Welcome 11-1

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Mrs. Robin Love


Room: 223

Phone: 614.830.2700

robin_love@plsd.us OR rslove@me.com

Welcome to English 11
This handout will provide you with useful information about this class so that you will know what to expect during this school year. You also need to be familiar with school policies concerning absences, tardies, and behavior.

I have high expectations and am looking forward to an exceptional year!

Course Overview:
Some of the major works we will study will include Of Mice and Men, Catcher in the Rye, and The Crucible. We will also include short stories and poetry.

Vocabulary will be new and exciting this year and not involve any workbook! enjoy doing it. instruction on this as we begin the year.

Yes I think you may actually You will receive further

We will be utilizing an online vocabulary system called Membean.

Writing will involve short literary based assignments, as well as more length researched based assignments. The major focus of writing this year will culminate with the junior research paper.

Student Responsibilities:
Please read through your student handbook. Remember: I am always happy to help out. Remember, the right way is the Knight Way! Thank you! We will set a

If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to see me.

time convenient to us both (before or after school) to meet. Be aware of and follow all school- and district-wide policies including those concerning absences, tardies, and plagiarism. NOTE: I have no patience or tolerance for immature behavior that threatens the Cheating of any kind will result in disciplinary action. safety or academic integrity of the class.

Additionally, I will never write a letter of recommendation for anyone whom I would not hire.

Respectful, Responsible, and Safe - Classroom Standards Promote Learning

Employers continually say they want high school graduates to be on time, be dependable, work with others and write coherently. To help promote these virtues and establish guidelines that ensure a positive learning environment, students will be expected to behave respectfully, responsibly, and safely.

Basic Classroom Behavior:

Class time is reserved for instruction, learning, and performance. In particular, it is expected you will:


school rules apply in this classroom.

Utilize good manners and appropriate behavior in the classroom and halls; Be in class every day - daily discussion and notes are important; Be on time; Follow classroom procedures;

Communicate with me regarding any problems you are having in this class;

Take responsibility for your learning. -That means doing all the assignments as best you can.
Failure to comply regularly with these behaviors most definitely will result in visits to the office and


my non-compliance for favors. While acknowledgment of the instructors wit and humor is greatly appreciated, it has absolutely no effect on your success in this class.

Classroom Policies:
Make up work: Upon return of an absence, you are expected to make arrangements for make-up work. I

will not chase after you to get completed work in. Late work: In the working world (outside of school), work not completed by the deadline is usually seen as

poor performance due to the lack of ability to plan and prioritize or as a lack of commitment of the employee. To help you adjust to this standard, your work as your job in this class must be turned in on the assigned due date. At the teachers discretion, late work may be accepted one day late for 50% credit. extenuating circumstances, see your teacher to work out a mutually acceptable solution. If you are absent, you have as many days to make up any missed work as you were absent. absent for 3 days, you have 3 days to complete the assignments. most likely need to stay after school or come before school. extenuating circumstances. Excused Absences: If you have an absence slip to verify your excused absence, have it signed before class If you are In the event of

Unexcused absences will result in zeroes

for missing assignments. Please arrange a time with your teacher to complete these assignments. You will As always, please see your teacher if you have

begins. It is your responsibility to obtain your makeup assignments and complete the work in the allotted time. Failure to complete missed work on time will result in a zero. Make-up quizzes will cover the same material but may not necessarily be in the same format. Work for a pre-planned absence should be obtained prior to the absence and be completed upon your return. Early dismissal passes should be shown to me at the beginning of class. Unexcused Absences: followed. Be familiar with the school policy on unexcused absences. This policy will be

If you are unexcused, all work that day will result in a zero.

School Related Absences:

Work missed because of an absence due to a school-related function must be

obtained prior to the absence and completed the day you return. ASSIGNMENTS You will be graded on a total point system. district grading scale will be followed. Homework that is reviewed or graded during class will not be accepted late. essays must be written according to standards. Incompletes: Assignments that are a major All assignments will have a point value. Your total points at the The

end of each grading period will be divided by the total possible points to determine your percentage.

portion of a nine-weeks grade must be completed and turned in, or an INCOMPLETE will be issued. All Major projects and assignments that are not turned in by the due date are considered incomplete. You do not receive an F until the assignment has

been completed to the original standards. Therefore, you will not be able to receive credit for this class until all major assignments have been completed. Once completed, the grade for the assignment will be a zero and averaged with the other assignments. All final essays must be typed on a computer/word processor. Major assignments will be turned in using the TurnItIn.com website. I will explain how this works in the weeks to come. The computer lab in 109 is open before school, and the library has computers you may use. EXPECTATIONS WITH SUBSTITUTES/STUDENT TEACHERS There will be days that I will not be in class. substitute. On these days, a certified teacher will be in my room as a I will absolutely not

I expect that you will treat this person as you would treat me or better.

tolerate disrespectful behavior of any type. This includes lying, leaving the class without permission, or deception of any kind. The last thing I want to do when I return from being out is to deal with 17 and 18 I trust that you know how to treat others, and I Do not argue with a substitute; see me with your year old young adults that have been rude and disrespectful. expect that you grant my substitute and me that courtesy. complaint when I return. refer you to your assistant principal for discipline.

If there are any notes on problems that a substitute may leave, I will immediately

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