Grapevine 2014 2 2

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The Weekly Newsletter of St Teilos Church Bishopston

Feb 9th 2014 St Teilo of Wales

the Church i" Wales+ a"d the process o( creati"g 3i"istry Areas has "o1 begu". Withi" our )iocese o( S1a"sea a"d Breco"+ detailed reco''e"datio"s (or these 3i"istry Areas ha0e bee" se"t to each )ea"ery a"d !CC. As (ar as Bishopsto" is co"cer"ed+ the )iocesa" reco''e"datio" is that Bishopsto" should 5oi" 1ith the (our other e6isti"g i"cu'be"cies i" the 4o1er )ea"ery to beco'e a si"gle 3i"istry Area+ co0eri"g the 1hole o( the pe"i"sula. Bishopsto" !CC has 'et a"d e"dorsed the proposal 7 as ha0e 'ost o( the other 4o1er !CCs+ a"d the 4o1er )ea"ery Co"(ere"ce. So (ar+ the o0er1hel'i"g respo"se has bee" to accept the reco''e"datio" that there be a si"gle 3i"istry Area (or the 1hole o( 4o1er. Ca"o" 8oe 4ri((i" has a""ou"ced that he i"te"ds to sta"d do1" as Area )ea" i" April+ i" ad0a"ce o( his retire'e"t "e6t year+ i" order thereby to (acilitate a s1i(t 'o0e to1ards the i'ple'e"tatio" o( the 4o1er 3i"istry Area. ." rece"t years+ the 4o1er parishes ha0e 1orked 'ore a"d 'ore closely 1ith o"e a"other 7 1ith the 4o1er Sho1+ the In the Steps of the Saints pilgri' trail+ 3essy Church+ a"d last years Stable Trail all bei"g e6celle"t e6a'ples o( 5oi"t e"dea0ours+ o(te" i" ecu'e"ical part"ership. All these acti0ities bode 1ell (or our co"ti"ui"g de0elop'e"t 1ithi" a 3i"istry Area. ." all probability+ . 1ill be the last %ector o( St Teilos+ at least i" the traditio"al se"se. But that does "ot 'ea" that 'i"istry 1ill cease to be o((ered+ a"d the 'issio" o( 4od 1ill "o lo"ger be (urthered+ 1ithi" this co''u"ity. What St Teilo bega" here (i(tee" ce"turies ago 1ill co"ti"ue- a"d i"deed i" all likelihood the 'ore iti"era"t+ less settled+ 'ore 'issio"2 (ocussed Church o( St Teilos age 1ill beco'e a 'ore rele0a"t 'odel (or us tha" the parochial syste' 1ith 1hich 1e are so (a'iliar. So lets "ot be a(raid o( cha"ge- i" so 'a"y 1ays+ its 5ust about retur"i"g to our roots. Fr Andrew

This Week at St Teilospage 1 Church Notice 2 A Bible Odysseypage !rayer Cor" # Todays Collect $ %eadi" # &y'" (or Sai"t Teilos ) *

Inside the Grapevine

Message from the Rector

hristia"ity i" Wales has cha"ged a great deal si"ce our patro"+ St Teilo+ (irst ca'e to the Bishopsto" ,alley- a"d the speed o( that cha"ge see's to be accelerati"g. ." 2/12+ a %e0ie1 o( the Church i" Wales reco''e"ded a radical restructuri"g o( the A"glica" Church i" the !ri"cipality. .t is "o1 1idely2accepted that the parish syste' that has ser0ed the Church so 1ell i" the past is ill2 suited to the "eeds o( the Church o( today a"d to'orro1. The 2/12 %e0ie1 challe"ged us to 1ork together as part o( 'i"istry tea's+ 'ade up o( both clergy a"d lay 'i"isters+ i" larger u"its o( 'issio" to be k"o1" as 3i"istry Areas. This key reco''e"datio" o( the Church i" Wales %e0ie1 has bee" accepted by the Be"ch o( Bishops a"d the 4o0er"i"g Body o(

Wed, Feb 12th ( y!il " Methodius, Missiona!ies)

&1ropers" #2)% 1rayer 3ook, p -2.* @.//a' 3or"i"g !rayer. @. /a' &oly Co''u"io"+ St Teilos. 1/.:Ca' Co''u"io" at Ca'pio". 11. /a' Co''u"io" at Willo1 Court. #.//p' Choir !ractice.

9or i"(or'atio" about St Teilos or parish e0e"ts you ca" co"tactThe %ector+ 9r A"dre1 !earceThe %ectory+ : !ort1ay+ Bishopsto" rector.bishopsto";bti"ter"' 2 21:/ Church1arde"+ Stuart !hillips- 2 2::: Church1arde"+ A"" %oberts- 2 :22# Or look at our Website Items for next weeks Grapevine to the Rector by Wednesday, please

Thu!sday, Feb!ua!y 1#th

@.//a' @. /a' 3or"i"g !rayer A=a'plighterB. =a'plighter Co''u"io".

F!iday, Feb!ua!y 14th

12.:Cp' 9u"eral o( &e"ry 9ry+ %.!+ St Teilos Church+ (ollo1ed by Co''ittal at S1a"sea Cre'atoriu'. =a'plighter >outh Ca(?. 8u"ior >outh Club+ 3urto" Church &all. Se"ior >outh Club+ 3urto" Church &all.

