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Spiced Steel Oat Griddle Cakes (Day 1) Ingredients: 2/3 c. whole wheat flour 1/3 c. steel-cut oats 1 Tbsp.

sp. low-sodium baking powder tsp. ground cinnamon tsp. ground nutmeg tsp. ground ginger tsp. salt 1 c. fat-free milk 2 egg whites 2 tsp. vegetable oil 2 tsp. hone c. chopped walnuts sugar-free s rup !optional" Directions: #ombine flour$ oats$ baking powder$ cinnamon$ nutmeg$ ginger$ and salt in medium bowl$ and mi% well. &hisk milk$ egg whites$ oil$ and hone in a large bowl until smooth. 'tir in flour mi%ture until smooth. (et stand 1) minutes. *old in c. chopped walnuts. +eat nonstick griddle or large nonstick skillet over medium-low heat. 'poon 2 Tbsp. batter 1-inch apart onto griddle. #ook 2 minutes or until bubbles begin to form on top. Turn over, cook 1 minute. -emove to plate and keep warm. -epeat with remaining batter. 'erve with s rup and additional chopped walnuts$ if desired. .reparation time/ 2) minutes 'erving si0e/ 3 cakes. 1akes 2 servings. Serving 3 cakes Calories 13) kcal Fat 2g Carbohydrate 24 g Protein 2g Sodi ! 355 mg

Sal!on "ith #o!ato$%asil Salsa (Day 1) Ingredients: #ooking spra 3 salmon fillets !about 3 o0. each"$ rinsed and patted dr 3 Tbsp. light ma onnaise 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh basil tsp. garlic powder tsp. paprika 2 o0. grape tomatoes c. fresh basil 1-1 o0 sweet onion 1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar Directions: (ightl spra a shallow baking pan with cooking spra . .lace fish in pan. 6n a small bowl$ stir together the light ma onnaise$ chopped fresh basil$ garlic powder$ and paprika. (ightl spread on each fillet. 7ake for 1)-24 minutes$ or until the fish flakes easil when tested with a fork. #hop the tomatoes$ basil$ and onion. .ut in a small bowl. 8dd the vinegar$ and stir gentl to combine. 'poon over or beside the cooked fish. .reparation time/ 24-2) minutes 'erving si0e/ 3 o0. salmon and c. salsa. 1akes 3 servings -ecipe from Serving 3 o0. Calories 244 kcal Fat 9.) g Carbohydrate )g Protein 22 g Sodi ! 15) mg

S !!er S& ash Pi''a (Day 1) Ingredients: 1 tsp. olive oil 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar 1/9 tsp. salt 1/9 tsp. freshl ground black pepper 1 medium 0ucchini$ cut lengthwise into -inch thick slices 1 medium ellow s:uash$ cut lengthwise into -inch thick slices cooking spra 1 packaged pi00a crush 2 plum tomatoes$ cut into 1/9-inch thick slices c. finel grated pecorino -omano cheese 2 Tbsp. thinl sliced fresh basil tsp. finel chopped fresh oregano Directions: .repare grill. #ombine oil$ vinegar$ salt$ pepper$ 0ucchini slices$ and ellow s:uash slices in a large bowl$ tossing gentl to coat. .lace s:uash mi%ture on grill rack coated with cooking spra . ;rill 2 minutes on each side or until tender. -educe grill temperature to medium. (ightl coat pi00a crust with cooking spra . ;rill 1 minute on each side or until lightl toasted. 8rrange 0ucchini and s:uash over crust. 8rrange tomatoes over s:uash. 'prinkle with pecorino -omano cheese. ;rill ) minutes or until thoroughl heated. -emove from grill. 'prinkle with basil and oregano. .reparation time/ 34 minutes 'erving si0e/ 1 slice. 1akes 9 servings. -ecipe from www.m Serving 1 slice Calories 12) kcal Fat 2.1 g Carbohydrate 23.) g Protein ).2 g Sodi ! 22) mg


