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Subject Year Number of Students Date &ime &heme &o*ic 0earning Outcomes

: English : 4 Bestari : 25 students : 26th October 2 !! "#ednesda$% : !!'( a'm' ) !'( *'m' "2 hours% : #orld of +no,ledge : /round : /t the end of the lesson1 students ,ill be able to: "i% 2i.e rele.ant information *olitel$ in res*onse to en3uiries made "2'(% E4*ress thought and feelings and gi.e o*inions on things read1 seen1 heard and .ie,ed in sim*le language "2'6% /c3uire a ,ide range of .ocabular$ "('6%




: 6n general1 students ha.e ac3uired the 7no,ledge and abilit$ of doing$ on their o,n : None : 0istening and s*ea7ing : "i% "ii% "iii% &eam,or7 Determination Safet$

&eaching aids S7ill in.ol.e 8alues 6ntegrated



Set 6nduction "! minutes%

0istening to instruction

TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITY & as7s 5s to set u* the booth for the e4hibition & lets 5s to decorate the booth according to their o,n$ & tells 5s that the e4hibition starts 5s share information that the$ ha.e ,ith those ,ho come to the booth & hel*s 5s ,ho come across ,ith certain difficulties & as7s 5s about their e4*erience of doing e4hibition 5s gi.e oral res*onse to the & & as7s 5s to tid$ u* all the booths & reminds 5s to ,rite sim*le reflection and e=mail to him

NOTES/VALUES/TEACHING AIDS 8alues integrated: Safet$

Ste* ! "! and a half hours%

0istening to instruction 0istening and s*ea7ing$

8alues integrated: &eam,or7 9 Determination

Ste* 2 "! minutes%

Discussion:;eedbac7 session

<losing "! minutes%

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