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AP Biology Review Quiz In Class 1 Copy question and Answer into review notebook.

Ato s and ole!ules

1) Name the principal chemical elements in living things, and give an important function of each. 2) Compare the physical properties (mass and charge) and locations of electrons, protons, and neutrons; distinguish between the atomic number and the mass number of an element. ) !efine the terms orbital and electron shell, and relate electron shells to principal energy levels. ") #$plain how the number of valence electrons of an atom is related to its chemical properties. %) !istinguish among simplest, molecular, and structural chemical formulas. &) #$plain why the mole concept is so useful to chemists. ') !istinguish among covalent bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrogen bonds. Compare them in terms of the mechanisms by which they form and their relative bond strengths. () !istinguish between the terms oxidation and reduction, and relate these processes to the transfer of energy. )) #$plain how hydrogen bonds between ad*acent water molecules govern many of the properties of water. 1+) Contrast acids and bases, and discuss their properties. 11) Convert the hydrogen ion concentration (moles per liter) of a solution to a p, value, and describe how buffers help minimi-e changes in p,. 12) !escribe the composition of a salt, and e$plain why salts are important

in organisms

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