of -loors- D1E -loors of indoor $or8places in $hich the processes are carried on, other than parts $hich are of sand, shall have an even s)rface of hard material.

D2E .o part of the floor of an+ s)ch indoor $or8place shall *e of sand except .$here this is necessar+ *+ reason of the $or8 doneO D3E All parts of the s)rface of the floor of an+ s)ch indoor $or8place $hich are of sand shall, so far as practica*le, *e maintained in an even and firm condition. !. 4leanliness of indoor $or8places- D1E All accessi*le parts of the $all of ever+ indoor $or8 place in $hich the processes are carried on and of ever+thing affixed to those $all shall *e effectivel+ cleaned *+ a s)ita*le method to a height of not less than ".2 meters from the floor at least once in ever+ period of fo)rteen months. A record of the carr+ing o)t of ever+ s)ch effective cleaning in p)rs)ance of this paragraph incl)ding the date D$hich shall *e not less that five months nor more than nine months after the last immediatel+ preceding $ashing, cleaning or other treatmentE. D2E 7ffective cleaning *+ a s)ita*le method shall *e carried o)t at least once ever+ $or8ing da+ of all accessi*le parts of the floor of ever+ indoor $or8place in $hich the processes are carried on, other than parts $hich are of sandO an the parts $hich are of sand shall *e 8ept in good order . ". 0an)al operations involving molten metal- D1E=&here shall *e provided and properl+ maintained for all persons emplo+ed on man)al operation involving molten metal $ith $hich the+ are lia*le to *e splashed. a $or8 space for that operationDaE $hich is ade9)ate for the safe performance of the $or8O and

D*E $hich, so far as reasona*l+ practica*le, is 8ept free from o*str)ction. D2E An+ operation involving the carr+ing *+ hand of a container holding molten metal shall *e performed on a floor all parts of $hich $here an+ person $al8s $hile engaged in the operation shall *e on the same level. (rovided that, $here necessar+ to ena*le the operation to *e performed $itho)t )nd)e ris8, nothing in this paragraph shall prevent the occasional or exceptional )se of a $or8ing space on a different level from the floor, *eing a space provided $ith a safe means of access from the floor for an+ person $hile engaged in the operation. , %. Gang$a+s and po)ring aisles- D1E 2n ever+ $or8room to $hich this paragraph applies constr)cted or reconstr)cted or converted for )se as s)ch after the ma8ing of this sched)le and so far as reasona*l+ practica*le, in ever+ other $or8-room to $hich this paragraph applies, s)fficient and clearl+ defined main gang$a+ shall *e provided and properl+ maintained $hichDaE shall have an even s)rface of hard material and shall, in partic)lar, not *e of sand or have on them more sand than is necessar+ to avoid ris8 of fl+ing metal from accidental a pillageO D*E shall *e 8ept, so far as reasona*le practica*le, free from o*str)ctionO DcE if not )sed for carr+ing molten metal, shall *e at least '2, millimeters in $idthO DdE if )sed for carr+ing molten metal shall *e----

DiE $here tr)c8 ladles are )sed excl)sivel+, at least !,, millimeters $ider than the overall $idth of the ladleO DiiE $here hand shan8s are carried *+ not more than t$o men, at least '2, millimeters in $idthO DiiiE $here hand shan8s are carried *+ more than t$o men, at least 1.2 meters in $idthO and DivE $here )sed for sim)ltaneo)s travel in *oth directions *+ men carr+ing hand shan8s, at least 1.% meters in $idth. D2E 2n $or8-room to $hich this paragraph applies constr)cted, reconstr)cted or converted for )se as s)ch after the ma8ing of this Sched)le, s)fficient and clearl+ defined po)ring aisles shall *e provided and properl+ maintained $hichDaE shall have an even s)rface of hard material and shall, in partic)lar, not *e of sand or have on them more sand than is necessar+ to avoid ris8 of fl+ing metal from accidental spillageO D*E shall *e 8ept so far as reasona*l+ practica*le free from o*str)ctionO D*E if molten metal is carried in hand ladles *+ not more than t$o men per ladle, shall *e at least 4!, millimeters $ide, *)t $here an+ mo)lds alongside the aisle are more than 51, millimeters a*ove the floor of the aisle, the aisle shall *e not less than !,, millimeters $ideO

DdE if molten metal is carried in hand ladles or *)l8 ladles *+ more than t$o men per ladle, shall *e at least "!, millimeters $ideO and DeE if molten metal is carried in crane, trolle+ or tr)c8 ladles, shall *e of a $idth, ade9)ate for the same performance of the $or8. D3E #e9)irements of s)*-paragraph D1E and D2E shall not appl+ to an+ $or8 room or part of a $or8-room if, *+ reason of the nat)re of the $or8 done therein the floor of that $or8-room or, as the case ma+ *e, that part of a $or8-room ha to *e of sand. D4E 2n this paragraph I$or8-room to $hich this paragraph applies means a part of a ferro)s or non-ferro)s fo)ndr+ in $hich molten metal is transported or )sed, and a $or8-room to $hich this paragraph applies shall *e deemed for the p)rposes of this paragraph to have *een constr)cted, reconstr)cted of converted for )se as s)ch after the ma8ing of this sched)le if the constr)ction reconstr)ction or conversion thereof $as *eg)n after the ma8ing of this sched)le '. 5or8 near c)polas and f)rnaces- .o person shall carr+ o)t an+ $or8 $ithin a distance of 4 meters from a vertical line passing thro)gh the deliver end of an+ spo)t of a c)pola or f)rnace, *eing a spo)t )sed for delivering molten metal, or $ithin a distance of 2.4 meters from a vertical line passing thro)gh the nearest part of an+ ladle $hich is in position at the

end of s)ch a spo)t, except in either case, $here it is necessar+ for the proper )se of maintenance of a c)pola or f)rnace that $or8 sho)ld *e carried o)t $ith in that distance of that $or8 his *eing carried o)t at s)ch a time and )nder s)ch conditions that there is no danger to the person carr+ing it o)t form molten $hich is *eing o*tained from the c)pola or f)rnace or is in a ladle in position at the end of the spo)t. 1,. D)st and f)mes-D2E /pen coal, co8e or $ood fires shall not *e )se for heating or dr+ing ladles inside a $or8-room )nless ade9)ate meas)res are ta8en to prevent, so far as practica*le, f)mes or other imp)rities from entering into or remaining in the atmosphere of the $or8-room. D2E . o open coal, co8e or $ood fires shall *e )sed for dr+ing mo)lds except in circ)mstances in $hich the )se of s)ch fires is )navoida*le. D3E 0o)ld stoves, core stoves and annealing f)rnaces shall *e so designer constr)cted, maintained and $or8ed as to prevent, so far as practica*le, offensive or in@)rio)s, f)mes from entering into an+ $or8-room d)ring an+ period $hen a person is emplo+ed therein. D4E All 8noc8,-o)t operations shall *e carried o)tDaE in a separate part of the fo)ndr+ s)ita*l+ partitioned off, *eing room or part in $hich, so far as reasona*l+ practica*le effective s)ita*le local exha)st ventilation and a high standard of general ventilation are providedO or DcE in an area of the fo)ndr+ in $hich, so far as reasona*l+ practica*le, effective and s)ita*le local exha)st ventilation is provided or $here compliance $ith this re9)irement is not reasona*l+ practica*le, a high standard of general ventilation is provided.

D5E All dressing or fettling operations shall *e carried o)tDaE in a separate room or in a separate part of the fo)ndr+ s)ita*le partitioned ofO or D*E in an area of the fo)ndr+ set apart for the p)rpose, and shall, so far as reasona*l+ practica*le, *e carried o)t $ith effective and s)ita*le local exha)st ventilation or other e9)all+ effective means of s)ppressing d)st, operating as near as possi*le to the point of origin of the d)st. 11. 0aintenance and examination of exha)st plant- D1E All ventilator plants )sed for the p)rpose of extracting, s)ppressing or controlling d)st or f)mes shall *e properl+ maintained. D2E All ventilating plant )sed for the p)rpose of extracting, s)ppressing or controlling d)st or f)mes shall *e examined and inspected once ever+ $ee8 *+ a responsi*le person. 2t shall *e thoro)ghl+ examined and tested *+ a competent person at least once in ever+ period of t$elvemonthsO and partic)lars of the res)lts of ever+ s)ch examination and test shall *e entered in an approved register $hich shall *e availa*le for inspection *+ an 2nspector. An+ defect fo)nd on an+ s)ch examination and test shall *e immediatel+ reported in $riting *+ the persons carr+ing o)t the examination and test to the occ)pier or manager of the factor+.

12. (rotective e9)ipment- D1E &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain s)ita*le protective e9)ipment specified for the protection of $or8ersDaE s)ita*le gloves or other protection for the hands for $or8ers engaged in handling an+ hot material li8el+ to ca)se damage to the hands *+ *)rn, scale or scar, or in handling the pig iron, ro)gh castings or other articles li8el+ to ca)se damage to hands *+ c)t or a*rasionO D*E approved respirators for $or8ers carr+ing o)t an+ operations creating a heav+ d)st concentration $hich cannot *e dispelled 9)ic8l+ and effectivel+ *+ the existing ventilation arrangements. D2E .o respirator provided for the p)rposes of cla)se 1 D*E has *een $orn *+ a person shall *e $orn *+ another person if it has not since *een thoro)ghl+ cleaned and disinfected. D3E (ersons $ho for an+ of their timeDaE $or8 at a spo)t to or attend to, a c)pola or f)rnace in s)ch circ)mstances that material there from ma+ come into contact $ith the *od+, *eing material at s)ch a temperat)re that its contact $ith the *od+ $o)ld ca)se a *)rnO or D*E are engaged in, or in assisting $ith, the po)ring of molten metalO or D4E carr+ *+ hand improve or move *+ man)al po$er an+ ladle or mo)ld containing molten metalO or DdE are engaged in 8noc8ing-o)t operations involving material at s)ch a temperat)re that its contact $ith the *od+ $o)ld ca)se a *)rnO shall *e provided $ith s)ita*le foot$ear and gaiters $hich $orn *+ the prevent, so far as reasona*l+ practica*le, ris8 of *)rns of his feet and an8les. D4E 5here appropriate, s)ita*le screens shall *e provided for protection against fl+ing materials Dincl)ding splashes of molten metal and spar8s an chips thro$n off in the co)rse of an+ processE. D5E &he occ)pier shall provide and maintain s)ita*le accommodation for the storage and ma8e ade9)ate arrangements for cleaning and maintaining of the protective e9)ipment s)pplied in p)rs)ance of this paragraph. D!E 7ver+ person shall ma8e f)ll and proper )se of the e9)ipment provide for his protection in p)rs)ance of s)*-paragraph D1E and D4E and shall $itho)t dela+ report to the occ)pier, manager or other appropriate person an+ defect in, or less of, the same. 13. 5ashing and *athing facilities- D1E &here shall *e provided a maintained in clean state and good .repair for the )se of all $or8ers emplo+ in the fo)ndr+DaE A $ash place )nder cover $ith either-

DiE a tro)gh $ith impervio)s s)rface fitted $ith a $aste pipe $itho)t pl)g, and of s)fficient length to allo$ at least centimeters for ever+ 1, s)ch persons emplo+ed at an+ one time and having a constant s)ppl+ of clean $ater from taps or @ets a*ove the tro)gh at intervals of not more than !, centimetersO or DiiE at least one tap or stand pipe for ever+ 1, s)ch persons f emplo+ed at an+one time and having a constant s)ppl+ of clean $ater the tap or stand pipe *eing spaced not less than 1.2 meters apartO and D*E .ot less than one half of the total n)m*er of $ashing places provided )nder cla)se DaE shall *e in the form of *ath roomsO DcE A s)fficient s)ppl+ of clean to$els made of s)ita*le material change dail+, $ith s)fficient s)ppl+ of nail *r)shes and soap. D2E &he facilities provided for the p)rposes of s)*-paragraph D1E shall *e place in charge of a responsi*le person or persons and maintained in a a*le receptacle. 14. Disposal of drops and s8immings- Dross and s8immings removed from molten metal or ta8en from a f)rnace shall *e placed fort $ith in s)ita*le receptacles. 15. Disposal of $aste-- Appropriate meas)res shall *e ta8en for the disposal of all $aste prod)cts form shall mo)lding Dincl)ding $aste *)rnt andE as soon as reasona*l+ practica*le after the castings have *een 8noc8ed-o)t.

1!. 0aterial and e9)ipment left o)t of doors- All materials and e9)ipment left o)t of doors Dincl)ding materialE and e9)ipment so left onl+ temporaril+ or occasionall+ shall *e so arranged and placed as to avoid )nnecessar+ ris8. &here shall *e safe means of access to all s)ch material and e9)ipment and, so far as reasona*l+ practica*le, s)ch access shall *e *+ road$a+s or path$a+s $hich shall *e properl+ maintained. S)ch road$a+s or path$a+s shall have a firm and even s)rface and shall so far as reasona*l+ practica*le *e 8ept free from o*str)ction. 1". 0edical facilities and records of examinations and tests- D1E &he occ)pier of ever+ factor+ to $hich the Sched)le applies, shallDaE 7mplo+ a 9)alified medical practitioner for medical s)rveillance of the $or8ers emplo+ed therein $hose emplo+ment shall *e s)*@ect to the approval of the 4hief 2nspector of -actoriesO and D*E provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessar+ facilities for the p)rpose referred to in cla)se DaE.

D2E &he record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried o)t *+ the said medical practioner shall *e maintained in a separate register approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector of -actories, $hich shall *e 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection *+ the 2nspector . 1%. 0edical examination *+ certif+ing S)rgeon- D1E 7ver+ $or8er emplo+ed in a fo)ndr+ shall *e examined *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ithin 15 da+s of his first emplo+ment. S)ch medical examination shall incl)de p)lmonar+ f)nction tests and chest F-ra+. .o$ $or8ers shall *e allo$ed to $or8 after 15 da+s of his first emplo+ment m the factor+ )nless certified fit for s)ch emplo+ment *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon. D2E 7ver+ $or8ers emplo+ed in the said processes shall re-examined *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon at least once in ever+ t$elve months. S)ch examination shall, $herever the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon considers appropriate, incl)de all the tests as specified in s)*-paragraph D1E except chest F-ra+ $hich $ill *e once in 3 +ears. D3E &he 4ertif+ing S)rgeon after examining a $or8er shall iss)e a 4ertificate of -itness in -orm 5. &he record of examination and re-examinations carried o)t shall *e entered in the 4ertificate and the 4ertificate shall *e 8ept in the c)sdo+ of the manager of the factor+. &he records of each examination carried o)t )nder s)*-paragraphs D1E and D2E, incl)ding the nat)re and the res)lts of the tests, shall also *e entered *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon in a health register in -orm 1". D4E &he 4ertificate of -itness and the health register shall *e 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection *+ the 2nspector. D5E 2f at an+ time the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon is of the opinion that a $or8er is no longer fit for emplo+ment in the said processes oil the gro)nd that contin)ance therein $o)ld involve special danger to the health of the $or8er, he shall ma8e a record of his findings in the said 4ertificate, and the health register. &he entr+ of his findings in those doc)ments sho)ld also incl)de the period for $hich he considers that the said person is )nit for $or8 in the said processes. &he person so s)spended from the process shall *e provided $ith alternative placemen facilities )nless he is f)ll+ incapaciated in the opinion of the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon in $hich case the person affected shall *+ s)ita*l+ reha*ilitated. D!E .o person $ho has *een fo)nd )nfit to $or8 as said in s)*-paragraph D5E a*ove shall *e re-emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in the said processes )nless the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon, after f)rther examination, again certifies him fit for emplo+ment in those processes. 1'. 7xemption- 2f in respect of an+ factor+, the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that o$ing to the exceptional circ)mstances or infre9)enc+ of the processes or for an+ other reason, all or an+ of the provisions of this sched)le is not necessar+ for all protection of the $or8ers in the factor+, the 4hief 2nspector ma+ *+ certificate in $riting, $hich he ma+ at his discretion revo8e at an+ time, exempt s)ch factor+ from all or an+ of s)ch provisions s)*@ect to s)ch conditions, if an+ as he ma+ specif+ therein.

S467D: 7 FF;2 0anip)lation of stone or An+ /ther 0aterial 4ontaining -ree Sillica 1. Application-- &his sched)le shall appl+ to all factories or parts of factories in $hich manip)lation of stone or an+ other material containing free silica is carried on. 2. Definitions- -or the p)rpose of this Sched)leDaE I0anip)lationI means cr)shing, *rea8ing, chipping, dressing, grinding, sieving, mixing, grading or handling of stone or all other material containing free silica or an+ other operation involving s)ch stone or materialO D*E IStone or an+ other material containing free silicaS means a stone or an+ other solid material containing not less than 5Z *+ $eight of free silica. 3. (reca)tions in manip)lation- .o manip)lation shall *e carried o)t in factor+ or part of a factor+ )nless one or more of the follo$ing meas)res, namel+= DaE damping the stone or other material *eing processedO D*E providing $ater spra+O DcE enclosing the processO DdE isolating the processO and DeE providing localised exha)st ventilation. are adopted so as to effectivel+ control the d)st in an+ place in the factor+ $here an+ person is emplo+ed, at a level e9)al to or *elo$ the maxim)m permissi*le lever for silica d)st as laid do$n in &a*le 2 appended to #)le '5A. (rovided that s)ch meas)res as a*ove said are not necessar+ if the process or operation itself is s)ch that the level of d)st creasted and prevailing does not exceed the permissi*le level referred to. 4. 0aintenance ofloors- D1E All floors or places $here fine d)st is li8el+ to settle on and $hereon an+ person has to $or8 or pass shall *e of impervio)s material and maintained in s)ch condition that the+ can *e thoro)ghl+ cleaned *+ a moist method or an+ other method $hich $o)ld prevent d)st *eing air*orne in the process of cleaning. D2E &he s)rface of ever+ floor of ever+ $or8-room or place $here an+ $or8 is carried on $here an+ person has to pass d)ring the co)rse of his $or8, shall *e cleaned of d)st once at least d)ring each shift after *eing spra+ed $ith $ater or *+ an+ other s)ita*le method so as to prevent d)st *eing air*orne in the process of cleaning.

