Training - Agrement

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THIS SECURITY BOND executed on the 18 th day of July, !!

8 "y ## , 8 Yea$%, S&o ################'(He$e)nafte$ called the E*+loyee, )n fa-o$ of ########'', .e$ala $e+$e%ented "y )t% /ana0)n0 D)$ecto$, /$' #####'' (He$e)nafte$ called the Co*+any,' 1HERE2S the Co*+any ha% acce+ted cand)datu$e of the E*+loyee to %end h)* fo$ t$a)n)n0 3)th ##'' at ###, the co%t of 3h)ch )nclud)n0 "oa$d)n0 and lod0)n0 3)ll "e "o$ne "y the Co*+any and )n con%)de$at)on,the Co*+any 3)ll a-a)l the "enef)t% of t$a)n)n0 of the e*+loyee and a% %uch the E*+loyee 3)ll d)l)0ently and eff)c)ently %e$-e the Co*+any fo$ a *)n)*u* +e$)od of one yea$' It )% *utually a0$eed that )n con%)de$at)on of t$a)n)n0 "e)n0 0)-en to the E*+loyee , the E*+loyee %hall execut)-e a %ecu$)ty "ond and the$e"y the E*+loyee unde$ta4e% and ")nd h)*%elf a% follo3% 5 1' The E*+loyee a0$ee% that )n con%)de$at)on of the co*+any acce+t)n0 the cand)datu$e of E*+loyee to %end h)* fo$ t$a)n)n0, the E*+loyee 3)ll %e$-e The Co*+any at lea%t fo$ a *)n)*u* +e$)od one yea$ and 3ould de-ote h)% 3hole t)*e and attent)on to the +$o+e$ $unn)n0 of the "u%)ne%% and 3ould d)%cha$0e h)% dut)e% hone%tly,d)l)0ently, %)nce$ely, loyally and to the full %at)%fact)on of The Co*+any'

' The E*+loyee fu$the$ unde$ta4e% that )n ca%e the e*+loyee 6u)t% the 7o" "efo$e the %+ec)f)ed +e$)od, the E*+loyee %hall +ay a %u* of R%'1!,!!!(Ten Thou%and Ru+ee% Only, "e)n0 the actual co%t )ncu$$ed "y the Co*+any fo$ the a"o-e *ent)oned t$a)n)n0 of the E*+loyee and the Co*+any 3)ll "e ent)tled to $eco-e$ the a"o-e *ent)oned a*ount fo$* the e*+loyee )f the e*+loyee fa)l% to +ay the %a*e' 8' The E*+loyee fu$the$ a0$ee% to del)-e$ the O$)0)nal de0$ee&d)+lo*a ce$t)f)cate% to the Co*+any a% add)t)onal %ecu$)ty fo$ the due +e$fo$*ance of the a"o-e %a)d cond)t)on%' Ha-)n0 clea$ly unde$%tood the te$*% and cond)t)on% %ettled he$e)n a"o-e and )n 3)tne%% the$eof the +a$t)e% do he$e"y aff)x the)$ %)0natu$e on the day *ent)oned a"o-e' Na*e and S)0natu$e of the E*+loyee

Co*+any 1)tne%%e%5 1' '

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