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The header, a key bit of

information and is almost like a selling line for the magazine. It is in bold text and gives a bit more information on what is included inside on the featuring bands/artists.

The Masthead, NME is bold and at the top left

side of the front cover. It has a 3D effect which makes it clear and relates to the music genre. The colour red make it bold and stand out as the rest of the background is based around the colour white so it makes it more noticeable.

The Main Image is a medium shot of

the artist Dizzee Rascal who is a rapper/singer. His positioning on the cover is right in the middle and he has a big smile on his face (this relates to the caption, Im spreading joy around the world, man!), this is further shown by the artist having his arms wide open, suggesting he is spreading and sharing the joy. It is not clear to see what the background is but there are bursts of colour which again relate to his happiness.

Barcode, issue and price, this is an

important part of selling a magazine, as it tells people the vital information they need to know. It is positioned in the bottom right hand corner away from the main image and text. This is called dead space or spacing.

Pug, is a unique
selling point of the magazine. It is optional but magazines use it to make a key occurrence bold and to stand out more than other less important cover lines.

The main cover line/selling line, this relates

to the main image as it is the artists name and also here the font is bold in white and has a drop shadow of black, this feature makes it stand out even more from the things with colour.

The Footer, the list of names of other popular artists/bands that are
going to be featuring in the magazine and possibly be exclusives on them.

Rule of thirds, adds more interest and

attraction to the target audience. For this magazine they have moved away from convention as his image is not on the right hand side in the top hotspot. However it is in a hotspot on the left hand side. They have also moved away from convention by having a shot of his whole body rather than a medium close up of his face and possibly his shoulders and some upper body.

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