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Monday, November 18, 2013 MS. MARGARITA ANNE FLORES-TORIO HRD Manager SUNWEST WATER & ELECTRIC CO., INC. Unit 1208, West Tower, P ! "enter !#$%ange Road, &rtigas "enter, Pasig "ity Dear Ma'am( T%is is to introd)$e MR. ERWIN N. DAVID w%o is a *t% year st)dent enro++ed in o)r Bachelor of Sc e!ce ! Acco"!#a!c$ ,rogram, and to -)rt%er endorse %is a,,+i$ation wit% yo)r $om,any to )ndergo on.t%e./ob training -or a minim)m o- 200 %o)rs as a re0)irement o- t%e &n.t%e.1ob Training 2 Pra$ti$)m $o)rse3 T%e T4P's on.t%e /ob training2,ra$ti$)m ,rogram was designed to s),,ort t%e attainment o- t%e atta$%ed intended +earning o)t$omes3 5+so atta$%ed is t%e +ist o- ,re-erred areas o- training -or o)r st)dents3 We be+ieve t%at s$%oo+s m)st +in6 ), wit% ind)stry in order to ),date, ),grade and ma6e t%e ed)$ation oo)r yo)t% more re+evant to t%e a$t)a+ needs o- t%e ind)stry3 4t is in t%is regard t%at we re0)est yo) to give s)$% o,,ort)nities to o)r st)dents by a++owing t%em to do ,art time wor6 wit% yo)r $om,any3 Toget%er wit% t%is +etter is an 5$$e,tan$e 7orm3 We re0)est t%at said -orm be a$$om,+is%ed and ret)rned to t%is o--i$e ),on a$$e,tan$e o- o)r st)dent in yo)r $om,any3 T%an6 yo) -or t%e -avorab+e a$tion and we +oo6 -orward to a more -r)it-)+ +in6age wit% yo)3 8ery tr)+y yo)rs, MR. REUEL R. GARCIA "9!. Pra$ti$)m 7a$)+ty 4n."%arge Noted 9y( DR. ANGELES A. DE GU%MAN Dean, "o++ege o- 9)siness !d)$ation MS. DONNA MARIE &ALARUAN 4nd)stry :in6ages "oordinator

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