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19 December 2008 Barnaby Collins DP9 100 Pall Mall LONDON SW1Y 5NQ Dear Barnaby Collins Please

!in" enclose" co#ies o! 1$88 si%na&'res &o "a&e &o &(e #e&i&ion &o sa)e &(e line o! #lane &rees a& 119 *arrin%"on +oa" &(e ,'ar"ian b'il"in% #l's 18 in"i)i"'al le&&ers o! ob-ec&ion &o &(e !ellin% o! &(e #lanes. More are bein% collec&e". /s 0 1as cc" in &o &(e recen& corres#on"ence be&1een yo'rsel! an" 0slin%&on e2ec'&i)e co'ncillors ,re% *o2smi&( an" +'&( Pollin% cam#ai%n s'##or&ers (a)e re3'es&e" &(a& 0 res#on" &o &(e commen&s o! yo'r arboric'l&'ris&4 crown-reduction4 i& is &r'e &(a& li%(& re"'c&ion res(a#in% or !orma&i)e cro1n5 mana%emen& is an a##ro#ria&e me&(o" o! "e)elo#in% a cro1n 1i&(in a &ree6s ci&y s'rro'n"in%s &(ereby (el#in% balance &(e s(a#e an" crea&in% be&&er branc( s&r'c&'re. B'& o'r 'n"ers&an"in% is &(a& (ea)y cro1n5re"'c&ion as s'%%es&e" by yo'r arboric'l&'ris& is necessary only in cases o! close #ro2imi&y &o b'il"in%s 1i&( ina"e3'a&e !o'n"a&ions. 0& 1o'l" no& be necessary 1i&( &(e e2is&in% b'il"in% a& *arrin%"on +oa" or a ne1 one 1(ic( re&ains &(e #resen& !ron& b'il"in%5line. 0n ei&(er o! &(ese cases &(e #lanes 1o'l" be able &o %ro1 na&'rally #ro)i"in% &(e en)ironmen&al (eal&( an" )is'al bene!i&s o! Lon"on #lanes7 non-native versus native 4 yo'r arboric'l&'ris&6s com#arison o! 6non5 na&i)e (ybri"s6 8&(e #lanes9 1i&( 6na&i)e6 8oa:s9 is bo&( s'r#risin% an" mislea"in% im#lyin% as i& "oes 6non5na&i)e6 ba" 6na&i)e6 %oo". Many lon%5 es&ablis(e" an" &(ri)in% &ree s#ecies in &(e ;< are non5na&i)e b'& m'c( a##recia&e" 1(ile i& is also &(e case &(a& na&i)e s#ecies can be ina##ro#ria&e in cer&ain loca&ions. =(e Lon"on #lane is (o1e)er s#ecial. =(e !ollo1in% 3'o&a&ion !rom Pe&er /c:roy"6s 1ell5recei)e" London: the Biography s'##lie" by a *arrin%"on +oa" resi"en& an" a s'##or&er o! &(e cam#ai%n s'ms '# &(e #osi&ion elo3'en&ly4 'Curiously enough, like many Londoners themselves, the London plane tree is a hybrid: an example of the successful inter-marriage between the oriental plane introduced in !"# and the western plane of "$", it has remained the tree of central London% &t is the single most important reason why London has been apostrophised as a City of 'rees'% proposed trees4 !as&i%ia&e oa:s55s'%%es&e" as a re#lacemen& !or &(e #lanes55 may in some eyes (a)e an arc(i&ec&'ral>in5con-'nc&ion51i&(5&(e b'il"in% )is'al meri& b'& in o'r 'n"ers&an"in% are li:ely &o (a)e4 55li&&le im#ac& on #oll'&ion7