.//p' C. /p' #. /p'

This Week at St Teilos

Feb 9th (St Teilo of Wales: White)
*. /a' &oly Co''u"io". 1/.//a' !arish <ucharist $ )isciples. !ymns" #$% &vv #'$, (')*, +,(, &Sheet*, &--.*, +,, Anthem" /ay by /ay &0artin !owe* 4.00pm Evening Service at Campion. 5.00pm Adult Confirmation Class, at the Rectory. 7.00pm Am I Bovered/Young Peoples Confirmation Class, at the Lamplighter.

Feb 1$th (Se%tua&esi'a Sunday befo!e (ent: )!een)


4here will be a 4earf5nd 6ollection this week *. /a' &oly Co''u"io". 1/.//a' 9a'ily <ucharist. :.//p' <0e"i"g Ser0ice at Ca'pio". 5.00pm Adult Confirmation Class, at the Rectory. 7.00pm Am I Bovered/Young Peoples Confirmation Class, at the Lamplighter.

Church Noticeboard
Next Sundays Readings
Feb 1$th (#!d Sunday befo!e (ent) =e0iticus 1@.122+ @21*+ 1 Cori"thia"s .1/211+ 1D22 + $ 3atthe1 C. *2:*.

Monday, Feb 10th

2.//p' .//p' 9u"eral o( Audrey Si''o"ds+ %.!+ S1a"sea Cre'atoriu'. =a'plighter >outh Ca(?.

Tuesday, Feb 11th

@.//a' 11.//a' #. /p' 3or"i"g !rayer. Churches Together 3eeti"g+ the %ectory. <6plori"g !rayer through =ectio" )i0i"a+ Church &all Aled by 9r 3ark 4ri((ithsB.

Dates for Diaries

9eb 1* 9eb 2/ 9eb 21 9eb 2C =a'plighter Co''ittee+ C. /p'. 3E+ Church &all+ #. /p'. 2/1C &oly =a"d !ilgri'age 3eeti"g+ St 4abriels+ #. /p'. Co''u"ity Ci"e'a+ Church &all+ #. /p'.

9eb 2* 3ar C 3ar 1 3ar 1D

!%.S3+ Willo1 Court+ #. /p'. Ash Wed"esday. !CC+ Church &all+ #. /p'. Co"(ir'atio" Ser0ice+ 1/. /a'.

Banns of Marriage
(2nd ti'e): 8a'es %obert ,e""er !ack Ao( this parishB $ =aura 3ichelle )o1sett Aparish o( St 3arys Britto" 9erryB

A ible !d"sse" ible Notes# Week $%

)enesis #1 Monday Feb!ua!y 10th 9i a"d . are great (a"s o( the tele0isio" series !5stle. The sho1 has "o1 sadly e"ded- but 1e ha0e our co'plete bo6 set o( all the episodes to e"5oyF The progra''e depicts the perilous k"i(e2edge e6iste"ce o( a" audacious cre1 o( Ggri(tersco"(ide"ce2tricksters specialisi"g i" the Glo"g2co"+ 'eticulously pla""ed operatio"s o( deceit a"d 'isdirectio"+ 1ith high stakes a"d rich re1ards. What 'akes each episode e6citi"g is 1atchi"g the cre1 teeteri"g o" the 0erge o( disaster+ as their latest sca' begi"s to u"ra0el+ a"d 1e start thi"ki"g G&o1 are they goi"g to get out o( this o"eH A"d yet by the e"d o( the episode they al1ays 'a"age to pull a rabbit out o( the hat+ a"d 1e ca" breathe easy as the lo0eable rogues li0e to co" a"other day. ." 'a"y 1ays+ 8acob 1as the (irst gri(ter- a"d+ like the !5stle cre1+ he specialised i" the lo"g2 co"+ u"(oldi"g o0er 'a"y years. But 5ust like a" episode o( !5stle+ 1e0e "o1 reached the poi"t i" 8acobs story 1here it all goes Gpear2 shaped. A"d+ really+ theres a great se"se o( i"e0itability about it- a se"se that it 1as all bou"d to e"d i" tears. =aba" had (irst decei0ed 8acob+ a(ter all+ a"d 8acob had "o1 retur"ed the (a0our. But as 4e"esis 1 ope"s+ 8acobs Glo"g co" is e6posed. A"d so he does 1hat 'a"y co"2'e" 'ight do i" the circu'sta"ceshe gets out o( there as (ast as he ca". O( course+ 8acob is used to ru""i"g a1ay. &es do"e it be(ore+ 1he" he ra" out o" his pare"ts a"d elder brother a(ter cheati"g <sau out o( his i"herita"ce. No1 he does so agai". But theres a proble' this ti'e. Whe" he 1e"t o" the ru" be(ore+ 8acob 1as alo"e- he did"t ha0e the respo"sibilities o( a husba"d a"d (ather.

