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Guidelines for your assignment Your paper should be of around 1500 words: This does not include anysafsdfsdfsdfwewewe

references or bibliography you are encouraged to refer to relevant literature and may include a set of references. Your report should include: a title for the project a brief e planation of the purpose of the paper. !rovide some bac"ground to the study which is necessary to place it in a conte t if the case. You should refer e plicitly to wor" which is similar to that which you are doing or which is influential on your ideas. discussion of the research #uestions $at least the basic one% or hypothesis that you address& along with a justification for them: what ma"es the problem or #uestions interesting and important' clear indication of the methodology and theoretical approach adopted $the type of research& the appropriate data collection method if the case& analytical framewor"%

STRUCTURE ( T)T*+ !,-+ ( ).T/0123T)0.4,56T/,3T $where you should state what your study attempts to do and the type of data collected if the case% ( ,)76 ,.1 !2/!06+ 08 T9+ 6T21Y : ( 1,T, 30**+3T)0. 7+T9010*0-Y ( ,.,*Y6)6 ,.1 1)63266)0. ( 8).1).-6 ,.1 30.3*26)0.6 ( *)6T 08 /+8+/+.3+6

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