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A pleasant road to yourself. Thats how I should describe my experience so far in Pelhrimov.

There are no shortcuts to know yourself better, and more important, it comes when it comes. I would say I knew what skills I have, what things I could improve about myself or in which fields I will never have a progress. But, since Im here working as volunteer, living a new experience far away from home and my people, experiencing a different culture, learning new points of view about rules brought to me a new context for developing myself. For instance, I have never performed as a Clown for kids, but recently I have just made it twice and from now on I will spend more time on developing my performing skills. Such a kind of things you may know they are inside you but never tried before I even dare to say I know myself better, I understand better feelings inside me. How is that? Well, many moments spent in loneliness may help you to listen to your inner side and think about it, stop your life in a different context as living experience like EVS is. This is an important aspect of your life if you want to be successful in whatever you will do. Many people spend their lives educating themselves in a formal way, trying to get papers that will prove that knowledge (I will not say they are not important, of course) but not paying so much attention to what they can learn directly from people, experiencing, learning by doing We become better person when you cooperate with each other, when we sit down with people and try to understand them, even if they have a distant point of view from yours. This can sound obvious, but we usually forget it. So living this experience I found myself doing it more and more, reaching common points with people coming from quite different contexts, cultures and moments of life. 5 months already spent here, 5 months full of new things, people, events, places, discovering, lessons Life.

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