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Numerical Literacy


Measurement plays a crucial role in our daily lives. It is common and practical mathematics skill used in science and everyday life. Measurement important since man started building materials, occupying land and trading with his neighbors. As society has become more technologically orientated much higher accuracies of measurement are required In this topic, the teaching of three types of measurement, namely length, mass and volume of liquid are discussed.

Skills: o compare two quantities directly o recogni!e non standard units and standard units for measuring quantities o estimate and measure quantities in non"standard and standard units. o convert between standard unit of measurement o perform the arithmetic operations involving measurement in standard units o solve daily problems involving measurement in standard units.

#hat is length$ #hat is mass$ #hat is volume of liquid$

%ength is the distance between any two measured along a straight line. he length of an ob&ect does not change even when the position or the orientation of the ob&ect is change. 'ow to compare the two length$ Short, shorter, tall, taller, long, longer, high, higher, width, depth, height, etc. %ength"discrete (whole number), continuous %ist out any non"standard unit in measuring the length.

A non"standard unit for length is any arbitrary length used as a unit. Some common e*amples are: a) +ody parts such as span, foot step and arm length. b) ,b&ects such as pen, paper clip, rod, chalk and broomstick

A standard unit of length, for e*amples: o -ard"imperial unit o Meter"metric unit o Miles"imperial unit o Inch" imperial unit o .ilometer"metric unit o Millimeter o /entimeter o 0ecimeter o School curriculum"only metric unit are taught.

In science, the terms mass and weight have different meanings. Mass is a quantity of matter as opposed to weight, which is a force e*erted by gravitational pull. A boy of mass 12kg has a weight of 1223 (taking g452ms"5). #4mg. hese two term are loosely used in everyday speech to mean the same thing o Mass"cannot be seen but has to be held and felt and mass of two ab&ect cannot be compared by side. o 'eavy, light, bulk and massive. o he mass of an ob&ect may not be proportional to it si!e.

A non"standard unit for mass is any arbitrary mass used as a unit. Such as bean, rubber seed, paper clip, thumb tack Standard unit for mass: .ilogram"metric unit 6ound ,unces 7ram"metric unit

Volume of Liquid
8olume is the amount of space in a container. 8olume remains unchanged even though the shape of the container holding the liquid has changed 3on"standard unit is any arbitrary volume used as unit"spoon, cup, bowl, scoop and pail. Standard unit"liter, gallon, pint, milliliter and quart.

Conversion units
%ength 5 kilometer(km) 4 522 meter (m) 5 decimeter (dm) 4 2.5 meter (m) 5 centimeter (cm) 4 2.25 meter (m) 5 millimeter (mm) 4 2.225 meter (m) 5km45222m, 5m4522cm, 5cm452 mm
*5222 *522 *52





Conversion units
%ength 5. 922 cm 4 :::::::::::::::: m ;. 5< cm = mm 4 ::::::::::::: cm 1. ><m 91cm 9mm ? 9@m >Acm @mm 4 A. 9m <9cm >mm * 1 4 =. he total distance Mutu cycled to school and back from Monday to Briday was 55km =22m. Bind the average distance he cycled per day.

Conversion units
Mass 5 tonne 4 5222 kg 5 kg 4 5222g
*5222 *5222



Conversion units
Mass 5. 29= kg4 :::::::::::::::: g ;. =.; kg =22 g 4 ::::::::::::: kg 1. ;kg 9>=g? Akg =>2g 4 A. Akg >22g * > 4 =. he total weight of 5; baskets of mangoes is >.;= kg. If the weight of each basket is 122 g, and the mangoes are of equal weights, find how many grams of mangoes in each basket.

Conversion units
8olume of liquid 5 litre (l) 4 5222 millilitres (ml)




Conversion units
8olume of liquid 5. ; l ;12ml 4 ::::::::::::: ml ;. 5 l =22 ml 4 ::::::::::::: l 1. 1<=2 ml 4 ::::::::: l :::::::::: ml A. In Cune, the record of the Sales of kerosene in A weeks was as follow:
1st week 559= ml 2nd week 559@ ml 3rd week 555< ml 4th week 55A9 ml

'ow many litres of kerosene were sold in Cune$

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