Devil(s Food C pcake "ith )l!ond$*ocha #opping on +aspberry Sa ce (Day 1) Ingredients: cooking spra 1 19.2) o0. bo% devil<s food cake mi% 1 2.) o0. =ar bab food pureed prunes 1 c. strong coffee$ or 1 c. water plus 2 tsp. instant coffee granules 3 large egg whites 2 Tbsp. canola or corn oil 2 12 o0. packages fro0en unsweetened raspberries$ thawed c. sugar 1 Tbsp. cornstarch 1 tsp. vanilla e%tract 2 tsp. instant coffee granules 2 tsp. water 9 o0. fro0en fat-free whipped topping$ thawed in refrigerator 2/3 c. sliced almonds$ no salt dr roasted Directions: .reheat the oven to 32),*$ or as directed on the cake package. (ightl spra two 12-cup muffin pans with cooking spra . 6n a large mi%ing bowl combine bo% cake mi%$ prunes$ coffee$ egg whites$ and oil. *ollow the package directions for beating the batter and baking and cooling the cupcakes. 6n a medium saucepan$ stir together the raspberries$ sugar$ and cornstarch until the cornstarch is dissolved. 7ring to a boil over medium-high heat. 7oil for 1-1 minutes$ or until thickened$ stirring fre:uentl . -emove from the heat. (et cool completel $ about 24 minutes. 'tir in the vanilla. 6n a medium bowl$ stir together the coffee granules and water until the coffee is dissolved. *old in the whipped topping until well blended. #over and refrigerate until needed. *or each serving$ spread 1 Tbsp. plus 2 tsp. raspberr sauce on a dessert plate$ top with a cupcake$ spoon 1 Tbsp. plus 2 tsp. whipped topping mi%ture over the cupcake$ and sprinkle with 1 tsp. almonds. .reparation time/ 34-34 minutes 'erving si0e/ 1 cupcake$ 1 Tbsp. plus 2 tsp. sauce$ 1 Tbsp. plus 2 tsp. topping. 1akes 23 servings. -ecipe from Serving 1 cupcake Calories 153 kcal Fat 3g Carbohydrate 31 g Protein 2g Sodi ! 1>9 mg 11

So th"estern Chicken Pasta Salad (Day -) Ingredients: 1/2 lb. uncooked penne rigate 2 cups shredded skinless$ boneless grilled lemon-herb chicken !about 9 ounces" 1 cup fresh corn kernels ? cup !3 ounces" shredded sharp cheddar cheese cup sliced green onions cup diced red bell pepper 1/2 cup chopped plum tomato !about 2 tomatoes" cup fresh orange =uice 2 T. fresh lime =uice 1 T. e%tra virgin olive oil 1 T chopped canned chipotle chiles in adobo sauce t. salt

Directions: #ook pasta according to package directions$ omitting salt and fat. @rain and place in a large bowl. 8dd ;rilled (emon-+erb #hicken and ne%t ) ingredients !through tomato", toss well to combine. #ombine orange =uice and remaining ingredients$ stirring with a whisk. @ri00le over pasta mi%ture, toss gentl to coat. #over and chill.

.reparation time/ 24 minutes 'erving si0e/ 1 1/3 cups. 1akes 2 servings. -ecipe from www.m Serving 1 cup Calories 322 kcals Fat >.> g Carbohydrate 39.2 g Protein 21 g Sodi ! )23 mg


*ar!alade Chicken (Day -) Ingredients: 1 cup reduced-sodium chicken broth 2 tablespoons red-wine vinegar 2 tablespoons orange marmalade 1 teaspoon @i=on mustard 1 teaspoon cornstarch 1 pound chicken tenders 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/3 teaspoon freshl ground pepper 2 teaspoons e%tra-virgin olive oil$ divided 2 large shallots$ minced 1 teaspoon freshl grated orange 0est

Directions: &hisk broth$ vinegar$ marmalade$ mustard and cornstarch in a medium bowl. +eat skillet over medium-high heat. 8dd the chicken and cook until golden$ about 2 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate and cover with foil to keep warm. 8dd the remaining 2 teaspoons oil and shallots to the pan and cook$ stirring often$ until beginning to brown$ about 34 seconds. &hisk the broth mi%ture and add it to the pan. 7ring to a simmer$ scraping up an browned bits. -educe heat to maintain a simmer, cook until the sauce is slightl reduced and thickened$ 34 seconds to 2 minutes. 8dd the chicken, return to a simmer. #ook$ turning once$ until the chicken is heated through$ about 1 minute. -emove from the heat and stir in orange 0est.

