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Ingls na Ponta da Lngua
O j ei to mai s descompl i cado de aprender i ngl s
Apologizing is a very important thing to
learn when you are learning a second
language. And whys that? Well, you
know there will always be those moments
when you will have to apologize for
something youve done or said. So, lets
take a look at ways of apologizing in

Id say the most common way of
apologizing in English is by saying Sorry
or Im sorry. There is no secret here.
These are used when you have done
something which has upset someone or
caused them difficulties, or when you
bump into them accidentally.

Im really sorry if I said anything wrong.
Im sorry, I forgot.
Im sorry. I cant meet you tomorrow.

You can find many more examples with sorry by carrying out a search on
Google or by looking it up on a good dictionary. Apart from sorry, there are,
of course, other ways of apologizing, so lets learn them.

When the situation requires something more polite and formal, then youd
better say Id like to apologize for.... Listen to these examples:

Id like to apologize for saying that. I didnt mean it, ok?
Id like to apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused you.
Id like to apologize for not going to your reception.
Id like to apologize for what happened yesterday. I dont know
what came over me.

Lets now imagine that you did something accidentally. That is, you did not do
it on purpose. In such situations, there are two things you may say: Excuse
me or I beg your pardon. Remember: you may use them when you
accidentally do something. Other examples:

Excuse me, but theres a phone call for you.
Oh, excuse me, I didnt see you standing there.
I beg your pardon, I didnt mean to interrupt you.
I beg your pardon. I thought you were someone else.

In case you treat someone badly, for example by blaming them for something
they actually didnt do it, what you may say is: I owe you an apology.

Hey, Mike, I guess I owe you an apology, you know.

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Ingls na Ponta da Lngua
O j ei to mai s descompl i cado de aprender i ngl s
Look, I owe you an apology for the things I said about your work.
Well, I really owe you an apology. I think I overreacted.

Another way of apologizing in more formal situations or when making an
apology in an official announcement is Please, accept my apologies. If a
company or group of people is the one apologizing, then you may hear Please,
accept our apologies. Listen to some examples:

We accept that this was the companys fault and ask you to accept
our sincere apologies.
My apologies if I have offended you in any way.
My apologies if I have misunderstood your intentions.

As I said before, learning ways of apologizing is important when learning a
second language. However, its also important to learn what to say when you
accept an apology. So, there you go a list of some of the things you may hear
or say as responses to apologies.

Oh, come on, its ok.
Apologies accepted.
Well, we all make mistakes, dont we?
No problem.
Theres nothing to apologize for.
Just forget it.
No hard feelings, right?

Well guys, thats all for todays podcast. I hope youve enjoyed the tips.
Remember that you can download other episodes on
www.inglesnapontadalingua. You can also keep learning more English on our
Facebook fanpage. Just go to and hit like.
Get ready for the next podcast, guys. Take care.

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