Brochure Syllabis

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Course Policies: Be respectful. Look up respect in the dictionary. Plagiarism, they say not to do it, so we can't do that in here.

I'll have to stop you from doing that. In class work we are going to do that. !imes "ew #oman, $% pt font, &ou'le space. (se word processing when possi'le. !he future is never certain and is su')ect to change

!his is a Language arts class and we are going to read 'ooks, and it will 'e great fun. But first 'ooks need to 'e selected, and I need your help. Possi'le options Books 1984 *uthors +eorge ,rwell

3e need to do pro)ects as some sort of homework assignment. !his will 'e an open ended assignment related to our readings. /uggestions 4ssay -ultimedia Presentation *rt. 1reative writing. Performance. Presentation. /peech. +reat Ideas. &o what thou wilt and make a great pro)ect, creativity is you.

Adventures of -ark !wain Huckleberry Finn Odyssey Beowulf Romeo and Juliet !e Hobbit !e Bluest "ye How to #ill a $ockin%bird Julius &aesar !e &anterbury ales .omer (nknown /hakespeare 0. #. !olkien !oni -orrison .arper Lee /hakespeare +eoffrey 1haucer

5 % 2

Field Trip:

-athew *nderson Language *rts 1ontact !eacheremail; I will email you 'ack666

English Class
-r. *nderson

Wow. Much Class. Sylla us.


+reat6 &on't let the classroom 'e a prison. Lets go outside.

.ey class, the outside world is great and we are going to go there for a super field trip, get e8cited or something.

/uch green. 7ou are gonna have a great e8perience. +#4*! 1,"!*1! I"<,#-*!I,"6 *>>

74*. "*!(#466666 7ou are going to do great. 1ome to class.

*"I-*L/ .*94 #I+.!/. #I+.!4,(/6 = : /chool is a place6 $ 1ool.

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