.reparation time/ 34 minutes 'erving si0e/ 1 chicken tender. 1akes 3 servings. -ecipe from Serving 1 tender Calories 225 kcals Fat 14 g Carbohydrate 14 g Protein 23 g Sodi ! 3)5 mg


# scan .egetable So p (Day /) Ingredients: 1 !1) o0." can low- sodium cannellini beans$ drained and rinsed 1 Tbsp. olive oil large onion$ diced 2 carrots$ diced 2 celer stalks$ diced 1 small 0ucchini$ diced 1 clove garlic$ minced 1 Tbsp. fresh th me$ chopped or 1 tsp. dried th me 2 tsp. fresh sage$ chopped or tsp. dried sage tsp. ground black pepper 32 o0. low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth 1 !13.) o0" can no salt added diced tomatoes 2 c. bab spinach leaves$ chopped 1/3 c. .armesan$ grated !optional"

Directions: 6n a small bowl$ mash half of the beans with a masher or the back of a spoon$ and set aside. +eat the oil in a large soup pot over medium-high heat. 8dd the onion$ carrots$ celer $ 0ucchini$ garlic$ th me$ sage$ and pepper. #ook stirring occasionall until the vegetables are tender$ about ) minutes. 8dd the broth and tomatoes with the =uice and bring to a boil. 8dd the mashed and whole beans and spinach leaves. #ook until spinach is wilted$ about 3 minutes. 'erve topped with .armesan$ if desired.

.reparation time/ 3) minutes 'erving si0e 1 cups. 1akes 2 servings. -ecipe from Serving 1 c. Calories 125 kcal Fat 2g Carbohydrate 21 g Protein 2g Sodi ! 253 mg


#o!ato 0 *eat Pasta Sa ce (Day /) Ingredients: 3 o0. ground turke c. low sodium tomato sauce c. mushrooms c. broccoli florets c. onion tsp. crushed red pepper

Directions: 1i% all ingredients in a saucepan and heat.

.reparation time/ 14 minutes 'erving si0e 1 1/2 cups. 1akes 1 serving. Serving 1 c. Calories 221 kcal Fat 11 g Carbohydrate 12 g Protein 23 g Sodi ! 135 mg


Chicken Salad (Day 1) Ingredients: c. chicken breast 2 Tbsp. fat free ma onnaise 1) grapes c. celer $ chopped 2 tsp. @i=on mustard

Directions: 1i% ingredients in a bowl$ and chill.

.reparation time/ 1) minutes 'erving si0e/ 1 cup. 1akes 1 serving. Serving 1 c. Calories 22> kcals Fat 5g Carbohydrate 13 g Protein 22 g Sodi ! 1>3 mg


Greek Seasoned Grilled Pork Chops (Day 1) Ingredients/ 3 pork sirloin chops c. olive oil c. lemon =uice !fresh s:uee0ed" 2 tsp. red wine vinegar 1 tsp. fresh lemon 0est or tsp. dried lemon 0est 2 tsp. dried oregano 2 tsp. garlic$ minced black pepper to taste

Directions: 6n a small bowl$ whisk together olive oil$ lemon =uice$ red wine vinegar$ oregano$ garlic$ and black pepper. Trim all visible fat from pork chops and place in large plastic bag or flat glass dish. .our marinade over pork chops and marinate in refrigerator for 3-9 hours. To cook$ remove pork chops from refrigerator and let them come to room temperature while pre-heating gas/charcoal grill$ ;eorge *oreman grill$ or stovetop grill pan o Autdoor grills preheat in about 14 minutes. ;eorge *oreman grill or stovetop grill pan onl needs 3-) minutes. #ook pork chops 14-12 minutes on outdoor grill or stove-top grill pan !flip halfwa through"$ or )-2 minutes on ;eorge *oreman grill. .ork chops will feel firm and look slightl brown when done.