5. (rohi*ition relating +o)ng persons- .o +o)ng persons shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in an+ of the operations involving manip)lations or at an+ place $here s)ch operations are carried o)t. !. 0edical facilities and records of examinations and tests- D1E &he occ)pier of ever+ factor+ to $hich the Sched)le-applies, shallDaE emplo+ a 9)alified medical officer for medical s)rveillance of the $or8ers emplo+ed therein $hose emplo+ment shall *e s)*@ect to the approval of the 4hief 2nspector of -actoriesO and D*E provide to the said 0edical /fficer all the necessar+ facilities for the p)rpose referred to in cla)se D1E, D2E the record of medical examination and appropriate tests carried o)t *+ the said 0edical /fficer shall *e maintained in a separate register approved *+ the 4hief 2nspector of -actories, $hich shall *e 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection *+ the inspector. ". 0edical examination *+ 4ertif+ing S)rgeon- D1E 7ver+ $or8er emplo+ed in the processes specified in paragraph 1, shall *e examined *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon $ithin 15 da+s of his first emplo+ment. S)ch medical examination shall incl)de p)lmonar+ f)nction tests and chest F-ra+. .o $or8er shall *e allo$ed to $or8 after 15 da+s of certified fit for s)ch emplo+ment *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon. D2E 7ver+ $or8er emplo+ed in the said processes shall *e re-examined *+ a 4ertif+ing S)rgeon at least once in ever+ t$elve months. S)ch examination shall, $herever the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon considers appropriate, incl)de all the tests as specified in s)*-paragraph D1E except chest F-ra+ $hich $ill *e once in 3 +ears. D3E &he 4ertif+ing S)rgeon after examining a $or8er shall iss)e a certificate of -itness in -orm 5. &he record of re-examinations carried o)t shall *e entered in the 4ertificate and the 4ertificate shall *e 8ept in the c)stod+ of the 0anager of the -actor+. &he record of each examination carried o)t )nder s)*-paragraphs D1E and D2E , incl)ding the nat)re and the res)lts of tests, shall also *e entered *+ the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon in a health register in -orm 1". D4E &he 4ertificate of fitness and the health register shall *e 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection *+ the 2nspector. D5E 2f at an+ time the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon is no longer fit for emplo+ment in the said processes on the gro)nd that contin)ance therein $o)ld involve special of danger to the health of the $or8er, he shall ma8e a record of his findings in those doc)ments shall also incl)de the period for $hich he considers that the said person is )nfit for $or8 in the said processes. %. 7xemptions- 2f in respect of an+ factor+, the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that o$ing to the exceptional circ)mstances or infre9)enc+ of the processes or for an+ other reason, all or an+ of the provisions of this sched)le is not necessar+ for protection of the $or8ers in the factor+,

the 4hief 2nspector ma+ *+, a 4ertificate in $riting, $hich he ma+ in his discretion revo8e at an+ time, exempt s)ch factor+ from all or an+ of s)ch provisions s)*@ect to s)ch conditions, if an as he ma+ specif+ therein. '5A.- (ermissi*le levels of certain chemical s)*stances in $or8 environment $itho)t pre@)dice to the re9)irements in an+ other provisions in the Act or #)les, the re9)irements specified in the Sched)le *elo$, shall appl+ to all factories ,

S467D: 7 2. Definition- -or the p)rpose of this sched)leDaE ImgHm3I, means milligram of a s)*stance per c)*ic meter of airO D*E ImgpcmI means million particles of a s)*stances per c)*ic meter of airO DcE IppmI\neans parts of vapo)r or gass million parts of air *+ vol)me at 25U4 and "!, mm of merc)r+ press)reO DdE I&ime $eighted average concentrationI means the average concentration Lof a s)*stance in the air at an+ $or8 location in a factor comp)ted from eval)ation of ade9)ate n)m*er of air samples ta8e at that location, spread over the entire shift on an+ da+, after giving $eightage to the d)ration for $hich each s)ch sample is collected and the concentration prevailing at the time of ta8ing the sample.

&ime $eighted average .41&2-42&2Y 4n&n 4oncentrat2on W &Y& 2Y & 2n $here 41 represents the concentration of the s)*stance for d)ration & Din ho)rsEO 42 represents the concentration of the s)*stance for d)ration &2 Din ho)rsEO and 4n represents the concentration of the s)*stance for d)ration &n, Din ho)rsE. DeE I$or8 locationI means a location in a factor+ at $hich $or8er $or8s or ma+ *e re9)ired to $or8 at an+ time d)ring an+ shift on an+ da+, 2. imits of concentrations of s)*stances at $or8 location- D1E &he time $eighted average concentration of an+ s)*stance listed in &a*le 1 or 2 of the sched)le, at an+ $or8 location in a factor+ d)ring an+ shift on an+ da+ shall not exceed the limit of the permissi*le time $eighted average concentration specified in respect of that s)*stance,

(rovided that in the case of a s)*stance mentioned in &a*le in respect of $hich a limit in terms of short term maxim)m concentration in indicated, the concentration of s)ch a s)*stance ma+ exceed the permissi*le limit of the t$o $eighted average concentration for the s)*stance for short periods not exceeding 15 min)tes at a time, s)*@ect to the conditions thatDaE S)ch periods d)ring $hich the concentration exceeds the prescri*ed time $eighted average concentration are restricted to not more than 4 per shiftO D*E &he time interval *et$een an+ t$o s)ch periods of higher expos)re shall not *e less than !, min)tesO and DcE At no time the concentration of the s)*stance in the air shall exceed the limit of short term maxim)m concentration. D2E 2n the case of an+ s)*stance given in &a*le 3, the concentration of the s)*stance at an+ $or8 location in a factor+ at an+ time d)ring an+ da+ shall not exceed the limit of expos)re for that s)*stance specified in the ta*le, D3E 2n the case $here the $ord Is8inI has *een indicated against certain s)*stance mentioned in &a*les 1 and 3, appropriate meas)res shall *e ta8en to prevent a*sorption thro)gh c)taneo)s ro)tes partic)larl+ slim, m)co)s mem*rane and e+es as the limits, specified in these &a*les are for conditions $here the expos)re is onl+ thro)gh respirator+ tract, D4E DaE 2n case, the air of an+ $or8 location contains a mixt)re of s)ch s)*stances mentioned in &a*les 1, 2 or 3 $hich have similar toxic properties, the time $eighted concentration of each of these s)*stances d)ring the shift sho)ld *e s)ch, that $hen these time, $eighted concentration divided *+ the respective permissi*le time $eighted average concentration specified in the a*ove mentioned ta*les, and the fractions o*tained are added together, the total shall not exceed )nit+, 4 Y 4 II,L,L,IIIIIL 4 i.e. > 2 n sho)ld not exceed )nit+, > Y 2 IIIIIIIIIIL n $here, 4 , 4 .,.,II 4are the time $eighted concentration of toxic > 2 n s)*stances 1, 2 IIL.L. and n respectivel+, determined after meas)rement at $or8 locationO and 11, 12 1n are the permissi*le time $eighted average concentration of the toxic s)*stances 1,2 and n respectivel+. D*E 2n case the air at an+ $or8 location contains a mixt)re of s)*stance, mentioned in &a*les 1,2 or 3 and these do not have similar toxic properties, then the time $eighted concentration of each of these - s)*stances shall not exceed the permissi*le time $eighted average concentration specified in the a*ove mentioned &a*les, for that partic)lar s)*stance.

DcE &he re9)irement in cla)ses DaE and *E shall *e in addition to the re9)irement in paragraphs 2D1E and 2D2E. 3. Sampling and eval)ation proced)res- D1E .ot $ithstanding provision in an+ other paragraphs, the sampling and eval)ation proced)res to *e adopted for chec8ing compliance $ith the provisions in the sched)le shall *e as per , standard proced)res in vog)e from time to time. D2E .ot$ithstanding the provisions in paragraph 5, the follo$ing condition regarding the sampling and eval)ation proced)res relevant to chec8ing compliance $ith the provisions in this sched)le are specifiedDaE -or determination of the n)m*er of particles per c)*ic meter in item 1 DaE DiE D1E in &a*le 2, samples are to *e collected *+ standard or midget imipinger and the co)nts made *+ lightfield techni9)e. D*E &he percentage of 9)artA in the 3 form)las given in item 1 DaE DiE in &a*le 2 is to *e determined from air *orn samples. DcE -or determination of n)m*er of fi*res as specified in item 2 DaE of &a*le 2, the mem*rance filter method at 43, phase contract sho)ld *e )sed. 1oth for determination of concentration and percentage of 9)artA for )se of the form)la given in item 1 DaE DiE D2E of &a*le 2, the fraction passing thro)gh a siAe selector $ith the follo$ing characteristics sho)ld onl+ *e considered. Aerod+namic meter )nit don (ercentage allo$ed *+ siAe- selector 2., ', 2.5 "5 3.5 5, 5., 25 1,., 5 DeE

4. (o$er to re9)ire assessment of concentration of s)*stancesMMMMMMMM D1E An 2nspector ma+, *+ an order in $riting direct the occ)pier or manager of a factor+ to get *efore an+ specified date, the assessment of the time $eighted average concentration at an+ $or8 location of an+ of the s)*stances mentioned in &a*le 1,2 and 3 carried o)t. D2E &he res)lts of s)ch assessment as $ell as the method follo$ed for air sampling and anal+sis for s)ch assessment shall *e sent to 2nspector $ithin 3 da+ from the date of completion of s)ch assessment and also a record of the same 8ept readil+ availa*le for inspection *+ an 2nspector. 5. 7xemptionMMMMMMMM 2f in respect of an+ factor+ or a part of a factor+, the 4hief 2nspector is satisfied that, *+ virt)e of the pattern of $or8ing time of the $o8ers at

different $or8 locations or an acco)nt of other circ)mstances no $or8er is exposed in the air at the $or8 locations, to a s)*stance or s)*stances specified in ta*les 1,2or 3 to s)ch an extent as is li8el+ to *e in@)rio)s to his heath, he Dthe 4hief 2nspectorE ma+ *+ an order in $riting, exempt the factor+ or a part of the factor+ form the re9)irement in paragraph 2, s)*@ect to s)ch conditions, if an+ as he ma+ specif+ therein. &A1 7-1

(ermissi*le limit expos)re S)*stance &ime-$eighted 4oncentration ppm 1, ,.1 ,.1 1, ,.1 2,, 15, 2, 2 5, 1, ,.1 "5 1 ,.,,1 average Short mgHm3 25 ,.25 ,.25 1, 1, ,.5 ,.2 3, ,." 5', "1, '5, ,.,5 2 5 ,.1 !, 55 !5 ,.4 ,.5 35, 3 ,.% ,.3 ,.3 term maxim)m 4oncentration ppm mgHm3 15 3" ,.3 ,., ,."5 35 2" 5 2, ,.3 2 3,, %%5 2,, 25, 3, 4,, 2, 3 '5, 11', ,.2 1, ', 44, 13, 2 3 ,.! -

Acetic Acid Acrolin Aldrin Ammonia Aniline-s8in Anisidine D1,-p-isomersE-s8in DArsenic < 4ompo)nds Das An 1enAene 1romine 1)tanene meth+leth+l 2 ?etene-07? n-*)t+l acetate Sec.Htert. 1)t+-acetate D4admi)m-d)st and salts Das 4d 4alcim)m oxide D4ar*ar+l DSovin D4ar*of)ran D-)raden 4ar*on dis)lfide-s8in 4ar*on monoxide 4ar*on tetrachloride-s8in D4ar*on+l chloride D(hosgene 4hlordance-s8in Dchloro*enAene Dmono chloro*enAene 4hlorine 1is-4hloremeth+l ether D4hromic acid and chromic, Das 4r ,4hromi)m sel. 4hromic D4hremo)s salts Das 4r 4opper f)me 4ottom d)st, ra$

4resol all isomers-s8in 4+anides, Das D4nE-s8in 4+anogen DD& Dichlorodiphen+ltrichlore Dthen Demeton-s8in DiAAion-s8in Di*)t+l phthalate Dichlorves DDD;(E-s8in Dieldrin-s8in Dinitro*enAenes Dall isomersE s8in Dinitrotol)ence-s8in Diphen+l 7ndos)lfan D&hiodesE-s8in 7ndrinMs8in 7th+lacetate 7th+l alcohol 7th+l amino D-l)orides Das -lo)rine 6+drogen 4+anide-s8in 6+drogen s)lfide 2ron oxide f)me D-/2 /3 as -eE isoam+l acetate 2soam+l alcohol 2so*)t+l alcohol ead, inorg. -)mes and d)st Das (*E indane-s8in 0olethion-s8in 0anaganese f)me Das 0nE 0erc)r+ Das 6gE 0erc)r+ cal8+l compo)ndsE s8inDas 6gE 0eth+l alcohol DmethanolE s8in 0eth+l cellesolve-s8in D2-metlh+l ethanolE .aphthalene .ic8el car*on+lDas .iE .itric Acid .itric oxide .itric oxide .itro*enAene-s8in /il-mist-mineral (arathion-s8in (henel-s8in

5 1, ,.,1 ,.1 ,.15 ,.2 4,, 1,,, 1, 1 1, 1, 1,, 1,, 5, ,.,,1 2,, 25 1,, 1, ,.5 2 25 1 5

22 5 2, 1 ,.1 ,.1 5 1 ,.25 1 1.! 1.! ,.1 ,.1 1,,, 1',, 1% 2.5 2 15 5 525 3!, 15, ,.15 ,.5 1, 1 ,.5 ,.,1 2!, %% 41, 5, ,.35 5 3, 5 5 ,.1 1'

,.,3 ,.,3 ,.5 ,.! 2 15 15 125 125 "5 ,.,,3 25, 35 125 15 4 35 2 1,

3 ,.3 ,.3 1, 3 ,."5 3 5 4 ,.3 ,.3 4 1! 2" 1, !55 45, 225 ,.45 1.5 3 ,.15 ,.,3 31, 12, 51, "5 1, 45 1, 1, ,.3 3,

(herate D&himetE-s8in (hosgene D4ar*on+ chlorideE (hosphine (hosphor)s D+ello$E (hosphor)s pentachloride (hosphor)s &richloride (icric acid s8in (+ridine silane Dsilicon tetrah+drideE St+rene, monomer D(hen+leth+leneE S)lph)r dioxide S)lph)ric acid &ol)ene Dtol)elE s8in c- &ol)dine &richeroeth+lene ;in+l chloride 5alding f)mes D.34E F+lene Do-m-p-isomersE s8in

,.1 ,.3 ,.3 5 ,.5 1,, 5 1,, 5 1,, 5 1,,

,.,5 ,.4 ,.4 ,.1 1 3 ,.1 15 ,." 42, 13 1 3"5 22 535 1, 5 435

1 1, 1 125 15, 1, 15, 15,

,.2 1 ,.3 3 ,.3 3, 1.5 525 5!, 44 %,, !55

&A1 7 Q 2 s)*stance Silica DaE 4r+stalline DiE 3)artA D1E 2n terms of d)st co)nt D2E 2n terms of respira*le d)st D3E 2n terms of total d)st DiiE 4risto*alite e DiiiE &rid+mite DivE Silica f)sed DvE &ripoli (ermissi*le time concentration $eighted average

1,!, Z3)artAY1, mppcm. 1, Z respira*le 9)artAY2 mpHm3 3, Z3)artAY3 mpHm3 6alf the limits given against 9)artA 6alf the limits given against 9)artA. Same limits as for 9)artA. Same limits as in form)la in item 2 given

D*E Amorpho)s silica to having less than 1Z free silica *+ $eight DaE As*estos--i*res longer than 5 microne DiE Amosite DiiE 4hr+setilc DiiiE 4r+sto*alite DivEother form D*E 0ica DcE 0ineral $ool fi*re DdE (orlite DeE (ortland DfE Soap stone DgE &alc Dnota*eatiformE DhE &alc Dfi*r)o)sE DiE &remelite 4oal d)st D1E -or air*orne d)st having less than 5Z silicon dioxide *+ $eight D2E -or air*orne d)st having over 5Z silicon dioxide

against 9)artA. ",5 mppcm.

,.5 -i*reHc)*ic centimeter 2 -i*resHcentimeter ,.2 -i*resHc)*ic centimeter 2 -i*resHc)*ic centimeter ",5 mppcm 1, mgHm3 1,!, mppcm 1,!, mppcm "%5 mppcm "%5 mppcm Same limits as for as*estos Same limits as for as*estos 2mgHm3 Same limit as prescri*ed *+ form)las in item D2E against 9)artA

&A1 7 - 3 S)*stance (ermissi*le expos)re Acetic anh+dridie 5 D- Dichloro*enAene 5, -ormaldeh+de 2 6+drogen 4hloride 5 0anganese < compo)nds Das 0nE .itrogl+cerin s8in ,.2 (otassi)m h+droxide Sodi)m h+droxide 2,4,! &rinitrotol)ene D&.&E imit of 2, 3,, 3 " 5 2 2 2 '.5

'!. .otification of accidents and dangero)s occ)rrences- D1E 5hen an+ accident $hich res)lts in the death of an+ person or $hich res)lts in s)ch *odil+ in@)r+ to an+ person as is li8el+ to ca)se his death or an+ dangero)s occ)rrence specified in the Sched)le ta8es place in a factor+, the manager of the factor+ shall forth-$ith send a notice thereof *+ telephone, special messenger or telegram to the 2nspector and the 4hief 2nspector . D2E 5hen an+ accident or an+ dangero)s occ)rance specified in the Sched)le, $hich res)lts in the death of an+ person or $hich res)lt in s)ch *odil+ in@)r+ to an+ person as is li8el+ to ca)se his death, ta8es place in a factor+, notice as mentioned in s)*-r)le DiE shall *e sent also to =DaE the District 0agistrate or S)*-Divisional /fficer 2. D*E the officer in charge of the nearest police station, and DcE the relatives of the in@)red or deceased person. D3E An+ notice given as re9)ired )nder s)*-r)les D1E and D2E shall *e confirmed *+ the manager of the factor+ to the a)thorities mentioned in these s)*-r)les $ithin 12 ho)rs of the accident or the dangero)s occ)rrence *+ sending the 5ritten report in -orm .o.1% in the case of an accident or dangero)s occ)rrence ca)sing death or *odil+ in@)r+ to an+ person and in -orm 1%-A in the case of dangero)s occ)rrence $hich has not res)lted in an+ *odil+ in@)r+ to an+ person. D4E 5hen an+ accident or dangero)s occ)rrence specified in the Sched)le ta8es place in a factor+ and it ca)ses s)ch *odil+ in@)r+ to an+ person and prevents the person in@)red from $or8ing for a period of 4% ho)rs or more immediatel+ follo$ing the accident or the dangero)s occ)rrence, as the case ma+ *e, the manager of the factor+ shall send a report thereof to the 2nspector in -orm .o.1% $ithin 24 ho)rs after the expir+ of 4% ho)rs from the time of the accident or the dangero)s occ)rrence. (rovided that if in the case of an+ accident or dangero)s occ)rrence death occ)rs of an+ person in@)red *+ s)ch accident or dangero)s occ)rrence after the notices and reports referred to in the foregoing s)*-r)les have *een sent the manager to the factor+ shall for $ith send a notice thereof *+ telephone, special messenger or telegram to the a)thorities and persons mentioned in s)*-r)le D1E and D2E and also have this information confirmed in $riting $ithin 12 ho)r of the death. (rovided f)rther, that, if the period of disa*ilit+ from $or8ing for 4% ho)r or more referred to in s)*-r)le D4E does not occ)r immediatel+ follo$ing the accident, or the dangero)s occ)rrence, *)t later on occ)rs in more than on spell, the report referred to shall *e sent to the 2nspector in the prescri*ed -or 1% $ithin 24 ho)rs immediatel+ follo$ing the ho)r $hen the act)al total period of disa*ilit+ from $or8ing res)lting from the accident or the dangero)s occ)rrence *ecomes 4% ho)rs.