." 'a"y 1ays+ this story 'arks a tur"i"g poi"t (or 8acob. &e could ha0e ru" out o" his (a'ilya"d the te6t+ i"deed+ is a'biguous Aperhaps deliberately soB as to the "ature o( 4ods call. ." 4e"esis 1. + 4od says to 8acob Go back to the land of yo5r fathers and to yo5r relatives, and I will be with yo5 But 4od 'akes "o 'e"tio" o( 1hether 8acob should take his (a'ily 1ith hi'- a"d it 1ould ha0e bee" e"tirely co"siste"t 1ith 8acobs pre0ious beha0iour (or hi' to ha0e aba"do"ed the' at this poi"t. But "o1+ at lo"g last+ 1e see 8acob starti"g to thi"k o( others besides hi'sel(. A"d so it is to 8acobs great credit that he co'es clea" to =eah a"d %achel. &e does"t lea0e the'+ or their childre"- a"d =eah a"d %achel ha0e "o hesitatio" i" choosi"g to go 1ith 8acob+ o" 1hat 'ust see' to the' a" u"certai" path+ lea0i"g behi"d their ho'ela"d+ a"d (ully a1are+ "o doubt+ that their hasty departure 'ay i"cur their (athers 1rath. As the story u"(olds 7 a"d the Gco" is laid (ully bare 7 a" a"gry =aba" does i"deed pursue 8acob. .( 8acob had bee" o" his o1"+ doubtless he could ha0e escaped- but he is slo1ed do1" by the (a'ily+ li0estock a"d baggage that he is tra0elli"g 1ith. =aba" easily catches up 1ith hi'+ a"d the (i"al sho1do1" takes place. A"d+ like 0ie1ers o( a !5stle episode+ 1e 'ay 1o"der+ G&o1 is 8acob goi"g to get out o( this 'ess i" o"e pieceH A"d the a"s1er+ o( course+ is through a"other co"- this ti'e perpetrated by his 1i(e %achel+ 1ho has stole" =aba"s 'ost priIed possessio"+ his household gods A'a"y people i" the a"cie"t 1orld kept s'all 1oode" or 'etal idols i" their ho'es- called teraphim i" &ebre1+ they 1ere thought to protect the ho'e a"d o((er ad0ice i" ti'es o( "eedB. =aba" is co"0i"ced that 8acob has stole" his idols+ a"d searches his te"ts (or the'+ 1ithout success- (or %achel has hidde" the' be"eath her skirtsF This all puts =aba" o" the back2(oot+ 'aki"g hi' look (oolish- a"d this gi0es 8acob the per(ect opportu"ity to go back o" the o((e"si0e+ a"d to take =aba" to task (or the years o( 'istreat'e"t he had su((ered i" his u"cles household. ." the e"d+ =aba" a"d 8acob both ha0e to recog"ise the (aults i" the'sel0es+ as 1ell as the (aults i" the other+ a"d they agree to let bygo"es be bygo"es+ be(ore goi"g their separate 1ays. The story e"ds- a"d our Ggri(ter cre1 A1ith %achel sho1" to be 5ust as art(ul as

her husba"dB ha0e got a1ay 1ith their co". But ti'e is "o1 ru""i"g out (or 8acob- a"d the 'o'e"t 1he" he has to (ace the co"seJue"ces o( a pre0ious co" are (ast approachi"g )enesis #2 " ## Tuesday Feb!ua!y 11th &o'eco'i"gs a(ter a lo"g ti'e a1ay are "e0er easy+ a"d literature is (ull o( the'- they are a" esse"tial ele'e"t to all G,oyage a"d %etur" stories+ o(te" described as o"e o( the se0e" (u"da'e"tal plots o( literature. Thi"k o( &o'ers 7dyssey+ a"d Odysseus retur" to .thica a(ter a t1e"ty2year abse"ceK thi"k o( Washi"gto" .r0i"gs tale o( Rip 8an 9inkle+ 1ho a1ake"s (ro' a lo"g sleep to (i"d his 1orld shocki"gly cha"gedK a"d thi"k o( Tolkie"s 4he !obbit Asubtitled 4here and 3ack A:ain+ 1hich "eatly su''arises the plot i" (our 1ordsB+ i" 1hich Bilbo Baggi"s disco0ers+ o" his retur" ho'e+ that he has bee" presu'ed dead a"d his ho'e a"d possessio"s are bei"g auctio"edF So+ "ot surprisi"gly+ 8acobs ho'eco'i"g is so'ethi"g that (ills hi' 1ith dread. &e k"o1s that hes "ot the sa'e 'a" 1ho ra" a1ay (ro' ho'e lo"g ago- hes cha"ged+ hes lear"t about respo"sibility+ hes gro1" up. But 1ill li(e ha0e cha"ged back ho'eH Will his old+ bli"d (ather .saac still be ali0eH Will %ebekah be the sa'e hectori"g 1i(e a"d i"dulge"t 'other o( oldH A"d+ 'ost i'porta"tly+ 1ill his brother <sau ha0e (orgi0e" hi'H Alo"g the 1ay+ 8acob has o"e 'ore 'ysterious e"cou"ter 1ith the 4od 1ho has guided a"d protected hi' throughout his li(e. At the (ord o( the 8abbok+ 8acob (i"ds hi'sel( 1restli"g at "ight 1ith a stra"ge 'a" 7 1ho' he later realises is a" a"gel+ a 'esse"ger o( 4od. The t1o co'bata"ts are eJually 'atched+ itsel( rather surprisi"g- you 1ould ha0e thought that the a"gel 1ould easily ha0e o0erpo1ered 8acob. >et+ a'usi"gly 7 a"d telli"gly 7 both participa"ts use Gdirty tricks to i" a" atte'pt to 1i" the 'atch. 9irst the a"gel breaks 8acobs hip. But despite this clear disad0a"tage+ 8acob re(uses to sub'it. A"d so the a"gel pleads 1ith 8acob to let hi' go+ as da1" is approachi"g. )oes the co'i"g o( daylight represe"t a 1eake"i"g o( the a"gels po1er i" so'e 1ayH Or+ 'ore likely+ does it represe"t the 'o'e"t 1he" the a"gel 1ill be recog"isedH <ither 1ay+ 8acob re(uses+ a"d+ typically+ i"dulges i" a bit o( bargai"i"g to get