.reparation time/ 24 minutes !not counting marinade time" 'erving si0e 1 pork chop. 1akes 3 servings -ecipe from umml .com Serving 1 chop Calories 134 kcal Fat 13 g Carbohydrate 2g Protein 23 g Sodi ! 33 mg


Crock Pot 2o"$Sodi ! Chili (Day 3) Ingredients/ 1 lb lean ground beef 1 can no-salt-added pinto beans 1 can no-salt-added kidne beans 1 can low-sodium crushed tomatoes 1 can low-sodium tomato puree 3 teaspoons oregano 3 tablespoons paprika 2 tablespoons garlic powder 1 tablespoon onion powder 2 teaspoons Tabasco sauce 1/3 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 teaspoons black pepper 1 teaspoon ca enne pepper 2 teaspoons ground cumin 2 teaspoons minced garlic 1 1/2 cups chopped onions 1 1/2 cups chopped green peppers Directions/ 7rown ground beef$ rinse under water. 7rown pepper$ onion$ and garlic. 1i% all ingredients in crockpot. (et cook at low heat for 3-9 hours.

.reparation time/ 24 minutes 'erving si0e 1 cup. 1akes 9 servings. -ecipe from Serving 1 c. Calories Fat Carbohydrate Protein Sodi !


4eart 4ealthy Chicken Cacciatore (Day 3) Ingredients: 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts 1 !29 ounce" can plum tomatoes 1 tablespoon light e%tra virgin olive oil 1 onion$ chopped ) carrots$ peeled and sliced thin 3 celer ribs$ sliced thin 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1/3 teaspoon pepper 1/2 teaspoon salt 3/3 teaspoon sage 1/3 teaspoon sugar 1 lb spaghetti Directions: #ombine all ingredients e%cept for the chicken and the pasta in a large stockpot. 7ring to a boil. -educe heat$ cover and simmer for 2) minutes. 8dd chicken and cook until tender. 'erve over cooked spaghetti with optional .armesan cheese. .reparation time )) minutes 'erving si0e/ 1 breast and cup spaghetti. 1akes 2 servings. -ecipe from Serving 1 breast$ c. pasta Calories Fat Carbohydrate Protein Fat


St 55ed Chicken %reasts (Day 6) Ingredients: 3 tablespoons seedless raisins 1/2 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup chopped celer 1/3 teaspoon minced garlic 1 ba leaf 1 cup chopped and peeled apple 2 tablespoons chopped water chestnuts 3 large chicken breast halves$ with the bones removed$ each about 2 o0. 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 cup fat-free milk 1 teaspoon curr powder 2 tablespoons all-purpose !plain" flour 1 lemon$ cut into 3 wedges

Directions: .reheat the oven to 32) *. (ightl coat a baking dish with cooking spra . 6n a small bowl$ add the raisins and cover with warm water. 'et aside and allow the raisins to swell. 'pra a large skillet with cooking spra . 8dd the onions$ celer $ garlic and ba leaf. 'aute until the onions are translucent$ about ) minutes. -emove the ba leaf and add the apples. #ook for another 2 minutes$ stirring occasionall . @rain the raisins and pat with paper towels to remove the e%cess water. 8dd the raisins to the apple mi%ture. 'tir in the water chestnuts and remove from heat. (et cool. (oosen the skin on the chicken breasts. .lace the apple-raisin mi%ture between the skin and breast. 6n another skillet$ heat the olive oil over medium heat. 8dd the chicken breasts and cook until browned$ about ) minutes on each side. Transfer the chicken breasts to the prepared baking dish. #over and bake until a meat thermometer registers 12) *$ or about 1) minutes. -emove from the oven. &hile the chicken is baking$ heat the milk$ curr powder and flour over low heat in a saucepan. 'tir until the mi%ture thickens$ about ) minutes. .our the mi%ture over the chicken breasts. #over and return the chicken to the oven and bake another 14 minutes. Transfer the chicken breasts to warmed individual plates. 'poon the sauce from the pan over the chicken and garnish with lemon wedges.