55no cano#y !or s(a"in%. Planes are in con&ras& no&e" !or &(eir air5cleanin% 3'ali&ies an im#or&an& consi"era&ion in &(e ca#i&al 1(ere more &(an 1000 e2&ra "ea&(s a year !rom &rans#or& emissions are no1 recor"e". =(e #lanes6 #ar&ic'lar )al'e lies in &(eir ca#aci&y &o loc: '# carbon "io2i"e an" mono#ar&ic'la&es commonly associa&e" 1i&( &ra!!ic in ci&ies es#ecially b'ses an" &a2is. ?'n"re"s o! &(ese &ra)el &(e len%&( o! *arrin%"on +oa" e)ery "ay (ence &(e si%ni!icance o! &(e line o! #lanes. Par&ic'la&e #oll'&ion !rom "iesel en%ines is lin:e" &o res#ira&ory an" car"io)asc'lar "iseases an" as&(ma. Pe&er /c:roy" a%ain4 ''hat is why the plane tree is London(s own) because of its power to slough off its sooty bark it became a symbol of powerful renewal within the city(s corrupted atmosphere'% The chimneys may have gone, but the diesel engine proliferates, not least down Farringdon Road. =(a& &(e #lanes6 cro1ns #ro)i"e &(e s(a"in% 1(ic( is )i&al !or &(e (eal&( an" 1ell5bein% o! resi"en&s an" 1or:in% #eo#le is e)i"en& !rom &(e meas'remen&s #ro)i"e" by yo'r arboric'l&'ris&4 &(e #lanes (a)e a ra"ial cro1n5s#rea" o! 15ms &o &(e !as&i%ia&e oa:s6 1.5m cano#y. =(ere is in s(or& no com#arison. Since &(e ori%inal a##lica&ion !or &(e si&e 1as s'bmi&&e" in 2005 on%oin% researc( as #ar& o! clima&e c(an%e5a"a#&a&ion s&ra&e%ies s(o1s &(a& cano#y co)er es#ecially &(a& #ro)i"e" by lar%e &rees s'c( as &(e #lanes is an essen&ial com#onen& o! &(e 'rban realm in a""i&ion &o all &(e bene!i&s o! &o1nsca#e an" ('man (eal&( an" 1ell5bein% e% s&ress5re"'c&ion &(ro'%( 'rban %reenin% 8M0ND6s 6@co&(era#y6 re#or&9 i& con!ers. Pro!essor Ao(n ?an"ley an" (is &eam a& &(e ;ni)ersi&y o! Manc(es&er es&ima&e !or e2am#le &(a& 1e nee" &o increase cano#y co)er in o'r ci&ies by a minim'm o! 10B &o comba& increase" &em#era&'res 1(ile researc( in!orma&ion colla&e" by Da)i" Ball a& &(e ;ni)ersi&y o! Mi""lese2 s(o1s &(a& !or e)ery one "e%ree increase in &em#era&'re o)er 21 "e%rees Celsi's &(ere is a CB increase in "ea&(s "'rin% &(e s'mmer. ?a)in% re%ar" !or &(e abo)e en)ironmen&al an" (eal&( !ac&ors is es#ecially im#or&an& in &(e case o! *arrin%"on +oa". =(e #lanes are &(e only si%ni!ican& &rees alon% &(e (i%(1ay6s len%&( !rom +osebery /)en'e in &(e nor&( &o Blac:!riars Bri"%e in &(e so'&(. =(ey ma:e &(e s&ree&5 an" &o1n5sca#e in &(is o&(er1ise '%ly #oll'&e" concre&e corri"or #ro)i"in% aes&(e&ic an" en)ironmen&al relie! !or &(e resi"en&s an" 1or:in% #eo#le o! &(e area an" &(e ('n"re"s o! comm'&ers &(a& #ass "aily alon% &(e roa". /rc(i&ec& +ic(ar" +o%ers a member o! &(e Mayor o! Lon"on6s Desi%n /")isory Panel (as si%ne" &(e #e&i&ion &o sa)e &(e #lanes. 0n a 1ri&&en s&a&emen& #'blis(e" in &slington 'ribune on 28 No)ember Lor" +o%ers commen&e"4 6=(e &rees are bea'&i!'l an" %i)e s(a"e scale an" li!e &o a lar%e

an" noisy s&ree&. =(ey are also ecolo%ically im#or&an&. 0 s&ron%ly o##ose &(eir remo)al6. ?is )ie1s are s(are" by &(ose 1(o 'se &(e roa" re%'larly. Ne1s &(a& &(e #lanes mi%(& be !elle" #ro"'ces as&onis(e" res#onses &(a& can bes& be s'mme" '# by &(e commen& o! one local b'sinessman4 6=(a&6s no& ri%(&6. Na&'rally (e si%ne" &(e #e&i&ion. 0n )ie1 o! &(e #ar&ial an" mislea"in% a")ice !rom yo'r &ree s#ecialis& yo' may 1is( &o see: a secon" o#inion #ar&ic'larly as &(e commen&s con&ras& mar:e"ly 1i&( &(ose o! &(e arboric'l&'ral re#or& s'bmi&&e" as #ar& o! &(e #re)io's a##lica&ion P08085$. =(ere &(e #lanes are "escribe" as 6in rob's& (eal&(6 crea&in% 6an a&&rac&i)e linear !ea&'re6 on *arrin%"on +oa" 1(ile &(eir remo)al 1o'l" (a)e a 6(i%(6 an" 6s'bs&an&ial arboric'l&'ral im#ac&6 on &(e si&e. ,i)en &(e im#or&ance o! &(e &rees an" &(e #oin&s o'&line" abo)e 0 &r's& yo'r clien& 1ill consi"er &(e im#ac& o! &(eir loss an" consi"er a more a##ro#ria&e sc(eme 1(ic( re&ains &(e &rees. =(o'%( yo' are li:ely a1are o! o'r earlier le&&er &o same 1e (a)e incl'"e" a co#y !or ease o! re!erence. Sincerely Me% ?o1ar&( 8an" ?arrie&&e /s(cro!&9 S/D@ =?@ */++0N,DON5+O/D PL/N@SE 19a @llin%&on S&ree& LONDON NF 8PN 8020 FG09 G5$09 cc Cllrs Greg Foxsmith and Ruth Polling atthew Rosel Ronan !"Caoimh and fellow directors, Trinity #iotech

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