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Dr Mark Feldman

What Is Hypnosis ?

Altered state not sleep

Highway hypnosis Books and TV

Day dreaming

Hynpnogogic and hypnopompic state

The Trance State

Light hypnosis 90%+

Eye closure Fluttering lids Stillness Breathing slows diaphragmatic Features flatten Swallowing Smiling Bradycardia

The Trance State

Medium hypnosis 70%+

Head drops Eyelid catalepsy Flushing or pallor Responds to suggestions Feeling of lethargy, heaviness Some analgesia dentistry , dressings IMR May feel as though in trance

The Trance State

Deep hypnosis 20% somnambulism 5%

Amnesia Anaesthesia Direct logic can you tell me your name Out of body dissociation +ve /-ve hallucinations

Trance with eyes open

Hypnotic Phenomenon


IMR Catalepsy

Automatic writing


Hypnotic Phenomenon


Analgesia Anaesthesia

Positive and negative hallucination


Amnesia Hypermnesia

Hypnotic Phenomenon


Distortion compress elongate Regress Revivify Age progression Eliminate Install Ego Strengthening

Post hypnotic suggestion

Hypnotic Phenomenon


Autonomic control

Blood, sweat, tears


Uses of Hypnotherapy

Behavioural problems

Smoking Weight loss Eating disorders bulimia, anorexia Enuresis

Uses of Hypnotherapy

Psychological problems

Anxiety Panic Phobias Insomnia Premature ejaculation Vaginismus

Uses of Hypnotherapy

Psychosomatic disorders

Migraine Hyperventilation Stammering Irritable bowel/bladder


Uses of Hypnotherapy

Pain control

Chronic Acute

Terminal care


Uses of Hypnotherapy


Sports motivational Criminal investigation Recovery of lost objects - memories

History of Hypnotherapy

3000BC ancient Egyptians Ancient Greeks Indian Sanskrits Hindu fakirs Celtic druids African witch doctors Jesuss miracles?

History of Hypnotherapy

1500 Paracelsus

Swiss doctor discovered mercury as cure for syphilis Passed magnets over patient to effect cure The great Irish Stroker again stroked magnets to cure

1600 Valentine Greatrakes

History of Hypnotherapy

1725 Maximilian Hehl

Jesuit priest using magnets to heal

Mesmer was his student

History of Hypnotherapy

(1734-1815 )Franz Anton Mesmer

Father of hypnosis

Found could stop bleeding with a stick and therefore postulated animal magnetism

History of Hypnotherapy

Franz Anton Mesmer(contd)

De Planatorium influxu magnetic fields pervade

nature Cured patient of paralysis and temporary blindness Cured Maria Theresa Paradies protg of empress of blindness. Angering parents Moved from Vienna to Paris Mozart was a fan

History of Hypnotherapy

Franz Anton Mesmer(cont)

Developed the baquet Asked Louis XVI for a

board of enquiry in 1784

Benjamin Franklin, Guillotine, Lavoisier Found all due to the imagination !

History of Hypnotherapy

1727-1779 Father Gassner

Contempory of Mesmer Suggestion as faith healing

1787 Marquis de Puysegur

Student of Mesmer Magnetised elm trees Somnambulism

History of Hypnotherapy

1815 Abbe Jose Castodi de Faria

Fixed gaze method first to coin word sleep

History of Hypnotherapy

1791 John Elliotson

Professor at University London Became interested via a student of Faria 1837 Surgery under hypnosis angered other doctors as pain needed for healing Expelled from university hospital

History of Hypnotherapy

1795 1860 James Braid

Scottish surgeon coined term hypnosis Developed suggestions method Saw Mesmer and was eventually convinced Changed term to monoidiesm Nervous sleep acting on subject whose suggestibility is increased