his 1ay. &e de'a"ds yet a"other blessi"g 7 a"d re(uses to release the stra"ger u"til he gets it. 8acob recei0es his blessi"g+ but at a cost- (or it is stro"gly i'plied by this story that he "o1 acJuired a li'p because o( the da'age to his hip that 1ould "e0er heal. A"d so this story beco'es a 'etaphor (or 8acobs e"tire li(e. &e has stri0e" a"d (ought throughout his li(e+ usi"g e0ery 1eapo" at his disposal+ i"cludi"g lies+ deceit a"d trickery. &es "e0er gi0e" up 7 e0e" 1he" hes appeared to be the u"derdog 7 a"d he has bee" re1arded (or his persiste"ce. But it all co'es at a hea0y cost. 8acob "o1 carries a li'p (or the rest o( his li(ebut actually he has bee" a psychologically da'aged 'a" (or (ar lo"ger+ hau"ted by his past+ (ear(ul (or the (uture. >et despite all o( this+ he has k"o1" blessi"g- the 4od o( his (ore(athers has 1alked beside hi' throughout his li(e. A"d so+ a" older a"d 1iser 'a"+ 8acob is ready (or the (i"al co"(ro"tatio"- out1ardly+ hes 'eeti"g his brother <sauK but i"1ardly+ the co"(ro"tatio" is 1ith hi'sel(+ the boy he o"ce 1as+ a"d the 'a" he 1ould 1ish to be. A"d by 4ods grace+ the e"di"g is a happy o"e+ i" a story that i"e0itably has echoes (or Christia"s o( the !arable o( the !rodigal So" 7 perhaps the 'ost (a'ously Scriptural story o( G,oyage a"d %etur". Whereas 1he" crossi"g the 8abbok+ 8acob had se"t his (a'ily a"d ser0a"ts ahead o( hi'+ "o1 8acob leads the 1ay as he approaches <sau- (or he ca""ot hide behi"d others+ a"d he k"o1s he 'ust (ace up to the co"seJue"ces o( his past si"s alo"e. 8acob approaches <sau as a hu'ble supplia"t+ bo1i"g se0e" ti'es as he dra1s "ear- but <sau si'ply ru"s (or1ard+ a"d 5oy(ully e'braces his lo"g2lost brother. .ts a 1o"der(ul e"d to a re'arkable story. Ti'e has healed the bitter 1ou"ds o( the past+ a"d the brothers are reco"ciled. But although 1e o"ly ha0e o"e side to the story i" (ull 7 that o( 8acob 7 perhaps its i'porta"t to re(lect that so'ethi"g re'arkable 'ust ha0e bee" happe"i"g i" <saus li(e too to bri"g hi' to this 'o'e"t o( reco"ciliatio". 4od had doubtless bee" at 1ork i" hi' too. A"d 4od ca" be at 1ork i" the li0es o( all those 1hos relatio"ships ha0e bee" da'aged+ or broke" 7 ho1e0er deep a"d ho1e0er old the 1ou"ds 'ay be.

)enesis #4 Wednesday Feb!ua!y 12th Sadly+ a(ter yesterdays happy co"clusio" to the story o( 8acob a"d <sau+ 1ere co"(ro"ted today 1ith o"e o( the 'ost u"pleasa"t stories i" the e"tire Old Testa'e"t. Whose actio"s are 'ost 0ile i" this storyH Sheche' so" o( &a'orH Or Si'eo" a"d =e0iH 3ost o( us 1ould rightly co"de'" both the rapist+ a"d those 1ho carry out bloody 0e"gea"ce upo" hi' a"d his (a'ily. A"d yet the story is "ot a si'ple tale o( se6ual 0iole"ce a"d brutal re0e"ge. .ts "ot that black a"d 1hite. =ets co"sider the actio"s o( Sheche' (irst. &e sees )i"ah+ takes her a"d rapes her. Theres "o de(e"di"g his actio"s. A"d yet+ i" the 0ery "e6t 0erse+ 1ere told that his heart is dra1" to her+ he lo0es her+ a"d that he speaks te"derly to her. &e 1a"ts to 'arry her+ a"d says as 'uch to his (ather. So 1hat are to 'ake o( thisH =ust a"d lo0e+ se6ual 0iole"ce a"d a desire to protect a"d "urture- these are co"tradictory e'otio"s a"d actio"s+ yet it see's this you"g 'a" is ope" to both. &es "ot a black a"d 1hite 'o"ster. =ets look at Si'eo" a"d =e0i. There actio"s are reprehe"sible- but their 'oti0atio" is o"e 1e ca" u"dersta"d. Their sister has bee" de(iled. She has bee" e6posed to hu'iliatio"+ pai" a"d (ear. &o1e0er+ o"e does get the i'pressio" that Si'eo" a"d =e0is greatest co"cer" is "ot (or their sister+ but (or the disgrace a"d e'barrass'e"t that they (eel. This all see's 'ore like the 1orld o( so2called Gho"our killi"gs a"d 0igila"tes tha" truth a"d 5ustice as 1e traditio"ally u"dersta"d it. A"d so the so"s o( 8acob get their re0e"ge by 'ea"s o( a terrible deceit+ (ar 1orse tha" a"y trick their (ather played i" his li(e o( treachery a"d disho"esty. Whats 1orse+ they i'plicitly i"0ol0e 4od i" their actio"s+ by taki"g the rite o( circu'cisio" 7 'ea"t to be the key ele'e"t o( their sacred co0e"a"t 1ith >ah1eh 7 a"d 'aki"g it the ce"trepiece o( their pla" o( re0e"ge. A (a'iliar parallel that co'es to 'i"d is the 4reeks use o( a gia"t 1oode" horse to gai" e"try to the city o( Troy. The 4reeks play o" the (act that the Tro5a"s a"d 4reeks alike 1orship !oseido"+ god o( the sea a"d also god o( horses. By prete"di"g that the 1oode" horse is a 0oti0e o((eri"g to !oseido"+ the 4reeks hidde" i"side the horse take