.reparation time/ 3) minutes 'erving si0e/ 1 chicken breast. 1akes 3 servings. -ecipe from ma 20

Serving 1 breast

Calories 3)> kcals

Fat 1) g

Carbohydrate 1> g

Protein 35 g

Sodi ! 124 mg

)corn S& ash "ith )pples (Day 6) Ingredients: 1 ;rann 'mith apple$ peeled$ cored and sliced 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 small acorn s:uash$ about 2 inches in diameter 2 teaspoons trans-free margarine Directions: 6n a small bowl$ mi% together the apple and brown sugar. 'et aside. .ierce the s:uash several times with a sharp knife to let the steam escape during cooking. 1icrowave on high until tender$ about ) minutes. Turn the s:uash after 3 minutes to ensure even cooking. .lace the s:uash on a cutting board and cut in half. 'crape the seeds out of the center of each half and discard the seeds. *ill the hollowed s:uash with the apple mi%ture. -eturn the s:uash to the microwave and cook until the apples are softened$ about 2 minutes. Transfer the s:uash to a serving dish. Top each half with 1 teaspoon margarine and serve immediatel . 'erving si0e/ 1 s:uash. 1akes 2 servings. -ecipe from ma Serving 1 s:uash Calories 254 kcals Fat 2g Carbohydrate )2 g Protein 2g Sodi ! 134 mg


Go r!et Colesla" (Day 7) Ingredients/ 1 c. olive oil c. red wine vinegar 3 o0. granulated sugar 1 tsp. chopped garlic 1 tsp. @i=on mustard tsp. lemon =uice head green cabbage$ chopped head red cabbage$ chopped red bell pepper$ chopped green bell pepper$ chopped ellow bell pepper$ chopped 1 carrot$ peeled and chopped 1 green onion !green part onl "$ chopped in 1 inch lengths 1 tsp. dr oregano black pepper to taste

Directions: &hisk first 2 ingredients in a bowl. 1i% all vegetables in a bowl. .our vinaigrette over vegetables. Toss and chill.

.reparation time 24 minutes 'erving si0e 1 cup. 1akes 2-9 servings. -ecipe from Serving 1 c. Calories Fat Carbohydrate Protein Sodi !


%aked Fish (Day 7) Ingredients: lb. panfish fillets !perch$ trout$ or whitefish" 3 tsp. grated .armesan cheese tsp. dill weed Directions: .lace fish in a 14-inch pie plate that has been coated with cooking spra . 'prinkle with .armesan cheese and dill. 7ake$ uncovered$ at 3)4* from 9-14 minutes or until fish flakes easil with a fork. .reparation time/ 1) minutes 'erving si0e/ 1 fillet !1/3 lb.". 1akes 2 servings. -ecipe from Taste of +ome. Serving 1 fillet Calories 11> kcal Fat 2g Carbohydrate 4 Protein 23 g Sodi ! 131 mg


)l!ond %ro"nies (Day 7) Ingredients: c. butter$ softened 1 c. sugar 3 eggs 1 can !12 o0." chocolate s rup tsp. almond e%tract 1 c. plus 1 Tbsp. all-purpose flour tsp. salt 1 c. !2 o0." semisweet chocolate chips 1 carton !9 o0." fro0en whipped topping$ thawed$ divided tsp. almond e%tract c. chopped almonds Directions: 6n a large bowel$ cream butter and sugar until light and fluff . 8dd eggs$ one at a time$ beating well after each addition. 'tir in chocolate s rup and e%tract. #ombine flour and salt, graduall add to chocolate mi%ture. .our into a greased 13-inch % >-inch baking pan. 7ake at 3)4* for 2)-34 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center come out clean !brownies ma appear moist". #ook on a wire rack. *or frosting$ in a microwave-safe bowl$ melt chocolate chips and 1 c. whipped topping. 'tir until smooth. #ool. *old in e%tract and remaining whipped topping. 'pread over cooled brownies. 'prinkle with almonds. 'tore in refrigerator. .reparation time/ )) minutes plus cooling time 'erving si0e/ 1 brownie. 1akes 32 servings. Serving 1 brownie Calories 13> kcal Fat 2g Carbohydrate 21 g Protein 2g Sodi ! 25 mg


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