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By Kyle Whitton

Our Characters
The main character is the man who wears the plain white shirt and the army cargo trousers. The person in the bag who wears jeans and converse. Theres also backup characters such as the girl at the start who takes off her ring and the man injecting something and the guy robbing the person at the caf.

Main Character False Hero

The main character wears army trousers to symbolize his previous experience in the military. This connotes that what hes doing to be justified, however, through what we see it doesnt look like the main character is doing anything which would make him seem like the heroic representation that we give to soldiers, but a cold blooded murderer instead.

Character In The Bag

The person in the bag wears jeans and converse to connote him as being part of the stereotypical rebellious teenager social group. This could encourage people who are parents of someone in this age group to watch our opening sequence and become sympathetic to the person in this bag and think of the character as their own son/daughter.

Backup Characters
Character taking off the ring the taking off of the ring connotes a disturbance within the relationship, along with adulterer wrote on the board, its suggested that shes cheated on her husband, this could attract the social group of someone whos been cheated on before or whos committing adultery Thief The character stealing the persons phone is a thief, it falls into the social group of a villain which links to Propps narrative theory. Hes the only person out of the backup characters who actually causes problems for another person directly. Drug User The person taking drugs in the toilet sticks in directly with a person who may be a junky, this is supported with the use of long hair where the audience is made to imagine the character as someone whos in a negative point in their life.

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