S467D: 7 &he follo$ing classes of dangero)s occ)rrence, $hether or not the+ are attended *+ personal in@)r+ disa*lement =DaE *)rsting of a plant )sed for containing or s)ppl+ing steam )nder press)re greater than atmospheric press)re. D*E 4ollapse or fail)re of a crane, derric8, $hich hoist or other appliances )sed in raising or lo$ering persons or goods, or an+ part thereof, or the overt)rning of a crane. DcE 7xplosion, fire, *)rsting o)t lea8age or escape of an+ molten metal, or hot li9)o)r or gas ca)sing *odil+ in@)r+ to an+ person or damage to an+ room or place in $hich persons are emplo+ed or fire in rooms of cotton pressing factories $hen a cotton opener is in )se. DdE 7xplosion of a receiver or container )sed for the storage at a press)re greater than atmospheric press)re of an+ gas or gases Dincl)ding airE or an+ li9)id or solid res)lting from the compression of gas. DeE 4ollapse or s)*sidence of an+ floor, galler+, roof, *ridge, t)nnel, chemne+, $alt, *)ilding or an+ other str)ct)re. #)le prescried )nder Section %' '". .otice of poisoning or disease-- A notice in -orm .o.1' sho)ld *e sent forth$ith *oth to the 4hief 2nspector and to the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon, the 0anager of a factor+ in $hich there occ)rs a case of lead, phosphor)s, merc)r+, manganese, arsenic, car*on *is)lphide or *enAene poisoning *+ nitro)s f)mes, or *+ halogens or halogen derivatives of the h+drocar*ons of the aliphatic seriesO or of chrome )lceration, anthrax silicosis, toxic ancemia, toxic @a)ndice primar+ opitheliomato)s cancer of the s8inO or pathological manifestations d)e to radi)m or other radio active s)*stances or F-ra+s.

46A(&7# F S)pplemental #)le prescri*ed )nder Section 1," '%. (roced)re in appeals- D1E An appeal presented )nder Section 1," shall lie to the 4hief 2nspector or in cases $here the order appealed against in an order passed *+ that officer, to the 4hief 4ommissioner or to s)ch a)thorit+ as the 4hief 4ommissioner ma+ appoint in this *ehalf and shall *e in the form of a memorand)m setting forth concisel+ the gro)nds of o*@ection to the order and *earing c)t-fee strips in accordance $ith Article 11 of Sched)le 11

to the 4o)rt. fee Act, 1%",, and shall *e accompanied *+ a cop+ of the order appealed against. D2E Appointment of assessors- /n receipt of the memorand)m of appeal the appellate a)thorit+ shall if it thin8s fit or if the appellant has re9)ested that the appeal sho)ld *e heard $ith the aid of assessors, call )pon the *od+ declared )nder s)*-r)le D3E to *e representative of the ind)str+ concerned, to appoint an assessor $ithin a period of 14 da+s. 2f assessor is nominated *+ s)ch *od+, the appellate a)thorit+ shall appoint a second assessor itself. 2t shall then fix a date for the hearing of the appeal and shall give d)e notice of s)ch date to the appellant and the 2nspector $hose order is appealed against, and shall call )pon the t$o assessors to appear )pon s)ch date to assist in the hearing of the appeal. D3E &he appeliant shall state in the memorand)m presented )nder s)*-r)le D1E $hether he is a mem*er of one or more of the follo$ing *odies =&he *od+ empo$ered to appoint the assessor shall=DaE if the appellant is a mem*er of one of s)ch *odies, *e that *od+O D*E if he is a mem*er of t$o s)ch *odies, *e the *od+ $hich the appellant desires sho)ld appoint s)ch assessorO and DcE if the appellant is not a mem*er of an+ of the aforesaid *odies or if the does not state in the memorand)m $hich of s)ch *odies he desires sho)ld appoint the assessor, *e the *od+ $hich the appellate a)thorit+ considers as the *est fitted to represent the ind)str+ concerned. .ame of *odies 1. &he Delhi -actor+ /$ners -ederation, .e$ Delhi. 2. 3. D4E #em)neration of assessors- An assessor appointed in accordance $ith the provisions of s)*-r)le D2E and D3E shall receive for the hearing of the appeal, a fee to *e fixed *+ the appellate a)thorit+, s)*@ect to a maxim)m of fift+ r)pees per dies. 6e shall a1so receive the act)al traveling expenses. &he fees and traveling shall *e paid to the assessors *+ GovernmentO *)t $here assessors have *een appointed at the re9)est of the appellant and the appeal had *een decided $holl+ or partl+ against him the appellate a)thorit+ ma+ direct that the fees and traveling expenses of the assessor shall *e paid in $hole or in part *+ the appellant.

#)le prescri*ed )nder Section 1,% ''. Displa+ of notices- &he a*stract of the Act and of the #)les re9)ired to *e displa+ed in ever+ factor+ shall *e in -orm .o. 2,. #)les prescri*ed )nder Section 11,

1,,. #et)rn- &he occ)pier or manager of ever+ factor+ shall f)rnish to the 4hief 2nspector or an+ other officer designated *+ the 4hief 4ommissioner in this *ehalf the follo$ing ret)rns, namel+ =1. Ann)al ret)rn=- /n or *efore the 15 >an)ar+ of each +ear an ann)al ret)rn, in d)plicate, in -orm .o.21 relating to the follo$ing matters DaE Average n)m*er of $or8ers emplo+ed dail+ and normal ho)rs $or8ed per $ee8O D*E eave $ith $agesO DcE 4ompensator+ holida+sO DccE AccidentO DdE 4anteens in the case of factories notified *+ the 4hief 4ommissionerO $herein more than 25, $or8ers are ordinaril+ emplo+ed. DeE 4reches in the case of factories $herein more than 5, $omen $or8ers are ordinaril+ emplo+edO DfE Shelters, rest rooms and l)nch rooms in the case of factories $herein more than 15, $or8ers are ordinaril+ emplo+edO DgE 5elfare officer in the case of factories $herein 5,, $or8ers or more are ordinaril+ emplo+ed. 2. Ann)al ret)rn of holida+s- 1efore the end of each +ear, a ret)rn giving notice of all the da+s on $hich it is intended to close the factor+ d)ring the next ens)ing.-+ear. &his ret)rn shall *e s)*mitted $hether the factor+ is $or8ing or is not $or8ing d)ring the +ear preceding the +ear to $hich the ret)rn relates. (rovided that the 4hief 4ommissioner ma+ dispense $ith this ret)rn in the case of an+ specified factor+ or an+ class of factories or of factories in an+ partic)lar area. (rovided f)rther that $here the manager of an+ factor+ ma8es an+ depart)re from the list of hoilda+s, as aforesaid, prior intimation shall *e given to the 4hief 2nspector (rovided also that in the case of a factor+ in $hich $or8 is carried on onl+ d)ring certain period or periods of the +ear the manager shall if so re9)ired *+ the 4hief 4ommissioner, or if the 4hief 4ommissioner directs, thro)gh the 4hief 2nspector, s)*mit the ann)al or half +earl+ ret)rn, as the case ma+ *e, $ithin 15 da+s after the close of that period or after close of the last of those periods in the +ear, as the case ma+ *e. 3. 6alf-+earl+ ret)rn- /n or *efore the 15th >an)ar+ and 15th >)l+ of each +ear, a half-+earl+ ret)rn, in d)plicate, in -orm .o.22.

#)le prescri*ed )nder Section 1,' 1,1. Service of notices- &he dispatch *+ post )nder registered cover of an+ notice or order shall *e deemed s)fficient service on the occ)pier 1 o$ner or manager of a factor+ of s)ch notice or order. #)le 1,2 to 1,! prescri*ed )nder Section 112 1,2. 2nformation re9)ired *+ the 2nspector- &he occ)pier, o$ner or manager of a factor+ shall f)rnish an+ information that an 2nspector ma+ re9)ire for the p)rpose of satisf+ing himself $hether an+ provision has *een d)l+ carried o)t. An+ demand *+ an 2nspector, for an+ s)ch information, if made, d)ring the co)rse of an inspection shall *e complied $ith forth$ith if the information is availa*le in the factor+ or, if made in $riting, shall *e complied $ith $ithin seven da+s of receipt thereof. 1,3. 0)ster-roll- &he manager of ever+ factor+ shall maintain a m)ster- roll of all the $or8ers emplo+ed in the -actor+ in -orm .o.2! sho$ing DaE the name of each $or8erO D*E the nat)re of the $or8 andO DcE the dail+ attendance of the $or8er. (rovided that, if the dail+ attendance is noted in the #egister of Ad)lt 5or8ers in -orm .o.12 or the partic)lars re9)ired )nder this #)le are noted in an+ other register, a separate m)ster-roll re9)ired )nder this r)le need not *e maintained. 1,4. #egister of accidents and dangero)s occ)rrences- &he 0anager of ever+ factor+ shall maintain a #egister of all accidents and dangero)s occ)rrences $hich occ)r in the factor+ in -orm .o.2". 1,5. 0aintenance of 2nspection *oo8- &he 0anager of ever+ factor+ shall maintain a *o)nd inspection *oo8 and shall prod)ce it $hen so re9)ired *+ the 2nspector or 4ertif+ing S)rgeon. 1,!. 2nformation regarding clos)re of factories- &he /cc)pier or 0anager of ever+ factor+ shall report in $riting to the 2nspector an+ intended clos)re of the factor+ or an+ section or department thereof, immediatel+ it is decided to do so, intimating the reasons for the clos)re, the n)m*er of $or8ers on the register on the date of the report, the n)m*er of $or8ers li8el+ to *e affected *+ the clos)re and the pro*a*le period of the clos)re. 2ntimation shall also *e sent to the 2nspector as soon as the factor+ or section or department of the factor+ as the case ma+ *e, starts $or8ing again.

-orm .o.1 D(rescri*ed )nder #)le 3E A(( 24A&2/. -/# (7#02SS2/. &/ 4/.S&#:4& , 7F&7.D /# &A?7 2.&/ :S7 A.V 1:2 D2.G AS A -A4&/#V ApplicantLs .ame ApplicantLs 4alling

ApplicantLs Address -)ll .ame < (ostal address of factor+ Sit)ation of the factor+(rovince District &o$n or village .earest (olice Station .earest #ail$a+ Station or Steamer Ghat (artic)lars of plant to *e installed

Signat)re of Applicant Date ./&7=- &his application shall *e accompanied *+ the follo$ing doc)ments= DaE A flo$ chart of the man)fact)ring process s)pplemented *+ a *rief description of the process in its vario)s stagesO D*E (lans, in d)plicate, dra$n to scale, sho$ing =DiE the site of the factor+ and immediate s)rro)ndings incl)ding ad@acent *)ildings and other str)ct)res, roads, drains etc. an DiiE the plan elevation and necessar+ cross-sections of the vario)s *)ildings, indicating all relevant details relating to nat)ral lighting, ventilation and means of escape in case of fire. &he plans shall also clearl+ indicate the position of the plant and machiner+ aisles and passage $a+sO and DcE S)ch other partic)lars as the 4hief 2nspector ma+ re9)ire. -orm .o. 2 D(rescri*ed )nder #)le 4E A(( 24A&2/. -/# #7G2S&#A&2/. A.D G#A.& /# #7.75A /- 247.S7 -/# &67 V7A# A.D ./&247 /- /44:(A&2/. S(742-27D 2. S74&2/.S ! < " D&o *e s)*mitted in triplicateE 1. -)ll name of the factor+ 2 $ith factor+ licence .o. if PPPPP alread+ registered. 2. DaE -)ll (ostal address and sit)ation of the factor+. PPPPPP PPPPP PPPPPP

D*E -)ll address to $hich comm)nication PPPP..the factor+ sho)ld *e sent. 3. .at)re of man)fact)ring processHprocesses.




DaE 4arried on in the factor+ d)ring the ast t$elve months Din the case of factories alread+ in existenceE D*E to *e carried on in the factories d)ring the next t$elve months Din the case of all factoriesE 4. .ames and val)es of principal prod)cts man)fact)red d)ring the last 12 months. 5. DiE 0axim)m n)m*er of $or8ers proposed to *ePPPP an+one da+ d)ring the +ear. DiiE 0axim)m n)m*er of $or8ers emplo+ed on an+PPPP the last 12 months. DiiiE .)m*er of $or8ers to *e ordinaril+ emplo+ed PPPP PPPP. emplo+ed on PPPP. one da+ d)ring PPPP. in the factor+. PPPP. or proposed to

!. DiE .at)re and total amo)nt of po$er D6.(. installed PPPP *e installedE. DiiE 0axim)m amo)nt of po$er D6.(.E proposed toPPPP

PPPP. *e )sed. PPPP. shall *e the

". -)ll name and residential address of the person $ho PPPP 0anager of the factor+ for the p)rposes of the Act. %. -)ll name and residential address of the occ)pier= DiE &he (roprietor of the factor+ in case of private PPPP firmHproprietor+ concern. DiiE Directors in case of a p)*lic limited lia*ilit+ PPPP

PPPP. PPPP. compan+Hfirm. 2 PPPP. the name of PPPP. no 0anaging

DiiiE 5here a 0anaging Agent has *een appointed PPPP 0anaging agents and Directors thereof. DivE Shareholders in case of a private compan+ $here PPPP Agent has *een appointed. DvE &he 4hief Administrative 6ead in case of a PPPP f)nd factor+.

PPPP. Government or local PPPP. or *)ilding

'. -)ll name and address of the o$ner of the premises PPPP Dincl)ding the precincts thereofE referred to in Section '3.

1,. 2n case of factor+ constr)cted or extended after the date of the commencement of the Delhi -actories #)les, 1'5,. DaE D*E #eference n)m*er and date of approval of the plans or constr)ction or extension of factor+ *+ the 4hief 4ommissioner H4hief 2nspector. #eference n)m*er and date of approval of thePPPP PPPP arrangements, if an+ made for the disposal of trade $aste and effl)ents and the name of the a)thorit+ granting s)ch approval.

11. Amo)nt of fee #sPPPPPPPP D#)peesE PPPPPPP paid in PPPPPPPP&reas)r+ on PPPPPPPPvide challan .o PPPPPPPP Denclosed Signat)re of /cc)pier Date. Signat)re of 0anager Date .otes= 1. &his form sho)ld *e completed in in8 in *loc8 letters or t+ped. 2. 2f po$er is not )sed at the time of filling )p this formO *)t is introd)ced laterO the fact sho)ld *e comm)nicated to the 4hief 2nspector immediatel+. 3. 2f an+ of the person named against item % is minor, the factsho)l *e clearl+ stated. 4. 2n the case of a factor+, $here )nder the provision of s)*-sections 1 and 2 of Section 1,,, a person has *een nominated as the occ)pier, information re9)ired in item % sho)ld *e s)pplied onl+ in respect of that person. 5. 2n the case of a factor+ $here a managing Agent or Agents have *een appointed as occ)piers )nder the 2ndian 4ompanies Act, 1'13 ;22 of 1'13E, information re9)ired in item % sho)ld *e s)pplied on + in respect of that person or persons.

-orm .o.3 ./&247 /- 46A.G7 /- 0A.AG7# D(rescri*ed )nder r)le 12AE 1. .ame of factor+ $ith c)rrent license n)m*er PPPPPPPPPPPPP.. 2. (ostal address PPPPPPPPPPPPP..

