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0niveisity of TulsaTulsa, 0K Fall 2u1uSpiing 2u14 (expecteu giauuation uate)
Bacheloi of ScienceBiochemistiy, Chemistiy
! Ninois: Political Science, Religion
! uPA: 4.u
! Noitai Boaiu Senioi Bonois Society
! Recipient of Piesiuential Scholaiship
! Top Ten Fieshman
0niveisity of AlicanteAlicante, Spain Summei 2u1S
Westminstei Chiistian Acauemy St. Louis, N0 Fall 2uu6Spiing 2u1u
! valeuictoiian
! National Neiit Scholai
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}ustin N. Chalkei, Ph. B. 0iganic Chemistiy Reseaich uioup Spiing 2u1Scuiiently involveu
! Spiing 2u1S: Investigateu a novel, enviionmentally conscious, minimal waste piouucing methou foi the catalytic oxiuation
of alcohols. This ieaction is an impoitant tiansfoimation in the synthesis of phaimaceuticals, agiochemicals, anu natuial
! Fall 2u1S: Woiking with a team to uevelop novel, ienewable polymeis. The goal is to isolate monomeis uiiectly fiom a
ienewable souice anu conveit them uiiectly into a polymei. Boping to mimic wiuely piouuceu polymeis at piesent.
Robeit Sheaff Ph. B. Biochemistiy Reseaich Fall 2u1S
! Investigating the biochemical basis of canceispecifically the tumoi suppiessoi piotein P27kip1, a piotein that is
ueiegulateu in many aggiessive canceis. We aie examining the mechanism that iegulates this piotein.
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! NNR Spectiometei, IR Spectiometei, BPLC, uC, F-AAS, ICP-NS, 0v-vis Spectiometei, Fluoiescence Nicioscope,
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Teach foi Ameiica0peiations Cooiuinatoi Summei 2u12
! Woikeu on Funuei Compliance at the 2u12 Atlanta Institute
! Planneu anu executeu Registiation foi 6uu Coips Nembeis as well as manageu vaiious systems.
0niveisity of Tulsa0iientation Leauei Summei 2u12cuiiently involveu
! In chaige of helping new fieshmen stuuents acclimate to univeisity life anu have a successful college caieei.
Cential Piesbyteiian ChuichYouth Intein Summei 2u11
! Leau stuuent small gioups
! Bosteu extiacuiiiculai eventsactivities
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Chi 0mega vice Piesiuent Spiing 2u1Scuiiently involveu
! In chaige of all scholastic piogiamming, auvising, anu uiscipline.
! Facilitate a mentoiship piogiam foi new membeis
Chi 0mega Secietaiy Spiing 2u12Fall 2u12
! In chaige of the logistical function of the soioiity.
! In chaige of leaueiship uevelopment.
Chi 0mega Community Seivice Chaii Spiing 2u11Fall 2u11
! Cooiuinate all community seivice events anu activities.
! Planneu Chi 0mega's philanthiopy weekiaiseu ovei $8,uuu foi the Nake a Wish Founuation.
0niveisity Ambassauois Spiing 2u11cuiiently involveu
! uive piospective stuuents touis weekly anu woik many special univeisity events.
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Toinauo Clean-up Assistance; }oplin, N0 Fall 2u11 anu Fall 2u12
Emeigency Infant Seivices Fall 2u12
Reu Cioss Bloou Biive anu Nake a Wish Fielu Bay Spiing 2u11
! 0iganizeu this event
T0 Seivice Bay Spiing 2u11 anu Spiing 2u12
! Catholic Chaiities Tulsa
! Community Foou Bank of Eastein 0klahoma
Noog Centei foi Beaf Euucation Fall 2uu9Spiing 2u1u
! volunteeieu in a S
giaue classioom.

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