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Some Handy Integrals Gaussian Functions 1 ax2 dx = 0 e 2 a 1 2 ax2 dx = 4a a 0 x e 3 4 ax2 dx = 8a2 a 0 x e 135(2n1) 2n ax2 dx = a 0 x e 2n+1an Exponential Functions n!

ial Functions n! 0 xn eax dx = n+1 a Integrals from - to : Even and Odd Functions The integral of any even function taken between the limits - to is twice the integral from 0 to . The integral of any odd function between - and is equal to zero, see Figure 1.

ax 0 xe

1 dx = 2a

1 2a2 1 5 ax2 dx = 3 0 x e a n! 1 2n+1 ax2 e dx = 2 an+1 0 x

3 ax 0 x e

dx =


0 0
integrals add x

x integrals cancel

(a). f(x) = eax


(b). [g(x) f(x)] = x eax


Figure 1. Even and odd integrals. To determine if a function is even, check to see if f(x) = f(-x). For an odd function, f(x) = f(-x). Some functions are neither odd nor even. For example, f(x) = x is odd, f(x) = x2 is even, and f(x) = x + x2 is neither odd nor even. The following multiplication rules hold: even*even = even

odd*odd =even

odd*even = odd

Consider the integral of f(x) = eax , Figure 1a. The function is even so that - = 20 . Next 2 consider g(x) = x, which is odd, giving [g(x) f(x)] = x eax as overall odd (Figure 1b). The integral is zero for the product function.

Colby College

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