3. .ame of o)tgoing manager PPPPPPPPPPPPP.. 4. .ame of ne$ manager $ith postal address of his residence and telephone n)m*er, if installed 5. Date of appointment of the ne$ manager $ith parentage Date Signat)re of ne$ 0anager (lace Signat)re of /cc)pier

-orm .o. 4 D(rescri*ed )nder #)le 5E 247.47 &/ 5/#? A -A4&/#V

icence .oPPPPPPP. #eg. .oPPPPPPPPP.. Date of #egPPPPPPPPP.. icence is here*+ granted toPPPPPPPPPPP. for premises 8no$n as PPPPPP sit)ated atPPPPPPPPPP for )se as a fac=stor+ $ithin the limits stated hereinafter, s)*@ect to provisions of the -actor+Ks Act, 1'4%, and the r)les made there )nder. &hePPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. 2/ 2ss)ing A)thorit+


4alender e0axim)m 0axim)m -ee Vear n)m*er installed of $or8ers (o$er


7xcess Date Signatt re of fee for of of the pa+ment late pa+ment 2ss)ing

on an+ one da+

capacit+ in





Vear 5hen /mended


2nstalled Date of Additional Date of Signat)re po$er pa+ment of fee pa+ment of the capacit+ amendment iss)ing in 6( fee a)thorit+

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %or& No> 0 !Prescribed under Rule 1(" Certi#ic3te o# %itness 1. Serial .oPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. Date PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. 2. .ame PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. 3. -atherKs .ame PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. 4. Sex PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. 5. #esidence PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. .................................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................ !. NDate of 1irth, if availa*le and H or age 4ertified PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. ". (h+sical -itness PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. %. Descriptive mar8s PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. '. #eason for D1E ref)sal of certificate PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPP...................................................................................................... .......... D2E 4ertificate *eing PPPPPPPPPPPPPP.orPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. &h)m* 2mpression 2nitials of 4ertif+ing S)rgeon Serial .o. PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. Date PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. 2 here*+ certif+ that 2 have personall+ PPPPPPPPPPPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. PPPPPPPPPPPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. revo8ed



PPPPPPPPPPPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. PPPPPPPPPPPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. PPPPPPPPPPPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPPPPP.PP PPPPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. Son H Da)ghter PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP. PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPP. residing at PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPP. PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPP. $ho is desiro)s of *eing emplo+ed in a factor+, and that his H her age, as nearl+ as can *e as c)rtained from m+ examination, is PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP +earsO and that heH she is fit for emplo+ment in factor+ as an ad)lt H child. 6isH her descriptive mar8s are PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. PPPPPPPPPPP .PPPPPPPPPPPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. PPPPPPPPPPPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. PPPPPPPPPPPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. PPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. &h)m* 2mpression 4ertif+ing S)rgeon .oteO- 7xact details of ca)se of ph+sical disa*ilit+ sho)ld *e clearl+ stated. N ;ide .otification .o. -.1D135EH53-2 < DiiE dated 25th >)ne, 1'5". %or& No> $ !Prescribed under Rule ++" Hu&idit= Re.ister Department PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. 6+grometer Distinctive mar8 or n)m*er PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. (osition in departmentPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP #eadings of 6+grometer

date 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th !th "th %th 'th 1,th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 1!th 1"th 1%th 1'th 2,th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 2!th 2"th 2%th 2'th 3,th 31st

Vear ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0onth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Da+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1et$een " 1et$een and ' a.m. 11a.m. and 2p.m. D*)t not in the rest periodE Dr+ 5et Dr+ 5et 1)l* 1)l* 1)l* 1)l*

1et$een 4 2f on #emar8s and 5.3, h)midit+ p.m. insert none Dr+ 5et 1)l* 1)l*

DSignedE PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. 4ertified that the a*ove entries are correct DsignedE PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. %or& No> '

!Prescribed under Rule 1$" Record o# Li&e ?3s2in.@ P3intin. etc> (arts lime-$ashed, (art of painted, varnished factor+ e.g. or oiled e.g. $alls, name of ceiling, $ood room $or8 etc. 1 2 Date on $hich lime$ashing, painting &reatment, varnishing or oiling $hether lime$as carried o)t #emar8s $ashed, painted Daccording to the varnished or oiled 7nglish calendarE Date 0onth Vear 3 4 5 ! "

Signat)re of 0anager %8RM N8> 'A !Prescribed under Rule 00" Prescribed #or Report o# E-3&in3tion o# Hoist or Li#tB 8ccupierB !or o?ner" o# Pre&ises Address = 1. DaE &+pe of hoist or lift and 2dentification n)m*er or description. D*E Date of constr)ction or re-constr)ction Dif ascertaina*leE. 2. Design and constr)ction. Are all parts of the hoist or life of good mechanical constr)ction so)nd material and ade9)ate strength Dso as ascertaina*leE. 3. 0aintenance. Are the follo$ing parts of the hoist or lift properl+ maintained and in good $or8ing order, 2f not, state $hat defects have *een fo)nd =DaE 7nclos)re of hoist$a+ or lift$a+. D*E anding gates and cage gateDsE. DcE 2nterloc8s on the landing gates and cage gateDsE. DdE /ther gates fastenings. DeE 4age and platform and fittings g)ides, *)ffers, interior of the hoist$a+ or lift$a+. DfE /ver-r)nning devices. DgE S)spension ropes or chain and their attachments. DhE Safet+ gear, i.e. arrangements for preventing fall of platform or cage *ra8es. DiE 1ra8es. D@E 5orm or s)per gearing. D8E /ther electrical e9)ipment. DlE /ther parts. 4. 5hat parts Dif an+ $ereE inaccesi*le.

5. #epairs, rene$als or alterations Dif an+E re9)ired and the period $ith $hich the+ sho)ld *e exec)ted. !. 0axim)m safe $or8ing load s)*@ect to repairs, rene$als or alterations Dif an+E specified in D5E. ". /thers. 2H5e verif+ that on PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP..2H5e thoro)ghl+ examined this hoist of life and that a*ove is correct report of the res)lt. Signat)rePPP.PPPPPPPPP 4o)nter signat)rePPPPPPPPPPP

2f emplo+ed *+ a compan+ or association give names and address. 3)alification PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. AddressPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. Date PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPDate PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP..ote=-Details of an+ rene$al or alterations re9)ired sho)ld *e given in 5 a*ove. %or& No> / !Prescribed under Rule 0$" REP8RT 8% E:AMINATI8N 8% PRESSURE 1ESSEL 1. .ame of /cc)pier Dor -actor+ 2. Sit)ation and address of -actor+ 3. .ame, description and distinctive n)m*er of press)re vessel 4. .ame and address of man)fact)rers 5. .at)re of process in $hich it is )sed !. (artic)lars of vessel =DaE Date of constr)ction D*E &hic8ness of $alls DcE Date on $hich the vessel $as first ta8en into )se DdE Safe $or8ing press)re recommended *+ the man)fact)rer DeE &he histor+ sho)ld *e *riefl+ given, and the examiner sho)ld state $hether he has *een the last previo)s report. ". Date of last h+dra)lic test Dif an+E and press)re applied %. 2s the vessel in open, or other$ise exposed to $hether or to damp. '. 5hat parts Dif an+ $here inaccessi*leE 1,. 5hat examination and tests $ere madeb Dspecif+ press)re if h+dra)lic test $as carried o)t.E 11. 4ondition of vessel DState an+ defects materiall+ affection the safe $or8ing press)re or the safe $or8ing of the vesselE. 7xternalPPPPPPPPPPP.. 2nternalPPPPPPPPPPPP 12. Are the re9)ired fittings and appliance provided in accordance $ith the r)les of press)re vessels b

13. Are all fitting and appliance properl+ maintained and in good condition b 14. #epairs Dif an+E re9)ired, and period $ithin $hich the+ sho)ld *e exec)ted and an+ other condition $hich the person ma8ing the examination thin8s it necessar+ to specif+ for acc)ring safe $or8ing. 15. Safe $or8ing press)re, calc)lated from dimensions and from the thic8ness, and other data ascertained *+ the present examination, d)e allo$ance *eing made for conditions of $or8ing if )n)s)al or exceptionall+ severe DState minim)m thic8ness of $alls meas)re d)ring the examinationE 1!. 5here repairs affecting the safe $or8ing press)re are re9)ired, state the $or8ing press)re DaE 1efore the expiration of the period specified in D14E D*E After the expiration of s)ch period if the re9)ired repairs have not *een completed NS)*s. vide .otification .o. -. 11 D1EH5%-,2% dated 2!-'-!'. DcE After the completion of the re9)ired repairs PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 1". /ther o*servationsPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. 2 certif+ that on PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP the press)re vessel descri*ed a*ove $as thoro)ghl+ cleaned and Dso far as its constr)ction permitsE made accessi*le for thoro)gh examination and for s)ch tests as $ere necessar+ for thoro)gh examination and that on the said date, 2 thoro)ghl+ examined this press)re vessel incl)ding its fittings, and that the a*ove is a tr)e report of m+ examination. Signat)re PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 3)alification PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Address PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. Date PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. 2f emplo+ed *+ a 4ompan+ or Association give name and address. %or& No> SA !Prescribed under Rule 0$A" REP8RT 8% E:AMINATI8N 8% 6ATER SEALED )ASH8LDER 1. .ame of occ)pier of factor+. 2. Sit)ation and address of factor+. 3. .ame, description, disting)ishing n)m*er or letter and t+pe of gasholder. 4. .ame and address of the man)fact)rer. 5. DaE .o. of lifts. D*E 0axim)m capacit+ in c)*-meters Dc)*. ft.E DcE (ress)re thro$n *+ holder $hen f)ll of gas. !. (artic)lars of gas to *e stored in the holder. ". (artic)lars as to *e condition ofDaE 4ro$n D*E Side sheeting, incl)ding grips and c)ps. DcE G)iding 0echanism D#oller carriages, rollers, pins, g)ide rails or ropes.E. DdE &an8. DeE /ther str)ct)re, if an+ Dcol)mns, framing and *racingE.

%. (artic)lars as to position of the lifts at the time of examination. '. (artic)lars as to $hether the tan8 and lifts $ere fo)nd s)fficientl+ level for safe $or8ing and if not, as to the steps ta8en to remed+ the defect. N 2nserted ;ide .otification .o. -. 1!. D12EH!3- a*. Dated 21-5-!'. 1,. Date of examination and *+ $hom it $as carried o)t. 11. 4ondition of vessel. D1E external. D2E internal. 12. Are all fittings, appliances properl+ maintained and in a good condition repairs, if an+, re9)ired and period $ithin $hich the+ sho)ld *e exec)te and an+ other condition $hich the person ma8ing the examination thin8s it necessar+ for safe $or8ing. 13. /ther o*servations. 2 certif+ that on the gasholder descri*ed a*ove $as thoro)ghl+ examined and s)ch of the tests as $ere necessar+ made on the same da+ and that the a*ove is a tr)e report of m+ examination. Signat)re PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 3)alification PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Address PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. Date PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. 2f emplo+ed *+ a 4ompan+ or Association PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP give name and address.

%or& No> * !Prescribed under Rule ''" Re.ister o# Co&pens3tor= Holid3=s 5ee8l+ rest da+s lost Date of d)e to the exempting compensator+ order in holida+s given in April to >)ne Gro)p of #ela+ .o. >an)ar+ to 0arch .)m*er < Date 7xempting order .)m*er in the register of $or8ers >an)ar+ to 0arch Serial .)m*er April to >)ne Vear >)l+ to Septem*er >)l+ to Septem*er ast rest da+s carried to the next +ear 15 /cto*er to Decem*er /cto*er to Decem*er #emar8s 1! .ame 3 4





12 13


%or& No> 1, !Prescribed under Rule '/" 87erti&e Muster Roll E-e&pted 6orCers 0onth ending PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

N 2nst. ;ide .otification .o. -.5 D3"EH 3! 2 <


1 .o. in #egister 2 .ame 3 Department 4 5 ! " .ormal 6o)rs % .ormal rate of (a+ /vertime rate of pa+ .ormal earning /vertime earning &otal earning ' 1, Dated 2%-1,-!!. 11 D %or& No> 1, !3" !Prescribed under Rule '/A" 87erti&e Slip #or 87erti&e 6orC 12 13 14

1 .o. in #egister .ame Department Dates on $hich overtime has *een $or8ed 7xtent overtime on each occasion &otal overtime $or8ed or prod)ction in case of piece $or8ers .ormal 6o)rs .ormal rate of (a+ /vertime rate of pa+ .ormal earning /vertime earning

Dates on $hich overtime $or8 has *een done

7xtent of 4.&. $or8 on each date

$or8ers&otal 4.&. $or8 or prdts in case of piece







Dates on $hich overtime pa+ments made

N 4ash e9)ivalent of advantage accr)ing thro)gh the concessional sole of food grains and other articles

&otal earning Dates on $hich overtime pa+ments made

N Added ;ide .otification .o. -.11 D4%EH 5, 2 <

Dated 0a+, 1'5'.

%or& No> 11 !3" !Prescribed under Rule '*" Notice o# Periods o# 6orC #or Adults .ame of -actor+ PPPPPPPPPPP /n half $or8ing da+s PPPPPPP.. 5here Sit)atedPPPPPPPPPPPP 6o)rs of starting $or8PPPPPPP. /n ordinar+ $or8ing da+s 6o)r of closing $or8PPPPPPPP. 6o)rs of starting $or8PPPPPPPPP. Date on $hich notice first exhi*itedPP.. 6o)rs of closing $or8PPPPPPPPP. DSignedE PPPPPPPPPPPP (eriod of rest interval -rom PPPPP. &o PPPPPPPP. 0anager N 2nst. ;ide .otification .o. -.5 D3"EH 3! 2 < Dated 2%-1,-!!.

%or& No> 11!b" !Prescribed under Rule '$" Notice o# Periods o# 6orC %or Adult 6orCers .ame of -actor+ PPPPPPP (lace PPPPPPPPP.. (eriod of 5or8 0en Gro)ps &otal n)m*er of men emplo+ed A #ela+s /n $or8ing da+ O-rom ---- ---- ---- ---&o -rom &o /n partial $or8ing da+sO-rom &o -rom &o 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 D 2 3 1 7 2 3 1 District PPPP.. 5omen &otal n)m*er of $omen emplo+ed G 6 2 > Description of gro)ps Gro)p .at)r #emar letter e of 8s 5or8

2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 A 1 4 D 7 G 6 2 >

Dated on $hich notice first exhi*ited PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. DsignedE PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.

%or& No> 1+ !Prescribed under Rule /," Re.ister o# Adult 6orCers .)m*er and date of 4ertificate, if an adolesent Serial .o. .ame -atherKs .ame #esidential .at)re Address of 5or8 etter of gro)p as in -orm .o. .)m*er of rela+, if $or8ing in shifts .)m*er of 4ertifica te and Date &o8en .)m* er giving referen ce to the 4ertifi cate ' #emar8s



%or& No> 13 !Prescribed under Rule /0" Notice o# Periods o# 6orC #or C2ild 6orCers .ame of -actor+ PPPPPPP (lace PPPPPPPPP.. District PPPP.. (eriods of 5or8 Description of gro)ps Gro)ps #ela+s -rom PPPPPPP &o PPPPPPPP A 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 2 Gro)p etter .at)re of 5or8 #emar8s

Dated on $hich this notice is first exhi*ited PPPPPPPPPPPP 0anager


%or& No> 1( !Prescribed under Rule /$" Re.ister o# C2ild 6orCers Serial .o. .ame -atherKs .ame #esidential Address of 4hild $or8er Date of first emplo+ ment .)m*er of certificat e and its date ! &o8en .)m*er giving reference to the 4ertificat e " etter of gro)p as in -orm .o. .)m* #emar8s er of rela+, if $or8in g in shifts ' 1,

D %or& No> 10 !Prescribed under Rule /' E //" Re.ister o# Le37e ?it2 Serial .o. PPPPPPP.. .ame of factor+PPPPP. DepartmentPPPPPPP. Serial .o. in the #egister of Ad)ltH 4hild $or8ersPPP. Date of entr+ into service, P... Ad)ltH 4hild PPPPPP. .amePPPPPPPP.. -atherKs .ame PPPPP Date of DischargePPPP.. Date of amo)nt of pa+ment in lie) of leave d)e PPP...

.)m*er of da+s



1 4alender +ear of Service -romPPP &oPPP...5age (eriod 5ages earned d)ring the $ages period .o. of da+s of $or8 performed .o. of da+s of da+-off .o. of da+s of maternit+ leave .o. of da+s leave en@o+ed &otal of col. 4 to " 4redit 1alance of leave from preceding +ear eave earned d)ring the +ear mentioned in col. 1 &otal of cols. ' to 1, 5hether leave in accordance $ith scheme )nder section "'D%E $as ref)sed .o. of da+sPPPPPPP..-romPP.. toPPPP.. eave en@o+ed 2 3 4 5 ! " % ' 1, $or8ed d)ring the calendar +ear

N s)*. ;ide .otification .o. -.3 D3"EH 5! 2 and 11

%or& No> 1$ !Prescribed under Rule /' E //" Le37e AooC

Shall *e the same as #egister of eave $ith 5ages D-orm .o. 15 *)t shall *e made o)t separatel+ for each $or8er or a thic8 *o)nd sheetE

%or& No> 1' 12 13 14 15 1! 1" 1%

Dated 2%-1,-!"

1alance of leave to credit .ormal rate of $ages 4ash e9)ivalent of advantage according thro)gh concessional sale of food grains < other articles

#ate of $ages for the leave period Dtotal of cols. 15 < 1!E #emar8s

1 Serial .o. 5or8 .o. .ame of 5or8er Sex Age Dlast *irthda+E Date of emplo+ment on present $or8 Date of leaving or transfer to other $or8 #eason for leaving transfer or discharge .at)re of >o* or occ)pation #a$ material or 1+ prod)ct handled !Prescribed under Rule 1(" He3lt2 Re.ister Dates of medical 7xamination *+ 4ertif+ing S)rgeon #es)lt of 0edical 7xamination D2n respect of persons emplo+ed in occ)pations declared to *e dangero)s operations )nder Section %"E .ame of 4ertif+ing S)rgeon = DaE Shri PPPPPPPPPPP.. -rom PPPPPPP.. &oPPPPPPPPPP. D* Shri PPPPPPPPPPP.. -rom PPPPPPP.. &oPPPPPPPPPP. E DcE Shri PPPPPPPPPPP.. -rom PPPPPPP.. &oPPPPPPPPPP. 2f certif+ing of )nfitness or s)spension iss)ed t o $or8er Signat)re $ith date of 4ertif+ing S)rgeon





2f s)spended from $or8, state period of s)spension $ith detailed reasons.


