Course Overview

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Course Overview

This course introduce students to the historical, theoretical, and philosophical foundations of distance education, It provides students with an overview of distance education technologies; an exploration of the literature of the field, and an examination of effective techniques for teaching and learning within a distance education system ( The assignments for this course all are aligned with the course ob ectives. The course ob ectives are! ". #valuate the leading definitions of distance education. $. %ssess the role of technologies in the history of distance education. &. 'ummari(e the distance education research literature. ). *ategori(e the leading theories of distance education. +. *ategori(e the leading distance education technologies. ,. *ompare the leading distance education technologies. -. .iscuss the basic instructional considerations required of the distance educator. /. 'ummari(e the unique learning requirements of the distant learner. 0. #xplain how course design differs for distance and traditional education. "1. 'ummari(e the impact of copyright and fair use guidelines on distance education. "". Identify principles of effective design of distance learning materials. "$. *reate an effectively designed online lesson. "&. *ontrast the varying needs for 2 and approaches of 2 .# in the developing world

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