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Facts about Alcohol

-70% of 18 year old admit to drinking alcohol at least once -17% or men and 8% of women will be dependent on alcohol in their life time. - There are roughly 80,000 deaths due to alcohol abuse every year. -2/3 of high school aged students drink until intoxication - Roughly 5,000 people under the age of 21 die due to alcohol related accidents.

Drunken teenager drives into tree and is found dead

-A person 21 or older is considered driving while under the influence if there blood alcohol is .08% or higher -A person under 21 is considered driving while under the influence if there blood alcohol is .02% or higher

19 year old Daniel Smith was found dead in his car after spiraling out of control and driving into a tree. The boy was last seen leaving a college party. Susan Johnson a student that attends the college stated He appeared a little tipsy, but he told us he was fine. So we didnt think anything of it. Daniel was 3 rd in his class and he was the quarterback of the football team. Johnson also stated He cared a lot about school, he was always studying. He hardly ever was seen at parties and when he was he normally di dnt drink

Things Alcohol can affect

School work Your driving ability Your vision Your reaction time Your liver Your mouth Your brain Drinking alcohol can affect everything you do.

Drink responsibly or dont drink at all

Darbi Goodwin, Sami Radice,

Claire Beno & Matt Dolan

Ways to get Help with Alcoholism

What Police Officers look for in a drunk driver

AA- Alcoholic anonymous Medication Behavioral Therapies Screenings Mutual help groups

Turning with a wide radius

Drifting Head lights off Braking erratically

Field Sobriety Tests

Count backwards Line-walking Balancing on one foot Recite the alphabet

Symptoms of Withdrawal
Anxiety or jumpiness Shakiness or trembling Sweating Nausea and vomiting Insomnia Depression Fatigue Loss of appetite Headache

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