ad0a"tage o( the "aL0e piety o( the Tro5a"s+ a"d bri"g about through trickery 1hat te" years o( (ruitless 1ar had (ailed to achie0e. Si'eo" a"d =e0i si'ilarly use+ a"d abuse+ a religious se"ti'e"t+ (or purposes that are shocki"gly irreligious i" their result. 8acob rightly chastises Si'eo" a"d =e0i Athough he see's to thi"ki"g 'ore o( the practical co"seJue"ces o( his hot2headed so"s actio"s that 1hether or "ot they 1ere 'orally de(e"sibleB. But there are t1o sile"t 1it"esses i" this sorry tale 7 )i"ah a"d 4od. %egrettably+ 1e see this story e"tirely (ro' the 'ale prospecti0e. We ha0e "o idea at all 1hat )i"ahs (eeli"gs are. &o1 did she (eel a(ter the i"itial assaultH &o1 did she (eel about Sheche'H )id she (eel a"y a((ectio" to1ards hi' 7 or o"ly (ear a"d loathi"gH Was she 1illi"g to 'arry hi'H Was she e0e" askedH Was she party to her brothers re0e"geH !arty to it or "ot+ ho1 did she (eel about itH A(ter the death o( Sheche'+ did she (eel that her Gho"our had bee" restoredH )id she (eel her (ather had beha0ed 1ell+ or badlyH We si'ply ha0e "o idea as to the a"s1ers o( a"y o( these Juestio"s. )i"ah is"t treated i" this story as a 0icti'. Shes "ot e0e" treated as a perso" 7 "ot really. Shes treated as "othi"g 'ore tha" sullied goods. A"d i" the t1e"ty2(irst ce"tury+ 5ust ho1 (ar o" (ro' such attitudes ha0e 1e really 'o0ed+ i( 1e are brutally ho"estH The other sile"t character i" the story is 4od. &o1 does he (eel about all thisH &o1 does he (eel about )i"ahH )oes he appro0e o( Si'eo" a"d =e0is actio"sH &o1 does he (eel about the ritual o( circu'cisio" that he ga0e as a sig" o( ide"tity a"d belo"gi"g bei"g used as a ruse to bri"g about death a"d destructio"H We 'ight be te'pted to say GWe do"t k"o1 to these Juestio"s too. But actually+ 4od is"t as sile"t as 1e 'ight at (irst suppose. Why is this u"pleasa"t story i"cluded i" 4e"esis i" the (irst placeH Well+ perhaps as a perpetual re'i"der to the childre" o( .srael 7 e0e" do1" to the prese"t day 7 o( the co"seJue"ce o( rash a"d 0e"ge(ul actio"s. Elti'ately+ the desce"da"ts o( Si'eo" a"d =e0i 7 the tribes "a'ed a(ter the' 7 1ere a'o"gst the 'ost u"success(ul o( the tribes o( .srael+ i" 'aterial ter's. A(ter the co"Juest o( Ca"aa"+ the Si'eo"ites see' to ha0e 1ithered a1ay+ their territories absorbed i"to the "eighbouri"g tribe o( 8udah. The =e0ites+

