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Saidai Sa.

Duraisamys Manidha Naeyam IAS & IPS Free Coaching Centre (Run by Manidha Naeyam Charitab e !rust" C#RR$N! AFFAIRS % FR$&#$N!'( AS)$D AR$AS
*. NA!I+NA'
1. New Govt. schemes 2. Newly constituted committees on national issues. 3. Newly appointed heads of important offices 4. Inter state disputes 5. Important places in news

,. -I'A!$RA'
1. Recent trade pacts like !"# trade tar$ets# items of trade# $roupin$ in %!& 2. 'ilateral defence deals and military e(ercises. 3. 'ilateral visits )y heads of nations 4. 'ilateral summits *+lace# theme to summit# issues discussed in summit, 5. 'ilateral# trilateral and re$ional forums -$ . / I'0"# 0""R1

.. $C+N+MICS
1. R'I 2 monetary policy chan$es 2 1RR# 'ank Rate# ore( reserves# inflation rate etc 2. inance 3inistry 2 iscal policy/ta( rates# ta( holidays# committees appointed to review e(citin$ ta( structures. 3. 10& 2 National income# +er capita income# G4+ $rowth rate# 'ase year# +overty rate etc. 4. 1entral Govt. schemes of -mployment Generation *NR-G+,# 0ocial welfare *N&"+# I140# 3430,# +overty eradication *""5,# Infrastructure development *N6R3# N74+,8 5. 0-'I 2 0tock e(chan$es# 0tock inde(es# disinvestments# scams# committees 9. !R"4-/ -(port items# Import items# e(port tar$ets of various sector# trade pacts :. +;"NNING 2 +lan period# G4+ tar$et# priorities# sectoral allocations <. IN!-RN"!I&N"; IN0!I!6!I&N0 %!& 2 0ummits# discussed issues# $roupin$s formed for trade dialo$ue. I3 # %' / development a$enda# loans and $rants 6N4+ 2 !heme# 74R# 74I rankin$s# I;&# 6N1!"4 reports.

/. P+'I!(
1. New amendments 2. National issues 2 "ny related article in constitution 3. 3a=or 0upreme court verdict in national issues 4. Important committees related to constitution 5. Inter state river water# territorial disputes

0. IN!$RNA!I+NA'
1. International summits 2 theme of summit# ma=or a$enda# total mem)ership# o)servers# 4eclaration issued# recent mem)ers# venue of ne(t summit. 2. International forums and NG&>s 2 %- # %0 # !I #Greenpeace etc. 3. International disputes 2 !erritorial claims# civil war# Non +roliferation issues and

related treaties. 4. !errorism 2 &r$anisations# fundin$# recent attacks and assassination# international efforts to cur) it*6N resolutions# treaties.,

1. SPAC$
1. Recent space missions 2 name of space mission# space research or$ani?ation*country, and name of spacecraft# planet name# purpose# period. 2. 0pace phenomenon 2 +ossi)le "steroids threat etc. 3. 4iscoveries 2 Names of recently discovered planets# comets and asteroids 4. International 0pace station 5. 0pace accidents 2 @upiter A 0hoemaker levy/4 crash# 1olom)ia shuttle crash# 9. International space pro=ects like Galileo *G+0,.

2. D$F$NC$
1.Recenlty tested missiles 2 Name# type# ran$e# speed# nuclear capa)ility# technolo$y used# indi$enous or =oint production. 2. 'ilateral defence deals/ i$hters# ships# su)marines# missiles# radars etc. 3. 'ilateral military# Navy and "ir force e(ercises 2 +lace# 1ode name# nature of operation. 4. International peacekeepin$ operations 2 Indian role and presence 5. Recent )odies like 0trate$ic orces 1ommand etc.#

1. National "wards / 1ivilian 2 'harath Rathna# Gandhi peace pri?e# IG pri?e for peace# disarmament and development / 0ports 2 Ra=iv Bhel ratna 2 "r=una 2 4hronacharya / 1inema 2 I I# 4adasahe) phalke# National / 0cience 2 Balin$a# 0.0. 'hatna$ar / ;iterature 2 @nanpith# 0ahithya "cademy# Cyas 0amman. 0araswathi samman etc. / 0ocial service 2 IG national inte$ration# ;' 0hasthri award for e(cellence in pu)/ad etc. 2. International / No)le pri?e. &scar awards *cinema,8 Grammy awards *music,. Ramon 3a$saysay "wards *"sian No)el pri?e,. Ri$ht livelihood *"lternative No)el pri?e,. 'ooker 2 +ulit?er/ &ran$e/4ylan !homas awards *;iterature, ")el pri?e#!empleton awards etc.

5. P$RS+NA'I!I$S
1. Newly elected head of nations and important world or$anisations. 2. News makers# inventors etc. 3. 1-&>s of ma=or corporate )odies. 4. 3a=or national and international award winners.

*6. -++)S AND A#!7+RS

1. Recent ones containin$ issues of national and international importance 2. 1ontroversial )ooks. *e$. In the line of fire# ;a==a# 0atanic verses, 3. 'ooks which recently $ot national8international awards. 4. +opular writers of National8 International fame. *Naom 1homsky# 0alman rushdie# "runthathi roy# 0hashi

!haroor# Cikram 0eth# R.B. Narayan

**. SP+R!S
1. +layers and sports events. 2. 3a=or national international records. 3. &lympic# "sian# 1ommonwealth# 0outh "sian $ames/mascot# no of countries participated. Newly added disciplines# top 3edal winnin$ countries 4. 4opin$ cases/dru$ used# player# )an period# country 5. Grand slam titles in tennis

*,. $N8IR+NM$N!
/ 3a=or treaties like 3ontreal 2 Byoto 2 'asel 2 1arte$ena etc# recent / 0ummits like 6N 111# 6N-+ etc. / 1alamities# "ccidents and natural disasters 2 Calcano action# -arthDuake# !sunami# / 0torms 2 1yclone 2 typhoon *names of it -(.Batrina#Nar$is#Gustav, / 4isease out)reak *e(. 'ird flu, /Recent campai$ns )y environmental a$encies like

*.. C#'!#R$ AND AR!

1. 6N-01& %orld herita$e sites. 2. 3a=or temples 8 festivals 8 -$. Recent kum)a mela. 3. 4ances of Indian states. 4. olk arts and states 5.+ersonalities in 4ance# "rts and !heatre currently in news

*/. MAP -AS$D &#$S!I+NS.

1. "reas of )ilateral and international disputes *islands etc,. 2. "ny ma=or calamities *Calcanoe# storm# nuclear accident#, 3. 1ountries 2 lan$ua$e wise. 4. ;ocation of important cities# river of a country. 5. Euestions )ased on national census*2FF1,. 0!645 3"!-RI";0 &R 16RR-N! " "IR0 "R-" 1. 4ailies / !he 7induG #-conomic times# 4hina 3ani*!amil, 2. 3a$a?ines / rontline #5o=ana 3. India year )ookG # 3anorama year )ook. 4. -conomic 0urveyG. G marked are to )e studied sincerely.

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