Efmp Seminar Presentation Feb

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EFMP/ACS Disability Presentation February 13th, 2014

Aaron Marsters, Ed.D Assistive Technology Specialist Department of Defense Dependents Schools-Europe aaron.marsters@eu.dodea.edu

Design to the Edges

Remove Barriers to Learning

Assistive Technology Defined:

any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capacities of an individual with a disability.

any service that directly assists an individual with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device.

AT and the IEP

Consideration is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as to think carefully about, to form an opinion about, or to look at thoughtfully.

Questions to Guide the Consideration Process

If the student is currently using AT, is the AT adequate to address the new goals and objectives?
Does the student need AT to access the curricular materials?

Does the student need AT to access the technology used by other students?
IEP goals drive the AT considerati on process

Could AT help the student work more independently?


We Considered AT Devices! Now What?

1. Current interventions are working: Nothing new is needed. 2. AT has been used (trial basis) and is working: Specific AT is written into the IEP. 3. IEP Team concludes that new AT should be tried: Describe in IEP and in minutes 4. IEP Team is not well informed: Request assistance from AT Consultant, on-line help, and/or refer for evaluation.

Points of Consideration


What is fair?


UDL Toolkit

Google Chrome

Computer Accessibility

Aaron Marsters, Ed.D Assistive Technology Specialist Department of Defense Dependents Schools-Europe aaron.marsters@eu.dodea.edu

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