#ecertified fit to res)me d)t+ on D$ith signat)re of 4ertif+ing S)rgeonE




.ote =- DiE 4ol)mn %. Detail s)mmer+ of reasons for transfer or discharge sho)ld *e stated. DiiE 4ol)mn 11. Sho)ld *e expressed as fitH )nfitH s)spended. %or& No> 1'A !Prescribed under Rule 0$A" Test Report FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Dust E-tr3ction S=ste& 1. Description of s+stem 2. 6ood DaE Serial .o. of 6ood. D*E 4ontaminant capt)red. DcE 4apt)re velocities Dat points to *e specifiedE. DdE ;ol)me exha)sted at 6ood. DeE 6ood static press)re Design Act)al ;al)e 3. &otal press)re drop at DaE >oints D*E /ther points of s+stem Dto *e specifiedE 4. &ransport ;elocit+ in D)st Dat points alone d)st to *e specifiedE 5. Air cleaning Device. DaE &+pe )sed. D*E ;elocit+ at inlet. DcE Static (ress)re at inlet. DdE ;elocit+ at o)tlet. DeE State (ress)re at o)tlet. !. -an. DaE &+pe )sed. D*E ;ol)me handled. DcE Static press)re. DdE (ress)re drop at o)tlet of fan. ". -an 0otor. DaE &+pe. D*E Speed and horse (o$er. %. (artic)lars of defects, if an+, disclosed d)ring test in an+ of the a*ove components. 2 certif+ that on thisPPPPPPPPPPPPda+ of PPPPPPPPPP..the a*ove d)st extraction s+stem $as thoro)ghl+ cleaned and Dso far as its constr)ction permitsE made accessi*le for thoro)gh examination. 2 f)rther certif+ that on the said date, 2 thoro)ghl+ examined the a*ove d)st extraction s+stem incl)ding its components and that the a*ove is a tr)e report of m+ examination. Signat)re PPPPPPPPPPPP 3)alificationPPPPPPPPPPP Address PPPPPPPP...PPPP Date PPPPPPPPPPPPPP. 2f emplo+ed *+ a 4ompan+ or Association give name and address. %or& No>1/

!Prescribed under Rule *$" N8TICE 8% ACCIDENT 8R DAN)ER8US 8CCURRENCE RESULTIN) IN DEATH 8R A8DILY INGURY !To be sent #ort2?it2 to t2e Inspector o# %3ctories" DSee 2nstr)ction *elo$E &his space to *e completed *+ 2nspector of -actories District Date of #eceipt .)m*er of Accident or dangero)s /cc)rrences 2nd)str+ .o. 4a)sation .o. Sex D0.5.1., or GE /ther partic)lars De.g. fatel, leg in@)r+, arm in@)r+ etc.E Date of 2nvestigation #es)lt of 2nvestigation 1. .ame of -actor+ 2. Address of 5or8s $here accident or dangero)s occ)rrence happened 3. .at)re of 2nd)str+ 4. 1ranch or Department and exact place $here the accident or dangero)s, occ)rrence happened. 5. 2n@)red personLs name and address !. DaE Sex D*E Age Dlast *irthda+ andE DcE /cc)pation of in@)red person ". Date and ho)r of accident or dangero)s occ)rrence %. 6o)r at $hich he started $or8 on da+ of accident or dangero)s occ)rrence. '. DaE 4a)se or nat)re of accident or dangero)s occ)rrence DaE D*E 2f ca)sed *+ machiner+= DiE Give name of the machine and part ca)sing the accident or dangero)s occ)rrence, and D*E DiE DiiE State $hether it $as moved *+ mechanical po$er at the time D*E DiiE. DcE State exactl+ $hat in@)red person $as doing at the time DeE 1,. .at)re and extent of in@)ries De.g.E fatel, loss of finger, fract)re of leg, scald, scratch follo$ed *+ PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP... Sepsis PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 11. 2f accident or dangero)s occ)rrence is not fatel, state $hether in@)red person $as disa*led for 4% ho)r or more PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. 12. .ame of medical officers in attendance or in@)red person. 2 4ertif+ that to the *est of m+ 8no$ledge and *elief the a*ove partic)lars are correct in ever+ respect. Si.n3ture o# 8ccupier or M3n3.e D3te o# desp3tc2 o# report .ote =- &o *e completed in legi*le hand$riting or prefera*l+ t+pe$ritten. E:TRACT %R8M THE %ACT8RIES Act@ 1*(/ Notice Cert3in Accidents !Section //"

1. 5here in an+ factor+ an accident occ)rs $hich ca)ses death, or $hich ca)se an+ *odil+ in@)r+ *+ reason of $hich the person in@)red is prevented from $or8ing for a period of fort+eight ho)rs or more immediatel+ follo$ing the accident, or $hich is of s)ch nat)re as ma+ *e prescri*ed in this *ehalf, the manager of the factor+ shall send notice thereof to s)ch a)thorities, and in s)ch form and $ithin s)ch time, as ma+ *e prescri*ed. 2. 5here a notice given )nder s)*-section D1E relates to an accident ca)sing death, the a)thorit+ to $hom the notice is sent shall ma8e an in9)ir+ into the occ)rrence $ithin one month of the receipt of the notice or, if s)ch a)thorit+ is not the 2nspector ca)se the 2nspector, to ma8e an in9)ir+ $ithin the said period 3. &he State Government ma+ ma8e r)les for reg)lating the proced)re a in9)iries )nder this section. E:TRACT %R8M DELHI % ACT8RIES@ RULES 1*0, !Rule *$ prescribed under Sections 3/ 3nd // A" 1. 5hen an+ accident $hich res)lts in the death of an+ person or $hich res)lt in s)ch *odil+ in@)r+ to an+ person as is li8el+ to ca)se his death or an+ dangero)s occ)rrence specified in the Sched)le ta8es place in a factor+, the manager of the factor+ shall forth$ith send a notice thereof *+ telephone, special messenger or telegram to the 2nspector and the 4hief 2nspector 2. 5hen an+ accident or an+ dangero)s occ)rrence specified in the Sched)le, $hich res)lts in the death of an+ person or $hich res)lt in s)ch *odil+ in@)r+ to an+ person as is li8el+ to ca)se his death, ta8es place in a factor+, notice as mentioned in s)*-r)le DiE shall *e sent also to =DaE the District 0agistrate or s)*-Divisional /fficer. D*E the officer-in-charge of the nearest police station, and DcE the relatives of the in@)red or deceased person. 3. An+ notice given as re9)ired )nder s)*-r)les D1E and G2E shall *e confirmed *+ the manager of the factor+ to the a)thorities mentioned in these s)*-r)les $ithin 12 ho)rs of the accident or the dangero)s occ)rrence *+ sending the 5ritten report in -orm .o.1% in the case of an accident or dangero)s occ)rrence ca)sing death or *odil+ in@)r+ to an+ person and in -orm 1%-A in the case of dangero)s occ)rrence $hich has not res)lted in an+ *odil+ in@)r+ to an+ person. 4. 5hen an+ accident or dangero)s occ)rrence specified in the Sched)le ta8es place in a factor+ and it ca)ses s)ch *odil+ in@)r+ to an+ person as prevents the person in@)red from $or8ing for a period of 4% ho)rs or more immediatel+ follo$ing the accident or the dangero)s occ)rrence, as the case ma+ *e the manager of the factor+ shall send a report thereof to the 2nspector in -orm .o.1% $ithin 24 ho)rs after the expir+ of 4% ho)rs from the time of the accident or the dangero)s occ)rrence. (rovided that if in the case of an+ accident or dangero)s occ)rrence, death occ)rs of an+ person in@)red *+ s)ch accident or dangero)s occ)rrence after the notices and reports referred to in the foregoing s)*-r)les have *een sent the manager of the factor+ shall forth$ith send a notice thereof *+ telephone, special massenger or telegram to the a)thorities and persons mentioned in s)*-r)les D1E and D2E and also have this information confirmed in $riting $ithin 12 ho)rs of the death. (rovided f)rther, that, if the period of disa*ilit+ from $or8ing for 4% ho)rs or more referred to in s)*-r)le D4E does not occ)r immediatel+ follo$ing the accident, or the dangero)s occ)rrence, *)t later on occ)rs in more than one spell, the report referred to shall *e sent to the 2nspector in the prescri*ed form 1% $ithin 24 ho)rs immediatel+ follo$ing the ho)r $hen the act)al total period of disa*ilit+ from $or8ing res)lting from the accident or the dangero)s occ)rrence *ecomes 4% ho)rs.

S467D: 7 &he follo$ing classes of dangero)s occ)rrence, $hether or not the+ are attended *+ personal in@)r+ disa*lement = DaE 1)rsting of a plant )sed far containing or s)ppl+ing steam )nder press)re greater than atn1ospheric press)re. D*E 4ollapse or fail)re of a crane, derric8, $hich hoist or other appliances )sed in raising or lo$ering persons or goods, or an+ part thereof, or the overt)rning of a crane. DcE 7xplosion. fire, *)rsting o)t, lea8age or escape of an+ molten metal, or hot li9)or or gas ca)sing *odil+ in@)r+ to an+ person or damage to an+ room or place in $hich persons are emplo+ed, or fire in rooms of cotton pressing factories $hen a cotton opener is in )se. DdE 7xplosion of a receiver or container )sed for the storage at a press)re greater than atmospheric press)re of an+ gas or gases Dincl)ding airE or an+ li9)id or. solid res)lting from the compression of gas. DeE 4ollapse or s)*sidence of an+ floor, galler+, roof, *ridge, t)nnel, chemne+, $all, *)ilding or an+ other str)ct)re. %or&No>1/A !Prescribed under Rule *$" D;ide para 2 of Sched)le :nder #)le '!E D.otice of dangero)s occ)rrence $hich does not res)lt in death or 1odil+ in@)r+E. 1. .ame and address of the factor+ 2. .ame of the /cc)pier 3. .ame of the 0anager 4. .at)re of 2nd)str+ 5. 1ranch or Department and exact place $here the dangero)s occ)rrence too8 place !. Date and 6o)r of occ)rrence DState exactl+ $hat happenedE 2 certif+ that, to the *est of 8no$ledge and *elief the a*ove partic)lars are correct in ever+ respect. Si.n3ture o# t2e 8ccupier D3te o# desp3tc2 o# Report 2 .ote=- &o *e completed in legi*le hand$riting or prefera*l+ t+pe$ritten. D&his space to *e completed *+ 2nspector of -actoriesE. District Date of receipt D./..o. Date of 2nvestigation 4a)sation .o. #es)lt of 2nvestigation %or& No>1* !Prescribed under Rule *'" &o *e filled in *+ the 4hief 2nspector, .o. of case #emar8s

./&247 /- (/2S/.2.G /# D2S7AS7 DSee 2nstr)ction on reverseE -actor+ (artic)lars 1. 2 3. 4. 5. !. ". %. '. 1, . .ame of -actor+ Address of factor+ Address of office or private residence of occ)pier .at)re of ind)str+ .ameand 5or8s .)m*er of (atient Address of (atient Sex and Age of (atient (recise occ)pation of (atient .at)re of (oisoning or Disease from $hich patient is s)ffering 6as the case *een reported to the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon Signat)re of -actor+ 0anager Dated N8TICE 8R P8IS8NIN) DISEASE E-tr3ct #ro& t2e %3ctories Act@ 1*(/ !Section /*" 5here an+ $or8er in a factor+ contracts an+ disease specified in the Sched)le, the manager of the factor+ shall send notice thereof to s)ch a)thorities, and in s)ch form and $ithin s)ch time, as ma+ *e prescri*ed. E-tr3ct #ro& t2e Del2i %3ctories Rules@1*0, !Rule *'" A notice in -orm .o.1' sho)ld *e sent forth$ith *oth to the 4hief 2nspector and to the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon, *+ the 0anager of a factor+ in $hich there occ)rs a cast of lead, phosphor)s, merc)r+, manganese, arsenic, car*on *is)lphide or *enAene poisoning, or poisoning *+ nitro)s f)mes, or *+ halogens or halogen derivatives of the h+drocar*ons of the aliphatic series, or of chrome )lceration, anthrax silicosis, toxic anaemia, toxic @a)ndice, primar+ optheliomato)s cancer of the s8in or pathological manifestations d)e to radi)m or other radioactive s)*stances or F-ra+s. %or& N ,> +, !Prescribed under Rule No>**" AASTRACT 8% %ACT8RIES ACT@ 1*(/ AND THE DELHI %ACT8RIES RULES@ 1*0, !To be #i-ed in 3 conspicuous 3nd con7enient pl3ce 3t or ne3r t2e &3in entr3nce to t2e #3ctor=" Interpret3tion I-actor+I means an+ premises incl)ding the precincts thereofDiE $hereon ten or more $or8ers are $or8ing, or $ere $or8ing on an+ da+ of the preceding t$elve months, and in an+ part of $hich a man)fact)ring process is *eing carried on $ith the aid of po$er, or is ordinaril+ so carried on, or

(erson Affected

General (artic)lars

DiiE $hereon t$ent+ or more $or8ers are $or8ing or $ere $or8ing on an+ da+ of the preceding t$elve months, and in an+ part of $hich a man)fact)ring process is *eing carried on $itho)t the aid of po$er, or is ordinaril+ so carried on, *)t does not incl)de a mine s)*@ect to the operation of the 2ndian 0ines Act, 1'23 D2; of 1'23E, or a rail$a+ r)nning shed. I5or8erI means a person emplo+ed, directl+ or thro)gh an+ agenc+, $hether for $ages or not in an+ man)fact)ring process or in cleaning an+ part of the machiner+ or premises )sed for a man)fact)ring process in an+ other 8ind of $or8 incidental to, or connected $ith the man)fact)ring process, or the s)*@ect of the man)fact)ring process. I0an)fact)ring processI means an+ process for ma8ing, altering, repairing ornamenting, finishing, pac8ing, oiling, $ashing, cleaning, *rea8ing )p, demolishing, or other$ise treating or adopting an+ article or s)*stance $ith a vie$ to its, sale, transport, deliver+ or disposal, or p)mping oil, $ater or se$age, or generating, transforming po$er or composing t+pes for printing, printing *+ letter press, lithograph+, photograv)re or other similar processes or *oo8 *inding or constr)cting reconstr)cting, repairing, refitting, finishing or *rea8ing )p ships or vessels. 6orCin. 2ours@ 2olid3=s@ inter73ls #or rest@ etc> 1. 6o)rs of $or8 DAd)ltsE. Sections 51 and 54- .o Ad)lt $or8er shall *e re9)ired, or allo$ed to $or8 in a factor+ for more than 4% ho)rs in an+ $ee8 and for more than ' ho)rs in an+ da+, or $ith the previo)s approval of the 4hief 2nspector, the dail+ maxim)m specified in Sec. 51 ma+ *e exceeded in order to facilitate the change of shifts. 2. #elaxation of ho)rs of 5or8 DAd)ltsE. Section !4- &he ordinar+ limits on $or8ing ho)rs of ad)lts ma+ *e relaxed in certain special cases, e.g. $or8ers engaged on )rgent repairsO in preparator+ or complementar+ $or8 $hich m)st necessaril+ *e carried on o)tside the limits laid do$n for the general $or8ing of the factor+, in $or8 $hich is necessaril+ so intermittent that the intervals d)ring $hich the+ do not $or8 $hile on d)t+ ordinaril+ amo)nt to more than the intervals for rest in $or8 $hich for technical reasons m)st *e carried on contin)o)sl+ thro)gho)t the da+O in ma8ing or s)ppl+ing articles of prime necessit+ $hich m)st *e made or s)pplied ever+ da+O in a man)fact)ring process $hich cannot *e carried on except d)ring fixed seasons, or at times dependent on the irreg)lar action of nat)ral forces in engine rooms or *oiler ho)ses or in attending to po$er plant or transmission machiner+, or in printing of ne$s paper held )pon acco)nt of the *rea8do$n of machiner+, or the loading or )nloading of rail$a+ $agons. 7xcept in the case of )rgent repairs, the relaxation shall not exceed the follo$ing limitsDiE the total n)m*er of ho)rs of $or8 in an+ da+ shall not exceed tenO DiiE the total n)m*er of ho)rs of overtime $or8 shall not exceed 5, for an+one 9)arterO DiiiE the spreadover incl)sive of intervals for rest shall not exceed 12 ho)rs in an+one da+. 2n the case of an+ or all ad)lt $or8ers in an+ factor+, the ordinar+ limits on $or8ing ho)rs of ad)lts ma+ *e relaxed, for a period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate 3 months in an+ +ear, to ena*le the factor+ to deal $ithin exceptional press of $or8. 3. (a+ment for /vertime. Section 5'- 5here a $omen $or8s in a factor+ for more than ' ho)rs in an+ da+ or for more than 4% ho)rs in an+ $ee8 he shall, in respect of overtime $or8, *e entitled to $ages at the rate of t$ice his ordinar+ rate $ages. 4. 7xemption of s)pervisor+ Staff. Section !4- 4hapter ;2 of the Act- 5or8ing ho)rs of ad)lts-does not appl+ to persons holding position in a factor+. 5. 5ee8l+ 6olida+ DAd)ltE. Section 52- .o ad)lt $or8er shall *e t re9)ired or allo$ed to $or8 in a factor+ on the first da+ of the $ee8 )nless he has, or $ill have, a holida+ for a

$hole da+ on one of the three da+s immediatel+ *efore or after the said da+, and the manager of the factor+ has, *efore the said da+ or the s)*stit)ted da+, $hichever is earlier, delivered a notice at the office of the 2nspector of his intention to re9)ire the $or8er to $or8 on the said da+ and of the da+ $hich is to *e s)*stit)ted, and displa+ed a notice to that effect in the factor+. (rovided that no s)*stit)tion shall *e made $hich $ill res)lt in an+ $or8er $or8ing for more than ten da+s consec)tivel+ $itho)t a holida+ for a $hole da+. 5here a $or8er in a factor+, as a res)lt of exemption from the ordinar+ provision relating to $ee8l+ holida+s is, deprived of an+ of the $ee8l+ holida+s he shall *e allo$ed, $ithin the month in $hich the holida+s $ere d)e to him or $ithin the t$o months immediatel+ follo$ing that month compensator+ holida+s of e9)al n)m*er of the holida+s so lost. !. 2ntervals for #est DAd)ltsE. Sections 55 and 5!- &he periods of $or8 of ad)lt $or8ers in a factor+ each da+ shall *e so fixed that no period shall exceed 5 ho)rs *efore he has had an interval for rest of at least half ho)r and that incl)sive of his intervals for rest the+ shall not spread over more than 1, ho)rs in an+ da+ or, $ith the permission of the 4hief 2nspector in $riting, 12 ho)rs. ". (rohi*ition of Do)*le 7mplo+ment. Sections !,,"1 and ''- .o child or, except in certain circ)mstances an ad)lt $or8er, shall *e re9)ired or allo$ed to $or8 in an+ factor+ on an+ da+ on $hich he has alread+ *een $or8ing in an+ other factor+. 2n a child $or8s in a factor+ on an+ da+ on $hich he has alread+ *een $or8ing in another factor+, the parent or g)ardian of the child or the person having c)stod+ of or control over him or o*taining an+ direct *enefit from his $ages shall *e p)nisha*le $ith fine, $hich ma+ extend to #s. 5, )nless it appears to the co)rt that the child so $or8ed $itho)t the consent or connivance of s)ch parent, g)ardian or person. %. (rohi*ition of 7mplo+ment of 4hildren )nder 14 Section !"- .o child $ho has not completed his fo)rteenth +ear shall re9)ired or allo$ed to $or8 in an+ factor+. '. 6o)rs of 5or8 D4hildrenE. Section "1-.ochild shall *e emplo+ed or permitted to $or8 in an+ factor+ for more than 4V2 ho)rs in an+ da+ and *et$een the ho)rs of " (.0. and ! A.0. &he period of $or8 of all childern emplo+ed in a factor+ shall *e limited to t$o shifts $hich shall not overlap or spread over more than 5 ho)rs each and each child shall *e emplo+ed in onl+ one of rela+s &he provision relating to $ee8l+ holida+s shall also appl+ to child $or8ers and no exemption from this provision ma+ *e granted in respect of an+ child. 1,. (rohi*ition of 7mplo+ment of 5omen. S,ection !!- .o 5oman shall in an+ circ)mstances *e emplo+ed in an+ factor+ more than ' ho)rs in an+ da+ or *et$een the ho)rs of " (.0. and ! A.0. &here shall *e no change of shifts except after a $ee8l+ holida+ or an+ other holida+. Le37e ?it2 ? 11. eave $ith 5ages. Section "' and %,H%3 and #)les- 7ver+ $or8er $ho has $or8ed for a period of 24, da+s or more in a factor+ d)ring a calendar +ear shall *e allo$ed d)ring the s)*se9)ent calendar +ear, leave $ith $ages for a n)m*er of da+s calc)lated at the rate ofDiE if an ad)lt, one da+ for ever+ t$ent+ da+s of $or8 performed *+ him d)ring the previo)s calender +earO DiiE if a child, one da+ for ever+ 15 da+s of $or8 performed *+ him d)ring the previo)s calender +earO An+ da+s of la+off, *+ agreement or contract, or as permissi*le )nder the standing ordersO in case of a female $or8er, maternit+ leave for an+ n)m*er of da+s not exceeding t$elve $ee8s, and the leave earned in the +ear prior to that in $hich the leave is en@o+ed shall *e deemed to

