HSB 4uisocial Scientist Presentation

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HSB 4UI Social Scientist Presentation Kraft In groups of 3 you will research a social scientist and report back

to the class on your findings in a 15-20 minute polished presentation. Topics will be the following: Margaret Mead, Claude Levi-Strauss, John B. Watson, Benjamin Spock, B.F. Skinner, Albert Bandura, Eric Erikson, Carl Jung, Louis and Mary Leakey, Alfred Adler, Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls, George Herbert Mead, Harry Harlow. Required Information Which Social Science? Basic biographical information 3 min. ie) birth/death, schooling etc. Major studies and theories that resulted (2) should be a 10 min. Application of the theory to a humans, wider society etc. 2 min. Reaction by other experts and general population 2 min. Your group analysis of the study and results 2 min. Evaluation Effort, organization and teamwork during research periods and planning time Effort, preparation, organization of all members during presentation /5 Presentation o All information Clearly explained and understood o Organized and prepared ie) not reading from notes, everyone knows role o Use of media and creativity to explain and reinforce major ideas ie) powerpoint, video, simulations /20 Handout for class o Hits required information with a focus on explaining major theory and application o Well organized, clear and edited (make sure group ensures it is strong) o Point form not cut and paste from internet!, Typed, one page o Submitted 24hrs before presentation to Ms. Kraft /5 You will also be required to fill out a group evaluation quiz which I will use when determining individual marks along with my observations. Critical Assessment /30

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