Exercise On Enthymemes Chapter 3 Page 15

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Exercise on Enthymemes chapter 3 page 15

1 All mechanistic materialists are people who think that everything is governed by deterministic laws. =Some everything are things that dont believe in free will. All mechanistic materialists are people who dont believe in free will.

mechanistic materialists

everything is governed by deterministic laws

dont believe in free will

2 All people who advocate increased personal freedoms for the Soviet people increased openness in Government. =cant find All Mikhail Gorbachev supports increased personal freedoms for the Soviet people.

Increasing personal freedoms

Increasing openness in Government

Mikhail Gorbachev

3 All Buddhism is religion that believes in a God. =All Buddhism are major religion. Some major religions believe in God.


Believes in a God

Major religions

4 All nonprofit organizations are exempt from paying tax. =All churches are nonprofit organization. All churches are exempt from paying tax.

nonprofit organizations

No tax paying


5 All operas are well performed. =cant find No Carmen is written by Mozart.


Well performed


6 Some chardonnays are good wines. =cant find All chardonnays are expensive.


Good wines


7 All higher life forms are not able to evolve through random processes. =cant find No organized beings are able to evolve through random processes.

Higher life forms

Evolve randomly

Organized beings

8 All right-to-life advocates are people who think that abortion is a form of murder. =cant find Phyllis Schlaffy is a person who supports right to live.

Right-to-life advocates

Abortion is murder

Phyllis Schlaffy

9 All humpback whale is being overhunted. =Some overhunted animals population is decreasing. All humpback whale population has been decreasing.

Humpback whale


Decreasing population

10 Some police chiefs are people that undermine the evenhanded enforcement of the law. =cant find All people who fixed parking tickets are people that undermine the evenhanded enforcement of the law.

Police chiefs

undermine enforcement of law

ppl fixing parking tickets

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