History of Hypnotherapy

1808-1859 James Esdaile

Scottish doctor Reports in 1846 300 major operations

Reduced post op

mortality from 505%

History of Hypnotherapy

1864 Nancy school of Hypnosis

Liebeault de la suggestion Bernheim Freud studied here

Initially enthusiastic eventually discounted


History of Hypnotherapy

1878 Charcot school of Saltpierre

Pathological theory Stages of hypnosis

Lethargy Catalepsy Somnambulism

History of Hypnotherapy

Dave Elman 1950s

Stage Hypnotist Studied Hypnosis for years Taught doctors exclusively

Quick inductions Deepening techniques

History of Hypnotherapy

1929-1980 Milton Erickson

Indirect approach Metaphor Utilization

Theories of Trance

Suggestion Theory

Bernheim 1886 suggestions bypass concious mind

Modified Sleep

Abbe Faria a type of sleep BUT thought would always amnesia Charcot BUT 90% hypnotisable NOT equivalent to hysteria

Pathological Theory

Theories of Trance


Janet splitting of consciousness into two BUT not always amnesia can remove amnesia by suggestion Some cognition continuous throughout Freud libidinal gratification Ferenczi parent/child BUT mirrors metronomes may hypnotise

Neo Dissociation


Theories of Trance

Conditioned response

Pavlov to word sleep BUT not sleep, metronomes, quick awakening

Role Playing

R White goal directed striving

Ainslie Meares to a primitive level primitive man accepted ideas by suggestion

Atavistic Regression

Theories of Trance


Barry Wyke voice blocks other sensory input [like gate theory] L verbal/voluntary/language speech R nonverbal/emotional/submissive/art music/imagination Meszaros induction L brain R brain

Hemispheric Specificity

Suggestibility Tests

Magnetic fingers Handclasp Heavy and light hands Postural sway

Chevreuls pendulum

The Hypnotic Session

Introduction Induction Deepening Posthypnotic suggestion Awakening

The Hypnotic Session


Explanation of hypnosis Remove fears

Control issues Amnesia Reassurance

Not trying

The Hypnotic Session



Progressive relaxation Hand fixation Eye closure Candle flame


The Hypnotic Session



Vogts fractionation

Hand levitation
Eye to eye


Mind body dissociation

The Hypnotic Session




Rhythmic eye movement

Hand rotation Post hypnotic

The Hypnotic Session


Balcony Early learning set Now Countdown Limb catalepsy Hand levitation Minds eye Hand rotation

The Hypnotic Session


Establish rapport Create expectancy

Will not maybe never try Repetition of something result Try and bend your arm Strong emotions replace weaker

Law of concentrated attention

Law of reversed effect

Law of dominant effect

The Hypnotic Session


Positive unconscious ignores negatives Positive reinforcement

Yes set

Specific Multiple senses Implied less directive Unambiguous

The Hypnotic Session



Of patients world interests , preferences, preferred modality visual,kinaesthetic Current experience feel the chair

The Hypnotic Session

Types of suggestion


When your hand begins to lift NOT if Trance now or later Everybody knows how to You dont have to try to hard


Not knowing and not doing

The Hypnotic Session

Types of suggestion

Covering all response failsafes

Your hand will be lighter or heavier


Can you, do you, does, will it See , sense, feel As your hand lowers so you find yourself back in time

Contingent suggestions

The Hypnotic Session

Types of suggestion

Implied directive

Time binding introduction Implied suggestion for internal response Behavioural response showing completed

As soon as your mind has identified when the problem developed your hand will float up

The Hypnotic Session

Types of suggestion

Apposition of opposites

As your arm becomes more rigid your body becomes more relaxed

Wet/dry tense/heavy difficult/easy

Interspersal of metaphors

Own experience Truisms Tailored

The Hypnotic Session

Types of suggestion

Symbolism and imagery

Imagine what the pain looks like

Negatives - to discharge resistance

You can - can you not You will - will you not If you are ready to go into trance your R hand will lift otherwise your L hand will lift

Double bind

The Hypnotic Session

Techniques to facilitate trance

Focus attention Enhance awareness of immediate experience Note and accept new aspects of the experience Introducing immediate goal Repetition reinforcing partial response Encourage dissociations and involuntary response Build anticipation expectation

The Hypnotic Session

Belief +Imagination + Conviction + Expectation

= Hypnosis [ Hunter]

Critical faculty is bypassed and selective thinking established[Elman]

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