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Ref Module (Num/name) Topic Screen type Screen heading: Body text 4 - Consultation 5 Tips and tricks Drag to complete Raising an issue ssem!le t"e car engine. Drag each la el or part to it! correct location on the engine and clic" Su mit# then clic" Next to learn a out car urettor!$ Target location! Mounted on top o$ engine (n $an !elt )* )* )* )* +mage o$ a car engine Text %R media de!cription/name ,ou understand -"ere ke. components are located in a car engine/ -"ic" critical in assem!ling an engine. T"at0s not correct and it is critical .ou understand -"ere ke. components are located in a car engine/ please tr. again. )* )* )* +nclude a Su!mit !utton/ on su!mit i$ correct displa. correct $eed!ack/ i$ not displa. incorrect $eed!ack ,*) +$ , turn o$$ $eed!ack. ,*) +$ , "o- long1 Unit Screen 2 HSC Meetings 3

Drag item text or media #rap"ic o$ an air $ilter Te%t& 'an !elt )* )* )* )* Target image &orrect feed ac"

'ncorrect feed ac"

(lert heading (lert text (lert image Note! to programmer )enerate !core Timer

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