*e da+s on $hich the $or8er has $or8ed in a factor+ for the comp)tation of the period of 24, da+s or more *)t he shall not earn leave for these da+s. &he leave admissi*le )nder Sec. "' shall *e excl)sive of all holida+s, $hether, occ)rring d)ring or at either end of the period of leave. A $or8er $hose service commences other$ise than on the first da+ of >an)ar+, shall *e entitled to leave $ith $ages at the rate laid do$n in Sec. "' DiE if he has $or8ed for t$o-thirds of the total da+s in the remainder of the calender +ear. 2f a $or8er is discharged or dismissed from service d)ring the co)rse of the +ear he shall *e entitled to leave $ith $ages at the rates laid do$n in Sec. "' D1E even if he has not $or8ed in the entire calendar +ear. -raction of leave of half a da+ or more shall *e treated as one f)ll da+Ls leave and fraction of less than half a da+ shall *e omitted. 2f a $or8er does not in an+one calendar +ear ta8e the $hole of the leave allo$ed to him, an+ leave not ta8en *+ him shall *e added to the leave to *e allo$ed to him in the s)cceeding calendar +ear provided total n)m*er of da+s of leave that ma+ *e carried for$ard to a s)cceeding +ear shall not exceed thirt+ in case of ad)lt and fort+ in the case of a child. :navailed leave shall *e carried for$ard $itho)t an+ limit provided a $or8er $ho has applied for leave $ith $ages *)t has not *een given s)ch leave in accordance $ith an+ scheme laid do$n )nder Sec. "'D%E, D'E. A $or8er ma+ at an+ time appl+ in $riting to the manager of a factor+ not less than fifteen da+s *efore the date on $hich he $ishes leave to *eing and thirt+ da+s *efore that date if he is emplo+ed in a p)*lic )tilit+ service provided that the n)m*er of time in $hich leave ma+ *e ta8en d)ring an+ +ear shall not exceed three. 2f a $or8er $ants to avail himself of leave $ith $ages d)e to him to cover a period of illness he shall *e granted leave even if application is not made $ithin the time specified a*ove. An application for leave $ith $ages $hich does not contravene an+ scheme lodged )nder sec. "' D%E, D'E shall not *e ref)sed if it is made $ithin the time specified a*ove. 2f the emplo+ment of a $or8er $ho is entitled to leave )nder Section "' terminated *+ the occ)pier *efore he has ta8en the entire leave to $hich he is entitled, or if having applied for and having not *een granted s)ch leave, the $or8er 9)its his emplo+ment *efore he has ta8en the leave, the occ)pier of the factor+ shall pa+ him the amo)nt pa+a*le in respect of the leave not ta8en and s)ch pa+ment shall *e made *efore the expir+ of the second $or8ing da+ on $hich his emplo+ment is terminated. :navailed leave of a $or8er shall not *e ta8en into consideration in comp)ting the period of an+ notice re9)ired to *e given *efore discharge or dismissal. &he manager shall maintain a leave $ith $ages register in the prescri*ed -orm .o.14 and shall provide each $or8er $ith a *oo8 called the L eave 1oo8L in the prescri*ed -orm .o.15. &he eave 1oo8 shall *e the propert+ of the $or8er and the manager or his agent shall not demand it except to ma8e entries of the dates of holida+s or interr)ptions in service and shall not 8eep it for more than a $ee8 at a time. 2f a $or8er loses his eave 1oo8, the manager shall provide him $ith another cop+ on pa+ment of one anna and shall complete it from his record. He3lt2 12. 4leanliness. Section 11- 7xcept in cases speciall+ exempted all inside $alls and partition, all ceilings or tops of rooms and all $alls, sides arid tops of passages and staircases in a factor+ shall *e 8ept $hite-$ashed or colo)r-$ashed. &he $hite-$ashing or colo)r-$ashing shall *e carried o)t at least once in ever+ period of fo)rteen months. &he floors of ever+

$or8room shall *e cleaned at least once in ever+ $ee8 *+ $ashing )sing disinfectant, $here necessar+ or some other method. 13. Disposal of 5astes < 7ffl)ents. Section 12- 7ffective arrangement shall *e made in ever+ factor+ for the disposal of $astes and effl)ents d)e to the man)fact)ring process carried on therein. 14. ;entilation and &emperat)re. Section 13- 7ffective and s)ita*le provision shall *e made in ever+ factor+ sec)ring and maintaining in ever+ $or8room ade9)ate ventilation *+ the circ)lation of fresh air and s)ch a temperat)re as $ill sec)re to $or8ers therein reasona*le conditions of comfort and prevent in@)r+ to health. 15. /vercro$ding. Section 1!- :nless exemption has *een granted, there *e in ever+ $or8room of a factor+ in existence on 1st April, 1'4' at least 35, c)*ic feet and of a factor+ *)ilts after this date at least 5,, c)*ic feet of space for ever+ $or8er emplo+ed therein and for this p)rpose no acco)nt shall *e ta8en of an+ space $hich is more than 14 ft, a*ove the level of the floor of the room, 1!. ighting. Section 1"- 2n ever+ part of a factor+ $here $or8ers are $or8ing or passing, there shall *e provided and maintained s)fficient and s)ita*le light, nat)ral or artificial or *oth. 11. Drin8ing 5ater .Section 1%- 2n ever+ factor+ effective arrangements shall *e made to provide and maintain in s)ita*le points, convenientl+ sit)ated for all $or8ers emplo+ed therein, a s)fficient s)ppl+ of $holesome drin8ing $ater, 2n ever+ factor+ $herein more than 25, $or8ers are ordinaril+ emplo+ed the drin8ing $ater shall d)ring the hot $eather, *e cooled *+ ice or other effective methods. &he cooled drin8ing $ater shall *e s)pplied in ever+ canteen. )nch room and rest room and also at convenientl+ accessi*le points thro)gho)t the factor+, 1%. atrines and :rinals. Section 1' and #)les-2n ever+ factor+ s)fficient latrine and )rinal accommodation of the prescri*ed t+pe Dseparate enclosed accommodation for male and female $or8ersE shall *e provided convenientl+ sit)ated and accessi*le to $or8ers at all times $hile the+ are at the factor+. 7ver+ latrine shall *e )nder cover and so partitioned off as to sec)re privac+ and shall have a proper door and fastening. S$eepers shall *e emplo+ed $hose primar+ d)t+ 2t $o)ld *e to 8eep clean latrine, )rinals and $ashing places. 1'. Spittoons. Section 2,- 2n ever+ factor+, there shall *e provided a s)fficient n)m*er of spittoons of the t+pe prescri*ed in convenient places and, the+ shall *e maintained in a clean and h+gienic condition, .o person shall spit $ithin the premises of a factor+ except in the spittoons provided for the p)rpose. 5hoever spits in contravention of this provision shall *e p)nisha*le $ith fine not exceeding five r)pees. S3#et= 2,. -encing of 0achiner+. Section 21-2n ever+ factor+ dangero)s parts of machines e.g., ever+ moving part of a prime mover and ever+ fl+-$heel connected to a prime mover etc., shall *e sec)rel+ fenced *+ safeg)ards of s)*stantial constr)ction $hich shall *e 8ept in position $hile the parts of machiner+ the+ are fencing are in motion or in )se. 21. 5or8 on or near 0achiner+ in motion. Section 22- .o $omen or +o)ng person shall *e allo$ed to clean, l)*ricate, or ad@)st an+ part of a prime mover or of an+ transmission machiner+ $hile the prime mover or transmission machiner+ is in motion, or to clean, l)*ricate or ad@)st an+ part of an+ machine if the cleaning, l)*rication or ad@)stment thereof $o)ld expose the $oman or +o)ng person to ris8 in@)r+ from an+ moving part either of that machine or of an+ ad@acent machiner+. 22. 7mplo+ment of +o)ng (ersons on Dangero)s 0achiner+ Section 22- .o +o)ng person shall $or8 at an+ machine declared to *e dangero)s )nless he has *een f)ll instr)cted as to the

dangers arising in connection $ith the machine and the preca)tions to *e o*served and has received s)fficient training in $or8 at the machine or is )nder ade9)ate s)pervision *+ a person $ho has a thoro)gh 8no$ledge and experience of the machine. 23. 4asing of ne$ 0achiner+. Section 2!- 2n all machiner+ driven *+ po$er and installed in an+ factor+ after 1st A)g)st, 1'5,, ever+ set scre$, *olt or 8e+ on an+ revolving shaft, spindle, $heel or pinion shall *e so s)n8, encased or other$ise effectivel+ g)arded as to prevent dangerO all sp)r, $orm and other toothed or friction gearing $hich does not re9)ire fre9)ent ad@)stment $hile in motion shall *e completel+ encased, )nless it is so sit)ated as to *e as safe as it $o)ld *e if it $ere completel+ encased. 5hoever sells or lets on hire or as agent of a seller or hirer, ca)ses or proc)res to *e sold or let on hire, for )se in a factor+ an+ machiner+ driven *+ po$er $hich does not compl+ $ith these provisions, shall *e p)nisha*le $ith imprisonment for a term $hich ma+ extend to three months or $ith fine $hich ma+ extend to five h)ndred r)pees or $ith *oth. 24. (rohi*ition of emplo+ment of 5omen and 4hildren near 4otton /peners Section 2"- .o $oman or child shall *e emplo+ed in an+ part of a factor+ for pressing cotton in $hich a cotton opener is at $or8. 25. 7xcessive 5eights. Section 34- .o $oman or +o)ng person shall )naided *+ another person lift, carr+ or move *+ hand, an+ material article, tool or appliance exceeding the follo$ing limits =Ad)lt female !5 2*s. Adolescent male !5 2*s. Adolescent female 45 2*s. 0ale child 35 2*s. -emale child 3, 2*s. 2!. (rotection of 7+es. Section 35- 7ffective screens or s)ita*le goggles shall *e provided for the protection of persons emplo+ed in or in the vicinit+ of processes $hich involve ris8 or in@)r+ to the e+es from particles or fragments thro$n off in the co)rse of the process or $hich involve ris8 of in@)r+ to the e+es *+ reason of expos)re to excessive light. 2". (reca)tions in case of fire. Section 3%- 7ver+ factor+ shall *e provided $ith ade9)ate means of escape in case of fire for the persons emplo+ed therein. &he doors affording exit from an+ room shall, )nless the+ are of the sliding t+pe *e constr)cted to open o)t$ards. 7ver+ $indo$, door or other exit in affording a means of escape in a case of fire, other than the means of exit in ordinar+ )se shall *e distinctivel+ mar8ed. 7ffective and clearl+ a)di*le means of giving $arning in a case of fire to ever+ person emplo+ed in the factor+ shall *e provided. 7ffective meas)res shall *e ta8en to ens)re that $herein more than t$ent+ $or8ers are ordinaril+ emplo+ed in an+ place a*ove the gro)nd floor or $here in explosive or highl+ inflamma*le materials are )sed or stored all the $or8ers are familiar $ith the means of escape in ease of fire and have *een ade9)atel+ trained in the ro)tine to *e follo$ed in s)ch case. 6el#3re 2%. 5ashing -acilities. Section 42-2never+factor+ ade9)ate and s)ita*le facilities for $ashing shall *e provided and maintained for the )se of the $or8ers therein. S)ch facilities shall incl)de soap and nail *r)shes or other s)ita*le means of cleaning and the facilities shall *e convenientl+ accessi*le and shall *e 8ept in a clean and orderl+ condition. 2f female $or8ers are emplo+ed separate facilities shall *e provided and so enclosed or screened that the interiors are not visi*le from an+ place $here persons of the other sex $or8 or pass. 2'. -acilities for storing and Dr+ing 4lothing. Section 43 and #)leT2n the case of certain dangero)s operations e.g., lead processes, liming and tanning of ra$ hides and s8ins etc.

S)ita*le placesior 8eeping clothing not $orn d)ring $or8ing ho)rs and for the dr+ing of $et clothing shall *e provided and maintained. 3,. -acilities for Sitting. Section 44- 2n ever+ factor+ s)ita*le arrangements for sitting shall *e provided and maintained for all $or8ers o*liged to $or8 in a standing position in order that the+ ma+ ta8e advantage of an+ opport)nities for rest $hich ma+ occ)r in the co)rse of their $or8. 31. -irst aid and Am*)lance #oom. Section 45- &here shall in ever+ factor+ *e provided and maintained so as to *e readil+ accessi*le d)ring all $or8ing ho)rs first-aid *oxes or c)p*oards e9)ipped $ith the prescri*ed contents. 7ach first aid *ox or c)p*oard shall *e 8ept in the charge of a separate responsi*le person $ho is trained in first aid treatment and $ho shall al$a+s *e readil+ availa*le d)ring the $or8ing ho)rs of the factor+. 2n ever+ factor+ $herein more than 5,, $or8ers are emplo+ed there shall *e provided and maintained and am*)lance room of the prescri*ed siAe and containing the prescri*ed e9)ipment. &he am*)lance room shall *e in charge of a 9)alified medical practitioner assisted *+ at least on 9)alified n)rse and s)ch other staff as ma+ *e prescri*ed. 32. 4anteens. Section 4! and #)les- 2n specified factories $herein more than 25, $or8ers are ordinaril+ emplo+ed a canteen or canteens shall *e provided and maintained *+ the occ)pier for the )se of this $or8ers. -ood, drin8 and other items served in the canteen shall *e sold on a non-profit *asis and the prices charged shall *e s)*@ect to the approval of a 4anteen 0anaging 4ommittee $hich shall *e appointed *+ the 0anager and shall consist of an e9)al n)m*er of persons nominated *+ the occ)pier and elected *+ the $or8ers. &he n)m*er of elected $or8ers shall *e in the proportion of 1 for ever+ 1,,,, $or8ers emplo+ed in the factor+ provided that in no case shall there *e more than 5 or less than 2 $or8ers on the 4ommittee. &he 4ommittee shall *e cons)lted from time to time on to the 9)alit+ and 9)antit+ of food-st)ffs to *e served in the 4anteen, the arrangement of the men)s, etc. 33. Shelters, #est #ooms and )nch #ooms. Section 4"- 2n ever+ factor+ $herein more than 15, $or8ers are ordinaril+, emplo+ed, ade9)ate and s)ita*le shelters or rest rooms and a s)ita*le l)nch room, $ith provision for drin8ing $ater, $here $or8ers can eat meals, *ro)ght *+ them, shall *e provided and maintained for the )se of the $or8ers. 34. 4reches. Section 4% and #)les- 2n ever+ factor+ $herein more than 5, $omen $or8ers are ordinaril+ emplo+ed, there shall *e provided and maintained a s)ita*le room or rooms for the )se of children )nder the age six +ears of s)ch $omen. &he 4reche shall *e ade9)atel+ f)rnished and e9)ipped and in partic)lar there shall *e one s)ita*le cot or a cradle $ith the necessar+ *edding for each child, at least one chair or e9)ivalent seating accommodation for the )se of the mother $hile she is feeding or attending to her child and s)fficient s)ppl+ of s)ita*le to+s for older children. &here shall *e in or ad@oining the 4reche a s)ita*le $ash-room for the $ashing of the children and their clothing. An ade9)ate s)ppl+ of clean cloths, soap and clean to$els shall *e made availa*le for each child $hile it is in the 4reche. At least half a pint of clean p)re mil8 shall *e availa*le for each child on ever+ da+ it is accommodated in the 4reche and the mother of s)ch a child shall *e allo$ed in the co)rse of her dail+ $or8 s)ita*le intervals to feed the child. -or children a*ove t$o +ears of age there shall *e provided, in addition, an ade9)ate s)ppl+ of $holesome refreshments. A s)ita*l+ fenced and shad+ open air pla+-gro)nd shall also *e provided for the older children. 35. 5elfare /fficers. Section 4'- 2n ever+ factor+ $herein 5,, or more $or8ers are ordinaril+ emplo+ed the occ)pier shall emplo+ in the factor+ s)ch n)m*er of $elfare /fficers as ma+ *e prescri*ed. Special (rovisions 3!. Dangero)s /peration. Section %" and #)les- 7mplo+ment of $omen, adolescents and children is prohi*ited or restricted in certain operation declared to *e dangero)s, e.g. man)fact)re of aerated $ater, electroplating, man)fact)re and repair of electric acc)m)lators,

