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Develop by: Rock Group

Q.1 Why did you join superior university?

a. (w) category
b. enjoyment
c. advance study method
d. someone refer

Q.2 Is your any favourite subject?

a. Yes
b. No
if you choose yes please mention your subject

Q.3 What is your future plan?

a. job
b. hand over father business
c. showbiz
d. Other _

Q.4 Which things are you most interest in?

a. Watching movies
b. Chating
c. Sleeping
d. Other________

Q.5 How many hour do you sleep in a day?

a. 2 hour
b. 3 hour
c. 6 hour
d. Other_____________
Q.6 How do you complete your assignment?
a. Self
b. Teacher cordination
c. Net surfing
d. Copy

Superior university page 1

Develop by: Rock Group

Q.7 What should be enviorment in class?

a. Strict
b. Free
c. Normal
Q.8 What improvement do you expect in studies?
a. Teaching methodolgy
b. Class equipment
c. Regular test
d. No need

Q.9 Is teaching methodology supporting to your curiculam

a. Yes
b. No
Q10 What's your routine after University?
a. sleeping
b. watching movies
c. use internet
d. all of above
e. Others__________________________________
Q.11 Have you do any part time job?
a. Yes
b. No

Q.12 When do you came to university and when do you go to

a. Mention time when we came in
b. Mention time when we go to home

Q.13 How much percent% you take interest in your studies?

a. 20%
b. 40%
c. 50%

Superior university page 2

Develop by: Rock Group

d. 70%
e. 90%

Q.14 How much time do you spend to your studies?

a. parents 1hour ,2hour,3hour,4hour

b. friends 1hour, 2 hour, 3 hour,4hour
c. girl friends 1hour,2hour,3hour,4hour
d. your self 1hour,2hour,3hour,4hour

When you spend time alone what do you do in this time?


Q.15 Why do you struggle hard in studies?

a. job
b. Other____________________________________

Q.16Why student did not take interest in study give any


Q.17 How can we attract student to studies?


Superior university page 3

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