Arts Award Reflection Document

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NAME: Corey Dorken


The activity/activities I took part in were -Dance Workshop -Circus Skills Workshop -University Art Exhibition

My role in the activity was

To take part in Dancing, Playing tricks and taking photos of a famous artists work.

The part I found the most challenging was

Doing the dance in the hall although I got the hang of it in the end and I really enjoyed it.

The part I enjoyed most was

All of it although I didnt like taking photos because I dont like using a camera.

I have developed my skills by

Listening to the teacher to know what dance moves to do. Also I have developed my skills on using a camera but I am still in the process of learning it.

The activity was/wasnt what I expected because I didnt know that when we went to the university it was different of how I expected and it was very fun.

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