'ea"1hile+ 1ere "ot gi0e" a"y allocatio" o( tribal territory at all+ but 1ere desti"ed to beco'e the clerical caste 1ith the real' o( .srael- ser0a"ts o( the sa"ctuary+ de"ied the (ull 'aterial re1ards a"d e0eryday li0es o( the rest o( .srael+ "ot through choice+ but purely through li"eage. Si'eo" a"d =e0i 1ere the seco"d a"d third eldest o( 8acobs t1el0e so"s+ a"d 'ight ha0e e6pected a richer i"herita"ce tha" 'a"y o( their brothers because o( this- but their actio"s 1ill ha0e serious co"seJue"ces "ot 5ust (or the'sel0es+ but (or their desce"da"ts. That+ the"+ is 4ods a"s1er. Sheche' has paid the price (or his si"s- but so too 1ill Si'eo" a"d =e0i. )enesis #*+#$ Thu!sday Feb!ua!y 1#th Whe" do you Gk"o1 1he" your (a'ily is co'pleteH <0ery (a'ily is di((ere"t 7 but 'ost pare"ts see' to ha0e a" i"sti"cti0e se"se o( 1he" their (a'ily is the right siIe. So'eti'es+ o( course+ e0e" 1ith 'oder"2day 'ethods o( (a'ily pla""i"g+ thi"gs do"t tur" out as e6pected. So'e sadly+ (i"d the'sel0es ha0i"g di((iculty co"cei0i"g i" the (irst place. Others ha0e the opposite proble'+ as e6perie"ced by 'y sister2i"2la1 a"d brother2i"2la1 1he" the pla""ed child "u'ber three tur"ed i"to three and (our all at o"ceF >et (or all that+ theres still that stro"g se"se that 'a"y ha0e 1he" (a'ily has reached the Gright siIe- (or so'e its o"e child+ (or others Alike 9i a"d 'ysel(B its t1o+ (or still others three+ (our or e0e" 'ore. Whe" did 8acob Gk"o1 that his (a'ily 1as co'pleteH ." 4e"esis C+ his t1el(th a"d (i"al so" is bor"- Be"5a'i". But the arri0al o( Be"5a'i" is "ot 1ithout a price+ (or i" gi0i"g birth to hi'+ his 'other %achel dies. Be"5a'i" goes o" to beco'e o"e o( the 'ost belo0ed o" 8acobs so"s 7 a"d i" lo0i"g Be"5a'i" A1hose "a'e i" &ebre1 'ea"s GSo" o( 'y right ha"dB so (iercely+ perhaps 8acob is regularly re'i"ded o( the boys dead 'other %achel+ best2lo0ed a'o"gst his 1i0es a"d co"cubi"es. 9or e0e" i" the 'o'e"t his (a'ily beco'es co'plete 7 the t1el0e so"s 1ho 1ill (ather the t1el0e tribes o( .srael 7 8acob e6perie"ces bitter loss. %achel is take" (ro' hi'- a"d his (a'ily is co'plete "o 'ore. A"d his grie( is co'pou"ded by the death o( .saac his (ather soo" a(ter1ards. %achel is buried i" the city o( <phrath 7 also k"o1"+ 1ere told+ as Bethlehe'. A"d so the city 1here the 3essiah o"e day 1ill be bor"

'akes its (irst appeara"ce i" Scripture- a birth that 1ill be acco'pa"ied 1ith 5oy a"d grie(+ i" the arri0al o( a Sa0iour+ a"d the slaughter o( i""oce"ts. 4e"esis D is a di((icult chapter to appreciate+ 1ith a lo"g list o( "a'es that 'ea" little to us today. But they are a re'i"der that <saus desce"de"ts+ the <do'ites Alater k"o1" as the .du'ea" ArabsB 1ill co"ti"ue to play a part i" the u"(oldi"g story o( .srael. Tragically+ the 'ost (a'ous perso" o( .du'ea" desce"t is &erod the 4reat- a"d 1e all re'e'ber the 'urderous part he played i" the Nati0ity Story. So say a prayer today (or those 1hose hearts are achi"g because they se"se+ or e0e" k"o1+ that their (a'ilies are "ot co'plete- those 1ho 'our" the childre" they 1ill "e0er ha0e+ as 1ell as those 1ho 'our" the childre" 1ho ca'e+ o"ly to be take a1ay. Say a prayer (or those 1ho like 8acob recei0ed the blessi"g o( a so" or daughter 1hilst at the sa'e ti'e losi"g a 1i(e a"d 'other. Say a prayer (or pare"ts 1ho outli0e their childre"+ a cruel re0ersal o( 1hat see's to be the "atural order o( thi"gs. Say a prayer (or the i""oce"t 0icti's o( political e6pedie"cy+ like the childre" 'urdered by &erod. A"d say a prayer that i" the (ull"ess o( 4ods po1er+ lo0e a"d 'ercy+ all 'ay o"e be reu"ited 1ith those they ha0e lost+ a"d that it hea0e"+ all (a'ilies 'ay be Gco'plete. )enesis #, F!iday Feb!ua!y 14th With Chapter #+ 1e co'e to a "e1 sectio" o( the Book o( 4e"esis. .( 4e"esis 1211 co"cer"ed itsel( 1ith hu'a" begi""i"gsK 4e"esis 122 D 1ith the !atriarchs+ Abraha'+ .saac a"d 8acobK a"d "o1 the (ocus o( atte"tio" shi(ts to 8oseph+ the (a'ous 1earer o( the tech"icolour drea'2coat. Whereas 'a"y biblical (igures ha0e (aded (ro' the public co"scious"ess 1ith the decli"e o( Su"day Schools a"d 1idespread Bible2 readi"g+ 8oseph re'ai"s a (airly 1ell2k"o1" character+ u"doubtedly because o( A"dre1 =loyd2Webber a"d Ti' %ices blisteri"gly success(ul 'usical. 3e'orable as it is+ ;oseph and the Ama<in: 4echnicolo5r /reamcoat does prese"t us+ o( course+ 1ith a rather sacchari"e retelli"g o( the story- a"d . hope that i" readi"g it (or oursel0es o0er the "e6t (e1 1eeks our appreciatio" o( the origi"al tale 1ill be deepe"ed.

