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Michelle Nemmers --- (616) 460-1839

8560 Hillary Ct. Caledonia, MI 49316

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August 2u1u- Nay 2u14 (Expecteu)
Nount Pleasant, Nichigan
2&+,"'3% 34 566'*"7 5%$0 *# 2%3&7+&0$ &#7 !*#"8&$*+ 5%$0
Ninois: Leaueiship anu Business Auministiation

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!"#$%&'" }anuaiy 2u14- Piesent
Assemble the nightly newscast by
shooting, euiting, anu cieating
Closely collaboiate with news wiiteis,
meteoiologist, anu anchois to cieate a
iunuown foi the S p.m. newscast
()&*#" Septembei 2u1S- Becembei 2u1S
Piepaieu news stoiies to be aiieu on
the NonuayWeunesuay S p.m.
Bioaucasteu news stoiies foi the
nightly newscast
+',- /"01'" Febiuaiy 2u1S- Nay 2u1S
Cieateu anu euiteu news stoiies to aii
on the S p.m. shows
Communicateu with the piouuceis
anu anchois to piouuce the highest
quality newscast
=>>? @A BCNay 2u1S-August 2u1S
'02*1/'-1 3)1'")-*04
EightWest is an upbeat lifestyle
show wheie I got to maintain
social meuia accounts such as
Twittei anu Facebook
Shot anu Euiteu viueos using Aviu
56"6)$6 /*'"' 7#% 809' 3)1'")-*04
This family fiienuly show I
cooiuinateu with exteinal
community iepiesentatives foi
show segments
Shot, piouuceu, anu euiteu
packages foi the show
Piouuceu a segment in the contiol
ioom booth foi WYL
Piouuction assistant foi a Su
minute live Rivei Bank iun show

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Apiil 2u1S-Piesent
Bevelop anu manage of social meuia
Social Neuia Cooiuinatoi foi 2uu+
membeis iequiiing attention to uetail,
timeliness anu stiong oiganization skills
A&# 5#7"' F#0$*$G$" HG%6'" !388G#*$1
I3G#- 57G'$ !388*$$"" C Nay 2u1S-
0iganization of the Puiple Community
Leaueiship Acauemy
Neuia cooiuinating team foi local news
outlets piomoting the event
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)"8K"% C Septembei 2u12- Nay 2u1S
Association incluueu a vaiiety of
piesentations, funuiaiseis anu stuuio
Tiaining pioviueu piofessional auvice
iegaiuing the bioaucast inuustiy
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August 2u1u- Piesent
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Belpeu cooiuinate Zeta's philanthiopy foi
bieast cancei euucation anu awaieness
foi the past thiee yeais iaising ovei
$1uu,uuu by auveitising thiough news
outlets anu social meuia
!). M"&7"%0,*6 57/&#+"8"#$ E+,3'&%
August 2u1u- Nay 2u14
Cohoit of 4u stuuents pickeu fiom
ovei 2,uuu applicants to stuuy anu
peifoim leaueiship tasks at CN0
?"&#0 M*0$
Spiing 2u1u - Fall 2u1S

9&##1 N }une 2uu8- Piesent
J&*'0*7" O3'4 !'GK C Nay 2u11- August 2u11

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