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CARD 415 Reference List Assignment

Create a Reference Sheet or List of five people with addresses, email, phone numbers, companies and titles (where appropriate ! "t#s a good idea to use the same header for all professional documents, i!e!, $our resume, co%er and than&' $ou letters, reference sheet, etc! (his list will be presented to potential emplo$ers so the$ can tal& to someone besides $ou about $our wor&, %alues, beha%iors, etc! )ost references are chec&ed %ia a phone call! *owe%er, it is not unheard of for a reference to be chec&ed %ia email! "nclude references from one or more of the following categories+ ,rofessional and-or Academic! )a&e sure $ou ha%e professional references whene%er possible! .ou ma$ want to use the headings ,R/01SS"/2AL and ACAD1)"C on $our reference list to clarif$ what t$pe of referees the people on $our list are! 3e aware that emplo$ers ma$ re4uest professional references that include current and pre%ious super%isors and colleagues! 2ote+ "t5s important that $ou contact $our references to confirm that the$ agree to pro%ide a strong, positi%e reference for $ou! "t5s also important that $ou &eep $our references informed about $our career search so the$ are prepared for phone calls or emails from hiring managers! Some indi%iduals, especiall$ when the$ ha%e been wor&ing in their fields for some time, create their reference lists with 6ust their professional references! 0eel free to use the template found on the ne7t page!

Reference Sheet Rubric Re4uiremen ts (otal of 5 references gi%en Re4uired information gi%en for all references ,ossible ,oints 18 18 ,oints 1arned

Reference Sheet Template References for (Your Name)

Name of Reference 1 Title (for professional references only) Company City, State Phone Email Name of Reference 2 Title Company City, State Phone Email Name of Reference 3 Title Company City, State Phone Email Name of Reference Title Company City, State Phone Email Name of Reference ! Title Company City, State Phone Email

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