." his o1" 1ay+ the you"g 8oseph is 5ust as u"appeali"g a character as the you"g 8acob. .( 8acobs abidi"g si" is his deceit(ul"ess+ the" 8osephs is u"doubtedly his pride. Nobody likes a braggart- a"d 8osephs i"siste"ce o" telli"g his brothers about his drea's+ i" 1hich he 1ould beco'e greater a"d po1er(ul tha" they+ does "ot e"dear hi' to the'. O( course+ its precisely because o( his recalli"g o( the' that the chai" o( e0e"ts is i"stigated 1hereby 8osephs drea's (i"d their (ul(il'e"t- they beco'e a sel(2(ul(illed prophesy. Because 8osephs asce"da"cy is 4ods 1ill+ is 1hat e0e"tually co'es to pass+ a"d is actually i"itiated as a result o( 8osephs braggi"g+ its 0ery te'pti"g to co"clude that 8osephs origi"al attitude to1ards his brothers is so'eho1 e6cusable. A(ter all+ 4od blessed hi'+ did"t heH Well+ 4od blessed 8acob too+ but thats "ot to say he appro0ed o( 8acobs deceit(ul"ess 7 rather+ 4od 1as able to 'ake use o( 8acobs trickster te"de"cies+ 1ea0e the' i"to the di0i"e pla"+ a"d bri"g about the desired e"d result Ai.e. the blessi"g o( 8acob+ a"d a"other step take" i" the (urthera"ce o( the lo"g2ter' pla" o( sal0atio"B. So'eti'es+ the 0ery traits that act o( a ble'ish o" our character ca"+ i( har"essed correctly+ beco'e a blessi"g rather a curse- so 4od 1as able to cha""el 8acobs cu""i"g to great ad0a"tageK a"d+ like1ise+ 8osephs sel(2 co"(ide"ce could also be used by 4od. But 5ust as 8acob had a lot to lear"+ by te'peri"g his "atural i"cli"atio" to1ards sel(2ce"tred"ess 1ith a healthy dose o( respo"sibilityK so 8oseph had to lear" ho1 to cou"ter2bala"ce his "atural sel(2co"(ide"ce 1ith 'ore tha" a dash o( hu'ility. A"d the o"ly 1ay to lear" this lesso" 1as the hard 1ay -sal's 1* " 1$ Satu!day Feb!ua!y 1*th T1o short a"d lo0ely psal's o( praise (ro' )a0ids lips today+ o((ered by so'e2o"e 1ho see's happy a"d co"te"t 1ith 1hat he has recei0ed (ro' 4od+ a"d co"(ide"t also that the perso" 1ho leads the ho"est+ bla'eless li(e 1ill k"o1 4ods (a0our. We 'ay be te'pted to thi"k that )a0id is talki"g about the re1ards (or good li0i"g i" the herea(ter 1he" he asks the Juestio"- =7R/,

who may dwell in yo5r sanct5ary> 9ho may live on yo5r holy hill> A!sal' 1C.1B. But is he reallyH Or is he talki"g about the 5oy a"d the be"e(its o( a li(e li0ed i" har'o"y 1ith 4od a"d his 1orld today+ i" the prese"t li(eH ." !sal' 1D. + the !sal'ist speaks o( the saints who are in the land a"d says they are the :lorio5s one in whom is all my deli:ht ." the Old Testa'e"t+ as i" the Ne1+ a Gsai"t is a"y holy 'a" or 1o'a" 1ho seeks to li0e a godly li(e i" the prese"t 7 "ot Aas co''o"ly used 1ithi" the Church todayB a selecti0e group o( 'e" or 1o'e" 1ho are ho"oured (or past actio"s a(ter their death. Sai"thood is so'ethi"g to be grasped i" the here a"d "o1+ "ot 'erely a pro'ise o( (uture glory- a"d it is 1ell 1ithi" the capacity o( all us to li0e si'ple+ godly li0es. ." this truth is to be (ou"d the source o( the happi"ess a"d co"te"t'e"t that )a0id speaks o( i" these t1o psal's. Fr Andrew 1earce

&ra"er Corner
Our Prayers This Week
.n&li/an y/le of -!aye! The A"glica" Church o( Ca"ada. 0io/esan y/le of -!aye! Our &o"orary )iocesa" Assista"t bishopsA"tho"y !iece+ 8oh" Oli0er+ )o'i"ic Walker $ =ord Willia's o( Oyster'outh. o''unity y/le of -!aye! All prese"t a"d past 'e'bers a"d clergy o( St Teilos Church. All 1ho li0e i" !ort1ay+ the 4lebe+ North1ay Court a"d Northla"ds !ark. Si/1 " 2eedy of ou! -a!ish %hys )a0ies+ Barbara Steele+ Bert Colderick+ Audrey 3a1so"+ Na"cy+ Niah+ )e"ise 8e1ell+ 3ary 3ort+ A"" Nor'a"+ Barbara Arthur+ Christopher $ Catheri"e Bro1" $ all i" "eed at Ca'pio" 4arde"s. The 0e%a!ted All those rece"tly departed+ a'o"gst the' Audrey Si''o"ds+ %uth =ech'ere $ &e"ry 9ry.

Toda"s Collect ' Readings


3((4 T
9ather o( all+ you raise up i" e0ery ge"eratio" 'e" a"d 1o'e" to act as beaco"s o( your lo0e i" the stor's a"d perils o( li(e- gra"t that 1e 1ho re0ere the 'e'ory o( your ser0a"t Teilo 'ay+ like hi'+ bear 1it"ess to your (atherly careK through 8esus Christ our =ord+ to 1ho' 1ith you a"d the &oly Spirit be all ho"our a"d glory "o1 a"d (or e0er. .'en.