glass man)fact)re grinding or glaAing of metals, man)fact)re and treatment of lead and certain compo)nds of lead, generating petrol gas from petrol, sand*lasting, liming and tanning of ra$ hides and s8ins, and certain lead process in (rinting (resses and &+pe -o)ndries. 3". .otice of Accidents. Section %% and #)les- 5here in an+ factor+ an accident occ)rs $hich ca)ses death or $hich ca)ses *odil+ in@)r+ *+ reason of $hich the person in@)red is prevented from $or8ing for a period of 4% ho)rs or more immediatel+ follo$ing the accident or $hich, tho)gh not attended *+ personal in@)r+ or disa*lement is of one of the follo$ing t+pes =DiE 1)rsting of vessel )sed for containing steam )nder press)re greater than atmospheric press)re other than plant $hich comes $ithin the scope of the 2ndian 1oilers ActO DiiE 4ollapse or fail)re of a crane, derric8, hoist or other appliances )sed in raising or lo$ering persons or goods, or an+ part thereof, or the overt)rning of a craneO DiiiE 7xplosion or fire ca)sing damage to an+ room or place in $hich persons are emplo+ed or fire in rooms of cotton pressing factories, $here a cotton opener is in )seO DivE 7xplosion of a receiver or container )sed for the storage at a press)re greater than atmospheric press)re of and gas or gases incl)ding air or an+ li9)id or solid res)lting from the compression of gasO DvE 4ollapse or s)*sidence of an+ floor, galler+, roof, *ridge, t)nnel, chimne+, $all or *)ilding, forming part of a factor+ or $ithin the compo)nd or c)rtilage of factor+. &he 0anager of the factor+ shall forth$ith send notice thereof to the 4hief 2nspector, if the accident is fatal or of s)ch a serio)s nat)re that it is li8el+ to prove fatal, notice shall also *e sent to the District 0agistrate or the S)* Divisional /fficer and the /fficer-in-4harge of the nearest (olice Station. 3%. .otice of 4ertain Diseases. Section %' and #)les- 5here an+ $or8er in a factor+ contracts an+ of the follo$ing diseases the 0anager of the factor+ shall send notice thereof forth$ith *oth to the 4hief 2nspector and the 4ertif+ing S)rgeon= ead, phosphor)s, merc)r+, manganese, arsenic, car*on *is)lphide or *enAene poisoning *+ nitro)s f)mes, or *+ halogens or halogen derivatives of the h+drocar*on of the aliphatic seriesO or of chrome )lceration, anthrax, silicosis, toxic anaemia toxic @a)ndice, primar+ opitheliomato)s cancer of the s8in, or pathological manifestations d)e to radi)m or other radioactive s)*stances or F-ra+s. 3'. .o 4harge for -acilities and 4onveniences. Section 114- .o fee or charge shall *e realised from an+ $or8er in respect of an+ arrangements or facilities to *e provided or an+ e9)ipments or appliances to *e s)pplied *+ the occ)pier )nder the provision of the Act. 4,. (o$ers of 2nspectors. Sections ' and %2- 2nspectors have po$er to inspect factories an+ time and ma+ re9)ire the prod)ction of registers, certificates etc, prescri*ed )nder the Act and the #)les. An+ 2nspector ma+ instit)te proceeding on *ehalf of an+ $or8ers to recover an+ s)m re9)ired to *e paid *+ an emplo+er )nder the provisions relating to leave $ith $ages, $hich the emplo+er has not paid. 41. /*ligations of 5or8ers. Sections '" and 111-.o$or8er in a factor+ =DiE shall $ilf)ll+ interfere $ith or mis)se an+ appliance, convenience or other thing provided in a factor+ for the p)rposes of sec)ring the health, safet+ or $elfare of the $or8ers therein. DiiE shall $ilf)ll+ and $itho)t an+ reasona*le ca)se do an+ thing li8el+ to endanger himself or others, and DiiiE shall $ilf)ll+ neglect to ma8e )se of an+ appliance or other thing provided in the factor+ for the p)rposes of sec)ring the health or safet+ of the $or8ers therein. 2f an+ $or8er emplo+ed in a factor+ contravenes an+ of these provisions or an+ r)le or order made there)nder he shall *e p)nisha*le $ith imprisonment for a term $hich ma+ extend to three months, or $hich ma+ extend to #s. 1,, or $ith *oth.

2f an+ $or8er emplo+ed in a factor+ contravenes an+ provision of the Act or an+ r)les or orders made there)nder imposing an+ d)t+ or lia*ilit+ on $or8ers he shall *e p)nisha*le $ith fine $hich ma+ extend to #s. 2,. 42. 4ertificates of -itness. Sections !%, ", and '%- .o child $ho has completed his fo)rteenth +ear or an adolescent shall *e re9)ired or allo$ed to $or8 in an+ factor+ )nless a certificate of fitness granted $ith reference to him is in the c)stod+ of the 0anager of the factor+ and s)ch child or adolescent carries, $hile he is at $or8, at to8en giving a reference to s)ch certificate. An+ fee pa+a*le for s)ch a certificate shall *e paid *+ the occ)pier and shall not *e recovera*le from the +o)ng person, his parents or g)ardian. An adolescent $ho has *een granted a certificate of fitness to $or8 in a factor+ as an ad)lt and $ho $hile a $or8 in a factor+ carries a to8en giving reference to the certificate shall *e deemed to *e an ad)lt for all the p)rposes of the provision of the Act relating to the $or8ing ho)rs of ad)lt and the emplo+ment of +o)ng persons. An adolescent $ho has not *een granted a certificate of fitness to $or8 in a factor+ as an ad)lt shall, not$ithstanding his age, *e deemed to *e a child for all the p)rposes of the Act. 5hoever 8no$ingl+ )ses or attempts to )se, as a certificate of fitness granted to himself a certificate granted to another adolescent to $or8 in a factor+ as an ad)lt, or $ho having proc)red s)ch certificate 8no$ingl+ allo$s it to *e )sed or an attempt to )se it to *e made, *+ another person, shall *e p)nisha*le $ith imprisonment for a term $hich ma+ extend to one month or $ith fine $hich ma+ extend to #s. 5, or $ith *oth. 43. #egisters, .otices and #et)rns. Sections !1, !3, "2, "4, "', %, and 11,- A #egister of ad)lt $or8ers in the prescri*ed -orm .o.12 and a register of child $or8ers in the prescri*ed -orm .o.14 shall *e maintained *+ the 0anager of ever+ factor+. A notice of periods of $or8 for ad)lts and a notice of periods of $or8 of children in the prescri*ed -orm .o.11 DaE or 11 D*E and 12 shall *e correctl+ maintained and displa+ed in ever+ factor+. .o ad)lt $or8er or child shall *e re9)ired or allo$ed to $or8 in an+ factor+ other$ise than in accordance $ith their respective notice of periods of $or8 displa+ed in the factor+. &he /$ners /cc)piers or 0anagers of factories shall s)*mit the prescri*ed periodical ret)rns to the 2nspector reg)larl+. %or& No>+1 !No? %or& No>3(" !Prescribed under sub rule !1" o# rule 1,," ANNUAL RETURN -or the Vear ending 31st Decem*er, 1'PPPPPPPPPP.. 1. #egistration n)m*er of factor+. 2. .ame of factor+. 3. .ame of occ)pier. 4. .ame of the manager. 5. District. !. -)ll postal address of factor+. ". .at)re of ind)str+. .)m*er of $or8ers and partic)lars of emplo+ment %. .o. of da+s $or8ed in +ear. '. .o. of 0an-da+s $or8ed d)ring the +ear. DaE 0en. D*E 5omen. DcE 4hildren. 1,. Average n)m*er of $or8ers emplo+ed dail+ DSee explanator+ noteE.

DaE Ad)lts. DiE 0en. DiiE 5omen. D*E Adolescents DiE 0ale. DiiE -emale. DcE 4hildren DiE 0ale. DiiE -emale. 11. &otal .o. of man-ho)rs $or8ed incl)ding overtime. DaE 0en. D*E 5omen. DcE 4hildren. 12. Average n)m*er of ho)rs $or8ed per da+ $or8 DSee explanator+ noteE. DaE 0en. D*E 5omen. DcE 4hildren. 13. DaE Does the factor+ carr+ o)t an+ process or operation declared as dangero)s )nder Section %". DSee r)le '5E. .ame of the dangero)s (rocess of operations Average .o. of persons emplo+ed dail+ in carried on each of the processes or operations given in 4ol. 1 DiE DiiE DiiiE etc. Le37e ?it2 ? 14. &otal n)m*er of $or8ers emplo+ed d)ring the +ear. DaE 0en. D*E 5omen. DcE 4hildren. 15. .)m*er of $or8ers $ho $ere entitled to ann)al leave $ith $ages d)ring the +ear. DaE 0en. D*E 5omen. DcE 4hildren. 1!. .)m*er of $or8ers $ho $ere granted leave d)ring the +ear. DaE 0en. D*E 5omen. DcE 4hildren. 1". DaE .)m*er of $or8ers $ho $ere discharged, or dismissed from the service, or 9)it emplo+ment, or $ere s)perann)ated, or $ho died $hile in service d)ring the +ear. D*E .)m*er of s)ch $or8ers in respect of $hom $ages in lie) of leave $ere paid. 1%. DaE .)m*er of Safet+ /fficers re9)ired to *e appointed as per notification )nder Section 4,-1. D*E .)m*er of Safet+ /fficers appointed. AMAULANCE R88M 1'. 2s there an am*)lance room provided in the factor+ as re9)ired )nder Section 45 b

CANTEEN 2,. DaE 2s there a canteen provided in the factor+ as re9)ired )nder Section 4! b D*E 2s the canteen provided managed = DiE departmentall+, or DiiE thro)gh a contractor b SHELTERS 8R REST R88MS AND LUNCH R88MS 21. DaE Are there ade9)ate and s)ita*le shelters or rest rooms provided in the factor+ as re9)ired )nder Section 4" b D*E Are there ade9)ate and s)ita*le l)nch rooms provided in the factor+ as re9)ired )nder Section 4" b CRECHES 22. 2s there a creche provided in the factor+ as re9)ired )nder Section 4% b 6EL%ARE 8%%ICERS 23. DaE .)m*er of 5elfare /fficers to *e appointed as re9)ired )nder Section 4' b D*E .)m*er of 5elfare /fficers appointed. ACCIDENTS 24. DaE &otal n)m*er of accidents DSee explanator+ noteE = DiE -atal. DiiE .on-fatal. D*E Accidents in $hich $or8ers ret)rned to $or8 d)ring the +ear to $hich this ret)rn relates. DiE Accidents D$or8ers in@)redE occ)rring d)ring the +ear in $hich in@)red $or8ers ret)rned to $or8 d)ring the same +ear. DaaE .)m*er of accidents. D**E 0an-da+s lost d)e to accidents. DiiE Accidents D$or8ers in@)redE occ)rring in the previo)s +ear in $hich in@)red $or8ers ret)rned to $or8 d)ring the +ear to $hich this ret)rn relates = DaaE .)m*er of accidents. D**E 0an-da+s lost d)e to accidents. DcE Accidents D$or8ers in@)redE occ)rring d)ring the +ear in $hich in@)red $or8ers did not ret)rn to $or8 d)ring the +ear to $hich the ret)rn relates. DiE .)m*er of accidents. DiiE 0an-da+s lost d)e to accidents. SU))ESTI8N SCHEME 25 DaE 2s a s)ggestion Scheme in operation in the factor+ D*E 2f so, the n)m*er of s)ggestions DiE #eceived d)ring the +ear DiiE Accepted d)ring the +ear DcE Amo)nt a$arded each priAes d)ring the period

DiE &otal amo)nt a$arded DiiE ;al)e of the maxim)m cash priAe a$arded DiiiE ;al)e of maxim)m cash priAe a$arded 4ertified that the information f)rnished a*ove is to the *est of m+ 8no$ledge and *elief, correct. Si.n3ture o# t2e & D3teFFFFFFFFF 7xplanator+ .otes = 1. &he average n)m*er of $or8ers emplo+ed dail+ sho)ld *e calc)lated *+ dividing the aggregate n)m*er of attendance on $or8ing da+s Dthat is, men-da+s $or8edE *+ the n)m*er of $or8ing da+s in the +ear. 2n rec8oning attendance, attendance *+ temporar+ as $ell as permanent emplo+ed sho)ld *e co)nted, and all emplo+ees sho)ld *e incl)ded, $hether the+ are emplo+ed directl+ or )nder contractors. Attendance on separate shifts De.g. night and da+ shiftsE sho)ld *e co)nted, separatel+. Da+s on $hich the factor+ $as closed for $hatever ca)se, and da+s on $hich the man)fact)ring processes $ere not carried on sho)ld not *e treated as $or8ing da+s. (artial attendance for less than half a shift on a $or8ing da+ sho)ld *e ignored, $hile attendance for half a shift or more on s)ch da+ sho)ld *e treated as f)ll attendance. 2. -or seasonal factories, the average n)m*er of $or8ers emplo+ed d)ring the $or8ing season and the off-season sho)ld *e given separatel+. Similarl+ the n)m*er of da+s $or8ed and average n)m*er of man ho)rs $or8ed per $ee8 d)ring the $or8ing and off-season sho)ld *e given separatel+. 3. &he average n)m*er of ho)rs $or8ed per $ee8 means the total act)al ho)rs $or8ed *+ all $or8ers d)ring the +ear excl)ding the rest intervals *)t incl)ding overtime $or8 divided *+ the prod)ct of total n)m*er of $or8ers emplo+ed in the factor+ d)ring the +ear and 52. 2n case the factor+ has not $or8ed for the $hole +ear, the n)m*er of $ee8s d)ring $hich the factor+ $or8ed sho)ld *e )sed in vie$ of the fig)re 52. 4. 7ver+ person 8illed or in@)red sho)ld *e treated as one separate accident. 2f in one occ)rrence six persons $ere in@)red or 8illed it sho)ld *e co)nted as six accidents. 5. 2n item 24DaE, the n)m*er accident $hich too8 place d)ring the +ear sho)ld *e given. 2n case of non-fatal accidents onl+. %or& No> ++ ;Prescribed under sub rule !3" o# rule 1,,< HAL% YEARLY RETURN (eriod ending 3,th >)ne 1' H 31st Decem*er 1' .ame of -actor+ .ame of /cc)pier .ame of 0anager 1. District 2. (ostal Address 3. .at)re of ind)str+ 4. Average n)m*er of $or8ers emplo+ed dail+N 0en 5omen Adolescent = 0ale -emale

4hildren = 0ale -emale 5. .)m*er of da+s $or8ed d)ring the half +ear ending 3,th >)ne 1'H 31st Decem*er 1' Signat)re of /cc)pier PPPPPPPP.. Date of Despatch PPPPPPPPPP Signat)re of 0anager PPPPPPP Date of Despatch .......................................

-orm .o.23 Deleted ;ide .otification .o. - .11 D1!EH5%- 2 < Dated 2!-11-!, and incl)ded for .o.2E &he average dail+ n)m*er sho)ld *e calc)lated *+ dividing the aggregate n)m*er of attendances on $or8ing da+s *+ the n)m*er of $or8ing da+s d)ring the half-+ear .2n rec8oning attendances *+ temporar+ as $ell as permanent emplo+ees sho)ld *e co)nted, and all emplo+ees sho)ld *e incl)ded, $hether the+ are emplo+ed directl+ or )nder contractors. Attendances on separate shifts De.g. night and da+ shiftsE sho)ld *e co)nted separatel+. Da+s on $hich the factor+ $as cl,!ed, for $hatever ca)se and da+s on $hich the man)fact)ring processes $ere not carried on sho)ld *e treated as $or8ing da+s. %or& No>+( ;Prescribed under sub rule !0" o# Rule 1,,< ANNUAL RETURN CRECHE Vear ending 31stDecem*er 1' 1. 2nd)str+ 2. .ame of factor+ 3. .)m*er of $omen $or8ers ordinaril+ emplo+ed 4. .)m*er of children admitted in the creche 5. Average dail+ attendance of children at the creche DaE 2 +ears and *elo$ D*E A*ove 2 +ears. !. Details of facilities provided $ith regard to =DaE 0il8 D*E -ood DcE 4lothes DdE &o+s DeE 0edical Aid DfE /ther ". Details of staff emplo+ed DiE Doctors =DaE 0ales D*E -emales DiiE .)rses DiiiE &eachers DivE A+ahs DvE S$eepers %. General remar8s. Signat)re of /cc)pier PPPPPPPP.. Date of Despatch PPPPPPPPPP Signat)re of 0anager PPPPPPP Date of Despatch .......................................

-orm .o.25 Deleted ;ide .otification .o. -.11 D1!EH5%- 2 < in -orm .o.21

Dated 2!-11-!, and incl)ded

-orm .o.24 alread+ incl)ded in -orm .o.21, *)t Dit appears thro)gh o)tsightE the -orm .o.24 $as not deleted. %or& No> +$ !Prescribed under Rule 1,3" MUSTER R8LL .ame of -actor+PPPPPPPPPP (lace $here sit)atedPPPPPPPP.. 5or8ing 6o)rs 0onda+ &ime of 4ommencement of #est (eriod to $or8 -rida+ Sat)rda+ Serial .ame -atherKs .at)re .o. .ame of 5or8 -or the (eriod ending PPPPPPPP.. 1 2 3 4 5 ! " % ' &ime of 4ompletion of $or8 #emar8s

.ote=- Separate page sho)ld *e )sed for $or8ers emplo+ed d)ring different period of $or8. %or& No> +' !Prescribed under Rule 1,(" RE)ISTER 8% ACCIDENTS AND DAN)ER8US 8CCURRENCES .ame in@)red persons an+E 1 of Date of accident or Dif dangero)s occ)rrence 2 Date of report Din -orm .o.1%E to 2nspector 3 .at)re of accident or dangero)s occ)rrence 4 Date ret)rn in@)red person $or8 5 of .o. of da+s of in@)red person $as to a*sent from $or8 !

