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The only way to survive!

We chose this name because we will strive our hardest to survive!

Our economy has a currency that has absolutely NO VALUE. They are called credits. Credits are used to buy things and are measured electronically, so they cannot be stolen. Credits will be given out based on how much money the person had on earth. Their money amount will be converted to us money than for the amount of us $s rounded up. So if bill had $40,7321.39 he would have 40,7322 credits.

Our food will be given to our passengers for a fee of 1 credit per meal. Snacks can be bought at the food court at any time and cost an additional credit. We will also be keeping the classic tradition of fast food, there will be a McDonalds in the food court with two credits per meal and one per snack.

Daily life on the ship will try to replicate our current life style as much as possible. There will be jobs in which you may earn credits provided by the crew. Working is however, a choice just like on earth. Some of the jobs may include maintenance crew, teachers, engine workers, doctors, food servers, and pooper scoopers (see energy.).

We are attempting to make life on the STRIVE-11 as interesting as possible. We are in the works with an antigravity sport, as we will not have gravity. We will have houses which are rooms the size of an apartment or larger. They will include a low energy wall socket. A bedroom. A living room, and a storage room/closet for the smallest houses. We are allowing passengers to bring a suitcase onto the ship. The suitcases will be thoroughly searched for any dangerous things (i.e.: bombs, weaponry, etc.).

Our energy source for the engine will be an interesting one we will have an area dedicated to cows. Why cows you ask? They give meat, and milk. Yeah so, thats just food, well have plenty of that but the bonus is nice. The main reason we are taking the cows if for their FECIES. It gives an exceptional amount of methane that can be used! See the diagram on the next slide for more detail. We will generate electricity by using the methane to power a generator such as the ones we have today at power plants.

Trap door into space

The laws on our ship will be followed or imprisonment may be necessary. For the worse crimes you will be thrown into space via the airlock. Our crew is responsible enough to report you, so dont go around breaking the laws.

Laws include:
-stealing: you will return the item AND pay its cost in credits to the owner. -entering restricted areas of the ship without specific government approval: you will be imprisoned for three months. -murder: you will be sent deep into space by being put into the airlock and being released.


Just as a notice those with a criminal record or close to those with one will not be chosen for admittance on the STRIVE-11. We apologize for any inconvenience, but it is your fault that you broke the law.
Why, thank you!

Tickles, STRIVE-11s mascot.

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