This is the 1ord o( the =ordThan1s be to )od.

=iste" to the 4ospel o( Christ accordi"g to St 8oh")lo!y to you, 3 (o!d. Whe" they had (i"ished break(ast+ 8esus said to Si'o" !eter+ GSi'o" so" o( 8oh"+ do you lo0e 'e 'ore tha" theseH &e said to hi'+ G>es+ =ordK you k"o1 that . lo0e you. 8esus said to hi'+ G9eed 'y la'bs. A seco"d ti'e he said to hi'+ GSi'o" so" o( 8oh"+ do you lo0e 'eH &e said to hi'+ G>es+ =ordK you k"o1 that . lo0e you. 8esus said to hi'+ GTe"d 'y sheep. &e said to hi' the third ti'e+ GSi'o" so" o( 8oh"+ do you lo0e 'eH !eter (elt hurt because he said to hi' the third ti'e+ G)o you lo0e 'eH A"d he said to hi'+ G=ord+ you k"o1 e0erythi"gK you k"o1 that . lo0e you. 8esus said to hi'+ G9eed 'y sheep. &;ohn -# #+' #(* This is the 4ospel o( the =ord-!aise to you, 3 h!ist.

F56ST 64.052)
A readi"g (ro' book o( the prophet .saiah. ." the year that Mi"g EIIiah died+ . sa1 the =ord sitti"g o" a thro"e+ high a"d lo(tyK a"d the he' o( his robe (illed the te'ple. Seraphs 1ere i" atte"da"ce abo0e hi'K each had si6 1i"gs- 1ith t1o they co0ered their (aces+ a"d 1ith t1o they co0ered their (eet+ a"d 1ith t1o they (le1. A"d o"e called to a"other a"d saidG&oly+ holy+ holy is the =O%) o( hostsK the 1hole earth is (ull o( his glory. The pi0ots o" the thresholds shook at the 0oices o( those 1ho called+ a"d the house (illed 1ith s'oke. A"d . said- GWoe is 'eF . a' lost+ (or . a' a 'a" o( u"clea" lips+ a"d . li0e a'o"g a people o( u"clea" lipsK yet 'y eyes ha0e see" the Mi"g+ the =O%) o( hostsF The" o"e o( the seraphs (le1 to 'e+ holdi"g a li0e coal that had bee" take" (ro' the altar 1ith a pair o( to"gs. The seraph touched 'y 'outh 1ith it a"d saidGNo1 that this has touched your lips+ your guilt has departed a"d your si" is blotted out. The" . heard the 0oice o( the =ord sayi"g+ GWho' shall . se"d+ a"d 1ho 1ill go (or usH A"d . said+ G&ere a' .K se"d 'eF AIsaiah , #')* This is the 1ord o( the =ordThan1s be to )od.

Hymn for St Teilos Day

=ord+ 1ho i" thy per(ect 1isdo' Ti'es a"d seaso"s dost arra"ge+ Worki"g out thy cha"geless purpose ." a 1orld o( ceaseless cha"geK Thou didst (or' our a"cie"t "atio"+ ." re'ote barbaric days+ To u"(old i" it a purpose To thy glory a"d thy praise. To our shores re'ote+ be"ighted+ Barrier o( the 1ester" 1a0es+ Tidi"gs i" thy lo0e thou se"test+ Tidi"gs o( the cross that sa0es. Sai"ts a"d heroes stro0e a"d su((ered &ere thy &oly Church to pla"tK 4lorious i" the roll o( heroes Shi"es the "a'e o( )e1i Sa"t. =ord+ 1e hold i" 0e"eratio" All the Sai"ts this la"d has k"o1"+ Bishops+ priests+ co"(essors+ 'artyrs Sta"di"g "o1 arou"d thy thro"e)a0id+ )y(rig+ )ei"iol+ Teilo+ 2 All the galla"t sai"tly ba"d+

S4 320 64.052)
A readi"g (ro' the (irst letter o( !eter. As a" elder 'ysel( a"d a 1it"ess o( the su((eri"gs o( Christ+ as 1ell as o"e 1ho shares i" the glory to be re0ealed+ . e6hort the elders a'o"g you to te"d the (lock o( 4od that is i" your charge+ e6ercisi"g the o0ersight+ "ot u"der co'pulsio" but 1illi"gly+ as 4od 1ould ha0e you do it 7 "ot (or sordid gai" but eagerly. )o "ot lord o0er those i" your charge+ but be e6a'ples to the (lock. A"d 1he" the chie( shepherd appears+ you 1ill 1i" the cro1" o( glory that "e0er (ades a1ay. &# 1eter + #'%*

Who o( old by prayer a"d labour &allo1ed all the (atherla"d. Still thy a"cie"t purpose sta"deth <0ery cha"ge a"d cha"ce abo0eK Still thy &oly Church re'ai"eth+ Wit"ess to thy cha"geless lo0e. ,isio"+ gra"t us+ =ord+ a"d courage To (ul(il thy 1ork begu"K ." the Church+ a"d i" the "atio"+

=ord o( =ords+ thy 1ill be do"e.

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