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Write something about the circumstances, like Rizal's struggles in the last phase of finishing his novel...

the EL FILIBUSTERISMO... the polishing stage, the printing, the person who finance the publishing and etc. His dedication to the novel... the content of the tribute... expound. What was the inscription of the TITLE PAGE? Compare extensively "Noli" and "Fili" What were other Rizal's unfinished novels.

What inspired/ gave Rizal the idea of writing a novel depicting the social condition of the country then Expound Give the details during and after the writing and completion of the novel Tell something about the title of the Novel and the author's dedication. Who and what was the important of Maximo Viola? Name all the characters in the novel and a brief description of their role. Give the aftermath of the novel when it came off the press. What was the missing chapter of the Noli... and why was it deleted

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