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From the April 12, 2002 edition of the New York Post

What Exactly Did Bush Know?
CBS News - May 17, 2002: President Bush was told in the months before the Sept. 11 attacks that Osama bin Laden's terrorist network might hijack U.S. passenger planes - information which prompted the administration to issue an alert to federal agencies - but not the American public.

Newsweek - September 24, 2001: Newsweek journalists Evan Thomas and Mark Hosenball reported that a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for September 11, 2001, apparently because of security concerns

What Else Havent We Been Told?

CNN January 29, 2002: President Bush personally asked Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle Tuesday to limit the congressional investigation into the events of September 11 Privately Democrats questioned why the White House feared a broader investigation to determine possible culpability

Global Research November 2, 2001: An article in the French daily Le Figaro confirms that Osama bin Laden underwent surgery in an American Hospital in Dubai in July (2001) During his stay in the hospital, he met with a CIA official. While on the World's "most wanted list", no attempt was made to arrest him

Why Has the Media and the Government Ignored These Reports?
NBC News September 11, 2001: Albert Turi the Chief of Safety for the New York Fire Department received word of the possibility of a secondary device, that is another bomb going off he thinks that there were actually devices that were planted in the building

New York Firefighters September 11, 2001: Fireman1: It was almost like they had detonators Fireman2: Yeah, detonators Fireman1: planted to take down the building

MSNBC News September 11, 2001: There may have been explosive devices planted either in the building or in the adjacent area

New York Firefighters September 11, 2001: secondary explosions and then the subsequent collapses

Commissioner Stephen Gregory, NYPD October 3, 2001: You know like when they demolish a building, how when they blow up a building, when it falls down? That's what I thought I saw. And I didn't broach the topic to him, but he asked me. He said I don't know if I'm crazy, but I just wanted to ask you because you were standing right next to me. He said did you see anything by the building? And I said what do you mean by see anything? He said did you see any flashes? I said, yes, well, I thought it was just me. He said no, I saw them, too.

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