Step Time Plan Strategies: Review

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Review from previous class period o o o o o o o o

Check homework Pairs Check Round Table Ask Questions hare Answers on board !arm"up activities Review on overhead hort Qui# Post them +and out as the( enter -ist them on overhead hare them verball(

Review 5 10 minutes

Objectives $ 5 minutes

tate the %oals and ob&ectives a' !hat do (ou intend for the students to learn) b' !h( are these %oals * ob&ectives appropriate for these students at this time) c' +ow do the( build on previous lessons, and how do the( lead to future lessons)

o o o o

Presentation .0 .5 minutes

/ost intense period of instruction a' !hat instructional materials, resources and technolo%( will (ou use) b' !h( have (ou chosen these instructional materials and resources) c' !hat instructional strate%ies will (ou use for this lesson) d' !h( have (ou chosen these instructional strate%ies) e' !hat presentation techni0ues and comprehension checks will (ou use)

o o o o o o o o o

-ecture1 2nteractive Think Pair hare Pals 3irected Readin% Thinkin% Activit( 4ideo 3emonstrations 5roup 3iscussion 5uest peaker Audio

Guided Practice 10 15 minutes Independent Practice $0 $5 minutes

6ocus on lan%ua%e learnin% throu%h shorter, meanin%ful activities 4ariet( of activities that use the lan%ua%e in personal and creative wa(s

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Pairs Check Cooperative 5roups Alone 2nternet earch Computer !ork Audio C3"R7/ Role Pla(in% Class 3iscussion !ritin% Assi%nments Pro&ects Problem olvin% 7ral Reports 8ournal Review 5ames Teacher Questions hort Answer hort Qui# tudent 9:amples Review 7b&ectives Close the lesson ;ne:pected lessons from da( et up ne:t da(<s e:citement

Review 15 minutes

+ow will (ou accommodate different instructional levels and learnin% st(les of students in (our class) a' Review ob&ectives achieved durin% the da( b' Preview ne:t class meetin% c' Review tasks to be done prior to ne:t class meetin%

C osure 5 minutes

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