%or& No> +/ !Prescribed under Sc2edule 1I to Rule *0" SPECIAL CERTI%ICATE 8% %ITNESS D2n respect of persons emplo+ed in operations involving )se of lead compo)ndsE Serial .oPPPPPPP.. DatedPPPPPPPPP 2 here*+ certif+ that 2 have personall+ examined PPPPPPPPPPPPP son of PPPP....................................residing at PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. 5ho is desiro)s of *eing emplo+ed as PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPin the PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP..and that his age nearl+ as can *e ascertained from m+ examination, is PPPPPPPPPPPPP...+ears, and that he is, in m+ opinion, fit for emplo+ment at $or8 involving the )se of lead compo)nds. 6is descriptive mar8s are =PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. eft th)m* impression of person examined 4ertif+ing S)rgeon 2 certif+ that 2 2 extend that Signat)re of .ote, of s+mptoms of examined the person 4ertif+ing S)rgeon 4ertif+ing S)rgeon lead poisoning Dif mentioned a*ove on an+E PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

%or& No>+* ;Prescribed under Rule 03 !A"< P ART I

1. .ame of the 5or8er PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. 2. Serial .o. as in the register of $or8ers, )nder section !2 of the act PPPPPPPPP 3. -atherLs .ame PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP... 4. Age and date of *irth PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 5. .at)re of $or8 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. !. 3)alifications, if an+, or period of service on similar $or8 PPPPPPPPPPPP ". Date $hen tight fitting clothing $ere providedPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. %. Signat)re or th)m* impression of $or8ers PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. '. #emar8s PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Si.n3ture o# 8ccupier APPENDI: N8TI%ICATI8N D3ted t2e April@ 1*$* .o. -. 11 D32E H5% 2 < =- 2n exercise of the po$ers conferred *+ s)*-section D3E of Section 2! of the -actories Act, 1'4% read $ith the Government of 2ndia, 0inistr+ of a*o)r < 7mplo+ment .otification .o. S. ,.1,%, dated 14th-e*r)ar+,1'5%, the 4hief 4ommissioner, Delhi here*+ ma8es the follo$ing amendment to the Delhi -actories #)les, 1'5,, the draft of $hich $as p)*lished $ith his .otification of even n)m*er dated 1,th >)l+, 1'5% AMENDMENT 2n the said #)les, 53 the follo$ing r)le shall *e inserted, namel+ N53-A- &he provisions of s)*-section D2E $hich prohi*it the sale or letting on hire of certain machines of Section 2! of the Act shall extend to the class or description of machines specified in the first col)mn of the Sched)le s)spended to this #)le. D2E .o machine specified in the firs t col)mn of the Sched)le a*ove mentioned shall *e sold or let on hire *+ an+ person for )se in an+ factor+ after the date of *ringing these r)les in force )nless it is constr)cted or provided $ith g)ards, fencing or other protective devices in confirmit+ $ith the re9)irements set opposite to the class of description to $hich the machine *elongs in the second col)mn of the said Sched)le. D3E (rovision )nder these r)les shall not *e deemed to relieve an+ occ)pier or manager of a factor+ of his responsi*ilities )nder Section 21 of the -actories Act, 1'4%. SCHEDULE #e9)irements as to the constr)ction and safeg)ards or machines -irst 4ol)mn 4lass or Description of 0achines 1lo$ing #oom 1 0achiner+. . Second 4ol)mn #e9)irements DaE 1eater covers and the door immediatel+ over the dirt grid shall *e fitted $ith an a)tomatic loo8ing arrangement $hich renders it impossi*le to open the covers $hile the *eater is still r)nning, or to restoge the machiner+ )ntil the doors have *een closed. D*[ &he covers over the porc)pine c+linders shall *e fitted $ith an a)tomatic, loo8ing arrangement $hich renders it impossi*le to open the covers $hile the c+linders are still r)nning or to

2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . ! .

restart the machiner+ )ntil the covers have *een closed. &he nip *et$een the cage $heels and c+linder $heels shall *e efficigintl+ protested on all machines. G)ards shall *e provided extending ro)nd the c)tte edge of *oth the $heels. (ro@ecting ends of *eater shafts shall *e respectivel+ covered. Spi8ed or fl)ted rollers on hand fed craspers or lattices on *rea8ers and openers shall *e so covered as to prevent access to inta8e. 7xposed toothed garding on all machines shall *e sec)rel+ covered, /n lap forming so)thechers $ith $eighing rollers the lap roller shall *e so protected that as soon as the $eights are ran do$n the lap roller as completel+ covered. 1. All feed roller $heels, doffer and narro$ $heels, side sh)ft $heels, c+linder $heels roller $heels, and, all tacthed gearing inspite the 1oiler head shall *e sec)rel+ covered. 2. All c+linder doors shall *e fitted $ith an a)tomatic leading Section $hich $ill prevent the door from *eing opened )ntil the c+linder has ceased to receive, to restart the machine )ntil the door has again *een closen. 3. ic8e-it shall *e completel+ covered and the covers shall *e scre$ed do$n so that the+ cannot readil+ *e lifted $hile the machine is in motion. 4O /ver the deferr, covers shall *e extended as far as is reasona*l+ practica*le. 5. All driven p)lle+s shall *e plated. 1. 7xposed toothed gearing on all machines shall *e sec)rel+ covered. 2. /n all machines the lap forming rollers shall *e provided $ith a g)ard or cover $hich shall either. DiE (revent access to the inta8e of the lap roller and fl)ted roller so long as the $eighing rac8 is do$n, or DiiE (revent access to the inta8e of the lap roller and fl)ted roller and *e so loc8ed that the g)ard or cover cannot *e raised )ntil the machine is stopped and the machine cannot *e started )ntil the g)ard of cover is closed. 7xposed toothed gearing on all machines shall *e sec)rel+ covered. &he toothed gearing in side the coiler head shall *e sec)rel+ covered. &he c+linder shall *e provided $ith a g)ard or g)ards $hich shall prevent access too it $hilst in motion and the g)ard or g)ards shall *e so loc8ed that the+ cannot *e raised )ntil the machine cannot *e started )ntil all g)ards have *een closed and loc8ed. &he roller gearing shall *e effectivel+ covered and the cover shall *e so loc8ed that it cannot *e raised )ntil the machine is stopped and the machine cannot *e started )ntil the cover is closed.


1 . 2 . 3 .

Dra$ing -rames.

1 .

2 . 3 . 4 . Speed -rames. 1 . 2 . 3 .

&he )ndershaft of the frame shall *e covered and the p)lle+ on the )ndershift shall *e plated. All toothed gearing and shafts connected $ith the driving of the roller and sliver cans shall *e sec)rel+ covered. &he callender roller gears shall *e provided $ith g)ards independent of the c+linder roller cover and the coils cage and coiler head shall *e covered. All @ac8 *oxes shall *e fitted $ith a)tomatic loc8s $hich shall prevent the doors *eing opened $hile the machiner+ is in motion and shall rends it impossi*le to restart the machine )ntil the door has *een closed. Draft change $heels, *ac8 roller and carrier $heels t$ist and carrier $heels, *o**in shaft driving $heels and s$ing $heels, lifter $heels and *otton cone dr)m $heels shall *e sec)rel+ covered. &he *o**in s8e$ gear $heels shall either, DiE 1e covered over the top, and their total enclos)re *e completed *+ )p right metal plates extending at the *ac8 from the roller *eam to the floor, and at the front from the cover over the top of the $heels to the floor and screen arranged as to from contin)o)s screen at ever+ position of the lifter railO or DiiE 1e covered over the top and the covers *e extended *oth in front and *ehind ro)nd the edges of the $heels to $ithin not more than one 9)arter of an inch from the spindles. Spindle s8e$ gear shall *e effectivel+ covered. ifts rac8 $heels shall *e sec)rel+ covered, and the g)ard to *e s)ch that it $ill effectivel+ protected the nip *oth as the rail $ishes and as it falls. All *alance $eights shall *e $ast $ith c+clets forming part of the $eights themselves. All toothed gearing s)ch as headstoc8 $heels draft $heels and these driving the lifting gear shall *e sec)rel+ covered. &he g)ard covering the draft pinion $heels shall *e so loc8ed that the cover cannot *e raised )ntil the machine is stopped and the machine cannot *e started )ntil the cover is closed. &he o)ter and of the frame shall *e filled in $ith metal plates. /n machines $ith do)*le tin rollers a g)ard shall *e fitted along the $hole length of the nip *et$een the rollers. &raverse motion and mangle rotion $heels shall *e effectivel+ covered. 5here there is a do)*le tin roller the nip, shall *e provided $ith a g)ard. 1evel $heels driving spindles of >am*o cop $inding frames shall *e effectivel+ covered. 7xposed toothed gearing on all t+pes of machines shall *e effectivel+. 1evel $heels on all $arping machines shall *e effectivel+ covered.

4 . 5 . ! . &hrostle 1 .

#ing and -rames

5inding -rames.


2 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 1 .

2 . 4la+ (ans and fiAe 1 1ee8s. . &aping 0achine. 1 . 2 .

ooms =-

1 .

2 . 3 . 4 .

All toothed gearing on chain *eaming, $inding on machines and other t+pes of $inging machines shall *e effectivel+ covered. . All toothed gearing and shafting connected there$ith shall *e effectivel+ g)arded. &he distance *et$een the perifer+ of the smaller and large c+linders shall not *e less than six inches and $here this distance is less than six inches the nip shall *e effectivel+ g)arded. &he follo$ing dangero)s moving parts shall *e effectivel+ covered. DaE 1evel $heels on side shaft. D*E 1evel $heels and )pright shaft for driving colo)red or top *ox. DcE 0eas)ring motion $heels. DdE Speed change gears. DeE 2nta8e of drag and meas)ring rollers. DfE inder at end of dr+ taping machines &o prevent sh)ttle fl+ing o)t $hen the loom is r)nning the sle+ of the loom shall *e provided $ith g)ard. 2t is to *e fitted as lo$ as possi*le so that the clearance *et$een the g)ard and the sh)ttle $hen the sh)ttle is placed on the fall of the cloth $ith the loom cran8 shaft on the top centre does not exceed f inches and on 1ooms other than velvet looms or looms of !, inches reed space *et$een the g)ard and the sample shall not *e less .than 5H% inch )nless the g)ard is so designed and constr)cted as to prevent in@)r+ from trapping *et$een them. &he g)ard shall extend to at least half the sh)ttles length from the spindle st)d *elt on overpic8 looms, or the trash plate on )nderpic8 looms. 1et$een the hammer headH and the *eam there shall *e space of not less than 3H4 inches )nless the hammer head al$a+s extends over the *reast *eam. D)c8 *ills on all loose reed looms shall *e effectivel+ protected. All gearing incl)ding tappet and t$ill motion $heels shall *e completel+ encased. /n small and similarl+ *arral motions the top and *ottom pairs of *evel $heel and that portion of Shaft connecting them $hich a*ove the $arp shall *e effectivel+ covered &here shall *e a space of not less than one inch left *et$een the connecting rode driving the do**+ and the frame$or8 of the loo8, and *et$een the sta+ and the pic8ing stic8 and pic8ing stic8 and frame$or8 a space of not less than t$o inches. All the toothed gearing incl)ding the gearing driving the *ottom shaft shall *e effectivel+ covered. At the deliver+ and *et$een the 8nife and the card *ar a g)ard shall *e provided. Side arms shall *e effectivel+ covered.

5 . (laiting 0achines. 1 . 2 . 3 .

Shearing and cropping 1 0achines. .

2 .

All revelling 8nives shall *e fitted $ith covers so as to prevent access thereto $hilst the machine is in motion and $hen possi*le, the covers shall *e so loc8ed that no one of them can *e raised )ntil the machine is stopped, and the machine cannot *e started )ntil all the covers are closed. All the exposed toothed gearing shall *e effectivel+ covered. Dt. April, 5'.

NS)*s. vide .otification .o. -.11 D32EH5%-1'

D&/ 17 (:1 2S67D 2. D7 62 GA^7&&7 (A#&- 2; 7F&#A/#D2.A#VE G/;7#.07.& /-.A&2/.A 4A(2&A &7##2&/#V /- D7 62 D A1/:# D7(A#&07.&E 5.S6A0 .A&6 0A#G. D762

.o. (.2" D53EH42-H2,,2H a*.H

./&2-24A&2/. .o. (.2" D53EH42-H2,,2H a*.H 13' 2n p)rs)ance of the provisions of s)*-r)le D1E of r)le !5 of the Delhi -actories #)les, 1'5,, the t. Governor of the .ational 4apital &erritor+ of Delhi, is pleased to direct that #)les !5 to ", of the said #)les shall appl+ to factories specified in the Sched)le *elo$, $ith effect from the expir+ of three months form the date of p)*lication of this notification in the official GaAette.

S467D: 7 S..o 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. !. ". %. '. Description of -actories 0Hs /rient 4raft, 1-1!, /8hla 2nd)strial Area, (hase- 22, .e$ Delhi- 11,,2,. D-D. .o."!"" 0Hs Anand 2nternational, A-1'1, /8hla 2nd)strial Area, (hase-2, .e$ Delhi- 11,, 0Hs /rient 4raft, --23H3, /8hla 2nd)strial Area, (hase-22, .e$ Delhi- 11,, 0Hs 0adan &rading 4o. D(E td., 6-', 1loc8 1-1, 0ohan 4o-operative 2nd)strial Area 0ath)ra #oad, .e$ Delhi-11,,44, D-D..o. "3!%E 0Hs /pera Glo*al (vt. td., D-12H2, /8hla 2nd)strial Area, (hase-22, .e$ Delhi11,, D-D. .o. 1,554E 0Hs Anand 2nternational, (lot .o.1-22H!3, 0ohan 4o-operative 2nd)strial 7state 0ath)ra #oad, .e$ Delhi-11,,44. D-D..o.1,,4%E 0Hs 5ear 7ell D2ndiaE (vt. td., 1-134, /8hla 2nd)strial Area, (hase-1, .e$ DelhiD-D..o.1,45%E 0Hs 0a+a 7xport 4orporation, 1-12", /8hla 2nd)strial area, (hase-2, .e$ Delhi11,, D-D..o."'3"E 0Hs 4ompetent A)tomo*iles 4o. td., (lot .o. 3, GaAip)r, .ear 0ahara@p)r.:.(.1

1,. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1!. 1". 1%. 1'. 2,. 21. 22.

Delhi-11,,'2 D-D..o.',3'E 0Hs 4ent)r+ /verseas, 3", D - 2nd)strial Area,?irti .agar, .e$ Delhi- 11,, D-D..o.'1!5E 0Hs 5elspring :niversal, 1-1' 0a+ap)ri 2nd)strial Area, (hase-2 .e$ Delhi11,,, D-D..o.'21'E 0Hs 7astern 1ase, 4-15" D2nd -loorE, 0a+ap)ri 2nd)strial Area, (hase-22 .e$ Delhi11,, D-D..o.'!43E 0HS ?aran 0otors (vt. td., 1-!", 0a+ap)ri 2nd)strial Area, (hase-2 .e$ Delhi11,, D-D..o."251E 0Hs 6end Setters 2nternational, A-!%, 0angolp)ri 2nd)strial Area, (hase-22 Delhi 11,, D-D..o.'%'%E 0Hs #a@indera 7nterprises, &-5H25,< 251, 0angolp)ri ind)strial Area, Delhi Q 11,,%3 D-D..o.'24'E 0Hs #icha ?nit$ears. 3!-3", -)rnit)re *loc8, ?iri .agar, ne$ Delhi 11,, D-D..o."331E 0Hs 0a+)r /verseas, D-1!4, /8hla 2nd)strial Area(hase-2 .e$ Delhi- 11,, D-D..o.'%5!E 0Hs 6aldi #am 0ar8eting (vt. td. 1-1H6-%, 0ohan 4o-operative 2nd)strial Area 0ath)ra #oad, ne$ Delhi- 11,,44. D-D..o.""''E 0Hs Ga)rav 2nternational, A-3 0angolp)ri 2nd)strial Area, (hase-22 Delhi 11,, D-D..o.'3%'E 0Hs (ragati (o$er Station D(ragati (o$er 4orporation td.E 2.(. 7state, #ing #oad .e$ Delhi 11,,2 D-D..o.1,51'E 0Hs .0. Sagar 7xports, 1-23", /8hla. 2nd)strial Area, (hase-2, .e$ Delhi 11,, D-D..o. ''1!E 0Hs .0. Sagar 7xport, 1-4% D2nd < 3rd -loorsE. /8hla 2nd)strial Area, (hase- 2 Delhi- 11,,2,. D-D..o.'!!1E

1+ order and in the name of the t. Governor of the .ational 4apital &erritor+ of Delhi

D;i@a+ S. 0adani Secretar+ D a*o)rE

A1/:# D7(A#&07.& .otifications Delhi, the %th >)l+, 2,,5 -. 2"D11EH42-H a*H2,,3H2'1!.- 2n exercise of the po$ers conferred *+ Section 112 of the factories Act, 1'4% D!3 of 1'4%E, read $ith Government of 2ndia, 0inistr+ of a*o)r

.otification .o. S./. 1,% dated 14th -e*r)ar+, 1'5% and 0inistr+ of 6ome Affairs .otification .o. S./. 2",' dated the "gh Septem*er, 1'!!, the t, Governor of the .ational capital &erritor+ of Delhi, after previo)s p)*lication, here*+ ma8es the follo$ing r)les f)rther to amend the Delhi -actories #)les 1'5,, namel+=#: 7S Short title, extent and commencement 1. D1E &hese r)les ma+ *e called the Delhi -actories DAmendmentE #)les, 2,,4 2. 2t extends to the $hole of the .ational 4apital &erritor+ of Delhi. 3. 2t shall come into force $ith effect from the date of their p)*lication in the Delhi GaAette. Amendment of r)le 13 = 2. 2n the Delhi -actories #)les, 1'5, Dhereinafter referred to as Rthe principal #)lesSE in r)le 13, after cla)se g, the follo$ing cla)se shall *e inserted, namel+ =R DdE to direct *+ an order in $riting to the occ)pier or the manager to prod)ce either personall+ or thro)gh a)thoriAed agent an+ prescri*ed record or registers, at his office mentioned in the orderS.

Amendment of r)le !3= 3. 2n the principal #)les, in r)le !3 after para D, the follo$ing para shall *e inserted namel+

R7 5itho)t pre@)dice to the generalit+ of the provisions of S)*-section D3E of Section 45, ever+, first aid *ox or c)p*oard shall *e 8ept )nder the charge of a person $ho is trained in first aid treatment and has a certificate of proficienc+ in the said treatment granted *+ St. >ohn Am*)lance Association or )nder the charge of an+ other person $ho holds a certificate in first-aid treatment recogniAed *+ the State GovernmentS. 1+ /rder and in the .ame of the t. Governor of .4& of Delhi .#. Garg, >t. Sec+.

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