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T205 p1

Arab Open University

Bahrain Branch
Faculty of Business Studies
T205 Systems Thinking: Principles and Practice
Summary 2
This summary covers the following:

Concept file 1 (Learning):

Reading 1, Reading 2: ,Reading 3:
T551 (Primer): sections 1 & 2
T552 (Diagramming):
Appendix A.1.1 (from CDR0756)
Spray diagrams section (from CDR0630)

)))Concept file 1 (Learning):, page5(((

1.1 Learning to learn
(Why we study learning in this course?)
1. Paying attention to how we are learning is an essential basis for learning more

2. To learn how to learn independently in the workplace. This is essential for

putting the thinking into practice.

3. It is important to pay attention not only to the content of what we are trying to
learn but to the process of our learning.

1.4 Reflection
(Why to focus on reflection?)
1. Reflection is essential for the development of understanding and of the ability to
make use of complex ideas and concepts.
2. It is essential for raising awareness about how we learn and might improve our
3. It enables you to monitor progress, learn from good and bad experiences and
plan for better ways of doing things.

T205 p1

Page 3

1.5 Defining reflection

Reflection is the minds conversation with itself.
It requires 2 kinds of thinking:
1. Reflectiveness: to direct our attention onto our own thinking and abilities.
This kind of reflection is essential in reviewing for ourselves the significance of
the learning we are engaged in, its outcomes for us and the impact it makes on
what we want to learn in future.

2. Critical analysis: meanings are questioned and theories tested out. This
requires a framework of questions or some problem-solving activity to help you
compare and contrast arguments and frameworks

Reflection has a vital role to play because it is the process whereby we become aware
of what we are thinking and able to change and adapt our ideas and understandings to
take into account new learning.

Reading 2:)))What is learning?(((

The learning is not undertaken for its own sake, nor it is the primary goal; but it is
undertaken for what it enables us to achieve.
Definitions of learning might be:
1. increase of knowledge
2. memorizing
3. the acquisition of facts and procedures for later use
4. the abstraction oof meaning
5. an interpretative process for understanding reality
6. changing as a person

So, there are different definitions for learning because of 2 dimensions

1. Process: through which learning happens.
It involves experiencing something and thinking through its meaning or implications, by
trial and error, talking to people, self-instruction vial books, software, audio and so on.
2. Outcomes: to which learning leads.
Outcomes can take the form of:
O Changes to what you know.
O Changes to what you can do.
O Changes to how you value ideas and experiences.
There are different types of learning process. These differences result from:
1. choices or preferences of the learner,
2. the context in which learning takes place,
3. the nature of what it is that we are trying to learn.

2.2 Three kinds of learning (MUD)

Definition of learning
Learning is an interactive process between ((( people and their social and physical
environment))) which results in changes to peoples knowledge, attitudes and


learning 3 1
1.1 learning to learn

) ( 3-
1.4 reflection



. 3-
. / 1-
. / 2-
reading 2 3
What is learning
: ) 1- Process
) ) 2- Outcome
2.2 three kind of learning MUD


6 7 8

3.1 acquisitive

3.2 constructivist


3.3 experiential

Concrete experiencing

Reflective observation

Abstract analysis

Active experimentation


Holistic thinking
Multiple partial views


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